2021 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,651,926
Books Pledged 306,760,011
Avg. Books Pledged 54
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Alexandru has read 83 of 65 books in 2021.
  • Kellanved's Reach by Ian C. Esslemont
  • Deadhouse Landing by Ian C. Esslemont
  • Byzantium by John Julius Norwich
  • The Doctor Who Fooled the World by Brian Deer
  • Dancer's Lament by Ian C. Esslemont
  • Nietzsche by Toni Llácer
  • Byzantium by John Julius Norwich
  • War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
  • A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn
  • Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark
  • View More ▾
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message 1: by Stefan (new)

Stefan Andrei Congrats!

message 2: by Alexandru (new)

Alexandru Stefan wrote: "Congrats!"

Merci, merci! Te astept la War & Peace readalong, am ajuns pe la 60% si fac pauza :)

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  • Force Heretic II: Refugee (Star Wars: The New Jedi Order, #16)
  • Red Harvest
  • Fall of Light (The Kharkanas Trilogy, #2)
  • Forge of Darkness (The Kharkanas Trilogy, #1)
  • Fall of Light (The Kharkanas Trilogy, #2)
  • Forge of Darkness (The Kharkanas Trilogy, #1)
  • Night of Knives (Novels of the Malazan Empire, #1)
  • Fall of Light (The Kharkanas Trilogy, #2)
  • Fall of Light (The Kharkanas Trilogy, #2)