Tensor Flow

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Tensorflow is based on ___________________ Dataflow Graph

Dimension determines the number of coordinates required to locate a specific point.T

A ____________________ has only magnitude but no direction Scalar

What does an edge represent in a data flow graph ? Tensor

Tensorflow is written in __________ C++

Which one of the following would you use to pass data to placeholder during session runtime feed_dict:

How is a vector represented ? List of Numbers

What methodology should I follow to close a tensorflow session automatically in my code ? Use a with
block in the code

which of the following is strictly a one dimensional array vector

A Matrix is known as a 2-dimensional array of numbers arranged in ________________ and

_________________. Rows and Columns

what is a tensor? an n- dimentional array

Scalars are tensors of rank 0 T

Running the tensorflow session is mandatory to run tensorflow graph True

which one of the following you make use of when you want to pass the data from a source during
session runtime placeholder

In TensorFlow a computation runs before the creation of a session. F

Variables should always be initialized before running the session. T

What does a node represent in a data flow graph ? Entity Data Store

Linear regression requires an activation function when calculating the output F

While fitting linear regression model , ______________________ is minimized during training . Loss

____________________ are values that are initially unassigned but get initialized when the session is
invoked. Placeholders

Gradient Descent is an example of Optimizer

The advantage of using a placeholder is when required data can be added during the actual runtime
from any external sources. T

Tensorflow performs necessary uplifting to perform gradient descent optimisation T

Which of the following acts as in memory buffers Variables

When there are multiple dependent variables in a model , what is the model called ? Multi Variate Linear

In tensorflow computation graph the nodes represent mathematical operations True

What are the colour channels that each image is broken down into ? Red Blue and Green

which of the following is used to find dot product of two matrix tf.matmul(mat1,mat2)

Which of the following is minimised when you run tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer().minimize()

learning rate

The independent variable is ___________________ and is used to predict the changes in the dependent

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