Impaired Driving

Police officer talking to a pulled-over driver

Reducing fatalities and injuries that result from impaired driving requires strong laws and support for implementation of those laws, use of innovative technology, and implementation of education and prevention programs.

Drug Recognition Evaluator

The drug evaluation and classification (DEC) program trains Minnesota law enforcement officers to detect specific drug impairment and remove drug-impaired drivers from the road.

DWI Courts

A DWI (Driving While Impaired) Court is an accountability court dedicated to changing the behavior of alcohol and other drug-dependent offenders arrested for driving while impaired.

Responsible Beverage Service Training

The Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety's Office of Traffic Safety the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement (AGE) division have worked together to develop a Train the Trainer program. The program aims to ensure that servers across Minnesota are up to date on laws, statistics, and other information to prevent irresponsible drinking behaviors. For more information, contact Cleven Duncan at [email protected].

DWI eCharging

e-Charging provides a method for criminal justice stakeholders to accurately and efficiently process information needed to administratively and criminally charge a person with impaired driving.

Ignition Interlock

Ignition interlock is an effective tool that reduces re-arrest by an average of 64 percent. Communities are encouraged to support programs that will increase the use of ignition interlock.

MN Drugged Driving Summit 

The following materials were presented at the Minnesota Statewide Drugged Driving Summit, held January 19, 2023. The event featured leading experts presenting on drug mitigation, drug use and its potential impact on driving, and upcoming trends, challenges, and countermeasures.

Legislation in Minnesota

Videos & Audio


Safe Ride Programs

Alternative transportation programs are not available in all communities, so communities are encouraged to promote the development of these programs and the concept of planning for a safe ride home.

Other Materials

Impaired driving sticker shock handout