Perspective Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "perspective-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 319
Germany Kent
“Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.”
Germany Kent

Roger Spitz
“Disruption itself is generally neither good nor bad; its impact depends on one’s perspective and the nature and timing of one’s response.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume I - Reframing and Navigating Disruption

Rolf van der Wind
“I want you to know how I see the world, not because I intend to change your mind that is far from the truth but for you to understand why I write to you. I love to see the world through your eyes. At least to have an idea of what is on your beautiful mind.”
Rolf van der Wind

“People too weak to follow their own dreams will always try to discourage yours.”
Zuby, Strong Advice: Zuby's Guide to Fitness for Everybody

Rolf van der Wind
“You can spend your life grieving and in despair, wondering why it was you who was led down the path strewn with wonders and unknowns, or you can smile at life and be part of the miracle even if you don't understand the how's and why's.”
Rolf van der Wind

“The beauty of pain is that you can learn your most important lessons from it and take that into the world. Pain changes the game of life.”
Skylar Sustin

“None of your inner peace can shift when you remain in your element.”
Skylar Sustin

Pradip Bendkule
“Perspective of Darkness is Not always Reality of Badness.”
Pradip Bendkule

“The line between perception and perspective is loudly drawn by humans but silently corrected by reality.”
Eduvie Donald

“Thoughts are fluid, the negative ones can always flow out and positive ones can flow in.”
Skylar Sustin

Mitta Xinindlu
“When it rains, it pours'. They said with sadness. Yet some of us love the rain. So, we thrive in the midst of heavy rains. Not because we're built special, but because we perceive the rain differently.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Germany Kent
“Sometimes the most unlikely voice is the one that you need to hear that will allow you to see things in a different light.”
Germany Kent

Brittany Burgunder
“Change wish to wonder. I don't wish my past were different, but I do wonder what it could have been.”
Brittany Burgunder

Michael ONeill
“Without looking at your subjects with your eyes and mind open, your artistic work is doomed to be unoriginal and uninspiring. Imagination is the magic element that is at the heart of every great work of art, and to ignite one’s imagination you must be willing to step outside of yourself, step outside of your comfort zone and look at things from an entirely different perspective.”
Michael ONeill, Road Work: Images And Insights Of A Modern Day Explorer

Michael ONeill
“Every road is really two roads with different riding experiences and distinctive scenic views when you travel it in opposite directions...It’s up to you to decide whether you want to spend your time looking at the limited rear view mirror image of things that are already behind you, or if you want to look out over the handlebars and the great road unfolding before you.”
Michael ONeill, Road Work: Images And Insights Of A Modern Day Explorer

Pradip Bendkule
“Most of People Don't Know Perspective of Darkness until they Love Evil One.”
Pradip Bendkule

Germany Kent
“If you've tried to change it, done all you could, and still nothing has happened, leave it alone and move on.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Leaders, the quicker you shift your perspective from yourself to how you can help others is when you will become more effective.”
Germany Kent

“Let me reassure you that you can rejuvenate & heal yourself on all levels simply by beginning to look at things, situations, places & people from a newer perspective & by committing to let go of the thoughts, behaviors & feelings that keep you from being your best.

Darling listen – if you truly want to become super joyful, healthier, successful & the greater version of yourself, look over your life & see what needs to be released, eliminated & subtracted; this could be your old beliefs, old matters, rituals, your triggers, conflicting feelings, destructive emotions, hatred or unwarranted resentment or your prejudicial way of thinking, speaking & doing things that are actually detrimental to your health, happiness & future.

I know for sure that you, like anyone else, wish to continue with your old routines, habits & beliefs, I request you to add, embrace or continue with only those things that resonate with your soul purpose from today onwards.

Hopefully this post will motivate you to re-evaluate everything in life once again & help you to gain a myriad of benefits such as happiness, more optimism, better health & promising future.

Good luck & Tons of Good wishes!”
Rajesh Goyal

“Today in an auditorium
full of parents
my son scanned the room
looking for me.
When he saw me his
face lit up the room.
He wasn’t looking for
the perfect parent.
He was looking for his mom.
Don’t ever forget the power
of simply being their mom.”
Rachel Marie Martin

“Success is not about avoiding problems, it's about finding the right perspective to solve them.”
Siddhesh Suryakant Dongare, Shape Your Life By Changing Perspective

Marion Bekoe
“Avoid people who cannot put themselves in your shoes to see things from your perspective; such people see things one way, and that is their way.”
Marion Bekoe, I WILL BE A BILLIONAIRE: The right mindset is the first step towards the journey.

“The dispute between perception and perspective is settled by reality.”
Eduvie Donald

“So he's a good, clean, decent man, and he's an enhancement to my life and he could also be an enhancement to your life, why does that have to be dirty? Why does that have to be ugly? Why can't we love each other? But the society we live in is designed to make me feel, well, if you let him go with her that means you are less of a person or you would be devalued; no, that may mean that I am bigger.”
Patricia Dixon, We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves: Polygyny: A Relationship, Marriage and Family Alternative

“The color of your life’s pages does not determine your day, but rather by the thoughts you inscribe upon it and the ink of intention with which you pen them.”
Erwin D. Maramat

Marion Bekoe
“Being underestimated is an advantage, it's all about perspective. Some people are discouraged by it, I find it amusing because it means they won't see me coming.”
Marion Bekoe

Marion Bekoe
“Being fluid helps you not worry about the things you can't change but rather change the way you see things. ”
Marion Bekoe

Arnold Schwarzenegger
“The fact that I had such vivid impressions and expectations at all is the reason I got there in the first place.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life

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