Negative Attitude Quotes

Quotes tagged as "negative-attitude" Showing 1-30 of 52
Israelmore Ayivor
“Save your skin from the corrosive acids from the mouths of toxic people. Someone who just helped you to speak evil about another person can later help another person to speak evil about you.”
Israelmore Ayivor

C. JoyBell C.
“There is a magnificent, beautiful, wonderful painting in front of you! It is intricate, detailed, a painstaking labor of devotion and love! The colors are like no other, they swim and leap, they trickle and embellish! And yet you choose to fixate your eyes on the small fly which has landed on it! Why do you do such a thing?”
C. JoyBell C.

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Protect your good image from the eyes of negative viewers, who may look at your good appearance with an ugly fiendish eye, and ruin your positive qualities with their chemical infested tongues.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Anthon St. Maarten
“Constantly exposing yourself to popular culture and the mass media will ultimately shape your reality tunnel in ways that are not necessarily conducive to achieving your Soul Purpose and Life Calling. Modern society has generally ‘lost the plot’. Slavishly following its false gods and idols makes no sense in a spiritually aware life.”
Anthon St. Maarten

T.F. Hodge
“Elevate your inside game. A negative attitude is below the horizon...a place for lonesome hearts.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

Erin Gruwell
“It would be easy to become a victim of our circumstances and continue feeling sad, scared or angry; or instead, we could choose to deal with injustice humanely and break the chains of negative thoughts and energies, and not let ourselves sink into it.”
Erin Gruwell, The Freedom Writers Diary

Pooja Agnihotri
“There are so many people who will tell you that you can’t do this, but you have to make sure that your voice isn’t going to be one of them.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Israelmore Ayivor
“Nothing good stands without the right attitude. You may know how to do it, but if the attitude is negative, all you can say is “I could have done it”.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Shaping the dream

“If you think the world is full of darkness, let us see your light. If you think the world is full of wickedness, let us see your goodness. If you think people are acting wrongly, let us see your right action. If you think people don't know, let us see what you know. If you think the world is full of uncaring people let us see how you care about people. If you think life is not being fair to you, let us see how you can be fair to life. If you think people are proud, let us see your humility. We can easily find fault and we can easily see what is wrong but a positive attitude backed by a right action in a true direction is all we need to survive in peace and harmony in the arena of life”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Carlos Wallace
“Negativity will distracts you from your goals, so don't entertain it.”
Carlos Wallace

Asmaa Dokmak
“To build self-esteem, you have to outface your negative beliefs about yourself and change them.”
Asmaa Dokmak, You are Unique: Live your life as it suits you

“Remember, what you "feel" and what is "real" are often very different.”
Eddie Capparucci, LPC

Israelmore Ayivor
“Leaders don’t call unhappy followers “ungrateful people”. They see them as “lesson teachers”. They find out why they are unhappy; perhaps it could be as a result of their attitudes. That informs them to change!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Ladder

Bohdi Sanders
“Be above the negative energy of others. Refuse to allow their negativity to affect you. Instead, allow your positive energy to cancel their negative energy.”
Bohdi Sanders, The Art of Inner Peace: The Law of Attraction for Inner Peace

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“A positive attitude is often way more important than education, money, and experience.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Germany Kent
“Deal with your negative patterns before they become habits because habits are hard to break.”
Germany Kent

“Life is rose. Some look at the thorns ... some at the flower.”
Scuro Chiaro - Photographer

Lindsey Rietzsch
“If we let all the negative roadblocks influence us then it's only a matter of time before we end up detoured, lost, or possibly stranded on the side of the highway. Our positive attitude keeps our battery powered and our gas tank full, so that we can make it in one piece to our destination.”
Lindsey Rietzsch, Successful Failures: Recognizing the Divine Role That Opposition Plays in Life's Quest for Success

Maddy Malhotra
“If mental abuse was a punishable crime, most couples would be in jail serving a long term.”
Maddy Malhotra, How to Build Self-Esteem and Be Confident: Overcome Fears, Break Habits, Be Successful and Happy

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Circumstances can manufacture the materials, but it’s my attitude that builds the wall.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Anoir Ou-chad
“Don’t fight against negative emotions. It’s exhausting.
Try to embrace them instead.”
Anoir Ou-chad

Sanchita Pandey
“Get rid of grudges and negativity in your thoughts by replacing them with positive thoughts. You deserve a beautiful life.”
Sanchita Pandey

Israelmore Ayivor
“Blow out all negative attitudes and live true to your dreams. Talks less and act more. Be confident and see yourself wining even before the victory comes.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Better You

“What is the point in living if you’re just gonna be negative minded and dwell on your problems 24/7? You accomplish nothing but wasting the precious time you have here on hating and sulking. I’m not telling you to kill yourself, it’s not like that. I’m just saying I don’t see a point in being on this Earth if I’m just gonna miserable and negative about everything. Our own existence is a temporary gift. Make the best out of things and enjoy the life you have while you can, otherwise you’re being a general waste of space. That’s how I feel at least.”
Dylan McManus

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