2023 Progress on Additional Sustainability Key Performance Indicators¹

In addition to the progress made against our priority goals, we track and report on the following key performance indicators of our sustainability efforts.

Energy Intensity²


2023 Renewable Energy Source %

Carbon Intensity³


2023 Carbon Emissions %

Water Intensity⁴


2023 Water Uses %

Waste Intensity⁵


2023 Waste Disposition by Type %

Hazardous Waste Intensity


2023 Waste Generation by Class %

External Certifications⁶

2023 Total Recordable Rate⁷


2023 Lost Time Rate⁸


Safety Data

Total recordable injury/illness¹447573
Lost time injury/illness¹138195
Lost days due injury/illness¹5,0755,282
Work hours in millions¹121.2134.3
Total Recordable Rate0.740.85
Lost Time Rate0.230.29


1. In 2023, we established 2022 as the baseline year for our new emissions reduction targets due to the Company’s ongoing business transformation. During 2024, the Company implemented data and methodology improvements and removed the impacts from previously divested businesses to continue evolving our reporting processes. These improvements resulted in revised 2022 baseline emissions and nominal updates to other sustainability-related metrics, which differ from what was disclosed in previously published reports. In particular, our Scope 3 “Purchased Goods & Services” category increased for 2022 primarily as a result of the Company transitioning its Scope 3 emissions methodology for this category from a mixed spend and weight-based calculation to an almost entirely weight-based calculation.

2. Energy intensity in kilo British thermal units demand per work hour.

3. Carbon intensity is CO₂e (carbon dioxide equivalents) in metric ton emissions per thousand work hours.

4. Water intensity in withdrawal gallons per work hour.

5. Waste intensity in total generation pounds per work hour. Recycle can include single and mixed stream; energy recovery; and material reuse/regeneration with or without treatment.

6. Percentage of factories and distribution centers certified to applicable EHS/Sustainability management system standards. 2023 data is as of 5/16/2024 and 2022 data is as of 5/24/2023.

7. Total recordable rate = # of applicable incidents per 100 employees per year.

8. Lost time rate = # of applicable incidents per 100 employees per year.