Digital Transformation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "digital-transformation" Showing 1-30 of 144
Germany Kent
“5 Ways To Build Your Brand on Social Media:

1 Post content that add value
2 Spread positivity
3 Create steady stream of info
4 Make an impact
5 Be yourself”
Germany Kent
tags: add-value, authors, be-social, bloggers, blogging, brand-image, building, change, change-agent, communication, content, content-curators, content-is-key, creative, digital, digital-age, digital-footprint, digital-marketing, digital-strategy, digital-transformation, digital-trends, dreams, focus, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, global-impact, higher-ed, higher-education, impact, increase-engagement, influencers, innovation, inspiration, internet, internet-marketing, lead-generation, logistics, marketing, marketing-strategy, marketing-tips, media, motivational-speakers, network-marketers, networking, online, online-branding, online-promotion, online-visibility, passion, personal-branding, positivity, power-of-twitter, progress, resource, resourceful, self-help-authors, seo, smart, social, social-behavior, social-change, social-content, social-correct, social-impact, social-media, social-media-advice, social-media-audiences, social-media-authors, social-media-behavior, social-media-branding, social-media-experts, social-media-for-authors, social-media-influencers, social-media-marketing, social-media-tips, social-networking, social-selling, storytellers, strategy, success, success-tips, successful, tech-for-good, think-before-you-post, thought-leaders, thought-provoking, twitter, twitter-addiction, twitter-advice, twitter-audiences, twitter-mind, twitter-nation, twitter-quote, twitter-quotes, twitter-tips, vision, what-you-tweet, will, you-are-what-you-post, you-are-what-you-tweet

“The current education system does not need changing, it is ripe for disruption, it need transformation. The education system needs a revolution.”
Sally Njeri Wangari

“In the digital age, digital transformation must be at the heart of every enterprise, leveraging digital technologies to improve efficiency, enhance customer experience and produce value.”
Sally Njeri Wangari

“There is an alternative to digital transformation, digital extinction.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“Digital Transformation starts with leadership. Leaders have a choice to lead the transformation or be led by it. Disrupt or wait to be disrupted.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“Business and National leaders who lack the ability to come up with the visions of the future for their organizations and countries, with wishful thinking that the world will go back to normal, will lead their businesses and countries to Digital Extinction.

Digital transformation is not an event, it is a series of disruptive events and any leader, business or national that thought, after the pandemic things will go back to normal, such thinking leaders have a perfect recipe to lead their organizations and countries through the shortcut to digital extinction.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“With or without technology, change is certain. For the technological change however, what is not certain is driving the change or being driven by it”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“Denial is the most predictable human response.
Many people today are in denial of the radical change to the way humans live and do business, including the way we learn [education] courtesy of automation and cutting edge technology such as Artificial Intelligence [AI].”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“No one owns the future, except those that prepare for it today.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“The dance to the digital future does not make sense to many who can not hear the music to the digital future, but now is the time to roll up the sleeves to learn the song and master the dance.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“The fourth industrial revolution is not fueling disruption that is causing businesses and nations to go back to the drawing boards, its actually disrupting the boards and making them obsolete.

For the first time in human history we do not need to go back to the drawing boards in face of disruptive and transformational change.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“Digital transformation is not a future event, it is not even an event. It should make sense that many do not realize that it is here and happening now, because you do not hear the bullet that hits you, because of its supersonic speed that is faster than the speed of sound.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“Change is like gravity, all it needs is a little push. The Covid 19 was the little push of the greatest digital transformation of our time.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“The future of the world and how technology is going to be leveraged is being discussed right now. If you are not part of the conversation then instead of leveraging technology, technology will leverage you.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“We can drive the change now, or wait to be driven by it later.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“The involvement and participation of women in tech has never been more important than now. As digital transformation gains momentum with disruptive technologies, the time for women to jump in and participate is now, algorithms will rule the world and we can not look forward to a future of women protesting for gender inclusion when the entire world goes tech and live, algorithms have no emotions.”
Sally Njeri Wangari

“One of the reasons as to why many leaders will fail to lead their enterprises to the digital future, is because they are looking for answers, instead of asking fundamental, thought provoking and searching questions.

Answers are not what matters about digital transformation, it's the questions that do.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“The goal of digital leadership is not to get teams together and chase after the speed of technology advancement, the speed is supersonic and the advancement is exponential. The goal of digital leadership is to draw the roadmaps to the digital future, leveraging technology, leverage its speed in pursuit to transform and improve service delivery, operational efficiency, employee engagement, customer experience and engagement among others.”
Sally Njeri Wangari

“We can not talk our way to our desired digital future, we have to act, build and innovate our way there, now, together.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“During digital disruption, doing everything right could be a short cut to digital extinction. Nokia did everything right, but somehow they failed.

Their biggest mistake was avoiding making one.

Risk is the new safe in the age of digital disruption.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“The risk of trying to talk in water is drowning, the entire world is now submerged in the floods of the digital disruption tsunami, its time to swim.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

“Weak Why's will always lead to weak how's. Strong why's will always lead to strong how's.

This is the determining factor of success or failure for all digital transformation initiatives.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

Narayanan Palani
“Digital Transformation is like a Bamboo Plantation-Bend but don't break. Be flexible yet firmly rooted. Show resilience while highly sustainable!”
Narayanan Palani, The Web Accessibility Project: Development and Testing Best Practices

“To succeed with omnichannel, companies needs to focus on creating cohesive experiences… that means breaking down functional silos and certainly data silos!”
Sally El-Akkad

“Digital transformation is now a fundamental reality of our networked society, education, business and, work.”
Evalyne Kemuma

“Education has always played a critical role at every stage of the industrial revolution, a role that always changed as industrial revolutions change, from the first, second, and third industrial revolutions. Now is another time for the education system to not only change but transform in response to the demands of the 4th industrial revolution before us.”
Evalyne Kemuma

“The band-aid lasts so long before you’ll need another one”
Melissa, LSS, PMP, PR

“The world is still turning and you are still in the same place.”
Melissa Ambers, LSS, PMP, PR

“For the first time, we will not have a lack of employment at a global scale but a lack of skill sets to take up the jobs created by the proliferation of digital technologies like AI.”
Dwayne Mulenga Isaac Jr

Enamul Haque
“Digital literacy is not just about understanding technology; it's about empowering yourself to shape the future”
Enamul Haque, Introduction to Digital Literacy and the Future of Computing: Computer Science Engineering (CSE) for Non-CSE Enthusiasts

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