Harold Dworetzky

Honoree Profile

May 14, 2017

Harold Dworetzky

Harold Dworetzky was drafted into the United States Army during the Korean War, and he pushed up his draft number in order to enlist more quickly. He was assigned to the twentieth infantry and served as an Ordinance Specialist MOS. He eventually achieved the rank of E5 Sergeant, and was offered a Warrant Officer rank to stay in the service.

After his service in the military, Mr. Dworetzky opened an auto repair business and started college, working various jobs to supplement his education allotment from the Veterans’ Administration. He earned an Associate’s degree in Automotive Engineering from SUNY Morrisville, a Bachelor of Science in Education from SUNY Oswego, and a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from New York University. He has also worked toward a Doctorate degree from New York University and has led a distinguished career as an educator for thirty-eight years.

Mr. Dworetzky knows the importance of staying active in his community and assisting his fellow veterans. He has volunteered with many veterans’ organizations, serving as a life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and the Korean War Veterans. He has served in a myriad of leadership positions at Yonkers Post #68 Jewish War Veterans, Westchester County Jewish War Veterans, and the Yonkers Central Committee of Veterans Organizations. He is mostly proud of serving as Chairman of the Yonkers Central Committee of Veterans Organizations, which provides services to the 18,000 veterans who live in Yonkers.

Mr. Dworetzky also stayed active in his community, as an assistant Boy Scout leader, Chairperson of the Sullivan County Red Cross, a member of the National Ski Patrol, and Chairperson for National Skills USA.