Enlightenment And Attitude Quotes

Quotes tagged as "enlightenment-and-attitude" Showing 1-30 of 58
“If your imaginary buddy 'up there' and his book and ism tell you to hate and kill people of another #faith and #religion, then, this non-existent f****r's mind is as little as his pecker.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“Seek no forgiveness from men in robes. It is just a simple change of clothes. Otherwise, they are like most of us - assholes, or dopes.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“In reality, there is nether one-god nor many gods. Just a oneness, an indivisible unity sans this-that god.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“If you love God but hate His people, well then, you're not the Lord's people.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“Education is achieved externally.
Enlightenment is achieved from the inside.”
Zhizhi Meshach

“I'm joking when I say I'm the grand-pop of those claiming to be an avatar-messiah or god. But if they're serious, then, I am who I am.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“Do you grow straight up like a redwood to the sun
in choosing your heart and not list like a weed
in the wind to the fads of the day?”
Mark LeClair DeGange, Be Still, Behold and Dance to the Divine: Making Daily Acts a Heartfelt Spiritual Practice

“The truth is a farthing distance from god-ism and atheism. Were both of them, the religious nuts and the atheist bull-heads to stop farting, they would at the very least get a farthing of the Truth.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

Amitai Rosengart
“As we all start ignorant of our own existence, judging the incapability of another without helping them gain access to the tools and ideas obtained by the first person, will represent in the majority of the cases the ignorance of the first person and not the incapability of the other.”
Amitai Rosengart, Back to Ourselves - Introduction to a new world era

“While solitude and study are necessary ingredients to understand our place in the world and to achieve an amplified sense of clarity and balance, immersion in natural world and sharing in human interaction is the ultimate source of inspiration and learning. Only by observing, understanding, and respecting nature and by unconditionally embracing, accepting, and loving other people of all stripes, can we experience the full gamut of emotions that makes us human.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Nonsensical people of I-me-my-one-godism blaspheme against the god of every other religion but at the same time expect the latter to respect the former's touted god! Makes perfect sense, eh?”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“If you cannot laugh away someone mocking your god, then, my dear, you know nothing more than a tad about God.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“A person who does not believe in God yet loves everybody is far spiritual a person than all the hate-mongering blind believers of this-that silly ism.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“If "live and let live" is not the core philosophy of your religion, then, at the core level you'll live and die imprisoned.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“Whatsoever God gives is somehow good. Whether good or bad, in the long run you'll find it was not exactly bad but in a way good.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“Happy New Year! May we all stop being the assholes we were the past year.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“See the 'That' of What Is in all, and treat them accordingly - as the mirrored self of your soul. That is religion enough. The rest is but mumbo jumbo of lost souls.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“Enlighten yourself and then enlighten the world”
Rashid Jorvee

“I stand on the banks of time silently witnessing the world change beneath my feet. I arrive at a desirable place in a world when I learn to accept a world devoid of my paltry existence. When my self-inflicted wounds heal, I will stand as mute as a mountain impervious to the whimsy of the quaking world and no longer be deluded into aspiring to be a member of a fantasy world of pleasure-seeking people. Fame and fortune do not matter to an enlightened person, it is sufficient simply to be present and unflinchingly support all life forms without hesitation.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The student asked: Master, do you know of a desert island, I want to go there to get enlightened! The master replied: Instead of going to a desert island, bring the desert island to your mind! The key to enlightenment is neither the place you are in nor other people, but only your own mind!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Ritu Negi
“There is a big difference between Being Successful or Being Significant - Choose your way wisely.”
Ritu Negi

Amit Ray
“Mastering the art of detachment and attachment is the art of mastering life and spirituality.”
Amit Ray, Enlightenment Step by Step

John Kreiter
“Most of us do not wish to know, even as the matrix bleeds from every rotten corner. It is only when darkness has descended upon us and our evening looms heavy that we finally and desperately seek whatever little hope there is to be found.
But in those fading moments, we do not truly desire
enlightenment; we merely yearn for some semblance of hope - a promise that we will endure the darkness and the never-ending void that now weighs down our rigid limbs with the threat of finality”
John Kreiter, The Art of Transmutation

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