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#karenhudes Karen Hudes Jesuit Vatican Gold #chemTrails #geoEngineering [Would the following have anything to do with the

stolen, looted, hoarded gold? Also, please see links at end of this post. My main concern is how black ops are funded, especially chemTrails (geoEngineering).] +++ Many Whistle Blowers And Investigators Have Found Searching For Truth About October Surprise And Illuminati Global Slush Fund Leads To Early Grave Attorney Paul Wilcher, Investigator Danny Casolaro and Judge Mahoney of Minnesota are three examples of people who got too close to the truth about Illuminati scams concerning Federal Reserve, illegal banking and October Surprise. 25 Mar 2006 By Greg Szymanski The one key thread running through all the stories about anyone searching for the truth behind the October Surprise or the illegal Illuminati $65 trillion dollar Global Security Slush Fund is that the nosy investigators or whistle blowers either end up dead or behind bars for a long, long time. By no means is the following strange list of deaths complete, conclusive or thoroughly investigated, but the bloodshed spilled definitely has left huge blood stains on the Oval Office rugs of President George H. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and George W. Bush. Without discussing the celebrated cases like President Kennedy, his brother and John Lennon, the trail of death surrounding the October Surprise or the Federal Reserve can be traced backed to 1969 when a circuit court judge in Minnesota was found poisoned in his home six months after allowing a jury verdict to stand, ruling the Federal Reserve and the U.S. national banking system unconstitutional. Courageously Judge Terrence V. Mahoney called the Federal Reserve a fraud based on the testimony of a bank officer who exposed exactly how standard banking practice in the U.S. and the civilized western world was to simply create money out of thin air. Although the judge died under suspicious circumstances, the case was never appealed as the powers that be felt it better to let sleeping dogs sleep, leaving the case to die along with the judge under the Minnesota snow even though it remains as good law today, albeit with minimum legal precedent due to its origin in a lowly state circuit court. But the powers that be know a case like First National Bank of Minnesota v. Jerome Daly could blossom into a huge oak tree if given water so they figure its better to remain under the legal radar screen then to make a big issue out of what is nothing more than an embarrassment and a no win situation for the banksters and the diabolical Illuminati legal minds.

Another case to be looked at closely is the strange June 23, 1993, death of wealthy Chicago attorney, Paul Wilcher, who tried to buck the system big time regarding the October Surprise and other embarrassing scandals during the Bush I and Clinton administrations. Wilchers mutilated body was discovered slouched over the toilet in the bathroom of his Washington D.C. apartment not long after he presented then Attorney General Janet Reno with a detailed memo of government corruption, a memo that associates close to Wilcher said led to his untimely death. And investigators point out Wilchers body was unidentifiable with no fingerprints or dental x-rays ever provided, matching the remains to Wilcher, before being cremated shortly after his death and shortly after autopsy reports found no natural cause of death and not other cause explaining how he was killed. On July 14, 1993, a close friend of Wilcher, Garby Leon, a Harvard University PhD, send a letter to Reno asking for a complete investigation of Wilcher and journalist-investitgator, Danny Casolaro, also found dead under suspicious circumstances for investigating the same affairs as Wilcher Mme. Attorney General, I feel the death of Paul Wilcher offers too many questions and inconsistencies to be ignored, wrote Leon. I am writing because I feel this matter deserves your most serious attention,and hope this letter will bring some action on your part to answer some of the many, very troubling questions raised by Paul Wilchers death. Leon continued in a letter which Reno never followed-up on: If individual investigation and criticism of government activities is chilled or intimidated into silence, then democracy loses its most important protection. To put it another way, if Danny Casolaros death was a message of some kind, then Wilchers death is an even grimmer messageit suggests that Casolaros death was not a fluke. Anyone inspired to follow Casolaro or Wilchers path now has a strong added reason to fear doing so. And a real investigation into Wilchers death might not be an academic exercise. One person who is extremely close to and knowledgeable about the Casolaro case has said in private that the mystery of Casolaros death could be resolved by a Grand Jury investigation, with sworn testimony, subpoena power, etc. This suggests Paul Wilchers death may not have to remain a mystery either. Paul Wilcher was an acquaintance of mine. He was not a perfect person; he made mistakes like anyone else but he was also, at times, a man of unusual energy and altruism. A seminary student who considered becoming a priest, he later became an attorney is his efforts to accomplish some good in this world. Although nothing has been done to get at the truth behind the strange death or disappearance of Wilcher, the following are the important segments of the detailed memo sent to Reno which may have been the straw that finally broke Wilchers back: click here for pertinent parts of Wilcher memo to Reno. Besides the more high profile cases like Vince Foster, Rixon Stewart researched and wrote an article entitled Bloody Bill Clinton, lisitng a partial list of people who have been connected in some way with Bill Clinton and who have died in rather suspicious circumstances. Here are some of the names

from the Stewart article, including Casolaro and Wilcher mentioned above: 1) Susan Coleman: said to have had an affair with Clinton before he became President. Told friends she was expecting his child and was 7 months pregnant when she found dead with a gunshot wound to the head. Verdict, suicide. 2)Larry Guerrin: killed while investigating the INSLAW case. In brief this involved the US Justice Department using stolen software, modifying it for intelligence purposes and then selling it to foriegn governments and making millions in the process. 3)Kevin Ives and Don Henry: two 16 year old boys who may have stumbled accross drug running operations involving Clinton at Mena airfeild in Arkansas in 1987.Initial reports, by State Medical Examiner Fahmy Malak, suggested that the boys had fallen asleep on the railway line and been crushed. However when the parents kicked up a fuss another forensic report showed Kevins skull had been crushed prior to being placed on the track whilst Don had been stabbed in the back. 4)Keith Coney, said he had information on Ives and Henry deaths. Died in a high speed motorcycle crash in 1989,said to have involved a car chase. 5)Keith McKaskle, said to have information on the Ives and Henry deaths. Stabbed to death in November 1988. 6)Gregory Collins, once again said to have information on the Ives and Henry deaths and once again killed, this time by a gunshot wound to the face. 8)Jeff Rhodes was also said to have information on the deaths of Ives and Henry. He was found on a waste heap in April 1989 with a gunshot wound to the head. 9)James Milam also had information on the Ives and Henry deaths but before he could talk too widely he was found decapitated. Once again the State Medical Examiner, Fahmy Malak, ruled the death due to natural causes. 10)Richard Winters, a suspect in the Ives and Henry case had offered to cooperate and give evidence. However he died in a robbery which was subsequently proved to have been a set-up. 11)Jordan Kettleson was also said to have information on the Ives and Henry deaths. He was found shot dead in his pick-up in June 1990. 12)Danny Casalaro, a journalist investigating Mena airstrip, the Arkansas coke trade and INSLAW. Had warned his family that he had learnt too much and not to believe it was suicide if he turned up dead. Shortly thereafter he was found in a bathtub in the Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia. Both his wrists had been slashed, one ten times, all his research material was missing and has never been recovered 13)Victor Raiser, the National Co-Chair for the Clinton for President campaign, died in an airplane crash in July, 1992. 14)R Montgomery Raiser, also worked on the Clinton campaign and died in the same crash.

15)Ian Spiro, said to have supporting documentation for grand jury proceedings in the INSLAW case. His wife and three children were found murdered in their home in November 1992.All had gunshot wounds to the head. Ians body later was found in a car in the Borego Desert. FBI reports concluded that he had shot his family and then committed suicide by taking cyanide. 16)Paula Grober, Clintons speech interpreter for the deaf. Killed in car smash with no other cars involved and no witnesses. She is said to have been very attractive and traveled extensively with Clinton prior to her death in December 1992 All the above died prior to Clintons inauguration in January 1993.In its aftermath the deaths not only continued but became even more numerous. 17)Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Todd McKeahan and Conway LeBleu were the only four BAFT men killed at Waco. In an autopsy performed by a private Doctor all four were found to have near identical execution style headwounds. All four had previously been bodyguards for Clinton prior to their deaths in April 1993. 18)Sgt. Brian Haney, Sgt. Tim Sabel, Maj. William Barkley and Capt. Scott Reynolds. Once again all four men had been bodyguards for Clinton prior to their deaths in a helicopter crash near Quantico, Va.Reporters were barred from the scene whilst firefighters responding to the crash had their video tapes seized and a fire chief described a scene where, security was tight with lots of marines with guns. 18)Paul Wilcher was found dead shortly after presenting Attorney General Janet Reno with a report on Waco, Death ruled to unknown causes. See extracts from the report in this issue. 19White House deputy counsel Vincent Foster was said to have been preparing a potentially damming report on Waco at the time of his death. As reported in the previous issue he had been deeply disturbed by events at Waco and his death, in July 1993, was officially labelled a suicide.. 20)Stanley Heard and Steven Dickson were members of Clintons Health Advisory Committee. Both died in an air crash in September 1993. 21)Jerry Luther Parks, Chief of Security at Clintons national campaign headquarters in Little Rock. He was shot through the rear window of his car, the killer then went to the drivers side of Parks car and pumped three more 9mm bullets into him. His family reported that shortly before his death their home had been broken into, despite a top line security system. Parks had been preparing a dossier on Clintons activities, the dossier was stolen. 22)Ed Willey, a Clinton fundraiser, was found shot dead in November 1993.Once again the death was ruled suicide. His wife Kathleen, who was working as a White House volunteer at the time, claimed that Clinton sexually assaulted her when she had approached him, distraught over the loss of her husband. 23)Dr Roland Rogers a Dentist from Arkansas. Died on his way to the Sunday Telegraph in London to reveal sensitive information about Clinton in March 1994 24) Kathy Furguson, a 38 year old hospital worker whose ex-husband was a co-defendant in the Paula Jones case. She died in May 1994, from a gunshot wound to the head, ruled suicide; curiously next to

the body were several packed suitcases, as if she was getting ready to go somewhere. 25)Bill Shelton was Kathys boyfriend and an Arkansas police officer. He was found on her grave the following month with a gunshot wound to the back of the head. Judged to be suicide. 26)Alan G Whicher, oversaw Clintons Secret Service detail. He was transferred to a field office in Oklahoma City in October 1994.Whatever warning was given to the other BAFT agents in the building (none of whom came to work that day) failed to reach him, he died on April 19 1995 in the infamous Oklahoma City bomb blast.Incidently the families of the victims of the blast are now preparing to sue the U.S. Govermant, saying it had prior knowledge of the bombing. 27)Ron Brown, Commerce Secretary died along with 35 other people on April 3,1996, in an air crash involving Airforce 2. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated and had spoken publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecuters. According to one report he allegedly told Clinton, he was not going down alone. However his death brought that possibility to an abrupt end. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the back of Browns head that resembled a gunshot wound. And we are not counting the other 35 people who died in the same crash. 28)Shelly Kelly, an Air Force stewardess was onboard the same flight, at the back of the plane, and suffered only minor cuts and bruises in the crash. Indeed she was able to board a rescue helicopter without assistance. She died later died in hospital, supposedly from a loss of blood. According to journalist Joe L Jordan, an autopsy revealed a three inch cut over her main femoral artery which was sustained over three hours after all her other cuts and bruises. Thereafter Clinton ordered the bodies of all the victims cremated. 28)Barbara Wise a Commerce Department employee. She was found dead in her locked office, partially nude and covered in bruises, following a long weekend. Officially she is said to have died of natural causes. 29)Christine M Mirzayan, Clinton intern killed on August 1 1998.In the publicity prior to the Paula jones law suit Newsweek revealed that a former White House staffer with the initial M was about to go public with a story about sexual harassment at the White House. Thereafter Christine was found beaten to death with a heavy object near Georgetown University, Washington. 30)Mary Mahoon was another former White House intern who was about to go public with a story of sexual harassment at the White House. Before she could though some unknown characters entered a Washington Starbucks, where she was working, and shot her dead. Her two assistants, Aaron Goodrich, 18 and Emory Evans were taken to a room along with Mary and pumped full of bullets.Mary was shot in the chest, face and back of the head, probably with silencers as nobody in the densely populated area heard anything. Even though the killers left $4000 in the cashbox untouched, the police catagorized the killings as a robbery whilst acknowledging its execution style. Stewart then noted that Jennifer Flowers may have been a bit smarter than the others, adding: She had a 12 year affair with Clinton, in its aftermath her apartment was broken into and ransacked and she and her mother received threatening phone calls. Realising that she was in danger she assumed a higher profile, launched legal proceedings against Clinton and embarked on a series of media appearances. Smart girl, it was probably this that saved her life, had she not done so she too would have been on this list.

For more informative articles, go to Greg Szymanski

See also: ??? The Jesuits Opus Dei and Vatican are the culprits in the looting of our Philippine Gold (a gold different from Yamashitas looted Asia s Gold). Confession No. 11: According to Philippine Man, Jesuit And Vatican Have Pilfered Trillions In Gold Owed To The People Freedom fighter connects the dots back to Rome, as Americans better wake-up before the same thing happens here like is going on in the Philippines. 2 Jul 2006 By Greg Szymanski Bobby Limeta of the Philippines feels alone, abandoned and frightened for his life in his fight to expose the corrupt Jesuit Order. First and foremost, frightened for the safety of his family, he is considering a move to New Zealand, seeking safe haven from the persecution being dished out for his political views and exposure of Vatican corruption. Limeta has previously contributed to these Sunday Confessions, shedding light on how the Jesuits are raping and pillaging the Philippines in hopes Americans wake up before the same thing happens here. But now he comes forward in Confession No. 11 on the shores of Brushy Creek, telling about his personal experiences as well as sharing more shocking information about the Jesuits and their underhanded control of the Philippines. What I will tell you now is a matter of life and death, said Limeta. My country has been for 485 years controlled by the Roman Catholic Church and of course the Jesuits are the masterminds. Our government is controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican and our country is one of their stronghold territories. Would you believe that our governments secret operatives, controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican, can grab me inside my home using warrantless arrest and my family will never see me again, alive. Is it bad or a sin to be a patriotic citizen of my beloved country? Is it bad or a sin to tell the truth and nothing but the truth? You may ask me, why I'm angry to the Jesuits-Vatican (Roman Catholic hierarchy)? Well, what if I tell you that the Jesuits-Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church are the real thieves that looted the wealth of our nation. It all started way back 1990 (16-years ago), I saw my countrymen become poorer and poorer, becoming innocent victims and betrayed. Only elite and rich families, influential politicians and show-

biz personalities enjoy the good life. My country is dilapidated and now an impoverished nation. The poor are unable to get good medical care and treatment, for we do not have enough money. We the minority, middle-class and the poor also cannot get a high standard of education, simply because we don't have money. Simply, we are in debt to the World Bank & IMF loan system benefiting the rich. The interest alone is already killing millions of my countrymen, especially the poor. What World Bank and International Monetary Fund? These are owned by the Jesuits-Vatican ! Since 1990, I promised myself that I will find out the real culprits. It did not take me long to discover it was the Jesuits. Now below is what Ive discovered and found out with supporting documents. Now, brace yourself as to what Ive discovered and investigated that no politicians will even dare speak about it. The Jesuits-Vatican initiated the Second 30 Years War (1914-1945). Yes, indeed our country was invaded and occupied by the Imperial Forces of Japan under Gen. Masaharu Homa. The Japanese Imperial forces had previously looted all the gold and treasures of the Far East, from China down to French Indo-China, from Singapore, Malaysia and finally bringing it to the Philippines when theJ apanese started losing the war against the Allies. As the US forces with air and naval superiority cut-off the Philippines link-up to mainland Japan, Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita and his senior officers buried the looted gold in various parts of our country. After the war, some Jesuit-controlled OSS Agents and senior officials who are members of Knights of Malta began searching for the gold. They included Refv Fr. Joes Antonio Diaz, Opus Dei, alias COL. SEVERINO SANTA ROMANA (OSS Agents called him Santy for short) together with Gen. Edward Lansdale and coordinated by Wild Bill Donovan, all confirmed Knights of Malta of the Catholic Secret Brotherhood secret alliance along with the help of NAZI war criminals Franz Von Papen, Gen. Reinhard Ghelen, Heinrich Himmler. Rev. Father Diaz alias Col. Santy and Gen. Edward Lansdale without showing any mercy then killed the Hukbalahak rebels. Why? Because the territories held by the rebels are the exact locations where Yamashita's gold was buried. Not only that, Rev. Father Diaz, alias Col. Santy and his cohorts OSS Agents even tortured the personal driver of Gen. Yamashita to confess and reveal where the gold was actually buried. Major Ferdinand Marcos, who became senator and president of the Republic, also knew about it. That's why Rev. Father Diaz alias Col. Santy hired Marcos as his lawyer to bring out the recovered Yamashita's looted Asian gold. However, by 1949 our people had accumulated 600,000 metric tons of gold deposited inside the vault of the Central Bank. This 600,000 metric tons of gold was different from the Yamashita's looted gold. Hence, my countrymen are proud of it and legally speaking it's our property. For decency, my countrymen will not claim the Asia's looted gold by the Japanese Imperial Forces. What we are claiming is our country's own gold deposited inside the vaults of the Central Bank. In short, Yamashita's looted Asian gold and our very own gold deposited inside the vaults of the central bank was brought out of our country by Rev. Father Diaz and traitor Ferdinand Marcos. The gold then was mixed together and deposited in various Jesuit-controlled illegal bank accounts in Switzerland and other banks. The illegal Nugan-Hand Bank of Australia operated CIA formerly OSS

controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican helped in transporting other gold to Australia and then diverted into other countries. The Jesuits know it and they are watching as Rev. Father Diaz is a member of Opus Dei, all bagmen of the Jesuit-Vatican. I also discovered that Michael Hand of the Nugan-Hand Bank is a CIA Agent! The most shocking revelation is this, when Marcos was still alive, he wrote a letter as his last will before he died that his looted wealth (our countrys wealth) will be entrusted to the Vatican Trust. His true color was revealed. Also former Catholic priest, Marcelino Tagle of Bataan said that Marcos always worked for the Vatican. Now, I see the whole scenario. .According to EJ & Doris J. Ekke documents revealing the hidden history of the gold the 400,000 metric tons of gold held in the vaults of the Central Bank would elevate the gold-based money supply in the Philippines to more than twice as much per person as the money supply in the U.S. and U.S. money is not backed by gold. If that much money, some 4 trillion dollars, were to be spent cleaning and fixing up the Philippines, think of what a paradise it would be. The Roman Catholic Church disguisd as religion from God and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as the Catholic Church-Jesuits-Vatican are GREAT LIARS AND HYPROCRITES. They have betrayed my countrymen now living in despair and poverty because the Jesuits-Vatican-Roman Catholic Church illegally looted our countrys gold. Anyone of my countrymen who will dispute me, Ill take on in a manly and civilized debate. Anyone who hates the truth is against our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone of my countrymen that will dispute this hidden history of our country will become ignorant to reality. Theres no mystery in an open mind. Remember God is truth and we shall worship God in the spirit and truth. Jesus Christ said, and the truth shall set us free. Therefore, I accuse the Jesuit-Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church as the mastermind, culprits and guilty entities for the looting of our countrys wealth. And I as a legal citizen of my country has the right to demand in behalf of my countrymen under the protection of our God given Constitution and Bill Of Rights demanding the Roman Catholic Church to return the gold they have illegally looted. I admit Im angry to the Catholic Church as I saw my poor countrymen living in despair. Why did the Catholic Church betray my countrymen and our country? They (Catholic Church) came into our country and my countrymen embraced them honestly and with respect. I have in my possession 15 sheets of original photocopied documents linking Rev. Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz (Opus Dei) alias Col. Santa Romana (OSS Agent), Gen. Edward Lansdale, Ferdinand E. Marcos, the late Archbishop Of Manila Jaime Cardinal Sin and Baron Arndt Krupp for the looting of various gold and of course our country's very own gold. And you'll be shocked that the shadows and footprints of the Jesuits-Vatican will be realized once and for all. For more informative articles, go to

Philippines Being Ransacked By Jesuits And Vatican, According To Foreign Freedom Fighter It's a question of freedom or fascism and Bobby Limeta of the Philippines says the U.S. is the only barrier remaining in the world. 14 Jun 2006 The looting of the Philippines is underway in "full force" by the Jesuit Order, according to foreign freedom fighter Bobby G. Limeta, as he claims the devious Catholic order of militaristic priests are the real culprits behind the New World Order. "I'm a Filipino and I'm not an American, but I'm deeply concerned that the last barrier of freedom the world now enjoys is the United States," said Limeta this week from his home in the Philippines, adding he hopes information he has collected about the Jesuits provides a warning to Americans. "I've discovered the diabolic works of the Jesuits since 1990. The more the Americans will be confused about Jesuits & Zionist Jews issues, the better for the Jesuits. As they smile to the Americans for they have already eaten up the foundation of America "United States Constitution and Bill Of Rights. "Even our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal the greatest of all Malayan Race, knows the Jesuits well and he did not mentioned Zionist Jews. Now, I never wonder why, if there are Filipino traitors working for the Jesuits-Vatican like Fr. Diaz and Marcos, there's also American traitors like Ronald Reagan who recognized the sovereign state of Vatican. I'm angry at Ronald Reagan as the Jesuits murdered my favorite American President Abraham Lincoln and my favorite hero Dr. Jose Rizal. But they are not murdered by Zionist Jews." As Limeta watches his country being infiltrated by traitors working together with the Vatican, he wants Americans to listen to what is going on in his country, as well as begin understanding the "real story" of the Vatican in order to protect the liberties remaining in America. "I have a picture of Adolf Hitler taken 1997 at the age of 107 or 108 in Santiago, Chile. Hitler has Parkinson's disease. And his favorite pastime is painting "Pastel" and always murmuring to himself and sometimes he's even scolding himself for what he had done to the millions of people killed during WWII," said Limeta. "His wife, Eva Braun," just died on 1972. I and Ernesto Pinero Suarez , a Chilean, knew this matter long time ago. And I'm keeping this picture in a safe location where only I know where it is located. The couple escaped via "Vatican Ratline"s and the couple carried gold with them. Limeta went on to explain how the Jesuits have influenced and infiltrated his country for the benefit of the elite and to the detriment of the common man. He claims the same thing is happening in America but the people are "blinded from the truth" and a well orchestrated disinformation campaign has been protecting the Jesuits and Vatican using their fascist influence to destroy America. "The Jesuits owned first class schools and universities in the Philippines and teaching Liberation Theology under curriculum 141 Immersion Program, the Zionist Jew are not teaching it," added

Limeta. "The Jesuit's Opus Dei and Vatican are the culprits in the looting of our Philippine Gold (a gold different from Yamashita's looted Asia's Gold). The culprits OSS/CIA Agent Col. Severino Santa Romana a.k.a. Reverend Father Jose Antonio Diaz (Jesuit's Opus Dei) and Vatican's cohorts Ferdinand E. Marcos. "President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo studied in Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service (Jesuit's Georgetown University) and his religious adviser is Fr. Romeo "Archie" Intengan, S.J. And somteimes they have secret meeting at the Jesuit's house in Quezon City. "GMA's national security adviser "Norberto Gonzales" is my pin-pointed Jesuit Temporal coadjutor. He's a close friend of Fr. Archie. And our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal's confessors are Jesuits before he was executed by firing squad. Zionist Jews are not with Rizal. It means, the Jesuits are everywhere and the Zionist Jews. Limeta went on to explain why he feels the Jesuits and the Vatican are the real culprits of the New World Order, using the Zionist Jews as scapegoats to deflect attention. "When you analyze the geographic locations of Vatican in Rome it is within seven mountains, exactly what the book of Revelations said. Jerusalem is not," added Limeta. "Also it mentioned in the Bible that the anti-christ will be a preacher from a religious order and not the Zionist Jew. "Why are there Jesuit defectors like Alberto Rivera and others, but I haven't heard a Zionist Jew defectors? Why is the head of the grand tip of masonry the Jesuit Black Pope and not a superior Zionist? For every group or organization there shall be a leader to have direction and perform leadership function. If there isn't a leader, it will only scatter. Is there a Zionist Jew leader to cover all Zionist Jew affairs throughout the world if any? "Why are Popes murdered by the Jesuits and not the Zionist Jew. David Yallop did not point his accusations against the Zionist Jews but he point his finger at Cardinal Jean Villot (P2 Lodge member)." For more informative articles, go to PART II

In this second part of a three part series, called the Vatican-led Illuminati Matrix, the retired judge who wrote the article explores the corporate fiction we call America. He also explores how the Great Depression was orchestrated and how President Roosevelt illegally confiscated Americas gold, selling it to the Vatican by way of China. Here are a few quotes from the judge, who remains anonymous for what he claims are safety reasons: First you must know that the federal government took America off the gold standard in1933, during a staged bankruptcy called the Great Depression and replaced the gold with an economic principle known as, Negotiable Debt Instruments. [YES, THE GREAT DEPRESSION WAS STAGED!] The government needed to create a catastrophe to implement standards that were designed to steal your possessions and God-given rights! The process of creating a catastrophe was discovered by behaviorists! Take away a persons food, comfort and safety long enough and they wont care or question the illusion provided, as long as their stomach is full, they have shelter, a comfortable bed and the means (real or imagined) to keep or continue their comfort! President Roosevelt unconstitutionally collected Americas gold by Executive Order and sold it to the Vatican by way of China, to conceal its true ownership. The gold in Fort Knox belongs to the Vatican and not the United States! Absent a gold base, Commerce now essentially trades in debts. So if you borrowed money for a Mortgage and theres no gold or real value to support the paper called U. S. Currency; what did you actually borrow? Here is the second part of the three part series: At this point, I believe I should address a corporate fiction for you by creating a situation you can relate to. SITUATION: [Youve decided to go into business for yourself and you thought up a clever name for your business. Everything youve read and the advice received from a lawyer or friend; suggests that you should incorporate your business! To incorporate is to create a business on paper. It isnt real; it is a business in theory, which makes it a fiction! The lawyer or accountant you hired to prepare your corporation; records your business with the state as a state corporation and identifies you as president of the board of directors, not the owner. Your business is now a corporate fiction and by recording the business as a state corporation; you no longer own it, the state owns it! You just gave your business away and made yourself an employee]! Our presumed government representatives have done the same thing to each of us. They changed each of us from a sovereign into a corporate fiction. Your corporate name is easily identifiable, in that it is expressed in all capital letters on all your documents and all communications received from every government agency! The reason for converting every Sovereign American into a corporate fiction dates back to the Principal of Law under the King! The King is a Sovereign Monarch and dictator, who by his authority, creates the laws that govern his subjects. He is the Source of Law and therefore the law cannot be enforced against him! In America, the Source of Law is the Sovereign People and therefore no laws can be enforced against the Source, except for those specifically agreed to or defined by the original Constitution. Those laws are defined as Theft, Assault and Criminal Mischief; but since the Colonists never voted on the Constitution, none of these offenses are enforceable against a living Sovereign! They are enforceable however against a corporation or corporate fiction! In theory and according to the common law; before any Sovereign can be arrested for one of these crimes; a complaint must be filed with the elected Sheriff. The Sheriff, by his own authority, assembles (a common law jury) of the accused Sovereigns immediate neighbors, called a Grand Jury. The neighbors hear the complaint and evidence presented to them by the complainant. They are permitted to ask questions of any witness and can subpoena anyone else who can shed light on the allegations. A majority must then decide if the accused Sovereign is to be tried by a court. All of this is done without [a judge or prosecutor in attendance]! This is a real Grand Jury proceeding, which is far removed from the joke perpetrated by our corporate government and courts today! What happened to our Grand Jury rights of old? The Bar Association has successfully stolen that right away from the Sovereign people, little by little, through rewrites of the Judiciary Act, so that now the American public believes that the Grand Jury is an instrument subject to the jurisdiction, right and whim of the prosecuting attorney! The prosecuting attorney controls the entire proceeding and who testifies. The judge then tells the jury what the law is and the members of the panel are always denied the opportunity to view the written law!

All of our governments are corporations and are responsible for the creation of about 800 thousand laws called statutes, which are designed to control the Sovereign people of America. Just like the King; these statutes cannot be enforced against the Source of Law, which are the living, breathing, flesh and blood Sovereign people. All of the Agents in power beginning with the King, the Vatican, the Founding Fathers and now our presumed public officials, wanted to obtain power and control over America and the Constitution pretty much prohibited them from achieving those ends! So they began to devise ways to change the Sovereign Americans into [a corporate fiction]. These Agents also decided and reasoned that they cannot educate the masses, without exposing their treachery, and so our private and public education must be controlled! Without any real Constitutional basis, the U. S. Department of Education was created. The Constitution made it the responsibility of each state to educate their people and several states challenged the Congress in the courts. The matter was eventually heard by the U. S. Supreme Court, which has never been a Constitutional Article III Court from its inception, which I will explain. The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government was entitled to oversee the educational requirements of United States Citizens by virtue of their Constitutional powers to regulate Commerce! Bad law is bad law, no matter how you turn the paper and that ruling gave the federal government the green light to initiate its brainwashing process of the American public. Let me explain how the Court arrived at its ruling because these are not ignorant men! On every form you file to receive government benefits and even the voter registration form, there is a question that asks: Are you a United States Citizen? YES / NO and everyone circles the YES answer. Didnt you? Now look up the definition of a United States Citizen, in a reputable law dictionary. You will discover that a United States Citizen is a phrase designed to identify a corporate fiction! Clever, isnt it? You and every other American had no idea that you were admitting you were a corporate fiction when you circled that YES answer, and you did it under penalty of perjury! The sovereign states had been abolished in 1790 by the adoption of Article 1 of the Statutes at Large, which converted all the sovereign states into federal districts and gave the federal government lawful jurisdiction everywhere. In consideration of the fact that the federal government is a corporation and that corporations can lawfully own other corporations; and all the American subjects to be educated have admitted under penalty of perjury that they are corporations; the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the corporate federal government. [See how sneaky and tricky lawyers can be? And all the more reason why lawyers should never be allowed to serve in government or in judgment of us]! Under our corporate governments, no Sovereign can lawfully be tried or convicted of any statutory crime! I recently discovered how to avoid prosecution under the Trust, when a Sovereign is taken before a corporate prosecuting Attorney or a Judge: First: the Sovereign must inquire if we are on the record, and if not, insist upon it! Say nothing, sign nothing and answer no questions until you are convinced that the proceedings are being recorded! Secondly: all a Sovereign has to say for the record is: I am a beneficiary of the Trust, and I am appointing you as my Trustee! Thirdly: the Sovereign then directs his Trustee to do his bidding! As my Trustee, I want you to discharge this matter I am accused of and eliminate the record! Fourthly: if the Sovereign suffered any damages as a result of his arrest, he can direct that the Trust compensate him from the proceeds of the Court by saying; I wish to be compensated for [X] dollars, in redemption. This statement is sufficient to remove the authority and jurisdiction from any prosecuting attorney or judge. The accused will be immediately released from custody, with a check, license or claim he identifies as a damage. It doesnt matter what the action involves or how it is classified by the corporate law as a civil or criminal action! It works every time! All of the Codes, Statutes and Regulations throughout the United States are a Will from the Masters to their Slaves. A Will is defined as, An express command used in a dispositive nature. When individuals in America are charged with a crime and warehoused in a jail; it is because they went against the Will of the Masters, and not because they harmed another person! Remember that: The Will demands from us, all that we are; keeps us in check and promises us nothing!

The police officer, who arrested you, has been brainwashed into believing that he is doing the right thing, when in fact he is nothing more than an armed slave acting as a henchman and hired to bully and intimidate all other Slaves into submission of the Masters Will! This statement will probably offend most police officers but this is fact and it is not their fault! Most police officers believe they are performing a public service and doing the right thing in the performance of duty. They have been lied to by the government and in most cases police officers are pumped full of lies more so than anybody else! Recently, the Police have all been ordered to complete (paramilitary training) and were told that this is essential because of the new threat of Terrorism! The people responsible for this training and brainwashing are the same people and foreign Agents who have been controlling all of us since our birth! NOTE: Ill bet that nobody told these police officers that these suspected Terrorists may come at them from their very own government officials! So now our government officials have our police officers training to act as a military unit. [e.g.] Follow our orders and dont think! They have succeeded in placing these officers on edge, so that their every reaction; will be an overreaction to the situation, just like Hitlers Gestapo! Near the end of this paper, I will disclose to the reader about a situation that has been planned by our government officials and is soon to unfold! The police paramilitary training and their extensive brainwashing has been implemented specifically for this event! It is expected that police officers will over-react and begin killing innocent Americans, and once they are no longer of use, the officers and their families will all be ordered to receive vaccinations that will kill all of them! My guess is that after this planned mass genocide has occurred, the Russian and Chinese military will replace them in the field. Part of the Fraud perpetrated against We the People by this Will, is the fact that there are actually no criminal laws in America. The Rules of Procedure used by every Local, State and Federal Court are Civil Rules, not Criminal! Court officials simply substitute the word criminal for civil, depending upon the case at hand. Rule 1 of the Rules of Civil Procedure Reads: There shall be but one form of action, a civil action. This means that the Criminal laws promulgated and enforced by the police and our corporate governments are all civil and are being fraudulently enforced against our corporate fictions as criminal. When anyone goes to jail, it is for a civil infraction of the Masters Will. That makes all of our jails, debtors prisons! Does that Ring a Constitutional Bell? Title 18, Federal Crimes and Offenses: was never voted on by the Congress, which means that these federal laws are NOT positive law in America! Now, if you were a part of a government conspiracy to destroy America and soon to commit a mass genocide of its population; would you really want to vote Title 18 into positive law? My belief is that the Congress intentionally omitted its passage, so that members of Congress could use that as a defense, should they be caught and tried for Treason! Do you believe the lawyers hired or appointed to represent all the individuals accused of federal crimes, knew about this fact? You bet they know! Armed with this fact: Now look at the number of convicted people sitting in federal prisons, who believe they have been lawfully convicted of violating a federal crime! How many do you imagine have been put to death? How many were shot and killed during the arrest? How many were killed attempting to escape from their illegal confinement? The Internal Revenue Code relies upon Title 18 to convict people of Tax Evasion, which (only applies to corporations). Look at all the people sitting in federal prisons who were convicted of this so-called crime? What makes it worse is the fact that the Queen of England, entered into a Treaty with the federal government for the taxing of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes sold in America. The Treaty is called The Stamp Act and in this Act, the Queen ordained that her subjects, the American people, are exonerated of all other federal taxes! So the federal income tax and the state incomes taxes levied against all Americans is contrary to an International Treaty and against the Sovereign Orders of the Queen! Like it or not, the Queen is our Monarch and Master! The Tax is illegal and still people have been prosecuted and imprisoned, contrary to law! One hundred percent (100%) of the people sentenced and held in all American Jails have either been convicted of crimes that are not positive law or were convicted of civil crimes, and are being detained there by their consent! Thats Right! The lawyers and judges representing our legislature and judicial system; created maneuvers to insure that anyone who is accused of a so-called crime and posts bail, (signs a contract to appear and consents by that contract to the proceedings scheduled). Anyone who applies for a public defender, signs the same contract without

knowing it and anyone who privately hires a lawyer to represent them in a Court proceeding, consents to the same contract upon the lawyer filing a Notice of Appearance! When you hire a lawyer, you signed a Power of Attorney. He is required to file his Notice of Appearance in that case and that Notice of Appearance offers your consent and binds your appearance to the proceedings! Absent these aforementioned contracts; the Court cannot proceed against you! When that occurs; the Judge and the Prosecutor, attempt to trick and intimidate you into giving your consent! If you dont know how to invoke your Sovereignty, and you take what they throw at you, and stand your ground; they will be forced to release you after 72 hours has elapsed! Im not a bleeding heart liberal who believes that we should open up the jails and let everyone out! There are people in our jails who need to be there, despite the fact that they have been incarcerated illegally! My vote is to leave that hornets nest alone! We Americans are so proud of the fact that we live in a Democracy! Now look up the word Democracy, in a reputable Law Dictionary and see the legal meaning. Democracy is defined as: A Socialist form of government and another form of Communism. Do you remember the lies that President Reagan, the Congress and the Media told America? The lie was that, The Iron Curtain fell without a shot being fired! The truth is that the Iron Curtain came down because Communist Europe found an ally in the West and there was no longer a need for walls! PS/ Your Federal Taxes constructed the Worlds largest automated vehicle and munitions plant for the Soviet Union, during the dismantling of the Berlin Wall! PPS/ The attempt to assassinate President Reagan occurred because he had disclosed to the American people that: None of the federal income tax paid by the American people is ever deposited into the United States Treasury and is being deposited into the Federal Reserve Bank for its use and benefit! Shortly after making that statement, Reagan was shot by John Hinkley, who was quickly declared insane, so that there never would be a public trial! If you recall, President Reagan was never the same after that incident! The Masters dont play around they eliminate problems or radically curve attitudes! On September 17, 1787, twelve State delegates of the Thirteen State Colonys approved the United States Constitution, not the Colonists, and by their doing so, the States became constitutors. A constitutor is defined under civil law as, One who by simple agreement becomes responsible for the payment of anothers debt. [See: Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Edition]. Many early immigrants to the United States arrived here as Bonded Slaves. A person of wealth or substance became the [payor] by offering to pay or promising to pay or [bond] the debts of another person, and usually paid the cost of his or her voyage to America. This made the payor a [constitutor] and gave him title as [master] over the debtor [slave] by written contract. A Bonded Slave is a corporate fiction. The payors new title and power as the Bond Master of the debtor, causes the immigrant to become a Bond Slave and the property of the Master until such time he is paid back his investment by the Bond Slave or by someone else. This means that the Bond Master can buy and sell these contracts! If a Bonded Slave was mistreated by his Bond Master; the law did not represent him because the Bond Slave (a corporate fiction) had no human rights afforded to him by any law! Corporate fictions have no rights. If the Bonded Slave desired rights, he was obligated to negotiate them in his contract with the Bond Master before accepting the contract. If the Bonded Slave runs away from his abusive Bond Master; the law in place however, attached a bounty, hunted him down and returned him to the Bond Master. Remember also that the first Slaves in America were (Indian) and then Caucasian, of English, French, Irish and German ancestry. The Constitution is not for We the People: As mentioned before, the Colonists were never presented the Constitution to vote on its passage and approval because the Constitution was never written for them and has been rewritten two more times since then, but only our government officials know about that! And now, so do you! 1) Article ONE of the Constitution allows the Congress to borrow against the full faith and credit of the American people without end. It keeps us eternally in debt and makes all loans the government received from the King or any other entity, valid and enforceable against We the People! How is that good for us? 2) Article ONE, Section EIGHT, Clause (15) of the Constitution reads that it is the Militias job to execute the laws of the Union. The Militia is a military unit something like the Police or National Guard, and is composed of members of our local community. The new State Constitutions however, make Militias illegal except in time of war and

authorizes the Police to arrest the members of a Militia, should they attempt to reform their ranks! How is that good for us? 3) Article ONE; Section EIGHT of the Constitution gives the Congress complete power over the Military. What do we do when its the Congress, who we need to have arrested for Treason and Peonage? How is that good for us? President Obama has changed the Military Oath. Soldiers no longer swear to support or defend the Constitution but rather to support and defend the President! Now, isnt that convenient? 4) Article SIX, Section ONE of the Constitution is the law that makes American Citizens responsible to file income tax returns and not because of Title 26 of the United States Code. Parts of our flawed history, taught to you by our government controlled school system, accurately described that the English people had been taxed into a state of poverty by King George and was one of the reasons the Colonists fled Europe for the New World. So how is this good for us? The IRS is not a U. S. Government Agency, they are Agents of a Foreign Power, operating under a private contract and your obligation to pay and file federal taxes is a scam! Only federal employees and persons born in Washington, DC and the federal territories were ever obligated to pay and file, prior to The Stamp Act but we were never informed of that fact! Our government has brainwashed us into believing that the National Debt is all our responsibility, and a patriotic responsibility to pay our fair share! Heres the Truth about that subject! The National Debt is a Federal Debt, and always has been! The name change was the clever use of propaganda intended to invoke our civil patriotic pride! The foreign Agents in charge of our government; have been borrowing funds to line their pockets with, to buy influence, make business deals and seal Treaties with communist Third World Countries and Dictators, which will never benefit We the People. They have lied to us, enslaved us, imprisoned us and sold our gold to the Vatican in 1933 and invested the proceeds for their selves! The money they have been borrowing since 1933; is not real money but, negotiable debt instruments, which is the same thing as monopoly money! This means that in order to pay off the Federal/National Debt; all they ever had to do was print a money order, without any account numbers on it, for the entire debt, sign it and present it to the lender [The Federal Reserve Bank] and the debt is paid in full! The foreign agents who purport to be our public officials; are responsible for eliminating the strength of the American Labor Unions, the elimination of our jobs, the erosion of our inalienable rights, and have instigated every war or conflict we have ever become involved with in history and (they convinced us that it was the other guys fault)! They have converted us into corporate fictions, and sold us as securities to foreign corporate investors, and have denied us our heritage! Everything they have been doing is designed to undermine our freedom, liberty and representative form of government! Their goal and final blow against, We the People, is our mass genocide and the total conversion of our government to communism! 5) The SIXTEENTH AMENDMENT to the Constitution, regardless of the dispute of how it was adopted; permits the Federal Government to assess and collect a direct tax against We the People. Most Americans do not know that the Federal Government is and always has been financially self sufficient, the result of tariffs imposed upon imports, exports and commerce. Not one penny of the Direct Federal Income Tax, paid through the IRS, is ever for or deposited into the United States Treasury. Those Taxes are deposited into the Federal Reserve Bank for the Masters use. So how is this direct tax good for us? You may be wondering about now, how the United States government can collect taxes from, We the People, when we are Slaves, own nothing and are not a party to the Constitution? Despite its legality, it is done under a process known as debt collection through private contractors [the IRS] and through a private contract, the United States Constitution. The IRS belongs to the International Monetary Fund, who also owns the Federal Reserve Bank. The IMF holds the controlling interest in all the banks in America! The IMF is the Rockefeller and Rothschild Empires, along with the eleven wealthiest families in the World. When you see or hear of a Bank closing it is a diversion and is intended to injure and panic the public! The condition of the economy in the World today is being manipulated by these people! Their schedule for the adoption of the New World Order is close at hand and these public Agents need to scare us into believing that this new form of government is our salvation! Factually, it will only be good for them and it will be our ruin! 6) Article 12 of the Articles of Confederation promises the full faith and credit of the American people to repay all

loans made by the United States government. The money borrowed by the United States to finance the Revolutionary War came from France. Who owned France? (King George!) Who was the opposition in the Revolutionary War? (England.) Our Founding Fathers promised our labor, equity, full faith and credit, to repay those debts that will, in theory, never come to an end! So how is that good for us? 7) The Bill of Rights was not for your protection. Theyre laws that represent one mans ability, with the assistance of the State, to control another mans actions, and since theyre included under the U. S. Constitution, theyre not for you! So how is that good for us? 8) The Thirteenth Amendment barred lawyers from ever holding a seat in public office. The Amendment was ratified however, during the second secret writing of the Constitution, this Amendment was dropped and replaced by the 14th Amendment and the 14th Amendment was replaced by the 15th Amendment and so on. The replacement wasnt done by a Constitutional Convention, it was simply omitted! The original Constitution is the Law of the Land and was designed to regulate our government! The 13th Amendment still is positive law but now about 98% of our public officials are lawyers; so if we filed motions to remove them from office, who would sign them? Wasnt that convenient for them? 9) On August 4, 1790; Article ONE of the U. S. Statutes at Large, pages 138 178, abolished the States of the Republic and created Federal Districts! In the same year the former States of the Republic reorganized as Corporations and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions, absent defined boundaries, which they presented to the people of each State for a vote! Why this time? Because the new State Constitutions fraudulently made the people Citizens of the new Corporate States. A Citizen is also defined by law as a corporate fiction. The people were bound to the Corporate State and the States were bound to the Corporate United States and fraudulently obligated all of us to pay the debts of the Federal Government owed to the King! This was necessary because the United States was officially bankrupt on January 1, 1788 and the politicians (our Founding Fathers) who benefitted the most by these Revolutionary loans, required a guarantee to present to the King! Absent that guarantee, they were personally obligated to repay the debts! The state constitutions were rewritten again during the Clinton Administration, except now they are called the Constitutions of Interdependence! These Constitutions read just like the Declaration of Independence, except that We the People have been eliminated. This is the Magna Carta of the public officials, to protect them under The New World Order Communist Government! The public was never informed of this, like everything else and the media never reported any of the Fraud being perpetrated against America by their public officials! I could go on and on, discussing Articles and Amendments of the Constitution but suffice it to say that the benefits the government dangled in front of our naive noses, has been used as an inducement for us to volunteer; and that all of these benefits are received by us at a terrible cost! When we apply for government benefits, the foreign government in charge; converts our living sovereign person into a corporation and then records our person as, government asset property! The States use to provide protection, stability and security for the people but over time the focus of their attention has changed to the control of our minds, bodies, spirit and assets. To take a loyalty oath to support, defend and obey the Constitution; now is to swear an oath to your Masters to be ever loyal to them! Slaves you are and slaves you will ever be! More evidence of our Slavery is as follows: a) The primary control and custody of infants is with the corporate state government through the filing of government issued Birth Certificates, which are held in a State Trust and therein each applicant is recorded under the Department of Transportation as a State owned Vessel and financial asset. A government issued Birth Certificate was never needed as proof of birth because a baptismal record or a family bible entry of birth, was and is an exception to hearsay and constitutes legal proof of birth! Had your parents never applied for a government issued Birth Certificate, none of the Federal or State Statutes, Codes or Regulations in place, would be enforceable against you, and no government official or agency could ever tell you how to raise your children; declare you an unfit parent, or take your children away from you! We all made fun of the Amish of Pennsylvania and yet the government cannot touch them because they do not participate in anything these corporate governments have to offer. The title to their land is recorded as an Ecclesiastical Trust. The Vatican (the Holy Roman Church) actually owns all the land, territories and insular possessions called America and as long as the Amish remain an Ecclesiastical Trust and remain a passive

Christian Society, the Vatican will protect them. The Holy Roman Church possesses the power to protect or crush anyone and anything! [See: Tillman v. Roberts, 108 So. 62 [and] Title 26 U. S. C. 7701 [and] 18 U. S. C. Section 8]. Social Security is not a Trust or Insurance policy or Insurance against disability. The U. S. Supreme Court has ruled that Social Security is a government giveaway program funded by a government Tax; which is why and how the Congress can periodically dip into the assets of the fund anytime they want and never have to pay it back! The back of the Social Security card states that the card is the property of the government and not you! Your birth name appears on the front of that card and has been modified, the same way as your birth certificate; from upper and lower case letters to all capital letters, pursuant to the U. S. Government Printing Manual, which instructs government agencies on how to subtly convert a living man into a corporation. The actual Director of our Social Security Fund and Administration is the Queen of England and from which she is paid a generous salary. Your Social Security Card is issued by the United Nations through the International Monetary Fund and your Social Security Number is actually your International Slave Number! On the reverse side of that card is an E letter followed by eight numbers. That is a cusip number, which is required on all securities! Yes! You have been converted into a marketable security, like a bond, and your person was offered for sale and sold to domestic and foreign corporate investors! c) A Marriage License Application is a request to your Masters for permission to marry. If you ever had any claim of sovereignty before that date; you lost it completely when you applied for and married under a marriage license. Sovereignty means: To assert ones independence and to claim to be self-governing. The license isnt necessary and never has been because a marriage has always been just a contract, witnessed by God, between a man and a woman! Who told you that you must apply for a license? It is the official you chose to conduct your ceremony? The official just happens to be a licensed government official and his license prevents him from conducting marriage ceremonies without the issuance of a marriage license. Did Moses or Jesus ever say or profess that a marriage is not recognized by God, without a license? Heres the Fraud behind the License: Those who apply for and marry pursuant to a marriage license have now added a third party to their marriage contract! The third party is the Master, by and through his Agent, the Corporate State. The marriage license bestows the State with the legal right to decide the fate of the husband, wife and the possessions they procured during their marriage, should the marriage fail. Their divorce must now be decided by and through the States Corporate Court by a Corporate Judge, and the Judges first and foremost concern is the interest of the State. The interest of the bride and groom is now secondary. [See: VanKosten v. VanKosten, 154 N.E. 146]. A comment by the Judge deciding this divorce says it all! The ultimate ownership of all property is the State: individual so-called ownership is only by virtue of government, [i.e.] laws amounting to mere use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the state. [Also See: Senate Document No. 43 of the 73rd Congress, 1st Session] and [Brown v. Welch, U. S. Superior Court]. d) The term license is defined in law as, A permit to do something illegal. [See: Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th or 7th Edition]. Therefore, all licenses are permits to violate the only real law! Inalienable rights are the rights bestowed upon all living men, by God at birth! All other laws are subordinate to Gods law. The controlling government wants us to rely on their laws, so they demand that we apply for a license! Another example is a Drivers License. It is your God given right to travel the roadways of this nation and no government has any right to restrict, tax or license your pursuit of happiness! The only exception is a Driver of a Commercial Vehicle. The governments have a right to regulate Commerce, which means trade. Anyone operating a vehicle in Commerce must be licensed but all others are absolutely free to travel without one! The foreign Agents in power; have changed the common meanings of words to encapsulate and control every Sovereign. They succeed in this intimidation through the corporate courts and police enforcement by officers who have been brainwashed and reinforced by mandatory training programs. e) The use of Trusts by the Masters and their Agents; is for a good reason! A Trust by law is secret and neither the Masters nor their agents [the Corporate Government and Courts] can be compelled to expose the rules or regulations of the Trust and those regulations can change with the wind, without notice to the participants! [See: The Law of Trusts]. f) Slaves cannot own property. Look at the Deed to your home. You are identified as the [Tenant] of the property and never the Owner and your Local and State land tax is actually a rent or use fee assessed by the State for the lease on the land. You gave them the land after closing via your Lawyer. Did he ever tell you that?

After closing, your Lawyer recorded the deed with the Court. The law only suggests recording the deed, it doesnt mandate it! Upon recording, you gave the land back to the State, who then leases it back to you for as long as you live there! Isnt that where you have constructed your home, your castle? Im paying for it, doesnt that make the land mine, you ask? If you fail to pay the States assessed rent or use fee, which has been cleverly disguised as a direct state tax; you will be evicted from your castle and land, and the state will take title and sell your home under commercial law. Commercial Law ordains that, Anything permanently attached, is retained by the owner! Who is the owner of the land? Why the State because you so graciously donated it to them. Oh, I almost forgot; your Lawyer receives a fee from the State for recording your deed for their use and benefit! How do you feel about your lawyer now? Didnt you pay him to represent your interests at the closing? Now you see why lawyers are the brunt of numerous jokes and have such a poor reputation! Its because they deserve it! g) Foreclosures are nothing more than evictions, based on a different kind of fraud. The illusion of a debt [Mortgage] that never existed! No individual or family who has been foreclosed on and evicted from their home in the United States is legal! The only exception to this is owner-financing! Other than owner-financing, the people who purchased their homes through a Mortgage Company, actually owned their homes completely on the day of the closing. The real legal definition of a closing means that all legal interest as to title is concluded. [See: any reputable Dictionary from the 1800s]. The definition has been changed by our government lawyers to conceal the fraud. [Explanation of the above statement] First you must know that the federal government took America off the gold standard in1933, during a staged bankruptcy called the Great Depression and replaced the gold with an economic principle known as, Negotiable Debt Instruments. [YES, THE GREAT DEPRESSION WAS STAGED!] The government needed to create a catastrophe to implement standards that were designed to steal your possessions and God-given rights! The process of creating a catastrophe was discovered by behaviorists! Take away a persons food, comfort and safety long enough and they wont care or question the illusion provided, as long as their stomach is full, they have shelter, a comfortable bed and the means (real or imagined) to keep or continue their comfort! President Roosevelt unconstitutionally collected Americas gold by Executive Order and sold it to the Vatican by way of China, to conceal its true ownership. The gold in Fort Knox belongs to the Vatican and not the United States! Absent a gold base, Commerce now essentially trades in debts. So if you borrowed money for a Mortgage and theres no gold or real value to support the paper called U. S. Currency; what did you actually borrow? Factually, you borrowed debt! The Mortgage Company committed the ultimate fraud against you because they loaned you nothing to pay off the imaginary balance, not even their own debt instruments. They then told you that you owe them the unpaid balance of your home and that you must pay them back with interest, in monthly installments! Heres how they did it. At your Closing, the Mortgage Company had you sign a Promissory Note in which you promised your sweat, your equity, full faith and credit against an unpaid balance. Then without your knowledge, the Mortgage Company sold your Promissory Note (your credit) to a Warehousing Institution such as, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. The Warehousing Institution uses your Promissory Note (your credit) as collateral and generates loans to other people and corporations with interest. Collateral is essential to a corporation because corporations have no money or credit. Theyre not real, theyre a fiction and require the sweat, the equity, the full faith and credit of living individuals to breathe and sustain the life of the corporation. Corporate Governments operate under the same principle. The Warehousing Institution makes money off the Promissory Note (your credit) and even though the profits made are nothing more than new (Negotiable Debt Instruments), those instruments still

have buying power in a (Negotiable Debt Economy). These debt instruments are only negotiable because of the human ignorance of the American people and the human ignorance of people in other countries of the World, who have all been lied to, told this has value, and the people dont know the difference! Did you ever give your permission to the Mortgage Company to sell your credit? So where is your cut of the profits? If the Mortgage Company invested nothing of their own in the purchase of your home, why are you making a monthly Mortgage payment to them with interest? And where do they get off foreclosing on or against anyone or threatening to foreclose? They do it by fraud and the Masters and their Agents (the governments, the courts and the banks) all know it! Everything done to us and against us is about sustaining their lives, the lives of the corporate governments they command and to keep We the People under their complete control! They accomplish this control by taking away or threatening to take away your comfort and independence! They all use fraudulent means, disguised as law! Note: When you applied for a Mortgage, the Mortgage Company ran a credit check on you and if you had a blemish on your credit record, they charged you points (money) to ease their pain and lighten the risk (a credit risk) of their loaning you a Mortgage! More Fraud! Why are you paying points, when they never loaned you a dime! The credit report is just another scam. If you have a high credit report, the government and banks identify you as an Obedient Slave and yet your Promissory Note sold for the same value as the Promissory Note endorsed by the man who is (a credit risk)! Credit didnt matter. The fact that you are a living person is what matters! More Fraud: The Mortgage Company maintains two sets of books regarding your Mortgage payments. The local set of books, is a record that they loaned you money and that you agreed to repay that money, with interest, each month. The second set of books is maintained in another State office, usually a Bank because the Mortgage Companies usually sell your loan contract to a Bank and agree to monitor the monthly payments in order to conceal the fraud!

In the second set of books, your monthly Mortgage Payment is recorded by the bank as a savings deposit because there is no real loan! When you pay off the fraudulent mortgage, the Bank waits (90) days and then submits a request to the IRS. The request states: That someone, unknown to this facility; deposited this money into our facility and has abandoned it! May we keep the deposit? The IRS always gives their permission to the bank to keep the deposit and your hard earned money just feathered the nest of the Rockefeller, Rothschild and eleven other wealthy families in the world! End

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