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Today Show & Morning Joe Host Willie Geist Loves Super Chunky Peanut Butter & Dance Parties

Willie Geist, our favorite early morning TV host, shares his top ten essentials, ranging from super chunky peanut butter to dress shirts

Released on 03/11/2013


(upbeat music)

Journalism was in my family a little bit.

My dad is a correspondent for CBS, so it was in the air.

I started at MSNBC as a producer

and then, sort of, weaseled my way under the air.

I went from there to Morning Joe,

and then I run across the street at about eight o'clock

every morning to do The Today Show.

I'm Willie Geist and these are my ten essentials.

I love this Baxter of California Shave Balm.

I'mma be real honest with you.

If they'd let me eat this, I would eat this stuff.

It's really good, it's not oily, and it's not overwhelming.

I heard you like Mr. GQ Smooth now.

When I'm not at work, or especially on the weekend,

this is kind of what it looks like.

This is a ratty, old Derek Jeter tee-shirt,

which doesn't just have a hole in the back of it,

it's got air conditioning.

This I picked up in London at the Summer Olympics.

Some official Team USA gear.

A pair of jeans here.

Old reliables.

Basically put on the same ones every weekend.

Love these Cole Haan shoes.

They're called Lunargrands.

They look like a buck, but they feel like a sneaker

when you walk in them.

It's a good weekend shoe.

This is Skippy Extra Crunchy Super Chunk peanut butter

and just go right to town.

Now what you've done there,

it's a healthy meal,

you've lost the bread so you're not getting

the carbs in the sandwich, and, by the way,

don't go for the low fat stuff.

You can taste the difference.

It's not worth it.

We're all gonna die eventually anyway.

I love a chocolate chip cookie,

and I love no chocolate chip cookie more

than Helen's Kitchen of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Now I don't know if you can see in the front,

just a couple grains there of sea salt.

That makes all the difference in the world.

I love these sunglasses.

They're called Warby Parker.

I'm a sucker for these American stories.

It was four buddies who decided

that sunglasses cost too much.

They thought it was ridiculous,

so they got together, they made sunglasses

that cost under $100, and they don't look bad either.

Warby Parker.

I wear a dress shirt every single day to work on television,

like the one I'm wearing now.

The company is called Ledbury,

and they make shirts that actually fit you.

They don't, they're not tailored shirts

but they feel like they are.

This is the part where I pretend I take the subway.

Living in New York City, you cannot live without this.

This is the MetroCard for the subway.

It's the best, it's the fastest, it's the quickest,

it's the most interesting way to get anywhere

in New York City.

One of the highlights of everyday for me is

the dance party we have in our apartment

at about six o'clock.

We just crank up the Bose speakers,

get out the iTunes, and throw down

with a five- and three-year-old dance party.

I have two kids who run around furiously.

A lot of times they fall down,

hit their face on the side of the dining room table,

but they get right back up 'cause they hear

the smooth, smooth sounds of LMFAO

coming through our speakers.

This one's pretty self-explanatory.


The problem is you kind of get addicted to it

so it looks like I'm a Visine customer for life.

When you have a five-year-old and a three-year-old,

this becomes a big essential in your life.

Good Kentucky bourbon.

This is Maker's Mark I have,

but you can go a lot of directions.

Any variety of Kentucky bourbon is the good stuff.

It helps life go down a little bit smoother.

Thanks for feigning interest.

Your big takeaway?

I'm a guy who eats Skippy peanut butter out of the jar

and chases it down with straight whiskey.

My drink is a good bourbon on the rocks

with a little splash of ginger ale up top.

What's your drink of choice?

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or tweet us at #GQ10.

(upbeat music)

Starring: Willie Geist

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