New Chapter Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-chapter-quotes" Showing 1-11 of 11
Germany Kent
“Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.”
Germany Kent

Mouloud Benzadi
“They have no right to cause you pain and make you suffer.
Don't let them control you and turn your life into a disaster.
If they do, break free, turn the page and start a new chapter.”
Mouloud Benzadi

“Today marks the end of the last chapter of the year. With the start of the first chapter of the New Year’s book, let's put the old book on the shelf or even in the lower drawer, and let's pick up the new one, carry crayons in our hands, and start writing a new colorful story.

يصادف اليوم نهاية الفصل الأخير من العام. مع بداية الفصل الأول من كتاب العام الجديد ، دعونا نضع الكتاب القديم على الرف أو حتى في الدرج السفلي ، و لنلتقط الكتاب الجديد ، ونحمل أقلام التلوين في أيدينا ، ونبدأ في كتابة قصة جديدة ملونة”
Nadine Sadaka Boulos

Germany Kent
“Wallowing in self-pity hurts no one except you. Boss up and find a way to get going again.”
Germany Kent

“The caterpillar's end is the butterfly's beginning.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“...Sometimes you fall in love.....and then you wake up from your dream....”
Kierra C.T. Banks

Mitta Xinindlu
“There is a serious risk in being vulnerable. The risk is that those whom you're being vulnurable to may misuse or ridicule your vulnerability. But the bigger risk is that if you refrain from being vulnerable, you consequently allow fear to win. Take the lesser risk, and get thThere is a serious risk in being vulnerable. The risk is that those whom you're being vulnurable to may misuse or ridicule your vulnerability. But the bigger risk is that if you refrain from being vulnerable, you consequently allow fear to wine. Take the lesser risk, and get the job of healing done.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“There is a serious risk in being vulnerable. The risk is that those whom you're being vulnurable to may misuse or ridicule your vulnerability. But the bigger risk is that if you refrain from being vulnerable, you consequently allow fear to win.

Take the lesser risk, and get the job of healing done.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Eric Overby
“We have been here before,
staring at the slow slide of a stick,
waiting, waiting, waiting…

Two lines,
like the beginning and ending
of a chapter of our lives…

All the year’s fortune changes
in the end, as new life evolves.”
Eric Overby, Tired Wonder: Beginnings and Endings