• 关于丽台
  • 投资人关系
  • 企业简介
  • 历史沿革
  • 未来展望
  • 经营者的话
  • 企业社会责任
  • ESG report
  • 隐私权政策
  • 全球据点
  • 人力资源
  • Quality system


  • 证券代号:2465
  • 额定资本额:新台币肆拾亿元整(其中陆亿元系预留供附认股权公司债及员工认股权凭证使用)
  • 董事长/总经理:卢昆山
  • 上市日期:民国 90 年 09 月 19 日
  • 发言人/董事长特别助理 :杨智昆
  • 实收资本额:新台币 839,460,310元整
  • 已发行普通股股数: 83,946,031股

丽台科技(LEADTEK Research Inc.)成立于1986年,是全球知名的计算机及智慧医疗研发制造商、NVIDIA长期合作伙伴。我们坚持以「研究创新、质量至上」为不变的信念,推出产品涵盖GeForce显卡、NVIDIA RTX 绘图卡、AI工作站与服务器、AI管理软件、桌面虚拟化Zero Client/Thin Client方案、智慧医疗/健康照护解决方案及大数据解决方案等。依2022年《天下杂志》两千大企业调查,丽台科技于2021年拿下「制造业总排名」第379名,成绩斐然。

NVIDIA 长期合作伙伴

在GPU与云端服务领域,丽台科技推出世界知名品牌-Leadtek、WinFast,并获得多个国际奖项肯定。近年成功协助学界与企业搭建GPU 深度学习环境,且获邀成为APAC亚太区的NVIDIA指定合作伙伴,通过NVIDIA深度学习学院(DLI)共同展开AI人才培训。除了工业4.0的GPU AI方案外,丽台科技还和医院及医疗研究单位携手合作推出智慧医疗解决方案,拥有丰富的医学图像处理与分析、医疗信息分析、及临床数据分析等经验。

AI 的应用和创新

结合AI人工智能、NVIDIA GPU、NVIDIA认证工作站和服务器与累积多年的专业图像处理技术,丽台科技打造自动化光学检测 (AOI) 所需的AIDMS。AIDMS 为no-code无须程序代码的AI开发管理平台,可大幅降低导入AI成本及缩短项目开发时间,并实现流程自动化与标准化,为AOI设备供货商统一管理不同光学检测设备中的影像数据,建立强大的AI模型,有效降低设备误差,提升产品在市场的竞争力。AIDMS应用于教育行业,可加速教学环境搭建、论文研究及产学计划。


丽台自2000年投资威今基因科技起,开始投入智慧医疗及健康照护领域。威今着重于心率变异分析(HRV)、心电图(ECG)与无线应用等相关产品的研发与销售。以自律神经的分析检测来说,威今在台湾的市占比重为第一名,在两岸更有大型医院场所采用其医疗设备。2010年成立旗下健康品牌amor, amor源自于西班牙文,是爱的意思。丽台科技希望透过amor品牌传达守护健康爱相随的精神,提供优质的健康医疗产品,成为每位消费者贴心的健康管家。2020年推出amor H2 Plus穿戴心电图记录器满足医院精准诊疗与居家远距照护服务的需求。根据台湾合作的医学中心对于心血管疾病住院病患调查,离院后配戴H2 PLUS 监护病患生理数据并及时调整用药量,可有效降低再住院率达75%。


丽台并于2019年收购世界知名血氧仪品牌Alvital,透过非侵入式快速精准的血氧饱和度(SpO2) 及脉搏心率测量,在疫情紧急时获政府认同并采购,并获得美国FDA、日本PMDA与中国台湾TFDA等国际医疗认证,帮助Covid-19疫情严峻的国家对抗疫情,也使得丽台近年医疗事业营收贡献逐步扩大。2023年再推出居家睡眠检测服务方案,更能贴近市场,提供睡眠快筛的服务与解决失眠族群的痛点。


在智慧医疗应用方面,丽台结合人工智能及物联网技术 (AIoT+Medical+Health),将身心保健、生活型态追踪与提供健康管理方案作为第一要务,瞄准生活压力、心脏活力与血压体重血糖等三高风险因子应用。透过可穿戴设备及自律神经检测仪等医疗终端设备,结合「amor身心健康管理平台」进行专业数据分析与AI应用。在疾病诊断及临床研究上,丽台科技与多家医学中心合作,在不同心脏疾病追踪上均有不错的成果。











丽台科技为NVIDIA在亚太地区的主要合作伙伴,专注于提供专业绘图卡与工作站解决方案。 身为合作伙伴,我们提供广泛的产品组合,包括GeForce显示卡、RTX绘图卡、AI工作站与伺服器、AIDMS的AI视觉技术,以及Omniverse Enterprise的3D设计协作解决方案等,以满足客户不同的需求 。

我们的目标是为企业提供一站式的AI服务,帮助他们在竞争激烈的市场中保持领先地位。 无论是寻求更高效生产力还是探索新的创新应用,丽台科技都能为客户提供量身定制的解决方案,助力他们实现商业目标。

为了长期稳健的发展,丽台采多角化策略经营,投资医疗保健产业,尤其聚焦于心血管疾病、肺功能检测的医疗设备,除了供应医疗院所的需求,也拓展公司团体与长期照护的健康 管理设备与运营,逐步扩展到全国各大医院与社区诊所,期望能服务国内民众,进而推展至全球。

自2023年起,丽台成立了生医技术部门,致力研发制造保健贴片,借着独特的BtNPN皮肤渗透技术,将植萃成分奈米化并渗入肌肤底层,透过血管循环达到深层舒缓。 此外,公司更整合医疗检测器材,证实能保健贴片能对免疫力与生命力有所提升,对全人类社会健康服务有着重大贡献。

在具有长期发展潜力的产业基础上,丽台不断研发创新产品,期许能持续提升营运绩效,实现公司长期稳健的发展,嘉惠员工也酬报股东的长期投资,共同努力经营一个永续、造福全球 的丽台科技。








  • (一) 建置有效之治理架構及相關道德標準,以健全公司治理。
  • (二) 將永續發展納入公司之營運活動與發展方向,並核定具體推動計畫。
  • (三) 尊重利害關係人權益,透過適當溝通方式,瞭解並回應利害關係人之合理期望及需求。


  • (一) 建立可衡量之環境永續目標,並定期檢討其發展之持續性及相關性。
  • (二) 提升能源使用效率及盡可能採用對環境負荷衝擊低之再生物料。
  • (三) 評估氣候變遷對企業現在及未來的潛在風險與機會,並採取相關之因應措施。


  • (一) 遵循國際人權公約,保障人權、性別平等、及禁止歧視。
  • (二) 提供友善之工作環境維護員工健康安全。


  • (一) 充分揭露具攸關性及可靠性之永續發展相關資訊,以提升資訊透明度。
  • (二) 採用國際上廣泛認可之準則或指引,以揭露推動永續發展情形。



  • 一、制定企業永續發展方向、策略及目標,並擬定相關管理方針及具體推動計畫。
  • 二、宣導及落實公司誠信經營及風險管理等面向之相關工作。
  • 三、企業永續發展執行情形與成效之追蹤、檢視與修訂。
  • 四、其他經董事會決議與永續經營相關之事項
利害關係人 利害關係程度 溝通管道及頻率
員工 本公司營業獲利均來自產品的創新,員工扮演著產品創新的最重要角色。 勞資會議(每季)
客戶 本公司秉持客戶為尊之精神,開發各項產品與服務,協助客戶獲得成功。 電話及電子郵件(每日)
供應商 供應商是提供公司產品開發及量產的重要合作夥伴。 供應商稽核(不定期)
投資人 股東與投資人透過資金的投資及公司治理的參與,使公司得以永續經營發展。 年度股東大會(每年)
政府 配合政府的政策與法規,在開發市場與對外投資方面,得到好的保障。 公開資訊觀測站(隨時)
社會大眾 本公司雖為營利事業,但也關心社會需要,幫助弱勢團體。 公益活動參與(不定期)
名稱 檔案


您向丽台科技股份有限公司 ( 以下简称“ 丽台 ”) 登录为丽台网站 (http:www.leadtek.com)会员或使用丽台服务、产品或软体 ( 以下简称“本服务”)前,请您务必详阅下列条款。
当您存取、使用本服务,或透过本服务提供(包含个人或非个人)资讯给丽台时,即表示您已详阅本政策之内容,并同意接受本政策内提到之作法。 除本政策外,丽台可能针对本服务中特定的产品、优惠、区域、服务、活动,提出不同或附加的资讯以及条款。



本服务会在您造访本服务时,留下一个cookies (一个非常小的纯文字档)在您的电脑里。目的是为了记录您浏览过的资料,以方便您在下次造访本服务时,本服务可提供您更个人化服务,本站不会利用此 cookies 搜集您的姓名、电子邮件等个人资料。如您有疑虑,可透过自行更改浏览器或装置的设定,选择接受或拒绝全部或某些的cookies功能。


您如果对于丽台透过本服务搜集到您的个人资料的相关政策有疑虑或意见,可透过email至服务信箱([email protected])、或以书面方式邮寄到本公司(新北市中和区建一路166号18楼)等方式,针对您的个人资料向丽台作以下请求:(一)查询或阅览; (二)要求提供复制本;(三)要求补充或更正;(四)要求停止搜集、处理或利用;(五)请求删除。丽台于您提出上述请求时,会于合理的时间内回覆,并可能向您酌收必要且合理之处理费用。



  • 地址 : Room B-1207,  Jinyu Jiahua Building, No.9 Shangdi 3rd St., Haidian Distrct, Beijing, CHINA
  • 网址:http://www.leadtek.com.cn
  • 电话:+86 10 6296 9664




  • 1. 人才無歧視

    麗臺科技依法規定晉用 1% 以上身心障礙人員及1% 以上原住民人員,且不僱用童工,並於企業守則明訂:「人力資源運用政策無性別、種族、社經階級、年齡、婚姻與家庭狀況等差別待遇,以落實就業、雇用條件、薪酬、福利、訓練、考評與升遷機會之平等及公允。」

  • 2. 人力結構分析
  • 3. 性別友善職場


  • 4. 暢通之溝通管道




  • 1. 保險制度
    • 法定保險:勞保及健保。
    • 團體保險:定期壽險、意外險、醫療險、重大疾病險等,員工眷屬亦可自費加保。
    • 旅行平安險:員工國外出差投保1000萬旅平險。
  • 2. 退休制度


    採用勞工退休金新制之員工,依法規定每月提繳薪資 6% 至員工於勞工保險局之個人退休金專戶。

  • 3. 績效考核


  • 4. 各式獎金辦法
    • 固定年終獎金:農曆春節前依前一年度在職比例發放固定年終獎金。
    • 績效獎金:依會計原則計算,以半年/全年損益表之產品線稅前淨利,提撥固定比例為績效獎金。
    • 員工推薦獎金:為鼓勵現職員工推薦優質人才,應徵者(被推薦人)經由現職員工(推薦人)之推薦,應徵本公司公告之職缺,並經錄取後任職,推薦人可依規定領取推薦獎金3,000~6,000元。
    • 多益英語測驗獎金:鼓勵同仁提升自我英文能力素質,補助部份或全額多益測驗報名費,測驗成績如達金色證書者,給予獎勵金5,000元。
    • 專利申請獎金:為激發員工創新發明之潛力,依專利提案者審核通過狀況,給予獎勵金500~10,000元不等。
    • 資深員工獎金及獎座:年資每累積滿5年者,當年度尾牙頒給獎金及獎座以茲慰勉。
  • 5. 其他福利措施
    • 員工持股信託計畫:麗臺自2021 年起辦理員工持股信託計畫,年資滿一年之同仁可選擇每月自其薪資所得中提撥一定金額,公司同時提存相同金額給予參加之同仁作為獎勵金,透過定期定額投資公司的股票,讓同仁享有股東價值的穩健收益成果之外,還能兼顧其自主權利,進而增進員工福利及協助規劃退休離職生活的目的。
    • 生活福利金及補助金:發放勞動、端午、中秋及壽星禮金,另提供生育、喪葬、結婚補助金及住院慰問禮品。
    • 補助各式社團活動經費及年終尾牙活動。
    • 舉辦家庭日活動。
    • 當月壽星發放下午茶。
    • 部門聚餐補助金:鼓勵主管關懷員工增進部門交流,每人每季補助600元之部門聯誼餐費。
  • 1. 人才培訓


    2023年度內、外訓課程共開辦85堂課,訓練總時數達 2,474 小時。

  • 2. 健康照護及健康促進
    • 麗臺科技重視員工健康,除提供新進同仁體檢,更每年為在職同仁規劃完善之年度健檢。
    • 設立KIOSK健康小站,提供公司健康照護產品供同仁檢測,並推動健康職場概念,讓員工可隨時至健康小站量測體重、體脂、血壓等項目,並可將量測數據上傳至雲端健康管理平台,員工可透過手機APP觀察自己量測數據。
    • 辦理員工健促活動,不定期舉辦健康講座及紓壓課程,訂定每日下午3點為「麗臺健康操時間」,讓員工適度休息並伸展舒緩筋骨。
    • 推動健康集點活動,鼓勵同仁長期維持運動習慣,搭配使用公司健康照護產品量測記錄成果,集點換獎。2023年度約兌換1740張全聯百元禮券。

Quality system


麗臺科技(LEADTEK Research Inc.)成立於1986 年,秉持誠信篤實的精神,堅持以「研究創新、品質至上」的信念提供消費者最完善的服務品質。

麗臺科技成立已超過30 年,長期專注於GPU 解決方案與雲端服務,在品質至上的圭臬之下,不僅通過嚴格的ISO-9001、ISO-14001、ISO-13485 等國際品質體系認證,並塑造出世界知名品牌-Leadtek、WinFast,並獲得多個國際獎項肯定,包含 iF、GOOD DESIGN、Red Dot 以及台灣精品獎等。

  • 麗臺以"品牌"、"技術"、"文化"為企業核心價值體系
  • 加速拓展品牌行銷通路
  • 深植研發技術
  • 深耕麗臺文化


  • 實踐資源回收,有效率的使用資源及能源
  • 資源永續
  • 建立污染防治預防
  • 符合最新RoHS標準管理禁限用有害物質
  • 保護臭氧層,製程與產品禁用破壞臭氧層的化學物質
品質系統證書 檔案
ISO 9001 : 2015 證書
ISO 9001 : 2015 Certificated
ISO 14001 : 2015 Certificated
ISO 13485 : 2016 Certificated
  • 财务资讯
  • 股务讯息
  • 公司治理
  • 法人說明會
  • 投资人联络资讯
1. Financial Information

季报 :

Q1 Q2 Q3 Annuals
2. Monthly Revenue
Stock Information
I. Information of Shareholders' Meeting
      Meeting Notice file
      Meeting Minutes file
      Annual Report file
      Handbook for Shareholders' Meeting file
  2023 2nd EGM
  2023 1st EGM
      Video for Shareholders' Meeting Video
      List of Major Shareholders file
II. Stock Price
  • Inquiry on Taiwan Stock Exchange ( Stock Code : 2465 )
III. Annual Dividends and Other Information
Dividend Year: 2023 Date of Shareholders Meeting: 2024/6/12
Stock Dividends Cash Dividends Remuneration for Directors
Shareholders Dividend Ex-Rights Trading Date Employee Bonus Shareholders Dividends
Ex-Rights Trading Date Total Amount of Employee Bonus
From Retained Earnings
From Capital Surplus
Number of Dividends
Amount of Dividends
- - - - - - - - -
IV. Material Information
IV. Private Placement
Corporate Governance
I. Organizational Structure

(1).Board Meeting

1. Board Member

The members of the company's board of directors are all prestigious figures in the industry. They exercise their powers with a high degree of self-discipline and prudence to safeguard the rights and interests of the company and shareholders.

Title Name Date Elected Main Career Achievement
Chairman Lu, Kun-Shan 2023/6/9 Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University
Chief Engineer, DFI Inc.
Director Ablecom Technology Inc.
Representative: Liang, Jian-Fa
2023/12/27 Chairman, Ablecom Technology Inc.
Director, Compuware Technology Inc.
Director Compuware Technology Inc.
Representative: Liang, Jian-Da
2023/12/27 Chairman, Compuware Technology Inc.
Director, Ablecom Technology Inc.
Independent Director Ho, Yao-Hung 2023/6/9 Master, Industrial and System Engineering, Ohio State University, USA
Partner and Executive Vice President, KPMG Advisory Services Co., Ltd.
Supervisor, Taiwan New Venture Association (on duty)
Independent Director Shen, An-Shih 2023/6/9 Master, Statistics, Iowa State University, USA
President, IBM Taiwan
Independent Director Liu Cheng 2023/6/9 Master, Automatic Control Engineering, Feng Jia University
President, Vivotek Inc.
Independent Director Liu, Ju-Chi 2023/6/9 Medical Doctor, Taipei Medical University
Associate Director, Shuang Ho Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare.
2. Board diversity:

To diversify policies, strengthen corporate governance, and facilitate the robust development of Board organization and structure, we adopt the candidate nomination system as stipulated in the Articles of Incorporation to nominate directorial candidates. After evaluating the educational attainment and work experience, professional background, integrity, and relevant professional qualifications of candidates and with the approval of the Board by resolution, these candidates will be nominated for election at the Meeting of Shareholders. Except for the chairman, no other Board members are officers of the Company. The composition of the Board is determined by taking diversity into consideration and formulating an appropriate policy on diversity based on the Company's business operations, operating dynamics, and development needs. The policy includes, but not limited to the following:

  • (1) Basic requirements and values: Gender, age, nationality, and culture.
  • (2) Professional knowledge and skills: The ability to make judgments about operations, accounting and financial analysis ability, business management ability, crisis management ability, knowledge of the industry, an international market perspective, leadership ability, and decision-making ability.

Core Diversity


Basic Composition Professional Background Professional Knowledge and Skills



Employee Status


Service Length of Independent Director (less than 3 years)





Operational judgment ability

Business management ability

Leadership ability

Crisis management ability

Industry knowledge

International market perspectives


60 years old


70 years old


80 years old


Lu Kun-Shan

The Republic of China





Ablecom Technology Inc. Rep:Liang Jian-Fa





Compuware Technology Inc. Rep:Liang Jian-Da





Independent Director

Ho Yao-Hung




Shen An-Shih





Liu Cheng





Liu Ju-Chi







1.Audit Committee
The Company's Audit Committee is composed of all independent directors, one of whom has accounting or financial expertise. The committee meets at least once every quarter. Matters considered by the Audit Committee include:

  • (1) The adoption of or amendments to the internal control system pursuant to Article 14-1 of the Security and Exchange Act.
  • (2) Assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control system.
  • (3) The adoption or amendment, pursuant to Article 36-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act, of the procedures for handling financial or business activities of a material nature, such as acquisition or disposal of assets, derivatives trading, loaning of funds to others, and endorsements or guarantees for others.
  • (4) Matters in which a director is an interested party.
  • (5) Asset transactions or derivatives trading of a material nature.
  • (6) Loans of funds, endorsements, or provision of guarantees of a material nature.
  • (7) The offering, issuance, or private placement of equity-type securities.
  • (8) The hiring or dismissal of a certified public accountant, or their compensation.
  • (9) The appointment of discharge of a financial, accounting, or internal audit officer.
  • (10) Annual financial reports and second quarter financial reports that must be audited and attested by a CPA, which are signed or sealed by chairperson, managerial officer, and competent authority.
  • (11) Other material matters as may be required by this Corporation or by the competent authority.

2.Salary and Remuneration Committee
The function of the salary and remuneration committee is to evaluate the salary and remuneration policies and systems of the company's directors and managers in a professional and objective position, and to make recommendations to the board of directors for reference in its decision-making. The members of this committee are appointed by a resolution of the board of directors. The number of members of this committee is three, and they are served by three independent directors of the company. The professional qualifications and independence of the members of this committee comply with the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the Remuneration Committee's Terms of Reference. This committee meets at least twice a year.

(3).Internal Audit

1. Deployment of internal audit supervisors and personnel

Name Title Year-Month in Year-Month on duty Background Master
May Huang Manager 2005/9 2020/2 Bachelor Law

2. Operation of Internal Audit

  • Purpose of Internal Audit

    The purpose of internal audit is to examine and evaluate the effectiveness of the internal control system, measure the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, the reliability of financial reporting and compliance with relevant laws, and provide timely improvement suggestions to ensure the continued and effective implementation of various systems. Specifically, internal auditing helps the board of directors and managers achieve the company's established goals by examining, measuring, verifying, controlling and supervising the effectiveness of processes.

  • Audit objects

    All the businesses that each organizational unit of the company is responsible for and all the businesses of subsidiaries with reinvested shares holding more than 50% of the shares.

  • Scope of internal audit work
    • A. Routine audit:

      In order to ensure the effective implementation of the company's internal control system, the audit office, before the end of each year, based on the characteristics of the nine cycles and ten management methods, and with reference to the regulations issued by the Securities and Futures Bureau to strengthen the focus of audits, the frequency and risk of each transaction of the company , formulate an annual audit plan. The audit content is based on the "internal control system" and the "internal audit system". It formulates the key points of the audit, prepares audit drafts and reports, and tracks the improvement of deficiencies of the audited units.

    • B. Project-based audit:

      In order to ensure the effective implementation of the company's internal control system, the company's general manager or his authorized person shall designate the audit project, period and expected objectives, and the auditors shall complete the audit within the scheduled time. The audit content is based on the "internal control system" and "internal audit system", formulating the key points of the audit, and preparing audit drafts and reports.

3. Organization Structure

Department Duties and functions
Internal Audit Office Conduct internal audits, assist personnel of different departments to carry out their jobs and ensure job effectiveness, supervise the fairness of operations, processes, and systems.
President's Office Determine and implement the direction of the Company's overall operations and shape the Company's market presence.
Establish and manage intellectual property rights and take charge of corporate legal affairs.
Implement various projects.
Administration Division Administer matters relating to human resources, education and training, personnel administration, general affairs, and labor safety and health management.
Plan and evaluate the Company's overall information equipment and application systems.
Finance Division Administer the Company's financial and capital analysis, planning, and utilization, receivable management, stock affairs, general accounting, cost accounting, finance statements, and budget planning.
Computer Product Business Unit Take charge of the sales, marketing, and R&D of the Company's computer products.
Smart Health Product Business Unit Take charge of the sales, marketing, and R&D of the Company's smart health products.
Big Data Product Business Unit Take charge of the sales, marketing, and R&D of the Company's big data products.
Product Design Center Take charge of the appearance design, mechanism development, hardware and software technology of products.
R&D Engineering Division Take charge of the R&D data and creative development and design of new products.
Operations Division Administer the Company,s ingredient and material procurement and adjust the procurement strategies.
Manage the Company's production and stock management and the production and manufacturing of products.
Quality Operation Division Plan the Company's quality management system.
Take charge of the establishment of product quality assurance system and corrective and preventive actions.
Plan and implement the analysis, inspection, repair, and service of process nonconforming products and RMA products.
II. Articles of Incorporation and Related Regulation
III. Operation of Corporate Governance
IV. Performance of Sustainable Development
V. Ethical Corporate Management
VI. Information Security
VII. Intelligent Property Management and Execution
Investor Conference
Date Time Place Presenttion File
112/12/18 PM 3:30 Conference Room on the 1st Floor of TWSE, Taipei 101
(No. 7, Sec. 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei City)
111/12/14 PM 3:30 Conference Room on the 1st Floor of TWSE, Taipei 101
(No. 7, Sec. 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei City)
110/12/17 PM 3:30 Conference Room on the 1st Floor of TWSE, Taipei 101
(No. 7, Sec. 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei City)
109/12/18 PM 3:30 Conference Room on the 1st Floor of TWSE, Taipei 101
(No. 7, Sec. 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei City)
108/12/20 PM 3:30 Conference Room on the 1st Floor of TWSE, Taipei 101
(No. 7, Sec. 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei City)
107/12/21 PM 3:30 Conference Room on the 1st Floor of TWSE, Taipei 101
(No. 7, Sec. 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei City)
106/12/19 PM 3:30 Conference Room on the 1st Floor of TWSE, Taipei 101
(No. 7, Sec. 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei City)
Contact Us


Spokesperson : MichaelYang
+886-2-8226-5800 ext. 201
[email protected]
Acting Spokesperson : Thomas Chen
+886-2-8226-5800 ext. 870
[email protected]

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