Small Business Quotes

Quotes tagged as "small-business" Showing 1-30 of 159
“I want to see a world in which entrepreneurs give time to their visions to reality so that they have more money, more family time, and more support, a world in which they can stop working so hard and start living!”
Curtis L. Jenkins, Vision to Reality: Stop Working, Start Living

“Hard work without a solid plan isn’t likely to get you where you want to be. You need to be teachable; you need to be dedicated, and you need to work smart.”
Curtis L. Jenkins, Vision to Reality: Stop Working, Start Living

“Entrepreneurs aren’t looking to go backward. They are looking to go forward, toward their prize of realizing their dreams.”
Curtis L. Jenkins, Vision to Reality: Stop Working, Start Living

Shirley George Frazier
“Surround yourself with like-minded people who support you on the road to success.”
Shirley George Frazier, Marketing Strategies for the Home-Based Business: Solutions You Can Use Today

Sheryl WuDunn
“...when women gain control over spending, less family money is devoted to instant gratification and more for education and starting small businesses.”
Sheryl WuDunn, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide

Michael J. Marx
“Decision making and problem solving are not the same. To solve a problem, one needs to find a solution. To make a decision, one needs to make a choice.”
Michael J. Marx, Ethics & Risk Management for Christian Coaches

“You get teamwork in the workplace by giving teamwork in the workplace. It's not only about your personal career success or your colleagues' personal career success, but it's also about the success of the company - which is good for everyone employed at the company.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth, Business Essentials

“Every business has its own story and its own personality.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

Anita Campbell
“Update a traditional element of your business with social media designs. Facebook, Twitter, and other social media are hot right now, and leveraging their popularity can make your business stand out, be memorable, and seem fresh and up-to-date.”
Anita Campbell, Visual Marketing: 99 Proven Ways for Small Businesses to Market with Images and Design

“Mom & pop stores are not about something small; they are about something big. Ninety percent of all U.S. businesses are family owned or controlled. They are important not only for the food, drink, clothing, and tools they sell us, but also for providing us with intellectual stimulation, social interaction, and connection to our communities. We must have mom & pop stores because we are social animals. We crave to be part of the marketplace. ”
Robert Spector, The Mom & Pop Store: How the Unsung Heroes of the American Economy Are Surviving and Thriving

Nicole Fende
“Not a single person has died of boredom reading this book.”
Nicole Fende, How to be a Finance Rock Star

Nicole Fende
“Many small businesses would rather face an angry barbarian horde than tackle their cash flow statement or price a new product.”
Nicole Fende, How to be a Finance Rock Star

Nicole Fende
“I see dead Presidents. Lincoln, Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington.”
Nicole Fende, How to be a Finance Rock Star

Nicole Fende
“If you don’t laugh reading this book I’ll eat my pocket protector. Wait, did I just admit I had a pocket protector?”
Nicole Fende, How to be a Finance Rock Star

Daniel Burrus
“It used to be that the big eat the small; now it’s the fast that eat the slow. Fast is the new big.”
Daniel Burrus, Flash Foresight: How to See the Invisible and Do the Impossible

Matthew Owen Pollard
“To sell successfully, you don't have to be aggressive. You don't need to be anything other than you. You just need to experiment until you find a way that feels natural.”
Matthew Pollard, The Introvert's Edge: How the Quiet and Shy Can Outsell Anyone

“Small Businesses bring cities to life.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

Pierce Brown
“No protection for the small-business owner. Only taxes and extortion.”
Pierce Brown, Iron Gold

Richie Norton
“What is the difference between coaching, consulting, and training?
Coaching is personal.
Consulting is an expertise shared (generally) with an organization.
Training is for the many.”
Richie Norton

Rodika Tollefson
“The worlds of corporate employees and freelancers are miles apart, even if they are producing the same deliverable. Imagine flying your own two-seat “puddle jumper” instead of taking a commercial flight. You’ll reach the same destination, but how you get there is a completely different experience.”
Rodika Tollefson, The Freelancer’s Compass: Navigate Your Way from Corporate Cog to Solopreneur Star

Rodika Tollefson
“As a freelancer, you’re not a cog in the (corporate) machine. You’re the gear, pinion, axis, and whatever other doohickey it takes for the entire mechanism to function. And the gearhead who designs and makes it all work.”
Rodika Tollefson, The Freelancer’s Compass: Navigate Your Way from Corporate Cog to Solopreneur Star

Charles D. McCarrick
“Beware of the dogs in the corporate woods waiting to fleece you. Don't let them take ownership of what is rightfully yours.”
Charles D. McCarrick, Lessons My Brothers Taught Me: How to Transform Your Personal Qualities Into A Successful Business

“The small stores are holding the one card that large retailers cannot, personal service. A clean bathroom, lounge chairs, and a sympathetic ear concerning weight gain, sagging skin, and "batwing" arms round it all off.
C.L. McManus, Adventures in Small Business”
C.L. McManus, Adventures in Small Business: The surprising humor and realities in owning and running a small retail store.

“Owning a small business is like getting married. You're in it for the long haul, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer. And like marriage, there's a learning curve. You learn it's best to keep your mouth shut more often than not.”
C.L. McManus, Adventures in Small Business: The surprising humor and realities in owning and running a small retail store.

“Running a small business is a lot like spinning a roulette wheel. You can win big, you could lose everything, or maybe you'll do ok. The problem is, even after you've landed on a good space, you MUST take another spin at the wheel. On a particular day in March 2020, the wheel landed on Covid-19.”
C.L. McManus, Adventures in Small Business: The surprising humor and realities in owning and running a small retail store.

“My expectations were pretty conventional regarding opening, operating, and ultimately closing my small store. I certainly didn't expect much emotion, nor did I expect that the faces, voices and stories would stay with me a lifetime, but they will. In reality, I ran the scale of emotions. Every significant interaction changed me. Though you can say that about most anything in life, these moments combined were, for me, truly "life-changing." My lifetime of annoyingly repetitive prayers was for exactly what I was to receive by operating that little store. I had an about-face with confidence, and although my patience will probably never be perfect, it went from a two to maybe a seven?”
C.L. McManus, Adventures in Small Business: The surprising humor and realities in owning and running a small retail store.

“The tears the laughs the lessons learned
The products bought and then returned
The skin that was thin
Is now like buckskin
A degree in resilience well-earned”
C.L. McManus, Adventures in Small Business: The surprising humor and realities in owning and running a small retail store.

“Why Start a Small Business?

There are many benefits to starting a small business. Small businesses are great because you get the opportunity.”
William Richards SV

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