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Manual for the assessment of risks of plumbing products

SAA MP781999

SAA MP781999
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Manual for the assessment of risks of plumbing products

Published by Standards Australia (Standards Association of Australia) 1 The Crescent, Homebush, NSW 2140
ISBN 0 7337 2664 X

SAA MP781999

This document is published by Standards Australia on behalf of the Agriculture and Resources Management Council Australia and New Zealand (ARMCANZ) Committee for Plumbing Product Authorizations (CPPA). This manual has been produced as a reference document for those involved with risk identification, risk analysis and risk assessment methods within the scope of certification procedures for the plumbing and drainage industry.

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SAA MP781999

Page SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................4 SECTION 2 BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................5 SECTION 3 OVERVIEW OF RISK MANAGEMENT 3.1 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................7 3.2 THE STEPS IN RISK MANAGEMENT .....................................................................7 3.3 ESTABLISHING THE CONTEXT .............................................................................8 3.4 RISK IDENTIFICATION............................................................................................8 3.5 RISK ANALYSIS .....................................................................................................10 3.6 RISK ASSESSMENT................................................................................................10 3.7 RISK TREATMENT .................................................................................................10 SECTION 4 PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSING AND MANAGING RISKS OF PLUMBING PRODUCTS 4.1 CONSIDER THE NEED FOR RISK ASSESSMENT ...............................................11 4.2 ASSEMBLE A SMALL TEAM OF PEOPLE ...........................................................11 4.3 COMMENCE THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS ........................................................12 4.4 CPPA LEVELS OF RISK CONTROL ......................................................................15 APPENDICES A CONSEQUENCE SCORING TABLES ....................................................................17 B FREQUENCY SCORING TABLE............................................................................20 C CONSEQUENCE REALISATION PROBABILITY SCORING TABLE .................21 D MASTER LIST OF CLASSES OF FAULT OR PROBLEM .....................................22 E AUSTRALIAN PLUMBING STATISTICS ..............................................................24 F THREE EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED WORKSHEET 1.......................................25 G ORGANIZATIONS THAT CONTRIBUTED TO THIS MANUAL .........................28

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MP 78-1999, Manual for the assessment of risks of plumbing products

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