Curse of Strahd Backgrounds v1.1

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Surviving the Mists takes guts, courage, and a bit of luck. Contained herein is a selection of new and
interesting backgrounds for those who wish to explore the dangers of Lord Strahd’s realm.

“A cold, clinging mist covers the land this morning, and as we push through it we can almost hear the
howl of desperate creatures both mundane and exotic… and when it clears, we can clearly see that the
land is not the same as it once was. We are somewhere new, somewhere darker; the trees are twisted
and the stars are not the same.” –Last diary entry of Arlo Frumm, Phlan Refugee

A Collection of Backgrounds for Season 4 of the D&D Adventurers League


Designers: Jay Africa, Kalani Vernon, Cindy Moore, Dave Russell, Derek Gray
Development and Editing: D&D Adventurers League Administrators and Coordinators
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Mike Mearles, Chris Lindsay
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Greg Marks, Alan Patrick

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards
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Curse of Strahd Optional Backgrounds 1
5 I never admit to my mistakes lest they be used against

Black Fist Double Agent

6 I take every effort to be unnoticeable and blend into the
You are an informant for the Tears of Virulence who crowd. Passersby rarely give me a second look.
now lord over Phlan, but are also a double agent for 7 I am prepared for any eventuality; including the day my
original town guard of Phlan, the Black Fists. For the usefulness as a spy comes to an end.
Tears you’ve been tasked with ferreting out the 8 I always make certain to know my enemy before acting,
secrets of Phlan's criminal underworld, insurgency, lest I bite off more than I can chew.
and the common peoples of Phlan. In exchange for d6 Ideal
reporting on the activities of dissenters, criminals, 1 Suspicious: In my experience, everybody has something
and other rebel elements, the Tears of Virulence to hide, and what they hide can usually hurt me (Any).
leave you alone to conduct your affairs in peace. 2 Secretive: I trade in secrets, and am not about to let any
In reality you work for the deposed Black Fists, of mine slip (Any).
sharing misinformation with the Tears of Virulence 3 Hedonist: Life is short. I live my life to the fullest, as I
that often helps the Black Fists and other phlan know any day could be my last (Chaotic).
insurgents. 4 Selfless: I use my position to help the downtrodden
Since the evacuation of Phlan, you are even busier avoid persecution from the authorities (Good).
5 Patriotic: I am a loyal supporter of Phlan and its leaders,
today than you ever were previously, as the number
and see my role as a solemn duty and necessary evil to
of dissenters among the refugees grows daily, while
prevent anarchy. (Lawful)
you are afforded many opportunities to spy on the
6 Manipulative: I use my knowledge to blackmail and
peoples of Mulmaster and Elventree, to the pleasure manipulate others to my own benefit (Evil).
of your contact(s) within the Tears of Virulence.
d6 Bond
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Insight
1 I was framed for a crime I did not commit, and seek to
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit, and one type of artisan’s
bring the true culprit to justice.
tools or gaming set
2 I am a part of an underground network that smuggles
Equipment: Disguise kit, common clothes, a Tears of
innocent civilians out of the city prior to being raided by
Virulence emblem, a writ of free agency signed by the Lord
the authorities.
Regent, a set of artisan’s tools or gaming set you are
3 I miss the glory days of Phlan, before the coming of the
proficient with, and a pouch with 15 gp (payment for services
4 I seek to prove myself worthy of joining the Black Fist as
Lifestyle: Moderate
a member of their order.
Feature: Double Agent 5 My sister was killed by a Tear of Virulence, and now I
feed them false information whenever possible.
You have a reliable and trusty contact within the 6 My family was wrongly imprisoned, and I act as an
Tears of Virulence garrison in Phlan to whom you informant in order to secure their release.
pass information and secrets. In exchange, you can
get away with minor criminal offenses within the d6 Flaw
town of Phlan. In addition, your Black Fists contacts 1 I think too highly of myself, and have an exaggerated
can help you secure an audience with the Lord sense of self-importance.
2 I have difficulty trusting strangers. I see spies and
Regent, the Lord Sage, members of the Black Fists, or
informants everywhere.
deposed nobles and authority figures who are
3 Years of getting away with minor crimes has left me
sympathetic to the Phlan refugees and insurgents. believing that I am above the law, and have diplomatic
[Note: This feature is a variant of the Noble feature.] immunity above my station.
d8 Personality Trait 4 Years of seeing innocent people suffer have left me
1 People are only as trustworthy as you are valuable to despondent and pessimistic for the future.
them. Always strive to be the most valuable person 5 My desire for vengeance often gets me into trouble
around. 6 I am spendthrift, and share my wealth with the patrons
2 My eloquence and sophistication are tools I use to avoid of my favorite tavern.
arousing suspicion myself.
3 I am a thrill-seeker, excited by covert and dangerous
4 I live by my wits and always check every lock twice, just
to be certain.
Dragon Casualty Feature: Dragonscarred
When the Maimed Virulence descended upon Phlan, Over a period of several months you were subject to
you were one of the unfortunate casualties of war. magical and mundane torture at the claws of
Captured during the initial assault, you have spent Vorgansharax and his minions. These experiments
the last year of your life as a plaything of a capricious have left you horribly disfigured but mark you as a
and malevolent overlord. survivor of the Maimed Virulence.
While many of your fellow prisoners fell to the This affords you a measure of fame and notoriety,
dragon's insatiable fury over the coming months, for those who know of your harrowing ordeal are
you and your fellow "survivors" were spared only keen to hear the tale personally but makes it difficult
for a worse fate as one of the dragon's magical to disguise your appearance and hide from prying
experiments, leaving you and those who survived eyes. You can parley this attention into access to
the torture scarred and disfigured. people and places you might not otherwise have, for
What reasons the dragon had for releasing you you and your companions. Nobles, scholars, mages,
few survivors, nobody knows. You only fear that and those who seek to ferret out the secrets of the
those who died under his terrible claw were the Maimed Virulence would all be keen to hear your
lucky ones, and you and your fellow Dragonscarred tale of survival, and learn what secrets (if any) you
are doomed for a fate worse than death. might possess, and/or study your affliction with
great interest.
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Survival
However, you fear that your afflictions are not
Tool Proficiencies: Special (see origin below)
completely mundane and that the Maimed Virulence
Languages: Draconic
Equipment: A dagger, tattered rags, a loaf of moldy bread, a
may as yet have some nefarious reason for allowing
small cast-off scale belonging to Vorgansharax – the Maimed your escape, as your scars burn with acidic fury and
Virulence, and a pouch with 5 gp of various coins (salvaged seem to writhe beneath your skin at times.
during your escape from Phlan) [Note: This feature is a variant of the Far Traveler
Lifestyle: Wretched feature.]

Origin Disfigurement (Optional)

In addition to extensive scarring, you may choose
Prior to the coordinated attack by the Maimed
one of the following options to represent your
Virulence and her rebel Black Fist supporters, you
disfigurement. This disfigurement is purely
were once a citizen or visitor to Phlan. While the
cosmetic, misshapen, and horrific to look upon.
trauma of your recent ordeal has greatly altered
your motivations and perception of the world, your d8 Disfigurement
former life still clings to you and colors your 1 Small non-functional wing(s) or alternately -
mannerisms, behaviors, and outlook on life. misshapen, wing-like membranes along one or both
Choose one entry on the following table (or roll arms
randomly) to determine your former occupation 2 Elongated, claw-like hand(s) and/or feet
3 Painful green scales randomly embedded in skin
prior to your incarceration and torture. Your choice
4 Bulbous, reptilian eye(s)
determines your tool proficiency from this
5 Enlarged dorsal spines
background. 6 Hair replaced with small irregular spines
d8 Origin (Occupation) Tool Proficiency
1 Dockworker/Fisherman Vehicles (water) d8 Personality Trait
2 Tradesperson / Artisans' Tools 1 I am driven to escape my past, and rarely stay in one
Merchant place long.
3 Black Fist Soldier Gaming set or Vehicles 2 I know secrets of the Maimed Virulence, but fear the
(land) harm that may befall me should others learn them.
4 Adventurer / Visitor Vehicles (land) 3 Speaking of my ordeal helps sooth the still open
5 Entertainer Musical Instrument wounds in my soul.
6 Scholar / Healer Alchemists Supplies or 4 My former life is meaningless, and was ripped to
Herbalism Kit shreds by the claws of Vorgansharax. All that matters
7 Criminal Thieves' Tools, Forgery now is what I do with the future.
Kit, or Disguise Kit 5 I have faced the worst a dragon can deliver and
8 Unskilled laborer Gaming Set survived. I am fearless, and my resolve unshakable.

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Curse of Strahd Optional Backgrounds 3
6 I am haunted my tortured past, and wake at night
screaming at half-remembered horrors.
7 I sleep with my back to a wall or tree, and a weapon
within arm’s reach.
8 I am slow to trust, but incredibly loyal to those who
have earned it.

d6 Ideal
1 Survivor: No matter the cost, I will take any action
necessary to survive (any)
2 Independence: When in trouble, the only person I can
rely on is myself (Chaotic)
3 Compassionate: I have suffered long at the hands of a
Dragon, and take pitty and compassion on the
suffering of others (Good)
4 Secretive: I am withdrawn, and hide my monstrous
appearance for fear of drawing unwanted attention
5 Justice: I have been wronged, and will not allow the
same fate to befall others (Lawful).
6 Sycophant: During my ordeal, I became a willing
servant of the Maimed Virulence, and spy on his
behalf (evil)

d6 Bond
1 I have sworn vengeance on the Maimed Virulence and
those that follow him.
2 I long to reunite with friends and family who may
dwell among the Phlan Refugees, and protect them.
3 While a prisoner of the Maimed Virulence, I overheard
rumors of an item or treasure the Dragon seeks. I will
have that treasure for myself!
4 I seek to reclaim and rebuild my former life to the best
of my ability.
5 I have been reborn as a child of Vorgansharax. I will
claim my birthright as his chosen heir and successor.
6 I attribute my survival to the work of the divine, and
seek to prove myself worthy of the honor.

d6 Flaw
1 I have been touched with dragon-greed, and have a
lust for wealth which can never be satisfied.
2 I secretly believe others are plotting to harm me.
3 I no longer enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Food is
but ashes and bile in my throat.
4 Anyone who refuses to celebrate my celebrity does
not deserve my company.
5 I am paranoid and overly suspicious of others. Anyone
may be an agent of the Maimed Virulence.
6 Once I make up my mind, I follow my chosen course of
action regardless of the consequences.

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Curse of Strahd Optional Backgrounds 4
Iron Route Bandit d6
Loyalty: Never bite the hand that feeds. (Good)
The Iron Route, once the primary trade route 2 Unpredictability: Keep your enemy guessing
between Phlan and Zhentil Keep, used to be a site of and off-balance like a confused deer. (Chaotic)
extensive banditry until the Phlan’s recent 3 Power: I strive to become leader of the pack at
occupation. Your time as an erstwhile bandit has all costs. (Lawful)
given you plenty of experience in the saddle and a 4 Freedom: I bow to no one I don’t respect.
knack for acquiring and appraising other people’s (Chaotic)
5 Resourcefulness: Our wits are our most
mounts, pets, and vehicles among other things. This
valuable resource in troubled times. (Any)
particular set of skills has become very lucrative for
6 Unity: Lone wolves fail where the pack
you by working for the underground as a horse thief succeeds. (Any)
for a local guild of thieves and other shadowy
organizations. d6 Bond
1 I cannot leave a harmed animal behind; I must
Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Animal Handling
save it or put it out of its misery.
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set, vehicles (land)
2 I leave behind my own personal calling cards
Equipment. A set of dark common clothes, pack saddle,
when I do a job.
burglar’s pack and a belt pouch containing 5 gp.
3 I do not trust people who do not have a pet,
Lifestyle: Poor
mount, or furry companion.
Feature: Black-Market Breeder 4 The pelt I wear on my back was from an animal
that died saving my life, I will always cherish it.
You know how to find people who are always 5 If my pet does not like you, I do not like you!
looking for stolen animals & vehicles, whether to 6 Once you’ve ridden with me and fought by my
provide for animal pit fights, or to supply some side, I’ll be there for you odds be damned.
desperate rogues the means to get away faster on
mounts during an illegal job. This contact not only d6 Flaw
1 I talk to animals; I believe they understand me,
provides you with information of what such animals
even if they do not.
& vehicles are in high demand in the area, but also
2 I growl at and bite anyone who gets too close to
offer to give you favors and information (DM choice)
my food while I am eating.
if you bring such animals & vehicles to them. 3 I strongly dislike enclosed spaces and require
[Note: This is a variant of the Criminal Contact intoxication or firm encouragement to enter
feature.] them.
d8 Personality Trait 4 I robbed the wrong caravan once. The owner is a
1 If people leave their gear unsecured, they must powerful merchant who holds a grudge.
not want it very much. 5 I’m an inveterate gambler.
2 I feel more comfortable sleeping under the open 6 I judge people based on how well they stand
sky. their ground in a fight. I got not time for
3 I always pre-plan my escape should things go cowards…
bad; I always like to have an exit strategy.
4 I tend to give animal owners breeding and care
advice whether or not they want it.
5 I lost a pet as a child and sadly reflect on it to
this day.
6 I always form a powerful, emotional bond with
my mount.
7 I recoil at the thought of killing someone else’s
pet or mount.
8 I prefer to hang to the back of a scuffle or
discussion. Better to have my enemies in front
of me.

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Curse of Strahd Optional Backgrounds 5
Phlan Insurgent Feature: Guerilla
The taking of Phlan by Vorgansharax is a clear You’ve come to know the surrounding forests,
memory in your mind. You were going about your streams, caves, and other natural features in which
everyday business when the green dragon's forces you can take refuge--or set up ambushes. You can
spilled out of the sewers and assailed your home. quickly survey your environment for advantageous
Many of Phlan's citizens, young and old alike, were features. Additionally, you can scavenge around your
captured, killed, or offered as tribute to the Maimed natural surroundings to cobble together simple
Virulence. You, yourself were one of those captured. supplies (such as improvised torches, rope, patches
But, either with the help of adventurers or through of fabric, etc.) that are consumed after use.
your own wits and sheer determination, you [Note: This feature is a variant of the Outlander
escaped. feature.]
Rather than flee the region, you've chosen to stay
and fight. Finding refuge outside the town and the Suggested Characteristics
deadly thicket surrounding it, you strike out against
You have given up the life you knew as a citizen of
the Tears of the Virulence and their monstrous allies.
Phlan. However, the Maimed Virulence’s invasion
You've learned to survive in dire and desperate
resonates deep inside you. Perhaps you have a few
circumstances, with supplies running low and the
friends or family members who were able to escape
arrival of reinforcements uncertain. You've grown
with you. Or, perhaps, everyone you held dear either
accustomed to acting under the cover of night,
perished or went missing during the fall. You may
dealing what blows you can to avenge the friends
know of someone who is, against all odds, surviving
and family you lost within the currently occupied
within the thicket and you long to liberate them
Phlan. You will drive Vorgansharax out, or you die
from a life of peril within the town.
d8 Personality Trait
Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Survival 1 My patience knows no bounds, so long as my goal
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools, vehicles (land) is in sight.
Equipment: A bag of caltrops (20), a small trinket that 2 In life and in struggle, the ends justify my actions.
connects you to the life you once had before the occupation 3 If you aren’t helping me, you’d best at least stay
of Phlan, a healer's kit, a set of dark common clothes that out of my way.
includes a cloak and hood, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp. 4 I long for the life that was taken away from me.
Lifestyle: Poor 5 Friends and family perished, tragically, before my
eyes. I hope never to undergo that again.
Origin 6 Making the right choices in life are important to
Removed from your life as a townsperson, you’ve me. The choices I make might save not just my
life, but the lives of others as well.
adapted to rough life in the wilds surrounding Phlan.
7 I can never allow my foes to get the drop on me.
The trade you practiced still influences your outlook,
8 Time is a precious resource that I must spend
the manner in which you approach situations, and wisely.
the way you contribute to the resistance movement
against the Maimed Virulence. You can roll on the d6 Ideal
following table to determine what your occupation 1 Leadership: The oppressed need someone to
was before the fall, or choose one that best fits your inspire them to courageous acts. (Good)
character (select from either the general column or 2 Unpredictability: Keeping the enemy guessing
the specific column, but not both). and off-balance is my tactical strength. (Chaos)
3 Determination: Threats to my home must be
d8 Origin (General) Origin (Specific) eliminated at all costs. (Any)
1 Fisher Stojanow river worker 4 Freedom: Those who are enslaved and unjustly
2 Hunter Twilight Marsh worker imprisoned deserve my aid. (Good)
3 Craftsperson Mantor’s Library scribe 5 Resourcefulness: Our wits are our most valuable
4 Priest/Priestess Clergy of Ilmater resource in troubled times. (Any)
5 Cook Laughing Goblin server 6 Unity: Working together, we can overcome all
6 City Watch Black Fist guard obstacles, even the most seemingly
7 Servant House Sokol retainer insurmountable ones. (Any)
8 Unskilled laborer Bay of Phlan dockworker

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Curse of Strahd Optional Backgrounds 6
d6 Bond
1 I’ll never let my fellow insurgents down. They are
my only remaining friends.
2 I was separated from a loved one during my
escape from town. I will find them.
3 One of the Tears of the Virulence was a trusted
friend, until the day they betrayed the city. They
will pay harshly for their transgressions.
4 An item I hold close is my last remaining
connection to the family I lost during the fall.
5 The dragon who took my past life away from me
will feel the full extent of my vengeance.
6 The knowledge in Mantor’s Library is an
irreplaceable treasure that must be protected.

d6 Flaw
1 I have no respect for those who flee. I harbor a
deep grudge against the citizens who abandoned
2 Ale is the only way I can escape the desperation
of my circumstances.
3 It doesn’t take much to get me into a fight.
4 Being an insurgent means doing things that aren’t
always ethical. I’m still learning to live with that.
5 My desire to liberate Phlan oftentimes clouds my
judgement, despite my best efforts.
6 I relentlessly despise the Maimed Virulence and
his allies. I’d abandon other goals in order to
strike out at them.

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Curse of Strahd Optional Backgrounds 7
Stojanow Prisoner d6
Loss: I freely give those who offend me what was
"We need to leave, now!” so brutally denied me, death. (Chaos)
2 Dedication: I never betray those who trust me.
Those words still haunt your dreams at night. When (Law)
everyone was fleeing Phlan, you choose to stay. 3 Vengeance: I use any means to get information I
Whether out of an emotional attachment, or pursuit need; I have been well taught. (Evil)
of riches, you made the decision that would affect 4 Redemption: Everyone deserves a second
the rest of your life. chance. (Good)
Food became scarcer for those without 5 Resilience: I can survive any challenge (Any)
connections. You became a beggar and to stay alive 6 Leadership: The best teams are made up of
you bartered information to any interested party those that society has discarded.
with food or gold to spare. You were good at what
you did, and thought you were invincible. That d6 Bond
changed when you were captured by the Tears of 1 I take up arms to help establish a free Phlan.
Virulence, the soldiers of Vorgansharax, the Maimed 2 The horrors of my time in Stojanow haunt my
dreams, only after a day of hard work can I find
Virulence, for selling secrets to those bent on
overthrowing the dragon. They locked you in the
3 I am indebted to those who freed me from
cells of Stojanow Gate. The first weeks you hoped to prison, I will repay this debt.
stay alive. As the weeks turned into months, and the 4 My torturer survived the attack that set me free, I
interrogations continued you began to pray for will find him/her.
death. 5 I will not rest while others suffer fates similar to
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Perception
6 I am searching for a way to heal the scars of
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set, thieves' tools
Stojanow, both physical and emotional.
Equipment: A small knife, a set of common clothes, a trinket
from the life you stayed behind to defend, a belt pouch with
d6 Flaw
10 gp
1 During stressful times, I find myself crying for no
Lifestyle: Poor
Feature: Ex-Convict 2 My nerve endings are shot from the
interrogations; I am numb to all but the harshest
The knowledge gained during your incarceration touch.
lets you gain insight into local guards and jailors. 3 I am incapable of standing up for myself.
You know which will accept bribes, or look the other 4 I folded under the torture, and gave information
way for you. You can also seek shelter for yourself that I promised would be kept secret. My life
would be in jeopardy if others found out.
from authorities with other criminals in the area.
5 Survival is worth more than friendship.
[Note: This feature is a variant of the Courtier
6 The ghosts from my past hinder my actions.
d8 Personality Trait
1 I am a bully; others will suffer as I have.
2 I always say yes even when I mean no; it’s just
3 I aim to misbehave.
4 I go out of my way to frustrate or anger those in
5 I strive to obey the law. I will never again make
the mistake of going against authority.
6 I always plan everything out. The one time I let
others plan things it did not end well for me.
7 I take blame to protect others from pain.
8 I horde information, you never know what may
come in handy.

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Curse of Strahd Optional Backgrounds 8
Ticklebelly Nomad guard or put you in a state of wonder. Was it this
wonder that enticed you into a life of adventuring?
You were born into a nomadic tribe that called the On the other hand, you are fiercely protective of and
Ticklebelly Hills home. You migrated from location dedicated to your tribe. Perhaps it was this
to location, living off the land with your tribe. The dedication that led you to venture out; either of your
tribe would seasonally travel south into the Grass own will or at the behest of your tribe’s leaders.
Sea and the Giant’s Cairn, north into the Dragonspine
d8 Personality Trait
Mountains, and even occasionally east across the
1 I eagerly inject myself into the unknown.
Stojanow River to the borders of the Quivering
2 Villages, towns, and cities do not suit me. I’d
forest. rather be out in the wilderness any day.
In your migrations, your people have come to 3 I accomplish my tasks efficiently, using as few
know the stone giant tribes that populate the Giant’s resources as possible.
Cairn. The dragon cultists came to the hills one 4 It’s difficult for me to remain in one place for
day—magic-users wearing purple and riding horrid long.
beasts, black-clad warriors wearing wicked masks, 5 I loudly brag about my tribe every chance I get.
and even soldiers from the nearby town of Phlan. 6 Having walked among giants, I am fearless in the
Then the dragon called Vorgansharax arrived and face of bigger creatures.
laired in the hills, causing horrid thickets to grow 7 I am quiet and reserved, but observant. Nothing
and animals to act unusually. The cultists began escapes my attention.
raiding nomad camps for victims to offer to the 8 My word is my bond. I see a promise to
wyrm. Eventually, the dragon moved on to attack completion, even if it conflicts with my beliefs.
Phlan, but life was never again the same for the d6 Ideal
nomads of the Ticklebelly Hills. 1 Kinship: Family is most important in life. Though I
may be far from my own, the bonds of family
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Animal Handling
must be protected in others’ lives as well. (Good)
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit
2 Preservation: Nature must not be despoiled by
Languages: Giant
encroaching civilization. (Any)
Equipment: Herbalism kit, a small article of jewelry that is
3 Wanderlust: One must expand their horizons by
distinct to your tribe, a hunting trap, a set of common
seeing the world and exploring. (Chaos)
clothes, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp.
4 Isolation: My tribe and its ways must be
Lifestyle: Poor
protected and shielded from outside influence.
Feature: At Home in the Wild 5
Protection: Threats to the land and to the people
The wilderness is your home and you are must be dealt with at any and all costs. (Law)
comfortable dwelling in it. You can find a place to 6 Belonging: All creatures have a place in the
hide, rest, or recuperate when out in the wild. This world, so I strive to help others find theirs.
place of rest is secure enough to conceal you from (Good)
most natural threats. Threats that are supernatural,
d6 Bond
magical, or are actively seeking you out might do so
1 I ache to return to my tribe and the family I left,
with difficulty depending on the nature of the threat
but cannot until my obligations are fulfilled.
(as determined by the DM). However, this feature 2 The dragon cultists that invaded my homeland
doesn’t shield or conceal you from scrying, mental stole away one of my tribe’s people. I will not
probing, nor from threats that don’t necessarily know rest until I’ve found them.
require the five senses to find you. 3 The dragon’s presence in the hills destroyed
[Note: This feature is a variant of the Folk Hero valuable territory and resulted in deaths within
feature.] my tribe. The creature must pay for what it has
Suggested Characteristics 4 I carry a trinket that spiritually and emotionally
ties me to my people and my home.
Ticklebelly nomads only venture into civilization 5 I discovered a strange relic in the hills during my
when necessary. You are social within your tribe, tribe’s wanderings. I must discover what it is.
with tribes of other nomads, and even with the stone 6 One of the stone giant clans from the Giant’s
giant tribes that populate the Giant’s Cairn. However, Cairn has graced me with a mark of kinship.
other communities tend to either put you on your

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Curse of Strahd Optional Backgrounds 9
d6 Flaw
1 I throw myself and my friends into situations
rarely ever thinking about consequences.
2 Unfamiliar people and surroundings put me on
3 I have absolutely no patience for slowpokes and
those who prove indecisive.
4 My desire to experience new things causes me to
make unsafe choices.
5 I am overly protective of nature, sometimes to
the detriment of my companions and myself.
6 My lack of worldliness often proves my undoing
in social, commercial, and hostile situations.

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Curse of Strahd Optional Backgrounds 10

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