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10 Things Jacksepticeye Can't Live Without

There are a few things Jacksepticeye can't live without. From his YouTuber work necessities like his MacBook and favorite headphones to his must-have skincare item and his current watch, here are Jacksepticeye's essentials. Director: Robby Miller Director of Photography: Francis Bernal Editor: Marcus Niehaus Producer: Camille Ramos Line Producer: Jen Santos Production Manager: James Pipitone Production Coordinator: Jamal Colvin Talent Booker: Meredith Judkins, Mica Medoff Camera Operator: Rahil Ashruff Gaffer: Alfonso Audio: Rebecca ONeil Production Assistant: Caleb Clark Post Production Supervisor: Rachael Knight Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant Supervising Editor: Rob Lombardi Assistant Editor: Courtney Karwal

Released on 06/21/2023


Good God.

I swear, I'm not as cool as some other people.

I know some people get on, they're like,

I have a guitar that I bring everywhere.

I bring my dog.

I don't have any of that stuff.

I have a pen, I have an inhaler.

I live my life.

[funky music]

Hey, what's up GQ?

I'm Jacksepticeye, and these are my essentials.

This is throat coat tea,

or as I like to call it, the throat goat.

That's what they called me.

[birds chirping]

Yeah, he got it.

I got put on this from,

I did a tour with the Game Grumps.

Was it 2017 maybe?

And I had never heard of it before

but to kind of like keep your voice nice.

Supports throat health.

So it kind of like coats your throat, as it's called.

Keeps your voice nice if you're talking all the time.

But especially when traveling

because when I travel I tend to get sick.

You Americans love your air conditioning,

and it's dry everywhere.

How most of you don't have a sore throat all the time?

I don't know.

Every time I come here, I wake up

and it feels like I swallowed glass.

[funky music]

You want a little demonstration?

This is my Ventolin,

a hundred micrograms salbutamol sulfate.

Yeah, shout out illness.

I have asthma so I have an inhaler with me all the time.

I also have like a steroid one

that I take during the winter,

because the winter months are hard on us little baby lungs.

So I have this one that I take like all the time.

When I was a kid I used to take this twice in the morning,

twice at night, and then a brown inhaler

I don't know what was in it.

I turned 18 and they were like

you weren't supposed to be taking that that much.

And then I was like, oh.

And they were like, yeah,

you don't really have asthma anymore.

And I was like,

I did it, I beat the system.

And then a couple of years ago

I started getting wheezy again,

'cause I guess I'm getting on in years.

The wheels are coming off.

So I had to go back on my inhaler.

I'll give you a little demonstration.

[inhaler hissing]

That's it.

[funky music]

Oh, my trusty,

I always call them moles skin

but it has an 'E' at the end.

So is it Mole-skine?

They're just weird.

They're European.

This is my notepad or one of many that I bring with me.

Every now and then I'll get an idea for something.

If it's a video or I'm trying to do stuff

with this like whole universe of characters that I'm doing,

and I like having a notepad with me to write stuff down.

Because I could do it on my laptop,

but I don't like doing that.

I like writing it out.

I like having like a pen and paper

'cause I feel like it like gets in my brain more.

Or I like work it out more that way.

If I'm writing it on my laptop

I tend to forget about it,

and I hate having a messy desktop,

so it just gets shoved away in a folder somewhere.

So I like having a notepad to write ideas down.

And the start of this one has like,

if I did a new tour what would it look like?

And it's like anytime I have any sort of idea

I just pop out my pen and my notepad and I write it down.

More often than not, they never come to fruition.

But I just like having a notepad.

Every time I go to a store, like a stationary store,

I'm like, I want to get a notepad.

I have nothing to write in it.

And I have like five at home that aren't even filled yet.

But I like having it.

I also write like games into this.

If somebody gives me a recommendation,

I'll write down, like,

Oh I should play this and play this.

And then kind of like write out why I should play it

and things like that.

So, I don't know, I'm a very disorganized person normally,

but this is like some semblance of organization in it,

somewhere, I guess.

[funky music]

This is my laptop,

which is a new MacBook Air, MacBook M something.

I don't know.

I bought a new and I really like it

because I used to have an old one

that was much bigger and bulkier.

And because I travel so much

I always need something to just do work.

I do thumbnails on this.

I edit videos, I get stuff ready for my content.

And sometimes I just watch movies on it, or shows.

So I bring this everywhere with me whenever I travel.

And I love how small it is.

'Cause now it's tiny and it's really light

and the one I had before was stronger

but it was so bulky that I hated carrying it.

It gave me a headache every time I put it in my bag.

So this one is tiny and I love it.

I could just sit here

and my videos are actually up on it right now.

You can see my whole channel ready to go

because I needed to get videos ready for today.

So I was using it this morning.

[chilled music]

These are my headphones, apple AirPod Maxes.

I really like these

because the noise cancellation on them is really good.

I used to have a set of Sony headphones

that I used all the time.

But they're new ones are not as comfy.

And I wanted to try these out.

And these have probably the best sound

for any of the headphones that I've tried.

Like Bluetooth travel headphones.

Because we're on the airplane a lot

and we're traveling quite a bit.

I like having headphones

that have noise canceling in them,

but they're quite heavy.

So they're not really for everybody,

but they they are some of the comfier ones that I've used.

People in the headphones space are quite particular

about the headphones that they use.

So I'm sorry.

I'm sorry if there's better ones out there

that I haven't used,

this is all I know, okay.

It's either I'm listening to stuff

on my computer or my phone.

If I'm watching a TV show or movie,

or I listen to some podcasts.

But sometimes music, on the way here this time

I was re-listening to Linkin Park's,

Hybrid Theory and Meteora,

'cause I got the 20th anniversary edition,

the like $200 one.

And I was so hyped about that

and it came with all like, all the vinyls,

and the discs, and the artwork, and everything.

And I was like, well I can't listen to that on the plane.

So, I was listening to those albums again

and it brought me back to my childhood.

[chilled music]

This is just like a whole ad for Apple at this point.

Look, it's a convenient ecosystem that works well.

This is my phone, the iPhone 14 pro, I guess this one is.

And there's someone at my door,

my ring doorbell is going off.

So whoever that is,

hopefully it's someone that's not supposed to be there.

[signal beeping] I feel like anybody

that does these types of videos

who does an essentials video,

if they don't bring up a phone

then I don't trust them.

Everyone has a phone.

It's like, what are you contacting with?

Some people come in and it's like,

no, I bring my my dream catcher with me,

or something like-

Yeah sure you do.

Everyone brings a phone with them.

Everyone needs to be in contact with the world at all times.

So I feel like this is like the one essential.

Is this like the one thing that everybody says they bring?

[Interviewer] Pretty much across the board,

it is the one thing. Yeah, this is like

the one common denominator of humanity right now.

And I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing,

but I mean why wouldn't you have a phone?

I need to go on socials with it.

I need to check my videos.

I need to contact people here

and whenever I'm traveling.

If I don't have a phone, I'm lost.

What else am I going to do?

[chilled music]

This is very different.

All the other ones are like,

nice and cool and it's like wow,

what a cool personality he has.

This is just moisturizer.

This is Cetaphil Pro Oil Control Moisturizer

with SPF 30 in it,

because I get an oily T-zone.

You know, you're still watching, right?

You're still listening.

I never had like a skincare routine for my whole life

which I probably should have had.

I feel like everyone should have some sort of care

for their skin

because whenever people look at like Paul Rudd

and they're like, why does he look like a baby still?

It's probably 'cause he uses something like this

every single day.

I remember watching TikToks of like,

you ever seen those ones with like the dermatologists

and they're talking about stuff that you should do

for your skin.

And there's like peptides, there's vitamin C boosters,

there's retinols,

and I do use all of those as well.

I have like a vitamin C booster

that I do in the mornings

and then I moisturize.

And then at night I have a retinol night cream that I use.

That's why this baby face has stayed pristine for years.

The one common thing that they kept saying

was that no matter where you go

you can live without that stuff,

but you should always have an SPF moisturizer with you

because my skin gets really dry after a shower.

And even if you don't have sunshine in your life,

like England and Ireland don't have,

you should always still have an SPF on you,

whatever you're doing.

'Cause that's how your skin stays youthful and exuberant.

And I'm here for the long haul baby.

I want to be making videos in my sixties

and I'm going to still look the same.

I'll just have longer, grayer hair.

[funky music]

The precise V5 RT pilot pen.

Again, 'cause I write so much all the time.

This is brand new as well.

This is 'cause my other one ran out.

This is one that was recommended by a friend,

again 'cause I have a notepad with me everywhere I go

and I want to write stuff down.

I hate my own handwriting and I normally hate writing.

My hand gets tired all the time.

But for some reason this pen glides like a dream baby.

You know how people are like, what you got?

You got a V8 in that bad boy?

Yeah, you gotta carry,

you got a V8 engine, twin turbos?

Like no, I got a precise V5, baby.

This is going to take us to the moon.

[chilled music]

Can I get a whoop whoop.

This is my WHOOP watch,

which I recently got into in the last like six months.

And I love it, 'cause I used to have a Fitbit

and I didn't really like the app,

how that one works.

I used to have an Apple watch,

but I hated how distracting the screen was all the time.

'Cause, a monkeys banging symbols in here.

And every time something would show up,

I'd be like, what's that?

And then people I was around would be like,

Oh, you need to be somewhere?

I'm like, no, I just have ADHD.

I need to like look at everything that pops up.

And most times it was like,

oh, someone's at your door giving you spam mail.

But I got the WHOOP watch

because I watched another YouTuber podcaster, named Cody Co.

He was sponsored by WHOOP at one point,

and he showed off some of it

and I was like, dude that looks exactly like what I want.

And I love it because it's all in the app.

And the app is so straightforward.

And it tells me how much I've slept.

What my recovery's like, can you pass me my phone?

Let's see what my recovery for today is, shall we?

I have 81% recovery and I got 87% of my sleep.

Seven hours and 11 minutes.

And my health monitor, I'm all in the green baby.

My heart rate variance was at 54 milliseconds.

My heart rate's at 62 BPMs right now.

I thought that would be higher.

[funky music]

Another thing I use all the time

is I have earphones at home

that are like noise canceling sleep earphones,

called the Bose sleep buds.

Because I'm so sensitive to noise when I sleep

that I need like something going on in the background

at all times.

Something to quell the noise.

If I'm ever somewhere

where there's like cars honking outside or something,

I put those in and then I play rain sounds on them

and then that puts me to sleep real quick.

And I think I've like Pavlov'd my way into falling asleep

quicker with them.

'Cause now I put them in and my brain hears rain

and it's like, oh, it's sleepy time.

Let's do that.

So now I actually go to sleep quicker

than I ever have in my entire life,

because I use those.

And then the world could be ending around me

and I will have no idea.

[funky music]

Well, those are my essentials.

Some of you might relate very heavily to them

some of you might not.

Some of you might think I'm a raving lunatic.

Who cares?

It's my essentials not yours.

What are yours?

Okay, oh, I need my teddy, my toy.

Thank you guys for watching.

Thank you for having me.

This has been very fun.

Those are my essentials.

I'm Jacksepticeye, signing off.


[calm outro music]

Starring: Jacksepticeye

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