Deloitte Hungary Cyber Forensic Services

Predict. Detect. Respond. Recover.

See how can we help.

For many organizations, a cyber incident is not a question of "if", but "when".

Deloitte Hungary Cyber Forensic Services is a comprehensive service line which guides and supports our clients in combatting internal and external fraud exposure.

We aid our clients in predicting, detecting, and responding to risks and vulnerabilities arising from cybercrime, global corruption, and fraud. In addition, we offer services to combat crime against consumer rights, violation of competition laws, illicit access to data and crimes against information systems. We are also specialized in business and economic offenses.   

 It takes 20 years to build a reputation and a few minutes of incident to ruin it.

Read on to learn more about how the experts of our Cyber Forensic Services team help clients act quickly and confidently in sensitive internal investigations of fraud, corruption and misconduct.

How can we help?

Fraud and other financial mismanagements are present in many organisations. However, we often encounter inadequate responses to fraud incidents. These include emotional reactions, delays due to internal discussions on responsibilities, and internal investigations without the required knowledge of legal pitfalls.

Deloitte’s Forensic team helps clients navigate, as well as resolve business crises, controversy, and uncover fraudulent transactions. Because criminals don’t follow rules or play by the book, our work begins by analysing the client’s unique concerns and collecting all the relevant information that we can gather. Due to the complexity and diversity of risks that organizations face today, Deloitte created a multidisciplinary team with specialized skills and strong experience in corporate investigations, cyber security, FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) and anti-fraud consulting.

Our forensic services provide

Specialized remote third-level support - to help our client’s staff and management to assess an incident or threat and provide guidance for tactical risk mitigation

A professional team for root-cause analysis, continuous improvement of incident response procedures, and assistance in complex investigations

Remote or on-site expert help for immediate incident containment

Specially trained experts in forensics to ensure legally accepted evidence for disciplinary action and litigation

Highly skilled professionals in victim, witness and person of interest interviewing

Equipping organisations with a secure system to settle allegations using a digital whistleblowing solution

A global network which allows us to conduct thorough fact-finding and investigations anywhere in the world

A highly secured Forensic Lab

Because of the deep, collaborative relationships we build, clients trust us with some of their most urgent needs, including:

  • • Analysing allegations of corporate fraud or financial mismanagement
  • • Addressing whistle-blower allegations
  • • Responding to government regulator requests
  • • Preventing or detecting problems before they occur

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András Kabai
Cyber Risk Services

[email protected]

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