Womens Empowerment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "womens-empowerment" Showing 1-30 of 63
Shelley Parker-Chan
“The girl was startled by her own anger. Heaven had promised Chongba life enough to achieve greatness, and he had given up that life as easily as breathing. He had chosen to become nothing. The girl wanted to scream at him. Her fate had always been nothing. She had never had a choice.”
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun

Abraham   Verghese
“Even if everyone knows her story, no one really knows how she feels. It pours out now: her rage, her shame, her guilt-- it still lingers. But with the telling comes a sense of empowerment. She has no culpability in the Brijee matter. None, other than being naive and being a woman. During the inquiry she had tapped into the righteousness that was her due; she slapped down the least suggestion that she might be a fault. She had learned a lesson: to show weakness, to be tearful or shattered didn't serve her. One shouldn't just hope to be treated well: one must insist on it.”
Abraham Verghese, The Covenant of Water

Tanya Valentin
“You may look at other beautiful Queens in your life doing their Queenly work with calm, confident efficiency and think you could never be like them…
… And you won’t.
Because the truth is, no one will rule your realm like you. Your crown will not be identical to the crown of other Queens. There has never been another Queen like you before and there never will be. You are uniquely qualified by the mountains you have climbed, caves you have explored, and the treasures you have discovered. But take heed, dear one, you can confidently acknowledge your strengths, talents, and gifts and be humble. You get to choose how you want to rule your realms.”
Tanya Valentin, When She Wakes, She Will Move Mountains - 5 Steps to Reconnecting With Your Wild Authentic Inner Queen

Xiran Jay Zhao
“You don't think girls are afraid?"
"Girls... know how to sacrifice.”
Xiran Jay Zhao, Iron Widow

Shelley Parker-Chan
“There was nothing in her imagination to replace the formless, unchanging days of starvation. She clung to life because it seemed to have value, even if only to her.”
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun

“The concept of the "female" is a loaded one. Female. Woman. The entire concept of the womyn is derived from, and supports the existence and submission to the male.

When you hear "female", the social association is weakness, incompetence, and fragility. Almost as if nothing done can shatter the chain of alleged inferiority. If you refuse this, society makes you a "radical".”
Sasha Scarr

C. JoyBell C.
“Many men are fascinated by the consciously evolving female who makes them feel free inside. But they're too unsure of their own standing to actually stay with such women. They want a sheepish, sort-of-dumb woman at home for them, then they imagine themselves being swept off their feet by a goddess somewhere outside. These are the kinds of men that aren't worth being with. You want to have a man who can sail a ship just as well as you can, a man who puts both his feet in the same boat at the same time, someone whose manhood is never defined by female docility.”
C. JoyBell C.

Avijeet Das
“You are blooming like the rare flower you are.”
Avijeet Das

Xiran Jay Zhao
“How could they refuse to let girls have their own Chrysalises?' I say through clenched teeth. "It would be such a help to the war!"
Yizhi's eyes darken. "What family would let their son enlist if there's a realistic possibility that he'd be killed by a girl.”
Xiran Jay Zhao, Iron Widow

Shelley Parker-Chan
“the girl knew that fathers and sons made the pattern of the family, as the family made the pattern of the universe”
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun

Pénélope Bagieu
“But Tove has a hard time finding her place in institutions. Where it is made clear that women are not welcome.
"Art comes from the balls, you see”
Pénélope Bagieu, Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World

Pénélope Bagieu
“She realizes that women were the first victims of the Civil War: one out of 2 women were raped, their sons were recruited as child soldiers, they walked long miles to feed their families. Yet nobody listened to them or involved them”
Pénélope Bagieu, Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World

Pénélope Bagieu
“After fourteen years of war, Leyman's patience is running thin. "It's time to stop being politely angry!" Exhausted and desperate, she threatens to rip off her clothes and stand there buck naked in protest (a very serious offense in her culture.)”
Pénélope Bagieu, Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World

Pénélope Bagieu
“You see, girls are supposed to run. "It can damage the reproductive system"... The issue is put to a vote and Cheryl is eventually allowed on track provided that she keeps away from the boys on the team as she represents a "distraction".”
Pénélope Bagieu, Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World

Toby  Israel
“Aimlessness isn’t purposelessness. Not to me. Aimlessness isn’t meaningless. Quite the contrary. Aimlessness isn’t absence from life, it is full-bodied presence in it. To wander aimlessly is to move through the world without the conceit that we actually know what is coming next. That is, to move through the world with grace.”
Toby Israel, Vagabondess: A Guide to Solo Female Travel

Stacey  Lee
“They don't want to be men, only to be allowed to have a say. God wouldn't have given us feet if He didn't want us to walk. By the same token, why give us a brain if He didn't want us to have thoughts?”
Stacey Lee, The Downstairs Girl

Seanan McGuire
“The thought that babies would become children, and children would become people, never occurred to them. The concept that perhaps biology was not destiny, and that not all little girls would be pretty princesses, and not all little boys would be brave soldiers, also never occurred to them. Things might have been easier if those ideas had ever slithered into their heads, unwanted but undeniably important. Alas, their minds were made up, and left no room for such revolutionary opinions”
Seanan McGuire, Down Among the Sticks and Bones

Janna Cachola
“Its an honour to be women.
Develop women not divide.
Compliment not compete.
Promote not pull down.
Let's work together”
Janna Cachola

C. JoyBell C.
“There are too many young women now who want to be a girlfriend, or want to be a wife. An adjective in a man's life. I want to set a better example than that. I want young women to look at me and learn how to be their own source of love and acceptance. A man is another person that might join you on your journey but it's your own map you've got to be holding in your hand, it's your own window you've got to be opening up for the sunrise each morning.”
C. JoyBell C.

C. JoyBell C.
“I don't believe in the idealism behind the concept of men. Every time I look at a point in my life when I became stronger, when I evolved, when I had a breakthrough, when I won, when I became better, I find not a man by my side; but I find myself behind myself! I am the one who is behind every great milestone of my life! I am the person behind me. I am my own healer, advocate, developer. The concept of the male saviour is something I can't find when I examine my story. I have been my own hero.”
C. JoyBell C.

Shelley Parker-Chan
“Knowing the cause of their suffering, the peasant cursed their barbarian emperor in his distant capital in the north. As with any two like things connected by a thread of qui, whereby the actions of one influence the other even at a distance, so an emperor's worthiness determines the fate of the land he rules.”
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun

Seanan McGuire
“Each of them wanted people to see them, not an idea of them that someone else had come up with”
Seanan McGuire, Down Among the Sticks and Bones

Abhijit Naskar
“People keep using the term "pu**y" to refer to someone weak. I say, have you ever studied a "pu**y"? Let me tell you something as a biologist and behaviorist. A "pu**y" is ten times stronger and more resilient than any "d**k" in the world. A vagina can do whatever a penis can do, ten times more efficiently, and that too while bleeding.”
Abhijit Naskar, Find A Cause Outside Yourself: Sermon of Sustainability

“A man is merely spoiled by his vices while a woman is soiled by hers.”
Sara Collins

Therese Oneill
“[A woman] takes up just the right amount of space. Small is best. You need to prove yourself worthy of the molecules you displace, madam.”
Therese Oneill, Unbecoming a Lady: The Forgotten Sluts and Shrews Who Shaped America

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