Peter Fiumefreddo

Honoree Profile

Peter Fiumefreddo
Peter Fiumefreddo
US Army

Peter Fiumefreddo served as a Private First Class in the United States Army.

Mr. Fiumefreddo, of Hawthorne, was born in East Harlem, New York, and raised in the Bronx. After being drafted into the Army in 1963, he was stationed at Camp Smith as a soldier in the 8th Division, 1st Battalion 87th Infantry Heavy Weapons Platoon. During the Berlin Crisis, his unit deployed to Baumholder, Germany, where he was a Gunner on the 81mm mortar and 106 recoilless rifle. In April 1965, he received orders to return to Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn, where he was honorably discharged.

Mr. Fiumefreddo has 30 years of experience working for non-profit organizations focused on veterans affairs and community outreach. He is the Founder and Chairman of the New York State Medal of Honor Committee. He was instrumental in the installation of the Medal of Honor monument on the grounds of Mount Pleasant’s Town Hall, as well as organizing parades honoring Medal of Honor recipients. He currently serves as the Commander of Hawthorne Post 112, American Legion, and has been an active board member of the Selective
Service Draft Board for the past 16 years.

Previously, Mr. Fiumefreddo worked for the U.S. Census Bureau as a Partnership Specialist and Team Leader, developing outreach plans to maximize veterans’ participation in the 2000 and 2010  censuses. He served as the chairman of the Grand Marshals for the Columbus Day Parade on 5th Avenue for more than 25 years, and he also served on the housing and zoning committee of Bronx
Community Board 10. As a community leader, he ran the Food Program & Summer Jobs for youth in the Bronx community.

Mr. Fiumefreddo has received various awards and honors for his service work, including the Westchester County Senior Citizen Hall of Fame Award, New York State Army Recruiting, Support and Dedication Award, and 17th Congressional District Veterans Community Award.

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