Spiritual Growth Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spiritual-growth" Showing 121-150 of 1,335
Rose Rosetree
“How hard is it to adjust to Earth life? Many incarnated adults only seem to be “grown up.” Inwardly they’re protesting humanity still; angels in human form who never manage to accept those harsh and dumbed-down vibrational frequencies, no matter how many years they breathe air and how strongly their human hearts beat.

Understandably so. Every “normal” adjustment to human life could be considered a triumph, especially in the waning years of the Age of Faith.

Even if nothing else were strange about human lifetimes in this era, growing into adulthood requires decades to learn how to run the body, gain a sense of self, manage money; then, depending upon the particulars of a Life Contract, additional challenges add to every lifetime intense potential for “education.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“Key to seeking Enlightenment now is learning about something else that’s new, widely available only since the Shift into this Age of Awakening: Come learn about your new Consciousness Positioning Superpower.

Even if you don’t yet know what that means, surprise! You’re already using it. However, until you learn how to use it on purpose, you’re almost guaranteed to misuse it. Of course, this book will reveal plenty about this superpower, and how to use it productively.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Rose Rosetree
“Join me for a fascinating survey of life’s Three Vibrational Frequencies: Human, Astral, and Divine.

Each of these has a purpose for helping you to evolve spiritually, a purpose connected with how you use your consciousness.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Rose Rosetree
“All of you here at this Planning Meeting know from past experience, Earth is the toughest of all learning planets. Inevitably it changes you forever, even if you dare to incarnate on earth only once.

Sacrificing all that you know in your heavenly world, you agree to inhabit a fragile human body, living in a world brimming with fear, pain, loneliness; greed, anger, and all the other illusions.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“Planning Meetings might be the greatest art form ever, since what happens is nothing less than this: a soul shapes a new incarnation, then boldly commits. Quite the contrast to Life Reviews, when a soul comes out the other end.

Frankly this returning to heaven to learn about your recent incarnation… it’s like coming out the poop end of life… in contrast to the restaurant-like, lip-smacking deliciousness of a planning meeting. Around here we have this saying, “Planning Meetings for joy. Life Reviews for… compassion.”

Basically, watching a Life Review makes you want to hunker down with some celestial tissues, feeling sorry for the sad parts of the story, consoling yourself with knowledge of growth that took place anyway, and maybe wondering if you’ll ever risk leaving heaven again. By contrast, how do you feel after watching an inspiring Planning Meeting? You can’t wait to leave.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“Have you ever wondered, “What is the purpose of my life?” Well, here’s one short answer. The purpose of your life on earth is to evolve spiritually. Service to others may be involved. Or you might find, for certain stretches that you go through, the focus needs to be on fulfilling your own personal needs. Which is honorable too.”
Rose Rosetree, The New Strong: Stop Fixing Yourself—And Actually Accelerate Your Personal Growth!

Rose Rosetree
“My system of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses ® includes over 100 tested techniques for accessing information from auras. This system emphasizes finding practical information, which led to a discovery that is essential for our Magnetize Money Program.

Every major chakra contains 50 databanks of information.

That’s right. Reading any chakra or sub-chakra as one unit is quite a simplification.

Each chakra databank matters. It concerns a particular aspect of your life, such as:

• Your ability to accumulate wealth
• Your ability to save money
• Your ability to shrewdly invest money
• Believing that you deserve to be rich”
Rose Rosetree, Magnetize Money with Energetic Literacy: 10 Secrets for Success and Prosperity in the Third Millennium

Rose Rosetree
“Maybe we human beings became energy sensitive because of something bigger, a vibrational shift to the entire planet that began to build over the centuries, accelerated even more rapidly starting in the 1980’ s, then clicked into place on that fateful day in 2012. After that once-in-an-eon change, all of humanity shifted into this Age of Awakening.”
Rose Rosetree, The New Strong: Stop Fixing Yourself—And Actually Accelerate Your Personal Growth!

Rose Rosetree
“What kind of skill matters for an empath?

Not psychological boundary work or anything about behavior. Not energy work to clean up the mess from being an unskilled empath. Not avoiding energies of negative or overwhelming people. (With appropriate skill, an empath can go anywhere while remaining energetically protected.)

The kind of skill empaths need comes from using your AWARENESS, a gentle way of being awake inside. Ever since you were born, all your waking hours, you have had awareness.”
Rose Rosetree, The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy: Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts (An Empath Empowerment® Book)

Rose Rosetree
“Both spiritually and psychologically, deeper energies used to be hidden from view. Now they are hidden no more. In fact, these subtle energies are almost too noticeable. All that unlimited access has given rise to problems—tricky problems that this book will help you to solve.

Every day you hear so much energy talk, but does that necessarily make your life better? Today’s new rules involve Vibrational Frequencies, not just energy but different kinds of energy that are often confused by beginners. Once you learn how to tell them apart, you’ll be well on your way to a more comfortable and successful life.”
Rose Rosetree, The New Strong: Stop Fixing Yourself—And Actually Accelerate Your Personal Growth!

Rose Rosetree
“Root Chakra Databank: Saving Money

A gift for accumulating wealth—of course you have that deep down. Therefore, you have no need to force yourself to manufacture talent for doing this. Your particular knack has been part of you since the day you were born.

Unfortunately, if you are carrying STUFF like guilt over having “too much money,” that won’t be good for your bottom line. The consequence of money-repelling STUFF, especially in these Top 10 Databanks, can attract patterns of self-sabotage until the problem has been cleaned up.”
Rose Rosetree, Magnetize Money with Energetic Literacy: 10 Secrets for Success and Prosperity in the Third Millennium

Rose Rosetree
“Unfortunately, “Empath” is often used in ways that are more confusing than helpful. Such as? Defining it as “Someone who feels other people’s feelings,” or claiming that an empath is somebody who requires psychological boundary work.

In The Empowered Empath I sought to remedy confusions like these. You learned accurate names for 15 very different empath gifts. You were coached to discover what is lovely about each one that you possess.

To help you gain skills, these gifts were defined fully, not just the pretty parts. You were alerted to distinctive problems that can accompany each of those empath gifts, at least until solid skills are gained.”
Rose Rosetree, The Master Empath: Turning On Your Empath Gifts At Will - In Love, Business and Friendship (Includes Training in Skilled Empath Merge)

Rose Rosetree
“In practice “talent” means whatever brings YOU joy; following joy will help YOU carry out your purpose for that lifetime.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“Millions can move into Enlightenment, and live That as Age of Awakening Enlightenment, a distinctively new way to be one with God, quite different from Traditional Enlightenment.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“energetically, the rules changed for us all. Which rules? Only the rules that underlie your personal growth, how strong you feel, how you overcome problems, which friends you make, which friends you keep, what the heck is going on with your love life, how your career progresses, and whether or not you fulfill your dreams.

Think I’m exaggerating? Discover what a difference it makes when you get skills for living by today’s new rules. Still being yourself, with your basic belief system. Definitely you, just like always. Except that now you’re following the new rules. And consequently you’re able to fulfill your desires better than ever before. That’s your opportunity, anyway.”
Rose Rosetree, The New Strong: Stop Fixing Yourself—And Actually Accelerate Your Personal Growth!

Rose Rosetree
“BRAVE EMPATH, that is what I will be calling you in this book as I coach you in empath skills.

You are brave. Otherwise you wouldn’t have been attracted to this system for helping empaths. Plenty of other books exist to console empaths who feel like victims. It takes uncommon courage to embrace who you are, to pursue skills that can abolish empath-related suffering, and to claim the leadership role that is rightfully yours.

Yes, leadership role. Of all the skill sets I teach, Empath Empowerment is my very favorite because that leadership is so important. Granted, before you gain skills as an empath, you may not feel much like a leader at all.”
Rose Rosetree, The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy: Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts (An Empath Empowerment® Book)

Rose Rosetree
“How would your life change if you could read auras? In ways big and small, you would gain knowledge of spiritual truth. That much perhaps you already know. But do you also appreciate that aura reading can bring you down-to-earth benefits? Ordinary things turn amazing, from kissing babies to playing with puppies. If you thought your TV was in color before, wait until you turn on the auras.

Yes, auras can be watched on TV. Photos in your daily newspaper, snapshots of family reunions, your favorite baby picture that shows you with chocolate pudding smeared all over your face-all of these have auras. And you can definitely learn to read them.”
Rose Rosetree, Aura Reading Through All Your Senses: Celestial Perception Made Practical

Rose Rosetree
“Though ever-present as your helper and creator, God has made a sanctuary of free will where only you are in control. It’s your consciousness . However you choose to wake up that truth-seeking awareness within, God will support you. Hasn’t it happened so far?

What if you seek God by means of beliefs? God will illuminate the truth within those beliefs.

What if you ask God to live within your heart? No problem. It has always been so.

What if you resolve to honor your body as God’s temple? You can do it through athletics, yoga or dance; through health food or pleasure food, celibacy or sex. Whatever your choice, sooner or later, the result will be a stronger version of God’s presence coursing through your blood.

What if you pursue God through religion? Depending on the beliefs within your beliefs, God will participate just as you’ve requested.”
Rose Rosetree, Let Today Be A Holiday : 365 Ways to Co-Create with God

Rose Rosetree
“Who are you? That sense of identity you have as a person: Could be, that’s where you used to get clobbered.

Back in the day, didn’t those unskilled empath merges make it hard to find out who, exactly, you were? You, of all people.

Developing a Sense of identity means gaining a workable, conscious set of thoughts and feelings about yourself as an individual. What makes you special? Why would people want to get to know you? And who will they meet when they do?

Refining your personal sense of identity can help you to feel safe and whole.”
Rose Rosetree, The Master Empath: Turning On Your Empath Gifts At Will - In Love, Business and Friendship (Includes Training in Skilled Empath Merge)

Rose Rosetree
“I’m going to teach you a complete skill set to heal ghosts, replace psychic coercion with self-authority, do aura makeovers to upgrade your social image, and more.

The entire set of techniques is called Spiritual Cleansing and Protection. Let’s move forward together, one easy skill at a time.”
Rose Rosetree, Use Your Power of Command for Spiritual Cleansing and Protection

Rose Rosetree
“What an understatement to call aura reading fun! As if it weren’t fascinating enough to plunge into the auric effects of the Beatles, Chanel No. 5, and your favorite flavor of ice cream, imagine what happens when you can read auras of your family and friends. Auras reveal juicy stuff about what is really going on with people in areas like love and communication.”
Rose Rosetree, Aura Reading Through All Your Senses: Celestial Perception Made Practical

Rose Rosetree
“With the skill set of Spiritual Cleansing and Protection, you will gain the ability to identify and heal several different kinds of astral-level debris. If you’re going to attempt this type of healing, why not do it really well?

Many of my clients and students have been pleasantly surprised to experience energetic decluttering. All it took was the same skill set I’m teaching you one technique at a time.”
Rose Rosetree, Use Your Power of Command for Spiritual Cleansing and Protection

Rose Rosetree
“one by one, every single one of you Awakeners can reclaim your light. Each one of you can regain it. Waking up, gradually, you can reclaim all the joy you have ever known on Earth and beyond; all that joy and more; until living with your full light.”
Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

Rose Rosetree
“Many unskilled empaths interpret their talent negatively, inappropriately calling themselves names like “Over-sensitive,” “Neurotic,” or “Co-dependent.” Ridiculous, Brave Empath! You have a gift. It’s tricky but, with skill, you can purposely use that gift to fly in spirit.”
Rose Rosetree, The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy: Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts (An Empath Empowerment® Book)

Rose Rosetree
“Although spiritual awakening is lovely, it won’t bring you anywhere close to Enlightenment.

Step by step, this how-to manual will explain exactly what to do—and why—in order to pursue the real deal, Spiritual Enlightenment.

Have you been feeling homesick for Heaven? Gain knowledge that can help you to solve the ache of separation from God.

In the process you just might begin to embrace your humanity more fully than ever before.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Rose Rosetree
“When you’re an unskilled empath, other people in the room can seem way more vivid than you. Is it common for you to have one or more of the following experiences while you’re with others?

Wondering what it is like to be someone else.

Experiencing at depth what it feels like to be that person. Finding problems, pain or fears, in others. No trying!

Wishing that things could be better for that other person.

Wishing that somehow you could help.

Observing someone’s conversation (even if it isn’t yours), you automatically notice what’s going on beneath the surface.

When somebody has a negative judgment of you, it may be seem overwhelmingly obvious, no more a secret than if he or she started singing “La Bamba” in a very loud voice.

You might even slide into acting differently, more like the way you’re expected to act.

Come to think of it, you may define yourself in that room much as a bat would. Why? You’re doing a human version of echolocation. Depending on how you sound to others, that’s how you find yourself.”
Rose Rosetree, Empath Empowerment in 30 Days

Rose Rosetree
“Despite always being successful as a co-creator with God, you may encounter one problem. Whether you’re involved in organized religion or what I call “disorganized religion,” whether you’re an Olympic athlete, a sophisticated theologian or a world-class lover of humanity, good intentions can bring you God knowledge. But that doesn’t guarantee a life where you actively co-create with God.

For this to happen, it helps to learn about yourself, not just some far-away Almighty Being. How were you designed for knowledge and service? Quick, glib answers won’t do. They won’t satisfy the longing to experience those gifts directly, all the way from the surface of life to the deepest part of you.

One reason to fully own your gifts is that they can help you experience God more clearly. Over time, your consciousness wakes up more. And you earn the standing to do better than simply have conversations with God. Together you can co-create.”
Rose Rosetree, Let Today Be A Holiday : 365 Ways to Co-Create with God

“I prefer the company of my real godly dogs, as much as other people do their unreal illusory gods.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“Yo are infinite creation in sacred motion.”
Kasim Khan