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Case Number: 2024-CA-0209

ALPHABET INC., a Foreign Profit Corporation,

GOOGLE LLC, a Foreign Limited Liability Company,
Profit Corporation,
Limited Liability Company,



Plaintiff pro se Neil J. Gillespie, a nonlawyer, pursuant to Rule 1.420(a)(1) gives notice

of voluntary dismissal without prejudice, and states:

1. The Plaintiff hereby gives notice of voluntary dismissal without prejudice. Fla. R. Civ. P.

1.420(a)(1) permits a plaintiff to voluntarily dismiss an action without order of court before trial

by serving, or during trial by stating on the record, a notice of dismissal at any time before a

hearing on motion for summary judgment, or if none is served or if the motion is denied, before

retirement of the jury in a case tried before a jury or before submission of a nonjury case to the

court for decision.

2. On April 8, 2024 the Plaintiff, pursuant to Rule 1.190(a) and (c), filed his First Amended

Complaint, Filing # 195700282 E-Filed 04/08/2024 02:18:51 PM. The complaint alleged at

paragraph 15: “The Court and Clerk have deprived the Plaintiff of his civil rights, and did so in

support of, or in combination with, the Defendants, in violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1983”.

Plaintiff’s Notice of Voluntary Dismissal

3. The Plaintiff’s First Amended Complaint alleged at Paragraph 13: “The failure of the

Clerk to remand this case as ordered by the U.S. district court violates the Plaintiff’s speech and

redress rights under the FIRST AMENDMENT, U.S. Constitution”.

4. The Plaintiff’s First Amended Complaint alleged at Paragraph 14: “The failure of the

Court to act under sec. 78.065(1) or sec. 78.065(2), or any other basis violated the Plaintiff’s

speech redress rights under the FIRST AMENDMENT, U.S. Constitution.”

5. After the Plaintiff filed his First Amended Complaint on April 8, 2024 at 02:18:51 PM he

got an email an hour and ten minutes later at 3:28 PM from Rob Davis, General Counsel to Clerk

Gregory C. Harrell, stating: "It does not yet appear that we have received any such mailing from

the federal court". The email of Mr. Davis is belied by his response to the Plaintiff’s public

record request on April 5, 2024 for a “copy of the mailing envelope and cover letter (if any)

received from the USDC, MDFL, Ocala Division for remanded case 2024-CA-209”.

6. The Plaintiff made a public record request to Gregory C. Harrell, Marion County Clerk of

Court and Comptroller on April 5, 2024 at 9:18 AM: (Exhibit A)

Mr. Harrell:

Please provide a copy of the mailing envelope and cover letter (if any) received from the
USDC, MDFL, Ocala Division for remanded case 2024-CA-209.

Public Records Request, Art. I, Sec. 24a, Fla. Const. All public records requests shall be
acknowledged promptly and in good faith, F.S. § 119.07(1)(c)
Thank you.
Neil J. Gillespie

7. The Plaintiff got an email response from Mr. Davis on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 2:18

AM that stated: “Thank you for your email. I wanted to acknowledge receipt and let you know

that we would provide a substantive response in the near future.” (Exhibit A). Under the public

records law, if the Clerk did not have the record, he should have disclosed that fact. The Clerk’s

Plaintiff’s Notice of Voluntary Dismissal

failure to disclose that he did not have the record in which to provide a copy calls into question

the veracity of the Marion County Clerk’s Office.

8. This morning April 10, 2024 at 6:41 AM the Plaintiff emailed Clerk Harrell: (Exhibit B)

Mr. Harrell:
Good morning. In response to Mr. Davis, yesterday I visited the federal court.

On April 9, 2024 personnel at the Ocala Division of the U.S. District Court told me the
Order of March 26, 2024 remanding case 5:24-cv-101 to the "Circuit Court of the Fifth
Judicial Circuit in and for Marion County Florida" was mailed on March 26, 2024 to the
Marion County Clerk. The Order alone was placed in an envelope with the District
Court’s postage meter imprint for first class mail to the Marion County Clerk. After a
brief discussion with the person at the Ocala Division, she told me the Order would be
mailed again on April 9, 2024.

Thank you.
Neil J. Gillespie

9. This morning April 10, 2024 at 8:50 AM the Plaintiff emailed Mr. Davis: (Exhibit C)

Hello Mr. Davis,

Unfortunately I cannot open the file you provided. However I have your second response
to my records request of April-05-2024, your email sent Monday, April 8, 2024 at 03:28
PM EDT, see the attached PDF. I also note your email of April 8, 2024 shows it was sent
at 03:28 PM EDT, which is about 1 hour and 10 minutes after I E-Filed my First
Amended Complaint at 02:18:51 PM, see Filing # 195700282 E-Filed 04/08/2024
02:18:51 PM.

Seems to me you could have told me in your email sent Saturday Apr-06-2024 at 2:18
AM that "It does not yet appear that we have received any such mailing from the federal
court". I appreciate your dedication, sending email at 2:18 AM on a Saturday morning. I
did not know Mr. Harrell was such a taskmaster. However, you should try and get more

Neil J. Gillespie

10. The Plaintiff’s Complaint for Replevin, and First Amended Complaint, each note the

Plaintiff’s conflict with the State Attorney’s Office, see:

Plaintiff’s Notice of Voluntary Dismissal


OFFICE, Filing # 184402021 E-Filed 10/20/2023 09:25:51 AM

11. The Plaintiff has a conflict with the Court, the Clerk and the SAO.

12. The Plaintiff’s First Amended Complaint, Paragraph 58, states:

58. On March 13, 2024 the Plaintiff provided evidence by email to Mr. Whitaker et al of
new claims: (Exhibit 2)

Mr. Whitaker,
Please take notice (second) of new claims in 5:24-cv-00101

On August 18,2014 I created the Dissolve The Florida Bar blog, DissolveTFB.blogspot with my Google Account [email protected]

My only post was made August 18, 2014, Subversive Organization: The Florida Bar

"Section 876.05 of the Florida Statutes requires all employees of the state to take a
loyalty oath to "support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida."
However The Florida Bar recently disclosed it does not have section 876.05 loyalty oaths
for its employees. Therefore, on information and personal belief, The Florida Bar is a
"subversive organization" within the meaning of Chapter 876, Florida Statutes, Criminal
Anarchy, Treason, and Other Crimes Against Public Order, and "shall be dissolved" as
provided by section 876.26, Fla.Stat.. .."

The Blogger profile for my Google Account [email protected]

Unfortunately I cannot log into my Google Account "[email protected]" using the

correct email address, and the correct password, because "Google doesn't have enough
info to be sure this account is yours." (Exhibit 3)

Google sent me a verification code to my Google recovery email

"[email protected]", but lnbox sent me a message stating "Your account does not
exist anymore. We are sorry, but your account has been canceled due to inactivity".

My blog post is accompanied by the following Scribd PDFs

9 Flalur2d Civil Servants, Sec. 111 Loyalty Oath
CONNELL v. HIGGINBOTHAM ET AL. 403 U.S. 207 (1971)
Florida Bar 2012 Hawkins Commi.ssion FULL REPORT, Review of Discipline System
Florida Bar 2012 Hawkins Commission Report, Survey Results Federal Judges
Florida Bar 2012 Hawkins Commission Report, Survey Results State Judges
Florida Bar 2012 Hawkins Commission Report, page 24 (102), State Judge Response
For some reason Google is the only company that has continued to block access to my

Plaintiff’s Notice of Voluntary Dismissal

online accounts, which happen to criticize the government, specifically the judicial

Clearly the Google security protocols in place are ineffective, making Google products
such as Blogger, Gmail, and YouTube, defective. Attached you will find PDF evidence
of the defective Blogger product.

It appears the Plaintiff has a conflict with The Florida Bar, a Subversive Organization (s.

876.26), and all its 100,000+ members, including the Court, the Clerk, the SAO, Defense

Counsel, and likely most if not all the federal judges in Florida.

13. The Plaintiff’s First Amended Complaint raises issues beyond the jurisdiction of the

Florida Courts, including speech and redress under the First Amendment, privacy under the

Fourth Amendment, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (15 USC 103), Civil RICO 18 U.S.C. ch. 96 as

18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968, and the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

14. The Plaintiff is willing to discuss an out-of-court settlement with the Defendants, which

has been his position from the outset.


NEIL J. GILLESPIE, Plaintiff pro se

2801 SW College Rd., STE 3
Ocala, FL 34474
Tel: 352-239-9037 (wireless)
Tel: 352-581-2600 (land-line)
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] (Florida Portal E-Service)


I hereby certify the Plaintiff’s Notice of Voluntary Dismissal was served April 10, 2024

on the Florida Portal to the names shown below:

Department of State Agency Clerk Jenna McLanahan

Email: [email protected]

Plaintiff’s Notice of Voluntary Dismissal

Damon J. Whitaker, [email protected]

Ezequiel Romero, [email protected]
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP (Alphabet Inc. and Google LLC)

Benjamin Margo, [email protected]

Avishai Don, [email protected]
Wilson Sonsini (Alphabet Inc. and Google LLC)

Armando P. Rubio, Esq., [email protected],

John P. Golden, Esq., [email protected]
Fields Howell LLP, [email protected]
(the Verizon/Tracfone Defendants)

Brett B. Goodman, Esq. at [email protected] (not of record)

(the Verizon/Tracfone Defendants)

Neil J. Gillespie

RE: Public Records Request, Gillespie v. Alphabet et ai, 2024·CA·209

From: Rob Davis ([email protected])

To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Date: Monday, April 8, 2024 at 03:28 PM EDT

Mr. Gillespie,

It does not yet appear that we have received any such mailing from the
federal court.

Thank you,


.~ ~ ~ ~
Rob Davis
General Counsel, Administration
.. ,352.671.57041 [email protected]
W . Office of Gregory C. Harrell
Marion County Clerk of Court and Comptroller
"w PO Box 1030, Ocala FL 34478·1030
"Here to serve and protect the public trust" A

From: Neil J. Gillespie <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, April 05, 20249:18 AM
To: Greg Harrell <[email protected]>; Rob Davis <[email protected]>; Neil
J. Gillespie <[email protected]>; Neil Gillespie <[email protected]>
Subject: Public Records Request, Gillespie v. Alphabet et ai, 2024·CA·209

Gregory C. Harrell
Marion County Clerk of Court and Comptroller Note: This Exhibit A was scanned to remove
a corrupted font causing a "bad BBox" that is
present in the document filed in the case.
Rob Davis, General Counsel
Ro bert DecDIll ari 0 nco UI1t Xc]erk. 0 rg
RE: Public Records Request, Gillespie v. Alphabet et aI, 2024­

Mr. Harrell:

Please provide a copy of the lnailing envelope and cover letter (if
any) received from the USDC, MDFL, Ocala Division for
renlanded case 2024-CA-209.

Public Records Request, Art. I, Sec. 24a, Fla. Const. All public
records requests shall be acknowledged prolnptly and in good faith,
F.S. § 119.07(1)(c)

Thank you.

Neil J. Gillespie
Justice Network
2801 SW College Rd, STE 3
Ocala, FL 34474
Tel: 352-581-2600 (land line)
Tel: 352-239-9037 (wireless)
Elnail: Ne114.J ll~tlce~y'dhoo.conl
Elnai I: celticci n({lJyahoo.coln
(F lorida Portal E-Service)
Re: Remand, Gillespie v. Alphabet et ai, 2024·CA·209

From: Neil J. Gillespie ([email protected])

To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; damon,[email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];[email protected];
[email protected]
Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 06:41 AM EDT

Gregory C. Harrell
Marion County Clerk of Court and Comptroller
[email protected]

Rob Davis, General Counsel Note: This Exhibit B was scanned to

[email protected] remove a corrupted font that makes the
document filed in the case unreadable.

RE: Gillespie v. Alphabet et al.

Case no. 2024-CA-209, Marion County Circuit Civil Court
Case no. 5:24-cv-101, USDC, MDFL, Ocala Div.

Mr. Harrell:

Good morning. In response to Mr. Davis, yesterday I visited the ~

federal court. ~

On April 9, 2024 personnel at the Ocala Division of the U.S. District

Court told me the Order of March 26, 2024 remanding case 5:24­
cv-101 to the "Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit in and for
Marion County Florida" was mai led on March 26, 2024 to the
Marion County Clerk. The Order alone was placed in an envelope
with the District Court's postage meter imprint for first class mail to
the Marion County Clerk. After a brief discussion with the person at
the Ocala Division, she told me the Order would be mailed again on
April 9,2024.

Thank you.

Neil J. Gillespie
Justice Network
2801 SW College Rd, STE 3
Ocala, FL 34474
Tel: 352-581-2600 (land line)
Tel: 352-239-9037 (wireless)
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
(Florida Portal E-Service)

Department of State Agency Clerk Jenna McLanahan

Email: [email protected]

Darnon J. Whitaker, Esq., [email protected]

Ezequiel Romero, Esq., [email protected]
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP (Alphabet Inc. and Google LLC)

Avishai Don, Esq., [email protected]

Benjamin Margo, Esq., [email protected]
Wilson Sonsini (Alphabet Inc. and Google LLC)

Armando P. Rubio, Esq., [email protected],

John P. Golden, Esq.,[email protected]
Fields Howell LLP, [email protected]
(the Verizon/Tracfone Defendants)
Brett B. Goodman, Esq. at [email protected] (not of
(the Verizon/Tracfone Defendants)

On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 03:25:36 PM EDT, Rob Davis <[email protected]> wrote:

Good afternoon Mr. Gillespie,

As of today, it does not appear that we have received a copy of the

order remanding 24CA209. When we receive it from the federal
court, we will docket it in due course.

Second, as to your question regarding your March 27, 2024 email, you
will need to address any such matters with the Court. We will be
happy to review any resulting orders and consider our rights and
obligations related to this particular matter at that time.

Thank you,


Rob Davis
~r--I--.\~, General Counsel,
.~ ~ ~ ~ • Administration
. 352-671-57041
- [email protected]
redlineOffice of Gregory C.
Marion County Clerk of Court
and Comptroller
PO Box 1030, Ocala FL
352-671-5604 I
..Here to serve and protect the
public trust"

From: Neil J. Gillespie <celticein@yahoo,com>

Sent: Friday, April 05, 2024 9:00 AM
To: Greg Harrell <[email protected]>; Rob Davis <[email protected]>; Neil
J. Gillespie <[email protected]>; Neil Gillespie <[email protected]>
Subject: Remand, Gillespie v. Alphabet et ai, 2024-CA-209

Gregory C. Harrell
Marion County Clerk of Court and Comptroller
[email protected]

Rob Davis, Genera I Counsel

Robert 0 Cf~) rna

RE: Remand, Gillespie v. Alphabet et ai, 2024-CA-209

Mr. Harrell:

Have you received the remanded case cited above from the USDC,
MDFL, Ocala Division? When can I expect to see case 2024­
CA-209 reopened?

As of today I do not show a response to my email of March 27,

2024. Do you plan to respond?

Nei I J. Gillespie
Justice Network
2801 SW College Rd, STE 3
Ocala, FL 34474
Tel: 352-581-2600 (land line)
Tel: 352-239-9037 (wireless)
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
(Florida Portal E-Service)
Re: Public Records Request, Gillespie v. Alphabet et al, 2024-CA-209

From: Neil J. Gillespie ([email protected])

To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 08:50 AM EDT

Gregory C. Harrell
Marion County Clerk of Court and Comptroller
[email protected]

Rob Davis, General Counsel

[email protected]

Hello Mr. Davis,

Unfortunately I cannot open the file you provided. However I have

your second response to my records request of April-05-2024, your
email sent Monday, April 8, 2024 at 03:28 PM EDT, see the attached
PDF. I also note your email of April 8, 2024 shows it was sent at
03:28 PM EDT, which is about 1 hour and 10 minutes after I E-Filed
my First Amended Complaint at 02:18:51 PM, see Filing #
195700282 E-Filed 04/08/2024 02:18:51 PM.

Seems to me you could have told me in your email sent Saturday

Apr-06-2024 at 2:18 AM that "It does not yet appear that we have
received any such mailing from the federal court". I appreciate your
dedication, sending email at 2:18 AM on a Saturday morning. I did
not know Mr. Harrell was such a taskmaster. However, you should try
and get more sleep.

Neil J. Gillespie
Justice Network
2801 SW College Rd, STE 3
Ocala, FL 34474
Tel: 352-581-2600 (land line)
Tel: 352-239-9037 (wireless)
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
(Florida Portal E-Service)

Department of State Agency Clerk Jenna McLanahan

Email: [email protected]

Damon J. Whitaker, Esq., [email protected]

Ezequiel Romero, Esq., [email protected]
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP (Alphabet Inc. and Google LLC)

Avishai Don, Esq., [email protected]

Benjamin Margo, Esq., [email protected]
Wilson Sonsini (Alphabet Inc. and Google LLC)

Armando P. Rubio, Esq., [email protected],

John P. Golden, Esq., [email protected]
Fields Howell LLP, [email protected]
(the Verizon/Tracfone Defendants)
Brett B. Goodman, Esq. at [email protected] (not of
(the Verizon/Tracfone Defendants)

On Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 08:16:37 AM EDT, Rob Davis <[email protected]> wrote:
Good morning Mr. Gillespie,

Thank you for your email and for the update. I have attached my
April 8, 2024 response to your public records request.

Take care,

Rob Davis

Rob Davis
General Counsel,
352-671-5704 |
[email protected]
redlineOffice of Gregory C.
Marion County Clerk of Court
and Comptroller
PO Box 1030, Ocala FL
352-671-5604 |
"Here to serve and protect the
public trust"

From: Neil J. Gillespie <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 6:53 AM
To: Greg Harrell <[email protected]>; Neil Gillespie <[email protected]>; Rob
Davis <[email protected]>; Neil J. Gillespie <[email protected]>
Cc: Avishai Don <[email protected]>; Benjamin Margo <[email protected]>; Damon Whitaker
<[email protected]>; Ezequiel Romero <[email protected]>; Brett Goodman
<[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Re: Public Records Request, Gillespie v. Alphabet et al, 2024-CA-209
Gregory C. Harrell
Marion County Clerk of Court and Comptroller
[email protected]

Rob Davis, General Counsel

[email protected]

RE: Public Records Request, Gillespie v. Alphabet et al.

Case no. 2024-CA-209, Marion County Circuit Civil Court
Case no. 5:24-cv-101, USDC, MDFL, Ocala Div.

Mr. Harrell:

Good morning. The response of Mr. Davis on April 6, 2024 to my

public records request failed to say that your office had not yet
received the Order of March 26, 2024 remanding case 5:24-cv-101
to the "Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit in and for Marion
County Florida".

On April 9, 2024 personnel at the Ocala Division of the U.S.

District Court told me the Order of March 26, 2024 remanding case
5:24-cv-101 to the "Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit in and
for Marion County Florida" was mailed on March 26, 2024 to the
Marion County Clerk. The Order alone was placed in an envelope
with the District Court’s postage meter imprint for first class mail to
the Marion County Clerk. After a brief discussion the person at
Ocala Division, she told me the Order would be mailed again on
April 9, 2024.

Thank you.

Neil J. Gillespie
Justice Network
2801 SW College Rd, STE 3
Ocala, FL 34474
Tel: 352-581-2600 (land line)
Tel: 352-239-9037 (wireless)
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
(Florida Portal E-Service)

Department of State Agency Clerk Jenna McLanahan

Email: [email protected]

Damon J. Whitaker, Esq., [email protected]

Ezequiel Romero, Esq., [email protected]
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP (Alphabet Inc. and Google LLC)

Avishai Don, Esq., [email protected]

Benjamin Margo, Esq., [email protected]
Wilson Sonsini (Alphabet Inc. and Google LLC)

Armando P. Rubio, Esq., [email protected],

John P. Golden, Esq., [email protected]
Fields Howell LLP, [email protected]
(the Verizon/Tracfone Defendants)
Brett B. Goodman, Esq. at [email protected] (not of
(the Verizon/Tracfone Defendants)

On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 02:18:24 AM EDT, Rob Davis <[email protected]> wrote:

Good afternoon, Mr. Gillespie.

Thank you for your email. I wanted to acknowledge receipt and

let you know that we would provide a substantive response in
the near future.

Thank you,

Rob Davis
General Counsel, Administration
352-671-5704 | [email protected]

Office of Gregory C. Harrell

Marion County Clerk of Court and Comptroller
PO Box 1030, Ocala FL 34478-1030
352-671-5604 |
"Here to serve and protect the public trust

From: Neil J. Gillespie <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 9:18:20 AM
To: Greg Harrell <[email protected]>; Rob Davis <[email protected]>; Neil
J. Gillespie <[email protected]>; Neil Gillespie <[email protected]>
Subject: Public Records Request, Gillespie v. Alphabet et al, 2024-CA-209

Gregory C. Harrell
Marion County Clerk of Court and Comptroller
[email protected]

Rob Davis, General Counsel

[email protected]

RE: Public Records Request, Gillespie v. Alphabet et al, 2024-

Mr. Harrell:

Please provide a copy of the mailing envelope and cover letter (if
any) received from the USDC, MDFL, Ocala Division for
remanded case 2024-CA-209.

Public Records Request, Art. I, Sec. 24a, Fla. Const. All public
records requests shall be acknowledged promptly and in good faith,
F.S. § 119.07(1)(c)

Thank you.

Neil J. Gillespie
Justice Network
2801 SW College Rd, STE 3
Ocala, FL 34474
Tel: 352-581-2600 (land line)
Tel: 352-239-9037 (wireless)
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
(Florida Portal E-Service)
Mr. Gillespie,

It does not yet appear that we have received any such mailing from
the federal court.

Thank you,

Rob Davis
General Counsel,
352-671-5704 |
[email protected]
redlineOffice of Gregory C.
Marion County Clerk of Court
and Comptroller
PO Box 1030, Ocala FL
352-671-5604 |
"Here to serve and protect the
public trust"

From: Neil J. Gillespie <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, April 05, 2024 9:18 AM
To: Greg Harrell <[email protected]>; Rob Davis <[email protected]>; Neil
J. Gillespie <[email protected]>; Neil Gillespie <[email protected]>
Subject: Public Records Request, Gillespie v. Alphabet et al, 2024-CA-209

Gregory C. Harrell
Marion County Clerk of Court and Comptroller
[email protected]

Rob Davis, General Counsel

[email protected]

RE: Public Records Request, Gillespie v. Alphabet et al, 2024-

Mr. Harrell:

Please provide a copy of the mailing envelope and cover letter (if
any) received from the USDC, MDFL, Ocala Division for
remanded case 2024-CA-209.

Public Records Request, Art. I, Sec. 24a, Fla. Const. All public
records requests shall be acknowledged promptly and in good faith,
F.S. § 119.07(1)(c)

Thank you.

Neil J. Gillespie
Justice Network
2801 SW College Rd, STE 3
Ocala, FL 34474
Tel: 352-581-2600 (land line)
Tel: 352-239-9037 (wireless)
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
(Florida Portal E-Service)

Yahoo Mail - RE Public Records Request, Gillespie v. Alphabet et al, 2024-CA-209.pdf


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