The Best Drama Films Streaming on Netflix

Ranker Streaming
Updated June 4, 2024 446.6K views 76 items
Ranked By
15.0K votes
2.7K voters
3 reranks
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Must be dramatic movies available on Netflix Instant in the United States.
Latest additions: Forgotten Love, A Part of You, In Good Hands 2
Most divisive: Beasts of No Nation
Over 2.7K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Drama Films Streaming on Netflix

Hey, are you sitting at home looking for the best drama movies on Netflix? Great news! All the good drama films available on Netflix streaming are listed right here in one convenient place to help you make the best of your Netflix service. Some of the best movies of all time are now available on Netflix, so you can catch up on new hit dramatic movies and classic film hits right in your living room.

Since the Netflix streaming list changes rapidly, with movies added and some removed, it can be hard to find the best dramas and there are many hidden gems. To help you decide which ones are worth watching, the crowd has voted for their favorite dramas available on Netflix below. You'll find Best Picture Oscar winners like as well as new classics. Featuring Braveheart, Good Will Hunting, and No Country for Men, this list has all the must-see dramas streaming on Netflix. 

What are the best Netflix drama movies? What is available on the Netflix streaming drama selection? Are there new dramas on Netflix? This Netflix streaming list is here to get you started on the best Netflix streaming drama movies has to offer. This is supposed to be complete list of what's available, so if you know your favorite movie isn't on this list of Netflix movies, make sure to add it so other Netflix users can find the best dramas on Netflix. If a particular drama currently isn't available for streaming, then don't add it.

Love the drama genre? Check out this list of current drama shows to get into.