Spiritual Growth Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spiritual-growth" Showing 181-210 of 1,335
“There’s no handbook. The handbook is your heart; the confusion is your head.”
Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodayattva

“Whatever You Focus On, You Make Room For – Whatever You Fear, You Empower!”
Eric D Cooper

“To be the real you is the spiritual path.”
Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodayava

“The wisdom mind is not some faraway attainment. You got it when you were born, you have it every second, and it is always trying to get you to listen a little closer.”
Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodayava

“Attachment to enjoyment limits your ability to enjoy, and guarantees eventual misery. So when you’re not attached to enjoyment, you enjoy much more.”
Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodayattva

“Most people are meditating on what they like, or don’t like. Most people are meditating on how to be happy, how to have a better life, how to make more money, how to get sex—so don’t be confused. What you give your attention to, IS your meditation. Formal meditation, the ‘practice’ of meditation, is an antidote for these involuntary meditations that people are always engaging in without realizing it. You get to focus on something different, something perhaps of your choosing.”
Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya

“When you relax, the universe starts to answer questions you never even asked.”
Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya

“Growth happens in secret but exploits happen in public. Seek God in secret and He will reward you in the open.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

“Joy is the human experience of the Divine itself.”
Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya

Tyler Max Redding
“There’s no race, but I tire of stillness—
Which side of that reflection puzzle is the juggernaut key to willingness?”
Tyler Max Redding

Alice Tyszka
“I Look Up

Whenever I am lost,
I don’t look left or right.

I don’t attempt to control a path
I know I will navigate through
at some point.

I know.
I look up.”
Alice Tyszka, Loving this Life

Nicole Gauder
“Be the observer of your thoughts, don’t claim them.”
Nicole Gauder, What It Takes To Make It A Guide To Making Life Work For You

Nicole Gauder
“You are the only thinker in your mind. You do not need to allow the challenges of life to impact you negatively.”
Nicole Gauder, What It Takes To Make It A Guide To Making Life Work For You

Nicole Gauder
“You have always had the power to deliberately create the life of your choosing. The power has been within you all along.”
Nicole Gauder, What It Takes To Make It A Guide To Making Life Work For You

Nicole Gauder
“Stress cannot be experienced in the present moment. When you feel stressed, you are stressing about either the past or the future. You are either getting upset about something that is passed and over or worrying about something that has not happened.”
Nicole Gauder, What It Takes To Make It A Guide To Making Life Work For You

Donna Goddard
“The spiritual path is kind and tender and rewards its trekkers with obvious and valuable gains for every step.”
Donna Goddard, Geboor: Spiritual Fiction

Donna Goddard
“The dark times are as valuable as the light. It’s a balance. It needs to be approached in the right way; not wished away, ignored, or merely endured with patience, but acknowledged and appreciated for what it is.”
Donna Goddard, Geboor: Spiritual Fiction

Marlissa P
“God is present and powerful in dead spaces”
Marlissa P

“Are you ready to take your prayer life to the next level and experience God's blessings through effective prayers? Do not settle for less! Be brave and tenacious, and persistently pursue and hold onto God's promises until they are fulfilled. In essence, be a prayer warrior and fight the good fight!”
Glory Tang

“You only have one life but you can have as many transformations as you'd like.”
Niedria Kenny, Order in the Courtroom: The Tale of a Texas Poker Player

“There is peace and healing in knowing that our cuts aren't deeper than the calvary's nail-piercings, There is peace and healing when God's Grace reign in our sick souls and lay our pain and fears to rest. There is peace, healing and rebirth of our spirits in knowing that will no longer be Judged by our mistakes but by our hearts because "God has bestowed on us a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. We will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of His splendor". Isa 61:3”
Njau Kihia

“Most of what you are is attitude.”
Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya

Donna Goddard
“The backward drag in the earlier stages of one’s spiritual commitment can be immense. Intensity of commitment ensures that the kindling elements of devotion and dedication overcome the tremendous resistance to forward movement. We calm our minds, heal our bodies, save our relationships, and help the world.”
Donna Goddard, The Love of Devotion

“Your spiritual journey is not separate from your life; life itself is a spiritual journey. It is the journey of your spirit, your soul, spread over eternity.”
Meeta Ahluwalia

“Meditation is not an activity, but a state of being.”
Meeta Ahluwalia

“All action is a pursuit, driven by thought & desire. Meditation is, a silent inward witnessing, devoid of thought.”
Meeta Ahluwalia

“The idea that zen, spirituality, or even any religion must live off the donations of their members and communities, lacks creativity. If these organizations do so well at helping people but aren't able to create a sustainable model for themselves, what kind of example is that?”
William Mile

Jennifer Pierre
“In the tapestry of life, chakras serve as vibrant threads weaving the story of change and growth, inviting individuals to embark on a journey of self-realization and spiritual expansion….”
Jennifer Pierre

“A human being is responsible for one thing only: His own happiness.”
Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya

“The curiousity to know the unknown can lead you to the known that was unknown.”