Bill Moye

Honoree Profile

May 16, 2014

Bill Moye

Private First Class

Private First Class Bill Moye

Award: Honoring Our Veterans

Year: 2014

Bill Moye, born in New Rochelle in 1915, in an astute gentleman who has been seen walking, shopping for his homebound neighbors, delighting all ages with stories and dance steps – and continuing to be an integral part of his hometown.

For the few years that Mr. Moye was away from New Rochelle, he proudly served his country in World War II. Inducted by Local S.S. Board 738 of New Rochelle on June 19, 1942, Mr. Moye left for Fort Jay, New York. After two weeks’ leave, he passed through Camp Upton, Long Island, to Camp Lee, Virginia, for seven weeks of Basic Training, as well as training as a Bugler.

In September, Mr. Moye went to San Luis Obispo, California, for three weeks’ training duty as a Bugler, and assigned to 242 QM Bn. The 242nd then moved to Ogden, Utah, and in February 1943, Mr. Moye’s outfit went to Fort Dix, New Jersey, before sailing out of Staten Island; Mr. Moye served at Oran, Algeria, for four and a half months’ duty, where he worked at Ration Dumps, served as an interior/exterior guard and played dance gigs.

In July 1943, Mr. Moye’s unit went to Tunisia, and then on to Sicily. They continued moving up the coast, assigned to work crews, guard duty and salvage duty at Anzio-Nettuno, Civitavecchia, Venafro (operated mule parks for infantry) and Modena in the Po Valley (the 242nd became the 3256 Service Company, Quarter Master.)

Mr. Moye took part in several other campaigns, and with Good Conduct and a WWII victory, he earned his rank as PFC (Private First Class). In October 1945, Mr. Moye’s outfit left Leghorn, Italy, as he completed his 360 degree journey back to New Rochelle.

Upon resuming his civilian status, Mr. Moye was honorably discharged and immediately became a veterans’ activist, joining VFW post 2882. He served as a bugler, and became Commander of the post from 1969 to 1975. He embedded himself in the military community, and served as County Commander in Westchester, as County Chaplain and as District Chaplain from 1984-1985. Mr. Moye continues to preside as Chaplain Emeritus for the American Legion Post 8 and the United Veterans Memorial and Patriotic Association of New Rochelle (UVMPA).