Selfie Culture Quotes

Quotes tagged as "selfie-culture" Showing 1-27 of 27
Kevin    Wilson
“Honestly, Bessie? People don't care about anyone but themselves. They don't notice anything. They are never looking at what's interesting. They're always looking at themselves.”
Kevin Wilson, Nothing to See Here

Abhijit Naskar
“The purpose of a camera is to capture memories, not replace them.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Gospel of Technology

Abhijit Naskar
“Selfies have begun to replace memories – likes and comments have begun to replace lasting conversations – illusive friends and followers lists have begun to replace real reliable friendship. And this is nothing to be taken for granted.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Gospel of Technology

Stewart Stafford
“I never approach my heroes in public and leave all my illusions about them intact.”
Stewart Stafford

Abhijit Naskar
“In an overwhelming attempt to capture memories, people have forgotten to make memories.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Gospel of Technology

Nancy Jo Sales
“It's people running around looking for anything to generate volume: Oh, teenage girls are taking their clothes off? And that's getting a lot of hits? Then let's turn a blind eye to the consequences. Oh, your daughter's on Tinder? Well, she's just meeting friends. It's all about high-volume usage. I don't think it's necessarily a cynical, let's destroy women thing - it's how can I get my next quarter's bonus?
And I think to the extent that the digital social media society normalizes impulses- think it, post it," Roberts says, "we've also created a context for more and more provocative propositions, whatever they are: Look at my boobs. Do you want to hook up? It's moved the bar for what's normal and normalized extreme behavior; everything outrageous becomes normalized so rapidly. You realize how insane things are today when you think about the relative rate of change. When I was in high school, if I had gone around saying, Here's a picture of me, like me, I would have gotten punched. If a girl went around passing out naked pictures of herself, people would have thought she needed therapy. Now that's just Selfie Sunday."

(--- Paul Roberts quoted from the book)”
Nancy Jo Sales, American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers

Abhijit Naskar
“If you strictly want something not to get on the internet, do not keep it on your phone.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Insan: When The World is Family

Abhijit Naskar
“Service Over Selfies Sonnet

Awake, Arise O Timelords,
Oh makers and breakers of destiny!
Give this world accountability,
And time will give you immortality.
I don't want your shallow folllows,
I do not want your fancy likes.
Reach out as friend to someone in need,
That'll be my life's greatest prize.
Social media stats are no sign of character,
Fan following is no measure of a being.
Service over selfies, that is the motto,
Helping over hogging, that is living.
Life begins with the end of self-obsession,
Life self-obsessed is nothing but excretion.”
Abhijit Naskar, High Voltage Habib: Gospel of Undoctrination

Abhijit Naskar
“Once in a while you go somewhere, or meet someone, and you take a few selfies as memento, that's life - but if you spend every moment of life taking selfies, then that's not called being social, that's called being sick - clinically sick.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulldozer on Duty

Abhijit Naskar
“Click Less, Live More (The Sonnet)

Moments are vessel for memories,
Don't waste them on snobbish hypes.
A memory cherished with a loved one,
Is worth more than a billion likes.
The less devices you have to charge,
The more charge you have for your mind.
The less you obsess over convenience,
The more you develop actual insight.
Purpose of camera is to capture memory,
Not to desecrate the moments seeking attention.
Purpose of a picture is to rejuvenate emotions,
Even a thousand pictures are useless without emotion.
Click less, live more - that is the motto of wellness.
Or else, click more, sick more - there is no treatment.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

“Keep an eye out for Selfie Evangelists and Clergies who simply confirm themselves, rather than focusing on Christ.”
Shaila Touchton

“Religious Selfie addicts claim as Spiritual People are busy attracting people for themselves. Through their Selfies, they are elevating themselves above Christ and are causing Christ and his works to go unnoticed.”
Shaila Touchton

“Selfie preachers and Priests are promoting their selfies and selfishness instead of promoting God's Righteousness.”
Shaila Touchton

“Selfie preachers and priests are like how Paul warned Timothy of last days, where people would be lovers of themselves having a form of godliness but denying its power and presenting themselves as godly, but it is all for show.”
Shaila Touchton

“Selfie Preachers and Priests are busy self-adoring with their selfies taken on their smartphones in pursuit of praise, likes, followers, and comments from others and they have become lovers of themselves instead of pointing people to the Love of Christ.”
Shaila Touchton

“Watch out for selfie Preachers and Priests who are busy taking selfies, editing them and retouching them with Beauty Filter apps just confirming themselves instead of crucifying the fleshy nature with its passions and desires as per Galatians 5: 24.”
Shaila Touchton

“Selfie preachers and priests are busy adoring and impressing the image of themselves instead of adoring and Abiding in God, growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
Shaila Touchton

“Religious Clergies and Nuns are busy on social media attracting followers, likes, and comments displaying themselves like Celebrities and Superstars desiring for fame to glorify themselves instead of Glorifying Christ which is a higher calling.”
Shaila Touchton

“From God's perspective, our selfies reveal our obsession with self-expression, self-esteem, self-promotion, Self-centeredness, Self-absorption, and Selfishness. we need to make the necessary edits in our life and not in our photos, by examining ourselves and making the proper adjustments to avoid sinful nature as said in Psalm119:36 Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain.”
Shaila Touchton

“People Practice so much to have proper perfect Selfies instead of practicing the word of God which makes us and keeps us right until His work in us is perfect and complete on “the day of Jesus Christ”
Shaila Touchton

Abhijit Naskar
“Break your addiction of likes and share,
Outgrow the lure of all golden snare.
Focus on your walk, not on outside talk,
Sun's glow always makes the vermin glare.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat