Self Help Inspirational Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-help-inspirational" Showing 1-30 of 83
Nikki Rowe
“It takes courage to become authentic. So many talk about the light but not enough speak the truth about the struggles it takes to get there and the tools to overcome it all.”
Nikki Rowe

Brandi L. Bates
“No matter what the industry you choose to ultimately invest all your time and energy in, be sure you're the owner, founder, and CEO. Remember, if you don't own it, you can't control it nor can you depend on it.”
Brandi L. Bates, Moonshine For The Soul: A Path to Strength, Wisdom, Growth, Health & Happiness

Poppy Jamie
“Stiff thoughts grow in a fear-based life. Flexible thoughts grow in a love-based life.”
Poppy Jamie, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety

Helen   Edwards
“Women are more powerful than most of us give ourselves credit for. When we actually decide to stop the jealousy and the finger pointing, and band together to laugh with one another and understand one another, it's like a beautiful firework display on the Fourth of July in Vegas, baby!”
Helen Edwards, Nothing Sexier Than Freedom

Germany Kent
“Critique your performance and embrace your imperfections. Acknowledge and laugh at your missteps.  Celebrate your downfalls knowing that it is in the struggle, anxiety, and through the setbacks that you gain new perspectives, grow, and become a better you.”
Germany Kent

“Although love is perfect, you don't have to be perfect to be loved.”
Patricia Leveque

“Everyone is part mess and part masterpiece – just like you.”
Patricia Leveque

“How can any time you’ve spent in your life ever have been “wasted?” Merely living in this world is a gutsy undertaking.”
Patricia Leveque

Ulonda Faye
“We are all stars, starring in our very own life. Everything we dream, think, speak and surround ourselves with, assists us in our realization of our most beautiful possibilities. We are all equals, uniquely standing apart, to stand strong as one.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Kate Hudson-Hall
“Mirror Mirror on the wall, it's time to change your vision once and for all.”
Kate Hudson-Hall, Bulimia Sucks!: 10 Simple Steps to Stop Bingeing and Purging

“I couldn't afford the price of approval when I was young and approval has no value when you are old.”
Penny Arcade, Bad Reputation: Performances, Essays, Interviews (Semiotext

Neeraj Duhoon
“True happiness has nothing to do with life situations or possessions that you have acquired or wish to acquire. Happiness is a state of mind and you are not your mind; in fact you are the master of your mind.”
Neeraj Duhoon, It's The Rest Of Your Story, Who YOU Are Part-1: A Straight and Logical Approach to Reveal and Conquer Happiness in Your Story of Life

Poppy Jamie
“What will change our perception of the world – and the world itself, if we can all get on board – is choosing compassion.”
Poppy Jamie, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety

Poppy Jamie
“When fear speaks, it speaks lies that are disguised as truth and it can be very convincing.

Poppy Jamie, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts, and Free Yourself from Anxiety

Germany Kent
“There can be no transformation without intervention.”
Germany Kent

Christina Strigas
“We are all such broken children acting like adults.”
Christina Strigas

“Let's not waste our emotions on hatred. Mercy on you petty jerks, Peace be with you.”
Soo-Hyun Kim

Leslie Peake
“You can face the biggest challenge of your life when you open your heart to the healing power that lives at the very core of your being.”
Leslie Peake, Healing Against The Odds: How To Rise From The Ashes Of Cancer

Lo Carmen
“I've learned most everything I know via the lessons I gleaned from songs like 'Take It To The Limit', 'Don't Stop Til You Get Enough', You Should Be Dancing', Don't Think Twice, It's Alright', 'Homegrown Tomatoes', 'Walk On The Wild Side' and 'Try A Little Tenderness'.”
Lo Carmen, Lovers Dreamers Fighters

Raynetta D. Bradley
“I was 29 years of age and that was the first time I had experienced true love. Even the love of a Father!”
Raynetta D. Bradley, Journey To Peace And Love: Experiencing Peace And Love In A World Of Chaos

“Your world being completely unique to you, with the people you have in it, the events that take place, how you view the world and a lot more.”
Isaiah Woods

“It is my hope and fervent belief that the ten principles herein—taken directly from my
unorthodox and rather circuitous life journey—will inspire you with common-sense
insights that illuminate your own path to prosperity and fulfillment. But first: what is
this thing we call “success”? Sure, prosperity is part of it. But it is more than a simple
monetary reward. Far more. For me, success is an ideology, rather than simply a financial
yardstick, and I think if you’ve picked up this book, you agree that success is less
a destination and more a state of mind.”
Lenny Peters M.D., Peters' Principles of Success: Common Sense Pathways to Prosperity and Fulfillment

Josef Pieper
“In its fusion of positive and negative, of ignorance on the way to further knowledge, wonder reveals itself as having the same structure as hope, the same architecture as hope--the structure that characterizes philosophy and, indeed, human existence itself. We are essentially viatores, on the way, beings who are "not yet." Who could claim to possess the being intended for him? "We are not," says Pascal, "we hope to be." And it is because the structure of wonder is that of hope that it is so essentially human and so essential to a human existence.”
Josef Pieper, Leisure: The Basis of Culture

Dolly Alderton
“... To be a desirable woman - the sky's the limit.”
Dolly Alderton, Everything I Know About Love

Dolly Alderton
“You'll feel settled, centered, and calm, when you fall in love with the right man.”
Dolly Alderton, Everything I Know About Love

“When we find ourselves at the lowest point, the connection to something greater helps us hold onto hope and persevere.”
Prerna Yadav, Journey from Lack to Abundance

Jacqueline Tusi
“Once more, I was left alone. My way of dealing with emotional distress was to immediately engage my heart and intellect in a search for new opportunities to develop. I knew that if I wanted to continue to live my life successfully, I would have to rise to unbelievable heights.”
Jacqueline Tusi, Know Thyself: An Autobiographical Manual for Designing a Successful Life

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