The Cake Bible Celebrating 35th Year of Successful Cake Baking

The Cake Bible that revolutionized home cake baking with ingredient charts including gram measurements and the reverse creaming method adapted for softened butter cakes is celebrating its last anniversary and harrah. In a couple of weeks, the totally revised The Cake Bible Anniversay edition will be hitting the shelves. I had hesitated for years to revise a classic that has helped so many home bakers, has inspired many to start their own baking businesses, and has been a go-to book for scores of bakers and caterers, but with Woody’s persistence and co-authorship; our fantastic editor, Cassie Jones; and Harper & Collins willing to revise a classic in its 60th printing, I am happy to see this book begin a new life.

The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary Edition PRE-ORDER News. You can Now Order!!

I am thrilled to announce the publication date of The Cake Bible’s 35th Anniversary Edition: October 22, 2024!
The book is available for preorder now in hardcover and e-book. Woody and I have been working intensely on this book for years and can’t wait for everyone to get their copies.
This new revised, edition has:
. 30 percent new recipes
. completely revised and updated
. new 8x10 larger, trim size
. 704 pages—more than 150 more pages
. fully redesigned 2-color interior
. 40 insert pages with 80 cake color photos,
PLUS a dozen of B & W photos for chapter openers
. AND All the favorite classics are still in it.

It is the greatest honor to be able to offer this contemporary edition of a book that has changed many people's lives, including our own. We are overjoyed to be able to share all the new discoveries and improvements we've experienced over three decades of baking.

You can order the book at the link above for wherever books are sold--Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kitchen Arts & Letters, Omnivore, Powell's City of Books, & many book stores! And keep an eye out for more news and sneak peeks on Harper & Collin’s website from the book as we head toward the fall!

For more details and to follow the new Cake Bible’s progress to pub date and tour dates the link below goes to the The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary home page.


Cake Bible-35th Anniversary Edition Production 5 (Part 2): Copy Editor and Proof Editor Passes

Several pages of the 40 page insert with all new photos and many new recipes

2nd Pass: This round shows what Harper & Collins’ proof editor suggested for changes, line cuts for pages, and the new page layouts. We quickly saw that the adornments were still not re-positioned. Fortunately, we did not have to wait until 3rd pass which was slated just a couple of weeks before sending to printing.
   During this round, we also got to see what the indexer had in mind for its composition. Since the Table of Contents only listed just chapters, Woody suggested that a Recipe Listing in page order should be also incorporated. Cassie agreed to include it before the alphabetical index.

Zach Townsend Pass: Zach has been our baking specialist proof reader for our last 3 books. Cassie and Jill thought it best to bring him on at the end with just a couple of weeks to proof what should be a just few edits to our hundreds of ingredient math checks. He found more than we thought. Well, Zach also proved to be an incredible copy editor as well catching a consistency error on many of the pages.
Final photo insert page color corrections and some of the black and whites came as well with just a week before the scheduled off to the printers date.

4th Pass: A final review still had us submitting minor corrections for 11 pages just days before going to the printer and us flying to Italy. Cassie informed us that we would be confirming these while we were in Italy! (Woody took photos of each page with our penned in corrections.)
Our reward for completing the revisions was waiting for us in our delivery bin when we came home—The Cake Bible’s jacket.

Cake Bible-35th Anniversary Edition: Quotes: Hector Wong and Keck Telescopes Slide Show

Cake Bible-35th Anniversary Edition: Quotes: Hector Wong and Keck Telescopes Slide Show

The long-awaited day finally arrived Hector and his partner Christopher, Woody, and I, and Hector's good friend Luca Rizzi. set out for the long and gradual ascent to Mauna Kea elevation 13,600 ft. It is here that Hector photographed one of his first "Hector's Takes on My Cakes," and it is the first time that it is being posted in this extraordinary top of the world setting.

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Cake Bible-35th Anniversary Edition Production 7 : Library Journal's STARRED REVIEW

Two key reviews we are always looking to read are from the Library Journal and Publisher’s Weekly. Yesterday, we received this wonderful review from the Library Journal, which goes out to any subscribing library for choosing new books for their shelves.

“When it debuted in 1988, the now IACP Culinary Classic cookbook The Cake Bible was one of the first American cookbooks to champion weight measurements in baking as well as introduce the reverse creaming method. However, a lot can change in 35 years, and Beranbaum has new knowledge to impart. The 35th-anniversary edition brings with it almost a third more new recipes, including blueberry poppy seed brunch cake, while bringing back old favorites—many with some tweaks—like white chocolate whisper cake. Beranbaum also shares new prep methods she has discovered. For example, when discussing curds, Beranbaum introduces readers to her favorite new preparation method (hint: it involves a microwave). Later, she drops in a brand-new recipe for citrus zest, making good use of any leftover zest cooks may have lying around. While some things may have changed from the old edition to its superb new incarnation, others remain the same—for instance, Beranbaum’s impressive attention to detail and ability to effortlessly guide bakers through a seemingly complex recipe. Owners of the original will want to read this new edition for its updates and additions, while novice bakers could not ask for a better introduction to the art and science of cake baking.”

Cake Bible-35th Anniversary Edition Production 6: First Copies of Our Book Arrive!

During lunch on our porch, a FedEx delivery alert notice had Woody racing downstairs and bringing up a box. He had carefully slit the top so I could easily open it. With iPhone video rolling, I happily unwrapped three copies of the revised Cake Bible.
It has been only two months since the book’s final pass and design had been sent to the printers. In the past at this time, we would be receiving a paperback/B&W version of the book called the galley and the BLAD (Blad Layout and Design) pamphlet for promoting the book. Recently, many publishers now send these out as PDFs to sellers and reviewers.
Our receiving an actual first printing at this time was a shock. Especially since usually the editor and her staff get it first to confirm everything looks correct to specifications. Of course, we were very happy to see how beautiful our years of work has come to life a month or two earlier than we expected. My tradition has to take the new book to bedside. This one certainly did with Woody doing the same with his copy.

Here is a link to Harper& Collin’s website with pre-ordering links to various book sellers.

Book cover: matthew septimus photographer

Cake Bible-35th Anniversary Edition Production 5 (Part 1): Copy Editor and Proof Editor Passes

over 700 pages covered the office floor for the 6 months of revising

With crossed fingers in late November 2023, we waited to see what our copy editor, Heather, would want to change or to her style writing from our already, 4 times re-read manuscript and revised with our editor Cassie’s queries.  

Copy Editor Round: We were quite surprised by the Heather’s dedicated work in mainly offering minor grammatical changes, confirming titles for cross references, and suggesting for us to add more text for clarity. Obviously, we were quite pleased. My preference is to tackle these editing phases with back-to-back days for continuity. So Woody and I once again spent several 8 to12 hour-long days forging through the pages. Within three weeks, we were able to send back our edits for the copy edit phase.

1st Pass: A big package came late January for 1st Pass, with 2 full 704 pages, 17 by 11 sheets of double page spreads of the laid-out pages. Not since Rose’s Heavenly Cakes have we gotten 2 copies, and that was because Woody was in Minnesota.  Although Cassie promised, “what Rose wants, I want” we were shocked to see the original 650 pages contract was now happily increased almost 10%!!
     1st Pass shows exact positioning of text, recipes, and charts on each page with Copy Editor’s changes integrated.  With this book now being formatted like The Baking Bible on a much larger page with headers for instructions, no side bars, and each recipe starting on its own page compared to the original Cake Bible’s continuous, paragraphed instructions, sidebars, and recipes starting after the prior, we had to make tough decisions on cutting text to fit. Fortunately, many times there was page space at the end. We could see that the extra 50 pages was partially due to Cassie’s decision to letting each recipe in the Frosting and Adornments section to start at the top. We had been willing to let these recipes wrap after the previous.

     “How did we miss that” seen again, but not as much as prior books. However, what the laid-out pages now presented was a need to suggest revisions for most of the charts and restructuring the recipe order for many of the recipes to allow for 2 page recipes to be on opposing pages. When we reviewed the Special Effects and Decorative Techniques section, we saw this section’s to column pages could be re-worked. Cassie and her assistant Jill Zimmerman were happy with my copying pages, getting out the scissors, tape, markers, and pens, to piece together suggestions for new pages which I sent many emails of the pinned up and photographed pages for a better text flow. Color coded spreadsheets of new versus priors sent as well to make it easier. Rose has never been asked to revise lay-out this extensively.

  A first for our books, was incorporating black and white photos, some from Matthew’s “work and baking kitchen items” and Woody’s cropped photos from the style photography. Jill sent the photographs and their page positions for us to confirm. Plus, the 40 page color insert with titling and mostly corrected photos. We also learned that the production team’s proof reader has already started proofing. Her edits will just go in, unless Jill thinks we need to review one.
    We handed in the 1st pass almost a week early. Cassie was not surprised that there were almost 1000 edit queries.

Happy Birthday #4 Rose's Ice Cream Bliss Pub Date! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

team rosewood~~Katie wayne, matthew septimus , us, and Erin mcdowell

Happy birthday again for Rose’s Ice Cream Bliss. We have already started harvesting berries for one of our favorite ice creams~~Black Raspberry.


white chocolate ice cream Photo Credit Matthew Septimus, from Rose’s Ice Cream Bliss

Above is a photo of a very special ice cream from the book. The recipe was a gift from one of my dearest friends and colleagues Lisa Yockelson, author of several wonderful books including Chocolate Chocolate. It is for “White Chocolate Ice Cream Bliss” (the only recipe in the book that carries part of its title!). It is so voluptuous, creamy, and delicious it is also the only recipe in the book that I chose to adorn with gold leaf.

For those of you who don’t yet have ice cream makers, there are also 4 favorite recipes in the book that are made without one.

We so look forward to hearing your feedback about the recipes you make. Ice cream time is here (but ice cream time is always now).

white chocolate ice cream.jpg

My photo of White Chocolate Ice Cream from summer of 2019

Along with the ice creams, there are recipes for toppings and socials with cookies, brownies, and cakes.

Rose Makes The Cake Bible’s Chocolate Layer Cake for Pastry Arts Summit

Rose demonstrates making the 35th anniversary edition of The Cake Bible's Chocolate Layer Cake. Tips on: the advantages of the 2-stage/reverse creaming method, measuring eggs especially yolks, weighing your ingredients, hydrating cocoa with boiling water, using cake strips for even baking, using bleached flour, and more. This cake has been a standard in all of Rose's books that have cake recipes. The recipe has been revised to include sunflower oil to enhance its texture and shelf life. It is also one of the three core wedding cakes for The Cake Bible.


Vacation Relief in Sicily , Caiazzo, and Rome

Yes. That is 16 year old Rose sitting in front of the Trevi Fountain in 1964. No tourists crowds back then for the photographer or her to shoo away. Our photographing at 9:30 am meant motioning lots of tourists to make some space for a quick photo. Rose decided her new Franco Pepe of Pepe in Granni pizza shirt and slacks was this visit’s outfit.
NINE MONTHS have passed since the revised 35th Anniversary Cake Bible first had Cassie’s editor’s queries to us now looking at the final 11 pages with corrections when we were in Sicily. FIVE copy and proofing passes, including Woody’s changing the page layouts for almost a quarter of the book. So a vacation was in order, before book promotion and our book touring next fall.
We decided on Sicily and Rome as Rose had been to both before and this was a first time for Woody to visit these areas. We also decided to post this vacation in more detail on Rose’s Instagram. She will be doing several postings.

This trip was mainly devoted to the food, walking the streets, and seeing colleagues—not too much of seeing sites. But there several delifghtful surprises. Here are some photos of the Sicilian and Italian foods we enjoyed, and of course—people.

Enjoy reading and seeing a lot more on Rose’s Instagram posts. Will we return to Italy? Very likely.

The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary Edition PRE-ORDER News. You can Now Order!!

I am thrilled to announce the publication date of The Cake Bible’s 35th Anniversary Edition: October 22, 2024!
The book is available for preorder now in hardcover and e-book. Woody and I have been working intensely on this book for years and can’t wait for everyone to get their copies.
This new revised, edition has:
. 30 percent new recipes
. completely revised and updated
. new 8x10 larger, trim size
. 704 pages—more than 150 more pages
. fully redesigned 2-color interior
. 40 insert pages with 80 cake color photos,
PLUS a dozen of B & W photos for chapter openers
. AND All the favorite classics are still in it.

It is the greatest honor to be able to offer this contemporary edition of a book that has changed many people's lives, including our own. We are overjoyed to be able to share all the new discoveries and improvements we've experienced over three decades of baking.

You can order the book at the link above for wherever books are sold--Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kitchen Arts & Letters, Omnivore, Powell's City of Books, & many book stores! And keep an eye out for more news and sneak peeks on Harper & Collin’s website from the book as we head toward the fall!

For more details and to follow the new Cake Bible’s progress to pub date and tour dates the link below goes to the The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary home page.


The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary Edition PRE-ORDER News. You can Now Order!!

I am thrilled to announce the publication date of The Cake Bible’s 35th Anniversary Edition: October 22, 2024!
The book is available for preorder now in hardcover and e-book. Woody and I have been working intensely on this book for years and can’t wait for everyone to get their copies.
This new revised, edition has:
. 30 percent new recipes
. completely revised and updated
. new 8x10 larger, trim size
. 704 pages—more than 150 more pages
. fully redesigned 2-color interior
. 40 insert pages with 80 cake color photos,
PLUS a dozen of B & W photos for chapter openers
. AND All the favorite classics are still in it.

It is the greatest honor to be able to offer this contemporary edition of a book that has changed many people's lives, including our own. We are overjoyed to be able to share all the new discoveries and improvements we've experienced over three decades of baking.

You can order the book at the link above for wherever books are sold--Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kitchen Arts & Letters, Omnivore, Powell's City of Books, & many book stores! And keep an eye out for more news and sneak peeks on Harper & Collin’s website from the book as we head toward the fall!

For more details and to follow the new Cake Bible’s progress to pub date and tour dates the link below goes to the The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary home page.


The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary Edition PRE-ORDER News. You can Now Order!!

I am thrilled to announce the publication date of The Cake Bible’s 35th Anniversary Edition: October 22, 2024!
The book is available for preorder now in hardcover and e-book. Woody and I have been working intensely on this book for years and can’t wait for everyone to get their copies.
This new revised, edition has:
. 30 percent new recipes
. completely revised and updated
. new 8x10 larger, trim size
. 704 pages—more than 150 more pages
. fully redesigned 2-color interior
. 40 insert pages with 80 cake color photos,
PLUS a dozen of B & W photos for chapter openers
. AND All the favorite classics are still in it.

It is the greatest honor to be able to offer this contemporary edition of a book that has changed many people's lives, including our own. We are overjoyed to be able to share all the new discoveries and improvements we've experienced over three decades of baking.

You can order the book at the link above for wherever books are sold--Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kitchen Arts & Letters, Omnivore, Powell's City of Books, & many book stores! And keep an eye out for more news and sneak peeks on Harper & Collin’s website from the book as we head toward the fall!

For more details and to follow the new Cake Bible’s progress to pub date and tour dates the link below goes to the The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary home page.


The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary Edition PRE-ORDER News. You can Now Order!!

I am thrilled to announce the publication date of The Cake Bible’s 35th Anniversary Edition: October 22, 2024!
The book is available for preorder now in hardcover and e-book. Woody and I have been working intensely on this book for years and can’t wait for everyone to get their copies.
This new revised, edition has:
. 30 percent new recipes
. completely revised and updated
. new 8x10 larger, trim size
. 704 pages—more than 150 more pages
. fully redesigned 2-color interior
. 40 insert pages with 80 cake color photos,
PLUS a dozen of B & W photos for chapter openers
. AND All the favorite classics are still in it.

It is the greatest honor to be able to offer this contemporary edition of a book that has changed many people's lives, including our own. We are overjoyed to be able to share all the new discoveries and improvements we've experienced over three decades of baking.

You can order the book at the link above for wherever books are sold--Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kitchen Arts & Letters, Omnivore, Powell's City of Books, & many book stores! And keep an eye out for more news and sneak peeks on Harper & Collin’s website from the book as we head toward the fall!

For more details and to follow the new Cake Bible’s progress to pub date and tour dates the link below goes to the The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary home page.


Rose's Heavenly Cakes at $11.99 WOW!!

Rose’s Heavenly Cakes is currently on sale at $11.99 Kindle on Amazon.

We do not know for how long the sale will last. Winner of IACP’s Cookbook of the Year in 2015. Where The Cake Bible’s cake recipes focused mainly on softened butter cakes and sponge cakes, Heavenly Cakes expanded to include several cheesecake recipes, four wedding cakes with complimentary adornments, and a whole chapter for smaller cakes and cupcakes. It’s success was followed up with The Baking Bible.

The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary Edition PRE-ORDER News. You can Now Order!!

I am thrilled to announce the publication date of The Cake Bible’s 35th Anniversary Edition: October 22, 2024!
The book is available for preorder now in hardcover and e-book. Woody and I have been working intensely on this book for years and can’t wait for everyone to get their copies.
This new revised, edition has:
. 30 percent new recipes
. completely revised and updated
. new 8x10 larger, trim size
. 704 pages—more than 150 more pages
. fully redesigned 2-color interior
. 40 insert pages with 80 cake color photos,
PLUS a dozen of B & W photos for chapter openers
. AND All the favorite classics are still in it.

It is the greatest honor to be able to offer this contemporary edition of a book that has changed many people's lives, including our own. We are overjoyed to be able to share all the new discoveries and improvements we've experienced over three decades of baking.

You can order the book at the link above for wherever books are sold--Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kitchen Arts & Letters, Omnivore, Powell's City of Books, & many book stores! And keep an eye out for more news and sneak peeks on Harper & Collin’s website from the book as we head toward the fall!

For more details and to follow the new Cake Bible’s progress to pub date and tour dates the link below goes to the The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary home page.


The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary Edition PRE-ORDER News. You can Now Order!!

I am thrilled to announce the publication date of The Cake Bible’s 35th Anniversary Edition: October 22, 2024!
The book is available for preorder now in hardcover and e-book. Woody and I have been working intensely on this book for years and can’t wait for everyone to get their copies.
This new revised, edition has:
. 30 percent new recipes
. completely revised and updated
. new 8x10 larger, trim size
. 704 pages—more than 150 more pages
. fully redesigned 2-color interior
. 40 insert pages of new cake photos.
. AND All the favorite classics are still in it.

It is the greatest honor to be able to offer this contemporary edition of a book that has changed many people's lives, including our own. We are overjoyed to be able to share all the new discoveries and improvements we've experienced over three decades of baking.

You can order the book at the link above for wherever books are sold--Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kitchen Arts & Letters, Omnivore, Powell's City of Books, & many book stores! And keep an eye out for more news and sneak peeks on Harper & Collin’s website from the book as we head toward the fall!

For more details and to follow the new Cake Bible’s progress to pub date and tour dates the link below goes to the The Cake Bible 35th Anniversary home page.