Social Media Behaviour Quotes

Quotes tagged as "social-media-behaviour" Showing 1-30 of 60
Marie Sarantakis
“If you don't like pictures of animal cruelty being posted on social media, you need to help stop the cruelty, not the pictures. You should be bothered that its happening, not that you saw it.”
Marie Sarantakis

Janelle Brown
“It's easiest to judge from distance. That's why the Internet has turned us all into armchair critics, experts at the cold dissection of gesture and syllable, sneering self-righteously from the safety of our screens. There, we can feel good about ourselves, validated that our flaws weren't as bad as theirs, unchallenged in our superiority. Moral high ground is a pleasant place to preach, even if the view turns out to be rather limited in scope.”
Janelle Brown, Pretty Things

Germany Kent
“If you feel the need to constantly post on social media documenting your every move, chances are you're either addicted to social networking or there is a void somewhere in your personal life.”
Germany Kent

Santino Hassell
“Social media had the unique ability to turn adults into immature slaves to drama.”
Santino Hassell, First and First

Germany Kent
“Be careful not to let a negative social media life attract you to a dark way of thinking.”
Germany Kent

Daniel Silva
“But now, in the era of lost inhibition, it seemed no detail of life was too mundane or humiliating to share. In the online age, it was more important to live out loud than to live with dignity.”
Daniel Silva

Stewart Stafford
“If you're thinking of a social media spring clean, start with those who never comment on or like anything you post - they're just spying on you. Next, lose the ones who only contact when they have something to sell or promote - they're using you.”
Stewart Stafford

Abhijit Naskar
“Humans are lamentably insecure creatures, and often they pick up their modern devices to alleviate that insecurity, in a subconscious attempt to receive some thrill and reward. And the longer we keep on practicing such habit, the more hooked we get to our devices, often to the point of losing our mental stability. So, devices that were mainly invented as means of communication have become weapons of mental devastation.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Gospel of Technology

Ebinezar Gnanasekaran
“Social media is supersonic, Flickering Light, double-edged, and wireless transmission to a massive population across the globe. It will fight for injustice, peak the reputation, and sometimes sabotage the hallmark, and connect millions without the tariff.”
Ebinezar Gnanasekaran, You Can Step Ahead to Success

Germany Kent
“Social media has its benefits and drawbacks. It is useful for research, has an educational value as a medium for learning about current events and of course, as a platform for conversation and opposing arguments with others. What's not debatable however, is that it can be addictive and extremely dangerous for youth (and some adults) who do not use it sparingly and who do not exercise restraint or precaution when sharing content that is not suitable or appropriate for an open forum. ”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Be aware of and attentive to the time you spend as an online spectator. Social media will have you believing that your life is meaningless even though you're doing more than most people, offline.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Two goals you must have for social media dominance are to be relatable and credible.”
Germany Kent

“In a world where we are encouraged to fake it, the first person you have to convince is yourself. Self-deception is the first step in an economy that thrives off the need to present such demeaning work as worthwhile. After that, everyone else is easier to fool.”
Symeon Brown, Get Rich or Lie Trying: Ambition and Deceit in the New Influencer Economy

“Thus, deactivating Facebook [for four weeks] increased our subjective well-being index by about 25–40 percent as much as standard psychological interventions [for depression and anxiety].”
Hunt Allcott, The Welfare Effects of Social Media

Germany Kent
“Many people are unhappy because they believe their life is much worse off than somebody else's projected image on social media.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“In order to gain an audience on social media you must be fascinating, informative, and bring some type of interesting energy with humor or creativity.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“The whole word is familiar with Zoom now.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Being online controls so much of our day that we often neglect to invest time with meaningful relationships offline.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Social media can be a never-ending cycle of struggles if you allow what others think and say about you to affect the way you feel about yourself.”
Germany Kent

Abhijit Naskar
“Click Less, Live More (The Sonnet)

Moments are vessel for memories,
Don't waste them on snobbish hypes.
A memory cherished with a loved one,
Is worth more than a billion likes.
The less devices you have to charge,
The more charge you have for your mind.
The less you obsess over convenience,
The more you develop actual insight.
Purpose of camera is to capture memory,
Not to desecrate the moments seeking attention.
Purpose of a picture is to rejuvenate emotions,
Even a thousand pictures are useless without emotion.
Click less, live more - that is the motto of wellness.
Or else, click more, sick more - there is no treatment.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

“In recent decades, aspiration has been heavily wrapped up not in what we aim to do, achieve or create but in what we can afford to buy.
Young adults and teenagers have been under more and more pressure to be successful with fewer means to do so. Brands have aggressively told us that the road to contentment is through consumption.”
Symeon Brown, Get Rich or Lie Trying: Ambition and Deceit in the New Influencer Economy

“The internet was supposed to democratise the spread of information and make companies more open by elevating the independent voice of consumers, but the world of surgery is just one example of how easily that can be corrupted by warped incentive models”
Symeon Brown, Get Rich or Lie Trying: Ambition and Deceit in the New Influencer Economy

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