Excel2016 Eng

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Objective 1.

Creating and Manage Worksheets and Workbooks

Section 1.1. Create Worksheets and Workbooks
1. Start Excel and then do the following:
− From the Start screen, create a new workbook based on the built-in Blank workbook template.
Save the document in the practice file folder as MyBlank.xlsx.

− In the open workbook, display the New page of the Backstage view.

− Locate the online template for a mortgage refinance calculator. Create a workbook based on
this template. Save the workbook in the practice file folder as MyCalc.docx.

2. Open the Excel_1-1 workbook and do the following:

− Move the Source Data worksheet so it is the last worksheet in the workbook.

− Add a copy of the Source Data worksheet to the open MyBlank workbook as the first
worksheet in the workbook.

− Save the Excel_1-1 and MyBlank workbooks.

Section 1.2. Navigate in Worksheets and Workbooks

Open the Excel_1-2 workbook and do the following:
3. Search the workbook for all instances of the word garden. Confirm that the search returns results
from both worksheets.

4. Search the workbook for text that is formatted with a White font color. Change the font color to
Orange to show that you found it.

5. Display the Product List worksheet and do the following:

a. Move to the first cell that contains a comment.

b. Move to the cell range named berry_bushes.

c. Move to cell F13.

d. Create a hyperlink from cell F13 to the berry_bushes cell range.

e. Move to the cell at the intersection of the last active row and column in the worksheet.

6. Display the Employees worksheet and do the following:

a. In cell C12, enter a hyperlink to the website located at www.adventure-works.com.

b. Edit the hyperlink so that the cell displays Please visit our website instead of the URL.

Section 1.3. Format Worksheets and Workbooks

Open the Excel_1-3 workbook and do the following:
7. Change each of the worksheet tabs to a different color from the theme color palette.
8. Apply the Retrospect theme to the workbook. Verify that the worksheet tab colors change.

9. Change the worksheet names from JanFeb, MarApr, MayJun, JulAug, SepOct, and NovDec to
Period1, Period2, Period3, Period4, Period5, and Period6.

10. Display the Period1 worksheet and do the following:

a. Delete column A (Day) and row 2 (Hour).

b. Configure the worksheet to print at a Landscape orientation. Display the print preview of the
worksheet to verify the settings.

c. Create a header that will print on all the pages of the worksheet. In the left header section,
enter the Current Date property; in the center section, enter the File Name property; and in
the right section, enter the Page Number property.

d. Change the center section of the header to display the name of the worksheet instead of the

11. Display the Period2 worksheet and do the following:

a. Resize columns D:O to fit their content.

b. Check the width of column D, and then set column C to the same width.

Section 1.4. Customize Options and Views for Worksheets and Workbooks
Open the Excel_1-4 workbook
12. Display the Inventory List worksheet, and do the following:
a. Hide column A (the Inventory ID) and row 3 (the data sources)..

b. Add the Calculator button (which is not available on any ribbon tab) to the Quick Access
Toolbar. Make it the leftmost button, and insert a separator between it and the other buttons.

c. Create a Quick Access Toolbar for only the current workbook. Add the Insert Combo
Chart, Insert Picture, and Insert Table buttons (all available on the Insert tab). Then
display the Quick Access Toolbar below the ribbon.

d. Hide the By Product-Customer Filtered worksheet.

13. Display the My Monthly Budget worksheet and do the following:

a. Freeze rows 1 through 9 so that when you scroll the rest of the worksheet, those rows are
always visible.

b. Split the worksheet so that you can display rows 1 through 9 in the top window and scroll the
budget data in the bottom window.

c. Attach the keywords (tags) spending and saving to the workbook.

d. Display the My Monthly Budget worksheet in Page Layout view.

e. Select the Projected Monthly Income section of the worksheet, and zoom in to display only
the selected cells.

Section 1.5. Configure Worksheets and Workbooks for Distribution

14. Open the Excel_1-5b macro-enabled workbook and do the following:
a. Enable macros.

b. Save a copy of the workbook with the file name MOS-Compatible in a file format that can
be viewed and worked on by a colleague who is using Excel 2003. Notice the features that
aren’t compatible with the new file format.

c. Save a copy of the MOS-Compatible workbook with the file name MOS-Template in a file
format that supports macros and can be used as the basis for other similar workbooks in the

15. Open the Excel_1-5a workbook and do the following:

a. On the Sales by Category worksheet, set the print area so that only cells A1:C42 print

b. Configure the page setup options to print the worksheet gridlines

c. Display the print preview of the worksheet to check your settings

Objective 2. Manage Data Cells and Ranges
Section 2.1. Insert Date in Cells and Ranges
Open the Excel_2-1 workbook
16. Complete the following tasks by using the data in cells B4:G9 of the Ad Buy Constraints
a. Paste only the values and formatting into the range beginning at B18.

b. Paste only the formulas into the range beginning at B25.

c. Paste only the formatting (but not the content) into the range beginning at B32.

d. Delete rows to move the headings to row 1.

e. Delete columns to move the Magazine column to column A.

f. Cut the data from the Mag3 row (B4:F4) and insert it into the Mag2 row (B3:F3).

g. Move the Cost Per Ad data to the left of the Total Cost cells.

h. Insert two blank cells in positions B8:B9, shifting any existing data down.

i. Transpose the names in the Magazine column (cells A1:A6) to the first row of a new

17. On the Price List worksheet, do the following:

a. Using the fill handle, fill cells A2:A21 with Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, and so on through Item

b. Fill cells B2:B21 with 10, 20, 30, and so on through 200.

c. Fill cells C2:C21 with $3.00, $2.95, $2.90, and so on through $2.05.

d. Copy the background and font formatting from cell A1 to cells A2:A21. Then delete the
content of cell A1 (but not the cell).

Section 2.2. Format Cells and Ranges

Open the Excel_2-2 workbook
18. Display the Employees worksheet, merge cells A13:C14 so that the hyperlink is centered in a
double height cell across the three columns.

19. On the Expense Statement worksheet, do the following:

a. Select the entire worksheet and turn on text wrapping.

b. Turn off text wrapping in only rows 4, 5, and 9.

c. Right-align the entries in column A.

d. Bottom-align the headings in row 9.

e. Apply the Angle Counterclockwise orientation to the headings in row 9.

f. Format cell K10 to display its contents as currency with a US dollar symbol and no decimal
places. Then apply the same formatting to cells K11: K23.

g. Apply the 20% - Accent2 cell style to cells A9:K9.

Section 2.3. Summarize and Organize Data

Open the Excel_2-3 workbook
20. On the Order Details worksheet, use conditional formatting to do the following to all the values
in the Extended Price column:
a. Apply the 3 Arrows (Colored) icon set. (Keep the default settings.)

b. Add blue data bars to the column. (Keep the default settings.)

c. Fill all cells in the column that contain values of greater than $100 with bright yellow.

21. On the JanFeb worksheet, do the following:
a. Insert a row below the times. In that row, summarize the data for each hour by using a
Column Sparkline.

b. Apply the Colorful #4 Sparkline style.

c. Accentuate the First Point and Last Point data markers.

22. On the MarApr worksheet, do the following:

a. In column P, summarize the data for each day of March by using a Line Sparkline.

b. Apply the Sparkline Style Accent 6, Darker 25% style.

c. Display all the data markers without placing emphasis on any specific type of data marker.

23. On the Sales By Region worksheet, do the following:

a. Create subtotals of sales amounts first by period and then by region.

b. Find the average sales by period and then by region.

Objective 3. Create Tables
Section 3.1. Create and Manage Tables
Open the Excel_3-1 workbook
24. On the Sales worksheet, do the following:
a. Convert the data range A2:M23 to a table that includes a header row and uses the default
table style.

b. Assign the name Toys2016 to the table.

c. Move the July column so that it is between the June and August columns.

d. Move the Linda, Max, and Nancy rows at one time so that they are between the Kay and
Olivia rows.

e. Add a row to the table for a salesperson named Raina, between the Quentin and Steve rows.

f. Add a row to the end of the table for a salesperson named William.

g. Add a column named Dec to the right end of the table.

h. Delete column M from the table.

Section 3.2. Manage Table Styles and Options
Open the Excel_3-2 workbook
25. On the Sales worksheet, do the following:
a. Change the table style to Table Style Medium 19.

b. Configure the table style options to format alternating rows with different fill colors.

c. Configure the table style options to emphasize the first and last columns of the table. d. Add
a total row to the table.

e. Change the row name from Total to Average.

f. Modify the cells in the row to calculate the average sales for each month and for the year.

26. On the Bonuses worksheet, remove the formatting from the table.

Section 3.3. Filter and Sort a Table

Open the Excel_3-3 workbook,
27. Display the Bonuses worksheet, apply a filter to display only the bonuses that were less than

28. Display the Products worksheet and do the following:

a. Sort the data in ascending order by category and, within each category, by unit price.

b. Sort the data in descending order by category and, within each category, alphabetically by
product name.

c. Remove duplicates so that there is only one entry for each supplier.

Objective 4. Perform Operations with Formulas and Functions
Section 4.1. Summarize Data by using Functions
29. Open the Excel_4-1a on the Multiplication Table worksheet, create a formula in cells B2:T20
to complete the multiplication table of the numbers 1 through 20.

30. Open the Excel_4-1b on the Summary worksheet, display the total sales for each period in cells
B2:B5 by referencing the corresponding worksheets.

31. Open the Excel_4-1c workbook, display the Seasonal worksheet, and do the following:
a. In cell B18, create a formula that returns the number of non-empty cells in the Period range.

b. In cell C18, create a formula that returns the average value in the Sales range.

c. In cell D5, create a formula that returns the lowest Sales value for the Fall period.

32. On the Sales By Category worksheet, do the following:

a. In cells C95, C101, and C104, calculate the sales total for each category by using a relative
cell range reference.

b. In cell C86, calculate the Cacti sales total, using an absolute cell range reference.

33. On the Sales By Region worksheet, create formulas to do the following:

a. Create subtotals of sales amounts by Region.

b. Find the average sales by Region.

c. Find the maximum by Region.

Section 4.2. Perform Conditional Operations by using Functions

Open the Excel_4-2 workbook.
34. On the Expense Statement worksheet, do the following:
a. Select cell C25 and review the formula, which uses the AND function to determine whether
the Entertainment total is less than $200.00 and the Misc. total is less than $100.00.

b. Select cell C26 and review the formula, which uses the OR function to determine whether
the Entertainment total is more than $200.00 or the Misc. total is more than $100.00.

c. In cell C27, use the IF function to display the text “Expenses are okay” if C25 evaluates to
TRUE and “Expenses are too high” if C25 evaluates to FALSE.

d. In cell C28, use the IF function to display the text “Expenses are okay” if C26 evaluates to
NOT TRUE and “Expenses are too high” if C26 evaluates to NOT FALSE.

e. To check your work, increase the Entertainment expenses by entering 100 in cell H13.

f. In cell G28, use the COUNTIF function to return the number of cells in the range D10:I19
that contain values greater than zero.

Section 4.3. Format and Modify Text by using Functions

Open the Excel_4-3 workbook.
35. Display the Book List worksheet, and do the following:
a. In the File By column, create a function that inserts the first letter of the author’s last name.

b. In the Locator column, create a function that insert the author’s area code (the first three digits
of the phone number).

c. In the Biography column, use the CONCATENATE() function to insert text in the form Joan
Lambert is the author of Microsoft Word 2016 Step by Step, which was published by
Microsoft Press in 2016. (Including the period).

Objective 5. Create Charts and Objects
Section 5.1. Create Charts
Open the Excel_5-1 workbook and do the following:
36. Plot the data on the Seattle worksheet as a 2-D Pie chart on that worksheet.

37. Plot the data on the Sales worksheet as a simple two-dimensional column chart.

38. On the Fall Sales worksheet, do the following:

a. Switch the rows and columns of the chart.

b. Change the October sales amount for the Flowers category to 888.25 and ensure that the chart
reflects the change.

c. Expand the data range plotted by the chart to include November, so that you can compare
sales for the two months.

Section 5.2. Format Charts

Open the Excel_5-2 workbook,
39. Display the Sales worksheet, and do the following:
a. Change the pie chart to a 3-D Clustered Column chart.

b. Apply Layout 1, Style 7 to the chart.

c. Apply the Subtle Effect – Olive Green, Accent 3 shape style.

d. Increase the size of the chart until it occupies cells A1:L23.

e. Move the chart to a new chart sheet named Sales Chart.

40. On the Seattle worksheet, do the following:

a. Add the title Air Quality Index Report to the chart.

b. Add data labels that show the percentage of the whole that is represented by each data marker.

Section 5.3. Insert and Format Objects.

Open the Excel_5-3a workbook,
41. Display the Summary sheet, and do the following:
a. Insert the Excel_5-3b logo in the upper-left corner of the sheet.

b. Insert a text box on the sheet. Configure the text box to be three inches wide and three inches
high, and align it below the heading “Our Prediction.”

c. Insert the content of the Excel_5-3c text file into the text box. Format the text in 20-point
orange Candara font, and center it in the text box.

d. Add alternative text to the logo, using the title Company logo and the description Cartoon
image of a person wearing an airplane costume.


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