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Course : AW101 Occupational Safety and Health Duration: 15 weeks Credit: 1 Pre-Requisites: None

1. Understand basic OSH in workplace 2. Essential employees to practice safety & health environment, which less hazards 3. Understanding regulation, OSH management, accident prevention and occupational First-Aid methods

Introduction to OSH- Concept, history OSH, basic understanding on safety & accident LECTURE 1, TUTORIAL 1 OSH Legislation Intro to acts, regulations & agencies related to OSH LECTURE 2 & 3, TUTORIAL 2 & 3 OSH Management Emphasizes student concept of safety & management responsibility regarding safety & health matters at workplace LECTURE 4 & 5, TUTORIAL 4 & 5 Workplace Environment & Ergonomics Intro concept ergonomics towards developing awareness among student safe & healthy working environment LECTURE 6, 7 & 8, TUTORIAL 6 & 7 Incidents Prevention Explains concept of incident & comparison between incident and accident


Hazards Identifications, Risk Assessment, & Risk Control (HIRARC) Introduce basic understanding of HIRARC as accident & incident prevention tools LECTURE 9 & 12, TUTORIAL 9, 10 & 11 Occupational First Aid Explain basic first aid treatment at workplace & equipment needed for that purpose LECTURE 13, 14 & 15, TUTORIAL 12, 13, 14 & 14

1. QUIZ 4 quizzes


2. TEST - 2 tests


3. ASSESSMENT Reflective Journal Case Study Presentation

Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The concepts of occupational safety and health The history of occupational safety and health The importance of safety in the workplace The major safety terminologies Types of accident

1. Philosophy of occupational safety and health was first introduced by the Robens Committee in the UK: to ensure the responsibility safety and health liaise with those who create risks and those who work with these risks. 2. At July 1972, the committee had proposed to changes the legislation and administration relating to the safety and health in Report of the Committee on Safety and Health at Work

Politeknik Muadzam Shah

1.OSH is a cross- disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment

2.The goal of OSH is to provide a safe work environment at the workplace.

3.It may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities, and other members of the public who are impacted by the workplace environment

Occupational safety & health aim: Promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; Prevention amongst workers of departures from health caused by their working conditions Protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health

At 5th century BC Health history was started. Hippocrates had found the health effects experienced by workers who conduct lead exposure

get a risk
At 1st century Roman Phily the Elder ,reported the workers who produce the mercury should wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust

during the process.

In the 15th century hazard of lead, mercury and dust mining concern and efforts to reduce the effects of exposure have been conducted.
Harry McShane, age 16, 1908. Pulled into machinery in a factory in Cincinnati. His arm was ripped off at the shoulder and his leg broken. No compensation paid.

18th century AD, the Italian physician Ramazzini known as a father of Occupational Medicine, his produce book discusses about the effects of exposure to metals, dust and chemicals. Issues related to safety and health in the workplace has become a major problem since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. But, production of safety regulations at the time was focused on controlling the hazards in industrial only, not to other sectors such as transportation, forestry and agriculture. Only a few decades ago, occupational safety and health was first introduced and it responsibility on employers and employees.

Can reduce the cost of clinical services panel, treatment after the accident, reducing the risk of legal claims and to motivate employees to increase firm level productivity Focus on health and safety conditions for them to work in a safe and secure situation. To increase the satisfaction and produce quality of work.


The condition of being safe or freedom from harm and injury For occupational study, its defined as a measure of the acceptability of risk Simplified : injury-causing situation

A state of complete physical, mental and social well being and is not simply the absence of illness or disease WHO For occupational area, its refers to an attempts to maximize the individual capacity to live happily and productively Simplified : disease-causing

Road traffic accident Slip & trip Accident at work Medical negligence Public liability Sport injury Abraded, scratched, or punctured : an injury such as hitting the face when falling Contact with an energy : mechanical, kinetic, electrical, chemical, thermal, gravity or radiation


Occupational Safety & Health

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