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Current Texas Workforce Commission rules, as codified in the Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 20, are listed below.

RuleDate Last Modified
Chapter 800. General AdministrationFeb 26, 2024
Chapter 801. Local Workforce Development BoardsApr 21, 2024
Chapter 802. Integrity of the Texas Workforce SystemJan 4, 2021
Chapter 803. Skills Development FundNov 28, 2022
Chapter 804. Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant ProgramMay 2, 2022
Chapter 805. Adult Education and LiteracyFeb 26, 2024
Chapter 806. Purchases of Products and Services from People with DisabilitiesJan 25, 2021
Chapter 807. Career Schools and CollegesNov 28, 2022
Chapter 808. Youth Driver Education Funding ProgramJul 18, 2022
Chapter 809. Child Care ServicesJul 29, 2024
Chapter 810. Lone Star Workforce of the Future FundDec 08, 2023
Chapter 811. ChoicesMay 20, 2024
Chapter 813. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and TrainingMay 6, 2024
Chapter 815. Unemployment InsuranceJan 9, 2023
Chapter 817. Child LaborAug 11, 2014
Chapter 819. Civil Rights DivisionDec 5, 2022
Chapter 821. Texas Payday RulesNov 28, 2022
Chapter 823. Integrated Complaints, Hearings, and AppealsJan 25, 2021
Chapter 835. Self-Sufficiency FundSep 12, 2022
Chapter 837. Apprenticeship Training ProgramApr 23, 2018
Chapter 838. Texas Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Grant ProgramNov 20, 2023
Chapter 839. Apprenticeship Programs - AdditionalOct 03, 2022
Chapter 840. WIOA Eligible Training ProvidersJul 18, 2022
Chapter 842. WIOA Nondiscrimination and Equal OpportunityJan 4, 2021
Chapter 843. Job Matching ServicesMay 20, 2024
Chapter 845. Texas Work & Family Policies ResourcesFeb 26, 2024
Chapter 849. Employment and Training Services for Dislocated Workers Eligible for Trade BenefitsJul 18, 2022
Chapter 850. Vocational Rehabilitation Services Administrative Rules and ProceduresSep 2, 2024
Chapter 853. Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind May 6, 2024
Chapter 854. Business Enterprises of TexasJul 04, 2022
Chapter 856. Vocational Rehabilitation ServicesDec 26, 2022
Chapter 858. Procurement and Contract Management Requirements for Purchase of Goods and Services for Vocational Rehabilitation ServicesJul 6, 2020

When TWC approves proposed rules, rule reviews, and state plans, the approved documents are posted below for comment:

On August 13, 2024, the Commission approved the following proposed rules:

Proposed Rules – Chapter 801 Local Workforce Development Boards

TWC proposes amendments to 40 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 801, Local Workforce Development Boards, relating to the addition and removal of Local Workforce Development Board (Board) Chief Elected Officials (CEOs) under certain circumstances and to clarify partnership agreement procedures relating to CEOs and Board Chairs.

Please submit comments on the proposed Chapter 801 rules to [email protected] by September 30, 2024.

On July 2, 2024, the Commission approved the following proposed rules:

Proposed Rules – Chapter 800 General Administration

TWC proposes amendments to 40 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 800, General Administration, relating to Subchapter B, Allocations, to update rules to conform with current federal program requirements relating to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, and to repeal §800.65, Project Reintegration of Offenders.

Please submit comments on the proposed Chapter 800 rules to [email protected] by August 19, 2024.

Rules Adoptions & Proposals

Texas Workforce Commission Rules, Adoptions & Proposals

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
May 21, 2024Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 802, 811
Feb 26, 2024Chapter Revisions
Jan 8, 2024Workplace Violence
Nov 24, 2022AEL Updates
Nov 24, 2022TANF Tax Refund
May 2, 2022Leave Pools
Jan 25, 2021Workforce Diploma Pilot Program (SB 1055)
Dec 21, 2020AEL High School Equivalency Subsidy Program (HB 1949 and HB 3)
Oct 26, 2020Contracts and Procurements
Feb 25, 2019State Agency Savings (SB 132) 
Feb 25, 2019HUB Purchasing
Jan 08, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 843
Dec 17, 2018Deobligation and Reallocation of AEL Funds
Jul 20, 2016AEL Allocations
Feb 23, 2016Rulemaking Petitions
Feb 23, 2016Tuition Reimbursement
Dec 23, 2014Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 833, 843
Feb 24, 2014Adult Education and Literacy
Feb 07, 2011Chapter Revisions
Jul 12, 2010MOU with Private Sector Prison Industries Program
Dec 28, 2009Donations
Aug 25, 2009Deobligation
Aug 11, 2009Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 807, 819, 835, 837
Nov 26, 2007Integrated Appeals - Sanctions
Feb 12, 2007Open Records
Sep 18, 2006Job Training Partnership Act Reference Removal
Jul 12, 2006Deobligation
Jan 23, 2006Suspension of Rules
Oct 11, 2005Emergency Rules: Suspension of Rules Provision (Expired: February 8, 2006)
Dec 21, 2004Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 819, 835
Aug 23, 2004Chapter Revisions
May 18, 2004Board Oversight Capacity
Dec 22, 2003Sanctions-Appeals
Sep 29, 2003Incentive Awards
Jul 22, 2002Job Placement Awards
Jul 01, 2002TANF Definitions
Feb 25, 2002Board Performance
Sep 24, 2001Performance Review and Assistance
Sep 24, 2001Sanctions
Sep 03, 2001Chapter Revisions
Sep 03, 2001Allocations
Feb 26, 2001Agency Vehicles
Feb 20, 2001Clarifying Commission and Agency Roles
Feb 06, 2001Agency Monitoring
Jan 02, 2001Allocations and Funding
Sep 12, 2000WIA Allocations
Sep 01, 2000Reallocation of Funds
Aug 23, 2000Contract Negotiation and Mediation
Aug 20, 2000Charging for Copies of Public Records
May 31, 2000Sanctions
May 24, 2000Incentive Awards
Jan 03, 2000Child Care Allocations
Dec 13, 1999Commission Professional Development Program
Feb 10, 1999Child Care Allocations
Feb 10, 1999Commission Monitoring
Dec 23, 1998Child Care Fund Allocations
Dec 20, 1998Historically Underutilized Businesses; Ethics
Aug 09, 1998Allocations
Jul 15, 1998School-to-Careers Allocation
Jul 15, 1998Welfare-to-Work Allocation
Apr 19, 1998Petition for Adoption of Rules
Apr 01, 1998Incentive Awards; Sanctions
Mar 19, 1998MOUs
Dec 11, 1997Copies of Public Records Charges
Aug 27, 1997Allocations to Local Workforce Development Areas

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Apr 21, 2024Board Membership
Nov 28, 2022WIA to WIOA Updates
Jan 08, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 843
Dec 23, 2014Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 833, 843
Feb 07, 2011Chapter Revisions
Dec 28, 2009Vet Definitions
Aug 11, 2009Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 807, 819, 835, 837
Nov 20, 2007Contractor Advertising Repeal
Jan 08, 2007Contractor Advertising
Oct 18, 2006Vets’ Priority; Vets’ Representative; Open Meetings; Foster Care
Dec 21, 2004Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 819, 835
May 17, 2004Contracting Guidelines
Nov 20, 2001Board Formation Requirements
Nov 02, 2000Chapter Revisions
May 25, 2000One-Stop Service Delivery 
Apr 14, 1997Waiver Requirements
Mar 27, 1996Emergency Rules: Waiver Requirements (Expired: July 29, 1996)
Mar 26, 1996

Board Plan Submissions 

(No proposal available.)

Jan 31, 1996Formation of Local Workforce Development Boards

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
May 21, 2024Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 802, 811
Jan 4, 2021Board Appeals
Dec 21, 2020Workforce Awards
Nov 26, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 802, 809, 823, 845
Jan 07, 2019Board Oversight Capacity
Oct 11, 2017Subrecipient Monitoring
Nov 16, 2015Rule Reviews: Chapters 802, 809, 823, 845
Oct 21, 2015Board Capacity
Oct 24, 2014Contract Limits
Feb 24, 2014Adult Education and Literacy
Feb 07, 2011New Chapter: Integrity of the Texas Workforce System

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Nov 28, 2022SDF Grants
Jan 25, 2021Chapter Revisions
Jan 08, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 843
Dec 23, 2014Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 833, 843
Nov 30, 2010Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 833, 843
Aug 08, 2006Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 823, 833, 843, 845
Jan 09, 2006Chapter Revisions
Feb 03, 2003Repeal Chapter and Replace as New
Jan 25, 2000Skills Development Fund Administration
Jan 27, 1999Skills Development Fund Program Objectives
Oct 06, 1997Skills Development Fund Operation

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Sep 23, 2024Chapter Revisions
May 2, 2022JET Eligibility
Jan 5, 2021Rule Reviews: Chapters 804, 807, 858
Dec 12, 2016DARS Transfer Revisions

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Feb 26, 2024Chapter Revisions
Nov 24, 2022Chapter Revisions
Dec 21, 2020High School Equivalency Subsidies
Dec 17, 2018AEL WIOA Alignment
Feb 19, 2018Rule Reviews: Chapters 805, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Jul 20, 2016AEL Staff Qualifications
Feb 24, 2014New Chapter: Adult Education and Literacy

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Jan 25, 2021Community Rehabilitation Programs
Jun 12, 2017Chapter Revisions

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Nov 28, 2022Chapter Revisions
Jan 5, 2021Rule Reviews: Chapters 804, 807, 858
Dec 04, 2017Human Trafficking
Nov 14, 2016Chapter Revisions
Dec 17, 2013Rule Reviews: Chapters 807, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Jan 08, 2013Sanctions
Jan 23, 2012Chapter Revisions
Dec 20, 2010Chapter Revisions
Aug 11, 2009Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 807, 819, 835, 837
Nov 26, 2007Integrated Appeals
Sep 17, 2007Renewal Fees and Exemptions
Aug 28, 2006Chapter Revisions
Apr 26, 2004Chapter Revisions
Feb 24, 2003Proprietary Schools
Aug 16, 1998Proprietary Schools and Veterans’ Education

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Jul 18, 2022New Chapter

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Jul 29, 2024TRS Updates
Oct 3, 2022Chapter Revisions
Jan 25, 2021HB 680, Child Transfer Policy, and Four-Year TRS Review
Jul 6, 2020Evaluation Status and Reimbursement Rates
Nov 26, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 802, 809, 823, 845
Jan 07, 2019TRS Guidelines
Aug 01, 2018Program Violations
Oct 01, 2016CCDBG Act, Reauthorization
Feb 23, 2016Texas Rising Star
Nov 16, 2015Rule Reviews: Chapters 802, 809, 823, 845
Jan 27, 2015Texas Rising Star
Jan 08, 2013Chapter Revisions
Dec 06, 2011Rule Reviews: Chapters 809, 823, 845
Nov 14, 2011In-Home Listings
Oct 18, 2010In-Home Child Care
Jun 22, 2009Citizenship
Jun 22, 2009Provider Corrective Action
Sep 08, 2008Rates; Continuity of Care
Nov 26, 2007Integrated Appeals
Jun 24, 2007Relative Providers
Jan 29, 2007Chapter Revisions
May 01, 2006Quality Activities
Dec 26, 2005Local Match Requirements
Jan 29, 2004Chapter Revisions
Nov 18, 2003Choices Child Care
Sep 01, 2003Emergency Rules: Choices Child Care (Expired: December 29, 2003)
Jul 07, 2003Stay for Children of Deployed Military Parents
Apr 16, 2003Emergency Rules: Stay for Children of Deployed Military Parents (Expired: August 14, 2003)
Oct 07, 2002Chapter Revisions
Jul 01, 2002Choices Child Care
Feb 18, 2002Train Our Teachers Scholarships
Sep 03, 2001Chapter Revisions
Nov 07, 2000Chapter Revisions
Oct 12, 2000Provider Reimbursement Rates
Aug 03, 2000Leveraging Local Resources; Repealing Local Donation Provisions
Jun 11, 2000Child Care Plans
Feb 16, 2000Assessing Parent Fees
Feb 16, 2000Applicant Child Care; Low-income Children
Jan 25, 2000Provider Self-Pay Implementation
Sep 01, 1999Fiscal Year 2000 Program Rules
Jan 10, 1999Train Our Teachers Awards
Sep 10, 1998Priority for Child Care Services
Sep 10, 1998State Advisory Committee
Sep 08, 1998School-Linked Child Care Program
Feb 26, 1998Child Care Training Center Pilot Program
Feb 26, 1998Parent Copay
Feb 26, 1998Parent Responsibility Agreement Noncompliance
Aug 25, 1997Multiple Repeals and New Rules
Oct 28, 1996Additional Transitional Child Care Eligibility Criteria

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposal with Preambles
December 11, 2023Lone Star Workforce of the Future Fund

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
May 21, 2024Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 802, 811
May 20, 2024Chapter Revisions
Nov 12, 2018Child Care Reauthorization
Feb 19, 2018Rule Reviews: Chapters 805, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Dec 17, 2013Rule Reviews: Chapters 807, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Jan 08, 2013Chapter Revisions
Jan 06, 2009Rule Reviews: Chapters 811, 841, 847, 849
Sep 29, 2008Chapter Revisions
Nov 26, 2007Integrated Appeals
Feb 26, 2007Chapter Revisions
Nov 18, 2003Pay for Performance Model
Sep 01, 2003Emergency Rules: Pay for Performance Model   (Expired: December 29, 2003)
Jul 22, 2002TANF Applicants; Alternative Workforce Orientation for Applicants
Jul 01, 2001Chapter Revisions
Feb 20, 2001Chapter Revisions
Apr 15, 1998Choices Implementation

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
May 6, 2024Fiscal Responsibility Act
Oct 26, 2020Agriculture Act
Jan 08, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 843
Aug 21, 2018SNAP Good Cause
Dec 23, 2014Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 833, 843
Nov 30, 2010Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 833, 843
Aug 17, 2009Job Retention and FSE&T Name Change to SNAP
Nov 26, 2007Integrated Appeals
Aug 08, 2006Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 823, 833, 843, 845
Mar 29, 2005Chapter Revisions
Feb 26, 2003Implementing the Farm Bill
Sep 03, 2001Expansion of Employment and Training and Support Services
Sep 30, 1998Compliance with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996
Jul 15, 1998Provisions for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Jan 9, 2023Texas Unemployment Compensation Act Collection, Assessment Notice
Jul 19, 2021COVID-19
Feb 2, 2021Emergency Rules: COVID 19 (Expired June 21, 2021)
Oct 12, 2020COVID-19
Apr 28, 2020Emergency Rules: COVID-19 (Expired October 10, 2020)
Apr 14, 2020Emergency Rules: CARES Act (Expired October 10, 2020)  
Jan 27, 2020Common Paymaster
Apr 29, 2019Marketplace Contractor Status
Jan 08, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 843
May 23, 2016Partial Transfer
Dec 23, 2014Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 833, 843
Jun 10, 2014Employer Response
Jan 06, 2014Tax Filings
Jun 18, 2012Tax Provisions
May 02, 2011Extended Benefits
Nov 30, 2010Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 833, 843
Nov 28, 2010Coordination
Sep 20, 2010Benefit Wage Credit; Commission-approved Training; Earned Income Tax Credit
Aug 03, 2010Emergency Rules: Coordination (Expired: December 1, 2010)
Nov 02, 2009Extended Benefits
Jul 21, 2009Emergency Rules: Extended Benefits (Expired: November 17, 2009)
Jul 28, 2008Confidentiality
Feb 19, 2007UI Claims; Farm and Ranch Labor
Aug 08, 2006Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 823, 833, 843, 845
Aug 16, 2004Chapter Revisions
Jan 26, 2004Appeal Tribunals
Dec 08, 2003Work Search Requirements; Claims and Appeals
Oct 27, 2003Processing Voluntary Contributions
Sep 15, 2003Rate and Collection of Additional Tax; Computation of Unemployment Obligation
Oct 07, 2002Rate and Collection of Additional Tax
Oct 07, 2002Transfer of Compensation Experience
Jul 16, 2002Waiver of Repayment and Recovery of Temporary Unemployment Compensation Overpayments
Apr 23, 2002Emergency Rules: Waiver of Repayment and Recovery of Temporary Unemployment Compensation Overpayments                                                        (Expired: August 21, 2002)
Jan 08, 2002Tax Rule Amendments
Nov 06, 2000Chapter Revisions
Oct 06, 1998Technical Amendments
Oct 06, 1998Signatures on Reports and Forms
Nov 04, 1997Electronic Employer Submission of State Unemployment Tax

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Jan 08, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 843
Dec 23, 2014Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 833, 843
Aug 11, 2014Chapter Revisions
Nov 30, 2010Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 833, 843
Aug 08, 2006Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 823, 833, 843, 845
Nov 06, 2000Chapter Revisions
Nov 21, 1999Safe Employment of Minors
Apr 22, 1999Conforming to Federal and State Law
Jan 12, 1998Technical Amendments
Dec 25, 1996Employment of Children

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Dec 5, 2022Sexual Harassment
Jul 06, 2020Age Discrimination
Apr 24, 2018HUD and APA Alignment
May 08, 2018Rule Reviews: Chapters 819 and 837
Aug 01, 2016Chapter Revisions
Jun 16, 2014Chapter Revisions
Dec 10, 2012Confidentiality
Aug 11, 2009Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 807, 819, 835, 837
Feb 12, 2007Open Records
Sep 27, 2005Repeal Chapter and Replace as New
Dec 21, 2004Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 819, 835

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Nov 28, 2022Payday Redeterminations
Jul 06, 2020Payday Wage Claim Withdrawals
Jan 08, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 843
Dec 04, 2017Payday Wage Claims
Dec 23, 2014Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 833, 843
Sep 20, 2010Chapter Revisions
Mar 13, 2007Wage Claims
Aug 08, 2006Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 823, 833, 843, 845
Nov 06, 2000Wage Claims
Jun 01, 1998Payment of Wages
Dec 11, 1997Charges for Copies of Public Records

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Sep 3, 2024Rule Reviews: Chapters 823, 837, 840, 842, 858
Jan 25, 2021Amendments to Clarify Language and Terminology, Add Federal Appeals, and Align with WIOA
Nov 26, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 802, 809, 823, 845
Nov 16, 2015Rule Reviews: Chapters 802, 809, 823, 845
Dec 06, 2011Rule Reviews: Chapters 809, 823, 845
Nov 26, 2007Integrated Appeals
Aug 08, 2006Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 823, 833, 843, 845
May 08, 1998Hearing Procedure for Welfare-to-Work Programs

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Sep 12, 2022SSF Eligibility
Feb 19, 2018Rule Reviews: Chapters 805, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Dec 17, 2013Rule Reviews: Chapters 807, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Aug 11, 2009Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 807, 819, 835, 837
Dec 21, 2004Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 819, 835
Sep 29, 2003Eligibility Criteria
Jan 23, 2003Repeal Chapter and Replace as New
Feb 20, 2001Clarifying Definition of a Food Stamp Household; Removing Definitions of "Self-sufficiency" and "TANF Recipient"
Apr 03, 2000Self-Sufficiency Fund Amendments; PRWORA
Dec 11, 1997New Chapter: Establishment and Operation of the Self-Sufficiency Fund

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Sep 3, 2024Rule Reviews: Chapters 823, 837, 840, 842, 858
May 08, 2018Rule Reviews: Chapters 819 and 837
Apr 23, 2018Apprenticeship Committees
Jun 16, 2014Apprenticeship Training Program
Aug 11, 2009Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 807, 819, 835, 837
Feb 10, 2005Repeal Chapter and Replace as New
Jul 16, 1998Chapter Revisions

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposal with Preambles
Nov 20, 2023TIRA Grants
Dec 28, 2020New Chapter

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposal with Preambles
Oct 3, 2022Tax Refund Pilot
Oct 3, 2022Vet Training

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Sep 3, 2024Rule Reviews: Chapters 823, 837, 840, 842, 858
Jul 18, 2022Chapter Revisions
Jan 4, 2021New Chapter

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Sep 3, 2024Rule Reviews: Chapters 823, 837, 840, 842, 858
Jan 4, 2021New Chapter

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
May 20, 2024Military Employment Preference
Jan 08, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 843
Feb 23, 2016E-Verify
Dec 23, 2014Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 833, 843
Oct 01, Public Information
Nov 30, 2010Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 833, 843
Aug 08, 2006Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 823, 833, 843, 845
Apr 01, 2002Employer and Job Seeker Services; Veterans’ Preference

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Feb 26, 2024Texas Work and Family Policies Resources
Nov 26, 2019Rule Reviews: Chapters 802, 809, 823, 845
Nov 16, 2015Rule Reviews: Chapters 802, 809, 823, 845
Dec 06, 2011Rule Reviews: Chapters 809, 823, 845
Aug 08, 2006Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 823, 833, 843, 845
Mar 13, 2006Repealing Child Care Research Requirement; Repealing Definition of Work and Family Policies Advisory Committee
Jan 27, 2000Grant Request and Award Procedures

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Jul 18, 2022Chapter Revisions
Feb 19, 2018Rule Reviews: Chapters 805, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Dec 23, 2014Chapter Revisions
Dec 17, 2013Rule Reviews: Chapters 807, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Jan 06, 2009Rule Reviews: Chapters 811, 841, 847, 849
Nov 24, 2003Implementing Trade Act of 2002

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Sep 2, 2024VR Personnel Standards
Dec 26, 2022Chapter Revisions
May 13, 2019Vocational Rehabilitation Administration

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
May 6, 2024OIB Eligibility
Aug 21, 2018New Chapter

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Jul 04, 2022BET-RSA Revisions
Aug 1, 2019Chapter Revisions
Aug 21, 2018Repealed Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center Sections (moved to new Chapter 853)
Nov 06, 2017DSU Integration

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Dec 26, 2022VR Services
Aug 21, 2018Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center Updates
Nov 06, 2017DSU Integration

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposal with Preambles
Sep 3, 2024Rule Reviews: Chapters 823, 837, 840, 842, 858
Jan 5, 2021Rule Reviews: Chapters 804, 807, 858
Jul 06, 2020Contracts and Procurements

Chapter 802 Advisory Committee Rules

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Feb 09, 2009Chapter Repeal
Sep 07, 2005New Chapter

Chapter 805 Job Training Partnership Act

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Sep 18, 2006Chapter Repeal
Nov 02, 2000Program Delivery System
Oct 30, 2000Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity

Chapter 827 Communities in Schools

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Oct 12, 2000Chapter Repeal
Sep 01, 1999The Communities In Schools program was transferred to the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services from the Commission pursuant to Senate Bill 1574, passed by the 76th Texas Legislature, (Regular Session), Chapter 489.Transfer Published in the August 27, 1999, issue of the Texas Register
Aug 22, 1999Communities in Schools Funding
Aug 12, 1998New Chapter

Chapter 833 Community Development Initiatives

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Mar 28, 2016Chapter Repeal
Dec 23, 2014Rule Reviews: Chapters 800, 801, 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 833, 843
Nov 30, 2010Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 833, 843
Feb 12, 2007Texas Individual Development Account; Pilot Program Repeal
Aug 08, 2006Rule Reviews: Chapters 803, 813, 815, 817, 821, 823, 833, 843, 845
Nov 18, 2002Texas Adult Technology Training Pilot Project
Jan 08, 2001New Chapter 

Chapter 839 Welfare-to-Work

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Feb 09, 2009Chapter Repeal
Oct 30, 2000Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity
Sep 01, 1999Grievance Procedures
Jun 16, 1999Grievance Procedures
Jul 15, 1998Compliance with Federal and State Welfare-to-Work Provisions; Reimbursement of Funds

Chapter 841 Workforce Investment Act

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Jan 4, 2021Chapter Repeal
Feb 19, 2018Rule Reviews: Chapters 805, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Dec 17, 2013Rule Reviews: Chapters 807, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Jan 06, 2009Rule Reviews: Chapters 811, 841, 847, 849
Nov 26, 2007Integrated Appeals
Apr 08, 2002Eligible Training Provider Certification
Nov 12, 2001Eligible Training Provider Certification
Oct 30, 2000Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity
Jun 06, 2000Determination of Subsequent Eligibility
Oct 27, 1999Definitions of "Certificate," "Certified Provider," "Completion" and "Performance Standards"
Aug 11, 1999Chapter Revisions
Jun 22, 1999New Chapter: Workforce Investment Act

Chapter 847 Project RIO Employment Activities and Support Services Rules

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposals with Preambles
Dec 03, 2018Chapter Repeal
Feb 19, 2018Rule Reviews: Chapters 805, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Dec 17, 2013Rule Reviews: Chapters 807, 811, 835, 841, 847, 849
Jan 06, 2009Rule Reviews: Chapters 811, 841, 847, 849
Jun 25, 2006Chapter Revisions

Chapter 852 Purchases of Goods and Services by the Texas Workforce Commission--Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposal with Preambles
Aug 21, 2018Chapter Repeal

Chapter 857 Purchase of Goods and Services for Vocational Rehabilitation Services by Texas Workforce Commission

Effective DateDescriptionAdoptions and Proposal with Preambles
Jul 06, 2020Chapter Repeal