Unfinished Business Quotes

Quotes tagged as "unfinished-business" Showing 1-29 of 29
Shannon L. Alder
“I love you. I hate you. I like you. I hate you. I love you. I think you’re stupid. I think you’re a loser. I think you’re wonderful. I want to be with you. I don’t want to be with you. I would never date you. I hate you. I love you…..I think the madness started the moment we met and you shook my hand. Did you have a disease or something?”
Shannon L. Alder

“So, what is my story? I don't know. It's long and twisted and not quite finished yet.”
Caitlyn Paige

Shannon L. Alder
“A deceitful man will go as far as to trample all over a woman’s reputation and spirit, in order to prove to his ex-love that he was faithful. The irony, is he is still in love with his ex and the new woman in his life doesn’t even realize it.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“You will never say goodbye to the past, until you understand why the flashbacks haunt you.”
Shannon L. Alder

Michael Bassey Johnson
“No matter how hard we try to separate, and if eventually we finally separate, we are just fooling around thinking we had parted, yet our hearts dwells where we cowardly believed we had left.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Infinity Sign

“There is this one thing that I never ever want to know, and that is knowing how to give up on a true purpose. If it is necessary to rest, rest! But don't forever be at rest and don't ever give up on the rest of the unfinished task!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Tyler Henry
“When we live each day with kindness, compassion, and communicative love, there is no business left unfinished. There are no regrets or words we should have said, but didn't. There is no need for closure or forgiveness or apology of any kind.”
Tyler Henry, Between Two Worlds: Lessons From the Other Side

Peter T. Coleman
“Most of us do not like not being able to see what others see or make sense of something new. We do not like it when things do not come together and fit nicely for us. That is why most popular movies have Hollywood endings. The public prefers a tidy finale. And we especially do not like it when things are contradictory, because then it is much harder to reconcile them (this is particularly true for Westerners). This sense of confusion triggers in a us a feeling of noxious anxiety. It generates tension. So we feel compelled to reduce it, solve it, complete it, reconcile it, make it make sense. And when we do solve these puzzles, there's relief. It feels good. We REALLY like it when things come together.

What I am describing is a very basic human psychological process, captured by the second Gestalt principle. It is what we call the 'press for coherence.' It has been called many different things in psychology: consonance, need for closure, congruity, harmony, need for meaning, the consistency principle. At its core it is the drive to reduce the tension, disorientation, and dissonance that come from complexity, incoherence, and contradiction.

In the 1930s, Bluma Zeigarnik, a student of Lewin's in Berlin, designed a famous study to test the impact of this idea of tension and coherence. Lewin had noticed that waiters in his local cafe seemed to have better recollections of unpaid orders than of those already settled. A lab study was run to examine this phenomenon, and it showed that people tend to remember uncompleted tasks, like half-finished math or word problems, better than completed tasks. This is because the unfinished task triggers a feeling of tension, which gets associated with the task and keeps it lingering in our minds. The completed problems are, well, complete, so we forget them and move on. They later called this the 'Zeigarnik effect,' and it has influenced the study of many things, from advertising campaigns to coping with the suicide of loved ones to dysphoric rumination of past conflicts.”
Peter T. Coleman, The Five Percent: Finding Solutions to Seemingly Impossible Conflicts

“You and I will always be unfinished business.
There are too many words unsaid,
too many thoughts unfelt
and too many feelings unexpressed.”
Insha Juneja

Annette Vaillancourt
“If you try to send a clear signal to and call your SoulMate into your life, having unfinished business with your ex is like static on the line.”
Annette Vaillancourt, How to Manifest Your SoulMate with EFT: Relationship as a Spiritual Path

Donna Lynn Hope
“In addition to unfinished business, some ghosts haunt so that they will be remembered.”
Donna Lynn Hope

Keith Steinbaum
“He didn’t like the idea of leaving unfinished business behind. He had wanted definite answers about the heart attacks to be able to turn the page on who or what caused so many of his brothers to die.”
Keith Steinbaum, The Poe Consequence

Mitta Xinindlu
“People fall in love because they have some unfinished business from past lives.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“Another year is ending, but something is pending”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“And in just ten seconds of giving our souls to each other, we knew, if not forever, at least tonight we would live as though it was the last day to love.”
Insha Juneja, Imperfect Mortals : A Collection of Short Stories

Lucia Franco
“Our story isn't done, but the book is being forced closed.”
Lucia Franco, Hush Hush

Samuel T. Padmore
“The unfinished business will always come after you. Whatever you fail to kill will hunt your children, or the next generation.”
Samuel T. Padmore, Invading the Kingdom of Darkness: Rescuing Families and Nations

Donna Lynn Hope
“The regret of unfinished business is particularly oppressive, even haunting in its oppressive grief.”
Donna Lynn Hope

Cathy Dobson
“Why does death not come? It can only be because God still has some purpose in keeping me alive. I must still achieve something before I am permitted to leave this life. But what could it be?”
Cathy Dobson, The Devil's Missal

“I love you, Ayesha. What would I do without you?" Zorawar said in the platonic way he'd always told her that he loved her.

"I love you too, Zorawar. Always have always will." she said ambiguously.”
Insha Juneja, Imperfect Mortals : A Collection of Short Stories

“But is the timing of a thing supposed to be everything?
I do, I do want all my ends and beginnings to be with you.
But are you supposed to be one brick in the wall of my life and not the brick that completes it?
Are you supposed to be one chapter in my book and the insignificant corner of my jigsaw puzzle?
Did you and I collapse into each other for this one big pool of tears?
Or is there more to it?
I still think we could make the world a better place together and be strong for each other, and go till the ends of the world with each other.
But at what cost?
Please don't say at the cost of our peace.
Because that's when you will give up and that's when you'll break my heart.”
Insha Juneja, Imperfect Mortals : A Collection of Short Stories

“Maybe I'd spent way too long fighting for love, not realizing that all this while, I was fighting my fear of not wanting to lose someone I'd known forever.
Maybe Zara and I too were always meant to be unfinished business.”
Insha Juneja, Imperfect Mortals : A Collection of Short Stories

Herbjørg Wassmo
“Niekada nekalbu apie nebaigtus sandorius.”
Herbjørg Wassmo

“Masalah yang belum selesai di masa lalu membuat perilaku kita memiliki pola dan menghambat kita dari kesuksesan serta kebahgiaan.”
Pijar Psikologi, Yang Belum Usai: Kenapa Manusia Punya Luka Batin?

“You and I will always be unfinished business.”
Insha Juneja, Imperfect Mortals : A Collection of Short Stories

“The only question I ask myself is: did we teach each other the meaning of love for ourselves or someone else?”
Insha Juneja, Imperfect Mortals : A Collection of Short Stories

Amit Kalantri
“Leave your memories behind, not your unfinished dreams.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Sarah J. Maas
“Here for more?'

'I'm here to settle the debt between us.'

His words were guttural. Her toes curled beneath the blanket.

But her voice remained surprisingly calm. 'What debt?'

'The one I owe you for last night.'

He spoke as if there was no room in him for teasing, for humour. His eyes drifted lower than her face, noting the hammering of her pulse. 'We have unfinished business.'

She grappled for anything to guard against him. 'Male pride is a thing of wonder.' When he didn't respond, she threw another wall his way. 'Why are you even here? You made it clear enough that last night was a mistake.'

He was having none of it. 'I never said that.' His attention remained fixed on her hammering pulse.

'You didn't need to. I saw it in your eyes.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Marie Mistry
“I have too many things left unfinished. Questions unanswered. I want to fix things with my pirates, save Klaus, argue some more with Valorean, and listen to Opal berate me for being stupid enough to get caught.”
Marie Mistry, Traitor Witch