SLCP in Action

See the benefits from adopting and implementing the SLCP framework

Brands | Manufacturers | MSI/Standard Holders


“SLCP provided a comprehensive tool to collect social and labor data and s

uccessfully reduced audit duplication in ALDO supply chains”.


“SLCP provides a framework for factories to implement advanced social and labor practices focused on worker empowerment”.


“Public commitment to replace proprietary audit with SLCP by December 2022”.


“SLCP significantly

reduces audit fatigue, allowing brands to focus their

resources on capacity building projects”. (2024)

“SLCP verified assessments were completed in more than 1400 Tier 1 and Tier 2 facilities”.


“The comprehensiveness

of topics covered by the CAF and its broad

applicability make it easy for hard goods brands to

use” (2023)

“The extensive nature of the SLCP verified data set has helped to identify issues for remediation”.


“Aims to use SLCP to measure more than 90% of Rapha’s annual production volume by 2023”.


"We are seeing positive changes in reviewing and evaluating internal systems and practices after adopting SLCP.”


“Aims to adopt SLCP in all of Target’s apparel, footwear, and accessories along with Tier 2 facilities by 2022”.




Adopting SLCP enables global leather processing company, JBS Couros to meet the social audit requirements set out by the Leather Working Group (LWG). Watch the video to learn more.

“Because WE Tech is facilitated by a third party, it provided a credible platform for collecting feedbacks directly from workers”. (2023)

Read the Crestex full case study here.

“Our main goal is to improve. SLCP allows us to do this.”


“Most buyers accept SLCP verified data and all

SLCP procedures and documents are standardized for uniform implementation”.


“In 2020, SLCP saved Décor approximately 19 unnecessary audits”.


“SLN Tekstil is able to share their SLCP verified data with customers that make up 80% of their production volume”.


“Due to reduced audits at 4 facilities, Taypa saved a total of 32 days worth of working hours”.


MSI/Standard Holders


SLCP verified data is recognized in FTUSA’s Apparel and Home Goods program.