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She set a precedent for all first ladies to follow. She was so rich she could’ve had all the comforts of life, yet she spent half the Revolutionary War, including every miserable winter, with her husband in a dismal Army camp. A kind and gracious woman, the soldiers called her “Lady Washingt…

The best way to learn something is to experience it firsthand. For example, a child experiences (learns) a hot stove by touching it. Ouch!! He won’t do that again. It’s the same with tyrannical and authoritarian regimes – once someone experiences the oppression, dishonesty, deceit, and censo…

Jack Clarke moved to Forsyth in the spring of 1917 with his wife, Rosa, and their three children. Jack had just purchased Forsyth’s local newspaper, the Monroe Advertiser. And he took over as editor. He not only ran the paper, but he also became the minister of Forsyth Presbyterian Church. A…

Last week I had the joy of experiencing another birthday! I was really surprised when I received a special certificate in the mail from the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. It read: Congratulations and Happy Birthday Carolyn Martel! We are happy to announce that you have been officiall…

My husband handed me a copy of a new newspaper that he had purchased on a whim. It’s the one owned by Dubose Porter, a Democratic politician and newspaper publisher from Dublin. In a column earlier this year, I revealed that the Trust for Local News is actually funded by the Knight Foundatio…

Whenever I’m driving around digging on the radio, flipping through channels from song to song, and I hear “Stairway to Heaven,” I immediately scroll to the next station. Same thing with “Free Bird.”  Those two irritating songs are at the top of a long list of classic rock tunes I once though…

I am often surprised at the public comments made by our county commissioners and members of the Forsyth City Council during their public meetings. I do not identify commentators labeling them as “unattributed comments” or now labeling them as “out of the mouths of babes”. Here’s how “mouth o…

I was born a Methodist. I have been my entire life except for a couple of years after coming back to Forsyth in 1974. That’s when I joined Forsyth Presbyterian Church. I did it primarily because of Reverend Malcolm Davis. He had been chaplain of the football team when I was at Mary Persons. …

The other day I was watching the History Channel documentary series, “The Food That Built America.”The success of Orville Redenbacher was the featured story. Redenbacher became famous for perfecting light, fluffy gourmet popcorn. Although it took him decades to achieve success, he discovered…

I don’t blame you if you didn’t watch the DNC convention last week. After all, who wants to see nothing but hatred directed at one man? That’s all it was – extremely vile hatred for President Trump and, by extension, for most people in Georgia, especially when you realize the Dems possess “f…

As cold weather approaches you don’t have to lose the blooms of most flowering annuals like Zinnias. Just cut the dead blooms off. The plant will keep blooming up until frost as part of is its natural instinct to survive, wanting to preserve itself with seed for next spring.

I followed my wife’s directions, almost to the letter.  She told me not to get arrested and I didn’t.  Apparently, she can read my mind.  I had written an email to the park superintendent of High Falls State Park, Terry Miller, a couple weeks ago.  I strongly encouraged him to protect our pa…

Despite my vocation, I try my best to avoid political conversations. I’d much rather talk about church, family, or anything else over a margarita at Sol Tacos & Tequila on the square in Forsyth. Side note, if you haven’t tried their margaritas, you are missing out. But with less than 70 …

Whenever I walk through the aisles of a grocery store, I get the eerie feeling I’m being watched. I’m not referring to the security cameras that are everywhere. I’m talking about all the eyes peering at me from the products on the shelves.

Yesterday we lost power during the hottest time of the day. My husband’s sense of humor kicked in, and he said, “We’re going to burn up! We’re gonna die!” He tends to exaggerate, but to suddenly lose your air conditioning can cause a momentary wave of panic. It’s amazing the things we can ta…

Robert Dickey is out, Clint Crowe is in, and Noah Harbuck is trying – to represent Monroe County up in Atlanta. After GA House re-districting last year, Dickey (R-Musella) no longer represents MC (not good). However, Crowe (from Jackson) does (that’s good); and Harbuck (from Forsyth) is seek…

Gomer Pyle on “The Andy Griffith Show” was famous for his expression of exclamation “Surprise, Surprise!” Well that’s the way I sorta felt when seeing the headline and story by columnist Sloan Oliver reporting on Congressman Austin Scott showing up at the weekly prayer breakfast at Ronnie Da…

Someone, anyone, please tell me ONE government organization, above the county level, that is efficient, competent, and well-run. The DMV, universities & colleges, EPD, highway patrol, etc., do any of them operate efficiently? Name one, just one. You can’t, and that’s by design. More accu…

The first tool we learn to use is the simple spoon. After four or five months of ingesting nothing but milk and formula, babies get the taste of pureed fruit spooned from a little glass jar—the one with a picture of a happy baby on the label. That smiling baby is Ann Turner Cook, who died ju…

Here we are again. It’s 5:10 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon. My column should have been written last night. Alas I sat by the pool in the dark for 1 hour staring at the blinking cursor. And nothing came.

President Ronald Reagan was a man my Dad admired. So this past weekend, I decided to learn more about President Reagan. William J. Federer’s “American Minute” proved to be a great resource in researching the presidency of Ronald Reagan. American Minute can be heard daily across America on hu…

Last week, Representative Austin Scott (R-GA, District-8) visited Forsyth to speak at the weekly prayer breakfast held at the Dairy Queen. To an audience of 80-plus, Scott said he wanted to be apolitical as he discussed the topics of – the Intersection of Faith, Anger and Politics; and socia…

Okay, I have been negligent not attending the county commission or the Forsyth city council meetings in person. I would like to think I have been missed but I have been watching them via their broadcasts on their Facebook pages. I have to admit there is more “breaking” news at the commission…

The 2024 Great Southeast Pollinator Census will take place August 23-24. In 2018 scientists at the University of Georgia launched a statewide survey of insect pollinators. The project was called the Great Georgia Pollinator Survey.  In 2022, when Florida and both North and South Carolina joi…

Forsyth’s Dr. Tom Perry invited me to tell the Forsyth-Monroe County Kiwanis Club about this newspaper’s expansion into Macon last week. I would like to share with you some of what I told them. Being a weekly newspaper editor that communicates with you regularly here, I sometimes make the mi…

This past Friday, we ordered a couple of pizzas from Papa John’s and had them delivered to the house. It was really great to have our food delivered. The young delivery man was cheerful, energetic and greeted us with a big smile on his face. As he left, my mind flashed back to a different sc…

I am often asked are we taking advantage of I-75? My answer is an adamant sometimes yes. You can also answer the question with an adamant sometimes yes. We wouldn’t have all the fast food restaurants if we didn’t have the super highway splitting Monroe County right down the middle.  The Monr…

Several years ago, I wrote a series of articles titled “Undeniable Truths.” UT#1 stated that Liberalism is a mental illness; #2 - Liberals/Democrats are hypocrites; #3 – Liberals/Democrats are intolerant; and UT#4 - Liberals/Democrats are racist. For each of those truths I gave numerous exam…