Commission B1 Computational Astrophysics

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List of commonly used public astrophysical simulation codes:

Code Name and link highlight:

Code Name and link Project leader Description Method
Language License Code distribution

Eugene Vasiliev

AAgama is a software package for stellar dynamics, providing tools for working with gravitational potentials,... More info

E Vasiliev ①2018

E Vasiliev ①2018

C++, Python



Github, public

Volker Springel,

Ruediger Pakmor,

Rainer Weinberger

Arepo is a massively parallel gravity and magnetohydrodynamics code for astrophysics, designed for problems of large dynamic range... More info

Springel V.①2010

Pakmor, R. et al.①2016
Weinberger, R. et al.①2019




Github, public
AstroBEAR Adam Frank, Department of Physics and Astronomy (Rochester) AstroBEAR is a parallelized hydrodynamic/MHD simulation code suitable for a variety of astrophysical problems... More info Cunningham et al.

Carroll-Nellenback J. J. et al.
Fortran GNU GPLv3 Web, registration needed

Tilman Hartwig

A-SLOTH (Ancient Starts and Local Observables by Tracing Halos) is a versatile semi-analytical model to simulate the formation of the first stars and galaxies.

Hartwig, Tilman et al.

Magg, Mattis, Hartwig, Tilman et al.

Fortran90 & Python


Github, public
Athena++ James Stone (Princeton) Grid-based adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) code for hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics... More info Stone et al. (2019, in preparation) C++ BSD 3-Clause Web, public
Black Hole Accretion Code [BHAC] Oliver Porth, Hector Olivares and the BHAC developer team BHAC (the Black Hole Accretion Code) is a multidimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics code based on the MPI-AMRVAC framework.... More info Porth, O. et al. ①2017, Olivares, H. et al. ②2019 Fortran 90 GNU GPLv3 Web, public
FARGO3D Pablo Benítez-Llambay, Frédéric Masset, Leonardo Krapp FARGO3D is a versatile multifluid HD/MHD code that runs on clusters of CPUs or GPUs, with special emphasis on protoplanetary disks Benítez-Llambay, Pablo et al.
, ②2019
(ApJS, submitted.)
C, CUDA GNU GPL Bitbucket, public
(Framework for Developing Particle Simulators)
RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Particle Simulator Research Team FDPS is a general-purpose, high-performance library for particle simulations. The current version is 5.0b. Iwasawa et al. 2016 C++ MIT Github, public
GAMER Hsi-Yu Schive (Taiwan) GAMER is a GPU-accelerated adaptive mesh refinement code for astrophysics. It features extremely high performance... More info Schive et al.
, ②2010, ③2018
C++, CUDA BSD 3-Clause Github, public
Gadget-2 Volker Springel (MPA) GADGET is a code for cosmological N-body/SPH simulations on massively parallel computers with distributed memory... More info Springel 2005 C GNU GPLv2 Web, public
GIZMO Philip F. Hopkins (Caltech) GIZMO is a flexible, massively-parallel, multi-physics simulation code. The code lets you solve the fluid equations... More info Hopkins et al. 2015 C GNU GPL Bitbucket, public
HARM-COOL Agnieszka Janiuk GR MHD code to simulate black hole accretion with optional nuclear Equation of State and neutrino cooling.... More info Yuan Y.-F. ①2005, Janiuk A. et al. ①2007, ②2013, ③2018, ④2019 Janiuk A. ①2017 C++, Fortran90 GPLv3, LGPLv3 Web, public
Icarus Tinatin Baratashvili, Stefaan Poedts

3D MHD heliospheric modelling tool covering domain from 0.1 AU to 2 AU. Icarus simulates solar wind and Coronal Mass Ejections in the co-rotating frame with the Sun.

Baratashvili, T. et al. ①2023, Baratashvili, T. et al. ①2022, Verbeke, C. et al. ①2022 Fortran90 GNU, GPLv3 Github, public
K-Athena Philipp Grete, Forrest Glines, and B. W. O’Shea. Michigan State University A performance portable version (using Kokkos ) of Athena++ for structured grid ... More info Grete, Glines, and O’Shea (under review) C++ BSD 3-Clause Github
Legolas Niels Claes, Jordi De Jonghe, Rony Keppens Legolas is a finite element code for MHD spectroscopy of 1D Cartesian/cylindrical equilibria with flow that balance pressure gradients, gravity and Lorentz forces, ... More info Niels Claes, Jordi De Jonghe, and Rony Keppens 2020 Fortran, Python GNU GPL v3 Github
MPI-AMRVAC Rony Keppens and collaborator A generic tool for block-grid-adaptive simulations of your favourite system of PDEs, in any dimensionality ... More info R. Keppens ①2020, J. Teunissen ①2019, C. Xia ① 2018, O. Porth ①2014 Fortran 90 GNU GPL v3.0 Github, public
Nbody6++GPU Long Wang & Rainer Spurzem, SilkRoad Team and DRAGON project This code is designed to simulate large collisional N-body systems (star clusters), including the accurate... More info Wang et al. 2015 FORTRAN 77, C++, CUDA MIT Github, public
Optab Shigenobu Hirose (JAMSTEC) Public Fortran90 code package for generating ideal-gas opacity tables for radiation hydrodynamics simulations ① Hirose et al., ②Hirose et al. Fortran 90 GPL-3.0 Github, public
Pencil Code The 14 owners of the code A high-order finite-difference code for compressible hydrodynamic flows with magnetic fields and particles. CRA Data Management et al. 2014 Fortran 90 GPLv2 Github, public
PeTar Long Wang, Masaki Iwasawa, Keigo Nitadori and Junichiro Makino

The high-performance N-body code is designed for modeling massive collisional stellar systems, featuring accurate orbital evolution of multiple systems (binaries, triples), comprehensive stellar evolution (single and binary using BSE based packages), and inclusion of a galactic potential using Galpy.

Long Wang et al. 2020 C++, Fortran, Cuda (GPU), Python MIT License  Github, public
PHANTOM Daniel Price (Monash) Phantom is a 3D Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics code for astrophysics. It was... More info Price et al. 2018 Fortran 95/2008 GPLv3 + must cite code paper + redistri-
butions must include “Phantom” in code name

Github, public
PION Jonathan Mackey (DIAS) PION is a grid-based fluid dynamics code for hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, including a ray-tracing module for ... More info Mackey et al.
Mackey & Lim
C++ BSD 3-Clause License Web,

, public
PLUTO Andrea Mignone
PLUTO code development team
PLUTO is a freely-distributed software for the numerical solution of mixed hyperbolic/parabolic systems of partial differential equations (conservation laws) targeting high Mach number flows in astrophysical fluid dynamics... More info ①Mignone et al. 2007,
②Mignone et al. 2012
➂Mignone et al. 2018
➃Vaidya, Bhargav; Mignone, A. et al. 2018
registration needed
RADMC-3D Cornelis Dullemond RADMC-3D is a highly flexible diagnostic radiative transfer code for "postprocessing" models to compute... More info Dullemond, C. P. et al. 2012

Fortran90, with Python interface.

No knowledge of Fortran90 is necessary.

Scientific use permitted, as long as website and/or reference is cited in resulting publication. Web, public
RAMSES Romain Teyssier (Zürich) RAMSES is an open source code to to model astrophysical systems, featuring self-gravitating, magnetised... More info Teyssier et al.
②2006, ③2006
Fortran 90, MPI Library CeCILL Bitbucket, public
REBOUND Hanno Rein, Daniel Tamayo, David S. Spiegel
REBOUND is an N-body integrator, i.e. a software package that can integrate the motion of particles under... More info Rein et al. ①2012,
②2014, ③2015
C, Python GNU GPLv3 Github, public

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