Spiritual Growth Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spiritual-growth" Showing 211-240 of 1,335
“God is both gross and divine. God is both righteous and unrighteous. He is both he and she. He is both pain and pleasure, the good and the bad. God is every aspect of this existence. It is it. That’s it. Good and bad are what humans attribute to things, people and events according to their sense of morality.”
Abhaidev, The Meaninglessness of Meaning

“God is able to do the impossible, exceedingly, abundantly far above all you can ever think or imagine but HE doesn’t want to do that outside of a relationship with you. Biblical prayer is not communication without a relationship.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

R.F. Kuang
“How do you expect to reach the spirit realm when you’re obsessing over the things in front of you? I know why it’s hard for you. You like beating your classmates. You like harboring your old grudges. It feels good to hate, doesn’t it? Up until now you’ve been storing your anger up and using it as fuel. But unless you learn to let it go, you are never going to find your way to the gods.”
R.F. Kuang, The Poppy War

Sri Devi Om
“The number of obstacles I've faced makes my life an obstacle course! If you're scared of obstacles, you're still a beginner in spirituality. Endurance is a telltale sign of spiritual evolution.”
Sri Devi Om

Elizabeth A. Platt
“Come with anointing as the brides of old, and may the sweet-smelling bouquet of love reach the King's senses. The Holy Spirit is like a fragrance of a rose garden; thus, the Lord wants a pleasing aroma when He draws us into His presence.”
Elizabeth A. Platt, Still Waters Abound: Inspirational Devotional

Anthon St. Maarten
“Without spiritual development we are like travelers on a dark country road, with only a candle to light our way. But when we grow spiritually to greater awareness and higher levels of consciousness, our path becomes enlightened by a powerful spotlight.”
Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

“I stared down a wolf
Claiming the edge of the forest
This is not the first time
Courage has dominated my life”
Teresa E. Gallion, Contemplation in the High Desert

Jaco Strydom
“we'd rather look better and feel better, than become better - this is the great compromise that keeps us from growing spiritually...”
Jaco Strydom, Alle sondaars welkom: Gedagtes oor God en die grense van mense

Laurence Galian
“You cannot grow spiritually by repressing the "dark" side. To grow as a person, it is imperative that you respect both poles of the psyche. The unity of the self encomásses light and dark poles. Since the Shadow is an inherent and necessary part of the human being, the Western religious standard causes individual to be split from themselves. It is essential for those on the spiritual way to integrate the shadow. Because Western religion has created this image of the "God of Good in Whom there is no Darkness," a grand enantiodrama is occurring around the globe. The "Light" has been over-emphasized in spiritual paths, and they have sentenced its opposite characteristic to the dungeon of society's collective unconscious. Sometimes the repressed characteristic bursts forth wildly into daylight with a lethal force.”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

Swami Dhyan Giten
“Ordinarily humanity thinks that they know what love is. Everybody assumes that theft know what love is, so they think that there is no need to learn what love is. They think that there is no need to seek and discover what love is, so love is missing from the world. 
Humanity does not understand that love is the greatest art in life. You cannot take love forgranted. You have to explore what love is. That will enhance the whole of humanity. Love is everybody's potential, so it is possible that the whole humanity can come to a new height of love. Only then will a real humanity be born.
When thousand of people realize their potential for love it will affect the whole of humanity. Then a new humanity will arise with love in their heart. A new humanity will arise with a light in their soul.
But it requires your effort to rise to your potential of love. Then it will not only be a spiritual growth for you, but a help for the whole humanity. It will be a true service for humanity.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, Meditation: A Love Affair with the Whole - Thousand and One Flowers of Silence, Love, Joy, Truth, Freedom, Beauty and the Divine

Stefanie Ruth
“Your divine light, your soul’s essence, will always urge you to bend, grow, and change.”
Stefanie Ruth, Your Sacred Journey: The Ultimate Guidebook to Align Your Mind, Body, & Spirit

“The highest experiences in the spiritual life are full of humility.”
Brother Pedro

Ray Catania
“Your perception of your reality will overpower the reality of your perception every single time.”
Ray Catania, You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It: Empower, Elevate, and Enlighten Your Consciousness

Dhayana Alejandrina
“Each season, Mother Nature bares fruit and sheds at the same time: She is one of the greatest teachers in life.”
Dhayana Alejandrina

Veronica Braila
“How do you control your mind? How do you find a middle between truth and delusion? It may interest you that if you go too far on truth, you may get disappointed in God, in your life, in any beliefs, and even in your mother that gave birth to you. But what if you go too far on delusion?" He stopped and made a thoughtful face. Precop continued, "If you go too far on delusion, you will go crazy and find the darkest hell inside of your inner mind, provided by your own mind. I've been there, trust me. It is so dark that till now I am not sure if you're real or I am just talking to myself.”
Veronica Braila, Blue House: Ten Years on The Way Home

“Even though the human creature has a complete physical and an organic structure in its mental and psychological condition as a conscious and spiritual entity, it still is a being in a state of development.”
Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche, Diálogos

Tish Harrison Warren
“There are indeed moments of spiritual ecstasy in the Christian life and in gathered worship. Powerful spiritual experiences, when they come, are a gift. But that cannot be the point of Christian spirituality, any more than the unforgettable pappardelle pasta dish I ate years ago in Boston's North End is the point of eating.

Word and sacrament sustain my life, and yet they often do not seem life changing. Quietly, even forgettably, they feed me.”
Tish Harrison Warren, Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life

“There is more that God wants to do with our lives than what we have ever known or discovered.”
Benjamin Suulola

“I sat in the belly of a forest and soaked in God’s peaceful silence”
DJ Bwakali

“It is impossible to be spiritually mature when we are emotionally unhealthy.”
Leslie Vernick, The Emotionally Destructive Relationship: Seeing It, Stopping It, Surviving It

Stephen K.  Moore
“Let's just get it out front--the perfect church is imperfect, because part of the mission of the church is to transform ordinary pagans into sanctified and joyous warriors for righteousness.”
Stephen K Moore, Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are

Stephen K.  Moore
“Just being honest, I think in my church life we have had too much mouth, too much ear, and too little hands and feet. Way too little brain. We talk some good talk; after all, it is based on the eternal and enduring truth of scripture.”
Stephen K Moore, Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are

Stephen K.  Moore
“In this superstar-audience-service model of worship, we do not accomplish what David and his band of unhappy slobs did. They all (David and his rabble band) were transformed into an elite group of warriors pursuing the purposes of God in bringing the Messiah into the world. Once their transformation achieved some traction, they left their cave and fought the battles that needed to be fought.”
Stephen K Moore, Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are

Stephen K.  Moore
“Total sacrifice is not being a consumer at a rock concert-style emotion-driven superstar-pastor and worship leader performance. After all, that whole commotion is designed to appeal to the consumer. Total sacrifice is living every moment of every day as a dead person brought to life by the indwelling Creator of all, continually seeking to join God in whatever he is doing...”
Stephen K Moore, Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are

Stephen K.  Moore
“We must see every day of our life as an act of worship. We must see every interaction as potentially spiritual and kingdom related. To the point, we must know God's Word well enought to discern if a spiritual event is holy (from the Lord) or demonic (from Satan and his demons); remember, the adversary of our Lord is always prowling about.”
Stephen K Moore, Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are

Stephen K.  Moore
“Scripturally and historically, as was mentioned earlier, the church didn't really own property until the tragic day that Constantine gave it to them. Then started the big church, clergy and laity, audience and performer tradition. We have largely been shacked to this system ever since.”
Stephen K Moore, Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are

Clarissa Pinkola Estés
“We all have made the mistake of thinking someone else can be our healer, our thriller, our filling. It takes a long time to find it is not so, mostly because we project the wound outside ourselves instead of ministering to it within.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Andrew Pacholyk
“Optimism is your greatest defense against all things that oppress your spirit. While you figure it out… stay positive.”
Andrew Pacholyk, Pearls of Light: passion, poetry & positive affirmations

“In order to make progress, you need to arrive at a place of radical honesty — a place of saying, 'Not only did I create the outcomes that I’ve experienced thus far in my life, on some level, I wanted to create them.”
A.C. Winklier, The Conscious Creator's Guidebook: Manifest Your Dream Life And Be Happier For It

Nicole Gauder
“The only one who can make or break your life is you.”
Nicole Gauder, What It Takes To Make It A Guide To Making Life Work For You