We’re doing our part to divert waste from the landfill — from rethinking our packaging to refining processes at our manufacturing and distribution facilities.


Across Stanley Black & Decker, our practices encourage waste minimization, reusing and recycling wherever we can — with the ultimate goal of achieving a 100% diversion rate across all our manufacturing and distribution facilities worldwide by 2040.

Pursuing Zero Waste to Landfill Status

In 2023, we continued to certify additional sites as Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWTL) — bringing our ZWTL site count to 37% — by working cross-functionally with EHS, facilities, and sourcing partners, including key waste and recycling suppliers to reduce landfill waste.

We continue to make incremental progress in diverting waste from landfills, relying on sharing best practices, management system enhancements, and third-party support and assurance as we work toward our goal of ZWTL across 100% of our manufacturing and distribution sites.

Our people and practices prioritize waste minimization across our global enterprise, in all of our offices and all of our manufacturing and distribution facilities. We reuse and recycle wherever we can; this has led to recycling more than 90% of our waste. We are fully confident that we can and will achieve our priority ZWTL goal by 2040.

Portrait of Jason L.
Jason Larry
Vice President, Asset Engineering and Property Services

Sometimes numbers speak louder than words.

See our progress.