American Identity Quotes

Quotes tagged as "american-identity" Showing 1-6 of 6
“If you're gay and politically aware, you see politicians sacrifice American ideals in general and gays' lives in particular on the altars of "tolerance" and "diversity". You see politicians and media pundits not only tolerating but embracing Islamic savages and their pedophile prophet. You see politicians put your right to life below a Muslim's right to escape from the countries they themselves created. You see politicians importing your own murderers. You see media pundits Balkanize the country into special interest groups to make it easy for politicians to divide and conquer - and you don't want to be conquered.”
Mike Klepper

“Americans with their fixation on individualism might be the nation that flaunts the sharpest sense of self of any people. Ask any American who they are and they will undoubtedly give you a quick synopsis of their personal identity markers including a description of their age, education, occupation, physical skills, mental abilities, values, hobbies, and causes that they support or oppose.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Identity and self-concept flower from common seeds. Conception of self-image stems largely upon what we value and how we wish the world to perceive us. Identity undoubtedly includes what we do, where we are from, and how successful we are. A decided majority of Americans identify themselves by their accomplishments, not by their failures.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Americans need no strong sense of personal identity premised upon personal values or shared experiences. Many of us gladly traded in a moral and ethical characterization of self for an identity provided by our jobs and brand name consumer goods. We describe ourselves to new acquaintances by stating our vocations. We all know the class ranking system associated with our respective occupations. Whatever trendy neighborhood development we reside in establishes our social class. We are what we drive to work, what we do for a living, what exclusive clubs we belong as members, what teams we root for, and what artists we follow. Instead of working to develop a mature inward state of consciousness and expand their knowledge of the world, many Americans including me suffer from a juvenile tendency to define ourselves based upon our embodied social status. Americans promote their status by touting their jobs, the housing developments that we live in, and the designer clothes and sportswear that we clad ourselves.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls