Philosophy Of Life People Quotes

Quotes tagged as "philosophy-of-life-people" Showing 1-25 of 25
Cecelia Ahern
“It's not the job of this town to make me feel happy. It's not this town´s fault that I don't feel I fit in. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, because it's about where you are in your head. It's about the other world I inhabit. The world of dreams, hope, imagination, and memories. I'm happy up here, and because of that I'm happy up there too”
Cecelia Ahern, If You Could See Me Now

Jayleigh Cape
“Without the existance of people to acknowledge or dispute your greatness, your greatness is irrelevant. You are because they are. Without them, no matter how they treat you, you would not exist. Treat all the world as if you owe it your gratitude, because even the cruel and heartless define who you are.”
Jayleigh Cape

“We are all capable of becoming something monstrous.”
Cyraus Foldger

Jostein Gaarder
“If our brains were as simple as we could understand them, than we would be so stupid that we couldn't understand them again.”
Jostein Gaarder, The Solitaire Mystery

Nicolas Chamfort
“One can be certain that every generally held idea, every received notion, will be an idiocy, because it has been able to appeal to a majority.”

Brian D'Ambrosio
“Endings are thus formally unappealing to me, more than beginning or ending, in life, I enjoy continuing. Continuing is my only focus or concern.”
Brian D'Ambrosio

William Shakespeare
“We cannot all be masters, nor all masters
Cannot be truly follow’d.”
William Shakespeare, Othello

Ken Poirot
“I feel the reason we are all here, our purpose of being, is to help others find their little piece of happiness and heaven right here on earth...”
Ken Poirot, Mentor Me: GA=T+E—A Formula to Fulfill Your Greatest Achievement

Edna Stewart
“Afghan Girl

Ice blue eyes that look to the morning sky as I knit the pieces and remnants of my life. I have No books, no paper, no pencils, and no black boards. I look at the holes in my life as I see the hills of the Appalachians that echo. I think to myself, who will I marry? Is my life-like Pari?

These strings please come together.

Snowflakes give me hope, and my dreams dance all around me. I‘ll put another log on the fire. I watch the brown paper bag over the broken glass pane letting the cold wind in; I’ll take some of these remnants and stuff it.

These strings are come together.

Mama told me that life would be hard. I bartered for flour the other day, and the chickens ain’t laying no eggs. I struggle with life and these strings. My hands are worn and tired. Now, I have granny square hands.
I am unclean, unblemished, and finished,

Afghan girl.”
Edna Stewart, Carpe Diem

Karl Wiggins
“Maxims of Ptahhotep spoke a lot of sense; 'Do not be arrogant because of your knowledge, but confer with the ignorant man as with the learned. Good speech is more hidden than malachite, yet it is found in the possession of women slaves at the millstones.' Now THAT I’ll give the green light to. The opinions, eloquence and articulacy of the man or woman on the street can often be as invaluable as precious stones.”
Karl Wiggins, Dogshit Saved My Life

“-سرحان ف إيه بس؟
-هو فى غيرها؟؟! أصلها جميلة أوى يا أشرف!
-هى مين دى يا باشا؟
قالها أشرف مُداعباً إياه بغمزةٍ من عينه اليُمنى..
أطرق أشرف رأسَهُ ناظراً فى الأرض و هو يقول:
-فعلاً جميلة!! بس واضِح إنه إتكَتَب علينا نشوفها بتضيع مِنِنا و إحنا عاجزين عن مُساعدتها..
-طَب و بعدين؟ هنفضَل كده لحد إمتى يا أشرف؟ إيه مصرينا؟؟ و مصيرها؟
(سَحَب) "أشرف" مِقعداً و جلس بمواجهة "حمدى" فقد إعتادَهُ الأخير على أنهُ صديق مُقرَب، يهوى النِقاش و الحديث مَعَهُ.. أخرَج "أشرَف" عُلبة سجائر (LM) من ذات اللون الأحمَر، و ناول رفيقَهُ سيجارة و قد دَس هو الآخر سيجارة فى فَمِهِ بينما كان يُتَمتِم مُجيباً على سؤال "حمدى":
-حاجة من إتينين يا باشا..!
-إيه هُما؟
-يا ثورة جياع تقضى ع الأخضَر و اليابِس.. يا إما هنموت مَدفونين فى زبالتنا..!!”
لؤى طارق

Aporva Kala
“At thirty either you are perfect or nothing.”
Aporva Kala, Life... Love... Kumbh...

“We're shadows! of naught - living, dying! for what's not.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

Albert Camus
“En el hombre hay más cosas dignas de admiración que de desprecio”
Albert Camus, The Plague

“And in the end you will realise that everything you did, you did for you and for the people like you...”
Nrane Saroyan

“Imagine, visualize and foresee the life you want and make sure in doing so, you don't get lost in between !”
Bhavesh gandhi

“Only that 'holy' book which teaches you to love all beings - animals or human things - read. Another one, idiots do, You let go, God speed.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“Speak truth even if you be alone
For truth hath no friend but itself

KhoiSan Book of Wisdom”
rassool jibraeel snyman

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Your life philosophy might be totally wrong, it might be very inadequate or quite primitive or it may be nonsense and silly! And so, dear friend, you must become familiar with the life philosophies of others! To be able to think of the fact that there may be paths much superior than your path is a great wisdom!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Eraldo Banovac
“Those who know more can easily understand that they actually know so little.”
Eraldo Banovac

Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol
“If there’s key to making our world better,
it lies there in how we treat each other:
“Let he who is asking for help, be helped,
while he who is able to help, give help.”

Meanwhile, those who’ve been helped learn to stand up,
so, in turn, they too can help others up.
Till this kind of brotherhood does come not,
expect a world getting darker with rot.”
Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol