2013 Reading Challenge
Participants 419,045
Books Pledged 23,765,876
Avg. Books Pledged 56
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Heather K (dentist in my spare time) has read 461 of 450 books in 2013.
  • The Rebuilding Year by Kaje Harper
  • Capture & Surrender by L.A. Witt
  • The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams
  • Tread Marks & Trademarks by S.A. McAuley
  • Going Up by Amy Lane
  • Blame It on the Mistletoe by Eli Easton
  • Secret by Brigid Kemmerer
  • Spirit by Brigid Kemmerer
  • Breathless by Brigid Kemmerer
  • Try by Ella Frank
  • View More ▾
Comments Showing 1-47 of 47 (47 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Dd (new)

Dd Good luck Heather!!:))

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Dd wrote: "Good luck Heather!!:))"

Thanks guys!

message 3: by Georgia ♥ (new)

Georgia ♥ Good Luck Heather! 35 already???????? Machine.... LOL!!!

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Georgia wrote: "Good Luck Heather! 35 already???????? Machine.... LOL!!!"

LOL!! As my husband says, "you have a problem..."

To be fair, about 10 were short stories/ novellas so it isn't as impressive :)

message 5: by SheReadsALot (new)

SheReadsALot Um no, Heather that is still impressive! Good luck !!

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) SheReadsALot wrote: "Um no, Heather that is still impressive! Good luck !!"

Thanks! I keep uping the amount of books. I'll probably peter out after about 300 or so lol!!

message 7: by Arlene (new)

Arlene Wow! You are on fire! At this rate you'll hit your goal my mid year. Great job Heather. :)

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Arlene wrote: "Wow! You are on fire! At this rate you'll hit your goal my mid year. Great job Heather. :)"

Thank you! I am a very fast reader :) It helps- I fly through books!

message 9: by Felicia (new)

Felicia Great job!! 500?? I applaud you my friend!

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Felicia wrote: "Great job!! 500?? I applaud you my friend!"

We'll see if I make it!!

message 11: by Arlene (new)

Arlene Over 300 books so far??? Truly, I'm not worthy. Amazing progress Heather!!

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Arlene wrote: "Over 300 books so far??? Truly, I'm not worthy. Amazing progress Heather!!"

Thank you!! I read A LOT!! :P

Little Butterfly How do you do that? More than one book per day! You must read while you should be sleeping! ;)

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Little Butterfly wrote: "How do you do that? More than one book per day! You must read while you should be sleeping! ;)"

I do read while I should be sleeping! I don't get nearly enough sleep but I function very well with very little. Some are shorter books so it is easy to get more than one in. I'm also a very quick reader. I have a crazy challenge- we'll see if I make it!

message 15: by Jo (new)

Jo You are a braver me. I did not want to be judged for reading too much so I under picked

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Jo wrote: "You are a braver me. I did not want to be judged for reading too much so I under picked"

Who would judge you HERE for reading too much!! :P

message 17: by Jo (new)

Jo Heather K (dentist in my spare time) wrote: "Jo wrote: "You are a braver me. I did not want to be judged for reading too much so I under picked"

Who would judge you HERE for reading too much!! :P"

I just changed it to 500 also. I really didn't participate much in commenting before a couple of months ago so I had no real frame of reference of people on blog now.. I am clued in now.

message 18: by Kelly (Maybedog) (new)

Kelly (Maybedog) You're ahead of me. It looks like you're right on track. I'm a little behind. Drat.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Kelly Maybedog wrote: "You're ahead of me. It looks like you're right on track. I'm a little behind. Drat."

I'm really pushing myself to stay on track! It is pretty difficult with a 500 book challenge!!

message 20: by Vivian (new)

Vivian Verra, verra nice

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Vivian wrote: "Verra, verra nice"

:D :P

Kelly| Just Another Horror Reader And I thought I was doing pretty good with reading almost 100 so far. Great job, Heather! :))

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Kelly wrote: "And I thought I was doing pretty good with reading almost 100 so far. Great job, Heather! :))"

I just lowered mine from 500 because I won't reach that!

message 24: by ❥Lil (new)

❥Lil Wow, impressive! Well done :D

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Lil wrote: "Wow, impressive! Well done :D"


Mandy*reads obsessively* One more Heather. Which ones it gonna be?

message 27: by Heidi (new)

Heidi So Close ....

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) I know, right ladies!?! I wish I planned it better but I'm in the middle of a M/F fantasy so I think it will be that one!

Awilk -never sleeps- Congrats Heather.

Ije the Devourer of Books Well done :)

message 32: by Dina (new)

Dina Heather K (dentist in my spare time) wrote: "I just lowered mine from 500 because I won't reach that!"

Go back to your initial goal, Heather. You still have time to read another 50 books until the end of the year, you crazy woman!

BTW, big congrats! Crazy or not, you're my reading idol. :)

message 33: by Ami (new)

Ami Congrats dear!!

message 34: by Meri (new)

Meri wow, congrats! :D

message 35: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Holy moly that is a lot 'o books! CONGRATS on finishing your challenge (and ahead of time, too!). :D

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Dina wrote: "Heather K (dentist in my spare time) wrote: "I just lowered mine from 500 because I won't reach that!"

Go back to your initial goal, Heather. You still have time to read another 50 books until the..."

LOL! I don't know if I can squeeze another 50 in by the end of the year but I'll try!! :P

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Thanks everyone ::hugs!::

message 38: by Tracy (new)

Tracy Congrats

message 40: by Eladio (new)

Eladio Congratulations!

message 41: by Tina (new)

Tina Way to go Heather! And an excellent list of books. I was salivating over it. Well done.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Tina wrote: "Way to go Heather! And an excellent list of books. I was salivating over it. Well done."

Thank you and thanks everyone!

message 43: by David - proud Gleeman in Branwen's adventuring party (last edited Dec 28, 2013 03:38AM) (new)

David - proud Gleeman in Branwen's adventuring party 450? Wow, I bow to you, Dr. Heather! My 40 books this year seems so paltry in comparison! ;) Awesome job :D

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) David wrote: "450? Wow, I bow to you, Dr. Heather! My 40 books this year seems so paltry in comparison! ;) Awesome job :D"

LOL thanks honey. I read a lot! ;)

Kynthos-the-Archer (Kyn) Great achievement there Heather. Congratulations!

Have a great new year kay.

message 46: by Kelly (Maybedog) (new)

Kelly (Maybedog) Congrats and Happy New Year!

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Thanks guys, you too!!

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  • A Younger Man (Cabin Fever, #3)
  • Brazen (Channeling Morpheus, #6)
  • Love Lessons (Love Lessons, #1)
  • A Younger Man (Cabin Fever, #3)
  • Second Hand (Tucker Springs #2)
  • Mikayla's Men (A Bride for Eight Brothers, #1)