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“As long as people believe in absurdities

they will continue to commit atrocities.”

CREDITS Contents
Doomed Forgotten Realms
Interior Art
Flaming Skull Foreword 4 Chapter 9
Jimmy Nijs
No Longer Eye to Eye 92
Scott McClintock Captain Virran Silvershadow Irina Radanavich
Xanathar and Sylgar
Introduction 6 Xanathar's Guide to Saving the World........................... 93
Lead Developer Irini Azalin Rex
Graxigon Doomed Forgotten Realms ................................................. 7
Nori Dean Spencer Amber Sarcophagus Encounters on the Road.................................................... 93
Scott McClintock Mummy’s Sarcophagus A History of Doom ................................................................ 7
Concept Beta Readers Kobold
Voaraghamanthar the Black Dragon Citadel Cavitius Adventure Summary .............................................................. 7 Chapter 10
Scott McClintock Adam Dahlheim Small Red Dragon Sylgar
Lord Haroln Adventure Flowchart ...........................................................9 Dropping the Battlehammer 97
John Bryant dleoblack Vadataj Cult of the Elder Elemental Eye ....................................... 98
Writer Matthew Charles Dramatis Personae .............................................................. 10
Lady Syth
Scott McClintock Raluca Marinescu An Audience with Ogrémoch ............................................ 98
Marc Altfuldisch
Ryan Sargent Harley Dela Cruz Vecna Chapter 1 The Dismal Delve ..................................................................99
Billy Middleton Cartography Werewolf
Rising Phoenix Games Trial Run 11 A Time for Planning .......................................................... 100
Editor Buck Wev Blackstar Knight Grandma Fennel Beginning the Adventure.................................................... 11 March for Freedom ............................................................101
Secret Eater Vol’kra the Empyrean
Billy Middleton Hosttower of the Arcane
Richten Haus Spirit of Rage
Abandoned Tower .................................................................13 The Return ...........................................................................103
Castle Avernus Undead Horse Sandara Luskan .....................................................................................14
Developer Har’akir Tombs Bleakborn Phoenix
Chapter 11
Marc Altfuldisch Devil’s Tea Party Haseid Hosttower of the Arcane ...................................................18
Ahghairon’s Tower Tomb Ophidian Vlad Ogorodnyk The Mists of Ravenloft ...................................................... 29 Worse Things Happen at Sea 104
Producer Kas
Castle Waterdeep Port Llast.............................................................................104
Scott McClintock Vecna’s Throneroom Chapter 2 Voyage Under the Sea ........................................................105

Marc Altfuldisch Christian Zeuch A Haus Divided 30
Sword Coast
The Hunt is Afoot.............................................................. 106
Project Manager Endless Road Traversing the Mists ........................................................... 30 A Liar's Word ...................................................................... 106
Scott McClintock Ahghairon’s Hellscape A Doomed Domain ................................................................31
Layout, Graphic Design, and
Neverwinter Wood
Darkon ................................................................................... 32 Chapter 12
Product Engineering Elven Tower Cartography Rivalis ..................................................................................... 32 Here Be Dragons 108
Marc Altfuldisch Waterdeep The Hidden Trail .................................................................. 36 Leilon ................................................................................... 108
Art Director John Gilliam Richten Haus ........................................................................ 36 Castle Naerytar ................................................................. 108
Marc Altfuldisch Skullport Nana's Concoction ............................................................. 45 Neverwinter Wood ............................................................ 109
Cover Illustrator all of Vecna concludes our The Great Escape ..................................................................111
Raluca Marinescu (Vecna) Doomed Forgotten Realms
Chapter 3 Draconian Accolades ........................................................ 112
Marc Altfuldisch (Backdrop) Float like a Castle, Sting like an Imp 46
path. Just like any endeavor, this Castle Avernus ..................................................................... 46 Chapter 13
project required a well rounded An Impish Guide .................................................................... 51 Fatal Attraction 113
group of high level comrades. I Phandalin............................................................................. 113
Chapter 4 A Bloody Apprenticeship ................................................... 119
am grateful to the amazing Matthew Whitby who has With Friends Like These 52
been with the project since day one, and single-hand- Tovag ...................................................................................... 52 Chapter 14
edly put together the Gazetteer to end all gazetteers The Shepherd and His Flock .............................................. 53 The War for Waterdeep 121
Tor Gorak .............................................................................. 54 The War Council ................................................................. 121
(If you haven’t checked it out already, please do). I am
The Clash............................................................................... 54 Waterdeep .............................................................................122
grateful to the fantastic Kathleen Harrington who Skullport .............................................................................122
Meeting the Darklord ........................................................ 59
went well above and beyond her role as an editor Battle Against the Skulls .................................................130
to contribute some brilliant content to our earlier Chapter 5 Departing Skullport ..........................................................130
Carnage at the Carnival 60 Tower of Ahghairon .......................................................... 131
volumes. I am most grateful for getting to work on
The Carnival..........................................................................60 A Cataclysmic Promise ........................................................142
this with my real life best friends Buck Wev and Thoroughfare ......................................................................60
Billy Middleton – as well as the supremely talented Big Top ................................................................................... 61 Chapter 15
Marc Altfuldisch, a new friend in the making. And, of Egress ..................................................................................... 63 The Rise or Fall of Vecna 143
course, I am monumentally grateful to you for giving Castle Waterdeep ................................................................143
Chapter 6 Dungeons of Castle Waterdeep .......................................144
this adventure a chance. Hit the Road and Hit the Head 64 Divine Release ...................................................................... 147
For anyone out there thinking of trying to bring A Horse of a Different Color ........................................... 64 Denouement ......................................................................... 147
their own ideas to life on the DMsGuild I would Bring it all to a Head ......................................................... 64 The Fall of Vecna ................................................................148
strongly encourage you to take the plunge! It is hard Shadowfell Encounters on the Misty Road ..................66 Concluding the Adventure ..............................................148
work, but also worth it. If you have questions along Chapter 7
the way, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. And, Plow the Cursed Sands 68 Appendix A Secrets of the Whispered One 150
once you complete and publish your first product let Mummy Wing ......................................................................... 70
ON THE COVER me know – I’d love to return the favor and provide Scarab Wing .......................................................................... 73 Appendix B Monsters and NPCs 159
In this illustration by Raluca Marinescu & Marc
Serpent Wing ........................................................................ 77
Altfuldisch, Vecna’s apotheosis is almost complete.
some support! Temple Wing ..........................................................................80 Appendix C Handouts 215
— Scott McClintock Black Obelisk ........................................................................ 85
Appendix D Magic Items 229
Chapter 8
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. A Skeleton in the Closet 87 Appendix E Vehicles 235
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Palace of Vecna ....................................................................88
Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by Quill & Cauldron and is published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
The artwork contained herein may not be used for any other works without the owner’s express written permission. Cut and Run .......................................................................... 91 Appendix F Bridging from other Adventures 240

INTRODUCTION a device called the Soulmonger, designed to devour
the soul of any humanoid that dies anywhere on Toril.
Few knew that the Soulmonger’s purpose was to feed
Doomed Forgotten Realms
a gestating atropal, the ghastly, unfinished creation
Welcome to a dark chapter in the history of the
ord Vecna has been known by many of a long-forgotten evil god. Fewer still knew that this
Forgotten Realms. A chapter in which your players
names—The Maimed Lord, The atropal was to serve as a corporeal vessel for the
are destined to play a starring role. Through their
Whispered One, The Maker of godly essence of Vecna.
actions, the Realms will find salvation. Or doom.
All That is Secret. He was a great It was agents of Vecna who corrupted the transla-
wizard, perhaps the greatest of all The Doomed Forgotten Realms imagines a world where
tion of Sammaster’s holy prophecies. This, in turn,
time, tutored by the serpentine embodiment of magic all the various catastrophes threatened in a Wizards
inspired the Cult of the Dragon’s Red Wyrmspeaker,
itself. He was a supreme archlich of inestimable of the Coast hardcover adventure have come to pass.
Severin, to summon forth Tiamat from her lair upon
power, rumored to have stolen the secret of undeath It is an acknowledgment that for every successfully
the Nine Hells. The Thayan illusionist and secret
from the demon lord Orcus. He was an emperor, completed campaign, likely a dozen more have fizzled
Vecnan disciple, Rath Modar, worked with Severin to
worshiped as a god. Then, through force of will, he out or failed. This adventure serves as a tribute
bring this mad plan to fruition.
became a god. to these failed campaigns. As described in Rise of
He was betrayed and slain by his closest lieutenant. And so the Soulmonger fed. Tiamat, “Nations and kingdoms shatter, civilization
He was imprisoned in the distant domains of collapses into bloody war, and chaos reigns
To one such as Vecna, even the grandest plan is but
Ravenloft. None of this stopped him. supreme... Such dark times need not mean the
the seed of an even grander plan. As part of Tiamat’s
end of your campaign, however... The new goal is
summoning, a great treasure trove, one fit for the
Nothing can stop Vecna. to bring peace to the world once more.”
Queen of Dragons, was gathered in tribute. Vecnan The Archlich Himself
Vecna is more than power. He is knowledge incar- agents, posing as cultists of the dragon, stole relics of In the Doomed Forgotten Realms, the never-ending is the grand architect of
parade of apocalypses that have wracked the Sword the Doomed Forgotten Realms
nate. He hoards secrets like Tiamat hoards treasure. incredible power, including some of Netherese origin,
Vecna’s core belief is that for every person, for every in service of their lord. Four such artifacts were later Coast are not an improbable coincidence. They
city, for every world, there exists a secret so powerful found in the Dessarin Valley by cultists of Elemental have, instead, been purposefully masterminded or
that it can bring about their downfall. He gathers Evil. This cult went on to raze and destroy much of exploited by the archlich Vecna so that he might
such secrets to further his divine ascendency. the Valley. conquer the Forgotten Realms. For those not familiar
As part of his quest for greater godhood, Vecna with Vecna, he is an iconic villain that has haunted
besieged the planar hub of the multiverse. Although And so the Soulmonger fed. Dungeons & Dragons since its earliest days. His rele-
his plans were ultimately thwarted, he nonetheless Soon thereafter, Vecna tricked Gromph Baenre, the vant background has been briefly summarized, but
for those interested in a deeper exploration of Vecna’s
Adventure Summary
managed to plunder the hub’s many secrets. One of archmage of Menzoberranzan, into summoning the
these secrets was the existence of worlds beyond many demon lords of the Abyss into the Underdark. history, it can be easily found online. The adventure begins when the characters are
Fall Of Vecna is the third volume of the Doomed
that of his birth. Of all these worlds, Vecna was most Madness and decimation on a catastrophic scale summoned to an audience with the beholder,
soon followed. Forgotten Realm adventure path. Although the experi-
fascinated by the magic-rich realms of Toril. He was Xanathar, former crime lord of Waterdeep. Xanathar
particularly obsessed by the eldritch ingenuity of ence will be optimized if your players have completed has been driven from Waterdeep by Vecna and
fallen Netheril. And so the Soulmonger fed. Rise Of Vecna, it is not required. Fall Of Vecna is an
now hides beneath the ruins of Thornhold Keep,
The breaking and reshuffling of Annam’s Ordning. epic, self-contained story for three to five characters scheming how to unseat the lich lord. Xanathar’s
Vecna set his eye to conquest. Elturel and Baldur’s Gate’s descent into Avernus. that will take your players from 10th to as high as intelligence network has learned that Vecna orig-
With the patience and restraint of an expert strate- Auril’s self-imposed exile and the subsequent eternal 20th level. inates from the dismal land of Ravenloft. Sharing
gist, Vecna spent generations preparing Toril for his winter. In one way or another Vecna, the cosmic this information with the characters, the eye tyrant
arrival. In the planar hub, Vecna learned of the exis-
tence of portals that allowed travel between worlds
mastermind, had his hand in it all. A History of Doom tasks them with traveling to Ravenloft in hopes of
learning more about Vecna. Xanathar also informs
and communicated this information to his most And Finally the Soulmonger was full. the characters that there is a portal to Ravenloft in
Faerûn has changed dramatically in the years since
devoted followers. They, in turn, slowly infiltrated Vecna was reborn. He gathered to his banner all that Vecna’s conquest. Tiamat holds court over the the Hosttower of Arcane, the Luskan headquarters of
every corner of the Sword Coast from Candlekeep to was evil. Not just his cultists, but orcs from Dark dragons of the Realms from atop her Soaring Citadel. the Arcane Brotherhood, a cabal of evil wizards loyal
Silverymoon. Year after year, Vecna’s cultists gathered Arrow Keep, yuan-ti from Najara, giants from all Zariel wages war over the cratered ruin that was to Vecna.
and obscured knowledge, subverted governments, across the Sword Coast, and liches from Warlock’s once Baldur’s Gate. The drow elf Jarlaxle, one of the Chapter 1. In chapter 1 the characters are tele-
and patiently corrupted the good-hearted champions Crypt, all fought at his bidding. The Realms, devas- last hopes for a dying realm, rules over the sailing ported to Luskan. Once there they must gain
of Faerûn, all in the name of their Maimed Lord. tated by repeated calamity, fell quickly. In less than city of Qu’madosfan Delmah. And the Frostmaiden entrance to the Hosttower by overcoming a series
At the same time, the archlich Acererak, one of a year’s time, Vecna ensconced himself within Auril’s arctic grasp expands ever outwards. For a of trials. After gaining entrance the characters must
Vecna’s oldest and most loyal servants, traveled to Waterdeep, declaring himself the Lord of Toril. more detailed exploration of this brave new world see sneak their way into the heart of the tower. Then,
the jungles of Chult to build a hidden, deathtrap Evil has ruled the lands ever since. our supplemental product the Doomed Forgotten Realms: using an enchanted skull provided by Xanathar, the
dungeon. In the heart of this dungeon, he secreted SwOrd COast Gazetteer. characters must find the hidden portal to Ravenloft.
Chapter 2. In chapter 2 the characters emerge
near the halfling village of Rivalis, within the realm
Chapter 9. The characters return to Thornhold
in chapter 9. However, while they were away Adventure Flowchart
of Darkon. Exploring the village leads the characters Vecna tracked down and slew Xanathar, raising
to Grandma Fennel, who suggests that they visit the beholder as a death tyrant, loyal to Vecna. The
the nearby ruins of Castle Avernus to learn more characters are ambushed by this undead version of CHAPTER 2
about Vecna. Before doing so, however, they need Xanathar upon their return. Emerging victorious, CHAPTER 1
to visit Richten Haus, former home of the legendary they find Xanathar’s notes detailing the beholder’s Trial run a Haus
Rudolph Van Richten. There the characters harvest plan to recruit allies and assault Vecna, who is
Darkon in Ravenloft
some herbs necessary to survive the poisonous ener- currently laired within Ahghairon’s Tower, which can
gies surrounding Castle Avernus. be found inside the city of Waterdeep. LEVEL 11
Chapter 3. During chapter 3 the characters explore Chapter 10-13. Chapters 10 through 13 are dedi-
the floating ruins of Castle Avernus, former home to cated to traveling across the Sword Coast, recruiting CHAPTER 3
the infamous Darklord Azalin Rex. Within the ruins allies for the inevitable battle against Vecna. The FloaT like a CasTle,
the characters will encounter the dwarf vampire, characters can choose which of these chapters they sTing like an imp
Axrock, fight the shadow dragon Ebbasheyth, and wish to complete, as well as the order in which they Darkon in Ravenloft
befriend Azalin’s familiar, Skeever. Skeever willingly wish to complete them. In chapter 10 the characters
provides information about Vecna’s former domain, travel to the Elemental Plane of Earth to free the
Cavitius. The imp suggests that the players search for legendary Bruenor Battlehammer from the slave pits
lesser Vecnan relics, scattered throughout Ravenloft, of the dao. Chapter 11 sees the characters winning CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 7
and use these as keys for accessing Vecna’s aban- the assistance of Jarlaxle Baenre, after venturing
doned domain. into an undersea trench to slay a vengeful kraken. WiTH FrienDs Carnage aT THe HiT THe roaD ploW THe
Chapter 4-7. Chapters 4 through 7 are dedicated In chapter 12 the characters must steal the recently like THese Carnival anD HiT THe HeaD CurseD sanDs
forged Vonindod from the fire giants, to earn assis- Tovag in Ravenloft The Carnival in Ravenloft Any abandoned road Har’Akir in Ravenloft
to recovering these Vecnan relics, each of which
is a part of Vecna’s original body. The characters tance from the Dragon Queen Tiamat. Finally, in LEVEL 12 - 14 LEVEL 12 - 14 LEVEL 12 - 14 LEVEL 12 - 14
can recover as many of these relics as they like, chapter 13 the characters help Halaster Blackcloak
in any order. In chapter 4 the characters travel gain revenge against his former apprentices, who
to the domain of Tovag, where they meet Vecna’s betrayed the Mad Mage in the early days of Vecna’s CHAPTER 8
archenemy, Kas the Betrayer. From Kas they have conquest. a skeleTon
the opportunity to recover the incisors of Vecna. In Chapter 14. In chapter 14 the characters finally in THe CloseT
chapter 5 the characters visit a traveling Carnival take the fight to Vecna. Jarlaxle uses his submarine, Citadel Cavitius in Ravenloft
besieged by malevolent fey. After helping Isolde, the the Scarlet Marpenoth, to smuggle the characters LEVEL 13-15
Carnival’s leader, they are rewarded with the first into Skullport, an underworld city located beneath
digit of Vecna. In chapter 6 the characters summon Mount Waterdeep. Once in Skullport the characters CHAPTER 9
the Headless Horseman in hopes of recovering the must recruit various factions to help defeat the thir-
Head of Vecna. In truth the Head of Vecna is not a teen enigmatic Skulls who rule over Skullport. With no longer
true relic, although it does hold the molar of Vecna, the Skulls vanquished, the characters can teleport eye To eye
which is. Finally, the characters have an opportunity into Waterdeep, and break into Ahghairon’s Tower. At Back to Thornhold
to travel the cursed tombs and underground desert of the top of the tower the characters manage to fight LEVEL 13-15
Har’akir in search of the scalp of Vecna. and best Vecna. However, the characters learn that
Chapter 8. After recovering at least one Vecnan Vecna has turned the Soulmonger, a hideous device
that feeds on the souls of the dead, into his phylac- CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER 12 CHAPTER 13
relic, the characters can travel to the abandoned
domain of Cavitius in hopes of learning more about tery. Using recent knowledge obtained from ancient Dropping THe Worse THings Here Be FaTal
Vecna. While there they unexpectedly encounter the Nether Scrolls, Vecna plans to feed upon the souls in BaTTleHammer Happen aT sea Dragons aTTraCTion
powerful lich Azalin, and learn that he has been using the Soulmonger to fuel his divine ascendancy. The Elemental Plane of Earth The Scarlet Marpenoth Leilon and Neverwinter Wood Undermountain
Skeever to manipulate the characters into bringing Chapter 15. Chapter 15 is the concluding chapter. LEVEL 14-19 LEVEL 14-19 LEVEL 14-19 LEVEL 14-19
him the Vecnan relics. Azalin willingly shares infor- The characters race against time to destroy the
mation regarding Vecna. In particular Azalin shares Soulmonger before Vecna transcends to godhood.
incriminating evidence that might be used to turn They discover that the Soulmonger is hidden within CHAPTER 14 CHAPTER 15
one of Vecna’s greatest allies, the archlich Acererak, Castle Waterdeep, which the archlich Acererak has
against the Maimed Lord. From there the characters turned into a deathtrap dungeon. The characters gain
THe War For THe rise or Fall
can use their Vecnan relics to open a portal to the access to the sealed castle by possessing the bodies
WaTerDeep oF veCna
Skullport and Waterdeep Castle Waterdeep
Forgotten Realms, although they will need to make of nine trickster gods imprisoned within the castle’s
a difficult decision as to whether or not they allow dungeons. After gaining access to the castle the char- LEVEL 19 LEVEL 20
Azalin to use the portal as well. acters engage in one last battle, with the fate of the
Realms hanging in the balance.
Trial Run
The beholder Xanathar recruits the characters to travel to the Xanathar, having received word of their previous
the plane of Ravenloft in search of information that might exploits, has invited them to the following conclave.
be used to defeat the archlich Vecna. To access Ravenloft the
Adjust the following narrative as necessary:
Dramatis Personae
characters must teleport to Luskan and infiltrate the Host-
tower of the Arcane.
Hidden beneath the seemingly abandoned Thornhold
Keep you find Xanathar’s underground headquarters,
The main members of the adventure’s cast of a bustling, grandiose hub of activity. Informants come
characters are found in the Dramatis Personae table and go, using the Underdark to ferry information and
below, listed in alphabetical order for easy reference. contraband throughout the Realms. Xanathar’s throne
rom Van Richten’s Guide to Raven- room is strikingly opulent, decorated with tapestries,
loft, “In hidden corners of the paintings, and the petrified statues of those who have
Dramatis Personae Shadowfell are nightmare recently aroused its prickly ire. Its beloved goldfish,
Major NPC Description Main Description domains that hunger for the Sylgar, swims happily by Xanathar’s side in a mansion-
brave and the innocent, the ambi- sized fish bowl.
Abatha Lea Dwarven veteran Chapter 10, Dismal Delve
tious and the wicked. “You were wise to answer my call, henchpeople. As
Acererak Archlich and Vecna’s most trusted ally Chapter 15, Denouement you know, it has been five years since that one-eyed

Beginning the Adventure

Ahghairon Archmage and first Open Lord of Waterdeep Chapter 14, area M16 bag of bones took over this heap of dirt we call home.
Azalin Rex Lich and Darklord of Darkon Chapter 8, area H6 No matter what we throw at him – spies, assassins,
armies, Elminsters – none of it works. We’re going to
Bruenor King of the dwarves Chapter 10, Dismal Delve How best to begin this adventure depends upon have to fight smarter, not harder. This guy’s gimmick
Battlehammer is that everyone has a secret that can bring about
whether or not your players have played Rise Of Vecna.
Grandma Fennel Druid from Rivalis Chapter 2, area C4 their downfall, but that’s nothing new. Here in Faerûn,
Grimnir Dwarven priest Chapter 10, Dismal Delve Without Having Played RISE OF VECNA we call it blackmail, and I’ve been doing it my whole
life. So, how about we turn things around and use
Halaster Blackcloak Archmage and creator of Undermountain Chapter 13, area K8 If your players have not played the previous adven-
his secrets against him. It took me a while to put the
ture, then begin by reading or paraphrasing the pieces together, but I’ve already figured out a whopper
Hellenrae Monk and cultist of the Elder Elemental Eye Chapter 10, Triboar
earlier Rise Of Vecna section. Have your players of a secret. It turns out that Vecna isn’t even from the
Irik Zal’honan Ghost of the son of Azalin Rex Chapter 3, area E5 describe how their characters have spent the last Realms, but rather some other dimension -- some
Isolde Cambion leader of the Carnival Chapter 5, The Character’s Arrival five years. If your characters have played a previous dreary place referred to as Ravenloft.
Jarlaxle Baenre Drow elf leader of Bregan D’aerthe Chapter 11, The Hunt is Afoot Wizards of the Coast hardcover adventure, then see If we want to find out more about Vecna, then we
Vampire warrior and Darklord of Tovag who betrayed appendix F for suggestions on how to customize this are going to need to journey to his alleged home-
Kas Vecna Chapter 4, The Clash land. It turns out that it is somehow possible to
access Ravenloft from inside the Hosttower of the
Kolathid Deep gnome wizard Chapter 10, Dismal Delve While there is considerable lore to be found in the Arcane. Normally this place is inhabited by scores of
Lady Syth Death knight loyal to Kas Chapter 4, Tovag, Land of the Great SwOrd COast Gazetteer and Rise Of Vecna, none of it archmages; however, thanks to my agents, they are
Betrayer currently elsewhere. So, it is time for us to break into
is necessary for this adventure. As such, consider
Madame Radanavich Darklord of Richten Haus Chapter 2, area D19 their tower, hop into Ravenloft, find out Vecna’s weak-
working with your players to build your own dysto- ness, and save the Realms.
Ogrémoch Elemental Prince of Earth Chapter 10, An Audience with Ogrémoch pian version of the Forgotten Realms. In this
How hard can it be?”
Rezmir Dragonborn Black Wyrmspeaker Chapter 12, Castle Naerytar dystopian world your players might play legendary
Shradin Mulophor Former lord of Skullport Chapter 14, The Skull-faced Beggar characters from pre-existing Forgotten Realms lore.
Skeever Azalin’s imp familiar Chapter 3, area E7
Alternatively, they might prefer to make their own With Having Played RISE OF VECNA
unique character. With the defeat of the Krakolich and the destruction
Sylgar Xanathar’s beloved pet goldfish Chapter 1, Beginning the Adventure
The adventure begins with the characters meeting of the shroudstones, the veil separating Toril from
Vecna Lich mastermind who has conquered the Sword Coast Chapter 15, Denouement the gods is weakened. Across the Realms, townsfolk
the beholder, Xanathar. Once the former crime lord
Xanathar Beholder and sworn enemy of Vecna Chapter 1, Beginning the Adventure of Waterdeep, it was driven into exile when Vecna and citizens have inexplicably hopeful dreams that
conquered the city. Now headquartered beneath they have not experienced in years. Whispers and
the ruins of Thornhold, the beholder is the unlikely rumors begin to circulate that a rebirth of the gods is
leader of one of the last remaining credible resis- imminent. Within weeks there are stories of divinely
tance movements. Have your characters decide inspired clerics rallying the masses and newly
whether they already have an established relation- anointed paladins inspiring rebellion. Although such
ship with Xanathar, or whether they are meeting it insurrections are quickly crushed by the iron grasp of
for the first time. If meeting it for the first time, then Vecna, their existence is nonetheless worrying to the
Maimed Lord and his closest servants.


Allow the characters time to enjoy their hard- Xanathar can provide details regarding Luskan and
earned victory. This downtime can extend for days or the Hosttower. In particular, it knows:
months, depending on their preference, but it eventu- J The Hosttower of the Arcane is home to a group
ally comes to an end when they are summoned to an of wizards known as the Arcane Brotherhood.
audience with Xanathar. Read or paraphrase: The Brotherhood is run by five powerful arch-
mages, three of which are former apprentices of
By now Xanathar’s lonely underground labyrinth has
been transformed into a bustling, grandiose hub of the Mad Mage Halaster.
activity. Informants stream in and out of his chamber, J The Hosttower plays a critical role in the construc-
using the Underdark to ferry information and contra-
tion of artificially accelerated organisms (for more
band throughout the Realms. Xanathar’s throne
room is as opulent as ever, decorated with tapestries, details see the Artificially Accelerated Organisms
paintings, and the petrified statues of those who have section in appendix A). The paranoid Xanathar
recently aroused its prickly ire. Its beloved goldfish, guarding Sylgar
Sylgar, swims happily by Xanathar’s side in a mansion-
J The Hosttower used to have a spiral staircase
sized fish bowl. in the center that could access the entire tower.
“Great job henchpeople. You managed to rile up that Over the years the “lazy wizards” sealed up the
one-eyed bag of bones and it has sent out its liches stairwell and replaced it with a teleportation
and wizards to put out the fires. Doing so has left key system. Xanathar supplies the characters with
locations, such as the Hosttower of the Arcane, unpro- three blocks of a black, sticky putty. A character
tected, and we are going to take advantage.” can use an action to flatten the putty and apply it
“I recently sent one of my gith spies to the illithid-in- to a door or wall built from any material. Doing
fested halls of Silverymoon, where they uncovered
a juicy secret. This Vecna thing comes from another
so expends the putty and casts the passwall spell
Xanathar’s Cheat Sheet is a huge, leather-bound
compendium that contains the answers to hundreds Abandoned Tower
dimension – some dreary place referred to as upon that surface. Xanathar suggests that by
of tests, exams, and trials. The majority of these As promised, the characters appear within a gutted,
Ravenloft. using the putty, the character might access the
exams relate to advancing through the ranks of roofless ruins of a collapsed tower. The mounds of
If we want to find out more about Vecna, then we are stairwell and infiltrate the tower.
various guilds in Waterdeep. However, towards the rubble provide little relief from the piercing, bitterly
going to need to journey to his alleged homeland. J Xanathar is not sure how to access Ravenloft. back of the book can be found the following informa- cold wind that howls across the two feet of snow
It turns out that it is somehow possible to access
Ravenloft from inside the Hosttower of the Arcane.
According to legends, the Dark Powers of tion regarding the Trials of the Hosttower. that the characters find themselves standing in. Even
Ravenloft use mists to drag unwitting victims
Normally this place is inhabited by scores of arch- J The first test is the Test of the Neophyte. It can be though it was daytime when the characters visited
mages; however, thanks to you, they are currently else- into the domains of dread. To help, the beholder
conquered with a common cantrip. Xanathar, they find that it is now pitch black outside,
where. So, it is time for us to break into their tower, supplies an ancient skull that was provided by its
hop into Ravenloft, and find out more about Vecna. J The second test is the Test of the Apprentice. the faint stars flickering as if shivering from the cold.
contacts. According to these contacts, the skull
How hard can it be?” will alert its holder whenever they are near a This test requires that the applicant demonstrate Years ago, Auril the Frostmaiden, the divine embod-
portal to the Shadowfell. For more on the skull mastery of the eight schools of magic. Passing iment of winter’s dark fury, cursed the north with an
In either Case see the sidebar. this test is required for entrance to the tower and eternal winter and never-ending night. With no one
The Domains of Dread, Ravenloft, are summarized in consideration as an apprentice. to stop her, the Frostmaiden’s curse has continued
J The Hosttower still trains fledgling wizards. to spread southwards and now encroaches upon the
chapter 2 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. They are Such wizards gain entry to the tower only after J The third test is the Test of the Mage. This trial
further expanded upon in Curse of Strahd and Van city of Luskan. Whereas Luskan was always cold,
completing a series of tests. To help with these tests the applicant’s versatility in battle, requiring
Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft. The Hosttower of the snow and frost are now a constant menace. To make
tests, Xanathar provides the characters with a them to deal a variety of damage types.
Arcane is located within the coastal city of Luskan matters worse Luskan’s daylight has been steadily
and described in greater detail below. Xanathar
copy of Xanathar’s Cheat Sheet. J The final test is the Test of the Archmage. This receding and now the sun shines upon the city for
knows a little bit about Ravenloft, mostly thanks to test requires that the applicant demonstrate their just three to four erratic hours each day.
Biffan the Skull (see below). In particular, Xanathar mastery of magic by stopping time itself. A Freezing Trek. The twinkling lights of the city
can provide the following information: While trying to convince the characters to help, are dimly visible to the south. Trudging through the
Biffan the Skull Xanathar appeals to their sense of altruism. In the snow is hard, tiring work and unless the characters
J Ravenloft can be found within the Shadowfell. It Biffan was a halfling adventurer who traveled the lands absence of such altruism Xanathar is willing to pay
consists of a number of domains, each of which is have snowshoes or a sled, it takes an hour to travel
of Ravenloft years ago. Long since dead, his spirit is as much as 10,000 gp for a successful mission, 500
ruled by a Darklord. half a mile. A character must succeed on a DC 10
now bound to his skull. Biffan can talk through the skull, of which the beholder will pay up front.
although having been partially deaf in life, the halfling has a Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour or
J The Darklords are generally quite evil and are tendency to talk louder than he should. He snores loudly as Luskan is roughly 250 miles north of Thornhold gain one level of exhaustion. Creatures with resis-
cursed so that they can never leave their domain. well, and suffers from narcolepsy. Although he remembers and easily accessible via the High Road (see the tance or immunity to cold damage automatically
However, these lords are intimately connected little of his previous life, he has been enchanted to detect included map of the Doomed Sword Coast in chapter succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures wearing
to the land, allowing them to prevent or allow portals to Ravenloft. While in Ravenloft you can continue to cold weather gear (thick coats, gloves, and the like)
9). To speed up the journey, Nar’l Xibrandas (drow
passage into their domain. use Biffan as a resource for the characters whenever they
need some extra guidance. elf mage), one of Xanathar’s advisors, offers to use and creatures naturally adapted to cold climates.
J It is rumored that mysterious Dark Powers use If role-playing Biffan seems too burdensome, you can have a teleportation circle to transport the party to an After a potentially taxing journey through the snow,
mists to draw the unwary into Ravenloft, which this be an inanimate skull. The skull’s teeth chatter loudly abandoned tower three miles north of Luskan. From the characters eventually arrive at Luskan.
they oversee. These mists can also be used to when near a portal to Ravenloft. there, Xanathar promises, it is an easy, uneventful
facilitate travel from one domain to another. trek to the City of Sails.


Luskan Optional Encounter
If the characters have drawn attention to themselves
Optional Encounter
A pack of three werewolves has recently escaped
A3. River Mirar during their time in Luskan, when they head towards from the Mists of Ravenloft and currently hides
Before Vecna’s invasion, Luskan was described as
“...a dirty dive with filthy streets, squat buildings, The River Mirar rushes through an icy canyon that is, the Hosttower of the Arcane, they are intercepted by within the ruins of Illusk. As the characters walk near
ramshackle docks, creaky old longships, and crass at most locations, twenty feet deep. Its frigid, turbu- a band of brigands loyal to Sea King Tentrix,. The the ruins, they hear a scream. If the characters inves-
pirates thinly disguised as sea traders.” Some things lent waters are filled with hidden rocks and knuck- brigands consist of five thugs, an ogre who has had tigate, they find the werewolves with two recently
never change. The city is jointly governed by the lebone trout. Despite the dangers of the river, it is her arm replaced with an enormous ship’s anchor, abducted commoners. If the characters attack, one
Zhentarim, three High Captains, and the Arcane not uncommon to see townsfolk perched atop these a kraken priest (appendix B), and the notorious of the werewolves attempts to grab a commoner and
Brotherhood. The Zhentarim see to the protection rocks, fishing for something that they might be able Captain Callous (from Call from the Deep and run further into the ruins. Another werewolf attempts
of the city and supervise overland trade. The High to sell at the town’s marketplace (area A8). reprinted in appendix B). Captain Callous demands to immediately kill and eat the second commoner.
Captains consist of Misker the Pirate Tyrant, Sea A4. Blood Island to know what business the characters have at the The remaining werewolf attacks the characters.
King Tentrix, and Captain Hartouchen Rethnor. Hosttower. The pirate captain’s interrogations can
The Zhentarim’s military garrisons upon Blood
be defused with a successful DC 20 Charisma
A8. Marketplace
Jointly the three captains regulate oversea trade and Island. There are several barracks, watch towers,
(Persuasion or Deception) check or a bribe of at least This is the central market hub for Luskan commerce.
naval warfare. The Arcane Brotherhood works as an and catapults built upon the isle. These catapults
1,000 gp. Otherwise, Captain Callous orders his crew For the most part the market sells food, durable
independent power, beyond the dictates of either the are positioned in such a way that they can be used to
to attack the characters. goods such as furniture, as well as winter clothing,
Zhentarim or the High Captains. attack both within and without the city. The garrison crampons, and domesticated axe beaks, now that
Notable locales include: is captained by Naerth Maxildanarr (LE human A7. Ruins of Illusk Auril’s winter has settled over Luskan. Anyone
spy) who commands more by his mastery of politics
A1. North Gate than military prowess. Passage along the bridges
The remnants of the ancient city of Illusk are found looking for more exotic merchandise is referred to
along River Mirar’s southern shore. These swamp- Misker’s Mercanitle (area A11).
The North Gate is an ironclad door between two connecting Blood Island to the North and South strewn ruins are reputed to hold tombs of unfound One of the more unusual vendors is Belz, a shiv-
guard towers that stands at the edge of the Mirar Bank is restricted to Zhentarim and a small handful treasure but are also rumored to be haunted as well. ering warlock who detests the cold. Belz sells rings
River. The gate is heavily guarded by at least ten of other approved travelers.
guards and two veterans, all of which are heavily Permanent portals to Ravenloft, the Demiplane of of protection (and other magical jewelry at the DM’s
bundled in cold weather clothing. This garrison A5. Closeguard Island Dread, exist within the Hosttower of the Arcane. The discretion) for half their usual cost. The rings are
is typically reinforced by a mage from the Arcane This rocky isle holds the fortress of the High Captain energy from these portals is used to help manufac- made from chardalyn, a nonmagical dark-colored
Brotherhood. Despite the heavy armed presence, Hartouchen Rethnor. The fortress is large and ture artificial organisms. Occasionally, dark, terrible crystalline substance as strong as metal, though
security is lax, and unless something about them is imposing, overlooking the River Mirar as well as the things escape through the portals. These creatures considerably easier to work with. Belz uses a form
extremely conspicuous, the characters can come and South Bank. High ranking members of Ship Rethnor tend to find a home within these ruins. As such, the of demon-tainted chardalyn that is considered to be
go without drawing any attention to themselves. have small apartments along the base of the fortress. ruins currently serve as a home to vampires, were- desecrated if subjected to a detect evil and good spell.
wolves, and other horrors. Anytime someone wearing chardalyn jewelry fails a
Beyond the gate can be found the Upstream Span, A6. Cutlass Island death saving throw they must make a successful DC
the largest bridge in Luskan. It leads across the River
Cutlass Island consists of two rocky hills connected 13 Wisdom check or become afflicted by a curse. The
Mirar to the city’s southern half.
by a pebble-strewn beach. The northern hill is character receives a new flaw based upon one of the
Optional Encounter crowned by the impressive Hosttower of the Arcane three Great Sins: apathy, envy, and lust (DM’s choice
If any of the characters are not wearing cold weather (for more details see the next section), home to the or select randomly). This curse can be countered by a
clothing, they arouse the interest of a nearby spy. Arcane Brotherhood. The southern hill houses a remove curse spell or similar magic.
The spy decides to shadow the characters as they
move throughout Luskan. The spy is well trained and
small community of fledgling wizards known as Sea Optional Encounter
Town. The wizards of Sea Town are an unaffiliated, A band of four cold, starving duergar have wandered
knows the streets of Luskan well. Because of this lawless bunch who ruthlessly undercut one another from Icewind Dale in search of food. The gray
she has a +6 Stealth and advantage on any Stealth in hopes of gaining membership to the Arcane dwarves are currently invisible and have forty
checks. If the spy notes the characters doing anything Brotherhood. The volume of apprentice wizards on minutes left before their invisibility expires. Although
suspicious, she immediately reports their actions the island, each attempting to hone their craft, has they were originally planning on just stealing some
to the High Captains. Any character with a passive created a surplus of spell scrolls. Because of this one
Perception of 21 or higher notices the spy half an can easily purchase such a scroll in Sea Town for
hour after she begins shadowing them. half its usual cost. These scrolls are generally reli- Test of the Mage: Damage Types Cold Weather Gear
A2. North Bank able but do fail 20% of the time. The spell scrolls are The Test of the Mage will require the characters to fight Cold weather clothing (10 gp) consists of a heavy fur coat
consumed upon failure. constructs that can only be harmed by two randomly deter- or cloak over layers of wool clothing, as well as a fur-lined
The North Bank refers to the portion of Luskan mined damage types. These damage types are randomized hat or hood, googles, and fur-lined leather boots and
that is built north of the River Mirar. This district is One of the few public establishments in Sea Town each time the construct takes damage. To help the char- gloves. As long as cold weather clothing remains dry, its
primarily filled with fortified warehouses used by is Mordy’s Splendiferous Speakeasy. This spacious acter prepare for this you might want to remind them of the wearer automatically succeeds on saving throws against
the High Captains and the Zhentarim. Amidst these tavern is much larger on the inside than it is on the thirteen possible damage types (acid, bludgeoning, cold, the effects of extreme cold.
outside. It is run and maintained by a staff of unseen fire, force, lightning, necrotic, piercing, poison, psychic, Crampons (2 gp) are metal plates with spikes that are
warehouses, next to a massive water tower, can radiant, slashing, and thunder). While visiting Luskan,
be found the Red Dragon Trading Lodge. The Red servants and mage hands. All food and drink are strapped to the sole of boots. A creature wearing crampons
proactive characters will have an opportunity to purchase can’t fall prone while moving across slippery ice.
Dragon Trading Lodge is run by the Zhentarim and is magically created. They are delicious, but not filling, scrolls or magical items to compensate for any missing
making Mordy’s a popular place for gluttons as well A domesticated axe beak (50 gp) has splayed toes that
home to Luskan’s largest and most successful over- damage types.
allow it to run across snow and carry as much as a mule.
land trading company. as aspiring wizards.


Optional Encounter A12. Potent Potables
Ten days ago a gnoll vampire (appendix B) known This small bar is run by Bernard, an eclectic alche-
as Tekeli-li, and his clutch of five vampire spawn, mist renowned for his volatile concoctions. The tall,
wandered into Luskan, attracted by the ample supply gangly brewmaster has light blue skin, an elongated
of prey. The vampire currently lives in a series of tongue, perpetually singed hair, and reeks of sulfur
catacombs hidden beneath a slaughterhouse in (side effects from alchemical experiments). Bernard
New Ten Towns. Because of its location the cata- has a rotating inventory of highly alcoholic potions.
combs endlessly drip blood, which has soaked Any time a character consumes one of these potions
into the surrounding earth. Tekeli-li hunts at night, they must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw
leaving behind gory, unrecognizable carcasses in his or gain one level of exhaustion. Examples of potions
wake. Currently New Ten Towns is being blamed include Fire River Firewater (potion of fire breath) for
for the murders, and tensions between Luskan 100 gp, Halagard Hurricane (potion of heroism) for
and the refuges is high. Interested characters who 200 gp, and Serpent Bay Salty Dog (potion of animal
investigate the murders and interrogate witnesses friendship) for 200 gp.
can track down Tekeli-li with a successful DC 16
Intelligence (Investigation) check. The only entrance A13. Docks
to the vampire’s lair is a tiny crevice that can be Luskan’s bay is partially frozen over. Fisherfolk
squeezed into by Small characters, or widened with a in cold weather clothing gather around holes in
successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. the ice trying to catch knucklebone trout to sell in
the marketplace. Numerous pathways have been
A10. The Cutlass cut through the ice to allow sea vessels to pass as
The Cutlass is a rowdy, underground bar frequented needed. These vessels, a mix of galleys, rowboats,
by the dark-hearted scum of Luskan. It can be and warships are tied up along these docks.
accessed through an abandoned mausoleum that
Optional Encounter
is guarded by a pirate-garbed stone golem known
As the characters walk along the docks, they see
to the locals as Captain Reaper. The golem blocks
some dark smoke unfurling from a distant vessel.
entrance to the mausoleum, but if a character places
Before long the characters can see a small fire
a gold coin into the golem’s outstretched hand, it
burning alongside the sails of a warship. Because
briefly steps aside to allow passage.
of the damp climate, the fire spreads slowly, and if
Within, the characters find a raucous, smoky den the characters act quickly, they can prevent it from
of iniquity. Fights break out regularly, often ending spreading to nearby ships. If the characters do not
in considerable bloodshed. Smugglers, assassins, intervene, then the fire consumes four ships before
fences, and information brokers populate a row of the local sailors rally and douse the flames.
curtained booths where they peddle their nefarious
Either way if a character examines the area of
the fire and makes a successful DC 13 Intelligence
A11. Misker’s Mercantile (Investigation) check, they can discern that the fire
This massive warehouse contains a well-organized was started deliberately. A second DC 13 Wisdom
assortment of supplies ranging from wagons to (Survival) check is enough to track the arsonist
spyglasses. The entrance lobby is tended by an (drow) to a nearby alleyway. The arsonist is just
archmage guarded by three spectators wearing about to be arrested by three Zhentarim guards
tricorn hats. Characters can purchase any item from (veterans) when the characters arrive.
the Player’s Handbook here. They can also arrange The arsonist is a member of a splinter cell of the
food from the marketplace, they became enam- A9. New Ten Towns to purchase any common, uncommon or rare magic Bregan D’aerthe, a band of drow elves led by Jarlaxle
ored by the chardalyn. As the characters enter the item, although such items may require time to be Baenre (see the Doomed Forgotten Realms: SwOrd COast
New Ten Towns is a district within the South Bank
marketplace one of the duergar releases twelve axe procured. Items are typically sold at 120 percent of Gazetteer for more details on Bregan D’aerthe). The
that is predominantly occupied by refugees from
beaks before whipping them into a stampede. The market value, although a successful DC 15 Charisma splinter cell is currently functioning as an under-
Icewind Dales and overseen by Speaker Trovus (NG
remaining three dwarves use the confusion to steal (Persuasion) check can haggle them down to their ground resistance, doing what it can to harry the
silver dragonborn veteran). Years ago, these hardy
the chardalyn jewelry. Belz notices this at the last normal value. The archmage is also willing to occupying Zhent forces. If the characters assist the
folk were forced to abandon their settlements in
second and cries out for help. Should the characters purchase items for 60 percent of their market value, drow and help him escape, he leads them back to the
Ten Towns and move south to Luskan. The area is
stop the duergar and return the jewelry, Belz offers though a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) splinter cell’s safehouse (eluding the spy from area
referred to derisively by natives of Luskan as ‘One
them a chardalyn brooch of shielding in thanks. If the check can raise this to 80 percent of their normal A1 if she is still following the characters). The charac-
Tenth Town’. DMs or groups that have played Icewind
characters make a public display of excessive force, value. ters are welcome to use this safehouse for as long as
Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden are encouraged to
they garner the attention of the local authorities (see they stay in Luskan.
populate this district with favorite NPCs or locales
area A6 for consequences).
from their previous game.


Hosttower of the Arcane Maddgoth
hole is 4 inches wide, large enough to fit a hand into.
The hole is 10 feet long. At the end of the hole is a
The cauldron weighs 10 pounds and contains ten
doses of a transparent magic liquid that smells and
From Lords of Darkness, “A sight that makes even If there are any wizards in the party, tales of their exploits battered, iron key. The key can be obtained by mage tastes like vinegar. Any creature that drinks a dose of
may have drawn the attention of the archmage Maddgoth. hand, fetched by a suitable familiar, or retrieved in the liquid regains one expended spell slot of any level.
the bravest hearts uneasy, the Hosttower rises Maddgoth is a serial killer who murders wizards and keeps
above the gray waters of the Luskan harbor like the other comparable ways. On dawn of the next day the If the cauldron or its vinegar is removed from this
their arcane focuses and spellbooks as trophies. Through
gigantic specter of a long-dead tree, its barren limbs key disappears from the owner’s possession, reap- chamber, the magic liquid turns into ordinary vinegar.
a combination of divination and investigation, Maddgoth
stretching upward toward the overcast sky like the has inferred that the characters are seeking entry into the pearing within the hole. An empty cauldron automatically fills with ten doses
grasping fingers of a drowning crone… The structure Hosttower of the Arcane. He attempts to befriend the char- If the key is placed into the doors’ keyhole, there is of the magic liquid at the next dawn.
rises into a central spire surmounted by four more acters in hopes of gaining entry to the tower as well. Once a flash of blue radiance and the character, along with Any wizard, or any character proficient in Arcana,
there, he plans on killing as many members of the Arcane
slender spires of equal height, situated at the cardinal Brotherhood as possible before turning, at the last minute,
any willing creatures within 60 feet of it, are trans- can determine that the pedestals’ runes indicate each
points of the compass. These four towers bristle with upon the wizard character. ported to area B1. of the eight schools of magic: abjuration, conjuration,
lesser spires, balconies, and branching turrets.” divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necro-
Should the characters allow Maddgoth to accompany them, B1. Test of the Apprentice mancy, and transmutation. If a spell or cantrip from
The tower is the headquarters of the Arcane have them make periodic DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) checks.
With each success the characters notice things such as: The characters appear in the middle of a plain, a particular school is cast near a pedestal, then the
Brotherhood, a powerful faction of evil wizards sworn octagonal chamber. A pedestal rests near each of the
to Vecna. They are led by the Archmage Arcane • Maddgoth seems unnaturally interested in the wizard magic of the spell is absorbed, lighting up the pedes-
character. eight walls. Each pedestal is engraved with a rune. In tal’s rune. This spell need not be a wizard’s spell.
and four Overwizards, who each oversee one of the the middle of the room is a covered, lead cauldron. A
spires. These positions are currently filled by: • Although outwardly friendly, Maddgoth can occasion- Once the eighth rune is empowered, a magical blue
ally be caught glancing murderously towards the wizard stained wooden spoon hangs from a hook above the portal appears in the wall nearest that pedestal. The
J Arcturia, Archmage Arcane character. cauldron. There is a glowing red portal in the room’s portal begins to fade after one minute and disappears
J Muiral the Misshapen, Overwizard of the West • Maddgoth seems particularly overzealous when killing, southern wall. Looking through the portal, the char- completely after two minutes. Once this happens the
or discussing killing, wizards within the tower. acters can faintly see the pebbled path that led them runes lose their glow and the pedestals need to be
J Trobriand the Metal Mage, Overwizard of the • The characters catch a glimpse of Maddgoth’s collec- to the tower. reactivated to continue further. A character who steps
South tion of arcane foci, some of which are blood-stained. through the blue portal is transported to area B2.
J Roth Modar, Overwizard of the East Maddgoth carries with him a miniaturized castle. If a
character obtains the castle and attunes to it, they can
J Avarice, Overwizard of the North use an action to transport themselves and up to six other
willing creatures into and out of the castle once per day. A
Trials of the Hosttower description of the castle’s interior is provided in Dungeon of
A pebbled path leads to the tower. The structure’s the Mad Mage. In the absence of this resource, describe the
only visible entrance is a set of double doors castle as a dark, foreboding place full of hidden chambers
bordered by arcane runes. Lying before the doors is connected by secret tunnels. Twelve homunculi live within
the castle. Relative to any miniaturized characters they have
a strange creature. It has a perfectly spherical body,
the statistics of gargoyles. The homunculi hide within the
a single eye, and spindly mechanical limbs. Large walls of the castle, attempting to murder any characters
patches of flesh have been scoured from the creature, who spend the night. If the characters search the castle,
and it is bleeding what looks to be blood-tinged oil. allow them to make a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
check. If successful, they discover a randomly determined
The creature is a dying modron (monodrone) that treasure from Magic Item Table F in chapter 7 of the
has managed to escape the tower. If it is touched by a Dungeon Master’s Guide. This check can be repeated once
character, then the character experiences a vision of every week; however, the DC increases by 5 upon each
a hulking, shadowy creature flaying the skin from the success.
modron. As the modron re-experiences the memory,
it gasps the word “Graxigon” before emanating attempt to solve the puzzle by succeeding on a DC 15
a wave of pure psychic terror. All characters within Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the character fails this
thirty feet of the modron must make a successful DC check, they take 22 (4d10) psychic damage.
15 Wisdom saving throw or become afflicted by the
If the characters prove unable to solve the puzzle,
frightened condition for one minute. The modron
they will have to recruit assistance. Luskan is
dies immediately after this, disintegrating into a pile
crowded with aspiring mages hoping to join the
of powdered silicon.
Arcane Brotherhood. The characters can recruit one
Entering the Tower. The unlocked doors do not of these mages with a successful DC 15 Charisma
actually lead anywhere, and behind them is the solid (Persuasion) check or a payment equivalent to 250
stone of the tower. The arcane runes are an eldritch, gp. Such a mage is willing to help the characters gain
multidimensional puzzle that is part sudoku and part access to the tower but will likely turn on them once
tangram. Any character who has a passive Arcana the mage realizes the characters’ ulterior motives.
(10 + Intelligence modifier + proficiency bonus if
One way or another, once the puzzle has been
proficient in Arcana) of 15 or higher can automat-
solved the characters notice that a small stone near
ically solve the puzzle. Any other character can
the base of the tower has slid aside. The revealed


Any character who steps through the red portal is B4. Tower Lobby opened. Within the drawer can be glimpsed a rod five or more, then the golem immediately attacks the
transported back to the tower’s entrance. Placing the made of the same stone as the golem. If a character character. The golem crumbles into rubble if it ever
Bookshelves line the northern wall of this chamber.
key in the keyhole once more allows a character to makes a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of leaves the tower.
Piles of gears and tangled spools of cable are inter-
re-enter the tower as before. Hand) check, they can grab the rod without the golem
spersed between the bookshelves. Bright light shines
noticing. The drawers of the desk are otherwise filled
B5. Stairwell
B2. Test of the Mage from bulbs affixed to the walls, illuminating the room
with mundane paperwork as well as a spell scroll of The air within the stairwell is thin and stale from
The characters reappear along the southern edge harshly. In the center of the room is a large column of having been sealed off for years. The stairs are
of an 80 foot by 60 foot stone chamber (see the Test green-tinted crystal. Next to the column is an unoc- covered in dust. This sealed stairwell goes up for
cupied desk. A staircase in the southern end of the The rod is a control rod for the stone golem. A
of the Mage battle map). The walls and floor of the nine floors before ending abruptly. Each of these nine
room exits the tower. Standing beside the staircase is character can attempt to use the rod by making a
chamber are charred, scoured, and cratered. When floors are identical living spaces (see area B6) for
a large statue carved into the likeness of an armored DC 23 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the character
the characters appear, they are greeted by a disem- the mages that are training at the tower. To access
knight wielding a sword. succeeds, then the golem will follow their orders for
bodied mouth that announces, these floors characters will need to use their putty or
the next 24 hours. If the character fails their check by
“A true mage of the Arcane Brotherhood is prepared to merci- The statue is a stone golem. The golem has been something similar.
lessly find and exploit an opponent’s weakness. This test will enchanted so that it can speak. As the characters
measure your capacity to do so. At any time, you can surrender appear the statue’s head swivels to peer at them
by shouting forth, ‘I yield.’ Otherwise, you should assume that before intoning in a deep, gravelly voice, “The
this is a fight to the DEEEAAAAATTTTH!” masters are currently indisposed.
Please await their return.” Due to either
As the mouth fades from existence, three arcane
the characters’ actions in Rise Of Vecna or the mach-
adaptoids (appendix B) appear near the northern
inations of Xanathar, the archmages of the tower
wall of the arena. The adaptoids each attack a sepa-
have been dispatched elsewhere and it will be at
rate character, changing targets only if damaged. If
least a week until anyone thinks to check this lobby.
the characters manage to defeat the adaptoids, the
Regardless, the golem repeats its instructions at the
disembodied mouth returns briefly to loudly congrat-
end of every hour.
ulate the characters before transporting them to area
B3. If the characters yield, then they are stabilized Column. There are four gemstones (an emerald,
and transported to area B4. a sapphire, a topaz, and a ruby) embedded into the
column. These gemstones, if touched by an autho-
B3. Test of the Archmage rized arcane focus, allow for transportation between
The characters appear in a small 20-foot square the lower levels of the tower. If a character makes a
chamber. In the center of the chamber is a two-foot- successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check, they
tall hourglass filled with blue sand. As the characters discern the silhouette of a stairwell (see area B5)
appear in the room, the disembodied mouth reap- within the opaque crystal column. The enchanted
pears, proclaiming, crystal is impervious to damage; however, it can be
“A true archmage has the power to stop time itself. Do you bypassed by Xanathar’s passwall putty or similar
have the power to stop the very flow of time?” magic. If any character touches either the column
or its gemstones, the golem issues a stern warning,
At this point the sand in the hourglass begins to
“Please step away from the column.”
fall. If you have one, consider using a real hourglass
The golem attacks after issuing a third warning, or if
to provide an extra layer of immersion. Give your
the characters manage to breach the crystal.
characters one minute of real time to take action
before the last grain of sand falls to the bottom half of Shelves. The bookshelves are filled with books on
the hourglass. At this point the characters are trans- introductory magic and histories of the North. There
ported to area B4. is also a book on the creation of artificially acceler-
ated organisms. If any character skims the book, read
The hourglass is fixed to the floor. However, any
or paraphrase the Artificially Accelerated Organisms
strike that does 10 or more damage topples the
section of appendix A. The gears and cables stacked
hourglass, effectively “stopping time.” Similar actions,
near the bookshelves are recently delivered spare
such as a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
parts waiting to be moved to area B7. The lightbulbs
check, are equally effective. Should the characters
throughout the room are delicate and easily broken,
manage to do this, the disembodied mouth reap-
although doing so earns a stern warning from the
pears, “Congratulations. A true archmage does not follow
the rules of others but dictates their own terms of success. You
will go far with the Arcane Brotherhood.” A wand of magic Desk. If the desk is disturbed in any way, the golem
missiles materializes, floating before the characters. issues a warning, asking the characters to step away
Once taken, there is a flash of blue light, and the char- from the desk. The golem attacks if this is the third
acters are transported to area B4. time it has issued a warning. It is easy to observe that
one of the drawers of the desk has been left partially


B6. Living Quarters acters are accompanied by the stone golem, there all the mages’ prepared spells as well as an addi- grafting them as enhancements upon already living
is a 50% chance that any given mage has their own tional 1d6 random spells. There is also a 20 percent creatures. The modronoids are one of the many
Each of these nine identical floors has four separate
control rod. In this case, the mage uses their action chance that a bedchamber contains one item from byproducts of these experiments.
bedchambers. The entrances to each of the four
to attempt an opposed Intelligence (Arcana) check Magic Item Table C. The first bed chamber that is Throughout the lab can be found detailed notes
bedchambers are sealed with an arcane lock spell
to wrest control of the golem from the characters (or explored contains a strange, silver-tinged potted on harvesting modron body parts and grafting them
and warded with an alarm spell. A mage resides
potentially from one another). plant. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check onto other creatures. The majority of the books are
within each bedchamber. The mages immediately
Warded Bedchambers. There is a 25 percent discerns that the plant originates from Mechanus. tomes on anatomy that cover not just humanoids
attack any characters who obviously do not belong
chance that a bedchamber is protected by explo- The check also reveals that cube roots, a rare crafting but also more unusual creatures such as gricks and
within the tower. The mages on any given floor
sive runes from the glyph of warding spell. The component, can be harvested from the plant. Such mindflayers. The most recent blueprints refer to
have been told that only one of them will move on
triggering glyph is at the bottom right corner of roots are worth as much as 1,000 gp to an alchemist. Experiment 665: Graxigon. Next to these blueprints
to train under an overwizard. Because of this, they
are extremely competitive with one another and see the door and can be found with a successful DC Thinking With Portals. The green crystal column is a note that reads, “As of now, the monstrosity
combat as an opportunity to “accidentally” dispose of 21 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Within each of the stairwell contains the same gemstones as level known as Experiment 665 has killed an archmage,
rivals with a poorly placed fireball spell. If the char- bedchamber can be found a spellbook that contains B4. Each mage carries an arcane focus crafted from four mages, and more than a dozen apprentices.
the same green crystal as the stairwell. If the focus is Although it does display a talent for subjugation,
touched to a gemstone by a character, that character, making it useful in maximizing the exploitation of
along with up to twenty willing creatures that can be our modron chattel, I still recommend its immediate
seen within 60 feet, are transported to the following destruction. In my opinion its unstable and sadistic
locations: nature outweighs its usefulness.”
J Emerald: B6 (whichever floor the mage lived on) The Man in the Floor. Any characters who have a
passive Perception of 15 or higher notice what seems
J Sapphire: B7
to be the ghostly silhouette of an aged human within
J Topaz: B8 the grain of the room’s wooden floor. The silhouette
J Ruby: B9 belongs to an elderly alchemist named Phricter.
Phricter occupied the Hosttower before it was taken
B7. Rendering Lab over by Vecna’s apprentices. During one of his many
This circular chamber is a jumbled mess of bewildering experiments Phricter managed to acci-
mechanical equipment, bookshelves, and surgical dentally fuse himself into the room’s floor. Phricter
instruments. There are four operating tables with has the following statistics:
restraining straps, as well as tables and cupboards J He occupies a five-foot square of floor.
full of metal-working tools. Bins are full of small cogs
and gears that are stained with blood-tinged oil. A
J He can move about the room with a speed of 30.
small vortex of swirling green energy can be seen J He can communicate telepathically with anyone
near the southern wall of the room. who touches his image.
A modronoid mage protected by two modronoid J As an action, Phricter can cause the space he
veterans is in the process of cleaning up the room occupies to undulate. Any creatures standing in
when the characters arrive. Modronoids are human- this area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
oids that have modron parts grafted onto their throw or be knocked prone.
bodies. They have the following changed statistics: Phricter resents the Vecnan mages that now occupy
J Modronoids have an Armor Class of 18. the tower, in part because they ridicule and taunt
him, but also because they have “blasphemously”
J Due to gears grafted to their legs, modronoids
converted his alchemy lab into a horrific slaughter-
have a Speed of 40 ft.
house. As such he is willing to assist characters who
J Modronoids have their weapons grafted to their are fighting the modronoids. He is also willing to
bodies. As such, they cannot be disarmed. share information with the characters. Phricter was
The modronoid mage carries a small orb filled with senile before his accident and the intervening years
swirling green energy. This orb is used to activate the trapped within a floor have not been kind. He loses
room’s stasis portal (described below). The modro- his train of thought often and it can take a good ten
noids attack any characters that obviously do not minutes for him to effectively communicate a basic
belong in the tower. idea. However, he is desperate for conversation, and
The Overwizard Trobriand, has recently devel- draws obvious pleasure from even the most mundane
oped an obsession with modrons. In particular, he conversation. Phricter can provide the following
has become obsessed with harvesting their parts. information:
Trobriand and his many apprentices then use these J Any information on modrons that is contained in
parts for their own arcane experiments, particularly the Monster Manual.


J Basic details regarding areas B8 and B9, partic- Stasis Dimension. The small vortex of swirling Trobriand realized that due to the Disintegration B8. Power Grid
ularly regarding the modrons residing in these green energy is a portal to a stasis dimension. Any trait of modrons, any surgically attached grafts
This room holds six massive machines and an assort-
areas. creature that walks into the portal is teleported into disappeared with the death of the modron donor.
ment of control panels. The machines are a bewil-
J The details of the stasis dimension (described this pocket dimension and immediately subjected to Because of this, Trobriand created the statis dimen-
dering assortment of levers, gears and pistons that
below). the effects of a time stop spell. If the orb of swirling sion to indefinitely prolong the life of the wounded
are connected to the control panels by a tangle of
green energy carried by the modronoid mage is modrons. The stasis dimension currently holds four
If allowed to, Phricter will talk the entire day away. colored wires. These machines, in addition to those
touched to the portal (or if a person carrying the orb monodrones, three duodrones, two tridrones, and
If the characters are compassionate enough to spend from area B9, help generate the energy needed for
attempts to enter the portal), the most recent occu- one quadron. These modrones are badly injured.
at least two hours talking with him, Phricter decides Trobriand’s various experiments. The power grid is
pant is released from the dimension. This process They bear festering, oil-scabbed wounds where their
to repay the kindness by instructing the characters tended by the metal-coated skull of a half-elf. The
can be repeated indefinitely until all occupants have mechanical organs have been surgically removed.
on how to use the mechanical equipment within the skull is engraved with arcane symbols, surrounded by
been released from stasis. The stasis dimension can Because of this, the modrons all have 1 hit point and
room to produce 1d4 random magical potions. green flames, and has emeralds (worth 500 gp each)
hold, at most, two hundred creatures. three levels of exhaustion. The modrons stand in the
in its eye sockets. It floats about the room, giving off
chamber, weakened and confused, unless physically
crackling sounds as it electrifies the machines with
led elsewhere by the characters.
rays of lightning.


B9. The Machines of Modron Machines. Years ago, Vecna unearthed a mechan-
ical relic called the Orderer. The relic was created
This massive forty-foot tall cavern is carved out from
within Mechanus, the home plane of the modrons.
stone deep beneath the tower. The eastern end of the
Over time the Orderer has been slowly dismantled
room is filled with gears, lights, hollow glass vats,
into a variety of components which individually
and massive machines, all of which are connected
power this cavern’s mechanical infrastructure. These
with a system of pipes and cables. The entire room
machines serve a variety of purposes but primarily
hums (or sputters if the power grid from area B8 has
they empower the birthing vats used to create
been disabled) with electricity. The machines are
artificially accelerated organisms (see appendix A
tended by a host of twenty-four monodrones, twelve
for additional details). The entire mechanical grid
duodrones, six tridrones, and three quadrones.
consists of the following distinct machines.
These modrons are supervised by a monstrous,
flying overseer who goes by the name of Graxigon
(appendix B).


Lumbering beside the skull is a hideous amalgamation

of squirming creatures, surgically stitched together. temporarily turn off the power (see area B9 for the
These creatures are geometrically shaped and made consequences) with a successful DC 18 Charisma
from a mixture of bruised flesh and broken gears. With (Persuasion check). If the characters act suspiciously
each step the monstrosity takes, you can hear painful
whimpers and the crunch of breaking bones. or fiddle with her machines, Trenzia orders her
modronoid monstrosity to attack them. Trenzia then
positions herself behind the monstrosity, attacking
This modronoid monstrosity has the statistics of with ranged attacks. She sees the monstrosity as
a flesh golem. It is stitched together from dozens expendable and is willing to hit the abomination with
of modrons. After its defeat a character can attempt area of effect spells, if that is the best way to inflict
a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check to save 1d6 damage to the characters.
modrons, although any modron saved has only 1 hp
remaining. Each of the machines has AC 15, 50 hit points, and
immunity to lightning, poison, and psychic damage. If
The fiery, metal-coated skull is Trenzia, a former reduced to 0 hit points, a machine explodes, inflicting
apprentice of Halaster Blackcloak. She now serves 21 (6d8) fire damage to all creatures within 20 feet
Trobriand, using her electrical powers to keep the of it. Destroying two machines is sufficient to render
power grid functional. Trenzia has the statistics of a the power grid inoperable (see area B9 for additional
flame skull, with the following changes: details). Alternatively, characters can use the control
J Trenzia has resistance to fire damage and immu- panels to disable the machines with a successful
nity to lightning damage. DC 18 Intelligence check. Finally, the characters
J She has the lightning bolt spell prepared instead can disable the power grid by disassembling the
of fireball. machines with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
check made with tinker’s tools. Any character who
J Her Fire Ray action deals lightning damage. successfully disables the machine using tinker’s tools
Trenzia cannot distinguish between non-skeletons, manages to extract a long, cylindrical power core that
or “fleshlings,” as she calls them. Because of this is functionally equivalent to a staff of thunder and
she is initially indifferent. She can be convinced to lightning.


Modrons. The modrons are all focused on their
work and do not immediately notice any charac- The Mists of Ravenloft Optional Encounter
One of the mist-filled vats behaves differently that
ters who enter the cavern. However, a minute after While in the chamber Biffan can detect the presence the rest. Once a character gets near to it, the mists
entering the room Biffan yells loudly that he can of a portal to Ravenloft. He directs the characters to subside to reveal a large block of solid amber within,
detect a portal to Ravenloft (see below for more walk to the southern edge of the room, near a pile of 8 feet tall, 5 feet wide, and 5 feet thick. Trapped
details), alerting the modrons to the characters’ pres- glass vats. These partially finished Vecnan birthing inside the block is a wisp of inky darkness the size
ence. Graxigon also detects the characters, thanks to vats are filled with a thick mist that writhes and of a child’s fist. The darkness is the vestige of Buer,
its Telepathic Vigilance trait, if they approach within undulates as if alive. Muffled thuds come from within the Grandmother Huntress—now imprisoned with
one hundred feet of the monstrosity. the vats, like the sounds of a creature prematurely but a sliver of her former sentience and awareness.
Once Graxigon has noticed the characters it interred. The vestige can’t be harmed or controlled, and it is
confronts them telepathically, its disordered thoughts immune to all conditions.
Biffan recognizes this as the “Mists of Ravenloft”
defiling their minds. and speculates that if the mists are released from the The block of amber has AC 16, 80 hit points, and
“More skin puppets for vats, they will transport the characters to the dread immunity to poison and psychic damage. Destroying
the obedience factory.” domains. The vats are hermetically sealed and imper- one causes the vestige trapped within it to disappear,
Graxigon orders the monodrones and duodrones to vious to damage. However, there is an indentation leaving no trace. You choose whether it is banished
utilize the control hubs and then orders the tridrones for a tool. If the strange-shaped tool from Graxigon is or destroyed.
and quadrones to overwhelm the characters. placed into the indentation, it can be used to open the A creature that touches the block of amber forms
Graxigon attempts to cast dominate monster on the vats. Once the vats are open, the mist explodes forth, a telepathic link with Buer whose voice immediately
nearest character, before flying to the ceiling to attack impossibly filling the entirety of the room in a matter begins to echo in their mind.
with its blunderbusses. As a bonus action, Graxigon of seconds.
can noticeably extract energy from the mechanical “I am the kindly grandmother and the wrathful hunt-
grid, healing ten hit points for every intact control ress, but you, my sweet child, may call me Buer. Reach
alloW THe CHaraCTers To aDvanCe To 11TH level out with your mind and accept my gift, so you may
hub. If the power grid from area B8 has been deacti- as THey are pulleD inTo wield my might and never again be the hunted. Do you
vated, this healing is reduced by half. During combat THe Dark realm oF ravenloFT. accept this gift I have offered you, child?”
Graxigon Graxigon speaks through the mouths of the modrons
in a jumbled, confused combination of multiple
The creature must willingly, without being coerced
languages, demanding repeatedly that the characters
or manipulated, accept the gift to gain its benefits
submit and obey.
(and detriments). A character doesn’t learn the gift’s
B9a. Control Hubs Victory. Once Graxigon has been defeated the precise game effect until the dark gift is accepted.
Each of these six machines has AC 15, 20 hit points mechanical grid, strained by the battle, begins to
Benefit of Accepting. If accepted, Buer’s dark gift
(10 hit points if the power grid from area B8 has spark and fizzle. One by one, the machines explode
grants the beneficiary immunity to disease and the
been deactivated), and immunity to lightning, poison in a shower of energy that coalesces into a glowing
poisoned condition, as well as the ability to cast the
and psychic damage. As a collective action any four portal. Any character who makes a successful DC 15
healing word spell without expending a spell slot.
modrons can work in tandem to shoot a beam of Intelligence (Arcana) check discerns that the portal
When casting the spell in this manner and targeting
heated energy at a character. This beam of energy connects to the Plane of Mechanus. Any surviving
a Construct or an Undead, the spell deals radiant
has +10 to hit and inflicts 21 (6d6) fire damage. If the modrons are drawn to the portal, using it to return
damage equal to the amount it would normally
power grid from area B8 has been deactivated, this to their home plane. If the modrons from area B7
heal. The spell is cast at a level equal to the number
beam inflicts half damage. are led to the portal, then they are made whole by
of times it has been cast in this manner. The first
the portal’s divine radiance. A collective sense of
B9b. Electricity Tube gratitude washes over the players. Each character
time the spell is cast, for example, it is cast at 1st
This delicate glass tube has AC 10, 10 hit points, and level, while it is cast at 5th level the fifth time it is
receives the following one-time blessing:
vulnerability to bludgeoning and thunder damage. It cast. Once it has been cast nine times, the dark gift
shatters when reduced to 0 hit points, electrifying the Blessing of Primus. You have divine insight into vanishes.
entire chamber. Any character standing within fifteen the inner workings of the cosmos, allowing you to
Detriment of Accepting. The beneficiary of this
feet of a machine while wearing metal armor takes 5 anticipate the immediate future. When you use an
dark gift also undergoes a transformation upon
(1d10) lightning damage at the start of each of their action to perform any activity, including making
accepting. Their feet turn into hooves while their
turns. an attack or casting a spell, and you don’t like the
legs become digitigrade and furry, similar to those
B9c. Toxic Tube outcome, you can choose to never have taken that
of a goat. This transformation can’t be removed by
This delicate glass tube has AC 10, 10 hit points, and action, instead using your action to perform a
anything short of a wish spell or divine intervention.
vulnerability to bludgeoning and thunder damage. different activity. Once you do so, the blessing fades
It shatters when reduced to 0 hit points, releasing a and you can’t use it again.
cloud of poisoned gas. This cloud of gas is function- Anyone who loots Graxigon’s body finds a strange The trapped vestige is all
that remains of the once mighty
ally equivalent to a non-mobile cloudkill spell. shaped tool roughly the size of a wrench. Buer the Grandmother Huntress


In truth, the randomly selected characters are is somehow connected to the disappearance of their
confronting one another. The mists have cloaked former king. Perhaps he sleeps inside, cocooned,
each character in illusion, making them appear to be waiting to take on a new form.

A Haus Divided a vile abomination. Have each character roll initiative.

Pretend to control each monster. Roll dice where the
As for the people of Darkon, while some might
express curiosity about the King’s Tear or the
The characters emerge from the mists within the realm of unable to travel to Vecna’s former domain. Instead, players cannot see the results, using whatever results Shroud, they seem relatively indifferent to the
Darkon, near the halfling village of Rivalis. Exploring the Azalin wove a potent spell that absorbed the lordless were rolled by the other player. A character can use dangers they face. One explanation for this indiffer-
village leads the characters to Grandma Fennel, who sug- an action to examine the monster they are fighting. A
Cavitius into Darkon. The ritual was successful but ence may be that there is simply no time to worry
gests they visit the nearby ruins of Castle Avernus to learn successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check
more about Vecna. Before doing so, however, they need to had catastrophic side effects. Castle Avernus, Azalin’s about what might happen in the future when they
visit Richten Haus, former home of the legendary Rudolph brooding fortress, was destroyed in a torrent of other- reveals the illusion. This check is made with advan- have to toil and labor just to make it day by day.
Van Richten. There the characters harvest herbs necessary to worldly flame, an explosion that was frozen partway tage if the character already suspects that they are Another explanation may be that many of them are
survive the poisonous energies surrounding Castle Avernus. through its blast. The castle now hangs in midair, fighting a fellow character. If one of the characters is soulless constructs birthed by the Dark Powers of
its chambers, laboratories, and crypts suspended in reduced to 0 hit points, then the illusion fades. The Ravenloft to populate the kingdom, though none of
disjointed sections, all illuminated by a glowing radi- character who struck the final blow finds themselves the inhabitants, including the constructs themselves,
ance that hangs above the castle. This event, followed potentially horrified by their actions. They must would have any way of knowing this. Certainly, all
by Azalin’s disappearance, is known to the people of make a successful DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or the inhabitants of Darkon believe themselves to be
rom Van Richten’s Guide to Raven- be afflicted by the Curse of the Betrayer until it is
Darkon as the Hour of Ascension. possessed of a mortal soul. Regardless of the reason,
loft, “In hidden corners of the removed by a remove curse spell, or similar magic.
With the two realms merged, Azalin was able to most Darkonites have convinced themselves – and
Shadowfell are nightmare
travel to Citadel Cavitius, the former seat of Vecna’s will try to convince others – that all these stories of
domains that hunger for the
power. Once there, he began obsessively studying the Curse of the Betrayer towns and regions being swallowed by the Shroud
brave and the innocent, the
Maimed Lord’s books, growing increasingly oblivious Your actions have brought about the downfall of an ally. are nothing more than alarmist rumors.
ambitious and the wicked. Some call the collection
The stain of this misdeed is perceptible to others. As a For more information on Darkon see chapter 3 of
of eerie realms the Land of the Mists, but monster to the world around him, even as the dissolution
result, you have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion)
hunters know it as Ravenloft. Terror, magic, mystery, of Cavitius began infecting Azalin’s own kingdom. checks and you can’t benefit from the Help action. Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, “The Domains of
and suspense fill these fractured domains, an infinite Through his studies Azalin discovered a rip in the Ravenloft.”
galley of unfolding evils, age-old plots, cursed blood- fabric of Ravenloft, left by Vecna’s escape. However,
Azalin realized that for anyone to travel through the As the two characters battle one another, the Death in Darkon
lines, legendary monsters, and immortal villains.
portal they must be attuned to a part of Vecna, whose remaining characters reunite before they are The forces that have corrupted Darkon have even
Evildoers from countless worlds regard Ravenloft
old body parts are scattered about other domains, confronted by two hazy, insubstantial creatures made influenced the veil between life and death. Death in
as their prison – infamous figures such as the lich-
just beyond the lich-king’s grasp. Thankfully, a group from dark, swirling mist known as mist stalkers Darkon is not permanent. During the first night after
king Azalin Rex, the unscrupulous scientist Viktra
of hardened adventurers has just entered the mists... (appendix B). any Humanoid’s death in Darkon, their body rises
Mordenheim, and the diabolical first vampire Strahd
If the characters survive, they emerge from the in a state of unlife. Though the body returns to life,
Von Zarovich. These Darklords wield incredible
power within their isolated domains, yet they’re held
captive in eternal torment as victims of malign forces
Traversing the Mists Mists in the domain of Darkon on the north bank of
Redleaf Lake, just outside the halfling town of Rivalis.
it functions as nothing more than a shell for some
dark lifeforce propelling it forward. No vestiges of the
victim’s prior identity, or any identity, remains.
known as the Dark Powers.” Read or paraphrase the following:
Vecna was one of these prisoners, trapped within
his personal realm, Cavitius. But even the Dark
A Doomed Domain Fearful of this eventual fate and what it implies for
them and their loved ones, the inhabitants of Darkon
The mist is impossibly thick, almost clinging to you as
Powers cannot hold one as powerful as Vecna indef- you move through it. All you see is an endless, roiling Darkon is a land in collapse. With the departure of have established funerary rites that may vary by
initely. Over the span of decades, the Maimed Lord whiteness—a foggy limbo that appears to stretch into its Darklord, Azalin Rex, for Citadel Cavitius during region, but all culminate in the burning of the corpse
hatched a plan that resulted in his escape from the infinity. The mists dull your other senses, increasingly an event called the Hour of Ascension, the Mists of before night falls on the day of death. This unexplain-
cutting you off from any sort of sensory world. Ravenloft have begun to devour the landscape. Each able compulsion of the dead to rise is one of the few
Domains of Dread (For more details on this escape
see Die Vecna Die!). night the Shroud (the name given to the Mists by supernatural aspects of Darkon’s fate that has had a
As the characters walk through the mist, the Dark the people of Darkon) swallows more of the domain, noticeable effect on the people of the domain, making
With Vecna’s escape the domain of Cavitius became
Powers of Ravenloft subtly intervene, first disori- sometimes expanding by unnoticeable inches, some- them paranoid and nosy. Inhabitants tend to keep a
an abandoned, ghostly version of its former self. As
enting and then separating the characters unless times by miles. close eye on their neighbors, particularly those who
the years passed the Dark Powers began dissolving
they have taken special precautions such as tying are elderly or sick, in case they die unexpectedly. In
the kingdom, brick by brick and bone by bone. A golden star referred to by Darkonites as the
themselves together. Randomly select two characters. the larger cities of Darkon, the Kargat, the remnants
Following the dissolution of Cavitius, fragments of King’s Tear hangs in the sky, watching indifferently
Then read or paraphrase the following to each of of Azalin Rex’s secret police force, frequently control
the domain scattered throughout the far corners of over the death of the land and its people. Rumors
them: those districts rife with crime for the same reason.
Ravenloft. Some of these fragments include lesser abound as to the nature of this new visitor in the
body parts of Vecna (see Lesser Known Vecnan heavens. Some believe it to be the eye of a god The risen corpses shamble mindlessly toward the
A towering beast materializes within the mist just ten nearest banks of the Shroud. If their journey is not
Relics in appendix D). observing and silently judging the domain for its
feet before you. The creature looks vaguely like a mino-
evils. Perhaps one day it will devour the entire interrupted, they will wander into the mists, never to
The lich-king Azalin Rex, whose magical aptitude taur, but it has a chitinous carapace and multi-faceted
eyes that glimmer sinisterly. Its wet, glistening body realm. Others believe it is a vessel from the heavens, be seen again. As long as they remain unobstructed,
might rival that of Vecna, discerned the Whispered
smells like fresh vomit. Upon seeing you the monster carrying some unknown and unknowable race of the corpses show no hostility toward the living, nor
One’s escape. As a Darklord, Azalin was imprisoned
rears back, ready to attack! starfaring travelers. Still others believe its presence any recognition of those they knew in life.
within his own domain of Darkon, so that he was


Memory Anomalies prefers to focus on his experiments and studies, C1. Old Nuck’s C2. The Lost Goat Knight
delegating much of his authority to a secret police
The dread domain of Darkon has an altering effect Old Nuck’s is one of two large public houses in In contrast to the town’s other large public house,
force known as the Kargat. (Note: Azalin’s immor-
on the memories of non-natives. For each day non-na- Rivalis. The mood inside is as festive and cheerful The Lost Goat Knight is a subdued place. At any
tality is due to the fact that he is a lich. However,
tives of the realm are present within its borders, as the rest of the village. In the evenings, about two given time of day, only a handful of miserable looking
this is not a well-known fact and something of
there is a cumulative 10 percent chance that they dozen halflings carouse here, drinking tankards of halflings bury their sorrows in tankards of ale here.
which Biffan is unaware.)
will form a false memory of a life lived within the honeyed mead or barleywine (5sp) and eating from The bartender, Sir Humphrey (a title he has given
realm. Once a character forms such a false memory, J Roughly a year ago there was a strange explosion big wooden bowls of fish stew (1 gp). himself) will sell the characters tankards of watery
the daily check resets to 0 percent and starts again. that destroyed Castle Avernus. In the wake of the The halfling bard Buckleberry Tanglenote ale for 2 sp.
Once a character has formed three such memories, explosion, a glowing star referred to as the King’s (commoner) regularly plays songs about heroes of Sir Humphrey has never heard of Vecna, referring
they become firmly convinced that they have lived Tear rose into the sky. Azalin has not been seen local legend, such as the brave halfling pirate crew of the characters to Granny Fennel, who is “the most
their entire life in Darkon. A remove curse spell will since the explosion. Some assume the wizard- the Honeysuckle Goddess, which roamed the Jagged knowledgeable person in Rivalis”. For more details
remove one false memory. If this reduces the char- king is dead and others assume that he found a Coast hundreds of years ago, and perhaps still does. on Granny Fennel see area C4.
acter below three false memories, they will be able way to escape Darkon. He will happily tell the characters what he knows of Most of the patrons will ignore the characters,
to recall glimpses of another life in another realm. J Darkon was once home to Rudolph Van Richten, the folklore of the Jagged Coast, though much of what eager to bury themselves in their drinks, but one
Otherwise, the only way to reverse the effects of the a legendary hunter of undead who now resides in he knows is colored by myth. patron at the bar, Brady Furfingers, will tell the char-
memory anomalies is by leaving the realm altogether, the domain of Mordent. Buckleberry also enjoys telling stories regarding acters that his brother, Barney Furfingers, was lost
at which point, all false memories rapidly fade.
At this point, characters may travel in any direction Azalin Rex, the missing Darklord of Darkon. He can when his fishing boat was destroyed by Wolf-head
A character whose memory is lost entirely to this they like, though having arrived in an unfamiliar land, tell the characters in no uncertain terms that Azalin Wylie on Redleaf Lake.
effect will firmly deny any claim that they have not they are likely to seek more information in Rivalis. cannot be found in his castle. The castle was ripped During the evening, but never during the day, there
always lived here and will resist – violently, if neces- DMs should steer, but not railroad, them in this apart by a vast explosion at its heart during the Hour is a 50 percent chance burgomaster Arian Windfoot
sary – any attempt to leave the realm, as it is their direction. of Ascension. The flow of time around the castle (vampire) can be found here (otherwise, he can be
beloved homeland. was frozen at the moment of the explosion and the found wandering the streets). This is his preferred

Darkon Rivalis castle’s fragments hang in midair, its magical fabric

forever trying to pull itself back together. The ever-
public house because it is much quieter. If present
here, he’ll be accompanied by his “town council,” the
Rivalis is, on most days, a happy and peaceful town, burning fireball at the castle’s heart is poisonous to name he has given to his regular drinking buddies.
As the characters stumble from the mists into standing in contrast to most locales in Darkon, or the living, and no one could hope to survive there. Notably, Arian himself does not imbibe, and if asked
an unfamiliar landscape, read or paraphrase the anywhere in any of the domains of Ravenloft. Like Buckleberry has never heard of Vecna, referring about this, he will say that he once had an unhealthy
following: most of the inhabitants of Darkon, the townspeople the characters to Granny Fennel, who is “the most relationship with alcohol and had to give it up. For
of Rivalis – mostly halflings – respond to the horrors knowledgeable person in Rivalis”. For more details more details on burgomaster Arian see area C5 and
After an immeasurable amount of time pushing of their dying domain with willful indifference. on Granny Fennel see area C4. the Madame Radanavich section of appendix A.
forward through the Mists, you think you see a strange Brigands who live in the nameless forest north of
light ahead of you. The tendrils of Mist slink away from In the afternoon or early morning, which is when If asked about any unusual information (such
your skin and you stumble forward onto a grassy field
town or in the Shrouded Hills even farther north (the
the characters are likely to arrive if this is one of the as Vecna), Arian rubs his chin thoughtfully and
near a serene lake. The light of two suns, one much scattered survivors of the Radanavich clan) occa-
first locations they visit upon their arrival in Rivalis, mentions that the lost manor of Richten Haus once
larger than the other, casts a molten shimmer on the sionally threaten these peaceful folk. The Kargat,
the tavern is less bustling, but still relatively cheerful. held a great number of books. If asked about Richten
water. Fishing boats dot the lake’s calm surface. Darkon’s secret police, occasionally intrudes on
Buckleberry may still be found here, sipping a break- Haus, read or paraphrase the following:
Straight ahead of you, maybe a mile distant, is a quaint the town’s serenity as well, seeking information on
fast stout and plucking lazily at the strings of his
village. From this distance, you can make out a cluster some enemy of the state or simply checking in with
of cottages with thatched roofs. Smoke rises from lute, practicing new songs. Two elderly halfling men, “Ah, yes, Richten Haus. It was swallowed by the
contacts. Rumors of a lake monster, Wolf-Head Wylie,
stone chimneys. Outside the walls of the village are Gordy and Old Prim (commoners), can be found Shroud months ago. Not sure why you’d want to risk
fields of green crops, though from this distance you
also abound as an explanation for the periodic disap- your life to go there. Sit, join my town council and me
playing halfling games of strategy at one of the tables.
can’t make out what kind. Small humanoids walk the pearances of fishing boats on Redleaf Lake or the for a drink instead. Or not. Your choice. All I can tell
They are dismissive of the characters if approached,
rows tending to the greenery. more distant Lake Placid. Finally, on rare nights, a you for certain is that no one who has gone into the
eager to get back to their games. Shroud has ever returned . Hmm, except for Granny
Looking over your shoulder, you see that the Mists that townsperson will wake up with bite marks on their
brought you here are nowhere to be found. Instead, a neck, complaining about feeling weak and anemic. At any time of day, the establishment’s current Fennel. She might be willing to share her secrets with
wide dirt road winds between grassy meadows before owner and operator, Lady Nebba Halfhearth you.”
So far, whatever is causing this has not claimed any
disappearing into a tranquil forest. lives, but it seems to grow more voracious as time (commoner), can be found behind the bar. She is the
goes on, feeding more and more often. The towns- great granddaughter of Old Nuck himself, and she C3. Bait and Tackle
Thanks to the second “sun”, Biffan is able to recog- people may mention these things, but if asked for will gladly share the history of the establishment if This is a general store operated by an enterprising
nize this as the domain of Darkon. The halfling skull more information, they quickly clarify that it’s just a asked. She will also give a little background on any halfling named Taz McGinty. He will sell the charac-
can provide the following information: rumor and move to change the topic of conversation, of the townspeople of Rivalis if the characters ask. ters any common item normally sold on the general
J Darkon is one of the largest domains of Ravenloft. fearful that discussing an evil will earn its attention. Like most townspeople, she will quickly change the equipment lists from the Player’s Handbook. He also
Its Darklord is the immortal wizard-king Azalin subject if asked about Azalin Rex, the Shroud, the sells fishing equipment and has a few used fishing
Key locations in Rivalis include:
Rex. Azalin is an iron-fisted tyrant who rules Kargat, the lake monster, or any other topic viewed as boats that he can sell to the characters.
distantly from Castle Avernus. The wizard-king inappropriate for polite conversation.


C4. Crystal Garden Grandma Fennel. If the characters elect to speak C5. Burgomaster’s House
to Grandma Fennel, they can find her in a small Oh, be careful there, younglings. Yes, yes! First know
The Crystal Garden is the greenhouse at the center that to reach Richten Haus, you must travel through
The burgomaster’s house can be found near the
wooden annex filled with books and potted plants
of Rivalis. It gets its name from the paneled glass the Shroud. And the Shroud is only present at night. north end of town. It looks similar in style to the
attached to the main dome. As one of the oldest
dome that houses plants from every region of Darkon Darkon nights are dangerous in the best of cases, other cottages – simple and rustic, thatch-roofed –
inhabitants of Rivalis, Grandma Fennel has consider- and if you go a-bumbling into the Shroud it’s even
and some other demiplanes. The garden is overseen except larger. The house is quiet and empty most
able information. In particular: worse! The dead go there. The walking dead! Have you
by the gnomish archdruid Fennel Fernhand, known of the time, and there is little of interest that can be
as Grandma Fennel, or Granny Fennel. She has been J Grandma Fennel has not heard the name Vecna. seen them? The dead here in Darkon, they rise and found here.
wander into the night if you don’t destroy the bodies
welcomed as one of their own by the halflings of She recommends that the characters visit the right away! Frightening sight, but they are harmless. However, if they explore the house’s basement and
Rivalis and is viewed by the townspeople as a wise ruins of Castle Avernus to find out more. Castle That is, until they enter the Mists. Something there make a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation)
and beloved leader. Townsfolk will direct the charac- Avernus was once home to Azalin Rex, the inhabits their minds. Some force. Maybe the Dark check, the characters find a secret entrance leading
ters to speak to either her or the burgomaster, Arian Darklord of Darkon. Azalin hoarded knowledge Ones themselves, yes, yes. Or maybe something
to Arian’s hidden crypt below the basement, which
Windfoot, for more information about the region. and his library is rumored to contain information worse. Something from the spaces between the
planes. Indeed, there are worse things to be found will no doubt reveal his true nature to them. Along
Any character who is proficient with an herbalism on the entirety of Ravenloft. one wall of this crypt are rows of cages containing
in the Shroud than just the walking dead, young-
kit can find sufficient herbs to brew 1d4 potions of J Months ago there was a strange explosion from ling. If you are careless, or unlucky, or both, you may rabbits, squirrels, and pigeons, sources of easy blood
healing. If the character makes a successful DC 15 Castle Avernus. Even stranger, the fortress’s stumble upon those things. I’ve seen one once. While for Arian to slake his hunger without having to feed
Intelligence check they also find enough grave weed rubble, rather than tumbling to the ground, harvesting my planties! Slithery things. Slimy. All hooks on his townspeople, which he tries to do only in
and tentacles and suckers and eyes and mouths. Good
to make either 1d4 doses of a concoction similar to remains suspended in mid air. Azalin has not for eating careless adventurers. Be careful, younglings. emergency situations, though his hunger for blood
carrion crawler mucus or 2 doses of torpor (See the been seen since this explosion and there are Careful! But, yes, there are herbs Granny Fennel needs has, of late, been less slaked by the blood of animals.
Dungeon Master’s Guide for information on these competing theories that he is either dead or which can only be found near the house. I can show On a raised stone dais in the middle of the dirt floor
poisons). If the characters harvest these plants they found a way to escape Darkon. you on the map where you would have to enter the
rests a halfling-sized wooden coffin. During the day,
are accosted by a shambling mound and 1d6 needle Mists. I cannot tell you what you will have to do to get
J The ruins of Castle Avernus are bathed in a sickly out again, but I can provide magic that may help keep Arian Windfoot can be found sleeping inside. The
blights. green radiance that can kill even the hardiest you safe once you are inside… inside of the coffin lid is marked with a glyph that
adventurer. Granny Fennel believes that she can will magically awaken Arian if his resting place is
brew a protective potion, but she needs some rare disturbed. During the evening, the crypt is empty. If
herbs known as bog knuckle that only grow in the Potions. For 200 gp each, Grandma Fennel can the characters examine the dais, they can discover
gardens of Richten Haus, the abandoned home provide potions that will keep the undead and a hidden compartment with a successful DC 18
of her old friend Rudolph van Richten. Richten the lurkers in the Shroud at bay. If the characters Wisdom (Perception) check. Inside the hidden
Haus was once north of Rivalis, but has since purchase and consume such a potion, they are invis- compartment is a small treasure trove consisting of
been swallowed by the Shroud. ible to any Undead or Aberration, so long as they are three blood diamonds worth 500 gp each and a pipe
within the Shroud. This effect lasts for twenty four of smoke monsters (appendix D).
J Rudolph van Richten was once a medical doctor hours.
of great promise who, pursuing fame and renown, If disturbed during the day, Arian Windfoot will
engaged in battle with the Radanavich clan. Grandma Fennel is not herself a native of Darkon, admonish the characters for trespassing. He may try
The Radanavich clan was a band of brigands so she is fully aware of the memory anomalies that to talk his way out of trouble but will soon realize that
masquerading as Vistani, led by a warlock of affect visitors. Through her alchemical abilities, she if he lets the characters go free, they may share his
considerable power, Irina Radanavich. was able to brew a concoction that allows her to secret. At this point, he will feel forced to attack.
resist these effects, though it is mildly toxic. She will Should the characters slay Arian and share his
J During this battle the Radanavich’s killed sell these potions to the characters for 200 gp each.
Rudolph’s son, Erasmus, and his wife, Ingrid. secret with the townspeople, most of them will be
A single potion is enough to prevent memory loss for relieved to have been delivered from such an evil.
Haunted by their painful memories, the monster a month. One unfortunate side effect is that it tempo-
hunter has abandoned his ancestral home and They will thank the characters and set about the
rarily reduces the character’s maximum hit points by process of choosing a new burgomaster. The leading
now lives a humbler life in the distant land of 1d8. This side effect lasts for one day.
Mordentshire. candidates would be Sir Humphrey and Lady Nebba
The Burgomaster. Finally, Grandma Fennel also Halfhearth.
J Grandma Fennel can give directions to Castle knows that the town’s burgomaster, Arian Windfoot, One townsperson who will not react favorably to
Avernus (see chapter 3) as well as Richten Haus. is secretly a halfling vampire. She has agreed to keep the news of Arian Windfoot’s destruction is Granny
If the characters indicate a willingness to travel to his secret in exchange for the freedom to run the Fennel. She and Arian have developed a close friend-
Richten Haus, read or paraphrase the following: Crystal Garden as she sees fit. If the characters find ship over the years, and if she hears that the char-
evidence of his secret nature and confront Grandma acters have destroyed him, she will be loath to help
Fennel about it, she will feign ignorance. If pressed them find the location of Richten Haus. Instead, she
on the matter, she will tell the characters that Arian is will lock herself within the Crystal Garden and go
a good man and a good leader. She will chastise the into a period of mourning. Should this be the case,
characters for their ignorant prejudices, admonishing the halfling bard, Buckleberry Tanglenote, or any
Grandma Fennel tends her garden them that being a vampire doesn’t inherently make other townsperson the DM prefers, can become an
one a bad person. alternative source of important information.


The Hidden Trail them. The wall surrounding the manor house will
also be restored, though if the characters are near
they must make a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw or fall prone. Water alone will not remove
D4. Outdoor Larder
This room is lined with shelves filled with rotting
The hidden trail to Richten Haus can be found about the foundation, they will be inside the wall, which will the slime. Characters can use a mixture of lamp oil
foodstuffs and jars containing black tar that were
a mile north of Rivalis, alongside the road leading not be immediately visible to them through the Mists. followed by water, magical means of cleaning, or any
once preserves. There is nothing of value here.
to the distant city of Martira Bay. A character that Other parts of the manor house, such as the stables other process the DM deems suitable.
makes a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Survival) check and an outdoors larder, will be restored as well, Growing along the inner edges of the wall are the D5. Ingrid’s Garden
can find the trail on their own, or they may have though the characters will have to find these through remnants of the garden. Within the garden can be A small garden is at the end of the cobblestone path.
the location marked for them by Grandma Fennel. exploration as they also are not visible from near the found the herbs that Granny Fennel requires. The garden is now little more than briars and weeds,
Traveling the trail is safe during the day. There are stone foundation itself. although if the characters check they can find more
D2. Gate than enough bog knuckle for Granny Fennel to brew
wisps of fog, but little more. However, when the char-
acters arrive at Richten Haus they find only a bare Richten Haus The Richten Haus gate is a wrought iron arch topped
with spikes. In the curve of the arch, written in an
her potions.
stone foundation and the crumbling remnants of the In the center of the garden is a small well. The well
wall that once surrounded it. Richten Haus and its grounds constitute a pocket ornate font, is the family name. The gate is secured
once supplied drinking water for the Van Richten
domain ruled over by Madame Radanavich with a massive locking mechanism. Any character
Searching by Night. If the characters travel at family and their servants and remains intact, though
(appendix A for her backstory and appendix B for her who makes a successful DC 20 Dexterity check
night, then the hidden trail is engulfed by the Shroud. the rope and bucket have long since rotted away.
stat block), the leader of a gang of brigands that once with thieves’ tools can unlock the mechanism. The
While traveling through the Shroud, there is a 50 The characters can hear the faint sound of a woman
inhabited the forests north of Rivalis pretending to be structure itself is quite heavy and sturdy, despite age
percent chance that the characters will encounter a crying at the bottom of the well.
Vistani. Though this domain is linked with Darkon, and rust and requires a successful DC 22 Strength
random horror from the table below: (Athletics) check to force open. Magical means of If a character attempts to climb down to the bottom
they are separate domains, and special rules that
d4 Encounter apply to Darkon, such as the memory anomalies, do unlocking the gate will work normally. of the well, they face a difficult task, as the walls of
1 2d10 zombies not apply here. the well are covered with the same slick substance
Beyond the gate, a cobblestone path leads north
as every other surface within the Mists. Climbing
2 1d4 mist walkers It is eternally night within Richten Haus. Because to the manor (area D6). A smaller cobblestone path
the walls requires a successful DC 20 Strength
3 2d4 gibbering mouthers of this, once characters have entered this pocket leads west to the gardens (area D5) and a muddy trail
(Athletics) check but with proper climbing gear, this
An insectoid, multi-segmented Aberration (use domain, they are trapped. Anytime the characters leads east to the stables and outdoor larder (areas D3
4 check may be reduced in difficulty.
the statistics of a behir) enter the mists surrounding Richten Haus they and D4).
inevitably return to the manor. While travel through Almost a hundred feet down, characters will
There is also a possibility of becoming lost or D3. Stables encounter black water with a few rotting leaves
disoriented in the Mists. Whichever character is the Mists of Ravenloft are always dangerous, this is
no more or less true for Richten Haus than any other Within the stables the characters will find a macabre floating on the surface. They will still hear the
guiding the party must make a successful DC 15
domain. The normal rules for passage through the sight. The ground is muddy and mostly covered with crying of the woman here, though it sounds just as
Wisdom (Survival) check or become lost. It takes 1d4
mist apply (see Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft). piles of rotting hay. The smell of horses and manure distant as it did outside the well. The water is foul
hours for lost characters to regain their bearings.
still faintly lingers, but the only sign of the stable’s and undrinkable, and if characters descend into it,
During this time they have a 50 percent chance of The Radanavich ghouls encountered within previous inhabitants are their moldering bones. they will find themselves in a reservoir about eighty
encountering a random horror. Either way, when they Richten house comprise just a small portion of Some of the skeletons remain largely intact while feet wide and forty feet deep. The water is pitch
eventually reach their destination they find Richten Madame Radanavich’s forces. Others prowl the others have been scattered over time by predators. black, and only magical forms of light can pierce it.
Haus intact (see areas D1 and D2). mists, coming and going as they please. If characters
If the bones are disturbed or if the characters linger Darkvision will not work, and other forms of super-
Searching by Day. If the characters manage to find take a long rest within Richten Haus a hunting party natural sight are hindered by the inky darkness of the
of 2d4 Radanavich ghouls (appendix B). returns for more than one minute, they will begin to stir and
the stone foundation of the manor house during the water.
home, likely discovering the characters unless they reassemble. If the characters do not leave at this
day and wait for night to fall, they will witness the
have taken steps to hide their passage. point, they will be attacked by six skeletal steeds. A Lurking within the water is a malevolent water
Mists billow over the rolling hills and through the
skeletal steed has the same statistics as a nightmare, spirit (use the statistics for a banshee). She will
tree line to their north, swallowing the trees before D1. Wall except it lacks the Ethereal Stride action. The charac- initially appear to the characters as a beautiful
rolling quickly across the landscape toward them.
The wall surrounding Richten Haus is just shy of ten ters can flee at any point while the bones are stirring woman who appears to be drowning or in distress. If
Witnessing this firsthand is a terrifying sight for any
feet tall. It is made of brick and topped with wrought and knitting themselves back together. If they do not the characters manage to defeat this spirit, she will
living thing, and each character must make a DC 15
iron spikes. If the characters place a hand upon the close the door to the stables, the horses will pursue dissipate into a watery mist that will reconstitute into
Wisdom saving throw in order to avoid fleeing from
wall, they will find that it is cold, clammy, and damp them outside. However, if the characters depart and her doomed form twenty-four hours later.
the encroaching Mists. While they cannot outrun
with a viscous slime that makes climbing by natural close the gate behind them, the bones will return to At the bottom of the well, the characters may find
them – at least not through natural means – they will
means exceedingly difficult. Scaling the wall without their inert state. Other than the skeletal horses, the her bones mostly submerged in the silt. All of her
become disoriented and lost within the Mists should
assistance requires a successful DC 15 Strength stable contains only rotting saddles and tack. belongings have long since decayed with the excep-
they be affected by this fear effect. As before it takes
1d4 hours for a lost character to regain their bearing. (Athletics) check or DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) Above the stable is a loft containing bales of rotting tion of a periapt of wound closure near her skull.
check. Both sides of the wall are covered with this hay. If the characters search further, they will find
During this time they are attacked by 1d4 mist
same substance. If not washed from the hands and a set of human bones behind the bales. The bones
D6. Entryway
feet after scaling, it has detrimental effects. For the are lifeless and do not animate. They are clad in the Unlocked double doors with decorative silver
If the characters manage to hold their ground as next hour, any time a character uses an item, weapon, knockers lead into the manor. Inside is a hallway
remains of a rotting gown that was once probably
the Mists billow over the stone foundation, they will or shield they must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving tiled in black and white marble. Six sconces affixed
quite nice. They wear jewelry worth 250 gp.
witness the house appear. A blanket of mist swirls throw or drop the object. Similarly, whenever they to the walls are made of silver (10 gp each) that have
aside and, suddenly, Richten Haus stands before move during adverse conditions (such as combat) become tarnished with age hinting at the lavish life-


style Richten Haus’s inhabitants once enjoyed. The A sentient bell tower wanders the Forest of It connects to the master bedroom, location D18. If D10. Staircase and Storage
furnishings have been reduced to mahogany splinters 11 Shadows on giant chicken legs, toppling trees as characters return to this room while the elevator is
it moves. These trees are mysteriously replenished A set of wooden stairs lead down to the cellar
shrouded in cobwebs. Nothing else of value can be the following day. at that location, they will find that the dumbwaiter
(area D11) as well as up to the second floor (areas
found here. shaft descends into darkness. If characters have a
12 A colony of weresnakes lives somewhere within the D14 to D19). There are two chambers filled with
A Radanavich ghoul prowls the entryway. It Great Salt Swamp. way of gauging the distance of the drop, they will find
rotted crates and splintering barrels. Most of these
immediately attacks any characters that it sees, but Damon Skragg captains the Bountiful. He and his that solid ground is twenty feet below. Descending
containers are empty, serving as little more than
attempts to flee if reduced to half of its hit points. 13 undead pirate crew inhabit the waters off the coast the dumbwaiter shaft will take characters to location
of Martira Bay. nests to vermin, however any character that thor-
D11, the cellar. There is nothing else of value here.
D7. Parlor oughly searches them finds three vials of holy water.
14 Bathing in the Lake of Lost Dreams will cause one Three Radanavich ghouls are using cleavers to
to lose the ability to sleep. Four Radanavich ghouls prowl the hallway on all
A fire appears to have gutted the parlor at some dismember a dead body. They immediately attack any
point. The furniture has mostly been reduced to ash, The spas of Nevuchar Springs are said to have fours, attacking any intruders that they see. Unless
miraculous properties of healing and rejuvenation. characters that they see. Unless the characters take
with nothing remaining save a stray charred table leg 15 the characters take precautions not to make noise,
Visitors should be certain to visit Cascana precautions not to make noise, there is a 50 percent
or other scraps of wood. Even the mahogany panels Sanitarium. there is a 50 percent chance each round that the
chance each round that the ghouls from areas D8 or
on the walls have been blackened by soot. A fireplace The Night Hag Styrix has taken up residence in an Radanavich ghouls from area D9 hear the battle and
D10 hear the battle and join the fight.
contains cold ashes. 16 abandoned keep on one of the islands off the coast join the fight.
of Martira Bay.
The walls of the downstairs parlor are lined with Darkon has had a long line of kings before Azalin
towering bookshelves. Most of the books on the Rex. One of the most infamous was Darcalus Rex,
lower shelves have been reduced to dust. On some 17 who waged bitter and fruitless wars against the
neighboring kingdoms until he was assassinated by
of the higher shelves, some tomes have survived his own royal guard.
and may still be readable. These books are more Though Brautslava Institute is revered as an
for show and cover only basic topics such as the academy of mystical, alchemical, and scholarly
18 learning, some whisper that it is home to a secret
history and geography of Darkon. By expending half society of evil wizards called the Fraternity of
an hour and making a successful DC 10 Intelligence Shadows.
(Investigation) check, characters may stumble upon A colony of weresharks lives on Wrecker’s Island.
one of the pieces of lore presented in the Darkon 19 They have a longstanding feud with Damon Skragg
and the crew of the Bountiful.
Lore table. Although most are not directly relevant to
this adventure, they can help bring Darkon to life, as 20 Azalin Rex slew his brother Ranald and his son Irik
for perceived treachery to the crown.
well as provide side quests for interested DMs.
D8. Dining Hall
Darkon Lore
This room is dominated by a long table surrounded
5d4 Lore
by chairs occupying the center of the room. The furni-
Il Aluk is the largest city in Darkon and the home of ture was once probably quite nice, but now is covered
5 most of the nobility. For generations, the Eris family
has ruled over the city via machinations, public in cobwebs. The china cabinets contain dinnerware
sway, and, when necessary, assassination. that has become brittle with age, much of it already
The biography of the wandering scholar Firan reduced to shards. The silverware is tarnished, but
Zal’honan claims that he once had the opportunity with proper cleaning, about 75 gp worth can be
6 to serve as a wizard-king but chose a “stranger
path” instead. During his travels, he departed the salvaged.
realm of Darkon never to return.
Five Radanavich ghouls are seated around the
Grave keepers have told rumors of eerie grave table, feasting on a gutted, naked corpse that has
7 lights that hover above the graves of the recently
interred at night or in the quiet gloom before a been bound to the table. They immediately attack any
rainstorm. characters that they see. Unless the characters take
The ever-shifting magical ley lines of Darkon often precautions not to make noise, there is a 50 percent
birth phenomena known as scatebrae. These are
literal pools of magic that roil and bubble in the chance each round that the ghouls from area D9 hear
8 earth for several hours before evaporating into the battle and join the fight.
a greenish mist. Impossible feats are said to be
possible near their presence. D9. Kitchen
The Shadow Dragon Ebbasheyth hails from As with the rest of the house, the kitchen has been
9 somewhere near the twin mounts of Nirka and
Nyid. Legend states that she has formed an alliance reduced to ruin. Cobwebs cover the pots and pans
with Azalin Rex and lairs within Castle Avernus. hanging from hooks on the walls and fill the inte-
The area around Stagnus Lake is inhabited by riors of the cold iron cooking stove. The cupboards
10 twisted, impossible creatures. Some whisper that are barren, having apparently been picked over by
these are failed experiments by the sages at the
Brautslava Institute. previous explorers. A dumbwaiter occupies one
wall. Small characters may enter the dumbwaiter.


D11. Cellar As the characters approach D12f, they see furtive affecting Salizarr. The first is his multiple personal-
movement at the back of the cell and hear the sound ities, all of which seem to be aware of each other. It “Ah, do you not realize that you sssstand in the former
A set of rickety wooden stairs leads down into the home of the idiot Rudolph Van Richten. He thinksss
of claws scrabbling on stone. Eventually, a scrawny is almost as if multiple beings exist simultaneously
damp, dark, cold cellar. Rats skitter across the floor, he understandssss the nature of the Misssts, but he
creature of about four feet tall – though his height within him, all of them murderous. The second, and
fleeing from the characters’ light sources. Shelves knows nothing of their true nature. They are not a
is hard to tell as he is hunched over – will emerge more interesting to her, is the fact that he periodically punishment for those who commit atrocitiessss, but
lining the walls contain common spell components,
into the light. Tufts of matted reddish fur cover much disappears from his cell, only to reappear within the a reward! If only he and the ressst of these foolssss
some preserved, some seemingly fresh. Scuff marks
of his body, though where he is not covered by hair, cell at some random interval later. Every five minutes could underssstand and appreciate! Thisss house
in the dust lead down a narrow crevice roughly hewn belongs now to Madame Radanavich, she resss-
patches of sickly grayish skin speckled with festering the characters spend talking to Salizarr, there is a
into the far wall of the cellar. sponsible for the death of Van Richten’s son. Her
sores are visible. His eyes are glazed over as if he has cumulative 5 percent chance that he will disappear,
Vistani curse transssformed him into a creature of the
D12. Dungeon cataracts, and long talons tip the ends of his fingers sending up a small puff of dust from the cell floor Missssts. Again, a reward! But Van Richten wassss
This narrow passage is lined on both sides with and toes. as he does so. If this happens, he will reappear driven mad by his son’s evolution. He thought he
prison cells. Characters who make a successful DC This is Salizarr (appendix B), a meazel ghoul ten to thirty minutes later. Madame Radanavich is ssslew her, but no. No! She lives on, here in hisss
10 Wisdom (Perception) check will notice that the convinced that if she can study this strange effect, house, twisssting it into a mockery of the peaceful life
who, due to the influence of the Darklord Madame
she may also be able to harness this power herself, Van Richten once knew.“
construction here is newer than the rest of the manor Radanavich, cannot use his Shadow Teleport action
house. The cells are empty save for scraps of moldy while trapped in his cell. He has been imprisoned and even discover how to make these teleportations
permanent, thus effecting her escape from Richten The characters can ask for more information on
hay and a few tiny, scattered bones, with the excep- by Madame Radanavich here in her dungeon for
Haus. Van Richten, though Salizarr knows very little about
tion of D12b, which contains the skeleton of a small further study. She is interested in two odd conditions him other than that he once lived here peacefully
humanoid, and D12f. Salizarr desperately wants to be released, and he for many years until he earned Irina Radanavich
will answer the characters’ questions if they agree to and her clan’s ire by discovering that they were no
let him loose afterwards. true Vistani, but rather a gang of brigands living
When the characters first approach Salizarr, in the woods north of Rivalis. The characters can
the active personality at that moment is Vargetta also discover through questioning that Madame
the Snake. She is a serial murderer with a knack Radanavich’s gang practiced Vistani sorcery they
for crafting and using poisons to kill her victims. had acquired through nefarious means as a way to
When Salizarr teleports while under the sway of frighten the halflings of Rivalis and provide cover for
this personality, he finds himself in Martira Bay. As the Radanavich’s crimes.
Vargetta, she will first procure in whatever way she Finally, Salizarr will tell the characters that there is
can the ingredients needed to craft her poisons, then no safe passage back through the Mists to Darkon or
she will search the inns for a suitable victim, prefer- any other domain. This is true, though as mentioned
ring the heavily inebriated, as they will not wake up earlier, passage through the Mists is no more or less
from their slumber as she plies her trade. The towns- dangerous here than elsewhere, and the normal rules
people of Martira Bay refer to this mystery poisoner for passage through the mist apply. Nonetheless,
as the Spider. he tells the characters that if they slay Madame
Other personalities belonging to Salizarr include Radanavich, he will regain full control of his tele-
the Closet Man, Old Scurvy Jake, Them, and He Who portation powers, and he can use them to return the
Bends Men. Each personality teleports to a different characters (and himself) to Darkon. This is a lie. He
location of the DM’s choosing. If the characters has been cursed with these teleportation abilities by
can determine through conversation the nature of the Dark Powers, transforming him into numerous
these personalities and disappearances, they can bogeymen of local legends and there is no way for
push Salizarr for limited information on the places him to control these powers.
he goes. Note that these personalities hate and The door can be opened with a successful DC 15
mistrust each other, and he will switch between them Dexterity check made by a character proficient with
frequently to convince the characters that they cannot thieves’ tools, a successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics)
trust what the others are saying. The DM should have check, or by finding the keys, which are in area D13.
fun deciding which (if any) of the personalities are If the characters release Salizarr at any point, he will
trustworthy, and to what extent. They may also invent attack them, though the cumulative chance of tele-
any additional personalities they see fit. portation continues, rising by 5 percent per round
Speaking with Salizarr. If the characters ask about of combat. If they open his cell door while he has
Richten Haus, Madame Radanavich, or the Vistani, teleported, he will later enter Van Richten’s Study
read or paraphrase the following. This is written in and attack Madame Radanavich at some point during
the voice of Vargetta the Snake, but you may modify the characters’ encounter with her. Again, during
this to fit any other personality you choose: that encounter, there will be a cumulative 5 percent
chance per round of combat that he will teleport


D13. Ritual Room ghost box. Opening the box requires an action. If a
banshee, ghost, specter, wraith or other incorporeal
Here, a pentagram has been marked onto the floor in
Undead is within 30 feet of the box when it is opened,
chalk. The stone floor at the center of the pentagram
then a yellow light blazes forth from the container. All
has been stained with dried blood. Dark candles rest
such Undead must make a successful DC 15 Wisdom
at the tips of each point of the star, though they are
saving throw or get sucked into the box, after which
unlit. More black candles stand on shelves around
the spirits are sent to the afterlife. A ghost box
the room, also unlit. There are various implements
becomes inert after a single use.
of torture here, both large and small, and hanging on
a hook on the wall are the keys to the cells found in D16. Erasmus’ Bedroom
location D12, including the key to Salizarr’s cell. This room once belonged to Rudolph Van Richten’s
There are also several chests and storage cabinets. son Erasmus. The furnishings have been reduced
If the characters take the time to search, between this to rubble, and the room has been looted of anything
room and location D11, they can find any mundane of value. The walls have been smeared with arcane
spell components they require. With a successful DC symbols in dried blood and feces. A successful DC
15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, a character can 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check will reveal that these
discover that one of the chests has a false bottom. are symbols of warding. They prevent Erasmus’ soul
Searching it, they will find a finely crafted scourge from returning to Richten Haus. If the characters
worth 200 gp. cast dispel magic upon them and wipe them away
(they are unremovable prior to a dispel magic spell),
D14. Closet Erasmus (ghost) will sense their erasure. He will
Dozens of dark cloaks hang from this closet. The appear before the characters. If this occurs, read or
cloaks are covered in dust which seems unnaturally paraphrase the following:
thick. The dust covering the cloaks is actually dust
of sneezing and choking and it billows into a 30
foot cloud if disturbed. A character who makes a “Brave ones! Thank you for allowing me to return to
the home of my youth. Truly, this is the only place
successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check where I ever knew peace. It is a blessing to see these
can bottle the dust without disturbing it, although a four walls once again. I wish there was some way I
failure sends the dust billowing into the air. could reward you for your efforts. Please, if there is any
way I can assist you in your quest, please let me know.“
A cloaker lairs amidst the cloaks, attacking if
disturbed. Because of its prolonged exposure to the
dust of sneezing and smoking, the cloaker is immune At this point, Erasmus will answer the characters’
to its effect. questions concerning the history of the feud between
the van Richten family and the Radanavach clan (see
D15. Guest Bedroom the Madame Irina Radanavich section of appendix A)
This bedroom is supernaturally cold and any char- as well as Richten Haus (though he knows nothing
acter who is not protected from the cold finds their about the current layout). As far as Erasmus knows,
breath fogging as they shiver involuntarily. There is the Radanaviches are truly Vistani.
an empty table, an overturned bed, and a dresser. A If Madame Radanavich still lives, Erasmus takes D17. Ingrid’s Parlor D18. Master Bedroom
large mirror hangs on the southern wall. on a look of great distress. Read or paraphrase the This upstairs parlor and dressing room once This was once the room of Rudolph and Ingrid. The
If a character steps into the room, then the mirror following: belonged to Van Richten’s wife, Ingrid. Much like furnishings have been looted or destroyed. If the
ripples and hundreds of tiny ephemeral ghosts fly the rest of the house, this room has been looted and characters search and make a successful DC 15
forth from it. These ghosts cry plaintively, inflicting “I sense Irina in this house. The witch! She must be destroyed. Little of value remains here, though if the Intelligence (Investigation) check, behind a loose
3d6 necrotic damage to any character that enters slain! This “is the only way my father and I will ever characters search the rubble and make a successful baseboard they will find Ingrid’s diary, which will
the room or starts their turn in the room. The know peace. Please, tell me you will assist me in DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, the characters provide additional background information on the
restoring honor to the Van Richten name by avenging
ghosts cannot be damaged, although the mirror can. my death.” find a locket buried within the rubble. The locket lives of the Van Richtens. They can read about her
The mirror has AC 10, 50 hit points, and immu- contains a portrait of Rudolph Van Richten and husband’s unhealthy obsession with fame during
nity to poison, and psychic damage. If the mirror their son Erasmus in happier days. Ingrid’s love has his youth. She did not approve of this obsession and
is destroyed the ghosts disappear from the room. If the characters agree, or if they ask Erasmus at
been imbued into this otherwise mundane item, and predicted that it would someday bring ruin upon the
Alternatively the ghosts can be banished by a remove any point to assist them, he will aid them in combat
the strength of that love can assist the characters family. At one point, she considered taking a young
curse spell or by a paladin brandishing their holy against Madame Radanavich (Although she is
should they find themselves in combat with Madame Erasmus and fleeing but was afraid that they would
symbol and expending a use of Channel Divinity. immune to his Possession action). If the characters
Radanavich or the Radanavich ghouls. It will provide not survive long in the countryside alone. She also
refuse to help, Erasmus will take on a look of grim
Any character who looks underneath the over- a +2 bonus to any saves, combat rolls, or skill checks writes about her husband’s crusade against the
resolve. He will tell the characters he will take care of
turned bed finds an iron box, the size of a shoe to the wearer in combat against Madame Radanavich Radanaviches, again disapprovingly. She admired her
his unfinished business himself and disappear.
box, engraved with abjuration runes. The box is a or her ghouls, and a +1 bonus to any character husband’s righteousness but never understood why
standing within 10 feet of the wearer. he put these pursuits ahead of the safety of his family.
D19. Van Richten’s Study of them (if both have been freed, the DM can decide She will look up suspiciously at the characters as Alternatively, the characters may elect to fight
which they find her fighting). At this point, the charac- they enter and come around the desk to face them. Madame Radanavich to escape Richten Haus.
This room is lined with bookshelves containing
ters can choose to assist either Madame Radanavich She will then ask how the characters have managed After her death, the characters may safely leave the
tomes of all ages, shapes, and sizes. Near the far wall
or her opponent. If they stand idly by, she will even- to enter her domain. Whether they tell the truth or grounds of Richten Haus.
of the chamber is Van Richten’s desk, still strewn
tually dispatch her foe. If defeated, Erasmus is not not, read or paraphrase the following: Treasure. Should the characters search the room
with papers. Upon closer examination, the charac-
destroyed, only temporarily banished from this realm. they find a cloak of lesser invisibility (appendix D)
ters will find that these are not the scrawlings of Van
If she is fighting Salizarr, the DM may end the fight “Well now, how you got here is of no matter, ultimately.
Richten, but of Madame Radanavich, who has spent folded within one of the desk’s drawers. Beyond
at any time by having him randomly teleport away. Know simply that you are trapped. You can leave only
many years now poring over Van Richten’s old tomes through my consent. . . or over my dead body. But why this item, the desk also contains what information
Alternatively, Madame Radanavich will eventually should you leave, when I cannot? Can you imagine the Madame Radanavich has managed to uncover in
and papers, looking for any way she might escape
slay him. If the characters did not assist her, she will pain of eternal imprisonment? What I would give to her own research. Although not directly relevant to
this dread domain that has become her home and
sense their complicity in what has just happened and see the forests of my homeland once more. Oh, the this adventure, they add an air of mystery and poten-
prison. She longs to return to the forests of Darkon
immediately attack. cruelty of this eternity!” tial side quests for DMs seeking to expand their
and has come to regret her past evils, which have led
to the destruction of her clan. She laments the fact If neither Erasmus nor Salizarr has been freed, campaign. These notes include:
or if the characters assist Madame Radanavich in She will continue to rant and mumble for a while,
that her family, friends, and loved ones have been
seemingly having forgotten about the characters. At J Partial blueprints for a Rift Spanner of similar
reduced by her actions to the mindless slavering defeating them, read on with this encounter. design and function to the one devised by the
some point, she will snap back to the present and
ghouls that now wander the grounds of Richten As the characters enter, they find Irina Radanavich night hag Styrix.
address the characters once more, asking them why
Haus. standing at Van Richten’s desk, squinting at her own they have come. If the characters mention Azalin Rex J An outline of Salizarr’s personalities and the loca-
If the characters have freed either Erasmus’ scribblings on a sheet of parchment. She is an elderly or Castle Avernus, read or paraphrase the following: tions to which he travels when possessed by each
spirit or the meazel Salizarr from their respective woman dressed in the traditional garb of the Vistani,
differing personality.
imprisonments, they will find Madame Radanavich though all the color has faded from it, leaving her “Azalin Rex? Azalin Rex. The lich-king of Darkon? Firan
(appendix B) locked in combat with one or the other clad in drab grays, whites, and blacks. Her hair is Zal’Honan. For many, many years, he was trapped in J A map of the Mists surrounding Richten Haus;
stark white, and her eyes are cloudy with age. his Domain as I am in mine. I hear the whisperings of though the Mists are evershifting, the map
the Dark Ones inside my head. They are angry. Angry suggests that a few locations appear to be perma-
that he has tried to escape his fate somehow. Oh, if nently fixed. One is labeled “Cosmic Portal.”
only I could know how he has accomplished such a
Another is labeled “The Clockmaker’s Eye.” A
feat! Tell me, why do you seek to know about him?”
third is labeled “The City of Impossible Angles.”
Whether the characters are honest with her or not, J A crudely sketched map labeled “Lamordia,” with
if they reply to her question, she will wave away their an X drawn on an island on the map’s western
answer and say the following: edge. The X is labeled “Haifisch.”
Among Van Richten’s own papers are numerous
“Posh, your mortal pursuits are your own. I will release studies on the anatomy and behavior of vampires,
you from my domain if you swear to bring me what- liches, ghosts, lycanthropes, and other supernatural
ever information you find within his Castle. Otherwise,
you can join me in eternity.”
creatures. From these papers, the characters may
learn any and all information from their entries in the
If the characters swear to bring Madame Monster Manual.
Radanavich any information they find within Castle
Avernus, then she allows them to escape her domain. Nana's Concoction
The next time they enter the mists surrounding the
manor, they emerge along the outskirts of Rivalis. Once the characters return to Grandma Fennel,
However, the characters are now under the effect of a she quickly processes the herbs into a nauseating
geas spell, and are compelled to stay true to however concoction of clotted, green liquid. She can make
they worded their oath. eight such potions. Drinking a potion makes a char-
acter immune to the poisonous energy radiating
If the characters choose to provide Madame
throughout Castle Avernus for one month.
Radanavich with this information, she will also seek
to recover the body parts of Vecna, sending her After making the concoction Granny Fennel
agents forth in pursuit. They will interfere with the provides the characters with directions to Castle
characters’ own plans in any way possible. These Avernus. To reach the castle they need to travel
agents include Salizarr (if he is still alive), who she fifteen miles south, along Hook Road. Then, they
will compel to do her bidding with the promise of must head east, along a pathway known as the
permanent freedom from the dungeon cell to which Ascent, for twenty miles. Granny Fennel advises the
Madame Radanavich he is bound, and her Radanavich ghoul agents. characters to avoid the Ascent during the evening, to
confronting interlopers
in her cursed home avoid the Shroud. See the section on Richten Haus
as to what happens if they ignore her advice.


E3. Isle of Shadow Extended Spell. When the caster casts a spell that
has a duration of 1 minute or longer, they can
The shadows are thickest amongst these collection
double its duration.
of isles, dark and nearly palpable. Any illumination
Float like a Castle, Sting like an Imp appears to be smothered, providing dim light at best.
The central isle is covered in coins, all minted with
Heightened Spell. If the spell forces a creature to
make a saving throw to resist its effect, you can
Following the directions of Granny Fennel, the characters dim light. So long as the characters are cautious, they the stamp of a grim-faced human male. The face give one target of the spell disadvantage on its first
travel to the floating ruins of Castle Avernus, former home can easily jump to neighboring isles. Nonetheless, saving throw made against the spell.
turns into a frightening, skeletal visage on a coin
to the Darklord Azalin Rex. Within the ruins they find Skeev-
er, Azalin’s imp familiar. With Skeever’s help the characters
it may be worth reviewing the rules on jumping in removed from the castle. In total there are 10,000 cp, E3b. Isle of Conjuration
learn of the existence of lesser Vecnan relics, organs from chapter 7 of the Player’s Handbook. 10,000 sp, 5,000 ep, 3,000 gp, and 1,000 pp. This floating island of rock is functionally equivalent
Vecna’s former body. According to Skeever these relics can be
E2. Blacksmith If the characters set foot upon the central isle, they to area E3a, only for conjuration spells.
used to access Cavitius, Vecna’s former Ravenloft domain. E3c. Isle of Divination
This island bears a ruined smithy complete with are set upon by a gloom of five shadows. As soon as
the shadows are defeated read or paraphrase: This floating island of rock is functionally equivalent
an anvil, forge, and crafting table. Along an intact
to area E3a, only for divination spells.
wall, on the southern end of the isle, is a rack that
displays an array of armor and weapons of exquisite The shadows all around you begin to squirm and
E3d. Isle of Evocation
treacherous path winds its way up craftsmanship. The smithy is occupied by a dwarven twitch with life. They congeal together, forming into This floating island of rock is functionally equivalent
a steep mountain. Atop the moun- vampire known as Axrock. Axrock is attended by two something vast and unnatural. A serpentine body to area E3a, only for evocation spells.
tain is a strange, awe-inspiring helmed horrors. takes form. Umbral wings unfurl. And two pits of E3e. Isle of Illusion
sight. A blasted castle, long since impenetrable darkness stare down upon you with cold, This floating island of rock is functionally equivalent
Axrock is friendly to intruders, so long as they impassive malevolence. The air grows colder as the
shattered into pieces, hangs shadow dragon speaks, “Such pathetic worms, hardly to area E3a, only for illusion spells.
respect his workshop. He is obsessed with his forging
suspended in midair. Floating above the castle’s
and keeps to himself. As such he is largely ignorant of worth the effort of eating. But unfortunate for you, E3f. Isle of Wild Magic
wreckage is a radiant sphere of green energy that Ebbasheyth. . . hungers.” Any time a creature casts a spell upon this isle of
the surrounding areas. Axrock is frustrated because,
pulses slowly. stone, they must roll twice on the Wild Magic Surge
with the destruction of Castle Avernus, the eldritch
At this point Ebbasheyth (appendix B) attacks the table from chapter 3 in the Player’s Handbook. The
Castle Avernus
flames of his ever-burning forge have been snuffed
out. If the characters find a suitable replacement, he characters. The shadow dragon begins by hovering caster can use either result.
asks them to bring it to him, going so far as providing over the closest character, attacking them furiously. E4. Hall of Records
Floating bits of stone can be used as a makeshift them with a specially enchanted lantern that can be Ebbasheyth conserves her breath weapon, saving it
stairwell, allowing the characters to climb up roughly A maze of bookshelves winds its way along this
used to hold such a flame. The continual flame spell for when it can target multiple injured characters in
one hundred feet. At this point the characters can expanse of floating rock. Just like the castle itself, the
will not work, since it does not cast heat. Beyond this, hopes of raising at least one of them as a shadow.
access the lower end of a spiral staircase that leads bookshelves are cracked and broken, held intact only
allow the characters to be creative when it comes If any characters stand on the edge of an island,
up another thirty feet to area E1. through magic. A large table is balanced precariously
to relighting the forge. One possibility is to fill the Ebbasheyth uses the shove action to attempt to push
along the northern edge of the island, overlooking a
These effects persists in areas E1 through E7: lantern with flame from the ever-burning brazier in that character off the island. If knocked off the island,
steep plummet into roiling mists. Dozens of books
J A pulsing sphere of spectral green energy can area G26. a character falls 1d10 x 10 feet before landing on a
are scattered atop the table and a glowing, iridescent
be seen about three hundred feet above area If the characters successfully restore Axrock’s piece of floating debris.
quill scrawls within one of them, seemingly of its own
E2. Unless a character has consumed Grandma forge, the dwarf offers to forge them two items of E3a. Isle of Abjuration accord. Next to this table is a gigantic glowing book,
Fennel’s concoction, its radiance makes them feel their choice. These newly forged items have a +1 Arcane runes decorate this smaller, floating isle. A as tall as a grown human. The ghostly figure of an
nauseated and sick at their stomach, inflicting enchantment. If the characters bring Axrock the DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check is sufficient to elderly, headless man wanders through the library, a
1d6 poison damage for every minute of exposure. adamantine ingots from area G23, the vampire offers determine that the runes augment abjuration magic. bobbing spectral head following in his wake.
to forge them a suit of adamantine armor in thanks. If any caster casts an abjuration spell while standing
J Despite the spectral radiance, persistent shadows on this island, they can attempt to draw upon the The floating book is known as the Book of Names
cling everywhere, resulting in, at best, dim The weapons rack is filled with a variety of expertly and is filled with thousands of names and dates. The
power of the runes by making a DC 15 Intelligence
illumination. crafted weapons and armor. Although most are bobbing quill appears to be writing the biography
(Arcana) check. If successful, the caster can augment
nonmagical in nature, they are each worth ten times of Alana Cantemir, a young merchant from Il Aluk.
J The mournful wails of a female elf can be heard the spell in one of the following ways:
their usual value due to their craftsmanship. Whenever a sentient creature dies in the domain of
from area E7. Careful Spell. If the spell forces other creatures to
make a saving throw, the caster can protect some Darkon, its name and date of death are recorded, by
J Smaller bits of debris drift about. This debris the iridescent quill, in the Book of Names. Their life
includes crumbled bits of masonry, broken furni- of those creatures from the spell’s full force. The
Rise of Vecna story is then recorded in one of the smaller books,
ture, shattered shards of china, and a grandfather If the characters have played Rise of Vecna and one of them caster can choose up to 1d4 creatures. Any chosen
creature automatically succeeds on its saving throw. located on the table, and then placed amidst the
clock that still chimes ominously on the hour. wields Zespara’s perfect blade, then Zespara is fascinated by
Axrock’s handiwork. She implores the characters to spend bookshelves. The books are moved and sorted by a
Distant Spell. If the spell has a range of 5 feet or headless ghost named Elzarath. Elzarath is peaceful,
E1. Entrance a day with the dwarf, so that she can study his techniques. greater, the caster can spend double the range
Axrock, in turn, is curious about Zespara and seeks to learn although a bit befuddled. He is happy to explain how
This hovering island of stone is roughly 50 feet long from her. If the characters indulge this exchange, and have of the spell. If the spell has a range of touch, the the books work, speaking all the while through his
and 30 feet wide. The edges are crumbling, but even relit the forge, then Axrock agrees to apply his forging tech- caster can make the range of the spell 30 feet. floating, severed head. Elzarath is willing to retrieve
the smaller pieces of crumbling stones are frozen in niques to Zespara’s perfect blade, granting it the properties Empower Spell. When the caster rolls damage for the book for any given name.
midair. During the day, shadows clings to the stone of a sword of sharpness.
their spell, they can reroll any number of damage
with unnatural persistence, shrouding the area in dice. They must use these new rolls.
If asked to retrieve the history of Dany Werthy (see non-descript remains of what appears to be humans. Irik manifests if his sarcophagus is opened. E6. Tower
area E5), Elzarath happily obliges. The book recounts The third is covered with elaborate carvings and Once he has appeared, he can supply the following
Although the exterior of this tower is torn and
the exciting exploits of a master thief. After learning engraved with the name, ‘IRIK ZAL’HONAN’. Any information:
cracked, the interior is surprisingly preserved. Inside
the secret password to Azalin’s personal treasure character who peers over the edge of the island and J The treasure piled about the center isle is the four-story tower are a series of richly furnished
chest from some Vistani, Dany planned the ultimate makes a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) guarded by the shadow dragon, Ebbasheyth. common rooms and living quarters.
heist. Sadly, his theft was cut short by the shadow notices a floating, mist-shrouded sarcophagus Surrounding that isle are arcane runes that can
dragon Ebbasheyth. Those reading the history closely floating thirty feet below them. Willow’s Room. On the third floor is a vengeful,
augment a caster’s powers. bitter nemhain named Willow (appendix B; marked
note that the password was ‘Quantarius’. Living within the third sarcophagus is the ghost of
J The wailing from the tower comes from an evil as W on the map). The characters enter the room
E5. Crypt Irik Zal’honan, the son of Azalin. Long ago, before
and tormented spirit called Willow, who will via the northern spiral staircase marked A on the
Azalin was drawn into Ravenloft, he was an iron-
This island is tipped at a forty-five-degree angle, kill any living beings that come near her. In the map and can progress on to the fourth floor using
fisted tyrant who ruled a distant kingdom mercilessly.
with the north edge of the isle pointing downwards. highest floor of the tower is Azalin’s bedroom. the southern spiral staircase marked E on the map.
Irik was the antithesis of his father – kind and gentle;
Moving about it requires a successful DC 12 Strength J The last living person that Irik saw was a male During the ensuing battle, you can have a pleading
guided by forgiveness rather than the rule of law.
(Athletics) or DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. half-elf thief called Dany Werthy. Dany claimed but whiny voice yell nervously to the characters:
Azalin saw such virtues as blemishes, weaknesses
If a character fails this check, they slide 10 feet to to know a special password that would allow “Destroy the urn hidden in the middle cupboard.”
that would destroy his kingdom should his son ever
the north, possibly falling off the island. In this case him access to Azalin’s treasures; however, he The voice is that of Skeever (see area E7 and the
take the throne. Putting loyalty to his kingdom above
they fall 1d10 x 10 feet before landing on a piece of was killed by Ebbasheyth before he could gain “Skeever” sidebar).
that of his kin, Azalin went on to execute his only son.
floating debris. entrance to the tower. Finding the urn in the middle cupboard (marked
This sarcophagus was placed within Castle Avernus
Three sarcophagi remain within this shattered U on the map) requires a character to search it with
crypt, wedged amidst shattered debris. Two of the
by the Dark Powers, presumably to torment Azalin. J Azalin is a committed, albeit tight-fisted, leader to a successful DC 8 Intelligence (Investigation) check
his people. So much so that he put his kingdom
sarcophagi are plain and unlabeled, containing the made as an action. The urn has 5 hit points, AC 18,
over family by executing his only son to, at least in
resistance to piercing and slashing damage, and
his own mind, save his kingdom.
immunity to poison and psychic damage. The urn is
Irik can also supply any additional details regarding Willow’s ritual object; if it is destroyed, Willow loses
Azalin’s long and storied history (appendix A) to inter- the Profane Regeneration trait and can’t benefit
ested characters. However, the ghost knows nothing from her Rejuvenation trait as the ashes spill out.
of Azalin’s more recent machinations, including the If a character sees the ashes and succeeds on a
origins of the green star that glows above the castle. DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check, they learn that
Irik regrets the evils that his father has perpetuated emptying a vial of holy water on the ashes will cause
over the years and, because of their connection, feels the spirits bound to Willow to be released and find
a sense of personal responsibility. If the characters rest, in turn causing Willow to lose the Bound Spirits
indicate a willingness to seek and destroy his father, trait, as well as the Spirit Barrage, Spirit Scout, and
then Irik bestows upon them a divine benediction. Spectral Rebuke actions.
For the next 48 hours, any good-aligned characters
gain the benefits of the bless spell.
The floating sarcophagus is unlocked and contains
a mummified corpse wearing an amulet of health
while clasping a mace of disruption.

Skeever has the same statistics as an imp. However, as the
familiar of one of Ravenloft’s most legendary Darklords, the
imp has a number of additional traits:
Deathless Servant. While in Ravenloft, anytime that Skeever
is killed, he bursts into a cloud of brimstone. He then
reforms one minute later with all his hit points restored, at
the location of his death.
Mistwalker. By walking into the mists of Ravenloft, Skeever
can freely travel from one domain to another and does not
need any special talismans or keys to do so. Skeever can
bring with him up to ten creatures of his choosing that are
not otherwise bound to a domain. Willow and her tormented fate now
Home Sweet Home. Using an action, Skeever can teleport stands as a dark warning to all:
Never betray Azalin Rex
himself and up to ten willing creatures within 60 feet of
him to area E8 in Castle Avernus. He does so without error
and regardless of planar barriers.

Before her current predicament, Willow was a ruth- closets can be found a variety of expensive, albeit E7. Wizard’s Lab Another passage reads:
less, bloodthirsty wizard who apprenticed for Azalin outdated outfits, a fist-sized platinum dragon’s head
This area is divided into several sections and filled
before her ambition got the better of her and she with ruby eyes (worth 25,000 gp), and a small rose- “It is possible that my endeavors might bring me
with shelves and long tables. The shelves contain
attempted to betray her master. Azalin in turn manip- wood chest. The dragon’s head is Azalin’s phylactery, into direct conflict with Vecna. As such I should be
obscure magical treatises, rare spell components,
ulated Willow into sacrificing both her own life and but this fact is protected by enchantments and can prepared. According to my divinations he once held
such as ground tooth of fairy, and four skeletal portions of his former body within a sacred reliquary.
the lives of those closest to her in an effort to obtain only be learned through legend lore or comparably
heads sealed inside jars that have become obscured With the archlich’s escape, these minor relics have
what she believed to be the source of Azalin’s power: powerful magic. The rosewood chest is unlocked and
with condensation. The lab is home to Azalin’s imp scattered themselves across the Domains of Dread.
an ornamented, silver urn. The same urn that now appears empty. However, if a character speaks the Possessing such artifacts might be critical to accessing
familiar, Skeever, as well as a spirit naga. The spirit
holds the ashes of all those who paid for Willow’s word “Quantarius,” the following contents magically Cavitius. As such I will begin cataloging their locations:
naga is aggressive, attacking the characters as soon
hubris and has become her ritual object. appear: an Ioun stone of absorption, a robe of stars, The incisors of Vecna are within the domain of Tovag.
as it notices them. Skeever hovers in the air during
Top Floor. On the fourth floor of the tower can and a ring of shooting stars. If Skeever is with the They are in the possession of the vampire lord Kas. It
battle, yelling insults at the naga while cheering on
characters, he plays dumb regarding the chest but is reputed that Kas and Vecna are great enemies.
be found Azalin’s bedroom, which contains a large the characters.
canopy bed and twin wardrobe closets. Within the encourages the characters to take the dragon’s head. The scalp of Vecna is hidden deep beneath the dunes
Once the characters vanquish the spirit naga, of Har’akir. It can be found within a dark obelisk,
Skeever swoops down towards the most wizardly guarded by an undead necrosphinx.
looking character and pleads in a whining voice, The head of Vecna is said to be part of the ghastly
“Poor Skeever lose his master, the most powerful entourage of the Headless Horseman. Vistani legend
and terrifying lich-king Azalin. You be Skeever’s says that the horseman can be summoned by standing
on a lonely road, beneath a sickle moon, while holding
new master?” If asked about Azalin, Skeever sniffs a severed head.
melodramatically before saying that his master was
The first digit of Vecna is carried by a traveling carnival
destroyed by the Dark Powers while attempting to that is hunted by dark fey. According to my agents it is
cast a spell to escape Ravenloft. This is a lie. Azalin part of Professor Pacali’s Hall of Horrors.”
is currently in Citadel Cavitius (see Chapter 8).
Moreover, Azalin is watching the characters through As the characters read about these relics Skeever
Skeever’s eyes and communicating with his imp tele- the imp instantly perks up, “Skeever can take you to
pathically, providing orders as needed. these relics! Skeever has the power to walk the mists!
And can bring his new masters!”
An Impish Guide Skeever is true to his word and can lead the char-
acters through the mists to each of the listed Vecnan
If the characters inquire about Vecna, Skeever
body parts. The adventures associated with each
bounces up and down in midair before exclaiming,
body part are listed in chapters 4 through 7. Skeever
“Yes! Skeever is a good servant! Skeever know that
suggests that the characters gather at least one of
name! Skeever show you!” before leading the charac-
these body parts. Once they have done so, the organs
ters to a thin journal hidden amidst the laboratory’s
can be used as keys to travel to the otherwise inac-
equipment. Opening the book reveals a message
cessible domain of Cavitius. The characters can
that, although it appears to have been written at least
choose how many of the body parts they wish to
months ago, has just been hastily scrawled into the
book by Azalin via magic:
During their travels Skeever is a relentless
sycophant. He attaches himself to one character,
“Curse the infernal Dark Powers, whatever they might
be. If only they could be made flesh. Such pain I would
repeatedly referring to that character as master. If
delight in inflicting upon them. They would beg for the character has another familiar or pet, Skeever
release but, as is their due, none would be found. expresses jealousy and tries to arrange for an acci-
My servants continue to bring me news from across dent to befall the character’s companion. At Azalin’s
the various domains. Most of it is predictably dreary behest Skeever periodically interrogates the party, so
– some lesser invention from Lamordia, a new cantrip that the lich-king can learn as much about them as
from Hazlan, or another one of Von Zarovich’s tedious possible before their inevitable encounter.
dinner parties. However, there was one intriguing
tidbit. The archlich Vecna has found a way to break
these misty chains and win his freedom from the alloW THe CHaraCTers To aDvanCe To 12TH level aFTer
cursed powers that be. His old domain, Cavitius, lies
azalin’s journal anD ally WiTH skeever.
THey DisCover
undefended. Perhaps there I can find the secret to
escaping Ravenloft. . .”

their hair stands on end but are otherwise unaffected.
Alternative Paths A few piles of ash can be seen immediately within
The characters might understandably balk at this bleak the bubble. Beyond that, a faint trail winds through
moral quandary. Ideally this reluctance will lead to some
With Friends Like These meaningful roleplaying opportunities. However, if you
feel that being potentially strong-armed into a morally
a weed-strewn garden before reaching a doorless
The characters visit the domain of Tovag in search of the in-
cisors of Vecna. To gain an audience with the Darklord Kas, Tovag compromising action is too much for either yourself or
your players, you are welcome to modify the encounter.
The gutted interior of the church is a charred ruin
that smells strongly of smoke. Shards of stained-glass
the characters must compete in a gladiatorial event known Alternatively, given its optional nature, you can skip Tovag glint amidst dunes of ash. The handful of pews that
as the Clash. After winning the clash the characters gain an This portion of the border is a common entry point entirely.
opportunity to petition the Darklord for his Vecnan relic. have escaped the flames appear indelibly stained
for those transported by the Mists into Tovag. As with blood. The floorboards creak and groan with
such, it is watched over by a band of twenty wights. every footstep.
These wights belong to the Vras Ro, an elite military The priest has managed to create wards about the
platoon led by the death knight Lady Syth. Given church that prevent the entry of any undead. It is Within the church can be found Father Grigor (LG
the watchful nature of the wights, the characters are for this reason that the death knight is treating the male human war priest (appendix B)) and his flock of
uided by Skeever, the characters
quickly spotted unless they have taken extraordinary characters so cordially. After exchanging formalities, twenty commoners. This band of refugees hails from
emerge from the mists into a a distant, foreign world. After their own church was
battlefield situated along Tovag’s precautions such as turning invisible. Once spotted, Lady Syth explains the situation to the characters.
the characters are ordered to stand down and then The death knight asks the characters to convince pillaged by an invading army, Father Grigor fled with
southern border (see appendix his remaining congregation along with a golden angel
A for relevant information on Tovag). Read or para- asked, menacingly, if they are soldiers of Vecna. So the refugees to leave the church so that they can be
long as the characters do not openly affiliate them- escorted back to Tor Gorak where they will either figure (worth 1,000 gp). Although nonmagical, the
phrase the following: angel is a relic sacred to Father Grigor’s faith. The
selves with Vecna, the wights deal with them diplo- be conscripted into Kas’s armies or assigned some
As the mists recede, you find yourselves in what looks matically. The wights proudly identify themselves as other support role. The characters may balk at this; high priest and his flock marched for days, with little
to have once been a battlefield. Dead bodies in various legionnaires of Vras Ro, requesting that the charac- however, Lady Syth politely points out that the other food or rest. Many perished along the way until, when
stages of decay are strewn everywhere. Vultures and ters accompany them to their base camp to meet with alternative is to call in a battalion of living warriors or all seemed lost, the Mists of Ravenloft enveloped the
jackals pick at the remains. The air is hot and filled blackstar knights from Tor Gorak to raze the church refuges, transporting them to Tovag. Immediately set
their general, Lady Syth.
with the stinging, acrid smell of smoke and blood. and kill the refugees. She does not like this plan, as upon by Lady Syth’s wights, the refugees fled until
The base camp is along the northern edge of they found this dilapidated church. Upon entering,
formally admitting that she needs assistance will
the battlefield. Getting there requires a mile long the relic, sparked by vestigial holy energy within the
diminish her own military standing. However, she will
trek, during which the characters witness corpses church, flared to life, surrounding the church in a
execute it in the absence of alternatives.
endlessly piled atop one another, each one more bubble of protective energy.
gruesomely mutilated than the last. Amidst these Lady Syth has ulterior motives. If the characters
corpses can be found trenches filled with stag- complete their task, then the death knight plans to A New Hope. Father Grigor is old but pragmatic.
nant, mosquito-ridden water and shattered siege invite them to join the ranks of Vras Ro. Her battalion He knows that the relic’s magic cannot be sustained
machinery. As the players and the wights press has been selected to fight in the Clash, Kas’s yearly indefinitely and, because of this, is willing to hear the
forward the number of these atrocities dwindle away, gladiatorial combat. The champions that were characters out. He is amenable to any solution that
and the characters arrive at a precisely arranged supposed to represent Vras Ro were slain by the does not involve death, believing that so long as there
collection of tents that houses fifty wights, the bulk of wayward priest, and Lady Syth is desperate to recruit is life there is hope. The priest asks the characters
Vras Ro. Within the center of the camp, inside a large new champions. Should the characters prove them- to keep the relic from falling into the hands of the
tent made from brightly colored silks, can be found selves, she extends this invitation to them. Lady Syth undead. He also attempts to convince the charac-
Lady Syth. cares only for the glory that comes with winning. As ters to take one or two of the refugees under wing,
such, she says that, should the characters win the perhaps as squires or apprentices, until they can
Meeting Lady Syth. Lady Syth is a fearful sight, relocate elsewhere. He is willing to sacrifice himself
Clash, she will allow them to ask a boon from Kas.
appearing as a skeletal warrior clad in plate armor. to preserve the life of his congregation and to prevent
The Shepherd and His Flock
Beneath her helmet can be seen the knight’s skull his faith’s relic from falling into undead hands.
with malevolent pinpoints of light burning in her eye
sockets. Lady Syth is cold but polite. It is obvious Lady Syth can be convinced to accommodate
that she is unaccustomed to dealing with living The abandoned church can be found five miles these demands with a successful DC 15 Charisma
beings. As an example, during their initial parlay she east of Lady Syth’s encampment. The death knight (Persuasion) check, so long as the characters agree
innocently offers the characters a “feast” of stale food personally escorts the characters to the church. It to fight in the gladiatorial pit on behalf of Vras Ro.
and spoiled wine, unaware that the refreshments are is a rotting, ramshackle affair with crows roosting Alternatively, the characters can hide the relic with a
utterly inedible. within gaps in the roof. The church is surrounded by successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
a shimmering bubble of translucent, golden energy. Forward March. Once the situation has been
Syth’s Quest. Lady Syth and her battalion have Surrounding the bubble are ten wights that stand at
been assigned to stand guard along the domain’s resolved, Lady Syth orders her troops to pack up and
attention and salute as Lady Syth approaches. begins the march back to Tor Gorak. She invites the
southern border. Three days ago, a group of refugees
led by a powerful priest stumbled through the mists. Any undead creature that steps through the bubble characters to come along, imploring them to fight in
Lady Syth, The refugees managed to successfully flee the wights is afflicted by a disintegrate spell. Living creatures the gladiatorial pits on behalf of her battalion.
General of the Vras Ro
and are now holed up in a nearby abandoned church. who step through the bubble feel a strange tingle as

Tor Gorak The Clash The Arena: First Battle
The characters enter the arena from the west via the Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6)
Tor Gorak is the only large city within the domain Within the basement of Castle Xiphos, carved into spaces marked E1 on the map. Their first battle is necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must also
of Tovag. The wall surrounding Tor Gorak varies in the bedrock of its mountainous foundation, is a against a squadron of ten wights from the Legion of succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or have
width and height. A ten-foot-deep trench filled with circular arena. The arena is 100 feet in diameter and Dread Devastation who fight in two lines, entering its hit point maximum reduced by an amount equal to
stagnant water encircles the wall. The city’s buildings has a floor made from dark, five-foot square stones. the arena from the east. The five wights in the front the necrotic damage dealt until it next finishes a long
are simple and utilitarian, built from dark, cold stone. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check wield massive tower shields that give them AC 18 rest. A creature dies if its hit point maximum is reduced
and provide half cover to both them and the wight to 0 hit points.
An armed militia watches every major road and inter- determines that each stone is a cunningly concealed
section, questioning and potentially arresting any trapdoor (Dwarves automatically succeed at this behind them (marked SW on the map). The five If they prevail, the characters are escorted to a
obvious, foreigners. check). The walls of the arena are twenty feet tall and wights in the back (marked PW on the map) wield waiting room beneath the bleachers. They are told
beyond them are stone bleachers. long pikes. They have the following action which they that they have one hour until their next battle. At the
Tor Gorak is a well-oiled machine devoted entirely
can use twice with their Multiattack action: end of the hour, they are escorted back to the arena.
to war. Commercially, the city works like a commune, The event is attended by Kas the Destroyer
with all goods owned and distributed by the Darklord (appendix B), who presides from a throne within
Kas. At all times citizens are expected to be either his private box. The bleachers are filled with the
training, working, or resting. As such there are few Darkord’s highest ranking military personnel. This
signs of recreation. personnel includes a mixture of death knights,
In the center of Tor Gorak is Castle Xiphos, the vampires, veterans, and wights. The audience is
home of Lord Kas when he resides within the city. It reserved during combat, quietly analyzing the strate-
is built upon a rocky peak, with just a single narrow gies employed by each combatant.
path leading from the city up to the castle. The castle
has dark, tinted windows, gothic ornamentation, and
brooding statuary. A blackstar knight (appendix B)
stands guard at each door. Within can be found Kas’s
servants as well as his most trusted advisors.
If accompanied by Lady Syth, the characters have
little trouble entering the city. They are quartered in
a plain barracks along the base of Castle of Xiphos
for three days before entering the castle to participate
in the yearly gladiatorial event. If unaccompanied by
the death knight, then the characters will need to find
another way to enter the castle and either speak with
Lord Kas or steal the incisors of Vecna. One such
way is to be arrested by the militia and thrown into
the gladiatorial event as an intended sacrifice.
Optional Encounter
If the characters are not accompanied by Lady Syth,
they are eventually confronted by a blackstar knight
who signals for the characters to follow it. If they do
so, it leads them to separate prison cells where they
remain for three days, chained and gagged between
minimal meals, before being forced to compete in the
yearly gladiatorial event. A blackstar knights stands
guard at each cell.
If the characters instead fight and defeat the black-
star knight, two more show up one round later. If
those too are defeated, three more appear one round
later. More and more keep coming in this manner,
until the characters are defeated or surrender. If they
do so, any wounded characters are tended to, but
dead ones are cartwheeled away never to be seen
again. Blackstar Knights are
mighty warrior-golems
designed by Kas himself

The Arena: Second Battle a bonus action to move the machine 50 feet, as well J An explosive zombie has an Armor Class of 20. five wights with them, one of whom is Zurika. During
The characters enter the arena from the north via the as start or stop the machine’s evil shrieks. So long as J It does not have the Undead Fortitude trait. the battle, have her bark commands at the other
spaces marked E2 on the map. The second battle is the machine is shrieking, any living creature within wights and yell words of awe and encouragement
against the Esteemed Corp of Necrotic Engineers. fifty feet of it takes 21 (6d6) necrotic damage. The J If reduced to 0 hit points, the explosive zombie at the characters. Sneak in a few questions, such as
They are represented by a mage (Undead instead of war machine has AC 15; 100 hit points; immunity explodes, inflicting 21 (6d6) fire damage to all “so, what boon do you seek from the Destroyer?” or
Humanoid) atop a hideous war machine composed to poison and psychic damage; and vulnerability to creatures within 5 feet of it. similar. Zurika has the statistics of a wight. Once
of undead bodies and spirits thrust and mangled radiant damage. Should the characters win the second battle, they reduced to 0 hit points, the secret eater floats up
together in unholy ways (the mage is marked by an The machine is accompanied by thirteen explosive are rewarded with slow, measured applause. If the from Zurika’s broken remains to attack.
M on the map and is surrounded by a Huge square zombies (marked Z on the map). They are regular characters conducted themselves well, the attendants Vampiric Guard. Zurika is a vampire who stands
that represents the war machine). Along the front of zombies that have had iron plates riveted to their stand while applauding. As the applause diminishes guard while the characters await their turn in the
the war machine are rows of skulls that scream evil bodies and a bomb sewn into them. They have the Kas finally stands up from his throne. The vampire arena. She is kinder to them than most others, but
chants. While atop this horrific engine of destruction, statistics of a zombie with the following changes: grimly intones, “Well done. Should you not enough to be obviously suspicious. She offers
the mage has three quarters cover. The mage can use survive this one last challenge, your regi- them food and drink while they wait and offers to
ment will be duly honored, and you shall trade information. If they tell her about any of their
be granted a single boon.” At this point the plans, about their hideout in Thornhold, or about any
vampire pulls a lever, opening the hidden trapdoors of the allies they have made, “Zurika” will tell them
beneath the characters. Beneath the trapdoors are a about the upcoming battles. For each piece of infor-
winding tangle of slides that deposit the characters mation the characters divulge, she tells them of one
within a twisting labyrinth. battle. She argues they can use the information to
Optional Encounter prepare their magic and strategy. In order to facilitate
A NPC named Zurika tries to embed herself with trust, she casts a zone of truth spell to guarantee both
the characters. In truth, Zurika is long dead and her parties tell the truth. If the characters can somehow
skull has been replaced by a secret eater (appendix convince Zurika to free them or step into their cell,
B) which now puppeteers her body to gather informa- they can fight her. Zurika has the statistics of a
tion for its dark master, Vecna. How the secret eater vampire spellcaster. Once reduced to 0 hit points,
attempts to complete its mission is up to you; here the secret eater floats up from Zurika’s broken
are a couple of ways you can let it play out. remains to attack.
Wight Walker. Zurika is a wight from the Vras Ro. Discovering Zurika. If a character has a passive
If you like, you can use Zurika as a captain in the Perception of 20 or higher, they notice Zurika’s right
Vras Ro, commanding the group of wights that first eye is slightly gray and moves just a tad slower than
encounter the characters and lead them to Lady her left eye (something that doesn’t make sense in
Syth. You can also have her slowly befriend the char- a creature with the regenerative capabilities of a
acters during the chapter. Regardless, when the char- vampire or wight). You might decide there are other
acters are to enter the arena, they have a squad of ways to discover the ruse, such as having Zurika acci-
dentally refer to Kas as “the Betrayer.”
Zurika Succeds. Even if Zurika is destroyed,
A Secret Eater she might learn plenty of the characters plans and
is a mighty and devoted
servant of Vecna activities. You decide if she successfully sends any
information to Vecna or not. You can create a conse-
quence further down the line or tie existing events to
Zurika. If the characters, for example, were to divulge
information on Thornhold, there might be a bloody
message awaiting them when they return there
in chapter 9. The same chapter also lists several
encounters in the section “Encounters on the Road,”
many of which can also reference Zurika and the
information she stole.
Destroying Zurika. If the characters discover
and slay the secret eater, and later present the
skull’s remains to Kas, he will reward them in kind,
bestowing a blessing of wound closure on each of the
characters; see “Other Rewards” in chapter 7 of the
Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information on

The Labyrinth: Third Battle
The labyrinth is an ancient maze built deep beneath
Meeting the Darklord
Castle Xiphos. The walls and floor are made of The waiting room is paneled in mahogany and smells
crumbling stone. The ceiling is 10 feet high. Each of oiled wood. Banners and shields of previous cham-
character is deposited in one of the four corners pions line the walls. A long banquet table, also made
of the maze (each marked with an X on the map). from mahogany, extends the length of the room.
In the event of more than four characters, have the Seated at one end of the tables is Kas. With thinly
remaining characters deposited in a random space veiled disinterest he congratulates the characters
marked with a Y on the map. The ceiling locks shut upon their victory and asks them what they wish as
after the characters are deposited into the labyrinth their boon.
and can only be opened with a successful DC 25
Lord Kas has lived through hundreds of these cere-
Strength (Athletics) check. However, it is impossible
monies and, as such, finds them to be tedious. Each
to scale the frictionless slides without some sort
year he hopes that the gladiatorial games will provide
of magical aid. Should this be accomplished, the
an otherwise missing jolt of excitement, and each
characters are met with a final locked trapdoor that
year he finds himself disappointed all over again.
requires a DC 30 Strength (Athletics) check to open.
If the characters break through into the arena, they This bored demeanor instantly dissolves at the
are greeted by cold glares. Such an exit is considered slightest mention of Vecna, throwing the Destroyer
dishonorable, and, as such, Kas refuses to grant his into a near hysteric rage. He becomes instantly
boon. In this case, the characters will need to find an suspicious of the characters, accusing them of being
alternate way to retrieve the incisors of Vecna. agents of the Maimed Lord. In time, however, the
vampire regains his composure and begins to see
The Final Battle. After landing in the labyrinth
the characters as potential pawns in his endless war
the characters are each immediately set upon by the
with Vecna. Kas’s manic obsession prevents him
closest minotaur skeleton (each marked with an M
from believing that Vecna has escaped Ravenloft.
on the map). The labyrinth is also inhabited by a terri-
Instead, he believes that Vecna is still trapped within
fying creature known as the Thing that Lives Within
Ravenloft and has created an illusion or clone to
the Maze (marked by a T on the map). The Thing
plague the Forgotten Realms. Regardless, Kas even-
that Lives Within the Maze is initially found within
tually realizes that it is within his best interest to stop
the center of the maze. It has the same statistics of a
Vecna’s plans, whatever they may be, and agrees to
roper with the following modifications:
give the incisors of Vecna to the characters.
J It has 195 hit points.
alloW THe CHaraCTers To aDvanCe one level
J It has a speed of 20 ft. veCna.
aFTer THey Have oBTaineD THe inCisors oF
J It has an Intelligence of 15.
Optional Development
J It understands Common but cannot speak it. Lord Kas also offers to allow Lady Syth to accom-
J It can have up to twelve tendrils at a time. pany the characters and fight by their side. He is
J It has advantage on saving throws against spells forever cursed as a betrayer, even when such a
and other magical effects. betrayal runs counter to his best interests. In this
case, the Betrayer secretly commands Lady Syth to
J It makes six attacks with its tendrils, uses Reel turn upon the characters at a fortuitous moment of
twice, and makes four attacks with its bite. her choosing. Most likely Lady Syth does so when-
The Thing that Lives Within the Maze senses ever she realizes that Skeever can traverse the mists
the characters’ arrival and immediately begins to or teleport to Castle Avernus. Upon such a realiza-
approach one of the characters at random. Should it tion, the death knight attacks the characters in hopes
find its path blocked by a minotaur skeleton, it kills of killing them and bringing both the incisors and
the skeleton before then attacking the character. Skeever back to Kas.
In the center of the maze is an iron ladder (marked
by an L on the map) that leads hundreds of feet up a
wide, stone shaft. Eventually this shaft intersects with
a passageway that leads to an iron door. Opening the
Vampiric servants don unlocked door leads to a waiting room in which the
their darklord and master, characters find Lord Kas.
Kas, in his armor

Secretly make a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check The sprites hurl a torrent of insults at the charac-
for each character. If a character is successful, then ters while gesturing to ten daggers arranged across
tell them that the fly is under the middle shell. If a the booth’s counter. The sprites say that Amelia can

Carnage at the Carnival character is unsuccessful then tell them that the fly is
under a randomly determined shell. The characters
live if the characters can use the throwing knives to
cut her free. The rope has AC 25 and 4 hit points. If
The characters visit a traveling carnival in search of the first anger. If she is startled, she lashes out at the charac- must then make a collective decision. If they do so a character misses the rope by 5 or more, they hit
digit of Vecna. After helping the leader of the carnival, Isol- ters but stops as soon as she realizes that they are correctly, the webs from the middle cocoon dissolve, Amelia instead. If the characters approach the wheel
de, deal with malevolent fey, they are gifted the Vecnan relic. freeing Tindal. Otherwise, the characters hear a or attack the sprites, the sprites use a reaction to
not fey. Read or paraphrase the following:
tragic death scream from the middle cocoon. The animate the rope so that it begins to choke Amelia.
Isolde’s feature contort between grief and rage as she webs dissolve as the revealed corpse of Tindal vomits If the characters persist in their actions, the rope
speaks: “Those blasted fairies! They will pay for this! forth a torrent of tiny spiders. In either case Isolde tightens its grip further, breaking the acrobat’s neck.
I will paint my wagons with their blood before this is howls in anger, striking the quickling down. The Once Amelia is either freed or slain, Isolde howls
ccording to Van Richten’s Guide
done. They managed to lure me out of the carnival, quickling, once slain, dissipates into a pile of dead in anger, her longsword glowing a hot, angry red. She
to Ravenloft, “Resplendent with into the woods. I. . . I got turned around. . . and leaves. Tindal, should he live, thanks the characters cleaves through the sprites, four at a time. Once slain,
bright banners, calliope music, couldn’t find my way back. . . until it was too late. They
but is too traumatized to do much more than that. the sprites dissipate into piles of dead leaves. Amelia,
and the smells of rich food, the had already attacked the carnival and captured my
Carnival promises visitors a people. MY people. It was up to me to keep them safe. Strength Game should she live, thanks the characters but is too trau-
surreal wonderland where any dream is possible. . .” matized to do much more than that.
This booth is run by a burly, chaotic evil satyr. At the
The Carnival doesn’t exist to entertain visitors. Her head hangs in sorrow. “. . . And I failed them”.
Big Top
back of the booth is a glass coffin. Within the coffin
Rather, it’s a traveling domain, capable of visiting Then, just as suddenly, her head jerks up in rage, “and
now I will make them pay!”
can be seen a red-haired woman, who pounds on
other domains and lands beyond the Mists. Visibly the glass noiselessly. Isolde recognizes the woman
marked as outsiders by birth, circumstance, inten- as Charlotte the Fire Eater (veteran), the circus’s The characters enter the big top via the only opening,
tion, or talent, the Carnival’s troupers trade their She then strides, either with or without the charac- located towards the north (marked E on the map). On
ters, deeper into the thoroughfare. juggling daredevil. Next to the coffin is a tall, slender
unique performances for coin and whatever else they tower with a chime of opening attached to the top. At the east and west side of the arena are two 50-foot-
need to survive. Although these entertainers are well tall vertical poles that are connected by a tightrope.
intentioned, sinister forces travel in their wake. . .” Thoroughfare the base of the tower is a padded lever.
The satyr flexes its muscles casually before handing
A sobbing clown dangles from the tightrope by a
As the Carnival travels through the Mists, it is second, fraying rope. Isolde can identify the clown as
Most of the stalls lining the thoroughfare have been a mallet to the strongest looking character and The Organ Grinder (scout), the circus’s mute buffoon
hounded by malevolent fey creatures. Just as the
vandalized and abandoned. However, a few stalls are gesturing wordlessly to the lever. If a character makes (marked O on the map). A tiny creature, in clown’s
characters arrive, these fey creatures have finally
manned by dark fey, each of which holds a hostage. a successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) while hitting garb, rides a unicycle back and forth along the tight-
caught up with the circus and are holding many of its
The fey demand that the characters play a deadly the lever with the mallet, then a rubber puck flies up rope (marked C on the map). The creature’s face
troupers hostage.
game for the life of the hostage. These games enrage the tower and hits the chime. This, in turn, opens the is dominated by a gaping maw of needle-like teeth
For more details on this unique, traveling domain coffin.
Isolde; however, directly attacking the fey risks the painted over with the pantomime of a clown’s smile.
see Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft.
death of her workers, who she sees as family. This The coffin is sealed shut and can only be opened The tiny creature is a feedling (appendix B). Twenty

The Carnival
tense war between Isolde’s desire for bloody revenge with the chime of opening or a knock spell. more of these clownish creatures run about the big
and fear over the death of her people plays out Alternatively, the coffin can be broken open. It has AC top’s stadium and bleachers (marked F on the map).
repeatedly during each interaction. 15, 200 hit points, and vulnerability to bludgeoning
The characters emerge from the Mists onto hard- Underneath the Organ Grinder is a raised, 10-foot-
Shell Game and thunder damage. Charlotte is already asphyx- high pool of water. A shark’s fin can be seen circling
packed litter-strewn earth. The air smells of heavily
iating as the characters arrive, and only has two within the 20-foot-diameter pool. The shark’s fin
buttered popcorn, and loud circus music blares This booth is run by a twitchy, grinning quickling rounds left until she dies. belongs to a feral wereshark (marked W on the map;
endlessly. A few hundred feet to the north stands a (appendix B) that speaks so fast that its words run
thoroughfare of games, food, and sideshow stalls together. At the back of the booth are three cocoons Once Charlotte is either freed or dies, Isolde howls appendix B).
leading to the Big Top, the carnival’s largest tent. swarming with thousands of tiny spiders. Muffled in anger, striking the satyr down. The satyr, once Next to the pool of water is a male human covered
Standing within the thoroughfare is a dark-skinned screams can be heard from within each cocoon. slain, dissipates into a pile of dead leaves. Charlotte, in tumorous layers of undulating muscles. The
female elf wielding a longsword that glows brightly Isolde recognizes the screams as coming from should she live, thanks the characters but is too trau- hideously deformed man is hunched over, overbur-
red. The elf seems to be screaming in anguish, Tindal (mage), the Carnival’s cynical, fast-talking lead matized to do much more than that. dened by the weight of his own muscles. This sad
although the screams are largely drowned out by the barker. Knife Throwing figure is the circus’ strongman, Hermos the Half-
ceaselessly festive circus music. The cackling, hyperactive quickling indicates that Giant (marked H on the map). He has been cursed by
This booth is run by a dozen Chaotic Evil sprites
The elf is Isolde, the Carnival’s leader. She is an only one of the cocoons actually contains Tindal. who delight in saying mean things and ridiculing fey magic; his muscles distended to the point where
eladrin (an elf native to the Feywild) that uses the If the characters guess which one correctly then others. At the back of the booth is a spinning, wooden they threaten to crush his skeleton. An invisible
cambion stat block. Her holy avenger longsword, Tindal lives, but if they guess incorrectly then he will wheel. Tethered to the wheel with frayed rope is a sprite floats over his head, controlling his actions like
Nepenthe, is the actual lord of the Carnival’s domain. be eaten alive by spiders. At this point the quickling dark-haired woman with leathery wings. Isolde recog- a puppeteer. Any character who makes a successful
If the characters approach Isolde, they find her snatches a buzzing fly from out of the air and crushes nizes the woman as Amelia (scout with a flying speed DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check notices that his jerky
surrounded by piles of dead leaves and crouched over it between its fingers. It then pulls out three shells of 30 feet) the circus’s cheery acrobat. movements are reminiscent of a puppet pulled on
the mangled body of a carnival hand. Her screams before placing the fly under one of the shells. Without strings. His condition can be removed by killing the
waver between unbearable sadness and unbridled warning it shuffles up the shells with dizzying speed. sprite, or with a remove curse spell.


Despite being her right-hand man, Hermos is
unrecognizable to Isolde in his current pitiful state
due to her rage. In his mutated state Hermos has AC
14, 100 hit points, and the following properties:
J He has 0 feet of movement.
J As a reaction he can flex his abdominal muscles
to cast the shield spell.
J As a bonus action he can flex his biceps to cast a
3rd-level thunderwave spell (Save DC 16).
J As an action he can flex his forearms to replicate
one of the effects of the Bigby’s hand spell (+8
attack modifier, save DC 16).
If Hermos is slain, he lets out a death cry that is
recognizable to Isolde. At the death of her best friend,
she plunges into an even darker rage.
Finally, a coven of hags (green hag, night hag,
and sea hag; respectively marked G, N, and S on
the map) sits within the bleachers, cackling at the
ensuing chaos. As the characters enter, the hags
harness Isolde’s uncontrollable anger to summon a
spirit of rage (marked R on the map, use the statistics
of a balgura). The rage spirit is banished if Isolde
ever calms down. This can be accomplished through
spells like calm emotions or an appropriate DC
15 social check. Such a check is made with
disadvantage if Hermos has been slain.
Upon entering the big top, Isolde
screams in rage and charges the
nearest feedling. In return, the
feedlings, hags, and the sprite-controlled
Hermos attack Isolde and the characters.
The Organ Grinder sobs uncontrollably
during battle. The unicycle-riding feedling
rides the unicycle over the Grinder’s fraying rope
each round. Each time the feedling does so, there
is a cumulative 20% chance that the rope breaks,
plunging the Organ Grinder into the pool, where he
is torn into by the wereshark. At this point the were-
shark, with a feral, blood-stained grin, wades out of
the pool and joins combat.

Egress Assuming all goes well, Isolde thanks the charac-

ters for their assistance, promising to never forget
With the battle completed, Isolde wastes little time their kind actions. If the characters ask Isolde about
with self-pity. She does not know why the fairies have the first digit of Vecna, she calls out to Professor
marked her and her circus for torment (although Pacali, a short, bespectacled man. After a brief
the reasons are detailed in Van Richten’s Guide to conversation Pacali begrudgingly fetches a pickled
A Spirit of Rage
summoned by a Ravenloft), but she knows that the longer the circus thumb and hands it to the characters.
coven of hags
stays in one place, the greater the risk. With this At this point Skeever offers to transport the charac-
in mind, she orders the surviving circus hands to ters back to Castle Avernus.
pack up. In less than an hour her convoy of brightly alloW THe CHaraCTers To aDvanCe one level
painted wagons is ready to, yet again, plunge into the aFTer oBTaining THe FirsT DigiT oF veCna
mists. iF THey Have alreaDy oBTaineD THe molar oF veCna.


The Head of Vecna has the same statistics as a otherwise toothless mouth. This fact can be deter-
severed head with the following changes: mined by an identify spell or similar magic. The head
does not actually belong to Vecna but, instead, to an
J The Head of Vecna has AC 18 and 100 hit points.
Hit the Road and Hit the Head J The Head of Vecna can cast magic missile and
adventurer who became deluded into thinking he was
Vecna after implanting the molar.
The characters summon the Headless Horseman in hopes of After all the heads have been defeated an eerie shield, as well as any spells that the characters Upon obtaining the head, Skeever bounces up and
obtaining the Head of Vecna. Despite the characters’ assump- silence settles over the road. This silence lasts for cast upon the first wave of severed heads or the down excitedly, suggesting that the characters return
tion, the head is not a Vecnan relic. The true relic, the molar Headless Horseman.
one minute before the following occurs: to Castle Avernus to celebrate their success with
of Vecna, is hidden within the head.
After battle the characters can examine the Head some maggot ale.
A faint rumbling can be heard down the road, like the of Vecna. Although the head is not magical, it radi-
approach of a distant storm. Quickly this rumbling alloW THe CHaraCTers To aDvanCe one level
increases its furious pace until all you can hear are
ates very strong necromancy magic. This is because aFTer oBTaining THe molar oF veCna
the thunderous crash of what sounds like a hundred it is infused with magic from the molar of Vecna iF THey Have alreaDy oBTaineD THe FirsT DigiT oF veCna.
ecide ahead of time how long it (appendix D) that is embedded within the head’s
hooves. A lone rider appears and then disappears as it
will be until the night of the sickle surges through the mist. The rider is mounted atop a
moon and inform the characters. great black horse. The horse’s flaring nostrils puff out
It is suggested that you give them dark smoke and its lips are pulled back, revealing what
one or two weeks so that they find one of the other looks like a demented grin. The man riding the horse
organs first and, while in the process of doing so, is dressed in silver and black finery. His left arm holds
the reins, and his right arm holds a massive sickle that
procure a severed head. gleams in the moonlight.

A Horse of a Different Color

The rider has no head.

The Headless Horseman (appendix B) rushes

If the characters stand upon any abandoned road back and forth across the road, attacking the char-
during the night of the sickle moon while carrying acters until either they are dead or the horseman is
at least one severed head, they will attract the atten- defeated. If any character attempts to flee the road,
tion of the Headless Horseman. As it approaches the road stretches after them, extending in whatever
midnight and the sickle moon grows higher and direction the character flees. The Horseman makes it
higher, a heavy mist settles over the land. The sky a point to purposefully pursue any such character.
begins to rumble ominously. Soon a faint giggle
can be heard from down the road. This, in turn, is
followed by a shrill cackle from the other end
Bring it all to a Head
of the road. Shortly thereafter, numerous
When the horseman is defeated, he and his horse
round silhouettes can be seen bounding
dissolve into mist, leaving behind a set of reins and
through the mists.
a +2 sickle of sharpness (see sword of sharpness).
Before long it becomes evident that Yet again, the night goes quiet. Then there is the
the silhouettes are severed heads sound of soft hissing, as if hundreds of snakes were
with jeering grins, bloody necks, and crawling forth from the ground. This hissing inten-
matted hair. These severed heads sifies until the silhouettes of a dozen heads can be
(appendix B) bounce, float and roll seen following in the wake of the horseman. At this
their way along the road, laughing point eight severed medusa heads and the Head of
hysterically as they do so. Twelve heads Vecna emerge from the mist to attack the characters.
approach from each end of the road, The Head of Vecna has withered flesh stretched tight
attempting to overwhelm the charac- about its skull. A pinpoint of red light burns within its
ters. In the middle of the fight, any rightmost eye socket, but the left socket is curiously
severed heads carried empty.
by the characters, as
A severed medusa head has the same statistics as a
well as Biffan the Skull,
severed head with the following changes:
unexpectedly animate as
severed heads and join J The severed medusa head can use an action to
the fray. cast the slow spell (DC 15). This ability recharges
on a 6.
J On a successful hit the severed medusa head
inflicts 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6)
poison damage.

Shadowfell Encounters Blood Runs Cold If the characters do not appear overtly threatening
then Igor will hail them, offering to sell them some
The Undertaker
on the Misty Road
While traversing the road, the temperature begins to The characters hear periodic hammering sounds
wares. It is possible that the characters have previ-
plummet unexpectedly to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The coming forth from the surrounding woods. Should
ously met Igor in Rise Of Vecna, in which case you
air grows thick and the characters find their breath they investigate they find a clearing that has six
Should the characters explore the road while should modify their interactions accordingly. Igor
coming out in foggy, gasping spurts that quickly mounds of freshly churned dirt and a recently exca-
searching for the headless horseman, consider some sells anything from the Adventuring Gear table in
mingle with the surrounding mist. A low tormented vated hole. Next to the hole a zombie caretaker is
of the following optional encounters: the Player’s Handbook as well as anything from the
moan, coming steadily closer, can be heard from futilely attempting to hammer itself shut within a
Magic Item Tables A, B, C and D in the Dungeon
A Dog with a Bone down the road. rickety casket. The zombie is harmless, but is single
Master’s Guide. He keeps all of his valuables in a
The characters are being approached by a minded in its determination to bury the dead (which
While traversing the road, the characters come pocket dimension and can’t be coerced or forced into
wandering patrol of 2d4 bleakborn (appendix B). it has done all of its life). Having no more dead to
across a trail of small, shallow holes that leads off the handing them over, even if it costs him his life. See
These shambling undead are attracted to the relative bury it is now attempting to bury itself.
road. Should the character follow the trail, they come the table below for an overview of Igor’s prices.
across a skeletal dog digging frantically in the dirt. warmth of the characters and attack upon sight. If the characters help the zombie seal itself within a
Item Rarity Consumable Cost Item Cost casket and then completely bury the casket they each
The skeletal dog wears a collar and its metallic name Interested characters can follow the tracks left
by the bleakborn with a successful DC 18 Wisdom Common 50 gp 100 gp receive the following blessing:
tag tinkles loudly as it digs. The grime-encrusted tag
reads, “HOOCH”. (Survival) check. Doing so leads them to a strange Uncommon 250 gp 500 gp Blessing of the Caretaker. You have a +1 modifier
If a character gives a bone to the skeletal dog, it black, ovoid stone that is painfully cold to the touch. Rare 2,500 gp 5,000 gp to death saving throws while in Ravenloft and the
imprints upon that character, following them around This stone was created long ago by a coven of night Very rare 25,000 gp 50,000 gp Shadowfell.
and defending them to the best of its ability. The dog hags and a character holding it can use an action Legendary 100,000 gp 200,000+ gp If the characters dig through the mounds of freshly
has the statistics of a mastiff but its creature type is to cast the plane shift spell (Shadowfell only). For churned dirt they find coffins that contain the corpses
Undead. DMs that have access to Ulraunt’s Guide to the Reflected Existentialism
of recently slain commoners. Each corpse has a
Planes: The Shadowfell, this might provide an alter- A destitute man in tattered robes stands at a cross- randomly determined trinket from the Trinkets table
native way to escape Ravenloft. While exploring roads. He wears a mirror shard on a leather neck- in the Player’s Handbook as well as a thirty percent
the greater Shadowfell the characters might come lace. If prompted, the man introduces himself as chance of having a randomly determined magic item
across the trapped city of Neverwinter which, in turn, Alter Odim, a simple merchant of mirrors. His voice from the Magic Item Table A in the Dungeon Master’s
might allow them to gain access to Evernight which is soft and smooth, and his demeanor is inviting and Guide. Should the characters loot one of these graves
currently exists in Toril (see Doomed Forgotten Realms: warm. It is possible that the characters met Alter or leave it disturbed they lose any blessings and,
SwOrd COast Gazetteer). Odim in Rise Of Vecna. If so, he greets them as if they instead, gain the following curse:
were old friends.
Make a Spoon or Spoil a Horn Curse of the Caretaker. You have a -1 modifier to
While traversing the road, the characters come Underneath his robes, he has multiple handheld
death saving throws while in Ravenloft and the
across a dead unicorn. Its horn has been sawed off. mirrors, either with wooden handles (worth 5 gp),
If a character casts ceremony (using the Funeral Rite steel handles (worth 10 gp), alabaster handles (worth
option) or gentle repose on the unicorn, they sense a 15 gp), gilded handles (worth 20 gp), or ivory handles Xoltar Speaks!
spiritual sigh of relief. The remaining color seems to (worth 50). He also has a special, dark mirror that is The characters come across a covered wagon
drain from the corpse as the character momentarily “full of dark secrets.” This mirror is not for sale but dragged by two tired looking horses. The driver
gleams with divine radiance. That character now has he will allow one character to look into it, if asked. looks to be a colorfully garbed Vistani although any
the following blessing: A character that looks into the dark mirror is character that makes a successful DC 18 Wisdom
Blessing of the Unicorn. You know the druidcraft afflicted with an Indefinite Madness (chapter 8 in (Perception) check discerns that he is an animated
cantrip. You can also cast the dispel evil and good the Dungeon Master’s Guide) and must make a DC wooden construct. It introduces itself as Xoltar the
spell without expending a spell slot or material 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, that Magnificent and claims that it has the power to read
components. Once you do so, you can’t do so again. character gains a deep insight that lingers in the the future.
Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma is your spell- back of their mind. The character can draw upon this If a character asks to have their future read, then
casting ability for these spells (choose which when insight by spending 10 minutes in deep concentration Xoltar holds out its open palm, in which can be seen
you gain this blessing). (as if concentrating on a spell). At the end of their a small slot. The first character to place a gold piece
concentration, the character is invigorated by a deep into the slot gains the benefit of an augury spell that
Bleakborn are cursed creatures
Ol’ Moneybags existential truth, causing them to gain the benefit of a can be used to discern the results of a specific course
that shamble about, hungering While traversing the road, the characters come
for the warmth of the living long rest. This insight is lost upon contemplation. of action that the character plans to take within the
across a plane-hopping mercane merchant named next tenday. The first character to place a platinum
Alter Odim is in truth a mysterious entity from the
Igor. Igor is accompanied by a wide-eyed, mute piece in the slot gains the benefit of a divination spell.
Far Realm, unbound by the regular rules of reality.
imp named Yix, a dragonborn blackguard named If a character puts any other coin in the slot then
He refuses to disclose any information of worth
Kraampesh, and a halfling assassin named Gratrix. Xoltar merely frowns while muttering, “Tsk, tsk”.
and repels queries with “I don’t know anything, I’m
Kraampesh and Gratrix are under the effects of a
just a humble mirror merchant.” If attacked, he If the characters look in the back of the wagon they
geas spell and resentfully serve Igor. All four of these
simply evaporates into a dark mist and disappears. find only empty crates and cobwebs.
creatures are currently invisible, while traveling atop
Otherwise, he disappears once the characters leave.
the back of a servile, invisible hill giant.

The stone chest is part of the floor and cannot be The correct combination can be discerned by
moved. It is impervious to damage and cannot be counting creatures from the room’s painted walls.
opened by anything other than a wish spell. There Hints as to why this is the case can be found scat-

Plow the Cursed Sands are five dials along the front of the chest, each of
which can be set to a single number ranging from
tered throughout the tombs. If any character makes
a point to count them, there are seven angels, nine
The characters explore the cursed tombs and underground zero to nine. A stone lever can be found to the right devils, ninety-three birds, and five dragons. Because
desert of Har’akir in search of the scalp of Vecna. To success- of the dials. If the dials are set to 7 – 9 – 9 – 3 – 5 there are so many birds, many of which are hidden
fully retrieve the scalp they will need to either outsmart or Deadly Curses and the lever is pulled then the chest opens with throughout the painted walls, it requires a successful
Some actions taken in the tombs of Har’Akir can trigger a
vanquish a powerful necrosphinx. curse. In this case all characters must make a successful a loud CLICK, revealing 11 large topazes (500 gp DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check to count
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become afflicted by a curse each), a belt of stone giant strength, and a wand of them correctly. DMs are encouraged to make this
from the table below. While in Har’akir a curse can’t be
removed by any means, including a wish spell. polymorph. If the dials are set to any other number check secretly for any characters that attempt to
and the lever is pulled, then the sun painted onto the count the birds, giving an answer that is within 1d4 of
d20 Curse
an Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft ceiling blazes to life, instantly killing any creature the correct answer in the event of a failed check.
1 Curse of Rotting Flesh. You do not regain hit points
says this about the domain of when you take a short or long rest. that has vulnerability to radiant damage and inflicting
Har’akir: “The sands of time 3d6 radiant damage to all other creatures standing in
2 Curse of Desecration. You cannot regain hit points
bury the desert realm of Har’akir. from spells. the room, increasing by 1d6 with each failed attempt.
Here, the wonders of fallen 3 Accursed Tongue. You can no longer speak or
empires and pyramids of forgotten pharaohs crumble understand your dominant language.
beneath a merciless sun. Untold generations of 4 Accursed Sight. You see in darkness as if it was
bright light and bright light as if it was darkness.
tombs and secrets lie beneath the sands . . . built one
atop the other. Elaborated upon by the Dark Powers, 5 Curse of Strength. You have disadvantage on all
Strength checks and saving throws
these endless, entangled crypts are known as the
6 Feeble Minded. You have disadvantage on all
Labyrinth – a vast, dungeon-underwold that connects Intelligence checks and saving throws.
every tomb and monument in Har’akir.”
7 Curse of the Fool. You have disadvantage on all
It is here, within this Labyrinth, that the characters Wisdom checks and saving throws.
must search for the scalp of Vecna. Accursed Health. You have disadvantage on all
8 Constitution checks and saving throws.
G1. Chamber of Heavens and Hells
9 Slow Footed. You have disadvantage on all Dexterity
As Skeever’s mists begin to clear, the characters checks and saving throws.
find themselves within the central chamber of a vast Repugnant. You have disadvantage on all Charisma
tomb. The air is exceptionally dry and hot, like that 10 checks and saving throws.
of a kiln. The room is almost a hundred-foot square. Sugar Curse. You taste and smell irresistibly
11 delicious to Beasts.
The floor is made from cracked checkerboard tiles
of white and black, whereas the walls and ceiling are 12 Curse of Character. You gain a new flaw (See
made from hardened plaster. The plaster is covered chapter 4 in the Player’s Handbook).
with paintings of a band of angels fighting against a 13 Pacifist’s Curse. You have disadvantage on all
collection of devils. Each faction boasts a small army attack rolls.
of hundreds of creatures such as dragons, giants, 14 Curse of the Grave. You have disadvantage on all
death saving throws.
and radiant multi-trunked elephants, separated by a
massive sun that has been painted onto the ceiling. 15 Curse of Attunement. You can attune to one less
magic item than normal.
An archway is set into each of the four walls, and
16 Aberrant. You take 1d12 acid damage every hour
square stone pillars are interspersed throughout the unless moisture is applied to your skin.
room. Finally, there is a stone chest in the center of Light-headed. Unless weighted down by at least
the floor. 17 two hundred pounds, you float up five feet every
Each of the four archways leads to a different wing
of the tomb. Any character who makes a successful Drunkard’s Curse. You must drink a mouthful of
alcohol at the end of every hour or become drunk.
DC 13 Intelligence (History) check discerns that the 18 If you don’t, you must succeed on a successful
four wings are mismatched, constructed from not DC 10 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of
only a different type of stone but also using a different
Accursed Thoughts. You are afflicted by an
architectural style. Inscribed within each archway, 19 indefinite madness (chapter 8 Dungeon Master’s
in differing dialects of Common, is the phrase, “LET Guide).
THEY WHO PLUNDER THESE TOMBS SUFFER Chaotic Words. Whenever you inadvertently speak a
THE THOUSAND AND ONE DEADLY CURSES OF 20 certain word or take a certain action (DM’s choice),
roll on the Wild Magic Surge table in the Player’s
RA’SEP RA’TEP” Handbook.

Mummy Wing Opening the sarcophagus releases a shadow
assassin (appendix B). The shadow assassin exclu-
shelves along the western wall hold hundreds of
clay urns, each of which is marked with a rune. Any
since faded. However, if the characters burn away
the cobwebs, they see a pathway of green tiles on the
sively hunts and attacks the creature that opened its character that makes a successful DC 15 Intelligence ceiling that winds its way east.
Also known as the Rotted Tomb, this wing serves as sarcophagus. If it kills this creature, then the shadow (Religion) discerns that the urns are canopic jars,
the stunted kingdom of fallen mummy lord Anopet. Any time a character steps upon a square marked
assassin takes on their form and is sealed, once used to hold the innards of a humanoid when it is with an X, they trigger a trap. The floor explodes with
G2. The Great Darkness again, in its sarcophagus. If the assassin is slain, mummified. Moreover, the character knows that an a shower of one hundred tiny stone shards that inflict
This entire chamber is covered by the effects of a 4th it reforms one hour later and unerringly tracks its animated mummy can be destroyed by destroying its 3d6 nonmagical piercing damage to whichever char-
level darkness spell. The spell emanates from a torch, prey. It can be permanently slain if reduced to 0 hit canopic jar. acter triggered the trap. The trigger is hidden deep
ensconced within the room’s eastern wall, that burns points by radiant damage. Once permanently slain A mummy warrior dwells in the warrior’s sarcoph- beneath the floor and cannot be discerned with the
with a dark, magical flame. The flame’s heat can be it coalesces into a fist-sized lump of obsidian that agus. A mummy warrior has the statistics of a naked eye. Each trap can only be detonated one time.
detected by any character with a passive Perception appears to absorb any surrounding light. This lump mummy lord with the following changes:
of 16 or higher. It can be doused by water, or any of obsidian is known as the darkstar and allows any G5. Tomb of the False Gods
creature that holds it to cast spells that produce J It lacks have the Spellcasting trait. Seven sarcophagi are arranged within this room’s
equivalent method, and doing so dispels the room’s
magical gloom. magical darkness as if they were one level higher. It J It lacks legendary actions. interior. Each sarcophagus has a name inscribed
also allows the bearer to, once per short or long rest, The other two sarcophagi each contain a mummy. upon its lid – Anu, Ese, Neb, Our, Ousa, Sek, and
An obsidian sarcophagus lies near the room’s replace the damage type of one of their spells with Sute. This room looks older, or at least more worn,
southern wall. An inscription on the lid of the All three mummies attack if even one of the
necrotic damage. sarcophagi is opened. Alternatively, they attack three than the others, and its wall, floor and ceiling are
sarcophagus reads: riddled with thousands of cracks. Any character that
G3. The Three Ancestors rounds after the characters have entered the room;
makes a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
their fists smashing through the stone lid of their
HEREIN LIES CERTAIN DOOM This room is dominated by three sarcophagi. The check notices the faint outline of a stone door
coffins. Any creature with a passive Perception of 16
lid of each is carved to represent a human. The first recessed into the ceiling near the entrance to the
AS IMPLACABLE AS THE GREAT DARKNESS or higher notes a rune inscribed along the inside of
appears to be a mighty warrior wielding a curved ax. room.
each sarcophagus lid. A character can use an action
SLAIN ONLY BY THE RISEN SUN The second is a beggar with an outstretched hand.
to attempt a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) to A bronze plaque, affixed to the southern wall reads:
The third is a scholar reading an open book. Shallow
find a canopic jar with a matching rune. A jar can be
destroyed with either an action or a bonus action, NEB COMES AFTER OUSA
although the mummy warrior’s jar is immune to OUSA IS THE FOURTH AFTER ORU
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
nonmagical weapons. A mummy is immediately ESE IS BETWEEN SUTE AND SEK
reduced to ash upon the destruction of its canopic jar. THE GOD WHO COMES THREE
The interior of the warrior’s sarcophagus is caked BEFORE SUTE OPENS FIRST
with flaking blood and holds dozens of aged, ceramic The lids to the sarcophagi are heavy but can be
vials that contain desiccated blood dust. The beggar’s opened by any creature with an action. They must be
sarcophagus is filled with 100 strangely minted gp. opened in the following order – Oru, Sek, Ese, Sute,
The scholar’s sarcophagus is filled with books and Ousa, Neb and Anu. This sequence can be deduced
scrolls, worn and aged to the extent that their writing by the clues above. Alternatively, any character who
is now illegible. Taking any of these items from their makes a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Religion)
respective sarcophagi triggers a curse (roll on the check remembers a pantheon of obscure gods that
table in the Deadly Curses sidebar earlier in this went by these names. During holy days the gods were
chapter). worshiped in the sequence given above.
Any character that spends more than five minutes If any sarcophagus is opened out of sequence, then
examining the jars notices that one of the jars seems all sarcophagi slam shut. A stone door falls from
a bit larger than the others. Within this jar are a set of the ceiling, sealing the chamber, and sand begins to
petrified organs (lungs, liver, intestines, and stomach) pour from the cracks in the walls and ceiling, filling
decorated with jade and turquoise. These organs are the chamber. After five rounds the sand has filled the
worth 1,000 gp but trigger a curse if taken. room enough that opening a sarcophagus requires
G4. Trek of a Thousand Pains a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. After
This hallway looks particularly disused. Its floor is ten rounds the sand has reached the point where
covered in dust and its ceiling is entirely obscured opening a sarcophagus requires a successful DC 15
with thick clusters of cobwebs. A bronze plaque, Strength (Athletics) check. After fifteen rounds the
affixed to the eastern wall reads, “THEY WHO sand fills the room and characters risk suffocation
FOLLOW THE PATH WILL BE SPARED A (see the Dungeon Master’s Guide).
THOUSAND PAINS.” There is no sign of a path The door to the chamber can be lifted back into
upon the floor’s many stones – whatever paint or place with a successful DC 26 Strength (Athletics)
pigment that might have once stained them has long check. It has AC 17, 50 hit points, and immunity to

fire, piercing, poison, psychic, slashing, and thunder
damage. The sarcophagi are magically protected and
sarcophagus in area G3. Any retrieved items taken
from the sarcophagus trigger a curse. Once a statue’s
If the characters convince Anopet that they have
killed Haseid (attempts to lie require a successful DC Scarab Wing
impervious to damage. trap has been triggered, it does’t trigger again. 18 Charisma (Deception) check), then the mummy
lord awards them with a clay tablet, his scepter (rod In the Skittering Halls, even the walls and ceilings
Once the sarcophagi have been opened in the The keyhole next to the plaque is a failsafe intended writhe with verminous life.
proper sequence, the sand begins to drain from the to deactivate the traps. Unfortunately, the key has of absorption), and his tarnished crown (worthless).
room through the cracks in the floor. The stone door been lost to time. However, any character who makes The clay tablet has the phrase ‘1st’ followed by the G8. The Skittering Tomb
retracts into the ceiling. Finally, a secret compart- a successful DC 25 Dexterity check with thieves’ picture of an angel. This entire hallway (as well as areas G9a and G9b) is
ment in the bottom of Anu’s sarcophagus opens, tools can use the keyhole to disable the statues. The canopic jars are filled with desiccated organs, covered in swarms of scarabs (appendix B). These
revealing six platinum ceremonial masks in the none of which have any connection to Anopet. If the swarms crawl along the walls and cling to the ceiling,
shape of animals (crocodile, donkey, falcon, jackal,
G7. Seat of Fallen Glory characters kill Anopet, then he deteriorates into a dropping on any characters foolish enough to pass
lion, and snake). The masks are worth 500 gp each, This room smells heavily of perfume and incense, pile of dust. Within this pile of dust can be found the underneath. A single swarm covers a five-foot square.
although removing them triggers a curse (roll on although the scents are not heavy enough to mask clay tablet, tarnished crown, and rod of absorption If a swarm is killed, then its square remains clear for
the Deadly Curses table in the sidebar earlier in this the odor of underlying rot that pervades the chamber. described above. two rounds, until enough beetles crawl forth from
chapter). Moldering tapestries hang from the walls. Worn cracks and crevices to form a new swarm.
If the characters give Anopet the locket from area
stone steps lead to a platform with a rotting, tattered
G6. Hall of the Ancestors carpet. A large throne leans crookedly, one of its legs
G9, the mummy lord begins to sob pitifully, wailing A massive gong hangs from rotted ropes twenty
over the death of his beloved Zaheida. If the char- feet into the hallway. The gong is engraved with a
This hallway is lined with statues, five along each of beginning to sag, and next to the throne is a shelf
acters manage to animate Zeheida as a mummy (or picture of dung beetles rolling balls of dung. Tiny
the walls. The statues along the hallway’s northern filled with canopic jars.. Seated upon the throne is
equivalent), the reunited lovers spend a moment suns sparkle within the center of each dung ball. If
wall are of a scholar, scholar, beggar, warrior, and an imposing creature wrapped in stiff, putrescent
looking at one another with shocked disbelief before the gong is hit with a blunt instrument, it sends a
warrior. The statues along the hallway’s southern bandages. The creature wears decomposing robes
(awkwardly) running to one another for an embrace. reverberating boom throughout the tomb, clearing all
wall are of a scholar, beggar, warrior, warrior, and and a tarnished crown, and wields a ceremonial
They engage in a long (potentially gruesome) kiss as swarms within twenty feet of it for five rounds. The
beggar. These statues look the same as the lids of scepter.
they whisper tearful endearments. Both are bathed in swarms similarly disperse for any unnaturally loud
the sarcophagi from area G3. A bronze plaque at Its words are warbly as it speaks, as if strained a glow of radiant energy before turning into a single, sound, such as a thunderwave spell or if a character
the beginning of the hallway reads, “APPEASE THE forth from decomposing lungs, “If Haseid sent you, intermixed pile of dust. The characters feel a warm proficient in a musical instrument succeeds on a DC
ANCESTORS WITH WHAT THEY LIKE MOST then I will kill you as I have killed the others. . . glow of benediction in the wake of this reunion. Their 20 Charisma (Performance) check.
BEFORE PASSING.” Next to the plaque is a tiny Unless, that is, you can see the error of your ways actions no longer trigger curses, and they are freed of If the ropes holding it are severed, the gong can be
keyhole. and help me squash that murderer like the bug that any curses from which they were previously suffering. carefully rolled along the hallway with a successful
The scholar statue can be appeased by laying he is.”
a book or scroll at its feet or writing some sort of 20 Strength (Athletics) check. In the event of a failed
The speaking creature is a mummy lord who goes check, the gong falls flat. Once flat, it requires a
knowledge into the blank pages of its opened book. by the name Anopet. Anopet was once a pharaoh
The beggar statue can be appeased by placing a coin combined Strength of 60 or higher to lift it up again.
of some now-forgotten kingdom. He schemed to
into its hand. The warrior statue can be appeased by defy the gods and achieve immortality and was G9. Scarab Nests
presenting it with freshly spilt blood. In all cases, the cursed with a painful, leprous unlife that he would These two warrens are where the scarabs retreat to
characters hear a faint click once a statue has been do anything to cast aside. Anopet spends his days consume whatever food is unlucky enough to wander
appeased. Once a single statue of a given type has scheming against his ancient rival the scarab lord into their lair. If the floors are cleared of swarms,
been appeased, all similar statues have also been Haseid (area G15). If asked about Haseid, Anopet then the characters can see a pile of bones and
appeased. shares the following information: debris interspersed with wisps of stiff, gangrenous
If a character passes a statue of a scholar without J Haseid is “a cockroach” who hides within a tomb bandages. The bones are primarily from rats and
appeasing it, then bolts of black energy from the to the west. snakes, although humanoid bones are also evident. A
eyes of the farthest scholar statue shoot at the char- search of the bones and debris turns up the following:
acter. The character must make a successful DC 16 J Haseid was a rival pharaoh “many centuries ago,”
Area G9a. The surprisingly intact corpse of a
Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 necrotic damage. and their lands were eternally at war. However,
human female wearing a nonmagical heart-shaped
If a character passes a statue of a warrior without Anopet fell in love with Haseid’s twin sister,
locket and clutching an ivory-handled hand mirror
appeasing it, then the statue swings its curved Zaheida.
(worth 100 gp). The corpse belongs to Zaheida (see
greataxe at the character. The statue’s melee attack J Anopet and Zaheida decided to wed, wearing area G7 for details). Zeheida’s corpse is too ancient
has +10 to hit and inflicts 2d12 slashing damage. matching heart-shaped lockets as a token of their to benefit from raise dead or resurrection but can be
If a character passes a statue of a beggar without pledge. Before Zaheida could flee her kingdom, raised as a mummy in area G23. Taking her locket
appeasing it, then a ghostly hand manifests and however, her brother discovered the locket and and mirror triggers a curse.
attempts to pilfer 1d100 coins or a valuable nonmag- had her killed as a traitor. Since then, Anopet and
ical item from the character. If the character makes a Area G9b. Dozens of dung balls, some as large as
Hasein have been locked in an endless war that
successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check, then a small boulder. Any character enterprising enough
persists even beyond the grave.
they notice the hand and prevent the theft. Anything to dissect the dung balls finds a stone within their
stolen by the hand is transported to the beggar’s
J Anopet will give his crown and scepter to the char- center. Mostly these are ordinary stones but seven
acters if they kill Haseid. shards of malachite (20 gp each) and a brilliant fist-
sized blood diamond (3,000 gp) can also be found

within the dung. Taking the diamond triggers a curse G11. Lesser Iounic Node J When active the galeb duhrs are animated by Jasmal was once a noted sage and vizier. She
(roll on the Deadly Curses table in the sidebar earlier a small whirling iounic insect that orbits their voraciously consumed all knowledge and by the age
Beetles can be seen scuttling about this chamber,
in this chapter). heads. A creature can use an action to grasp the of thirteen had read every book within her kingdom.
although nowhere near as many as before. A large
beetle, either by making a successful attack roll By the age of sixteen she knew more than even her
G10. Trophy Room node of otherworldly crystal takes up the majority
against AC 24 or a successful DC 24 Dexterity wisest elders. She wanted to continue her learning
The everpresent scarabs are conspicuously absent of this small cavern. The crystal shines and scintil-
(Acrobatics) check. If successful both the orbiting but had no one to learn from. Frustrated, she turned
in this room, as it is warded by enchantments that lates under even the slightest bit of light, sparkling
insect and the galeb duhr crumble to dust. to a cursed relic that was reputed to grant its owner
repel vermin. There are nine trophy cases arranged like a fossilized rainbow. This node is made from a
The otherwise inert galeb duhrs animate and attack three wishes. Jasmal knew that the cursed relic
throughout the room. A bronze plaque above the rare crystal that can be used to create ioun stones.
if the characters disturb them or the node. Any char- would transform her into some sort of animal (in her
cases reads: If a character has a set of mining tools and makes a
acter with a mining kit can make up to two attempts case a beetle) but reasoned that she could use one
successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check they
to harvest an ioun stone from this node. See area of her wishes to reverse the process. In her greedy
manage to safely extract a single ioun stone (Roll
PLUNDERED TREASURES OF THE G11 for additional details. haste, however, Jasmal overlooked the fact that the
GREAT UNDERGROUND EMPIRE upon the Ioun Stone table to determine the type).
bearer could not use the wishes themselves, but only
The relatively immature nature of this node allows G12. Beetle University on behalf of someone else. Jasmal has spent years
Three of these cases have been reduced to heaps for only one such mining attempt. Such an attempt
The scuttling, ever-present beetles are more prev- searching the tombs of Har’akir for a way to reverse
of charred kindling, as if blasted by some kind of triggers a curse.
alent in this damp, fungi-filled cavern. Four scarab her transformation. Recently she has lost hope and
fireball. The doors to another two cases hang open. swarms can be found here, resting within puddles of glumly resides here, feeling an instinctual comfort
Ioun Stone
There is nothing to be found within these open cases. water or eating fungi from the ceiling. The swarms amongst her lesser kin.
The four remaining cases, however, contain consider- d100 Ioun Stone
are peaceful unless disturbed. Also living within the Jasmal is desperate for conversation and excited
able treasure. These treasures include: 1-15 Awareness chamber is a giant rhinoceros beetle (use the statis- to see the characters. She is initially pleasant, but
Case 1. A jewel-encrusted egg (500 gp), a clock- 16-30 Protection tics of a rhinoceros but with an Intelligence of 22 before long her haughty, arrogant nature becomes
work canary (250 gp), a painting of unparalleled 31-45 Reserve (+6)) who goes by the name of Jasmal. evident as she attempts to correct and belittle the
beauty (1000 gp), a brass bauble (10 gp), a pot filled
46-60 Sustenance
with gold (300 gp), a platinum bar (200 gp), and an
ivory torch (50 gp). 61-65 Absorption

Case 2. This case is unlocked and untrapped. 66-70 Agility

Within can be found a fairy-sized gold coffin (500 gp), 71-75 Fortitude
the jeweled scepter of Ankhtepot (1000 gp), and a 76-80 Insight
trunk of jewels (2000 gp). Any character that makes a
81-85 Intellect
successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check notices
the imprint of a three-pronged spear in the dust on 86-90 Leadership
one of the shelves. If the crystal trident from area 91-95 Strength
G14 is placed within the case, then each character 96-97 Greater Absorption
removes 2 randomly determined curses. If the trident
98-99 Mastery
is removed after it is returned, then the characters
regain these curses (no saving throw), and trigger a 100 Regeneration
third curse.
G12. Iounic Conclave
Case 3. A jade figurine (100 gp), a sapphire
bracelet (500 gp), a huge diamond (1000 gp), a bag A large node of iounic stone (see area G11 for
of unusual mithril coins (750 gp), and a crystal skull details) fills up the center of this chamber. The node
(250 gp). is surrounded by six crystalline boulders that appear
to be made from the same multi-colored crystal as
Case 4. A jeweled scarab (100 gp), a large emerald the node. Hundreds of iridescent-shelled beetles
(300 gp), and a silver chalice filled with fresh blood hide within the boulder’s nooks and crannies. These
(200 gp). beetles have been irradiated by prolonged exposure
Cases one, three, and four are locked. The locks to the iounic stone. Each boulder has a dominant
can be opened with a knock spell. Alternatively, beetle that can animate the boulder into a special
they can be picked by a character who makes a type of crystalline galeb duhr. They have the same
successful DC 25 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools. statistics as the galeb duhr with the following
If a character attempts to force the doors open or changes:
fails a check to pick the locks, then the case explodes J The crystalline galeb duhr has 20 AC.
dealing 8d6 fire damage to all creatures within five
feet of it. All treasure within the case is destroyed J Its slam attack is +12 to hit and does an additional
once it explodes. 2d6 slashing damage.
J It does not have the Animate Boulders action.

characters as her intellectual inferiors. If any char-
acter attempts to return her banter, she challenges
into its hollowed interior. Blowing into the holes
makes music, similar to playing a flute (or compa-
The scarab lord goes by the name of Haseid, and
details of his feud with Anopet are provided in area Serpent Wing
them to a philosophical debate. Jasmal has one wish rable instrument). G7. Haseid is vicious and hungry and inclined to
remaining and offers to use it on their behalf if they attack the characters, although he is open to attempts Within these poisoned caverns, yuan-ti work with
If a character plays Senmet’s Lament in its entirety dark patience to summon forth a terrible demon.
win the debate. Her wish works similar to the wish while in this room, using the flute (or similar instru- to parlay. If the characters offer to kill Anopet, Haseid
spell except it can only duplicate a spell of 7th level or ment) a compartment in the bottom portion of the promises them “a treasure” as well as the use of G16. Poisonous Hall
lower, create a nonmagical object of up to 10,000 gp column opens up. Playing this song can be accom- “his pets” upon proof of their success. Haseid is less This hallway slopes steadily downwards. The walls
in value, and effect only a single target. plished by a character who knows the entire tune and forthcoming than Anopet if questioned about the of the hallway are covered in blasphemous scenes of
If Jasmal wins the debate, she demands that the has proficiency in any musical instrument. Within details of their feud. The scarab lord did, in fact, kill strange creatures, half-snake and half-human, canni-
characters give her any books, scrolls and food they the opened column can be found an instrument of his sister when he learned that she was betrothed to balizing their human kin. Rivulets of polluted water
have in their possession. the bards (cli lyre), and sheet music for an unpub- Anopet, although he only did so because he mistak- run through small furrows that have worn their way
lished song written by the master composer Seipora enly believed that she was irrevocably bewitched. into the stone floor. The water smells wretched, like a
The philosophical debate can be over any topic of
the DMs choosing. Possible topics include the nature Dumein (worth 1,000 to an interested buyer). Taking If the characters convince Haseid that they have combination of rotted food and decomposing flesh.
of reality, or who came first, mankind or the gods? To these items triggers a curse (roll on the Deadly killed Anopet (attempts to lie require a successful DC Any character who studies the walls and makes a
see who wins the debate, Jasmal and the character Curses table in the sidebar earlier in this chapter). 18 Charisma (Deception) check), then the scarab lord successful DC 15 Intelligence (Religion or History)
awards them with a clay tablet and a scarab of animal
make opposed Intelligence checks, awarding the G15. Skittering Throne influence (a beetle-shaped medallion that is function-
check recognizes them as chronicling the rise of
win to Jasmal in the case of a tie. Give the character the yuan-ti. The character also discerns that these
Scarab beetles swarm throughout this chamber ally equivalent to a ring of animal influence). The clay
advantage or bonuses, as appropriate, in the face of carvings are extremely old, likely dating back to the
in abundance, to the point that it is almost impos- tablet has the phrase ‘2nd’ followed by the picture of
spirited role playing. earliest days of the snake people. Summarize for
sible to walk without crunching them underfoot. a devil. Haseid also orders a scarab swarm to follow
If a winning character uses their wish to return As the characters enter the room, the beetles surge that character the information provided in the yuan-ti
and protect the characters while they are in Har’akir. entry of the Monster Manual. Regardless of the
Jasmal to her original form, she transforms into a together into one gigantic swarm that then takes on a
grateful mage, willing to accompany the characters If the characters kill Haseid, his form dissipates. check’s outcome, studying the carvings fills a crea-
vaguely humanoid form. The scarab lord (appendix
throughout their journeys in Har’akir. Each character HAS
B) speaks with a thousand chittering voices, “
Within his corpse of splattered bugs can be found the ture with primal, atavistic horror, forcing it to make
loses 1d4 randomly determined curses. THAT VILE SORCERER ANOPET SENT YOU clay tablet and scarab of animal influence described a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it

G13. Cavern of Sonorous Death TO DO HIS DIRTY WORK? IF SO THEN I above. gains one level of terror.
Dozens of needle-like stalactites hang from the
ceiling here. Four chasmes roost amongst them,
attacking any characters that enter their lair. These
chasmes are smaller than usual (size Medium) and
have the following additional action:
Summon Demon (1/Day). The chasme has a 30
percent chance of summoning one chasme. A
summoned chasme appears in an unoccupied
space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an
ally of its summoner, and can’t summon other
There are sixty-foot-deep pits in the northwest
and southwest corner of the room. At the bottom
of the southwest pit can be found a pile of broken
bones and a crystal trident (500 gp). If any character
succumbs to the chasmes’ Drone trait, then one of
the chasmes attempts to grapple the unconscious
character and drop them into the nearest pit.
A search of the cavern reveals the skeleton of an elf
near the northern wall. The skeleton has a broken
flute and a leather pouch. Inside the pouch is a
scroll that contains sheet music. The sheet music
is for a mournful song known as Senmet’s Lament.
Unfortunately, half of the scroll has rotted away,
leaving the song incomplete. Near the skeleton is a
Haseid is forever cursed
slender column of stone that has tiny holes carved to this horrible existence

G17. Poisonous Hall G19. Excavated Ruins G19d. Totems of Terror
The walls of this room are also covered in carvings. Frightful Consequences Here the remains of a former yuan-ti temple have When the characters descend into this cavern,
Here the carved serpent-people are undulating While the yuan-ti ritual is being performed, a character been excavated, mostly by jackalwere slaves that have they are bombarded by a palpable wave of dread,
can gain escalating levels of terror. While a character has knowing with irrefutable certainty that whatever is
in some kind of perverse worship before a great, any levels of terror, it must spend 2 feet of movement for since been consumed, in search of a powerful relic
shadowy serpent. The poisoned water has pooled capable of summoning the Serpent-that-is-Night, coming spells their doom. This terror comes from
every 1 foot it moves, and it takes 1d4 necrotic damage at
within the room, bubbling now with caustic potency. the start of each of its turns for every level of terror it has. a mythic totem creature. In general the tunnels are two serpentine idols that are functionally equivalent
Within the room, inhaling the water’s fumes as if it If a spell or effect would end the frightened condition, it cramped, with crumbling ceilings that droop as low to those from area G19c except that the save DC is
were a drug, is a yuan-ti abomination (marked A removes one level of terror. Otherwise, all levels of terror as five feet. The tunnel slopes downwards to the 15. This cavern is guarded by a yuan-ti nightmare
fade one hour after last gaining a level of terror. speaker (appendix B; marked S on the map) that is
on the map), a giant constrictor snake (marked C east and west. Periodically there are 20 foot drops
on the map), and three yuan-ti purebloods (marked By divine decree Tz’graz does not take necrotic damage. It that require a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) protected by a yuan-ti abomination (marked A on
is imperative to the yuan-ti that she lives, as it is her fear the map). The abomination is currently in its snake
P on the map). The creatures attack the characters that is powering their ritual. check to navigate without falling. The entire area
immediately, although the yuan-ti have disadvantage is shrouded in a preternatural gloom. Visibility is form and spends its first action, horrifically molting
on all attack rolls, saving throws and ability checks reduced to 20 feet, beyond which is 3rd-level magical its skin to transform into its yuan-ti form, after which
some of her tribe members, were recently enslaved it casts its fear spell on the characters.
because they are intoxicated. darkness.
by the yuan-ti. The yuan-ti forced the jackalweres G19e. Totems of Despair
Anytime a character moves into the poisoned water to lead them to the location of this ancient yuan-ti G19a. Overlook
(marked on the map) or starts their turn there, they When the characters climb into this cavern, they are When the characters descend into this final cavern,
temple. The yuan-ti hope to use relics from within the they are bombarded by a palpable wave of dread,
take 2d4 poison damage. temple to summon forth a totem creature known as bombarded by a palpable wave of dread, knowing
with irrefutable certainty that whatever is coming knowing with irrefutable certainty that whatever is
The abomination has a noticeable lump within its the Serpent-that-is-Night. coming spells their doom. This terror comes from
torso. If the yuan-ti is cut open, the characters find spells their doom. Each character must make a
Tz’graz, like all of her kind, is a compulsive liar. In successful DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or gain one two serpentine idols that are functionally equivalent
a partially digested humanoid that has the face of a fact, she will deceive people even when it is not in to those from area G19c except that the save DC is
jackal. This creature is a recently eaten jackalwere level of terror. Fourteen yuan-ti pureblood (marked
her best interest to do so. She winces whenever she P on the map) guard this cavern, overseen by a bone 17. A tomb ophidian (appendix B; marked O on the
slave that accompanied the yuan-ti on their recent tells the truth, something that can be discerned with map) stands over the recent sacrifices of a dozen
pilgrimage to this forgotten temple. naga (Cleric version; marked N on the map).
a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check. She jackalweres. Next to the ophidian is a medusa,
G19b. New Excavation
G18. Snake Pit carries with her a small knapsack that contains a
This area appears recently unearthed. There
(marked R on the map) beating a set of primitively
stone tablet. The tablet has the phrase ‘3rd’ followed constructed drums, her serpentine hair waving
The floor of this room is filled with a seemingly are partial slabs of broken walls, cracked urns,
by the picture of a bird. Tz’graz suspects that there hypnotically to and fro.
bottomless mass of writhing snakes. Their hisses and other excavated relics. Amidst them can be
are similar tablets and that they can be used to open The medusa is currently concentrating on the
fill the entirety of the chamber like a sibilant cold- found a mining kit, a music box, and an articu-
the chest in area G1. Because of this, if freed, she ritual. Breaking her concentration disrupts the ritual.
blooded chorus. A wooden pole rises from the middle lated snake made from polished stones of
attempts to travel with the characters so that she If she manages to perform the ritual to its comple-
of the room, and lashed to it, just above the snakes, obsidian (worth 200 gp). Taking any of these
might learn if they have any of the tablets. If she tion, tiny wisps of dark-
is a humanoid jackal. Dozens of snakes crawl up and items triggers a curse (roll on the table in the
discovers the information on all four tablets she ness and shadow begin
down the creature’s straining body. The southern wall Deadly Curses sidebar earlier in this chapter).
attempts to separate herself from the characters and to squirm together into a
of the room has collapsed, and high atop the rubble When the music box is opened it plays a full
open the chest on her own. writhing, serpentine mass.
can be seen a cave entrance. rendition of Senmet’s Lament. After hearing
A loud, rhythmic booming sound, like ceremonial the music, any character who is proficient in a The Serpent-that-is-
Moving Through the Pit. A creature takes 1d6
drums, can be heard to the south whenever Tz’graz musical instrument can play this song without Night (appendix B) is
piercing damage from snake bites whenever it moves
is released. The jackalwere’s eyes widen in panic making any checks. If that character has seen the born. Its first task
into a 5-foot space in this room or starts its turn in
as she exclaims, “You are late! Too late! It comes! sheet music from area G14 they recognize that the is to hunt and kill
one. Yuan-ti are immune to this damage. If it takes 4
The Serpent-that-is-Night comes! Doom take us all!” songs are the same. the characters.
or more piercing damage from a single roll, a crea-
Tz’graz is afflicted by the frightened condition, and G19c. Totems of Fear
ture must also make a DC 10 Constitution saving
this cannot be removed from her until the end of the When the characters descend into this cavern, they
throw, taking 14 (4d6) poison damage on a failed
ritual. In fact, it is her fear that fuels the ritual, a fact are bombarded with by a palpable wave of dread
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
that can be discerned by a successful DC 20 Wisdom (similar to what they felt in area G19a), knowing with
The snakes are effectively infinite, replenished as
(Insight) check. So long as Tz’graz, or any other crea- irrefutable certainty that whatever is coming spells
needed by the dark powers of Ravenloft. If a space
ture within a mile, has the frightened condition the their doom. The same feeling that was first felt in
takes any cold damage or is exposed to ever-ice
ritual can proceed. From this point on the characters area G19a. This terror emanates from two primitive
(see area G22), then it goes into a lethargic torpor,
have 20 rounds to stop the ritual, or else the yuan-ti serpentine idols, carved from a strange, green wood.
allowing characters to pass through it safely for 1 The Tomb Ophidian is a
successfully summon the Serpent-that-is-Night These idols have AC 15, 10 hit points, and immu- serpentine undead horror
(appendix B) which then begins to hunt the charac- nity to poison and psychic damage. A creature that
What Lies Bound. The restrained creature is ters for sustenance. For more details on the ritual see
Tz’graz, a jackalwere prisoner of the yuan-ti. She starts its turn within 30 feet of an idol must make a
area G19. successful DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or gain one
is tied up with ropes that can be removed by taking
The southern half of this room appears to be caved level of terror. This platform is guarded by six yuan-ti
an action to do so. Tz’graz is part of a large tribe
in. The rubble can be scaled with a successful DC 10 malisons (Type I; marked M on the map) that fight to
of itinerant jackalweres that live within the Great
Strength (Athletics) check, which leads the charac- the death.
Underground Desert (area G29). She, as well as
ters to a cramped, excavated cavern (area G19).
Temple Wing (Athletics) check. The statues are stone golems. If
a character knocks on one of the double doors, then
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one. One round later the plague of
gp each). The locked cabinet can be forced open
with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.
the nearest golem moves to open it. Otherwise the locusts retreats into the statues’ interior. Alternatively, the lock can be picked by any character
Beyond the crumbling halls of this sacred temple can golems are inert, acting only to defend themselves proficient in thieves’ tools who makes a successful
be found the Great Underground Desert where a vile Assuming that they are trying to be quiet, a char-
from attack. Any character who makes a successful acter must make a DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth) check DC 20 Dexterity check. Taking the adamantine ingots
necrosphinx guards the scalp of Vecna. DC 18 Intelligence (Religion) check recalls that it is triggers a curse (roll on the Deadly Curses table in
everytime they take an action, including move
G20. Reception Area for customary in some temples to knock on doors before actions, near one of the statues. Upon failure, they the sidebar earlier in this chapter).
the Heavenly Hosts presenting oneself to the gods. make enough inadvertent noise to trigger the trap. Early residents of this temple routinely injected the
This opulent chamber has the grandiose design of a G21. Halls of Harpocrates G22. Font of Wondrous Draughts fountain waters from area G21 into rats to discern
temple. Marble benches large enough to accommo- their ever-changing properties. A family of giant lab
The double doors to area G16 swing shut silently if This alchemical laboratory is dusty but otherwise
date a giant line the walls. Golden torches lit with rats still lives within the workshop. The entrance
not held open. The characters can knock from this well preserved. Tables hold beakers and alembics
radiant flame are set within tiled columns. Three to their warren is hidden underneath a table and
side to have one of the golems open the door. This filled with the coagulated remnants of abandoned
large statues of armored titans are arrayed against can be discerned with a successful DC 15 Wisdom
otherwise featureless hallway has three bronze experiments. Shelves hold treatises on potion
the northern wall. Huge double doors of solid plat- (Perception) check. The rats can be coaxed forth
doors and three human-sized statues. The two brewing and alchemical reactions. A brazier of
inum lead to the east and west. Engraved upon the from their warren by a successful DC 15 Wisdom
statues along the southern wall are of robed humans ever-burning coal is in the center of the room, near
doors are the words, “Ask to enter, and you shall be (Animal Handling) check or comparable magic. If
covering their ears. The statue along the northern a handful of other bizarre contraptions related to
received”. a rat is injected with a potion or magical liquid that
wall is of a robed human with their index finger held brewsmithing such as a transmutation kiln. has a positive effect, the rat appears invigorated. If
There are twelve torches in total, and they are before their pursed lips.
There are ten sets of alchemist’s supplies, four a rat is injected with a potion or magical liquid that
enchanted with the continual flame spell. Each If any sound is made within 15 feet of a statue, a sets of brewer’s supplies, a set of tinker’s tools, and has a negative effect, the rat atrophies and falls into a
torch is worth 100 gp, although removing one plague of locusts spews forth in a 15 foot radius from five herbalism kits spread throughout the lab. Using coma.
from a pillar triggers a curse (roll on the Deadly the statues’ mouths. Any creature standing within these supplies, as well as the treatises and the trans- A magical summoning circle has been burned into
Curses table in the sidebar earlier in this chapter). the locusts must make a DC 15 Constitution saving mutation kiln, a character who is proficient in alche- the corner of the room. This magical circle allows a
The doors are not locked, but ponderously heavy. throw, taking 4d10 slashing damage and 4d10 poison mist’s supplies can attempt to brew a potion. A char- character to treat any spell they know that summons
Opening them requires a successful DC 26 Strength
acter can attempt to brew any potion (subject to the or creates a creature as if it was a ritual. This prop-
DM’s approval) and doing so takes one hour. There erty can be discerned by any character that makes a
are enough supplies for five such attempts. Brewing successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
a potion requires an Intelligence check and the DC
depends on whether the potion is common (DC 10), G24. The Disobedient Manservant
uncommon (DC 15), rare (DC 20), very rare (DC 25), This small room has the statue of a human wearing
or legendary (DC 30). servants’ garb standing against the northern wall.
If the characters search the room thoroughly, they The statue can be heard muttering to itself about how
also find a small, palm-sized box of adamantine. no one appreciates it or its hard work. Another giant-
Opening the box reveals a small chunk of magical ice sized door of platinum leads to the west. As before
known as ever-ice. Whenever the ice is exposed, the the door is not locked but requires a successful DC
air within twenty feet of it counts as extreme cold. 26 Strength (Athletics) check to open, due to its
Water freezes, small cold-blooded creatures fall into sheer size and weight.
a torpor, and any creature exposed to the cold for The statue is actually the petrified form of Ebu, a
more than an hour must make a successful DC 10 real-life servant that over time has learned to talk.
Constitution saving throw or suffer a level of exhaus- Ebu was a servant of this temple, many centuries ago,
tion. Despite its name, ever-ice is not eternal and but was stubborn and disobedient, often ignoring
melts after an accumulated five hours of exposure. the orders of the priests. He was eventually turned
If the person carrying the ice ever takes 20 or more to stone as punishment for his stubbornness and left
hit points of fire damage, then the ice is destroyed, as a warning for the other servants. Ebu knows a
regardless of whether or not it is exposed. magical phrase that can be used to open any of the
temple’s giant-sized doors but is reluctant to share
G23. Workshop for the Greater Good it with anyone who asks, accusing them of trying
There are five bloodstained tables in the center to get him to do their work. Ebu can be persuaded
of this alchemical workshop. There are manacles into revealing the phrase with a successful DC 13
set into the table that seem sized to hold a Small Charisma (Persuasion) check. The magical phrase is
creature. Next to the manacles are a dozen empty “Heron.”
syringes and a pile of giant rat bones. A locked cage
If the characters cure Ebu’s petrification, he is
along the northern wall has the skeletons of five giant
delighted and gives them a happy, ecstatic hug. The
rats. Next to it is a locked cabinet which contains
manservant dutifully trails them throughout the
ten one-pound ingots of adamantine (worth 100

temple, offering to assist with the most minor of tasks G26. Sacred Shrine of
and providing information regarding each room. the Flame that Flies
Ebu refuses to leave the temple, however, fearful that
doing so will anger the gods. This room is painted in vibrant reds and oranges
that twist and twine like wisps of dancing fire. Raised
G25. Chamber of Sacred Fountains steps lead to a gargantuan brazier filled with roaring,
There are five grandiose fountains in the southern crackling flames. There are four small platforms
half of this room. Two of the fountains have clear light of raised marble in the room. Tribute has been laid
blue water, whereas two of them spout opaque violet upon each of these platforms. The tribute includes:
liquid. A fifth fountain, situated between the other First Platform. A helm of brilliance.
four, spews forth liquid flame. The walls of the room Second Platform. A staff of fire.
are covered with intricate carvings that sparkle with
gold and platinum accents. A massive rug of exquisite Third Platform. A sunblade. Firaz Azar is a proud
and ancient phoenix,
artsmanship covers the northern half of the room. Fourth Platform. An eversmoking bottle, a lantern immovable in its convictions
These sacred fountains bubble with magical liquid. of revealing, and 1000 gp.
The properties of each fountain changes periodi- Fiery Wrath of the Phoenix
cally. Drinking the liquid from a fountain currently If any item is taken from a platform, the characters
produces the following effect: must make a successful DC 18 Wisdom saving throw
First Blue Fountain. The character must make a or be cursed to fail their next three death saving
successful DC 18 Constitution saving throw or have throws. Immediately thereafter, all items from the
their hit points reduced to zero and all of their spell remaining platforms are consumed by fire. Walls of
slots expended. fire, as per the wall of fire spell, rise to block the exits
Second Blue fountain. The character gains the from the room. A gargantuan bird with burning red
benefit of a long rest. If the character is at full hit plumage rises from the room’s brazier. Firaz Azar, the
points, then they also gain 3d6 temporary hit points. Flame that Flies, roars in outrage, “PUNY THIEVES,
First Violet Fountain. The character triggers 1d4 MELT FOR THIS SACRILEGE” before attacking.
curses (See area G1).
Firaz Azar has the statistics of a roc with the
Second Violet Fountain. The character gains the following changes:
benefit of the bless spell until they next finish a short
or long rest. J It is immune to fire damage.
Fountain of Flame. Any creature that enters or J It has the following additional trait:
ends its turn in the fountain of flames takes 2d6 fire Heated Body. A creature that touches Firaz Azar or hits
damage. The fountain has no other mystical prop- it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 9
erties. It was erected as a tribute to Firaz Azar, the (2d8) fire damage.
Flame that Flies (see area G26) as well as to provide
elemental balance within the temple. J It has the following additional action: this the character must make a successful DC 18
tribute has great religious or sentimental value, or Intelligence (Religion) check as well as a successful
Other than divination magic or experimentation Sirocco. Firaz Azar beats its wings to create a seething
hot wind in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area a monetary value of more than 1,000 gp, then Firaz DC 18 Wisdom (Medicine) check. There are enough
(see area G20) there is no way to determine the Azar is pleased. Assuming that she has not been supplies in the chamber for two such attempts. Any
must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw, taking 63
properties of a particular fountain, short of drinking (18d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much slain, each character loses 1d4 randomly determined successfully created mummy follows the commands
its waters. If a creature drinking the waters receives a damage on a successful one. curses. They also receive the Blessing of the Phoenix. of its creator and lasts for 1d4 days before eventually
beneficial effect, they can’t do so again for a tenday. Blessing of the Phoenix. If you fail a death saving decomposing into uselessness.
The rug is beautifully made, meticulously woven by Unquenchable Charity of the Phoenix throw, you can choose to succeed instead (no
seven generations of master artisans. It is an unmis- If a character examines the brazier, they find the action required). When you do so you are briefly G28. Barge
takable work of art worth 5,000 gp. However, it is ten following inscription: surrounded by benign flames. Once used, this This large room is well constructed and architec-
feet by fifteen feet and weighs three hundred pounds, GAZE IN AWE UPON THE RELICS AND blessing fades. turally grand, with a vaulted ceiling and decorative
making it extremely difficult to transport. Taking it WEALTH OF FIRAZ AZAR, THE FLAME THAT arches, although the interior walls of the chamber
triggers a curse (roll on the Deadly Curses table in FLIES. PLACE YOUR TRIBUTE WITHIN THE G27. Preparations for a seem more plain in construction. Any character that
the sidebar earlier in this chapter). The carvings
FLAMES, IF YOU WOULD SEEK HER BLESSING. Rich and Bountiful Afterlife examines the interior walls notice that the mortared,
depict the citizens of Har’akir worshiping various, Any tribute placed within the brazier is instantly This is a mummy preparation chamber. There is a marble blocks look newer than those elsewhere, as if
animal-headed gods. The gold and platinum accents incinerated. If the tribute is meaningless or holds cabinet filled with surgical hooks, bandages, canopic the walls were added somewhat recently. Any char-
are worth 200 gp if removed from the wall, although no value, then the flames explode in a great confla- jars, ointments, wines, and spices. There are three acter with a mining kit can spend an hour to carve
doing so triggers a curse. gration, inflicting 8d8 fire damage to all characters slabs and two workstations. If a character has access a hole through the interior walls. Alternatively, a five
standing within twenty feet of the brazier. If the to the intact corpse of a humanoid, they can attempt foot square of wall has AC 15, 25 hit points, and
to transform that humanoid into a mummy. To do immunity to poison and psychic damage.
Behind the interior walls is a well preserved funeral
barge, sitting atop a raised granite platform. The boat
G29. Great Underground Desert
The dry heat of the temple is at its most prominent
J The sand kraken has the following action:
Submerge. One Medium or smaller creature grap-
Black Obelisk
is made from sycamore. Its deck is unadorned other pled by the sand kraken is pulled beneath the sand.
within this room. Its walls have collapsed, giving If the creature has had its breath crushed from its A fifteen-foot black obelisk of cracked, glowing stone
than a bronze plaque which reads:
access to the Great Underground Desert. The Great lungs, it begins to suffocate. It can survive for a rises from the sands of the desert. Within the obelisk
Underground Desert is a sea of sand that stretches number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier can be seen the beginning of a staircase that leads
THE TALE OF THE PRIESTESS NEPHRITI for hundreds of miles connecting the many tombs (minimum of 1 round) before being reduced to 0 hit down into the sands of the desert.
A CAUTIONARY PARABLE and temples of Har’akir. The desert’s ceiling is thou- points. Submerged creatures have disadvantage on
sands of feet overhead, far out of sight of the charac-
any checks to escape their grappled condition. G30. Lair of the Necrosphinx
Once there was a priestess, common in all ways except
for her unsurpassing beauty, gifted unto her by the ters. There is not a single speck of naturally occur- The sand kraken initially splits its attacks between The staircase leads down for hundreds of feet. Any
gods she served. As her beauty blossomed, she began ring light, although a glowing purple obelisk can be the characters and the jackalweres, although the careless footsteps echo ominously as the characters
to increasingly shirk her duties. Instead, she would seen roughly a mile into the desert. jackalweres flee as soon as possible. Should the char- finish their descent. Once they reach the bottom of
spend her days gazing into the temple’s many foun- the stairs (marked E on the map) read or paraphrase
tains so that she might see her reflection. Offended by After the characters have traveled half a mile, a acters flee as well, the sand kraken chooses to pursue
strange wind begins to blow across the dunes. If whichever group is the largest. the following:
her self-idolatry, the gods turned her into a fish so that
she might spend her years beneath the waves, unable Tz’graz is with the characters, she crouches in antic-
to gaze ever again upon her reflection. ipation of danger. The sand begins to dance beneath
the ever-building wind. Finally the wind turns into
If the characters enter the hull of the barge they a hurricane, blowing sand everywhere. Growls and
find that its floor is made entirely from glass. Looking hoots echo from the sand storm, as more than a
through the glass the characters see a strange, dozen humanoid creatures charge the characters.
undersea kingdom populated by schools of small, The assault force is a tribe of twenty jackalweres
phosphorescent fish. A minute after entering the (unaligned with Tz’graz’s tribe). The jackalweres
hull, a large fish with iridescent scales and unsur- wear layers of heavy clothing that protect them from
passing beauty swims up to gaze at the characters. the sand storm. But any characters who do not wear
The fish bats her fishy eyelashes as she watches the similar clothing take 1d8 slashing damage at the start
characters with undisguised interest. The fish is the of their turn from the sand storm. The sand storm
transformed priestess Nephriti. Anytime a character will last for five rounds and while it persists the area
looks upon her they must make a successful DC 15 is heavily obscured. At the end of the second round of
Wisdom saving throw or spend their turn incapaci- combat read or paraphrase the following:
tated as they gaze lovingly upon Nephriti. The char-
acter can repeat the saving throw at the end of each A vast tentacle thrusts up from the sand, coiling about
of their turns, ending the effect upon a success. one of the jackalweres. There is the sound of bone
No sound can pass through the glass floor. Even if pulverizing, as blood spurts everywhere. There is then
sound could pass through the glass, Nephriti nowa- a second tentacle that begins lashing about just inches
from where you are standing.
days has the intellect of a common fish. Because of
this she can only communicate using magic such as
the speak with animals spell. If the characters use The tentacles belong to a submerged sand kraken.
a mirror or reflective surface to show Nephriti her A sand kraken has the same statistics as a juvenile
reflection, she gazes at it for a long moment before kraken (appendix B) with the following changes:
turning away. She gives the characters a slight, fishy J It has three-quarters cover.
smile before then swimming off contentedly. Each
character can remove 1d4 randomly determined J It has a walking speed of 20 ft. and a burrow
curses. speed of 50 ft.
The glass floor has AC 5, a damage threshold of 15, J Whenever a creature begins their turn grappled
10 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic by a tentacle, they take 2d6 bludgeoning damage
damage. If broken, the characters can access a water- and must make a successful DC 20 Constitution
filled shaft that descends for five hundred feet. At the saving throw or have the breath crushed from
bottom of the shaft is a crude idol of what appears to their lungs.
be a giant-sized version of Nephriti. Scattered about J The sand kraken does not have the Lightning
the idol are a pile of pearls worth a total of 2,000 gp Strike action or Legendary Actions.
in total. Taking these pearls triggers a curse (roll on
the table in the Deadly Curses sidebar).
J Its Multiattack is replaced by the following:
Multiattack. The sand kraken makes three tentacle
attacks, each of which it can replace with a use of

successful DC 15 Insight (Wisdom) check (made
The staircase opens into a small tomb made from with disadvantage due to Alhazred’s Inscrutable trait)
blocks of crumbling obsidian. Mounds of ceramic discerns the faintest hint of a smile. Alhazred no
coins fill the chamber. Amidst the coins can be seen
small chests brimming with sparkling gemstones. It
is unbearably cold within the tomb. It is eerily quiet
longer has disadvantage on all attack rolls and saving
throws. A Skeleton in the Closet
as well and, for the moment, all you can hear is the The second riddle is, “I am what happens when After obtaining at least one Vecnan relic, Skeever offers to few minutes of wandering, the characters notice
sound of your own breathing and the beating of your water freezes and becomes solid. I am what icicles take the characters to the domain of Cavitius. Unknown to two prominent locales: the Temple of Vecna and the
own heart. Slowly in the dark you make out something. the players, the Darklord Azalin has absorbed Cavitius into
are made from.” If the characters answer with the Palace of Vecna.
A leering, feral grin. The grin is attached to a bleached his own domain of Darkon. Through his imp Skeever Azalin
skull that has strips of dried flesh hanging from it. The word ice, then the necrosphinx again dourly congrat- has manipulated the characters into gathering and bringing The Temple of Vecna is located within the inner
humanoid skull is attached to the rotting body of a ulates them. Any character who makes a successful him Vecnan relics so that the Darklord might use them to wall of the skull, between the eyes. Stairs within the
lion. Decomposing wings, made from putrid molting DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check (made with disad- open a portal that leads out of Ravenloft. After dealing with interior of the skull lead up to the temple, which has
feathers, flap lazily as the skull’s grin widens. “It’s been vantage due to Alhazred’s Inscrutable trait) notices Azalin, one way or another, the characters escape Ravenloft
so long since I’ve had the pleasure of company. Would and return home.
been built into the wall of the skull. Like the rest of
that the necrosphinx seems invigorated with the the city, the vaulted temple is empty of both furnish-
you like to play a game?”
answered question, gaining in substance and form. ings and creatures. From this vantage point, however,
Alhazred now has full hit points. the characters may attempt a DC 15 Intelligence
The creature is Alhazred, a necrosphinx (appendix After a brief pause to collect itself Alhazred (Arcana) check to discern that the eyes of the skull
B; marked by an N on the map). The necrosphinx pounces, hoping to feed upon the characters. By nce the characters have obtained are filled with swirling pools of necrotic energy. Any
challenges the characters to a riddling contest, prom- not asking them a third riddle, he reasons that he at least one Vecnan body part, character who comes in contact with this energy is
ising the characters that they can each pick a trea- cannot be bound by their agreement. As he attacks they can decide that it is time affected by a disintegrate spell.
sure of their choice and leave safely if they correctly he roars, “Foolish mortals, what can stand in the to visit Citadel Cavitius, Vecna’s The Palace of Vecna is described below.
solve three riddles. What the characters do not know face of death?” Although this taunt is not intended former domain. Skeever is happy
is that it has been centuries since Alhazred has as a riddle, if the characters answer it as if it was to use his mistwalking powers to accommodate this. For more details on Citadel Cavitius, including
feasted and he is currently a shell of his former self. with an earnest answer such as history, or love, then As the characters plunge one last time into the mist, its surrounding domain, see Ulraunt’s Guide to the
Currently he has only 150 hit points and disadvan- the necrosphinx stops short, bound by its bargain. read or paraphrase the following: Planes: The Shadowfell.
tage on all attack rolls and saving throws. However, Otherwise, the necrosphinx fights to the death.
the necrosphinx rejuvenates every time a creature You trudge through the mists long enough that all
There are more than 100,000 ceramic coins
answers one of his riddles. sense of time dissolves. Moments, or perhaps years,
scattered throughout the tomb. This is a king’s roll away until you finally see the silhouette of a large
If the characters agree to the riddle contest, fortune within the domain of Har’akir, but worth- mound in the distance. It grows closer and closer still
then Alhazred begins with the following riddle, less elsewhere. There is an additional 30,000 gp in until it appears as an impossibly huge skull, ready
“I am hot and red. I can be used to cook gemstones, although a curse is triggered for every to eat you whole. The mists thin out, although they
food but also can burn down a forest.” 10,000 gp worth of gemstones that is plundered. never quite dissipate until you find yourself staring at
The necrosphinx begrudgingly The scalp of Vecna can be a giant, bleached skull towering over you like a small
congratulates the characters if mountain.
found preserved within a
they answer with fire. Any A winding road leads its way through the skull’s gaping
ceramic urn. A stone maw. . .
character who makes a tablet is visible within
the mounds of coins, As the characters get closer to the skull, they may
although its writing attempt a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check to
is face down. If discern that the skull is in fact built from billions
turned over the tablet of bones, seamlessly fused together. Those bold
has the phrase ‘4th’ enough to enter the maw of the skull find themselves
followed by the picture of a emerging into a city built within the skull’s interior.
dragon. Crystalline, skull-shaped lights cast strange
Once the scalp has shadows amidst the swirling ever-present
been recovered Skeever mists. Everything within the city, including the
bounces about excitedly, roads, seem to also be made from billions of
encouraging the characters to fused bones.
leave this “hot, nasty place” and An occasional zombie, dressed in the
return to Castle Avernus. fashion of Darkon, can be seen shambling
noiselessly through the streets. At the
DM’s discretion creatures made from dark,
swirling mist known as mist stalkers (use
With a soul darker than the shadows Citadel Cavitius is an eerie
the statistics for wraiths) might be found within and imposing sight to behold
gripping Moil, Alhazred’s
cruelty truly knows no bounds abandoned buildings. Otherwise, the city appears
eerily abandoned and deathly silent. After just a


Palace of Vecna H4. Inner Hall
This inner hallway is flanked by three barracks.
with hooks and depressions where bodies and skulls
are mounted. Any character who fought the war
machine in Tovag notes obvious similarities.
Within the center of the city is a fearsome structure These barracks are filled with empty, sheetless beds
that bears a striking resemblance to a hand, with Dissolution and wooden chests. If a character spends a round A staircase leads up to the citadel’s second level.
five towers jutting from its top like the fingers of an The Dark Powers are working to dissolve Cavitius. The searching a room, they find a chest with 1,000 gp and The mist is at its thickest in this room, as if trying
upraised palm. Whereas most of the fortress appears characters, during their time within the realm, might a +2 mace, although all subsequent rooms are empty. to prevent the characters’ escape. Within the mist
to be built from the same bone as the rest of Cavitius, find themselves caught up in this process, gaining levels lurks twelve mist walkers, all of which attack the
of dissolution. The greater restoration spell can be used As soon as the characters enter the inner hall, 1d6
the central tower is a deep black spire that rises as to remove one level of dissolution. The levels have the mist walkers spawn within each barracks and begin characters. A character can seek refuge within one of
high as the eye can see. Dark stone doors lead into following effects: to march towards the characters in tight, military the war machines, although it takes 10 feet of move-
the palace’s interior. 1. Color and vibrancy begins to fade from the character. formation. These mist walkers look like armored ment to do so. The unfinished war machines lack
Their thoughts drift and their personality weakens. There guards, and they yell ominously at the characters, locomotion; however, inside of them can be found a
H1. Throne Room are no associated mechanical disadvantages. lever. A character can pull the lever as a free action.
threatening to execute them for their trespasses.
Mists continue to swirl within this grand circular 2. All color bleeds from the character and their posses- If they do so, the skulls and bodies surrounding the
chamber. Dark impenetrable clouds writhe thirty sions, and they begin to become insubstantial. All While in the inner hall, on initiative count 20, the
machine emit a terrible shriek, heard more with the
feet overhead, obscuring the ceiling from sight. At weapon attacks inflict half damage. The character’s hungry mists turn unnaturally cold, draining life from
movement speed is halved, although they gain a fly
soul than the ears. All creatures within fifty feet of
the far end of the room, raised steps lead to a great the characters. Each character must make a DC 14
speed of 20 ft. (hover). the war machine must make a DC 15 Constitution
throne that juts forward from a carving of a gigantic Constitution saving throw. The character takes 6d6
3. The character now has a misty translucence, making saving throw. On a failure, a creature drops to 0 hit
spider web. Everything, from the throne to the walls, cold damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
them difficult to see and giving them advantage on points (or dissipates into mist, in the case of the mist
is bleached white, as if the coiling mists have leached successful one.
Stealth checks. The character cannot inflict damage walkers). On a success, a creature takes 6d6 psychic
away every last bit of color. with weapon attacks. Their movement is reduced to 0, H5. Infernal Garage damage. Each wagon can use this effect once.
Any character who flies into the dark clouds finds although they retain a fly speed of 20 ft. (hover).
This huge workshop was where Vecnan engineers The fog within this room is tinged red, as if
themselves quickly disoriented. Within minutes they 4. The character dissipates completely, dissolving into a once worked on the construction of fearsome war angry. Characters feel a slight burn as they move
emerge back into the throne room. thin mist that disperses throughout Cavitius. They can
only regain their form through the use of a wish spell.
machines. These machines, powered by tortured through the mists’ wet, caustic caress. On initiative
The throne is an exact replica of the Spider Throne bodies and captured souls, were then used in Vecna’s count 1, each character must make a successful
used by Vecna in his mortal days. If a character sits war with the forces of Tovag. Five such war machines DC 10 Charisma saving throw or gain one level of
within the chair they feel their awareness dispersed are currently lined up within the garage. They are dissolution.
throughout the palace. They now know the layout of The mist walkers take the form of petitioners and juggernauts shaped from slabs of stone, and covered
the first floor, including the location of the stairwell beg the characters to stop and listen to their griev-
in area H5. However, they also feel a cold sense of ances. Despite these pleas, the mist walkers attack if
oblivion, knowing instinctively that the mists are given the opportunity.
slowly dissolving Cavitius. The character must make H3. Dining Hall
a successful DC 18 Charisma saving throw or gain
This long dining hall is bereft of not only color but
one level of dissolution (see sidebar).
sound as well. Even more eerie is the complete and
After a character sits on the throne, four vaguely total absence of the smells one would expect within
humanoid creatures coalesce within the mist. These such a cafeteria. Three lecture halls adjoin the dining
creatures moan plaintively, “you do not belong here” hall. Each of these lecture halls has a podium and
before attacking. These creatures are mist walkers benches, but little else. If a character spends a round
(appendix B). Anytime a mist walker from the Palace searching one of these rooms, there is a 50 percent
of Vecna hits a creature with its Life Drain attack, chance that they find a magic item (Roll on Magic
the target must make a successful DC 14 Charisma Item Table G in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s
saving throw or gain one level of dissolution (see the Guide).
Dissolution sidebar).
As soon as the characters enter the dining hall, 1d4
H2. Throne Room mist walkers spawn within each lecture hall and
Three rooms line this entry hall. The rooms are begin to immediately pursue the characters. These
scoured clean, filled with sterile white mist that coils mist walkers look like robed humanoids. In a slow,
about benches, tables, and chairs. In the past these haunting voice, they demand that the characters
rooms were used by the citizens of the domain to submit and sacrifice themselves to Vecna.
make petitions. Once the characters are halfway While in the dining hall, on initiative count 20,
through the entry hall, each room spawns 1d4 mist tentacles of mist rise from the floor and attempt to
walkers (appendix B) that pursue the characters. At grab the characters. Each character must succeed on
this point it is suggested that characters roll initiative a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 blud-
and that this initiative order remain in use until the geoning damage and be restrained until the end of
characters exit the first floor. their next turn.


The mist walkers do not pursue the characters up existence and that the characters would do well to magic, including this ritual. As such, he must rely on
the staircase. Azalin has mystically warded the upper You pass through an archway carved to resemble a hear him out. If pressed, he will also divulge that even the characters to perform the ceremony. He prefers
levels of the fortress, making it safe for the characters pair of striking serpents. Beyond the archway is a large with how powerful they are, the characters can’t with- not to discuss his own ulterior motive, which is to use
room filled with a swirling vortex of magical energy, a
should they make it this far. brilliant and nightmarish sea of color and lightning. As stand Azalin’s wrath; they should instead consider the activated portal to escape Ravenloft. However,
themselves fortunate his master has use of them. if pressed, he reveals this information honestly. He
H6. Upper Stories your eyes adjust to its intensity, you hear a low gravelly
voice from behind you. suggests that the characters have little choice in the
Azalin is willing to share the following information
The echoing upper halls of the palace are filled with “Do not let the colors fool you. The portal is sealed matter, since he possesses the only copy of the ritual
regarding Vecna:
the same mist that pervades throughout Cavitius. shut. For now.” needed to activate the portal. If any characters were
Room after room is utterly empty until the characters Turning around you see a lone, robed figure silhou- dissolved into mist, then Azalin offers to use a wish
reach the top of the Black Tower (For more details on “Long ago the so-called lich lord was betrayed by his
etted in the hallway behind you. Skeever shrieks spell to bring them back as added leverage.
closest lieutenant, Kas the Destroyer. Once imprisoned
the upper levels of the palace see Die Vecna Die!) At aloud, “Master! Master!”, flying on batlike wings to
within Ravenloft Vecna thought that his curse was to
the top of the Black Tower can be found two rooms
containing murals that provide additional details to
the silhouette. The silhouette speaks again, “Yes, my
impish familiar. You have done well, bringing these
wage an eternal war against Kas, but I conjecture that
he was wrong. He is arrogant, but rightly so. In terms
Cut and Run
guests to our doorstep.” Skever smiles with true joy in
Vecna’s back story (appendix A). Also atop the Black response.
of power and intellect, he has no equal. But predict-
Tower can be found Vecna’s abandoned throne room. ably, the one-eyed fool has a blind spot. I believe that, If a character willingly completes the grueling, hour-
The figure floats forward with an otherworldly determi- despite escaping Ravenloft, he still bears his curse, long ceremony, then they are immediately afflicted
Once the characters enter the throne room, read, or nation, as if nothing could hold it back, filling you with and that curse is to always be betrayed by those that by two levels of exhaustion. Read or paraphrase the
paraphrase the following: an eerie sensation. The figure’s red robes are obviously are closest to him.”
crafted from the finest fabrics, but what is certain to be following:
centuries has long since turned them into a torn and At this point Azalin gives the characters an aged
tattered shadow of their former selves, now unfit to scroll (see the handout in appendix C), encouraging With the completion of the ritual, a portal opens within
provide any sort of protection against temperature or the swirling maelstrom of energy. The portal takes the
weather. A withered torso is visible beneath the robes them to read it at a later time. The scroll is in fact
shape of a glowing eye. Azalin’s face, illuminated by
and a gaunt arm clutches a scepter, while a jeweled a page magically removed from the first tome of
the wild kaleidoscope of color, beams in triumph. “At
crown rests atop the figure’s head. the stilled tongue, which Vecna kept as a personal last! At last, I am free of this dismal prison.” At these
journal for a time. words, the lich begins to step towards the portal.
The sinister figure is Azalin Rex (appendix B). He Azalin is also willing to divulge the following
is currently protected by a globe of invulnerability. If information: If the characters do not stop Azalin, he steps
attacked, he defends himself with his Negate Spell J Cavitius has gone dormant since Vecna’s escape, through the portal. It is left to the DM’s discretion
and Petrified Retribution reactions but does not slowly deteriorating over time. Through powerful whether the lich escapes to plague Toril, or whether
attack in return. Instead, he attempts to parlay with magic Azalin has been able to absorb Cavitius his efforts are thwarted by the Dark Powers. The
the characters, introducing himself while assuring into Darkon. Azalin does not know it, but as a characters can attempt to persuade Azalin to stay
them that they are united against a common enemy. byproduct of this absorption, Darkon is dete- behind, reminding him of his duty as ruler of Darkon
Azalin is always thoughtful and slow to talk. He is a riorating as well. Azalin is visibly shocked and and pointing out how his actions have brought about
strategic genius who has likely been observing the dismayed if this is brought to his attention. the domain’s destruction. Such attempts require a
characters for days. He acts and speaks accordingly. successful DC 25 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If
J The vortex of energy is a permanent tear in the
Skeever sits near Azalin looking at the characters, this fails, then the characters will have to physically
fabric of Ravenloft, created when Vecna made
nodding as his master speaks. If the characters ask stop him, and combat ensues. Azalin attempts to
his escape years ago. It can serve as a portal to
Skeever, he explains Azalin to be the wisest in all put on a convincing show but allows the characters
whatever world Vecna currently resides upon, in
to destroy him. He is uncertain of whether killing
this case Toril.
the characters will close the portal and prefers not
J The portal is currently sealed shut. However, to take his chances. Assuming the characters are
Azalin knows of a ritual that can open the portal. carrying his phylactery (see area E6), he hopes that
Completion of the ritual requires a Vecnan body he might be unknowingly carried through the portal
part. after his apparent defeat.
J Azalin has a written copy of the ritual that he One way or another, after stepping through the
willingly provides the characters, encouraging portal, the characters are transported back to Toril.
Azalin Rex, Wizard-King them to perform it. If any of the characters are The portal attempts to transport the characters
and Darklord of Darkon spellcasters, they recognize that the ritual is a directly to Vecna’s seat of power in Waterdeep.
complex spell that will push them to the limits of However, Vecna has warded Waterdeep against such
their mastery. In the absence of any spellcasters, magics and so the characters emerge a hundred
the ritual is simply a set of instructions that can miles north of Waterdeep, along the edge of the High
be precisely followed by any character. Road. Escaping Cavitius, the characters lose all levels
If the characters ask why Azalin is unwilling to of dissolution.
complete the ritual himself, he willingly reveals that From here it is an uneventful three-day journey
his curse prevents him from learning or casting new north along the High Road to return to Thornhold.


CHAPTER 9 Xanathar's Guide to After your group has completed as many side
missions as desired proceed to chapter 14 where
Saving the World they will begin the process of sneaking into
Waterdeep and finally confronting the archlich Vecna.
No Longer Eye to Eye With Xanathar slain the characters are now in alloW THe CHaraCTers To aDvanCe one level aFTer
The characters find a trap waiting for them when they return control of their own destiny. Equipped with Vecnan reCoveringXanaTHar’s guiDe To saving THe WorlD.
to Thornhold. Their former employer, Xanathar, has been body parts from Ravenloft, it is now time for them
transformed into a death tyrant loyal to Vecna. After de-
to consider bringing the fight to Vecna’s doorstep.
Encounters on the Road
feating Xanathar, the characters find the beholder’s notes.
These notes detail Xanathar’s plans to recruit allies and de- Before doing so, however, they would be wise to seek
feat Vecna. outside aid and allies. Such attempts are limited only
by the scope of their imagination; however, four possi- At this level the characters are not likely to be both-
bilities are described in chapters 10 through 13. ered by the mundane hazards of travel such as
Notes from the Ledger. The ledger is filled with fording rivers, food management, or pesky bands
notes scribbled telekinetically by the eye tyrant over of goblins. Because of this you may consider fast
ecna was not idle while the char-
the last month. The notes are written in Common. tracking such travel. Regardless of whether you do
acters ventured throughout
They are largely a product of the beholder’s rampant this, here are some encounters that add context and
Ravenloft. Given time, the Lord of
paranoia and, as such, are inscrutable. However, color to the apocalyptic world in which the characters
Secrets was able to ascertain that Sylgar
there is a section labeled “ASSETS” which contains now live. Generic battle maps are included with all
Xanathar has been the source of
the following information: the other battle maps in a zipped folder.
recent turmoil. After doing so, he dispatched a group
of liches to eradicate the eye tyrant. As a warning to J Dwarves!! Need more dwarves! Sloopidoop tells An Elemental Quandary
others who might consider resisting Vecna’s reign, me they are trapped in the Elemental Plane of During their travels the characters pass through a
the liches razed Thornhold, capturing Xanathar in J It is Undead. Earth. Send minions to Triboar to speak with small collection of farms. Smoke still rises from the
the process. The liches then performed hideous Hellenrae and find out more. recently burned crops. This destruction was inflicted
rituals upon the beholder, turning them into a death
J It is immune to poison damage and the poisoned
condition. J Vecna is in Waterdeep but how to get in? Can by an adult red dragon, at the behest of the Cult
tyrant loyal to Vecna. One-Eyed Jax get into Waterdeep? Port Llast on of the Dragon, after the farmers proved unable to
When the characters return to Thornhold read or J It can’t cast spells. the next new moon. Note to self: Have minions provide “sufficient tribute” for Tiamat.
paraphrase the following: J It has the following additional trait: pick up spices. When the characters arrive there are two cultists
The last few miles of your journey have been miser- Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie J Need more bribery money. Alliance with of the Cult of the Elder Elemental Eye, accompanied
able. Brackish mud pulls at your every footstep. drider to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution Tiamat???? Send henchpersons just in case it by a water elemental and an earth elemental. The
Buzzing swarms of insects hound you relentlessly and saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken,
unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. doesn’t work out. Seek Rezmir in Leilon. cultists are offering to restore the decimated fields,
damp, drizzly mist has soaked you to the bone. It is but only if the farmers give them four children (one
because of this mist that you didn’t notice, until just On a success, the zombie drider drops to 1 hit point J How to get into Vecna’s magic tower?? Lots of
now, that the crumbling fortress of Thornhold has instead. for each of the elements) to foster as wards and
magic death traps. Maybe Halaster will help??
fallen into a sprawling pile of slime-caked rubble. raise in the ways of the Elemental Eye. The farmers
During combat Xanathar repeatedly praises Vecna, Have tracked down Durnan to the Stone Hill Inn
are aghast at the deal, but desperate enough to
condemning those foolish enough to resist the arch- in Phandalin.
Allow the characters a minute or two before follow through. If the characters offer, the cultists
lich’s dominion. J Will need distraction to get into the magic are willing to restore the lands for a tribute of 500
reading or paraphrasing:
Should the characters defeat Xanathar, they soon tower. Gather a war council and make an army? gp or greater. Alternatively they can be persuaded to
notice a bit of furtive movement amidst the wreckage Promote myself to General? accept only two children as wards, if the characters
You see a silhouette drifting towards you through the of Thornhold. Ott Steeltoes (CE male dwarf cultist) Each bullet point is more fully described in chap- make a successful DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion or
mist. A large floating orb, with waving eyestalks, it is emerges from the rubble. Ott tended to Sylgar, ters 10 through 13. Your characters can complete as Intimidation) check.
unmistakably Xanathar. Except. . . something about
Xanathar’s beloved pet goldfish. The dwarf proved many or as few of these quests as they like, and in
it seems off. The floating body scrapes carelessly
inconsequential enough to escape the notice of
Deadly Foes
against the ground, and the eyestalks hang like limp, any order; however, if you are going to have the char-
Vecna’s liches. He has been hiding ever since, scared acters search for the dwarves, it is suggested that you As the characters’ power has grown, so too has their
dead weeds. The dead voice that issues forth from the
eye tyrant lacks any semblance of humor or life and to move lest he arouse the ire of his former master. do that chapter first, as it sets up a base of operations notoriety, gaining them the notice of Vecna. Consider
is, instead, moaning and monotonous, “There is no Through it all Ott managed to keep Sylgar alive. for the characters. You can guide characters towards using any of the following encounters during over-
hope. . . There is no resistance. . . There is only Vecna.” He also managed to salvage a ledger containing land travel to reinforce the idea that it is only a matter
(or away from) certain options by having them labeled
Xanathar’s notes. At this point Ott hopes to travel as “High Priority” or “Low Priority”. Of course, you of time until they are found and overwhelmed by
If you have access to Rise Of Vecna, then consider to Leilon and settle there. He is scared that keeping can also supplement or replace any of these quests Vecna and his many minions:
using the provided map of Xanathar’s lair. Otherwise, Sylgar will make him an eventual target for Vecna, so with quests of your own choosing. For example, if An Officer but not a Gentleman. A death knight
the eye tyrant awaits the characters within the ruins he attempts to persuade the characters into taking you own Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, you leading a small Zhentarim troop of twenty veterans
of Thornhold, guarded by ten zombies and two care of the fish. Ott also gives the characters the might consider having the characters explore the accosts the characters as they travel a main road,
zombie driders. A zombie drider uses the statistics pilfered ledger. The ledger is labeled, “XANATHAR’S Necropolis of Ythryn in hopes of securing a magical trying to extort them for money. Unless the charac-
for a drider with the following changes: GUIDE TO SAVING THE WORLD”. spindle that can be used to suppress Vecna’s magic ters take precautions to disguise themselves, the
(area Y19N in Rime of the Frostmaiden). death knight recognizes them and attacks.


A Thickheaded Forerunner. One of the enigmatic Walking Cataclysm. If the characters have a The Archmage. At any point where the charac- Realms from Zariel’s infernal excursions (see Doomed
Skulls from Skullport (see area K2 in chapter 14 for town or city that they frequent, such as Triboar, then ters find themselves potentially overwhelmed, there Forgotten Realms: SwOrd COast Gazetteer for additional
statistics) is dispatched by Vecna to track down and Vecna sends a zombie tarrasque to destroy the city is a loud, thunderous burst of blinding energy that details regarding Zariel). If your characters have
eliminate the characters. It finds them just as they as punishment for harboring the characters. This coalesces into a portal. The plane-hopping, chaotic played Rise Of Vecna, then this is an excellent opportu-
are setting up camp and attacks. If the characters mutilated undead monstrosity is missing its left hand neutral archmage Mordenkainen emerges from the nity for them to reunite with Maximus. The Hellriders
vanquish the skull but remain in that spot, they are and left eye. The characters receive urgent word portal. Depending on circumstances, Mordenkainen are tracking down an infernal battalion of devils, and
attacked five hours later by a lich and four wraiths. from one of their contacts within the city that the either helps the characters or encourages them to it is a coincidence that they have crossed paths with
Dangerous Game. The Grim Hunter (appendix B) slow-moving tarrasque will reach the city within five flee through his portal. Either way, once the conflict the characters. However, if the characters can demon-
is dispatched to track down and kill the characters. days. A zombie tarrasque has the same statistics as has been resolved, he introduces himself as a long strate that they are committed to virtue and justice,
He shadows them for a week, trying to learn as much a tarrasque except that it is Undead, can make only time rival of Vecna’s, while offering his services. then the Hellriders bestow each character with one of
about them as possible before picking a strategic a single Claw attack with its Multiattack action, and Mordenkainen is a stern, bald man with a neatly the two-wheeled infernal war machines (see Archon’s
opportunity to pick them off one at a time. has the following additional trait: trimmed black goatee beard and a penetrating stare. Ride in appendix E).
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie Because of his history with Vecna, he is an excel- The Grim. The characters notice that they
Lord of Fangs. Lord Haroln, a warrior vampire,
tarrasque to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution lent resource for characters that wish to learn more are being followed by a fluffy white cloud, atop
and one of Vecna’s most loyal servants, tracks the saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, about the archlich. Mordenkainen is willing to cast which rests a single tower whose roof is painted
characters down to whatever town they are passing unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On any wizard spell that might assist the characters, to resemble a floppy, blue wizard’s hat. When the
through. He is accompanied by four vampire spawn. a success, the zombie tarrasque drops to 1 hit point
instead. especially teleport. Although he will not journey tower eventually catches them a staircase of clouds
Lord Haroln confronts the characters publicly, having
with them, the archmage does offer the characters descends to the ground. Should the characters
his vampire spawn kill innocent bystanders if it Young Outside, Dead Inside. The characters a diamond that has been carved into the shape of a climb the staircase, they find Harshnag the Grim,
appears the characters are about to flee. If defeated attract the attention of Innova, a lich that has adopted house. Any character holding the diamond can use a legendary good-aligned frost giant (for more on
but not slain, the vampire lord continues to relent- the form of a six-year-old girl. Innova arranges to be an action to cast the Mordenkainen’s magnificent Harshnag see appendix A). The floors of the two-sto-
lessly hunt the characters. discovered in the wilderness, pretending to be lost. mansion spell. The diamond crumbles to dust after it ried stone tower are made of solidified cloud and
She then ambushes the characters at the most oppor- is used. are filled with giant-sized furniture. The top floor
tune time. Innova’s phylactery is hidden thousands
The Doom Raider. While traveling along a road holds an orb of navigation (appendix D). Harshnag
of miles away, allowing her to serve as a recurring
the characters run across the shield dwarf priestess, commends the characters for their accomplishments
Istrid Horn (NE female shield dwarf war cleric). and encourages them to continue fighting against the
Obligatory Oozes Istrid is part of the Doom Raiders, a group of unscru- forces of Vecna. To help with this Harshnag offers the
The ground beneath the characters begins to tremble pulous adventurers who liked to plunder lich lairs characters ownership of the tower before departing
unexpectedly. Underneath them the earth has been (called “dooms” by some). The Doom Raiders were on foot to return to the frozen North. If any of the
rotted by the demon taint of Juiblex, the demon lord once part of the Zhentarim but left the faction after it characters are barbarians, Harshnag offers them
of oozes, and soon erupts like a noisome boil, show- allied itself with Vecna. Like all of the Doom Raiders, Gurt’s greataxe (appendix D) as a token of respect.
ering putrid slime everywhere. Green slime (see the Istrid hates liches and wants to see the Maimed This legendary weapon has the potential to unbal-
Dungeon Master’s Guide) now covers the ground and Lord deposed. However, she is still an opportunist. ance the game, so consider requiring the character
hangs from the trees within a one-mile radius. Other Istrid is one of the few clerics in the Realms that to complete a personalized quest before successfully
creatures, such as gelatinous cubes, gibbering has managed to maintain contact with her deity attuning to it.
mouthers, and black pudding bubble up from the (Vergadain, the dwarven god of wealth and luck). If the characters are reckless with their cloud castle
ground periodically. Just as the characters are about She can cast cleric spells up to 9th level and offers (flying it near a village or city, for example) then
to escape the area, a gargantuan slime-tainted worm to do so for the characters, charging as much as she Vecna’s forces learn of its existence. Shortly there-
bursts forth from the ground and attacks them. Use thinks she can get away with. Given her background after a dracolich is dispatched to destroy it.
the statistics of a purple worm, except it does an Istrid is also an excellent resource for hunting down The Loremaster. At some point, as the characters
additional 1d8 acid damage with its attacks and has and killing liches, something she is glad to do. . . for a are debating over a particular course of action, their
the Acid Breath action of an adult black dragon. discounted price. deliberations are politely interrupted by the ghost of
The Hellriders. As the characters travel along a renowned scribe Volothamp Geddarm. The ghost still
Powerful Allies road, they hear a loud, churning metallic sound in the sports his trademark floppy hat and scarf. He strokes
Thankfully the characters’ deeds have also earned distance. This grinding noise grows closer and closer his ghostly mustache thoughtfully as he introduces
them the notice of powerful forces of good. Arrange at an alarming rate before the characters finally himself as, “Volothump Geddarm, spectral celebrity
for these allies to have a meaningful debut, perhaps see, in the distance, two bulky armored coaches who has crossed over because none other could be
arriving just as the characters are overwhelmed that appear miraculously self-propelled. Dozens of trusted to chronicle the redemption of the Realms.”
by some of the nefarious forces mentioned above. smaller, two-wheeled machines mounted by soldiers After helping the characters resolve any unsettled
Possible encounters include: in devil-bone armor surround the coaches. These debates, Volo begins to earnestly interview them.
unusual contraptions are modified infernal vehicles At the DM’s discretion, the ghost might accompany
Lord Haroln is just one (appendix E for additional details). the characters on their journeys, although he avoids
of the many menaces The men and women in devil bone armor (good- combat if he does so. Despite being prone to embel-
the characters might face
aligned knights) are members of the Hellriders, an lishment, Volo is still a font of information and can
elite order of knights dedicated to protecting the answer most questions regarding recent events


throughout the Sword Coast. If Volo is asked how Watch out for the Fine Print
he died, he says that he was murdered by a wizard
While traveling the characters are accosted by
named Ybtihw, although refuses to go into greater
Flibbertiggibet, an imp who seeks their help. Flibber,
detail regarding it.
as it prefers to be called, is the only survivor of a
The Tyrant. Frighteningly, when beholders dream, larger infernal legion that was tasked by Zariel to
their dreams become reality. If the characters have seek out and destroy nearby demons. It does not
agreed to watch over Sylgar, then consider having the Ogremoch is an unlikely but
want to return without finishing its task, knowing important ally in the search
goldfish, due to prolonged exposure and imprinting to that it will be punished for failure. Because of this it for Bruenor Battlehammer
Xanathar, develop this characteristic as well. Initially approaches the characters with a bargain.
this manifests as the characters discovering strange
The crafty imp suggests that if the characters kill
puddles or ornamental fish bowls when they wake up
the demons, it will give them 1,000 gp and award
from a long rest. Consider having it culminate with
one of them a devilish boon on behalf of Zariel. If the
Sylgar, at a dramatic moment, dreaming Xanathar
characters agree, then Flibber produces a vellum
back into existence.
scroll (appendix C) with the deal written in blood. He
Pillaging Giants asks each character to sign this contract using their
The characters encounter a roving band of three own blood before then signing it with his own.
mountain giants (appendix B), five ogres, ten If the characters ask about why there is an asterisk
bugbears, and thirty goblins. The creatures hail next to the word kill, then Flibber just waves it off as
from the mountain giant capital, Grudd Haug, and referencing the standard legal definition of killing as,
are gathering tribute for their liege, the monstrous “being obliterated from existence”. If the characters
Chief Guh. If the giants see the characters, then their ask about the portion written in Infernal, Flibber
leader, Glumglum, demands that they hand over all dismissively refers to it as “standard boilerplate stuff”
food, as well as any edible looking pets or mounts. To that indicates the characters forfeit their souls should
complicate matters the giants have a covered wagon they fail to hold up their end of the contract. If a
filled with ten prisoners (commoners) taken from character can read Infernal, they can confirm that all
whatever community is nearest (If the characters of this is true. Any character who makes a successful
have played Academy Of Adventure, consider having DC 20 Arcana check realizes that demons are not
the Marauders captive as well). The characters are truly destroyed when killed on the Material Plane,
celebrated as liberators and heroes if they slay the instead reforming within the Abyss. If confronted

giants and rescue the imprisoned townsfolk. with this information Flibber can be convinced to
change the terms of the contract with a successful
Saving a Dragon DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check or a successful
A hunting horn can be heard blasting repeatedly DC 10 Charisma (Intimidation) check. In this case
in the distance. If the characters investigate, they
discover a black dragon wyrmling running franti-
Flibber allows the characters to renegotiate the defi-
nition of the word “kill” but also no longer offers an
Dropping the Battlehammer
cally, its injured wing hanging limp at its side. Two infernal boon. The characters recruit the assistance of the Cult of the Elder
fire titans (appendix B) then rise over a small hill Elemental Eye to track down Bruenor Battlehammer, the miss- Through a diplomatic combination of strength
The demons are currently holed up in a nearby cave ing dwarven king. After finding out that Bruenor has been and appeasement, Triboar has managed to retain its
and begin running towards the wyrmling. If the
that connects to the Underdark. There is a marilith trapped by dao within the Elemental Plane of Earth, the char- independence from the various factions governing
characters don’t intervene, the titans quickly dispatch
and two vrocks. If the characters kill the demons acters must travel to the City of Jewels. After fomenting an the Realms. If anything, Triboar has grown in pros-
the dragon, cutting off its head and throwing it into uprising, the characters must lead Bruenor’s people, as well
without successfully renegotiating the contract, then perity since Vecna’s conquest. Triboar provides an
a sack. If the characters aid the wyrmling, it hisses as the petrified king, to safety.
Flibber laughs at them, gleefully declaring that they ideal place for the characters to rest, spend coin, and
its gratitude in Draconic. If left alone it will inev-
have breached the contract and forfeit their souls engage in other non-adventurous pursuits. As such
itably die. However, if the characters either fix its
before turning invisible and fleeing (In this case the it is recommended that DMs encourage the charac-
wing through magic or spend 1 hour and make a
characters, upon death, are reborn in the Nine Hells ters to finish this quest first. Details on Triboar can
successful DC 18 Wisdom (Medicine) check, the
as lemures). If the characters successfully renego- be found in Rise Of Vecna as well as Storm King’s
wyrmling manages to safely return to its distant lair.
tiated the contract then Flibber begrudgingly gives Thunder. In the absence of these books populate the
Word of the characters’ actions spread through the
them any agreed upon rewards. If Flibber agreed to a riboar is the natural starting point town with a handful of colorful, high-level NPCs as
area and the characters find themselves received
devilish boon then it awards one character with: for those looking for Hellenrae. The well as some shops where the characters might be
favorably should they later encounter Rezmir
(see chapter 12). For their service, the Black Charm of Many Tongues. You can speak and under- large town stands at the intersection able to spend their hard-earned coin.
Wyrmspeaker gifts the characters with a randomly stand all languages, you gain proficiency in the of the Long Road and Evermoor Way. Before beginning this chapter, read the Dwarfholds
selected magic item from Magic Item Table F in the Deception and Persuasion skills, and you can add Its flat, fertile ground makes it ideal of the North section of appendix A to familiarize your-
Dungeon Master’s Guide. your proficiency bonus twice, rather than once, for farming and ranching. Because of this, Triboar is self with what has befallen the dwarves since Vecna’s
when using those skills. This charm vanishes from a sprawling, decentralized town. conquest.
you when you die.


Cult of the Upon entering the temple Hellenrae spends five
minutes slowly tracing the surface of the earthen
Ogrémoch (appendix B), the Prince of Elemental
Earth. Ogrémoch’s voice sounds like grinding stones
deep gnomes. These miners are excavating the
cavern walls. Scores of gargoyles wielding vicious
Elder Elemental Eye doorway as if searching for something. She sourly
silences anyone who disrupts her concentration
as he queries, “STRANGE. WORMS. WHY?” whips flit about, flogging the miners sadistically.
The Prince of Evil Earth. Interacting with The statue is Bruenor Battlehammer, petrified by
Hellenrae (appendix B), also known as the Abbess during this process, snarling, “Now I have to start Ogrémoch is a test of patience. The Mountain that the Great Khan of the dao as a trophy. The statue is
of Stone, is a high-ranking member of the Cult of the over” every time someone does so. After an unin- Walks is slow and ponderous not only in form but often displayed within the Dismal Delve to demor-
Elder Elemental Eye (for information on this cult terrupted five minutes she stops her tracing, coils also in words and thought. He takes a long pause alize and deter any rebellious dwarves. The statue
see Doomed Forgotten Realms: SwOrd COast Gazetteer). back her arm, and then jabs at the wall with a single between every spoken word and when holding a has AC 15 and 150 hit points. This petrification is
In these difficult times many of the townsfolk have finger. There is a harmless explosion of shrapnel as conversation, he often takes ten or fifteen minutes to divine in origin and can only be removed through a
turned to her for reassurance and security. When the a passageway is exposed. Hellenrae beckons for the respond. Although he is a poor communicator, he is wish spell or by taking Bruenor far enough from the
characters arrive, Hellenrae can be found within a characters to enter the passage if they would seek an excellent listener and can often infer much from City of Jewels (see below for when this happens).
small church, delivering a sermon on the importance audience with Ogrémoch. The abbess, however, what is given to him. The stone gargoyle is an exceptionally powerful
of patience and fortitude. She is a dour, unsmiling refuses to accompany the characters.
If asked about the dwarves or Bruenor, Ogrémoch margoyle known as Terrathraxus, the Earthen
woman who habitually wears drab robes and a
golden gargoyle mask with no eye holes. Beneath her An Audience with Ogrémoch responds, “DWARVES. SLAVES. BRUENOR. STONE.”
Unless they take pains to prevent this, Ogrémoch
Scourge (appendix B). It has four arms and wields
greatswords studded with jagged deposits of acidic
mask can be seen the scarred sockets of her missing salt. One of its arms wields a scepter made from pink
For those brave enough to enter the passage, it slopes can infer that the characters seek the defeat of Vecna.
eyes, although thanks to her blindsight, this does not crystal. This scepter is connected to the collars worn
down steeply. This, combined with the floor’s loose Because of this the Elemental Prince is willing to
hold her back. by the dwarves and gnomes and, if one is attuned to
rock, makes for precarious footing. The passage help them. He offers to teleport the characters to
The Cult of the Elder Elemental Eye currently Bruenor with the following words, “PORTAL? DWARVES. the scepter, it can be used to either remove a collar
appears to only descend for thirty feet, although
views Vecna as an enemy and is eager to see his ONE. PURPLE. STONES. EXIT.” (This is short for, “Would or issue a command to any creature wearing a collar.
as soon as the characters get within ten feet of the
downfall. Because of this Hellenrae is receptive to you like a portal? It can take you to the dwarves, A creature wearing a collar need not comply with
passage’s end, there is a loud churning sound and the
the characters, so long as they patiently wait out her although it will be one-way. To return follow the a command but experiences 1d4 psychic damage
tunnel extends itself, as if it were being burrowed by
sermon. She informs the characters that while she purple stones.”) Ogrémoch is willing to offer more for every round they do not. Whenever a collar is
some invisible beast. At the same time, the ceiling
does not know what has befallen the dwarves, she information, particularly that contained in appendix removed it is rendered inert and cannot be reused.
begins to groan and the tunnel behind the characters
is confident that her lord and liege, Ogrémoch, the A, although he may take hours, or even days, to do so Upon the characters’ sudden appearance
collapses, leaving them trapped within a thirty-foot
Mountain of Doom, does and offers to take the char- effectively. Terrathraxus roars and immediately attacks. The
pocket of earth.
acters to visit him. dwarves and gnomes cheer loudly and begin to attack
This ever-extending pocket of earth continues to Whenever he thinks the characters are ready,
Should the characters accept her invitation, she Ogrémoch opens a portal to the Elemental Plane of their gargoyle captors using picks and thrown rocks.
descend deeper and deeper. Unless the characters
steps out of the small stone building that she was Earth. The portal is a stone monolith that constantly Such actions contradict their standing commands,
have taken precautions, the air within their bubble
using as a church, beckoning for them to follow. She changes its shape, filling the great cavern with a thun- however, so the miners experience 1d4 psychic
exhausts itself within twenty minutes. At this point
stands with her legs arched, bracing herself in a derous grinding noise. Once the characters step into damage every round that they do so. For simplicity
a character can hold their breath for a number of
martial arts posture, before slowly moving her arms it, they find themselves in the Dismal Delve. assume that 10 miners are reduced to 0 hit points
minutes equal to 1 + their Constitution modifier
and upper torso in a graceful dance. After a minute each round. When Terrathraxus is reduced to 70 hit
(minimum of 30 seconds). Once a character runs out
of this the ground begins to tremble, and then three
bulettes burst from the ground. Hellenrae mounts
of breath, they can survive for a number of rounds The Dismal Delve points, it yells loudly, “If I am going to be sent to oblivion, then
I am going to bring your pathetic king with me!” The margoyle
equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1
one of these subdued beasts while gesturing for the The Dismal Delve is a vast cavern, spanning then uses a reaction, if possible, to attack the statue
round). At the start of their next turn, they drop to
characters to mount the other two. Regardless of the hundreds of miles in all directions, that surrounds of Bruenor. From this point on Terrathraxus dedi-
0 hit points and are dying, and they can’t regain hit
characters’ actions Hellenrae and her bulettes wait the City of Jewels, the capital city of the dao. The cates all its actions to destroying Bruenor.
points or be stabilized until they can breathe again.
only a minute before racing off. The abbess sets a dao are a race of earth-based genies who take great Once the margoyle has been defeated any
relentless pace, traveling roughly 20 miles southeast, Just after the first character runs out of breath (or
pride in their wealth and use armies of slaves to mine remaining gargoyle guards flee. The remaining
into the Dessarain Hills, before finally arriving at the after ten minutes if the characters do not run out of
the Dismal Delve in search of new veins of ore and dwarves and gnomes swarm the characters, hefting
Temple of Elemental Unity. breath) the tunnel finally opens into a large cavern. At
gemstones. them into the air while hailing them as heroes. Any
this point stale air rushes into the chamber, allowing
The Temple of Elemental Unity is a hemisphere of The characters arrive loudly atop a flattened spire character with a passive perception of 16 or higher
any dying character to breathe again.
raw, jagged stone raised straight from the earth. It is near the delve’s edge (in the spaces marked E on the notices that dozens of protruding geodes, scattered
a savage-looking building obviously not built to satisfy This colossal cavern is an alien landscape filled throughout the delve, begin to glow a bright purple.
map). Atop the spire is the statue of a dwarf carved
any sense of civilized aesthetics. The interior of the with soaring stone buttresses, weirdly twisting
with a fierce and proud demeanor (marked B on the
hemispherical building is spacious and houses four columns, and gargantuan shards of glowing crystal.
map). The dwarf wears full plate armor and wields
portals to the elemental planes. A doorway of flame A long path of steps is cut into the uneven floor and Death of the King
an axe and a shield. Standing near the statue is a
burns along the southern wall and a doorway of raw wends its way between the mighty stone pillars to the If the statue of Bruenor is destroyed by Terrathraxus,
twenty-foot-tall gargoyle made of stone (marked T on
earth, scarcely distinguishable from its neighboring cavern’s core. There, the steps climb to the base of dwarven morale is dealt a grievous blow. In this case
the map). Below the spire can be seen hundreds of allow one of the three advisors, or perhaps a gnomish or
stone, is set into the northern wall. In the center of a stone platform. Atop this platform is a shambling,
dwarves (guard) and deep gnomes wearing collars dwarven PC, to step into the role of Bruenor Battlehammer.
the temple is a pool of water, and a shaft is carved 50-foot-tall colossus of rock, with crystal growths
made from rose-colored quartz. There are two In the face of low morale, all three advisors push for an
into the ceiling above it. embedded throughout its body. This colossus is
hundred dwarves in total, as well as one hundred immediate escape from the Dismal Delve.


return at any moment to quell the uprising. Grimnir
suggests that the miners are exhausted and need to March for Freedom
rest. After such a rest Grimnir suggests that he lead a Following the purple geodes leads the characters into
group of dwarves and gnomes to some nearby subter- a capacious tunnel, easily large enough to accommo-
ranean gardens to salvage food for what might be a date their followers (see the Elemental Earth map
lengthy journey. Kolathid takes a more militaristic for a generic stretch of tunnel). After a few hours of
stance, suggesting that they press their advantage travel, passing dozens of branching side tunnels, the
and attempt to liberate more of their brethren before characters come across three domesticated bulettes
continuing. grazing upon a pile of rubble. These docile creatures
For every twelve hours spent within the delve will not attack, even in self-defense. However, they
there is a cumulative twenty percent chance that an can be convinced to follow the characters with a
assault party attacks the characters. This assault successful DC 21 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check.
party consists of a dao, two earth elementals and
fifty gargoyles. Have the characters fight the dao and The Mud Hills
the elementals, and assume the dwarves and gnomes Roughly ten hours after encountering the bulettes,
fight the gargoyles. When the characters prevail, any the tunnel begins to pass near an area of the
remaining gargoyles flee; however, 3d6 followers Elemental Plane of Earth known as the Mud Hills.
are slain for every round of combat. The chance The ground grows soft and spongy before eventually
of a future assault party resets to twenty percent; turning into a viscous mud that grasps greedily at the
however, the next assault party will be twice as large boots of those walking through it. After another hour
as the first. This pattern continues indefinitely until of travel the ground turns watery, resembling quick-
the characters are either slain or flee the delve. sand rather than mud.
Grimnir’s Advice. Grimnir insists that everyone If the characters allowed their allies time to rest,
spend twelve hours resting. After this he is willing the dwarves and gnomes push through undaunted.
to lead a squad of fifty dwarves to nearby gardens However, if they were unable to rest, then ten percent
to forage for food. If allowed to do so he returns of the army perishes within the mud unless the char-
with ample provisions twelve hours later. He then acters take action to prevent this. Such actions might
insists that it would be wise to visit a nearby well range from the use of powerful magic to an inspiring
and gather some water. If allowed to do so he takes speech. Regardless, halfway through the trek the
another squad of fifty dwarves and returns, twelve dwarves carrying Bruenor stumble, and their liege
hours later, successfully. Finally, Grimnir mentions falls into the grasping muck. The characters have
that the dwarves noticed some abandoned barracks two rounds to secure Bruenor before the six-hun-
while gathering water and suggests he lead a party of dred-pound statue sinks into the mud, after which it
a hundred dwarves to gather weapons and armor for is sucked into the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze.
their journey. If allowed to do so, he and the dwarves After another few hours the ground begins to
are intercepted and killed. solidify, and the characters pass into an area known
Kolathid’s Advice. Kolathid initially insists on as the Tunnels of Madness.
taking a group of fifty dwarves and fifty deep gnomes Tunnels of Madness
to go looking for others that might be saved. If
A Time for Planning J Kolathid (NG female deep gnome) is a wizened Over the next ten hours the tunnel becomes smaller
allowed to do so she returns, after twelve hours, with
mystic who speaks on behalf of the svirfneblin. and is honeycombed with hundreds of strangely
an extra one hundred dwarves and one hundred
She is initially suspicious of the characters, wary shaped holes. An eerie wind blows through the
After a brief celebration a shocked uncertainty settles deep gnomes. Afterwards she asks to go again with a
that they might not have the best interests of her tunnel, creating an alien melody as it passes through
over the former prisoners. From the group of liber- new group of fifty dwarves and fifty deep gnomes. If
people at heart. the various holes. The wind blows from a nearby
ated prisoners, three potential advisors emerge: allowed to do so she returns twenty-four hours later
These three advisors attempt to confer privately portal to the Plane of Pandemonium. After two hours
with an extra one hundred and fifty dwarves and two
J Lieutenant Abatha Lea (LG female dwarf veteran) with the characters. If the purple geodes have not of travel, the characters must make a DC 20 Wisdom
hundred deep gnomes. She then asks to make one
is the highest-ranking dwarf. She is old, even by been noticed, then Kolathid brings them to the saving throw (The saving throw can be made with
last trip to liberate more prisoners. If allowed to do
dwarf standards, but her strength and vitality character’s attention. The deep gnome speaks of advantage if the characters have plugged their ears or
so she leaves with one hundred dwarves and one
remains undiminished and the only sign of her old legends in which Ogrémoch has used glowing taken similar precautions). If the characters fail the
hundred deep gnomes, all of whom are slain before
age is her braided silver hair. purple stones to guide supplicants from danger. Both saving throw, then they are afflicted with a short-term
they can return.
J Grimnir (CG male dwarf priest) is the spiritual Abatha and Grimnir agree with this interpretation. madness (Dungeon Master’s Guide, chapter 8). If the
At some point the characters will decide that it is characters fail the saving throw by five or more, then
backbone of the former prisoners. His eyes have Beyond this, however, the advisors disagree. Abatha
time to flee the Dismal Delve. Before leaving, the they are also afflicted with a long-term madness. If
been gouged out, but he refuses to let this hold suggests the characters rally the current prisoners
dwarves create a makeshift platform of stone that the characters fail the saving throw by ten or more,
him back. and leave immediately, noting that the dao might
they use to carry the statue of their king. then they are also afflicted by an indefinite madness.

Shortly after this check a death slaad, accompa-
nied by a green slaad and a hundred troglodytes,
finally emerging on the other side of the stone wall.
While lost the characters are set upon by a search
At this the Khan explodes in uncontrolled fury,
triggering a cave-in within the tunnel. In response The Return
emerges from the tunnels to attack the characters. party consisting of two dao, three earth elementals Bruenor yells to his people, “Quick lads and lasses! Upon their return the characters are glumly
Have the characters battle the death slaad and green and a hundred gargoyles. Have the characters fight Run to the portal!” The dwarven monarch then welcomed by the golden-masked Hellenrae. After
slaad, while assuming the followers deal with the the dao and the elementals, and assume the dwarves turns to the characters, “Ye will have to keep that cursing them for dirtying up her temple, she begrudg-
troglodytes (see the Tunnels of Madness map). If and gnomes fight the gargoyles. When the characters blowhard occupied, lest he use his powers to ingly informs the characters that Ogrémoch was
there are more than three hundred followers, then prevail, any remaining gargoyles flee; however, 3d6 close the portal!” pleased by their success. She gives the characters
they manage to overwhelm the troglodytes without followers are slain for every round of combat. If the Khan is left unattacked for a round, he spends six pairs of smooth, matched stones. She refers to
suffering any casualties. Otherwise, 1d10 followers The purple geodes lead a twisting route for another his turn concentrating and closing the portal. At this these stones as Ears of Ogrémoch. They are func-
are killed for each round that the characters spend five hours before ending, yet again, in a dead end. At point the portal can only be reopened by breaking tionally equivalent to sending stones, although any
fighting the slaadi. this point the characters have fled far enough from the Khan’s concentration. Rockribs releases his message sent through them can also be heard by the
the City of Jewels that the magic petrifying Bruenor umber hulks to harry the characters while fighting by Elemental Prince of Earth. Hellenrae then sourly
Rise of Vecna begins to fade. There is a great shattering sound from his master’s side. While this is happening, Bruenor kicks the characters out of her temple, suggesting
If the characters have played Rise Of Vecna and one of him as he flexes his muscles, cracking through his begins to lead his army through the portal. Unless the that they retreat to nearby Triboar.
them bears the blessing of Ssendam, the slaadi refuse to stony cocoon. At the same time a whirling portal, like characters intervene in some way, it takes five rounds At Triboar the characters are heralded as heroes
attack the characters. Instead, the green slaad offers to the one the characters used to access the Elemental for everyone to fully evacuate. During the second for their role in the return of the dwarves. The Lord
accompany and protect the characters during their trek. Plane, opens at the end of the tunnel. The portal is round of combat, a falling boulder pins a dwarf and Protector of Triboar, Daratha Shendrel, bestows
two hundred feet from the characters. two deep gnomes. Removing the boulder requires a upon the characters an abandoned stone mansion
As soon as someone steps towards the portal, the successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check. During known as Boar’s Rest, once owned by a wizard who
The Home Stretch very planes themselves begin to shake with unbri- the fourth round of combat, one of the umber hulks ran afoul of Vecna. Bruenor thanks the characters
After another four hours of travel the purple-lit dled, elemental fury. A corpulent dao, dressed in breaks from combat and begins trying to kill the profusely, declaring them honorary dwarves and
pathway ends abruptly in a smooth stone wall. This layers of bright silk and wearing an array of glittering fleeing dwarves. pledging his assistance should they ever need it. Over
barrier was recently erected by the divine decree of jewelry, rises from the ground between the characters At the end of the fifth round of combat, once all the course of the next month the deep gnomes move
the dao’s Great Khan. It Is fifty feet thick and cannot and the portal. The dao is Koh Nur, the Great Khan the dwarves and gnomes have been evacuated, south, settling within the Throne of Primordial Unity.
be broken through by conventional tactics. If the char- (marked K on the map; appendix B). Accompanying Bruenor rushes into the fray, hobbling the Khan with Half of the dwarves settle in Triboar. The remainder
acters brought the bulettes with them, they can be the dao is his stone giant seneschal, Rockribs a thunderous blow to his kneecap. Bruenor yells to of the dwarves travel north with Bruenor, seeking
coaxed into burrowing through the wall. Otherwise, (marked R on the map). Rockribs holds a series of the characters, “I’ve got him now! Rush for the Ironmaster, where Bruenor believes the rest of his
the characters and their companions will have to use adamantine chains, at the end of which are leashed portal before it’s too late. My people need ye!” It kin can be found.
side tunnels to circumvent the barrier. If the char- a pack of eight slavering umber hulks (marked U on is up to the characters how to proceed at this point.
acters allowed Kolathid to gather allies, then one the map). If they listen to Bruenor, then they emerge from the alloW THe CHaraCTers To gain one level
of the rescued deep gnomes, a ranger by the name portal within the Temple of Elemental Unity. A long aFTer suCCessFully reTurning From
The Great Khan’s voice washes over the characters
of Svirtblx, approaches the characters, indicating minute later, just as the portal is about to close, they THe elemenTal plane oF earTH.
like an avalanche, each thunderous word sending
that he can lead the group around the barrier. He is see Bruenor dramatically dive headfirst through, his
cracks throughout the ceiling,
true to his word and can find an alternative path that helm tumbling to the floor as he lands with a loud
requires just eight hours of additional travel. Without “INSIGNIFICANT WORMS. YOU
OOMPH! Should the characters insist that Bruenor
Svirtblx the characters must make a successful DC WILL EXPERIENCE A THOUSAND
flee first, then they will all need to be able to reach
21 Survival check or get lost for 1d4 days before UNPARALLELED PAINS FOR YOUR
the portal, which is 100 feet from the Khan, before
the Khan can close it.

CHAPTER 11 Voyage Under the Sea Optional Encounter
During the voyage, the crew sings a myriad of
The Lantanese submarine shows up two weeks later, different shanties. After two days, the characters are

Worse Things Happen at Sea as promised. For a description and map of the inte-
rior of the Scarlet Marpenoth, refer to appendix E.
likely capable of singing along. One of the shanties
in particular, “Get Away,” eventually turns out to be a
The characters journey to Port Llast to recruit the assistance escort the characters to an abandoned building The submarine is commanded by Captain Zardoz portent of things to come. The shanty goes like this:
of the drow elf, Jarlaxle Baenre. Jarlaxle agrees to aid the where a slender drow in bright, vibrant clothing Zord, a well-built, scantily clad man wearing scarlet
characters if they agree to help the swashbuckler kill a krak-
awaits. The drow wears an eye-patch and a wide- apparel designed to accentuate his trim figure and
en that has been destroying his ships. Using Jarlaxle’s subma-
brimmed, plumed hat. The drow is, in fact, a drow Close your eyes, mates, when you see what
rine, the Scarlet Marpenoth, the characters venture into an bountiful chest hair. The swashbuckling captain cannot be.
undersea trench to battle the menacing aberration. mage masquerading as Jarlaxle, leader of the Bregan is none other than a magically disguised Jarlaxle Close your ears, mates, when that sound com
D’aerthe, through a disguise self spell. The drow Baenre (appendix B). from the sea.
listens to the characters carefully, cryptically moving The Rift is located roughly halfway between Hold your breath, mates, when you’re knee
his eye-patch from one eye to the other over the down to pray,
course of the conversation. Read or paraphrase the
Waterdeep and the Whale Bones. It takes about four Pray to the gods we get away.
he small coastal town of Port Llast drow mage’s response to any pleas:
days of undersea travel for the submarine to get there And we’ll race the wind when they come to
has been abandoned for years and its from Port Llast. The Rift is three miles deep and our lives.
harbor is strewn with long-plundered one mile long. It is initially five hundred feet wide, And we’ll ride the waves while we’re strong
“I’m not a fan of Vecna, that rattling asymmetric
although it tapers claustrophobically the further enough to fight.
time to
shipwrecks. However, this location is horror. And Lolth knows I’d love nothing more than
down the characters descend. It is supernaturally Yes we’ll race the wind when we’re out of
still the only accessible port between to see him ingloriously upended. But I am up to my pray,
Luskan and Evernight. On moonless nights, Jarlaxle boots in trouble of my own. A long slumbering kraken dark within the Rift, and all light within the chasm Pray to the gods we get away.
Baenre and the Bregan D’aerthe often sneak into has recently awakened and is terrorizing my shipping has its range reduced by one half.
lanes. This overgrown calamaro has already taken out
Port Llast, smuggling goods to and from the main- six of our vessels. If you remove this thorn from my
land. For more details on the Bregan D’aerthe see side, then I will be more inclined to help with your Suddenly while singing the shanty, a faint knocking
Doomed Forgotten Realms: SwOrd COast Gazetteer. own. What say you?” is heard from the outside of the Scarlet Marpenoth.
Two vadatajs (appendix B) are crawling on the hull,
Port Llast He can provide the following information:
knocking to receive a sacrifice and staying out of
sight of the windows. If let in, they proceed to attack
If the characters visit Port Llast during a new moon,
J The kraken sleeps in an undersea chasm known anything living in sight, fighting to the death.
as the Rift. Jarlaxle has a Lantanese submarine,
they find a bustling marketplace temporarily set-up. The characters or crew can offer up two or more
called the Scarlet Marpenoth, that he plans to
Shadowy figures make deals amidst ruined houses. humanoids to the vadatajs by forcing them out of the
take into the chasm to kill the kraken. It will
Row boats with muffled oars load and unload cargo. submarine without diving suits. Doing so appeases
arrive in Port Llast in two weeks.
Darkened wagons with padded wheels noiselessly the vadatajs, who will settle for drowning the sacri-
roll through the streets. J If the characters help kill the kraken, then fices and leave the rest of the crew alone.
Six male drow gunslingers (appendix B) and two Jarlaxle will agree to smuggle the characters into If left to their own devices, the vadatajs eventually
male drow mages set up a perimeter twenty-four Skullport, a small city of thugs and brigands that stop knocking and instead attempt to feel any vibra-
hours before the new moon and remain on guard exists beneath Waterdeep. According to the drow tions running through the hull, letting them know
until the following daybreak. These drow confront this is the easiest way to sneak into Waterdeep. when most of the crew are asleep. At this point, they
the characters whenever they arrive, questioning J Jarlaxle recently arranged for the shipment of five forcefully break open the door of area I4 (appendix
them before demanding that they submit to a detect harpoons of kraken slaying (see arrows of slaying) E). If the Scarlet Marphenoth’s Electrify Hull action
thoughts spell. Once the drow are convinced that but the shipment was destroyed by the kraken is activated, the vadatajs take the appropriate
the characters do not work for Vecna, they allow before it could reach Jarlaxle. damage and break down the door. It takes 8
them to come and go as they please. These drow are Additionally, if a character makes a successful hours of work to adequately repair a door
members of the Bregan D’aerthe. DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, summarize the broken down by the vadatajs.
The merchants of Port Llast sell primarily information contained in the kraken section of the
mundane items. Goods for sale include food, water, Monster Manual for them.
spices, alcohol, medicine, and books. There is
an obvious spirit of community that pervades the For a Good Cause
market. Haggling is minimal and all goods are During their conversations, “Jarlaxle” will appeal to the
exchanged at a fair or discounted price. The market characters for donations to the Bregan D’aerthe, referring
sets up around three hours before midnight and to his faction as the last credible force of good within the
Realms. If the characters ask for something in return, then
promptly disperses three hours after midnight.
“Jarlaxle” offers to procure magical items for them at 150
If the characters inquire about One-Eyed Jax, they percent their normal value. The drow requests that the
are met with blank, confused stares. However, an characters pay ahead of time and delivers the items to Port
hour later two drow gunslingers show up and quietly Llast two weeks later.

The Hunt is Afoot Water Pressure
A spell that allows one to breathe underwater provides no
At the top of the Rift, Zardoz asks the characters protection against the crushing effect of water pressure
if they would prefer to exit the submarine before unless the spell’s description says otherwise. Water pres-
sure increases with depth as described below.
descending. If so, the characters can don diving suits ½-1 mile. Creatures and vehicles at Maelstrom’s depth take
before exiting the vehicle (see area I4 in appendix 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage per minute from water
E for additional details). While wearing diving suits, pressure unless they are adapted or built to withstand
the characters are immune to the crushing of water this environment. Storm giants, whales, sharks, crusta-
pressure down to depths of 2½ mile (see the Water ceans, and aquatic invertebrates are immune to water
pressure at this depth, as are vehicles with a damage
Pressure sidebar). threshold of 10 or higher.
The Scarlet Marpenoth descends or ascends at a 1-3 miles. Creatures and vehicles at this depth take 14 (4d6)
speed of 1 mile per hour, or at ¼ mile per hour if it bludgeoning damage per minute from water pressure
needs to dive through heavy foliage. unless they are adapted or built to withstand this envi-
ronment. Algae blights, deep scions, and octopuses are
One Mile Down. After a mile’s descent, the chasm among the creatures immune to water pressure at this
becomes clogged with a tangle of kelp and seaweed. depth, as are vehicles with a damage threshold of 15 or
At least one character is required to leave the vehicle higher.
to clear a path through the undersea foliage. After 3+ miles. Creatures and vehicles at this depth take 28 (8d6)
a thousand feet of strenuous bushwhacking (about bludgeoning damage per minute from water pressure
45 minutes of work), any characters outside of the unless they are adapted or built to withstand this envi-
submarine are attacked by two algae blights (use ronment. Few creatures, such as dragon turtles, krakens,
and sahuagin, are immune to water pressure at this
the statistics for shambling mound). At the same depth, as are vehicles with a damage threshold of 30 or
time 1d4+1 algae blights manage to worm their way higher.
through the submarine’s propulsion system and into
the interior of the Scarlet Marpenoth, attacking any
Three Miles Down. The kraken, along with a
living creature they encounter. Soon after, the tangled
juvenile kraken (appendix B), awaits the charac-
skein of algae gives way to an inky darkness as pure
ters at the bottom of the rift (see the Rift battle map
and perfect as the void.
which also outlines the Scarlet Marpenoth as well
Two Miles Down. After another mile’s descent, as the two krakens). Scattered beneath it are the
the dark purity of the aquatic abyss is broken by a broken hulls of dozens of sailing vessels, some of
vast school of strange, phosphorescent fish. The which seem hundreds of years old. A successful
fish are swimming upwards, en masse, in panic. DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check notices a
Heedless of their surroundings, the fish smash galleon that is free of the barnacles and seaweeds
headlong into the Marpenoth, their collision ringing that encrust most of the other vessels. A quick search
throughout the submarine like hail along a tin roof. of the galleon finds a shattered iron box with six
The ever-amassing entrails of the fish begins to dim harpoons of kraken slaying.
the submarine’s gemstone headlight. Similarly, the
The krakens target the submarine until they take
windshield of the Marpenoth is soon caked in phos-
damage from a different source. They then focus
phorescent goo, obscuring the submarine’s view.
their attacks on this new target. The krakens are a
At this point the kraken’s voice telepathically savage force of nature and fight accordingly, relying
booms, “WHAT FOOLS AWAKEN Urthuvn?” The on brute strength to eradicate the characters. The
characters then see the briefest shadow of an impos- monstrosities fight to the death, refusing to flee from
sibly large tentacle before five giant octopuses attack their own lair.
the Marpenoth and any characters swimming near it.
Unless calmed by the characters, Lorella, the pilot,
immediately assumes that they are under attack by A Liar's Word
the kraken. In a panic she begins launching torpe- In the event of success, Jarlaxle drops his disguise,
does and releasing depth mines, potentially injuring congratulating the characters and his crew. The dark
adjacent characters in the process. The fish swarm elf returns the characters to Port Llast, or elsewhere
disperses soon after the octopuses are dealt with. At if they prefer. He is good to his word and agrees
this point, it is a simple matter for the characters to to smuggle them into Skullport at a date of their
clean the submarine’s illumination crystal and wind- choosing (see chapter 14).
shield before continuing their descent.
alloW THe CHaraCTers To gain one level
aFTer DeFeaTing THe kraken.

CHAPTER 12 In return, Rezmir offers five 50,000 gp gemstones.
If the characters ask for greater assistance and

Here Be Dragons make a successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion)

check, then Rezmir offers them an obsidian
The characters travel to Leilon to recruit the aid of Tiamat in Any inquiries regarding Rezmir are met with imme- sending stone which the characters can use
their upcoming battle against Vecna. After speaking with the diate suspicion. The cultists request that the charac- to contact the half-dragon. Upon contact, the
Black Wyrmspeaker, Rezmir, the characters are tasked with characters can request a rare magic item that will
sneaking into Neverwinter Wood to steal the Vonindod, an
ters wait within an abandoned farmstead along the
edge of the city. Twenty-four hours later a cult fanatic be delivered to them within two weeks.
adamantine titan of death forged by the fire giants.
accompanied by four cultists and twelve kobolds asks Upon reaching a deal the cult fanatic leads the
the characters to follow her. She leads the charac- characters back to Leilon. In the absence of a deal
ters from the farmstead into the marshy borders Rezmir and the dragons attack the characters in
of the Mere of the Dead. From there she spends a hopes of plundering their corpses.
or those seeking an alliance with harrowing two days safely guiding the characters
Tiamat, Leilon is a natural
starting point. The town is
through a gauntlet of quicksand, shambling mounds,
and hungry crocodiles of gargantuan proportions.
Neverwinter Wood
currently under the control of the The journey ends at Castle Naerytar. The Neverwinter Wood holds countless ruins and
Cult of the Dragon. These cult- more than a few crumbling castles. The area around
ists serve the black dragon twins, Voaraghamanthar
and Waervaerendor. Very few know of the existence
Castle Naerytar Gauntlgrym is heavily patrolled by the fire giants and
their servants. Bypassing these patrols requires a
of both dragons as they pretend to be a single dragon, Castle Naerytar is a crumpling, moss-covered struc- successful DC 15 group Dexterity (Stealth) check. A
Voaraghamanthar. There are fifty Cult of the Dragon ture hidden deep within the Mere of Dead Men. It Though Rezmir is an imposing figure, typical patrol consists of one fire titan (appendix B)
members (forty-five cultists, four cult leaders, and her mighty dragon, Voaraghamanthar,
serves as one of Rezmir’s many strongholds, and is perhaps even more so and three ogres. Each patrol carries a horn that is
one mage) in total, housed throughout Leilon. They she is currently residing there with her retinue of sounded immediately upon the detection of intruders.
are served by one hundred kobolds who are scat- servants. As the characters arrive a dark, massive Once a horn is blown, additional patrols arrive every
tered about the town and mud flats. For more details silhouette blots out the day’s sun, casting the area five minutes.
on the Cult of the Dragon see Doomed Forgotten Realms: in darkness. Soon after, Voaraghamanthar, an adult Rezmir can provide additional information: The Vonindod rests within a forest clearing
SwOrd COast Gazetteer black dragon, lands before the characters. Riding
astride the dragon is the Black Wyrmspeaker,
J The Vonindod is an 80-foot-tall construct forged (marked V on the map). It is currently being tended

Leilon Rezmir (appendix B) who gracefully dismounts

from adamantine. It wields an adamantine
greatsword that can easily cleave through drag-
by two fire titans, two salamanders, and two azers.
The perimeter of the clearing is warded by an invis-
to confront the characters. Mere seconds later ible tripwire of magic that issues forth the sound of a
Leilon is a small town near the High Road, nestled onscale as well as an adamantine harpoon that
Voaraghamanthar’s twin, Waervaerendor (adult blasting horn if tripped. The tripwire can be detected
between mountains to the east and coastal mudflats can fell even an ancient dragon. The titan is
black dragon), perches atop the castle under the with detect magic. If detected, it is easily avoided.
to the west. South of Leilon is the Mere of Dead Men, not an animated construct but rather piloted by
effects of a ring of invisibility.
a trackless swamp created almost a thousand years unknown creatures. The Vonindod is 80 feet tall. It has been crafted to
Rezmir’s initial plan is to kill the characters and look like an imposing fire giant with a horned helm
ago by the lich Iniarv.
take their treasure as tribute for Tiamat. However, J The Vonindod is currently inactive and stationed
within the Neverwinter Wood near the fire giant and a greatsword. A massive harpoon is attached to
she is also curious as to the characters’ motives and its back. The construct is almost entirely composed
is willing to hear them out. Rezmir is whole-heartedly fortress of Gauntlgrym. Rezmir can provide a
map to where the construct is located within the of adamantine with two huge rubies for eyes. There
devoted to Tiamat and knows that the Dragon Queen is a visible access port in the Vonindod’s right heel.
seeks to dethrone Vecna. Because of this she is forest. The area about Gauntlgrym, much like
Waterdeep, is warded against the intrusion of The access port is locked, although the lock can
receptive to any plans that involve the lich’s downfall. be picked with a successful DC 25 Dexterity check
After hearing the characters out, Rezmir makes the dragons and their ilk.
made with thieves’ tools. The adamantine lock
following proposal: J Rezmir suggests that the characters sneak cannot be broken, although a hole large enough for
through the woods and break into the Vonindod. a Medium-sized creature to crawl through can be
“Her five-headed majesty has long sought the destruc- If they can pilot the construct to the edge of the
tion of Vecna. However, powerful magics prevent her,
burned through the port with Tiamat’s acid. The
woods, then Rezmir can arrange for the construct access port leads to area J1.
as well as her children, from assaulting the accursed
one. Her cause has been further hampered by fire to be transported to the Soaring Citadel, where
giants allied with Vecna. With the lich king’s help these it can be protected by Tiamat and her consorts. J1. Legs of the Vonindod
giants have managed to craft Vonindod, the Titan of Rezmir warns the party against retaining the The Vonindod has two legs. Each of the legs is
Death. The giants have managed to use this abomi- Vonindod, as the titan would be easy for Vecna roughly 10 feet in diameter and 40 feet tall. Their
nable construct with great effect, killing many of our and his liches to track. To aid with this task, interior is lined with a network of pipes and adaman-
kind. If you were to seek the notice of our chromatic
Leilon is swarming with Rezmir offers up a dragonscale receptacle filled tine rivets. There is an intricate series of gears along
kobolds dedicated to Tiamat
queen, the true lord of Toril, then you might do so by
stealing the Vonindod and bringing it to us for safe with Tiamat’s divine acid. This highly concen- the construct’s knees. Ladders lead up to area J2.
transport to Tiamat’s Soaring Citadel.” trated acid works like alchemist’s fire (PHB) Two salamanders are currently performing routine
except that it inflicts 10d6 acid damage. maintenance within the Vonindod’s left leg.
J2. Waist of the Vonindod J4. Command Deck Just as the characters near the edge of the wood
they are attacked again:
Both legs open into a 20 foot long, 10 foot wide The hollow interior of the Vonindod’s head is a
chamber. Each leg is capped with an open trapdoor. 10-foot tall, 10-foot-wide cylinder. The titan’s two Round 1. Three fire titans rush from the nearby
The trapdoors can be closed from this room. The ruby eyes are visible from within the head, although woods. They each use their heat metal ability
trapdoors can be locked by spinning a large wheel they are too opaque to see through clearly. Between on the head of the Vonindod. For the next five
clockwise and unlocked by spinning the wheel coun- the eyes is a pedestal upon which rests a smooth, rounds any creature within area J4 takes 3d6 fire
terclockwise. Once locked, the trapdoors can only adamantine orb. An open trapdoor, like those in area damage on the beginning of their turn, poten-
be forced open with a successful DC 25 Strength J2, leads down to area J3. Chromatic dragons make for
tially breaking their concentration. The fire
(Athletics) check. The room is sweltering hot and has exceptionally powerful but also titans then begin to batter the Vonindod, hoping
The giant ruby eyes are worth 25,000 gp and extremely dangerous allies
a caustic, sulfurous stench to it. Hundreds of iron to render it inactive.
weigh 250 lb. apiece. They are firmly attached to the
crates line the walls, filled with chunks of dark, smol- colossus and cannot be removed unless the construct Round 2. Two siege catapults (marked C on the
dering stone. A steep metal stairwell leads 15 feet up is reduced to 0 hit points. If a character touches one map), each of which is strategically positioned 100
to area J3. of the gemstones, they can see through the eyes of feet away from the Vonindod, fire upon the construct.
The salamanders working within the construct’s left the Vonindod. Any character that makes a successful Each siege catapult is manned by a fire titan. The
leg can be heard with a successful DC 15 Wisdom DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check discerns that they siege catapults have AC 20 and 100 hit points. As
(Perception) check. They are intent upon their work can cast spells through the ruby eyes. long as they are manned by a Huge sized creature,
and do not come up unless they hear sounds of
obvious intrusion.
The adamantine orb controls the Vonindod. It The Great Escape the catapults can launch one boulder every round.
These boulders have +17 to hit and inflict 28
is also firmly attached to the pedestal and cannot
Upon gaining control of the Vonindod, the characters (4d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage, or twice as
The smoldering stones are cinderstone, a type of be removed unless the construct is reduced to 0
must pilot it to the edge of the Neverwinter Wood, much to any structure or construct such as the
coal native to the Elemental Plane of Fire. They are hit points. If a character touches the orb, they gain
which is about a mile away. Given the suddenness Vonindod. Anytime the Vonindod is hit by one of
used to power the Vonindod. immediate control of the Vonindod, although main-
of their assault, they encounter little organized these boulders the person piloting it must make a
taining control requires Concentration. Such control
J3. Torso of the Vonindod is absolute until the character loses contact with the resistance as they do so. During this trek, use the successful DC 17 Dexterity check or the Vonindod is
The torso is partitioned off from the waist by an iron following statistics for the Vonindod: knocked prone.
orb, loses their concentration, or the Vonindod is
latticework floor that glows faintly with ambient heat. Rounds 3-5. Unless the characters have taken
A large burning furnace is affixed to the front of the
reduced to 0 hit points. For details on the Vonindod J The Vonindod’s size is Gargantuan.
see below. precautions to seal it, the fire portal in area J3 flares
torso. Along the back of the torso is a portal of raging, J It has AC 25 and 500 hit points. If reduced to 0 to life. A fire elemental led by an azer emerges
Charnov. Within this chamber is the fire titan hit points, the Vonindod has a speed of 0 feet and
hungry flame. The furnace is tended by a hulking from the portal and heads for area J4, attacking any
priest, Charnov. Charnov has had his size perma- can no longer take actions.
humanoid with magma-red skin. The humanoid characters it finds along the way. For the next three
nently reduced, allowing the fire giant to move
wears a fine silk robe and is bedecked in brass and J It has a speed of 40 feet. rounds 2d4 magmin emerge from the portal each
comfortably. He fights to the death to defend the
gold torcs, chains, and rings that glitter with jewels. A round.
ladder leads up to area J4.
Vonindod. Charnov has the statistics of a fire titan J If prone, the person piloting it can use an action to
with the following changes: command it to stand up. Round 6. At this point a bolt of lightning flashes
The portal is connected to the Elemental Plane from the skies, obliterating one of the catapults.
of Fire. It leads to a mining facility on the outskirts J His size is Medium. J It is immune to fire damage This is soon followed by a punishing storm of hail
of the legendary City of Brass. The fire giants are J He has disadvantage on Strength checks and J It can’t be critically hit. and frost that engulfs any fire titans still attacking
currently replenishing their supply of cinderstone. inflicts half damage with melee attacks. the Vonindod, turning them quickly into frozen
Three rounds after the characters enter this room, a
J The person piloting it can use an action to have
J As an action Charnov can cast one of the following statues. Immediately afterwards an ancient white
the Vonindod attack three times with its greats-
startled azer emerges from the portal with a wheel- spells, using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability dragon lands atop the frozen giants, smashing them
word or make one attack with its harpoon.
barrow full of cinderstone. (spell save DC 15): into chunks of bloody ice while roaring loudly. Any
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach
The humanoid is an efreeti who refers to himself At will: guiding bolt, light, sacred flame 15 ft., one target. Hit: 46 (8d8 + 10) slashing damage. remaining fire titans immediately flee in terror and
as Cinderstorm, the Bringer of Death, and Lord of When the Vonindod rolls a 20 on its attack roll, its any characters within 120 feet of the dragon must
the Titan. Cinderstorm is a cruel, arrogant crea- J Charnov has the following additional actions: target takes an additional 28 slashing damage. It succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become
ture who attacks any intruders on sight. As a lair Inner Fire (Recharge 6). Charnov targets a creature then rolls another d20. If the Vonindod rolls a 20, it frightened for 1 minute.
that isn’t a Construct or Undead that he can see lops off one of the target’s limbs, with the effect of
action, on initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) such loss determined by the DM.
within 60 feet, causing a surge of revitalizing heat to Fire Titans and the Ordning
Cinderstorm can cause the portal to explode in a course through it. As a result, the target regains up Harpoon. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +17 to The Realms were already in great turmoil when Annam,
great conflagration of flame. Such a conflagration to lost 70 hit points and any conditions that cause it hit, reach 15 ft. or range 200/800., one target. Hit: the All-Father, broke the ordning, the divinely ordained
inflicts 17 (5d6) fire damage to any creature standing to be blinded, deafened, or diseased end. 46 (8d8 + 10) piercing damage. If the target is a hierarchy amongst the giants (as described in Storm King’s
within the torso. The sounds of fighting quickly draw Searing Rain (Recharge 4-6). A vertical column of dragon, then it must make a DC 21 Constitution Thunder). Because of this, the heroes of the Realms were
the attention of the fire titan priest from area J4. searing flames descends from the sky. Each creature saving throw, taking an extra 12d20 piercing damage unable to save King Hekaton, Lord of the Storm Giants,
in a 10-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on on a failed save, or half as much extra damage on a and restore the sundered hierarchy. Now, years later, the
a point within 60 feet of Charnov must make a DC successful one. ordning remains in flux. Currently the fire giants rest atop
15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 fire the hierarchy. In their new position of power, they refer to
damage and 4d6 radiant damage on a failed save, or The characters are attacked once during their themselves as fire titans, although most others still refer to
half as much damage on a successful one. journey to the edge of the woods by a patrol them as fire giants.
consisting of one fire titan and three ogres.


Draconian Accolades
The ancient white dragon is the White Wyrm, CHAPTER 13
Arveiaturace. Although once blinded by cataracts,
she has since had her vision restored by Tiamat. A
Upon their arrival the two dragons demand that
the characters exit the Vonindod. After doing so, the
Fatal Attraction
frozen, desiccated corpse is saddled to her back, the dragons disdainfully distribute any rewards promised The characters visit a newly remodeled Undermountain to If confronted, Durnan denies his former life, loudly
remnants of an old wizard that once served as her to the characters by Rezmir. They then each grab a recruit the aid of Halaster Blackcloak, the Mad Mage of Un- declaring that the characters have had a bit too
dermountain. The archmage is willing to assist the charac-
friend and confidant. Accompanying Arveiaturace is shoulder of the massive construct, and fly off to the ters, but only after they help him kill three of his former
much to drink. He then whispers for the characters
an ancient blue dragon known as Iymrith. southeast, towards Tiamat’s Soaring Citadel. apprentices. to meet him after the bar has closed. If the charac-
ters are respectful of this wish, Durnan is willing to
hear them out. During conversation, the barkeep is
sparing with his words, preferring to listen rather
than talk. If the characters indicate that they wish to
handalin is the natural starting speak with Halaster or access Undermountain, then
point for those seeking Halaster Durnan responds as follows:
Blackcloak. The town is ruled by
a gang of twenty thugs referred “I’d warn you off, although I suspect your mind is
to as the Redbrand Ruffians. set. That wizard is dangerously mad and not to be
The Ruffians are led by Glassstaff (LE male human trifled with. It is true that I have a mirror, a gift from
mage). For more details on Phandalin see Lost the mage himself, that can transport anyone daft
Mines of Phandelver. enough straight into the dungeon. If you’d like to go,
I won’t stop you. At the very least, it will put an end

to you poking your noses around places they have no

Phandalin is a frontier town built upon the ruins of Durnan brings down a large, heavy, oval glass
an older settlement. Its remote location has served mirror. He lays it upon the floor and then waves his
it well in the intervening years, and it has been left hands over it. As he does so the glass begins to ripple
largely untouched since Vecna’s conquest. The town gently like water. The bartender warns the characters
boasts about eighty buildings and serves as home to that the portal is likely one-way and that they will
an assortment of farmers, woodcutters, fur traders, need to find their own way out of Undermountain
and prospectors. before bidding them good riddance. If the characters
The Stonehill Inn can be found within the center touch the mirror, they are transported to area K1.
of the town. It is a plain building of fieldstone and
rough-hewn timbers. It is filled, most hours of the
K1. Entry Chamber
day, by townsfolk enjoying the local cider. Tending There is a flash of teleportational energy, and the
the bar is a middle-aged man with a receding hair- characters find themselves in a dark, forty-foot square
line and thick, bushy mustache. The bartender goes chamber with a floor of sand. The walls are made
by the name of Dern (N male human veteran) but from plain, fitted stone. A dark-watered river runs
is, in fact, Durnan, the renowned former proprietor along the western side of the room. A rickety gondola
of Waterdeep’s Yawning Portal. To avoid arrest and floats within the river, moored to a short, broad dock.
execution, Durnan fled Waterdeep long ago. He A tall, gaunt, male human stands in the northeastern
has since been laying low in the remote town of corner of the room. He wears dark, tattered robes
Phandalin. adorned with eyelike patterns.
The statue is a wax replica of Halaster Blackcloak,
the Mad Mage of Undermountain. The robes are
River Properties part of the statue and cannot be removed. Within five
The river is oily and dark. Although the boat drifts smoothly seconds of the character’s arrival the statue begins to
along the river, the waters themselves seem placid and giggle before proclaiming, “Welcome to the new and
there is no evidence of a current. The boat moves 10 feet
a round. The water is 20 feet deep and unbearably cold improved Undermountain! Better tricks! Better traps!
to the touch. Any character who spends a round within Better apprentices! You are currently on level one, the
the enervating water must make a successful DC 15 Museum Level. Please step on the gondola, and after
Constitution saving throw or become inflicted with one a brief historical tour, you will be teleported to the
level of exhaustion. most appropriate level of the dungeon.”


Gondola. The rickety gondola is twenty feet long, noble families from Waterdeep. If the character K3. Chamber of Many Pillars it and their items disappear completely. The mirrors
ten feet wide and can hold up to eight Medium- succeeds on their check by five or more, they note lose their powers immediately after creating a dupli-
Plain stone pillars rise from the water throughout
sized characters. A crystal orb is embedded within that one of the family crests signifies buried treasure. cate, or if removed from the wall.
this flooded chamber. The river continues through a
the prow of the gondola, near which is a small, If the characters examine this shield closely, they Any reflections created by these mirrors do their
passageway to the west. Stairs rising from the water
satchel-sized wooden box with a small slit in its top. note that it can be removed from the wall. Behind best to kill their counterpart and take their place.
lead to a raised hallway to the north. The words
Scrawled in Common along the front of the box are the shield is a small niche which contains a ring of Characters can prevent this from happening by
“Certain fun this way!” are scrawled atop the stairs.
the words, “One coin per passenger”. The box can feather fall. Any character that uses detect magic, dousing their illumination, hiding within the bottom
If the characters have each placed one coin within
easily be opened and closed and is functionally equiv- discovers the presence of a shield of missile attrac- of the gondola, turning invisible, or using any other
the gondola’s box, then the gondola simply drifts
alent to a bag of devouring. tion hanging amidst the otherwise non-magical comparable strategy.
into the room, weaving north to avoid the pillars
If any number of coins are placed within the box, shields.
before exiting to the west. However, if any character The gondola stops if any reflections are created
even if it is fewer than the number of passengers, While the characters drift through this corridor, the has not paid, then four bone nagas hiding beneath and does not resume movement until they have been
a bright yellow light emanates from the prow’s orb, voice of Halaster echoes like a deranged tour guide, the impenetrably dark water attempt to knock the dealt with. Once the gondola has passed the mirrors,
and the gondola begins to drift south towards area “The foundation of what would eventually become characters off the gondola. If at any time unpaid it floats north and then west. While doing so the
K2. If a character touches the orb, it goes dark and known as Undermountain was built under Mount characters put their coin into the box, the nagas stop voice of Halaster resumes, “Over time the town of
the gondola stops moving. Similarly, the orb goes Waterdeep more than two thousand years ago by attacking and retreat beneath the water. At this point Waterdeep was founded atop Halaster’s legendary
dark and the gondola stops if there are no characters clever little dwarves. Their home would eventually be the gondola continues its journey west. dungeon and the two locales have been forever linked.
within it. If a character touches the orb again, the orb conquered by a villainous combination of drow and The Yawning Portal Inn was famously created as an
The entire room is under the effect of a permanent
lights up and the gondola begins to move along its duergar. About a thousand years later the eminent entry point to the dungeon, allowing adventurers
antimagic field spell, although the nagas and their
appointed route. archmage Halaster Blackcloak, also known as yours access to Halaster’s fabled halls.
magic are immune to this effect.
Treasure. Strange bones are buried within the truly, settled the area. He brought with him a prom- Any character who inspects the southern pillar and And so it was until the arrival of Vecna. The great
sand. If a character takes the time to dig through ising group of ungrateful apprentices known as the makes a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) usurper tempted Halaster’s greedy, faithless appren-
the sand and makes a successful DC 20 Wisdom Seven. After settling the area Halaster did the Realms check discerns a loose stone near the top of the pillar. tices into betraying the great mage. Surprised at this
(Perception) check, they discover a bead of force. a great service by hunting down and killing the drow Behind the stone is a compartment containing a half- unexpected turn of events, Halaster was forced to
vermin infesting the dwarven Underhalls. flee, tearing Undermountain itself from the ground
K2. Hall of Shields melted candle of invocation.
The walls of this corridor are adorned with shields
Oh! Look up ahead, we are about to enter one of As the gondola exits the room the voice of Halaster
beneath Mount Waterdeep and embedding it within a
that shine brightly as if freshly forged. A variety of
Halaster’s most popular creations, the Chamber of returns with exaggerated seriousness,
distant, hidden demiplane. During these years of hiding
crests and sigils adorn the shields. Any character
Many Pillars. I hope that you remembered to pay your Halaster has renovated his dungeon. Bigger monsters!
dues!” “After liberating the Underhalls from the drow, Reconstructed levels! Thrilling, new traps! And a new,
who makes a successful DC 15 Intelligence (History) Halaster took an arcane sabbatical to explore the
check discerns that most of these crests belong to At this point the gondola drifts into area K3. more loyal, collection of awesome apprentices –
various planes of the multiverse. During his travels he including a dragon turtle sorcerer!”
simultaneously mastered more than a dozen conflicting
The gondola reaches the end of the river. Along the
planar philosophies, giving rise to the singular idiosyn-
wall is a portal crackling with blue energy. Tiny eyes
cratic brilliance for which he has become renowned.
can be seen dancing within the portal. Halaster’s
Soon after this sabbatical, Halaster peacefully relo-
voice concludes, “Unfortunately most of New
cated many planar refuges within the sanctuary
of the Underhalls, gifting them great treasure and Undermountain is still under construction. But for
protecting them with devious traps. Speaking of those seeking an audience with Halaster Blackcloak,
which! Up ahead, we have Halaster’s infamous Hall of Slayer of Devils, Savior of Faerûn, and all-around great
Mirrors where your reflections come to life and try guy, please mind your step as you exit the gondola.”
to kill you. Such wonderful nostalgia!” Any character who steps through the portal finds
themselves in area K7. After stepping through the
At this point the gondola drifts into area K4.
portal these characters find themselves magically
K4. Hall of Mirrors rejuvenated, as if they had just completed a long rest.
Sixteen five-foot niches line this hallway, their floor K5. Gift Shop
just slightly elevated above the waterline. At the
The sign reading ‘GIFT SHOP’ is set next to a door
back of each niche hangs a large, heavy oval glass
of thin, flimsy wood. The door has no handle or
mirror. The mirrors hang from hooks and can be
keyhole, and due to magic, cannot be forced open or
easily removed from the wall. The four westernmost
damaged by anything short of a wish spell. For infor-
mirrors are mirrors of opposition. If a character
mation on how to open the door see area K6.
creates a reflection in the mirror’s surface, an exact
duplicate of that character comes into being. This The gift shop is covered in dust that puffs upward
opposite immediately attacks the original. The dupli- with every step. There is a wooden counter along
cate has all the possessions and powers of its orig- the eastern end of the room. Behind the counter can
inal. Upon the defeat or destruction of the duplicate, be seen the wooden statue of a merchant, as well as
three sets of shelves.


The wooden statue is of a female half-orc. If a First Statue. This statue is of a scorpion creature to this, as a gesture of indiscriminate hospitality, we eyes darting from one creature to the next. No tea is
character investigates the statue with a successful with the upper body of a male human. The name welcome you to partake in a royal tea party. Only served to the chain devil. If released, its chains start
DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check, they notice Elyndraun is written in Common on the plinth but afterwards will you be able to see Halaster. Enjoy!” flailing, possibly destroying parts of the tea set, but
that the head can be opened. Opening the head has been crossed out with chalk. Written beneath it, There is a vacant seat for each character, although but deliberately avoiding harming another creature,
reveals a wooden sculpture of an intellect devourer. in Goblin, is the name Smelly Bottom, although this none of the seats are adjacent to one another. As the before tying the devil down once more 1 minute later.
If a character investigates the sculpture with a has also been crossed out with paint. Written beneath characters sit down the erinyes rings a tiny bell and Imp. The imp’s name is Fixatox. He boasts that
successful DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check, it is the word “Dumb”. announces, “Welcomed guests, we begin our it only took eighty-seven years to ascend from a
they notice that the intellect devourer can be opened. Second Statue. The second statue is of a towering party with introductions and boasting. We lemure into an imp. Fixatox grovels to each character,
Opening the sculpture reveals a small wooden golem. The name Ruathyndar is written in Common shall start with the pre-eminent Lord Baron regardless of their class, pleading that they accept
figurine of a mind flayer. If a character investigates on the plinth but has been crossed out with chalk. Krinkrik’ik’ik.” him as a familiar. If any character agrees, Fixatox
the figurine with a successful DC 19 Intelligence Written beneath it, in Goblin, is the name Stupid Below are the introductions, boasts, and person- drafts up a convoluted contract that, if signed, binds
(Investigation) check, they find a cunningly hidden Skull, although this has also been crossed out with ality of each devil. Have the characters alternate with the character into serving as the imp’s familiar. This
clasp that allows the head to open. Opening the mind paint. Written beneath it is the word “Dumber”. the devils during the introductions and boasting. clumsy attempt at deception can be detected with a
flayer’s head reveals a tiny beholder. If a character successful DC 5 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Third Statue. This statue is of a gaunt female with Pit Fiend. The pit fiend’s name is Lord Baron
investigates the beholder with a successful DC 22
wings and bone spurs along her forearms. The name Krinkrik’ik’ik, Servant of Over-Baron Naroldanok, After introductions, Dark Lady Lyshinia says that
Intelligence (Investigation) check, they notice that it
Onthalass is written in Common on the plinth but has who serves his Great Lord Dispater. His boast is that it is time for the guests to toast their host. The devils
can be opened. The beholder can be opened by any
been crossed out with chalk. Written beneath it, in he led the hoards of Dis while repelling an invasion refuse to proceed until each character has made a
character proficient in jeweler’s tools who makes a
Goblin, is the name Born Toothless, although this has by Yeenoghu. He is the most pleasant of the devils, toast. After each toast all characters and devils are
successful DC 14 Dexterity check. On a failed check
also been crossed out with paint. Written beneath it as he is secure in his place above the others but he is expected to sip scalding hot tea that has been brewed
the beholder is destroyed. Alternatively, a Tiny char-
is the word “Dumbest”. quick to anger if it is pointed out that he is still “just” from the River Styx. A character takes 1d4 fire
acter can successfully open the beholder. Within the
A character recognizes the statues as former a middle man within the infernal hierarchy. damage each time they sip some tea. At the end of
beholder is a microscopic gold statue of Halaster that
apprentices of Halaster with a successful DC 15 Erinyes. The erinyes’ name is Dark Lady Lyshinia. the introductions each character who consumed tea
magically grows to a height of four inches if emptied
Intelligence (History) check (see area K8 and Her boast is that she has seduced scores of souls must make a successful DC 15 Constitution saving
from the beholder. The statue of Halaster is function-
appendix B for details on the apprentices). in Mammon’s great gaming halls and served as throw or gain one level of exhaustion. Alternatively,
ally equivalent to a +2 wand of the war mage.
Mammon’s most trusted spy on Toril. She is an a character can pretend to sip tea by making a
The shelves contain hundreds of tabards with logos Covered Basket. If the characters open the basket
expert temptress who will do her best to tempt successful DC 15 Charisma (Deception) check.
like “UNDERMOUNTAIN 1501”, “THE MAD MAGE OF they find ten rotten tomatoes. The basket radiates
conjuration magic and magically refills with rotten characters towards dark acts. She is willing to offer Get This Party Started. After toasts, the tea party
tomatoes at the dawn of each day. If a tomato is magical items (either two rare items or one very rare officially begins. It is an elaborate, tedious affair
thrown at a statue, it hits with a sickening splat. item) or infernal assistance (a legion of lesser devils filled with bewildering, inexplicable niceties. The
them. A padded teak box contains a set of twen-
Immediately afterwards a loud bell sound rings who participate in the War for Waterdeep) in the fight devils take their time during the ceremony, hoping to
ty-three beautifully crafted glass balls (worth 100 gp
throughout the chamber. If a character hits all three against Vecna to characters willing to sell their souls. confuse or infuriate impatient characters. From start
each). If a character looks within a glass ball, they
statues with tomatoes, then the characters hear the Bone Devil. The bone devil’s name is Akzanabon. to finish the tea party takes a total of four hours. Each
can see a perfectly preserved miniaturized dungeon
sound of a door unlocking. The door to area K5 is It scowls and refuses to boast, declaring, “I will character must make a successful DC 15 Intelligence
level. If you have the adventure Waterdeep: Dungeon
now unlocked and open. not debase myself by bragging to (History) check to avoid making any mistakes during
of the Mad Mage, consider allowing the characters to
these lesser beings. I have stepped in the ceremony. Additionally, any character of chaotic
use the glass balls to teleport to any dungeon level.
K7. Devil’s Tea Party Phlegothasian sludge worth more than alignment makes their check with disadvantage. If
K6. The Ungrateful Hall The characters appear in a short hallway that leads
these dim-witted cretins.” Akzanabon is a character fails their check, they either lose their
This large chamber is dominated by three stone a vile, hateful creature that communicates almost temper or make an egregious breach of etiquette.
north into a grand dining room (entering from the
statues that stand atop circular plinths. A small, entirely through taunts and insults. It hopes to goad The character must then make a successful DC
path marked EN on the map). A large, rectangular
covered basket that reeks terribly of rotting fruit rests the characters into attacking, which would allow the 15 Wisdom saving throw or be afflicted by a curse.
table carved from mahogany takes up much of the
against the east wall. Monsters lair randomly within devils to attack in turn. Anytime the character speaks aloud they must
room. The table is decorated with a vast array of teas
this room, attacking the characters on sight. and pastries displayed upon a delicate porcelain tea Barbed Devil. The barbed devil’s name is include the words “please” or “thank you” or take 1d6
set with a red devil’s motif. The tea set is worth 1,000 Skree’ska’skritrit. It boasts that it has sliced the fire damage (Alternatively, if this seems too tedious,
Random Monsters throats of a thousand mortal creatures, and returned the character takes an immediate 6d6 fire damage).
gp, although it is extremely difficult to transport
d8 Monsters without breaking. Seated around the table are a pit hundreds of Abyss-spawn to their homes across the The tea party concludes with a round of vicious
1 1d2 behirs fiend (marked P on the map), an erinyes (marked E River Styx. He is deceptively nice, offering pastries insults, during which the devils and characters trade
2 1d4 xorn on the map), a bone devil (marked BO on the map), a to the characters and inquiring about their armor. verbal barbs with one another. After they have done
3 3d4 gnoll fangs of Yenoghu barbed devil (marked BA on the map), a chain devil In truth he is trying to get close so that he can so, there is a loud chime. Halaster’s disembodied
(marked C on the map), and an imp (marked I on the attack them, although the magic binding him to this voice announces, “Halaster will see you now.” Any
4 1d12 trolls
map). The devils are being served by two lemures chamber ultimately prevents him from doing so. character who walks into the northern hallway finds
5 1d4 ettins
dressed in butler’s garb (both marked L on the map). Chain Devil. The chain devil’s mind is incapable a glowing red portal. Stepping through the portal
6 1d6 ghosts leads to area K8. If the characters approach this
The voice of Halaster returns as the characters of storing memories for more than 1 minute and
7 2d10 shadows it is no longer aware of its own identity. It sits on portal without completing the tea ceremony they
enter the room, “Recent focus groups described the
8 1d6 gelatinous cubes previous Undermountain as inhospitable. In response a chair, bound and gagged with its own chains, its instead find a portal to the Nine Hells.


K8. Tomb of Ungrateful Apprentices
The characters appear in the middle of a gloomy,
questions such as, “What are your favorite types of
traps?”, “Do you think an amber hulk should be more A Bloody Apprenticeship Arcturia
After the fall of Trobriand, Halaster returns to his
sepulchral chamber that is dominated by three empty or less powerful than an umber hulk?”, and “Are lost corporeal form and summons one last apprentice,
Halaster plans to murder three former apprentices.
sarcophagi, two of which are exceptionally large (in dwarven tombs becoming a little too cliché?” Arcturia (appendix B).
the spaces marked E on the map). Along the northern Halaster is receptive to any requests for help, Muiral the Misshapen Arcturia immediately holds her hands up in
wall is a mantle place decorated with a dozen particularly if they involve the downfall of Vecna. Halaster intones, “Muiral the Misshapen, you have surrender before pleading with the characters,
severed Manshoon heads. Along each remaining However, Halaster is only willing to help the charac- been branded a traitor and a terrible apprentice. “Whatever this senile fool has promised you, I
wall is a stone statue of a stoic-faced armored knight ters if they help him finish the Tomb of the Ungrateful *giggle* Now that I have new apprentices you are no promise to double it. Trust me when I say that there
(stone golem). Standing before the sarcophagi is Apprentices. Halaster interprets any inquiries about longer needed and have been sentenced to death. I am is not an ounce of compassion or love in that with-
Halaster Blackcloak (appendix B; marked H on the what this means as consent and begins waving his graciously allowing my new friends the honor.” At this ered heart. I should know. . .” Any character who
map). The Mad Mage grins as he asks, “Welcome to hands while casting a powerful summoning spell. point Halaster gestures to the characters. makes a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check
the new dungeon level twenty three. We are currently Moments later a very surprised looking creature with Muiral was abducted from his bedchambers discerns a brief look of sadness cross Arcturia’s face.
standing in the Tomb of the Ungrateful Apprentices. the lower body of a scorpion and the upper torso of a mid-sleep. Because of this he spends the first round Halaster titters in response, chanting, “You’re
What do you think?” male human appears in the center of the tomb. The rubbing his eyes in incredulous disbelief. He then rubber, I’m glue” before urging the characters to kill
Conversing with Halaster is a challenge. He creature’s torso is draped in pajamas and its eight attempts to cast teleport, although this spell fails Arcturia.
mutters under his breath and giggles inappropri- chitinous legs are capped with fuzzy scorpion slip- because of the wards Halaster has placed throughout
pers. The summoned being is Muiral the Misshapen Undermountain. Finally, Muiral snarls, uses a bonus Arcturia once, long ago, loved Halaster deeply. At
ately. He is seemingly oblivious to any attempts at the time the Mad Mage rebuffed these affections, but
flattery but responds with fury to any perceived (appendix B), one of Halaster’s former apprentices action to conjure forth a long sword, and attacks the
that has just been mystically abducted from his quar- characters regardless of whether or not they have yet over the years has come to regret it. Considerable
slight. Halaster is in the middle of fully redesigning animosity now exists between these two rivals;
Undermountain and pesters the characters with ters in the Hosttower of the Arcane. attacked him.
however, socially adept characters may be able to
Halaster avoids combat. Instead, he taunts Muiral bring about reconciliation. Such an epic feat of
while shouting encouragement (and the occasional diplomacy requires a successful DC 20 Charisma
constructive criticism) to the characters. The Mad (Persuasion) check made against Arcturia and a
Mage can be persuaded to take a single action to successful DC 22 Charisma (Persuasion) against
help the characters if they make a successful DC 20 Halaster.
Charisma (Persuasion) check. As an action Halaster
will take the Obliterate Nuisance action or direct one If the characters side with Arcturia and kill
of his stone golems to attack his former apprentice. Halaster, then she is true to her word. She is deeply
Alternatively, if the characters manage to trick Muiral unsettled that Halaster has killed her two comrades
into saying something insulting about Halaster, the and managed to summon her into Undermountain.
Mad Mage grows infuriated and targets Muiral with This is enough to convince her that it might be in her
Greater Obliteration. best interest to betray Vecna. She can provide any of
the information that Halaster might provide, as well
If there is ever a point where just a single character as a key to enter the Tower of Ahghairon (see below).
is left conscious, then Halaster fully enters the fray, As the head of the Arcane Brotherhood, she can
fighting until the apprentice is defeated. provide considerable service to the characters over
Trobriand the Metal Mage the course of the adventure. However, she is deeply
Promptly after Muiral is defeated Halaster waves pragmatic, and if at any point she thinks that they
his hands a second time, summoning an iron golem will be unable to vanquish Vecna, she turns on the
whose face has been forged into the likeness of a characters.
skull. This iron golem is Trobriand the Metal Mage If, instead, the characters attack Arcturia, she casts
(appendix B), another one of Halaster’s treacherous shape change and changes into an ancient green
apprentices. dragon. When reduced to 200 hit points, if the spell
Yet again Halaster condemns the former apprentice is still active, she uses an action to turn into a pit
before imploring the characters to kill him. fiend. From this point Arcturia fights to the death.
Trobriand immediately uses a bonus action to Once Arcturia is defeated, Halaster claps heartily,
summon two scaladar (appendix B), that burrow congratulating the characters for putting on a good
their way out from the floor. Trobriand directs the show. The demented archmage then orders his stone
scaladar to attack the characters before lumbering golems to entomb the dead apprentices within their
towards Halaster. Trobriand pummels the Mad Mage, respective sarcophagi. He finally gives the characters
who giggles throughout the beating, for two rounds a small pouch which holds one horned ring as well
until Halaster turns himself into an insubstantial as a button that reads, “I made it all the way to level
ghost and sticks his tongue out at Trobriand. At 23 of Undermountain and all I got was this stupid button”.
this point the frustrated iron golem turns upon the The horned ring is a very rare magic item that allows
the wearer to use an action to teleport to area K8 J To get from Skullport to Waterdeep, Halaster
within Undermountain. Once used, the ring becomes suggests the characters visit Tas Velldarn, “an old,
nonmagical. dear friend”.
At the conclusion of combat Halaster is willing to
provide the following information and assistance:
J Halaster indicates that once inside Waterdeep,
Vecna can be found within the Tower of
The War for Waterdeep
J Halaster warns the characters against entering
Waterdeep directly, suggesting instead that they
Ahghairon. The tower is warded by powerful,
protective magics; however, Halaster is willing to
After recruiting allies, the characters begin planning their
assault on Vecna. The characters must first convince their The War Council
allies to stage an attack on Waterdeep. Using this as a dis-
enter through Skullport, an underworld city built supply the characters with a small golden key that traction, the characters can sneak into Skullport, an under- The first step for planning the war is calling together
beneath Waterdeep. can be used to temporarily deactivate the wards. world city that exists beneath Mount Waterdeep. From Skull- a War Council. This can be done at a physical loca-
At the conclusion of these dealings, Halaster port the characters can teleport into Waterdeep and assault tion, from a distance via magic, or any combination
J Giggling profusely, Halaster provides the char- Ahghairon’s Tower, the seat of Vecna’s power. In the tower
acters with a glowing potion and instructs them volunteers to teleport the characters to any locale of the two. Likely participants in the War Council are
the characters fight and vanquish Vecna, only to find that
to deliver it to the “skull-faced beggar within of their choosing, giggling as he does so. Halaster the lich’s essence has fled to a phylactery secreted within included in the table below. Most of the suggested
Skullport”. can teleport the characters directly to Skullport, if Castle Waterdeep. participants are committed to their own self-interest
they are inclined, however cannot teleport them into and will need to be persuaded to fight. Bruenor is
Waterdeep because of its magical wards. more than willing to fight Vecna, although he will
have to be persuaded to work with some allies, such
as Jarlaxle, who the dwarf sees as untrustworthy. The
key to persuading each participant is deducing and
leveraging their key desire (listed below). As a DM
you are welcome to adjudicate this session as briefly
roceed to this chapter when the
or extensively as you prefer, using a combination of
characters have made the deci-
roleplaying and skill checks.
sion that it is time to assault
Vecna. Xanathar’s plan calls for sneaking into The characters, of course, may wish to include
Waterdeep through an underground city known as other factions as well. If they played Rise Of Vecna,
Skullport. Once in Waterdeep, the characters can for example, they may include Princess Serissa in
break into Ahghairon’s Tower, where Vecna currently their War Council. As another example, if the char-
resides. The beholder crime lord’s plan then calls acters were particularly kind to the modrons in the
for an army to simultaneously besiege Waterdeep, Hosttower of the Arcane, then Primus might offer a
providing a distraction that allows the characters to regiment of modrons for battle. Use this council as
enter the city more easily. This War for Waterdeep an opportunity to encourage and reward creativity.
is not essential for the adventure, although it does Once the participants have been persuaded and
provide a memorable backdrop to the campaign’s their roles have been assigned, it is time for the char-
conclusion. acters to infiltrate the City of Splendors.

Council Description

Bruenor The dwarven king has spent his time rallying the scattered remnants of his people to his banner and has
Battlehammer found considerable reinforcements sequestered within distant Ironmaster. Key Desire. Revenge upon Vecna
for the death of his people.
The half-dragon speaks on behalf of Tiamat who is willing to pledge a wing of dragons to the battle; however,
Wyrmspeaker Waterdeep is currently protected by Ahghairon’s dragonward, a powerful mythal that prevents dragons from
Rezmir passing over the city. This dragonward is created by a magical staff known as the Dragonstaff of Ahghairon.
Key Desire. Treasure for Tiamat’s hoard, as well as the Dragonstaff, so that Tiamat might destroy it.
The drow elf is an expert thief, capable of sneaking in and out of even the most secure location. Because of
Jarlaxle Baenre this, he is well suited to sneaking into Waterdeep and procuring the Dragonstaff. Jarlaxle also commands a
sizable navy that he is willing to use in combat, so long as he is properly compensated. Key Desire. To rule
Luskan yet again.
The Mad Mage of Undermountain, if included in the council, speaks primarily in giggling non-sequiturs. If
Halaster pressed, however, the archmage will pledge to provide arcane support to any armies, neutralizing liches and
Blackcloak rival archmages as needed. Key Desire. Relocating Undermountain beneath Waterdeep as well as attempting
to convince one of the characters to serve as a new apprentice.
The cultist speaks on behalf of not only Ogremoch but the other three Elemental Princes as well. The
Elemental Princes are willing to pledge a small army of mephits and elementals. Keep in mind that
Ogremoch is cognizant of anything communicated by the characters through Ears of Ogremoch, which
Hellenrae may or may not sabotage negotiations. Key Desire. The Elemental Princes seek to free Tharzidun, the god
of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, Insanity, and Cold, although they do not share this
knowledge with the characters. They believe that Tharzidun is being held captive by Vecna and thus require
little persuasion to help. For more details on Tharizdun see the Doomed Forgotten Realms: SwOrd COast Gazetteer.

Waterdeep It is assumed that the characters use Skullport
(described below) to circumvent Waterdeep’s heavily
High overhead, rope bridges and catwalks provide a
precarious access to structures carved out of stalac- An Alternative to Shradin
According to the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide, guarded streets. As such the City of Splendors is left tites and massive columns of stone. The streets are If the characters did not learn about the skull-faced beggar
largely undetailed. For DMs seeking additional infor- relatively clear of rubble or debris, and some are from Halaster, then replace him with Tasselgryn Velldarn
“The City of Splendors is a bustling, walled city on (area L12). Upon learning of the characters’ arrival,
the Sword Coast. Some merchants have dubbed mation refer to Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. even paved with irregular bits of granite and flint.
Tasselgryn seeks them out and shares the same informa-
Waterdeep the best supply center in the world, Most alleyways and narrow thoroughfares between
tion that Shardin would have provided.
with the largest collection of superb craft workers,
experts, useful contacts, and potential hirelings to be
Skullport businesses consist of hard-packed dirt into which
wooden beams have been submerged or bare earth
over which planks have been laid. The only light in bearings before any further introductions. Please
found anywhere. Others caution that the city houses The book Skullport describes the Port of Shadow as:
Skullport comes from sickly yellow lanterns, glowing return in three hours and we shall discuss how I
a veritable army of potential enemies for those who “. . . a dismal and dangerous domain populated by the pools of fungus and lichen emitting green foxfire, might repay your service.”
aren’t careful – and everyone agrees that its wide, most vile beings the Underdark has to offer. In this
crowded streets are full of spies.” torches, braziers of coal, bioluminescent fish kept in At this point Shradin begins to act, once again, as
underworld city beneath Mount Waterdeep, anything glass aquariums, and pans of large glowworms.” an amnesic beggar, responding to any further inqui-
Much of Waterdeep remains the same under and everything can be bought, sold, or traded for a
Since Vecna’s conquest, Skullport has remained ries with a blank, vacuous stare.
Vecna’s rule. The city is still filled with some of the price. Slavers, smugglers, mercenaries, and black-
Realm’s finest crafters. If anything, there are more largely unchanged. Previously the enigmatic Skulls Should the characters return later, they find a
market merchants operate openly in Skullport.
spies than ever. On top of this, the city remains (see the Skull-faced Beggar section and area L2 changed man. Although outwardly identical, the
Thirteen enigmatic Skulls rule and maintain order
protected by Ahgairon’s dragonward, a powerful for more information) had been cursed so that they necromancer now carries himself with an air of
in the city. These floating disembodied creatures
enchantment that makes it impossible for dragons could never leave the confines of Skullport. Upon his supreme confidence. At this point, he is willing to
wander Skullport, which takes its name from their
and all other creatures of the dragon type to physi- arrival, Vecna used his powers to liberate the Skulls engage with the characters. When they arrive read or
presence, tending to aims only they can fathom and
cally enter the city or its sewers. Some of the notable from this imprisonment. In turn, they have pledged paraphrase the following:
enforcing their sometimes whimsical and often harsh
changes to Waterdeep include: their subservience. Their capricious authority is rein-
will through the use of cryptic magical abilities.”
forced by the Black Network, also loyal to Vecna, who
This subterranean city is most often accessed The skull-faced beggar now stands with a more confi-
J The City of Splendors is no longer ruled by a oversee the governance of Skullport, particularly its
dent, regal poise and the relaxed airs of one who was
council of Masked Lords. Vecna has proclaimed through caves along the western edge of Mount slave trade. expecting you. His voice is a low hiss, like the whis-
himself the new lord of Waterdeep, although he Waterdeep. However, it can also be accessed through pers of worms boring through dead flesh, “Damn that
has delegated his authority to the Zhentarim. the underground River Sargauth. It is this route that The Skull-Faced Beggar Halaster, yet again – all of this just because I caught
The Zhentarim, in turn, are led by the archmage Jarlaxle’s Scarlet Marpenoth uses to smuggle the Unless the DM deems otherwise, the characters him cheating in a game of three-dragon ante we were
Manshoon who dwells within the city’s Southern characters into the Port. playing with Tas. It seems those blasted thirteen skulls
are smuggled into Skullport without incident. Upon
still run the place, although they now apparently serve
Ward in Kolat Towers. Both the seacaves and the River Sargauth lead sneaking into Skullport, the characters’ most likely some higher power that calls itself Vecna. Before we
to a raised, fortified isle referred to as Skull Island. first action is to look for the “skull-faced beggar.” This
J Of the original seventy-eight noble families that go any further, we will need to take care of these skulls.
From the northern edge of Skull Island, a bridge wretched creature has been a staple of Skullport for Doing so will allow you to escape Skullport and allow
predate Vecna, roughly a third remain. The
referred to as the Murkspan Bridge connects to a as long as anyone can remember, and most inhab- me to reclaim my rightful role as ruler of this dung
surviving lineages are those that were most heap.”
large cavern which contains the majority of Skullport. itants of the city willingly provide directions to his
immoral and corrupt. Most of these families were
This portion of the city is broken into three districts, teetering hovel of rotting, mildewed crates. The
blackmailed in one way or another into either
the Port District, the Trade District, and the Heart skull-faced beggar is an emaciated humanoid dressed Shradin is extremely knowledgeable when it comes
helping Vecna with his conquest of Waterdeep or,
District. in rags that smell of rotting fish. His skin has turned to Skullport and is now caught up on present-day
at the very least, not interfering.
The city is further described as: translucent over the years, revealing his skull. dealings. He willingly shares this knowledge with the
J The eight Walking Statues of Waterdeep characters and can provide the following information:
“. . . having a deteriorated, haphazard look to it. The skull-faced beggar is, in truth, Shradin
(appendix B) have all been reshaped into
Vecna’s likeness. They are typically controlled by Structures within the port have been literally thrown Mulophor (NE male human archmage), a former J The Skulls are remnants of ancient Netherese
together out of whatever materials were on hand at necromancer of power and prominence who once wizards who have overseen Skullport since its
Manshoon, although Vecna can supersede this
the time and carved from and assembled around the ruled Skullport many years ago. During an argument conception.
control should he wish.
cave walls, stalactites, and stalagmites of the giant with Halaster Blackcloak, an acquaintance and rival,
At this point, it is likely that Vecna is aware of the Shradin’s memory was wiped clean. He has since
J The Skulls are powerful but capricious. Many
cavern the city is built in. As a result, the streets wind years ago, they were allied with Shradin but
characters’ existence, and so Waterdeep is well aimlessly wandered the alleys of Skullport, panhan-
and twist, and many of the buildings look as though ultimately turned upon him and betrayed him
fortified. Each of the city’s five gates are guarded dling for sustenance.
they are ready to topple over at any moment. Most (This is a sore topic on which Shradin refuses to
by dozens of Zhentarim thugs, a lich magically
wood comes from the wrecks of seagoing vessels If the characters give Halaster’s glowing draught to elaborate).
disguised as a thug, and a death knight. The harbor
that have met with misfortune. While wandering Shradin, he mistakes it for alcohol and drinks it down
is guarded by a small army of thugs and three other J The Skulls were once immortal and would reform
the streets of the port city, one may see the masts greedily. He then lets out a sharp gasp of surprise
magically disguised liches. The skies are patrolled whenever slain. They also used to be bound to
and ribs of ancient ships being used as supports, as his vacant eyes become lucid and appraising. He
by invisible will-o’-wisps and Zhentarim veterans Skullport. Vecna has found a way to liberate
the hulls and cabin windows of long-destroyed ships looks about suspiciously before finally whispering
mounted on wyverns. The city itself is filled with them, and the Skulls are now free to roam wher-
now reused as walls and windows of tenements, and to the characters, “Curse that fool of an archmage
hundreds of spies, ranging from street urchins to ever they please. This has come at the cost,
the rigging of ship-wrecked vessels connecting to for stealing my memories, but blessings to you for
magically disguised arcanaloths, all of which would however, of their immortality.
catwalks up above. bringing them back. I see that, despite the years, I
happily turn in the characters for a chance to curry
have not wandered far. Allow me time to regain my
Vecna’s favor.

J The Skulls often travel alone, but when one is
threatened the others will quickly come to its Skullport, Lower Level houses an array of Vecnan birthing vats. The artificial
organisms created within these vats are then sold to The Thirteen Skulls of Skullport
aid. Because of this, Shradin recommends a At this point the characters must explore the city in the highest bidder at the Open Market (area L2). Each of the thirteen skulls is larger than a regular skull and
coordinated attack on the Skulls. To make such The water surrounding Skull Island, known as wrathed in flame. It has the same statistics as a demilich
search of allies in their inevitable fight against the with the following changes:
an attack Shradin suggests that the charac- Skulls. Below is a list of notable locations, most of Skull Pool, hides hundreds of smaller caves, hidden
ters attempt to recruit other allies from within • It can use an action to teleport itself, along with any
which have been adapted from the book Skullport. within the base of the isle, as well as dozens of vassal skulls, anywhere within Skullport.
Skullport. These allies include Zstulkk Ssarmn rotting shipwrecks. These caves and shipwrecks
See the Skull Island and Lower City maps for an • It can telepathically communicate with any of the other
(area L2) the Skum Lord (area L4), Misker the serve as home to giant sharks as well as a tribe of twelve Skulls.
Pirate Tyrant (area L5), Sangalor of the Secrets overview of the city’s layout.
aquatic trolls loyal to the Zhentarim. Chasms within • It can cast the incendiary cloud or fire storm spells at will
(area L13), and Kesra Tanor’Thal (area L16). L1. Skull Island Skull Pool connect with the Underdark, and it is not without expending a spell slot.
Shradin can provide the location of each of these The entirety of Skull Island is taken up by a heavily uncommon for kuo-toa and aboleth to periodically Furthermore, it is always accompanied by 1d4+1 vassal
potential allies. fortified compound that headquarters the Zhentarim. emerge from these tunnels in hopes of doing busi- skulls (same statistics as a flameskull).
J Tas is short for Tasselgryn Velldarn, a mutual There are more than two hundred veterans stationed ness within Skullport.
friend to both Shradin and Halaster. She is an here at any time, supported by an equal number of L2. Open Market Vecnan blueprints that can be obtained from the
archmage of considerable power and runs the underlings and at least one archmage. Within the Zhentarim fortress on Skull Island. The fortress is
Poisoned Quill (area L12) in the Trade District. A walled compound can be found barracks, armories, This open-air market is surrounded by businesses
heavily guarded. As such, a character must make
little-known secret is that Tas has a teleportation and prisons as well as the infamous Tower of Seven and warehouses. It has a festive, almost circus-like
a successful DC 25 Dexterity (Stealth) check to
circle in her shop that can transport the char- Woes. This imposing structure is carved into a atmosphere, with hundreds of vendors all attempting
sneak into the compound and steal the blueprints.
acters anywhere they want within Waterdeep. massive stalactite that looks as if it pierces the to shout over one another. Kuo toa fetishes, drow
If the blueprints are successfully stolen and given to
However, so long as the Skulls live, the magic of southern end of the island. The Tower was once dedi- armor, zombie porters, and encaged flumphs (a
Zstulkk, then the yuan-ti agrees to aid the characters
the teleportation circle is suppressed cated to Loviatar, the Maiden of Pain, and used to mind flayer delicacy) are just some of the more
against the Skulls.
torture prisoners. It has since been repurposed and unusual items for sale within the market. A large,
flame-wreathed skull floats 50 feet above the market, L3. Mhaug’s Hogs
watching the commerce below while being orbited This ramshackle shop is run by the night hag,
by 1d4+1 smaller skulls. The larger skull is one of Mhaug. Her wares, animated zombies, dangle from
the thirteen Skulls of Skullport (see the The Thirteen the rafters. A quartet of zombies hanging from the
Skulls of Skullport sidebar for its statistics). store’s awning attempt to clumsily play music while
Snake Eyes. Zstulkk Ssarmn, a yuan-ti abom- sputtering out incomprehensible jingles. A zombie
ination who single-handedly runs the Iron Ring can be purchased for 50 gp. Larger, more exotic
consortium is a nigh permanent fixture within the zombies are also available for sale but stored at an
marketplace. The Iron Ring is currently comprised external location.
almost entirely of yuan-ti, and they are second only to Mhaug has the indefatigable happiness of someone
the Zhentarim in terms of slave trade. Zstulkk speaks living their best life. She is a natural merchant who
with soft sibilant hisses that are subtly hypnotic, so particularly enjoys her monthly “Grand Opening’’
that listeners find themselves subconsciously leaning sale. A secret that she keeps is that she can see
in whenever the yuan-ti talks. The cold-hearted slaver through the eyes of every zombie she has enchanted.
is a cunning and ruthless leader, willing to sacrifice The nosy hag is very likely to use this to spy on the
anything or anyone for a profit. If approached by the characters. Mhaug’s commercial success has been
characters, Zstulkk eyes the floating Skull nervously, largely due to the disappearance of Shradin. Because
suggesting that they hold their conversation in a of this, if she realizes that the necromancer has been
nearby alley. restored to his senses, she is likely to inform the
Like many in Skullport, Zstulkk resents the Vecnan Skulls.
occupation of Skullport. He would welcome a shift in
power but is reluctant to risk his own life. A bribe of
L4. Sewer Lair of the Skum Lord
50,000 gold is sufficient to earn his assistance. This A metal grate here lifts as easily as any door,
bribe can be reduced to 25,000 gold if the characters allowing access to a ladder that descends into the
make a successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion or city’s sewers. The ladder leads down hundreds of
Intimidation) check. Once bribed, Zstulkk promises feet before opening into a slimy underground grotto
that he will attack one of the Skulls at a day and time dominated by a stagnant pool. Within this pool can
of the characters’ choosing. be found the Skum Lord, a powerful aboleth, tended
by twenty skum (appendix B) servitors. The Skum
Alternatively, the characters can earn Zstulkk’s Lord owns close to thirty percent of the buildings in
assistance by completing a quest. The yuan-ti wants Skullport and uses its small army of skum to collect
to set up his own laboratories for the creation of
artificial life. To accomplish this task, he needs

power but is reluctant to risk its own life. A bribe of The Raging Bull. The luxurious inn is located near
50,000 gold is sufficient to earn its assistance. This a landmark known as the Raging Bull. The Raging
bribe can be reduced to 25,000 gold if the characters Bull is a caged minotaur who has been imprisoned
make a successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion or for years. Kept alive by magic, it has long since
Intimidation) check. Once bribed, Misker promises descended into madness and bellows loudly at all
that it will attack one of the Skulls at a day and time hours, attacking anyone that approaches its cage. A
of the characters’ choosing. pair of brave, enterprising goblin twins, Nyk and Nok,
If the characters mention Misker’s ancient rival, make a living by harvesting and selling the unusual
Xanathar, the beholder becomes visibly excited. mushrooms that grow in the minotaur’s manure.
Misker is willing to trade its aid for the location of
Xanathar’s former lair, the recovered ledger, and Skullport, Central Level
everything the characters know regarding Xanathar.
If the characters are carrying Sylgar, Misker tries to The Central City map shows the general layout.
convince them to give it the goldfish. Even if the char- L9. The Bat’s Roost
acters are forthcoming and accommodating, the para-
This leaning two-story building is made from crum-
noid Misker accuses them of holding back informa-
bling stone and damp, rotted wood. It reeks of bat
tion. These hostilities can be defused by a successful
guano. Within is a bar that serves wretched, over-
DC 15 Wisdom (Persuasion) check. If successful, the
priced drinks. Despite this, the Bat’s Roost is a
pirate tyrant pledges its aid; otherwise, it kicks them
popular establishment due to its trained bat fights.
out of its home.
L6. The Crowing Cockatrice L10. The Mortar and Pestle
Run by Ruuth, a willowy human mage who was once
This squalid inn is emblematic of the many other
an agent of the Harpers, this shop specializes in the
impoverished taverns scattered throughout the Port
sale of rare spell components. Ruuth also sells up to
District. It is run by a former scullery cook, “Slop”
5th-level spell scrolls. If the characters demonstrate
Gallowshank, and his ghost barmaid, Setana. The
that they are of good alignment, then Ruuth is quick
Cockatrice’s food is barely edible, and its straw beds
rent every tenday. Those that cannot pay are dragged Wisdom (Survival) check to successfully track down to befriend them, offering them a scroll of protection
are infested with bed bugs. Sleeping and dining here
into the depths of the sewers, where they are horrifi- the elusive cultists. Ridding the sewers of the cultists, and two potions of fire resistance in aid.
is an excellent way to preserve anonymity (as well
cally transformed into skum. one way or another, earns the aid of the Skum Lord. as save money, costing only a handful of copper); L11. The Waterclock
The Skum Lord is willing to speak with the char- L5. Misker’s Manse however, it is an insufferable experience. This massive landmark is critical to the commercial
acters, although such interactions are dangerous,
as it shamelessly attempts to enslave whichever
Misker is an ancient beholder who has outlived most L7. Clockwork Wonders viability of Skullport. Its massive mechanism is built
of its kin. Its hide is dulled and cracked, and its eyes into a huge stalactite. It not only tells the hour of
character seems the most weak-willed. Like many This workshop is the home of two married gnome
are milky and astigmatic. The beholder wears black the day, but also keeps track of days, tendays, and
in Skullport, the Skum Lord resents the Vecnan artificers, Tykkyl and Tohkkal Burrwarden. Their
eye patches over two of its eyestalks, underneath months. It requires continual maintenance, which is
occupation of Skullport. It would welcome a shift in claim to fame is the massive waterclock that hangs
which lies eyes with unique abilities. provided by dozens of former priests of Gond, the god
power but is reluctant to risk its own life. A bribe of above the Trade Lanes (area L11). The gnomes
Years ago, Misker was driven into hiding by of craft, smithing, and inventiveness.
50,000 gold is sufficient to earn its assistance. This specialize in clocks and can make gorgeous clocks of
bribe can be reduced to 25,000 gold if the characters Xanathar. With the disappearance of the Eye Tyrant, any size that measure time with astonishing preci- The clock magically reflects any magic that is
make a successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion or however, Misker’s smuggling operations have flour- sion. Their recent passion, however, is prosthetic directed towards it. It also has hundreds of traps
Intimidation) check. Once bribed, the Skum Lord ished. The beholder is known for creating complex, limbs. Such limbs cost between 2,000 and 5,000 gp; designed to dismember or kill anyone foolish enough
promises that it will attack one of the Skulls at a day self-perpetuating trade chains. Although it has however, they function perfectly as long as they are to tamper with it. Finally, there is always at least one
and time of the characters’ choosing. warehouses throughout Skullport, it can most often oiled and wound daily. Characters that purchase an Skull within sight of the waterclock, who will attack
be found within its heavily trapped mansion in the artificial limb can request add-ons such as increased anyone seen disturbing it.
Alternatively, the characters can earn the Skum
heart of the Trade District. A tribe of fifty kobolds durability or spring-loaded weapons, although doing
Lord’s assistance by completing a quest. The
live within the mansion, maintaining the traps and
L12. The Poisoned Quill
so increases the price of the prosthetic.
aboleth’s kingdom has been plagued by an overflow of This squalid, one-story shack smells of moldy
worshiping Misker.
trash and sewage. It is willing to aid the characters if L8. The Deepfires parchment. It is the home and shop of Tasselgryn
they put an end to this problem. This problem stems If the characters visit the beholder’s abode, it is Velldarn. “Tas” is an elderly archmage who works
The Deepfires is a luxury high-priced inn that caters
from the recent excursions of a band of ten cultists of willing to meet with them in a large, opulent chamber as a counterfeiter, producing nearly any document
to wealthy clientele. It provides gourmet meals,
Malar (werewolves) who have been hunting otyughs filled with statues of groveling kobolds. Negotiating or writ required of her. Her secret is that she was
heated baths, and feather beds all for the cost of 20
within the sewers. As the otyughs continue to die, with Misker is a perilous endeavor, as the paranoid good friends with Halaster Blackcloak before he was
gp a night. The inn is private and well protected. The
the trash that they once consumed has been piling beholder suspects the characters are up to foul forced to relocate Undermountain. She is delighted
owner of the bar, Vhondryl, and her partner, Raella
up. Characters who search the sewers can find the play and tries continuously to catch them in lies. to hear that the Mad Mage is still alive. Upon
Hiess, also dabble in alchemy and can brew any
dead otyughs with a successful DC 20 Intelligence Like many in Skullport, Misker resents the Vecnan receiving such good news, she invites the characters
potion or poison from the Dungeon Master’s Guide
(Investigation) check. They can then attempt a DC 20 occupation of Skullport. It would welcome a shift in to sit with her for tea and gossip.
within a day’s time.

Like many in Skullport, Tas resents the Vecnan
occupation of Skullport. She would welcome a shift
Murderous Mimicry. Alternatively, the charac-
ters can earn Sangalor’s assistance by completing a Skullport, Upper Level monstrous proportion lair within the refuge, spin-
ning multihued tapestries of spider silk to shelter the
in power and is happy to assist the characters in an quest. The mind flayer has been paid to investigate The Upper City map shows the general layout. garrison from prying eyes. These webs have been
assault against the Skulls. Once the characters are some mysterious murders that have happened over specially treated so that they are immune to flames. It
successful in such an assault, she promises to use the last month within the Heart District. Over half a L14. The Maedar’s Widow is from here that the drow supervise Skullport’s trade
her teleportation circle spell to secretly transport dozen victims with no apparent connection have been This upscale shop is run by the medusa, Morganis with the denizens of the Underdark.
them into Waterdeep. found crushed along the streets, seemingly thrown Andropoea. Morganis purchases artificially acceler- Within Tanor’Thal can be found Kesra Tanor’Thal.
off one of the district’s many catwalks. The murderer ated organisms from the Zhentarim, costumes and
L13. Sangalor’s Home is an ancient mimic who has taken the shape of a
Kesra is a drow priestess who rules over the drow
equips them, poses them as needed, and then petri- of Skullport. She is remarkably young for a drow
This home resembles a huge nautilus shell, adorned forty-foot-long catwalk. The ancient mimic has the fies them. Although most of her clientele are wealthy of such influence. Her orange eyes are flecked with
with stained glass windows. It is richly appointed statistics of a mimic with the following changes: nobles from Waterdeep, Morganis is willing to ship gold, and she has a small spider-shaped birthmark on
with expensive, alien-looking furniture. Hundreds of her “sculptures” anywhere in the Realms.
books are strewn everywhere. J Its size is Gargantuan. the back of her left hand. Both traits are said to indi-
L15. The Worm’s Gullet cate divine favor. She is a haughty and headstrong
Sangalor is a lawful neutral mind flayer whose J It has 200 hit points.
free spirit who, despite her meteoric rise to power,
trade is finding out secrets for high paying clientele. J Its Adhesive trait requires a DC 18 check to The Worm’s Gullet is named for the giant purple
still feels as if she is destined for greater things. She
It is soft-spoken and sagely and typically wears dark escape from. worm that was hollowed out and petrified. Its most
deigns to speak with any characters who identify as
purple robes embroidered with cryptic runes. It is recent owner is the legendary halfling gourmand
easy to converse with the illithid although the natu-
J Its Pseudopod action is replaced with the and chef, Smallfry. Smallfry is known for his 700 gp
male. Instead, she assumes that any characters who
following action: identify as female are the leaders of the party.
rally curious creature could talk for days if allowed to. 7 course feasts, all of which take place within the
Like many in Skullport, Sangalor resents the Vecnan Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 expensively decorated interior of the purple worm. Like many in Skullport, Kesra resents the Vecnan
ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8+6) bludgeoning damage. These feasts are never the same and feature exotic occupation of Skullport. She would welcome a
occupation of Skullport. It would welcome a shift in If the ancient mimic is in object form, the target is
dishes such as poached cockatrice chicks encased in shift in power but is reluctant to risk her own life. A
power but is reluctant to risk its own life. A bribe of subjected to its Adhesive trait.
an immature gelatinous cube or boiled hook horror bribe of 50,000 gold is sufficient to earn her assis-
50,000 gold is sufficient to earn its assistance. This
J It gains the following actions: clam bakes. tance. This bribe can be reduced to 25,000 gold if
bribe can be reduced to 25,000 gold if the characters
Multiattack. The mimic makes five Pseudopod the characters make a successful DC 20 Charisma
make a successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion or attacks. L16. Tanor’Thal Refuge (Persuasion or Intimidation) check. Once bribed,
Intimidation) check. Once bribed, Sangalor promises The ancient mimic is a cautious murderer, only The drow elves of Skullport live within Tanor’Thal Kesra promises that she will attack one of the Skulls
that it will attack one of the Skulls at a day and time attacking if it thinks that a character is alone. If the Refuge, a sinister stronghold shaped like an obese at a day and time of the characters’ choosing.
of the characters’ choosing. mimic is found and slain, Sangalor pledges its assis- spider clinging to the ceiling of the cavern. Spiders of
tance to the characters.

Tower of Ahghairon seek his audience, you must make a proper sacrifice.”
Killing any living creature within 20 feet of this door
As promised, the characters are transported directly is a sufficient sacrifice. If the door is opened without
to the Tower of Ahghairon. making a sacrifice, the character who opens the door
must make a successful DC 18 Wisdom saving throw
Ahghairon’s Tower is a plain, slender stone pinnacle or become cursed to fail their next three death saving
with few windows. It stands roughly 50 feet tall and throws. This curse can only be removed by a greater
has a conical roof. The area around it is clear of restoration or wish spell.
debris or vegetation. The square within which the
tower stands is guarded by an archmage (marked Silver Door. The second door is made from silver
M on the map), two champions (marked C on the and has hundreds of sigils carved into it. Amidst the
map; appendix B), a war priest (marked P on the sigils is the phrase, “Vecna is the Lord of Magic. If
map; appendix B), and a warlord (marked W on the you would seek his audience, you must prove your
map; appendix B). However, if the characters have worth.” Any character who makes a successful DC
recruited Jarlaxle to assault Waterdeep, then these 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check discerns that the door
guards have been restationed to the Dock Ward. is magically trapped. Moreover, they discern that the
trap can be disarmed by expending an 8th or 9th level
Ten feet from the tower are a series of invisible, spell slot or completing an arcane ritual that requires
permanent magical wards that hinder intrusion. a successful DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana) check to
These wards replicate the effects of the force cage, complete. If a character fails this ritual or opens the
Alternatively, the characters can earn Kesra’s prismatic sphere, and time stop spells. Any guards door without disarming the trap, a blast of energy
assistance by completing a quest. The drow priestess know the location of these wards and, in battle, try to erupts 60 feet into the corridor, spreading around
has been considering trying to muscle in on Misker’s Take note of how many Skulls are being attacked trick the characters into walking into them. corners. All creatures in the blast must succeed on
smuggling business. As such, she would like the by the characters and their allies. From this you If a character with Halaster’s golden key a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw or be illuminated
characters to investigate each of the beholder’s can determine how many of the thirteen Skulls approaches the front of the tower, the force cage by a purple light that gives them disadvantage on
three primary warehouses and report back on their are unimpeded. Every two rounds after the start of effect warps, creating a five-foot-wide passage leading Stealth checks , prevents them from turning invisible,
layout and defenses. Doing this effectively requires a combat, one of these remaining Skulls teleports, to the tower’s unadorned, wooden door. The door is and imposes vulnerability to force damage. These
successful DC 25 Intelligence (Investigation) check. along with its vassal skulls, to a random fight to aid unlocked and leads into area M1. effects can be removed by a dispel magic spell or by
Failing this check by more than 15 means that the one of its kin. If two additional skulls teleport to any
M1. Forty-Eight Divine Desecrations completing a long rest.
characters are caught, earning the ire of the Pirate of the NPCs, then that NPC is overwhelmed and
Tyrant. If the characters successfully scout out the slain, managing to only kill one of the Skulls and A door of bleached bone bars further entry to the Gold Door. The third door is made from gold and
warehouses, Kesra pledges her aid. reduce the others to half of their hit points. The two tower. Etched into the door are forty eight blasphe- has a skull carved into it. Beneath the skull is the
surviving Skulls teleport together to a random battle mous phrases, each one a debasement of one of the phrase, “Vecna is the Lord of Secrets. If you would
Battle Against the Skulls thereafter. Realms’ major deities. Any character who makes
a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Religion) check
seek his audience, you must share your greatest
secret.” If a character shares aloud their greatest
The Skulls are rarely together and at most times of
the day are separately patrolling Skullport. As such,
Departing Skullport realizes that the door is cursed and opening it will
inflict divine damnation. They also realize that the
secret, then they can open the door safely. Otherwise,
they must make a successful DC 18 Charisma saving
it is easy enough to plan a coordinated ambush. Such The defeat of the Skulls dramatically shifts the power curse can be removed by reciting a prayer to each of throw or have all of their secrets telepathically
coordination is made possible by the massive water- structure within Skullport. The Skulls were despised the offending deities. Reciting all forty eight prayers revealed to all creatures within half a mile. If this
clock (area L11) that dominates the Trade District. by most of the city’s residents. Because of this the correctly requires a successful DC 20 (Intelligence) occurs then all of the tower’s occupants are aware of
There is always a Skull overseeing commerce in the characters are heralded as heroes. The Zhentarim Religion check. If the door is opened without reciting the character’s arrival.
open market (see area L2 for statistics). Shradin retreat to Skull Island, collapsing the Murkspan these prayers, every creature within 10 feet of the M3. Arcanus Fundare
suggests that the characters ambush this Skull at the Bridge as they do so. Over the next few months, the door must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, Upon entrance it is immediately apparent that the
appointed hour. remaining factions secretly wage war against one taking 10d10 necrotic damage on a failed save, or tower’s interior vastly exceeds its exterior circumfer-
Once the characters initiate their attack, the market another in hopes of laying claim to Skullport. Unless half as much damage on a successful one. ence. The entrance chamber is a huge library with
plunges into chaos. Within two rounds most of the the characters intervene, Shradin is destined to come If anyone casts mage hand in this room, or towering, thirty-foot-tall bookshelves. A pair of ghostly
area has been evacuated, although twenty onlookers out on top. anywhere else in the tower, it turns into a living spell hands float near the ceiling. In the northeast corner
remain, watching the conflict from a cautious Tas is true to her word and willingly teleports the (Bigby’s hand – appendix B) and attacks the caster. of the room is a raised, carpeted floor upon which is a
distance. Every round thereafter 1d6 Zhentarim characters to Waterdeep. She can teleport them lectern. The lectern holds a large, open book. Seated
veterans join the fray. These reinforcements can be anywhere within the city but suggests that they
M2. The Threefold Sacrifice
at nearby desks are two arcanaloths (marked A on
frightened away by a successful DC 15 Charisma teleport directly to the Tower of Ahghairon so that Three doors, one immediately after the other, bar the map) and an ultroloth (marked U on the map).
(Intimidation) check. Alternatively, the onlookers can they might bypass any guards or sentries stationed further progress into the tower’s interior. If the characters have recruited Halaster to assault
be bribed with 100 gp or coerced with a successful throughout the city. If Tas was defeated during the Bronze Door. The first door is made from bronze Waterdeep, then one of these arcanaloths has left
DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to fend off rein- battle with the Skulls, then Shradin or one of the and has the symbol of Vecna, an eye in the palm of to fight the archmage. A frowning nycaloth towers
forcements. All reinforcements immediately flee to other surviving NPCs can transport the characters to a left hand, carved into it. Beneath the symbol is the between them (marked N on the map). The only
Skull Island if the characters kill one of the Skulls. the Tower of Ahghairon. phrase, “Vecna is the Lord of Death. If you would obvious exit from the room is a door to the north.

The yugoloths are the tower’s most recent care- bookshelves hold hundreds of sealed ceramic urns uses an action to release Bigby’s hand (marked H down elusive “ultra rares.” If given the opportunity
takers. The arcanaloths are hospitable and curious, that hold living spells within them. The living spells on the map) and blade of disaster (marked D on the he questions the characters about their magic items,
immediately welcoming the characters while giving are made from flickering, ephemeral energy and lose map) living spells (appendix B), ordering them to fawning over anything unusual. After questioning
them a tour of the lower floor. The nycaloth is violent their life if removed from this chamber. attack the characters. It can release one living spell the characters, Zender tries to get them to trade
and impatient and has a 10% cumulative chance any The Book of Keeping. The lectern holds a copy of its choice on each of its turns, using its action. The items, offering to swap magical items of compara-
given minute of blowing up and attacking the charac- of the Book of Keeping (marked BoK on the map). nycaloth hefts the nearest table. While holding a table tive rarity for one another. Zender can retrieve any
ters. The ultroloth remains a dispassionate observer, This flesh-bound tome is warm to the touch and the nycaloth has three quarters cover. It can also take magical item that the DM deems appropriate from
although it (as well as the arcanaloths) assists the holds the true names of thousands of yugoloths. the following action in lieu of a Greataxe attack: an extra-dimensional magical space and stores any
nycaloth should combat ensue. Knowledge of a yugoloth’s true name grants power Table Flip. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, retrieved items in the same extra-dimensional space.
Books and Books and Books. The bookshelves over it. The book can be recognized for what it is reach 5 ft. or range 30/60 ft., all creatures within a Zender is an expert at crafting magical items and
contain thousands of spellbooks. Collectively these with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check. 5 foot by 10 foot area. Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) bludgeoning is excited to show the characters his various work
tomes include every wizard’s spell from the Player’s A character can attempt to use an action to read the stations. He is particularly excited to talk with char-
Handbook, as well as any other supplements that the book and bind one of the yugoloths with a successful The door leads to area M4. Each of the four acters that have crafting proficiencies. In addition
DM might wish to include. There are also thousands DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Any yugoloth windows looks out upon the bubbling volcanic peaks to details regarding his work stations, Zender can
of ancient books on the fundamentals of arcane bound in this way is forced to follow the charac- of Gehenna. Any creature that touches a window reveal the following information:
magic. A wizard who spends sufficient time studying ter’s commands, although the yugoloth resents the can choose to teleport to Khalas, the first layer of
these books can, at the DM’s discretion, attempt to control and attempts, whenever possible, to interpret Gehenna. J Vecna has been seeking a set of artifacts referred
create their own spell. Also tucked within the book- commands in a way that subverts the character’s M4. Lower Ebon Hall to as the Nether Scrolls.
shelves are a manual of bodily health, a manual of intent. A character can control only one yugoloth at a
The smooth ebony floor of this hallway is made J The Nether Scrolls consist of five chapters.
gainful exercise, a manual of quickness of action, time.
from petrified black pudding that undulates slightly The first chapter is Arcanus Fundare, or the
three tomes of clear thought, a tome of leadership Battle! If the yugoloths see the characters exam- as if trying to break free from its imprisonment. Foundations of Magic. The second chapter is
and influence, three tomes of the stilled tongue, and ining the Book of Keeping too closely, they attack To the west is a spiral staircase that leads up to Magicus Creare, and deals with the creation of
a tome of understanding. Few of the library’s books immediately. They also attack if the characters area M5. To the east is an ornate candelabra set magic items. The third chapter is Major Creare
are labeled; however, the spectral hands can be attempt to open the northern door. In the event of a beside a summoning circle. The candelabra has and deals with the creation of constructs. The
commanded to fetch any specific tome. The western fight, the ultroloth teleports to the ceramic urns and fourteen candles in total, one for each creature fourth chapter is Planus Mechanus, or the Study
type (Aberration, Beast, etc). A successful DC 15 of the Planes. The last chapter is Ars Factum and
Intelligence (Arcana) check discerns that if a specific deals with the study of artifacts.
candle is lit, then a character can attempt a ritual J Each of the first five floors of the tower are dedi-
to summon any creature of the designated type that cated to one of these five chapters.
is CR 2 or lower. Completing the ritual requires a
successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check. In the J Zender can share details regarding the first and
event of a failure, the character takes 3d6 psychic second floor of the tower, but has never been to
damage and the summoned creature is hostile to any of the other floors.
the character. In the event of a success, the creature Zender’s true name is not within the Book of
follows the character’s commands before disap- Keeping. The yugoloth attacks any characters he
pearing in a puff of smoke one hour later. There can thinks are trying to steal or damage his items.
only be one summoned creature at any given time.
The display cabinet (marked C on the map) holds
M5. Upper Ebon Hall a brazier of commanding fire elementals, a gem of
Like the lower hall, the floor here is made from brightness, a ring of the ram, and a staff of healing.
petrified black pudding. A spiral staircase to the west These items are sealed behind a permanent wall of
leads down to area M4, whereas a spiral staircase force spell. These items have been crafted by Zender
to the east leads up to area M12. An imposing set of and are intricately connected to his life force. If he
double doors leads to area M6. dies or is banished to Gehenna, the items turn to
dust. If Zender fights within this chamber, the items
M6. Magicus Creare help him in the following way:
This vast chamber has a high, vaulted ceiling. Sturdy Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals. On initia-
wooden doors lead to the east, south, and west. A tive count 20 (losing ties), the brazier summons
display case hangs from the east wall. The room is a fire elemental. The fire elemental immediately
occupied by an ultroloth who goes by the name of attacks the characters, and on subsequent rounds
Zender (marked Z on the map). takes its turn on initiative count 20. If the fire
Zender is initially friendly to the characters unless elemental is reduced to 0 hit points, the brazier
they are accompanied by an enslaved yugoloth. summons a new fire elemental on the next initiative
He is a passionate collector of magical items who count 20.
is always looking to “complete his sets” and hunt

Gem of Brightness. On initiative count 15 (losing M8. Armor Storage If the characters have played Rise Of Vecna and one
ties), the gem shoots a beam of light at a creature The “Ultra Rare” Ebony Water Lily of them wields Zespara’s perfect blade, Zespara is
This room is filled with dozens of suits of armor.
of Zender’s choosing. That character must succeed If the characters have Oliviér Fight with them (from the fascinated by the smithy. She implores the charac-
Each suit of armor has some sort of historical signifi-
on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become “Don’t Hate the Player” random encounter presented ters to let her speak with Zender. Zender, in turn, is
in chapter 4 of Rise Of Vecna), his love for Arcana the cance that Zender is willing to share with the charac-
blinded for 1 minute. The character can repeat the curious about Zespara and seeks to learn from her.
Conclave soon becomes apparent to Zender who is also an ters. In addition to these nonmagical suits of armor,
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending If the characters indulge this exchange for an hour,
avid player. If they get to talking, Oliviér might reveal he has there is mithril ring mail, adamantine plate armor,
the effect on itself on a success. an extremely rare card in his possession, sought after by then Zender agrees to apply his forging techniques to
elven chain, leather armor of resistance (necrotic),
Ring of the Ram. On initiative count 10 (losing ties), collectors far and wide: the Ebony Water Lily. The card is in and armor of invulnerability. Zespara’s perfect blade, granting it the properties of
the ring projects a spectral ram’s head that attacks near mint condition and Zender is willing to trade almost a vorpal sword. This forging process takes an addi-
anything to obtain it, at your discretion. Any character that examines the magical suits of tional hour.
a creature of Zender’s choosing. The ram’s head
armor and makes a successful DC 18 Intelligence
makes an attack roll with a +7 bonus. On a hit, the
(Investigation) check notices that they are engraved M11. Alchemy Lab
creature takes 3d10 force damage and is pushed
If the characters enter the room without Zender, with a small sigil. If asked, Zender informs the char- This chamber is filled with alchemical equipment. A
10 feet away from the display case.
then the magical weapons animate and attack acters that the sigil is a failsafe requested by Vecna trough along the eastern wall contains a randomly
Staff of Healing. On initiative count 5 (losing ties), (marked W on the map). For convenience use the that allows the archlich to make any of these suits of determined potion weird (marked P on the map;
the staff heals Zender for 3d8 + 9 hit points. statistics of a flying sword, adjusting the damage armor explode upon command. An exploding suit of see the “Potion Weirds” sidebar). The potion weird
M7. Weapon Storage type as necessary. Any weapon that is reduced to armor is completely destroyed. It deals 10d10 force attacks if disturbed.
0 hit points is broken and no longer useful. A char- damage to anyone wearing it, and 5d10 force damage
This room is filled with hundreds of weapons. Each
acter can attempt to grab an item by making an to anyone carrying it. Potion Weirds
weapon has some sort of historical significance that A potion weird is created when an alchemist fuses a water
opposed Grapple check. If successful the character M9. R&D
Zander is willing to share with the characters. In weird with a magical potion. The magical potion mutates
manages to subdue the weapon, rendering it inert the weird in the following ways:
addition to these nonmagical weapons, there is a The room itself has two crafting tables. Shelves along
and nonmagical. Once this happens all remaining
spear of slaying (construct), a dagger of warning, a the eastern wall hold hundreds of scrolls. These d6 Potion
weapons lose their enchantments, dropping to the
dragonslayer longsword, a +2 halberd, and a holy scrolls contain the formulas for crafting any common, Potion of Fire Breath. As a bonus action the potion
floor as nonmagical weapons.
avenger greatsword. uncommon, or rare magical item from the Dungeon weird can exhale fire at a target within 30 feet of
1 it. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
Master’s Guide. Shelves along the western wall hold throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or
100,000 gold pieces worth of crafting supplies. For half as much damage on a successful one.
details on crafting magical items see chapter 6 in the Potion of Giant Strength. The potion weird has a
2 strength of 25 (+7).
Dungeon Master’s Guide.
A strange machine sits on one of the tables (marked Potion of Healing. The potion weird regains 4d4+4
3 hit points at the start of each of its turns, provided
M on the map). The machine has a small display it has at least 1 hit point.
window, a lever, and a chute. If a character pulls the
Potion of Heroism. The potion weird has 10
lever, a card is randomly selected from a deck of temporary hit points. Whenever the weird makes
many things and displayed in the window. The effect 4 an attack roll or a saving throw, it can roll a d4 and
add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving
of the card is resolved, and then a randomly selected throw.
magic item from Table C in the Dungeon Master’s
5 Potion of Invulnerability. The potion weird has
Guide is dispensed through the chute. A character resistance to all damage.
may use this machine once every thirty days. The
6 Potion of Poison. The potion weird’s Constrict
deck of many things and dispensed magical items attack does an additional 3d6 poison damage.
exist within an extradimensional space and cannot
be found if the machine is broken open. Zender is
particularly proud of this contraption and allows each A table in the center of the room contains an
character to pull the lever, if they are so inclined. unusual machine built from beakers, tubes, and
pipettes. If a magical potion is poured into the
M10. Smithy contraption, it flows through the machine, changing
This room is a fully stocked smithy. The forge, which in color, consistency, and enchantment. Any
smells like flowers, can be used to craft magical legendary potion is transformed into a randomly
weapons and armor. Any character who is proficient determined very rare potion. Any very rare potion is
with smith’s tools can attempt a DC 25 Strength transformed into a randomly determined rare potion.
check to fix any broken weapon from area M7. Only Any rare potion is transformed into a randomly deter-
one such attempt can be made for each weapon. mined uncommon potion. Any uncommon potion is
Similarly, a character who is proficient in smith’s turned into a common potion. Any common potion
tools can attempt a DC 15 Dexterity check to remove turns into pungent, multi-colored vinegar. Zender is
Vecna’s sigil from a suit of armor. happy to show the characters how the device works,
as well as allow them to use it.

M12. Major Creare, Lower Level opened (or wedged shut) with a successful DC 20 First Round. Four magen and Jarlaxle. Phesteus is accompanied by Miniamat (appendix B),
Dexterity check made using thieves’ tools, although a Second Round. Five magen and Xanathar. an experimental, miniaturized clone of Tiamat. Both
This large room is filled with intricate machinery that
failed check triggers a shrieking alarm accompanied Phesteus and Miniamat fight to the death.
beeps and hums loudly. In the center of the room is Third Round. Six magen and Halaster.
by flashing red strobe lights (see below for the effect A glowing red portal is visible at the eastern end of
a raised platform of copper grating. The platform Fourth Round. Seven magen and the elder brain.
of an alarm). The vats have AC 13 and 20 hit points. the room. Stepping through the portal transports the
is 5 feet off the ground and can be accessed by a
Destroying a vat also sets off an alarm. Subsequent Rounds. Six magen. characters to area M14.
variety of staircases. On the platform are dozens of
vats made from tinted glass. Large machines line The mechanical eyes have AC 10, 1 hit point, a fly A character proficient in tinker tools can access
speed of 40, and truesight 40 feet. Anytime a char-
M14. Planus Mechanus
the walls of the room, and smaller consoles can be one of the consoles to try to prevent the vats from
acter enters the room or begins their turn in the This area is a pocket of stability that resides within
seen on the platform. A dozen glowing mechanical opening. To succeed they must make an opposed
room, they must make a successful DC 20 Dexterity the Ethereal Plane (For details on the various planes
eyeballs fly in a random pattern throughout the Intelligence check against Phesteus. If successful, the
(Stealth) check or be detected by the eyes, triggering of existence as well as their planar effects see chapter
chamber. vats cannot open until the character’s next turn.
a shrieking alarm accompanied by flashing red strobe 2 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). The ground is
A Dark Menagerie. There are forty Medium sized There are two stone staircases that lead twenty feet made of exotic, green stone harvested from the
lights. Damaging an eye also sets off an alarm.
vats, all of which hold a slumbering demos magen up to area M13. The staircases end in metallic doors living crust of the Plane of Earth. Glowing geometric
(appendix B). There are eight Large sized vats. One Red Alert! An alarm immediately alerts Phesteus that are magnetically sealed. The doors have AC 20, shapes have been etched into the stone floor. A
of these contains an artificially accelerated organism (area M13; marked P on the map; appendix B) to the 50 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic dozen floating, prismatic portals drift aimlessly
clone of Jarlaxle (appendix B), and the others contain characters’ arrival. The gnome artificer, in his space damage. Damaging a door triggers an alarm. about. The edges of the area are obscured by roiling
partially formed clones of the characters as well armor, can be seen through a window in the eastern
as NPCs that the characters have interacted with. wall. This window is made from specially constructed M13. Major Creare, Upper Level mist. Scattered throughout the mist are curtains of
vaporous color. In the center of the room is a twen-
There are three Huge sized vats that contain clones glassteel and is functionally equivalent to a wall of Beyond the magnetically sealed doors is a laboratory
ty-foot tall attractive, well-muscled humanoid with
of Halaster and Xanathar (appendix B), as well as force spell. Each round Phesteus taunts the char- that holds a collection of inert golems manufac-
blue skin and dark eyes (marked V on the map). The
the partially complete clone of a five-headed dragon. acters through an intercom while activating clones. tured from unusual materials such as mithral and
humanoid wears airy, shimmering silks and a feath-
There are two Gargantuan sized vats. One of them These clones attack the characters once released razorvine. This area is the workshop of Phesteus
ered helmet. Circling overhead is a white-feathered
holds an incomplete clone of Vecna. The other from their vats. (appendix B), a master artificer in service of Vecna.
roc (marked R on the map).
contains an elder brain (appendix B). A vat can be

The humanoid is Vol’kra, Breacher of Worlds and
Portal Effects
Maker of Ways, a Neutral Evil empyrean who will-
d6 Effect
ingly crafts portals for Vecna. He has the following
actions instead of the Maul and Bolt actions: A storm of thoughts, known as a psychic wind,
blasts the characters from the Astral Plane.
Gravelight Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 1 Each character must make a successful DC 18
10 ft., one target. Hit: 31 (6d6 + 10) slashing damage. Intelligence saving throw or suffer a random effect
If the target is a creature, it must also make a DC 20 from the Psychic Wind Effects table in the Dungeon
Master’s Guide.
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target
takes 22 (4d10) necrotic damage, and until the end of Glimmering mist drifts from the Feywild,
its next turn, it sheds bright light out to a radius of 30 enveloping the characters. Each character must
2 make a successful DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or
feet and dim light for an additional 30 feet. This light is experience memory loss, forgetting the events of
gravelight. On a successful save, the target takes half as the last 1d10 days.
much necrotic damage and doesn’t shed light. A conflagration of flame erupts from the Elemental
Gravelight Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +15 to hit, range 60 Plane of Fire. Each character must make a DC 18
ft., up to two creatures. Hit: 22 (4d10) necrotic damage 3 Dexterity saving throw. A character takes 42 (12d6)
and the target must make a DC 23 Constitution saving fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
throw. On a failed save, the target takes 22 (4d10)
necrotic damage, and until the end of its next turn, it The characters are blasted by Pandemonium’s
sheds bright light out to a radius of 30 feet and dim incessant winds of madness. Each character must
make a successful DC 18 Wisdom saving throw
light for an additional 30 feet. This light is gravelight. 4 or gain one level of exhaustion. Any character of
On a successful save, the target takes half as much lawful alignment makes their saving throw with
necrotic damage and doesn’t shed light. disadvantage and, upon failure, gains two levels of
A portal to another world briefly opens, releasing
Gravelight 5 1d4 flying horrors (appendix B) that attack the
Within this magical light, magical darkness is expunged, characters immediately.
and illusion and transmutation magic ceases to function. A portal to another world briefly opens, releasing
Such spells can’t be cast in the light and can’t manifest 6 a tsucora quori (appendix B) that attacks the
magical effects there. A creature also can’t change its shape characters immediately.
within the light, and if it is already in another shape when it The curtains of vaporous color are ethereal
enters the light, it immediately returns to its normal shape.
curtains (see the Dungeon Master’s Guide). Horrific
creatures such as floating skulls and spectral killers
To Vol’kra all “lesser” creatures look the same. can be seen floating through the ethereal curtains.
Because of this he assumes that the characters are
servants of Vecna and does not question their pres-
ence. Should the characters repeatedly act suspi- M15. Ars Factum A World of Mirrors. There are more than a thou-
sand mirrors lining the room, each of which is func-
ciously, however, the empyrean and his roc attack. This is a large circular chamber that is 60 feet in
tionally equivalent to a crystal ball. These mirrors are
There are a total of nine portals inscribed upon diameter. The walls and ceiling of the chamber are
Vol’kra’s mighty roc is known as used by the Eye to watch over the realms on behalf of
the floor. There is a portal attuned to each of the built out of mirrors of various shapes and sizes.
Argent the Soaring Avalanche its master. The Eye can use up to one hundred such
following locations: Astral Plane, Plane of Air, Plane On the northern side of the chamber, four circular
mirrors at a time and does not need to touch them
of Earth, Plane of Fire, Plane of Water, the Outlands, steps rise to a great black throne that appears to jut
to activate them. If a mirror is somehow removed
area M13, and area M15. The destination of a forward from a gigantic spider web that stretches
from the wall or ceiling, then it loses its enchant-
portal can be determined with a successful DC 15 across the entire wall. A massive mahogany table,
ments. Characters peering into the mirrors can see
Intelligence (Arcana) check. A portal can be activated with books and papers scattered across it, rests
brief glimpses of the War for Waterdeep unfolding.
with a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check. before the throne. A glowing green portal in the
It should be apparent that although their allies are
Vol’kra carries with him a tome on planar construc- western wall leads to area M14. An archway in
fighting valiantly, they are losing the battle. If the
tion. Any character with the tome can figure out the the eastern wall opens into a staircase that winds
characters hope to turn the tide, they will need to find
details of the portals, including where they go and upwards to area M16.
and vanquish the archlich Vecna.
how to activate them, given an hour of careful study. Seated within the throne is the Eye (marked E on
Lost Notes. The books and papers scattered
The floating portals are not yet fully created and, the map; appendix B). Standing beside the throne is
across the table all deal with the creation of artifacts.
because of this, lead to a random destination. Such the Hand (marked H on the map; appendix B).
There are notes concerning the destruction of the
portals can lead to another location on Toril, a The Eye speaks to the characters telepathically Book of Exalted Deeds as well as instructions for
different world, any of the planes of existence, or even as they enter the room, each word squelching in how to craft replicas of the Wand of Orcus. Most of
to different points in time. their brains as if pulled forth from grasping mud. It the notes, however, deal with research regarding
Portal Combat. In combat, Vol’kra can activate declares, “Your coming has been foreseen just as something referred to as the Nether Scrolls as well
one of the embryonic portals. On initiative count 20 your fall is preordained.” At this point both golems as the construction of something referred to as the
(losing ties), Vol’kra activates a portal to trigger a attack, fighting loyally to the death. Soulmonger. Searching through these notes reveals
random effect from the Portal Effects table: the following details:
J The Nether Scrolls are a set of fifty scrolls that J The Soulmonger has recently been moved from This tree is a warped manifestation of the Nether M17. Paradise Lost
deal with fundamental magic theory. Two such the jungles of Chult to Castle Waterdeep. Scrolls recently acquired by Vecna. Any character
When Vecna first occupied the Tower of Ahghairon,
sets are known to exist, and they are rumored to J By studying the Nether Scrolls Vecna has recently that examines the tree closely notes tiny arcane runes
he unexpectedly discovered that the founding Lord of
bestow limitless magical knowledge to anyone figured out how to empower the Soulmonger to formed naturally into the bark, leaves, and roots of
Waterdeep still lived, ensconced within his tower in a
with the patience to study them. These scrolls serve as the lich’s phylactery. If Vecna fuses his the tree. If any character spends more than a minute
state of suspended animation. The Maimed Lord let
were the secret behind the Netheril empire. essence to the Soulmonger, he can begin a ritual attempting to study the runes, or touches any part
Ahghairon be just in case the slumbering archmage
J The second set of Nether Scrolls was trans- that takes four hours and will ultimately elevate of the tree, the tree animates and begins to attack
might one day prove useful. Recently, this patience
formed by the elves into a golden tree in which him to greater godhood. the characters. The tree has AC 11, 400 hit points,
was rewarded.
was perched a small silver bird and a snake with and vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. Killing
M16. Quess’ar’teranthvar either the cat or the raven removes 50 hit points from Because he is not native to Faerun, the Nether
golden, silver, and electrum scales. This tree was Scrolls have resisted Vecna’s attempt to master
known as Quess’Ar’Teranthvar, or the Golden The staircase from area M15 opens into a 60-foot the tree. On its turn, the tree intersperses five slam
attacks amongst all characters within the room. Its their knowledge. In response, the archlich fused
Grove of Hidden Knowledge. The elves could diameter chamber at the top of the tower. The Ahghairon with the scrolls so that the slumbering
study the leaves, bark and roots of this tree as ground is hard-packed dirt with patches of brittle, slam attacks are +13 to hit and inflict 20 (3d6 + 10)
bludgeoning damage. archmage could absorb their knowledge subcon-
easily as a human sage could read a scroll. drying grass that crunch underfoot. In the center sciously. Vecna then visits Ahghairon’s dreams in
of the room is an aged tree. Its canopy of drooping Each round of combat, on initiative count 20, 1d4
J A pile of notes makes it evident that the Eye has the guise of a student, coaxing the archmage into
branches hang over the entirety of the room. The revenants claw their way from the earth. The reve-
been using its mirrors for years to find the lost teaching him that subconsciously gained knowledge.
trunk of the tree looks to be made of bleached bone, nants have the appearance of previous adversaries
Nether Scrolls and that they were recently found The Dream. The characters are physically trans-
as do the tips of its twisting roots that can be seen that have been recently slain by the characters.
and recovered by Vecnan agents within the last ported into a dream world carefully crafted by the
occasionally sprouting from the earth. The tree’s The Dreamer. Once the tree has been reduced to
month. dark god Vecna. It takes the form of a beautiful park
white, gold-tinged leaves are warm to the touch 0 hit points, all remaining revenants collapse into a
J The Soulmonger is a device designed to devour and have the texture of dried, leathery flesh. Any pile of bones and dust. There is a drawn-out rending
with rolling hills, trickling streams, and inviting
the souls of the living. It feasted during a wave character who makes a successful DC 15 Wisdom benches. The warm, sunny air smells like fresh cut
noise as the trunk of the tree splits open, revealing
of catastrophes orchestrated by Vecna and then (Perception) check spots a skeletal bird (raven) and grass. Sitting in the grass is a younger, more vital
the emaciated frame of an aged male human. A
used these souls to provide a corporeal form for skeletal cat roosting within the tree’s uppermost version of Ahghairon, lecturing a group of ten dark-
successful DC 15 Intelligence (History) check
the Lord of Secrets. branches. robed students. Amongst the students is Vecna,
discerns that the figure is Ahghairon (archmage), the
posing as an older man missing his left eye and hand.
first Open Lord of Waterdeep. The figure’s eyes are
open but periodically twitch, as if dreaming. At this As master of this realm, Vecna immediately
point any character who touches either Ahghairon or senses the characters’ intrusion. The dark lord
the tree is transported to area M17. snarls, “Pretentious fools! Knowledge of the
Nether Scrolls is mine and mine alone!” At
this, the beautiful blue skies darken and turn red,
trembling with peals of angry thunder. The grass
smolders and burns away, revealing hell-blasted
stone beneath. The remaining nine students scream
as their flesh melts away and they transform into
dretches. Vecna begins to grow, unfurling batlike
wings that tear through his robes. With an abyssal
snarl he completes his transformation into a balor.
At this point Vecna and the dretches immediately
attack, determined to mercilessly eradicate the
Death is Only the Beginning. If a dretch is
reduced to 0 hit points, then on its turn a chasme
hatches from the demonic ichor left behind upon its
death and attacks the characters. If the chasme is
reduced to 0 hit points, then on its next turn its ichor
mutates into a glabrezu. Finally, should the glabrezu
be reduced to 0 hit points, then on its next turn its
remains transform into a marilith.
The Ally. Ahghairon is confused and aghast. On the
first round of combat, he attempts to cast a spell, but
the rock beneath his feet bubbles upwards, encasing
Ahghairon remains a potent
combatant in his own right the archmage in a cocoon of stone. The cocoon of
stone has AC 17 and 50 hit points. If the cocoon is
destroyed, then Ahghairon is freed but still confused.
A successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check Any character that makes a successful DC 18
helps him break through the paralysis of indecision Wisdom (Perception) check notices Ahghairon on the
and assist the characters in battling Vecna. street buried under some rubble. Assuming he was
Developments. If any of the characters are wearing
armor from area M8, then Vecna uses an action to
alive at the time of Vecna’s defeat, the archmage is
stable but at 0 hit points. It takes a successful DC 20 The Rise or Fall of Vecna
Castle Waterdeep
make the armor explode. Otherwise Vecna focuses Strength (Athletics) check to and one round of effort The characters race to Castle Waterdeep, only to find it mag-
on melee attacks, hoping to eradicate the characters. free Ahghairon from the rubble. ically sealed. The characters must then possess the bodies of
nine trickster gods trapped within the castle’s dungeons and
Once Vecna is reduced to 0 hit points, the dream Battle in the Streets. The disembodied essence of The steep winding path leads all the way to the
use them to deactivate the castle’s forcefield. Once they have
ends and the characters are transported to area M18. Vecna simultaneously inhabits the nearby forms of done so, the characters rush to destroy Vecna’s phylactery, castle’s gates. With war waging throughout the city,
three walking statues (appendix B). The first statue
M18. Streets of Waterdeep lumbers into view two rounds after the characters
only to find it protected by the archlich Acererak. The char-
acters have an opportunity to turn Acererak against Vecna
there are no guards to be encountered. However,
With Vecna defeated inside his dream world, there an impenetrable shield of green energy surrounds
regain consciousness, threatening the characters before finally facing the Maimed Lord’s full and final wrath.
is an explosion of magical energy that destroys the the castle. The shield is immune to all damage and
with complete destruction. Another statue arrives cannot be penetrated by any magic such as teleport
Tower of Ahghairon. Much like Castle Avernus, the every two rounds thereafter until all three have
resulting rubble from the exploded tower remains or dimension door. As the characters attempt to
arrived. If the characters arranged for Jarlaxle to steal determine how to bypass the barrier, read or para-
frozen in place. This tower of floating rubble is the Dragonstaff of Ahghairon and for Tiamat to assist
a hundred feet high and eighty feet in diameter. phrase the following:
in the War for Waterdeep, then Klauth, an ancient
Characters can move through the rubble, hopping red dragon, swoops in briefly on round three, oblit-
from one stone to the next, with a successful DC 10 A high-pitched voice, like the cawing of a dying bird,
erating one of the statues with a devastating gout of echoes faintly in your thoughts. “He has tortured us
Strength (Athletics) check. Failing their check means dragonflame. for so long. Our time is drawing to an end. But we
that they fall to the streets below. The rubble counts can sense your presence, it glows strong and bright
Once all three statues are present, Vecna speaks astle Waterdeep is roughly half a
as difficult terrain. to ones such as us. Lend us your power, and we will
from their mouths simultaneously, threatening the mile from Ahghairon’s Tower. To open the gates. All we ask in return is that you make
The characters find themselves draped across these destruction of the characters and all they hold dear. get there the characters must Acererak pay for the millions of torments he has
floating stones as they slowly regain consciousness. As the characters battle the statues, the War for inflicted upon us.”
Townsfolk are gathering about the tower, gawking at head east along Waterdeep Way,
Waterdeep rages about them. Zhentarim soldiers following the contours of Mount Waterdeep. After a
the strange spectacle. Leaves from the Nether Scrolls run through the streets. Assuming they are part of
waft in the wind, settling on the floating rubble or brief turn south along Hillock Court the characters The voice belongs to Papazotl, one of nine trick-
the battle, the ground shakes with the roar of distant find a winding path that ascends Mount Waterdeep, ster gods imprisoned within the dungeons of Castle
the plaza below. The first time a wizard spends an dragons. The sounds of war horns echo regularly,
action to study one of these leaves, they are granted ultimately leading to the castle. The details of this Waterdeep by the archlich Acererak. These gods hail
interrupted every so often by a thunderous blast of brief journey are left to the DM’s discretion, as they from the distant jungles of Chult. Slain by Acererak
arcane insight by rolling a d6 on the Minor Nether arcane energy. Consider personalizing this battle to
Scrolls Effect table to gain a magical boon. At your will vary depending on which armies (if any) are during the construction of his deathtrap dungeon,
your campaign, allowing long term allies or recurring fighting with the characters. However, it should be the Tomb of Annihilation, their spirits lived on, and
discretion, you can also allow a non-wizard to do so villains to join the fray.
by having them roll a d4 on the table instead. evident that the destruction of Ahghairon’s Tower they tried to foil the archlich’s plans. Unfortunately,
has demoralized Vecna’s forces, turning the tide of Acererak beat the trickster gods yet again, bestowing
Minor Nether Scroll Effect A Cataclysmic Promise battle. Despite this, all will have been for nothing if corporeal form to their ghostly spirits so that he
d6 Effect the characters do not stop Vecna’s impending meta- might repeatedly torture and kill them for their impu-
Arcane Syncope. You can speak all languages and you When the last of the walking statues is destroyed, the morphosis. dence. These gods are shown on the table below.
1 can roll an additional time on this table. broken remains of the severed stone heads begin to
Primordial Ward. Whenever you finish a short or long laugh in unison, followed by a villainous monologue: Trickster Gods
rest, you can choose one damage type from among “WITH MY DESTRUCTION YOU HAVE GUARANTEED THE DOOM
acid, cold, fire, lightning, and thunder, then gain Spirit Align. Personality Flaw Enemy Form
temporary hit points equal to your character level. I’jin (female) CN Fickle and unpredictable “I never stick to a plan.” Obo’laka almiraj
While these temporary hit points remain, you are FUSING WITH THE SOULMONGER, WHERE I WILL FEED UPON
resistant against damage from the chosen type. THE MILLIONS OF SOULS CONTAINED WITHIN. ONCE I AM Kubazan “I am fearless and not afraid to
FINISHED, I WILL BE GREATER THAN A GOD! AND MY FIRST (male) CG Wild and spirited take great risks.” Papazotl froghemoth
3 Mystic Resilience. You gain proficiency in saving
throws using an ability of your choice. ACTION WILL BE TO BURN YOUR PATHETIC, DUNGHEAP OF A Moa (male) LG Truthful and kind “I must always speak the truth.” Wongo jaculi
WORLD TO ASH!” After this final pronouncement the
Ability Score Increase. You can increase one ability Nangnang
4 score of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase broken statues go silent. (female) NE Selfish and cruel “I won’t share with others.” Shagambi grung
an ability score above 20 using this feature.
It should be apparent that the characters need Obo’laka “I am risk-averse and a slave to
Spell Mastery. Choose a 1st-level wizard spell and a (female) LN Nervous and obsessive routine.” I’jin zorbo
2nd-level wizard spell that are in your spellbook. You
to find and destroy the Soulmonger before Vecna
5 can cast those spells at their lowest level without completes his metamorphosis. They have four hours Papazotl “I bow before no one and expect
(male) LE Shrewd and conniving others to do as I command.” Kubazan eblis
expending a spell slot when you have them prepared. to do so. The Soulmonger can be found within
Signature Spell. Choose a 3rd-level wizard spell in your Castle Waterdeep. All of this should be evident if Shagambi NG Wise and virtuous “I never show mercy to evildoers.” Nangnang kamadan
spellbook as your signature spell. You always have this (female)
spell prepared, it doesn’t count against the number the characters read the notes from area M15. If for
6 of spells you have prepared, and you can cast it once some reason they did not, then use an NPC such as Unkh N Self-absorbed and “I am incapable of making - flail snail
at 3rd level without expending a spell slot. When you (female) indecisive decisions.”
Ahghairon or Halaster to deduce and communicate
do so, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or Wongo “I act without concern for the
long rest. this information. (male) CE Violent and deranged well-being of others.” Moa su-monster

If the characters agree to Papazotl’s request, then additional 1d10 piercing damage. Moa can stiffen J Open or close as many of the four covered pits N3. Hangry Hallway
each character can possess the body of one of the his serpentine body to serve as a ladder to help any hidden within the control room. Any creature
A steam release valve is visible at the end of this
trickster gods. A character can possess a given god creatures escape the pit. standing on a pit when it opens must make a
illuminated 50-foot-long hallway. The ceiling along
as long as they share at least one aspect of alignment. The stone double doors leading into area N2 can successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall
the first 45 feet of the hallway smashes down with a
For example, a chaotic good character could possess be pushed open by any number of trickster gods with into the pit. The pits are 20 feet deep and any
thunderous crash every six seconds. The ground of
any trickster god with either good or chaotic in their a combined Strength of 20 or higher. The doors are creature falling into them takes damage from
the hallway is littered with broken stone and counts
alignment. Whereas the gods had been starved and protected with an alarm spell, however, that begins falling as normal (1d6 bludgeoning damage for
as difficult terrain. Any creature caught in the hallway
weakened to the point of exhaustion, they become to shriek ceaselessly like a loud siren as soon as they every 10 feet fallen).
when this happens takes 100 bludgeoning damage.
invigorated once possessed by a character. If a god are opened. J Trigger a gout of flame from area N7. This gout
dies while possessed by a character, that character Tricks of the Trickster Gods. The easiest way to
N2. Control Room of flame extends in a 5-foot-wide line all the access this steam valve is by having I’jin take the
can choose to possess another god, subject to the way to the other end of the room. Each crea-
restrictions above, or return to their own body. The control room is a large octagonal chamber with Dash action, although the players may have other
ture standing in the gout of flame takes 8d6 fire ideas of their own.
Handouts of the trickster gods are provided in an iron floor, walls, ceiling, and rafters. Thousands of damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
appendix C. Replace each god’s Intelligence and twisting pipes line the room, and bouts of steam peri- on a successful one. This action can only be taken N4. Barred Access
Wisdom with that of the possessing character. Also odically burst forth from where the pipes are riveted once every two rounds. An adamantine grate bars access to this hallway.
give the trickster god any Intelligence related profi- together. Although not visible, massive steam-pow-
Any creature that climbs or flies through the rafters I’jin can squeeze through the holes in the grate and
ciencies attained by the character. Finally, although ered cogs can be heard churning behind the walls
finds a hidden steam release valve. Obo’laka can use her claws to rend through the
the characters retain their own personality and and beneath the floor. A strange machine with an
adamantine. The grate can also be ripped from the
alignment, they are subtly influenced by the flaws of array of buttons and levers can be seen in the center The adamantine double doors are locked and can
wall with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
the god they possess and are encouraged to role play of the room. Beyond it is a closed set of adaman- only be opened from the northern side (area N9). See
check. A steam release valve can be found at the end
accordingly. tine double doors. Six other tunnels lead out of the the “Divine Release” section for details on when they
of this pipe-lined hallway.
control room. are opened.

Dungeons of The steam blowing through the pipes comes

directly from the Paraelemental planes. In turn, it
Castle Waterdeep powers the hundreds of traps scattered throughout
Castle Waterdeep as well as the forcefield that
Castle Waterdeep was designed by Acererak to be currently protects the fortress. The amount of steam
the ultimate deathtrap dungeon. However, divine used by the traps is measured precisely and regulated
intervention provides the characters with an unusual by steam release valves. If too much steam courses
opportunity to neutralize it from within. through the pipes, a failsafe system shuts everything
N1. Cells down, temporarily disabling all traps and forcefields.
To activate this failsafe five steam release valves must
These damp, mold-ridden cells are barely large
be opened (see the “Steam Release Valves” sidebar).
enough to hold their occupants. Imprisoned within
This information is known to the trickster gods from
them can be found I’jin (N1a), Kubazan (N1d), Moa
their years of confinement and communicated to the
(N1c), Nangnang (N1b), Obo’laka (N1e), Papazotl
characters as they enter this room.
(N1g), Shagambi (N1h), Unkh (N1i), and Wongo
(N1f). Because the trickster guards are always left The control machine can be figured out by any
in a state of near death, the doors to their cells are character that makes a successful DC 15 Intelligence
unlocked. The doors to most of the cells can be (Investigation) check. Only Nangnang, Papazotl, or
pushed open in either direction by a creature with a Wongo have the appropriate appendages to operate
Strength of 10 or higher. The only exception is the the machine. Once they have determined how the
large double doors leading into Kubazan’s cell, which machine works, they may use an action to trigger
require a Strength of 20 or higher to push open. either of the following effects:
The hallway is made of the same damp, moldy
stone as the cells. Hidden within it are two covered Huge and Large Creatures
pit traps. The pit traps can be detected with a Because Kubazan is Huge he cannot fit into 5-foot-wide
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. tunnels. Kubazan can squeeze through 10-foot-wide
I’jin is too tiny to trigger the trap and can run over tunnels but must spend 1 extra foot for every foot he
moves there, and he has disadvantage on attack rolls and
the covered pits safely. Kubazan and Unkh trigger
Dexterity saving throws. Attack rolls made against Kubazan
the trap but are too large to fall into the pit. Any have advantage whenever he is squeezing into a smaller
other trickster god must make a successful DC 15 space. Similarly, Moa, Papazotl, Shagambi and Unkh must
Dexterity saving throw or fall 10 feet into a pit of squeeze to fit into 5-foot-wide tunnels.
spikes, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus an

Steam Release Valves
N8. Abyss of Annihilation
This room appears to be a vast pit that drops off into
The humanoid is Withers, a former engineer from
the distant land of Chult, whose trap-making skills Denouement
Any of the trickster gods can use an action to turn a steam pleased Acererak who has since transformed the Once the castle’s protective field and interior traps
the inky blackness of impenetrable void. Despite
release with their various appendages, or in the case of engineer into a wight with the following changes:
I’jin, by running along the top of the valve as if it were a appearances, the pit is only 30 feet deep. However, have been disabled, the characters can safely enter
treadmill. After doing so the pipes begin to rattle wildly it ends in a gargantuan sphere of annihilation that is J He has an Intelligence of 16 (+3). Castle Waterdeep. The once proud fortress has
as an excess amount of steam floods through the system. fixed in place and cannot be moved. Three 5-foot-di- J He has a challenge rating of 4 (1,100 XP). been turned into a hideous deathtrap, and this is
Each time a valve is activated, there is a 20 percent chance ameter platforms of banded wood float at ground still evident as the characters walk through its halls.
that one of the pipes breaks, releasing a steam mephit that level. A steam release valve can be accessed from the J He lacks the Longbow action. Rotting corpses hang impaled upon rusted spikes.
attacks the nearest trickster god.
third platform. J He has the following additional actions: Open pits drop into planar vortices. Overhanging it
Tricks of the Trickster Gods. Moa and Nangnang all is the necrotic energy of the Soulmonger, a foul,
Corrosive Fangs. Withers targets up to two creatures he
N5. Wizardly Wards can jump from platform to platform easily. cans see within 60 feet. A target must succeed on a DC tainted energy that is palpable enough to follow
This room is lined with glowing crystals that appear Alternatively, Papazotl can fly to the third platform. 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 acid damage. directly to its source.
to power a network of whirring cogs. These cogs are Lightning Lance (Recharge 6). A line of crackling energy After walking through a series of grand hallways
connected by a series of pipes. A steam release valve
N9. Egress projects from Withers in a line that is 100 feet long and the characters emerge into a grand throne room (in
can be seen on the center of the floor. There are four This broad stone tunnel ends in a staircase that 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 13 the spaces marked E on the map).
can be used to access the upper levels of Castle Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 lightning damage on
statues in the room. Each statue looks like a cowled a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful Read or paraphrase the following:
wizard with an outstretched wand. The wands begin Waterdeep. As a Dungeon Master you are free to
one. The energy ignites flammable objects in the area
to glow ominously when a creature looks into the develop these levels, further expanding Acererak’s that aren’t being worn or carried.
deathtrap dungeon. However, doing so is not recom- Within the throne room is an enormous stone skull.
room. If a creature enters the room, each statue Spellcasting. Withers casts one of the following spells, Wraithlike forms swirl within the skulls eye sockets,
attacks the creature with a magic missile spell. The mended as it may detract from the urgency of stop- using Intelligence as his spell casting ability (spell save and otherworldly screams hang in the air. Seated in
statues fire a second volley of magic missiles if any ping Vecna’s impending apotheosis. DC 13): a throne behind the skull is a skeletal figure wrapped
creature tampers with the steam release valve. N10. Barracks of the Tomb Dwarves At will: mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation in moldering robes and clutching a skull-tipped staff.
Hateful pinpricks of white light burn in its eye sockets,
Tricks of the Trickster Gods. If Unkh enters the This barren room is filled with dust and spiderwebs. Wither’s books are about natural history, anatomy, and a two-foot-diameter sphere of utter darkness
room her shell automatically reflects the attacks, Plain slabs of stone serve as beds for the dozens of and engineering. His skeletal songbirds are tame but floats in the air beside it. Its voice, though so soft you
destroying the statues in the process. tomb dwarves that lair here. These tomb dwarves are cannot fly. The wight’s bronze mask is worth 25 gp. can barely hear it, is somehow more terrifying than
the skull’s wails, “You are too late fools. In a matter
N6. Arrows Away dwarf miners abducted by Acererak and transformed
Hundreds of arrows shoot continuously through
into wights (wielding battleaxes and light crossbows) Divine Release of minutes Vecna will be reborn from my Soulmonger,
crafted by my own genius, and your world will be torn
thousands of holes dotted throughout the length of
to exploit their expertise in underground construc- asunder. Then we shall conquer the next reality, and
tion. This undead maintenance crew now works to When the adamantine doors separating areas N2 the next again, until all that remains is death. None can
this adamantine-lined hallway. A steam release valve keep the castle’s traps in working order. Acererak and N9 are opened, they briefly retract into the withstand the combined might of Acererak and Vecna.”
can be seen at the end of the hall. has a total force of forty tomb dwarves, although less ceiling before lowering and locking immediately after
The arrows are in perpetual motion and every time than ten are found here at any given time. their use. After the first and second steam release The stone skull (marked S on the map) is the
one shoots through a hole, it is teleported so that it valve is turned, a tomb dwarf (see area N10) steps newest iteration of the Soulmonger. The skeletal
The tomb dwarves periodically take the remains
shoots out of another hole. When a creature moves through the double doors and attacks the nearest form is Acererak (marked A on the map; appendix
of adventurers who have perished within the castle,
into or through the hallway, they take 1d6 piercing trickster god. After the third steam release valve B). The archlich is more than willing to fight the
stitch them together, and bolt them into suits of
damage for every 5 feet they travel. is turned, a tomb guardian (see area N10) steps characters if attacked. However, he is also willing to
armor. The resultant shambling golems are referred
Tricks of the Trickster Gods. The adamantine through the double door and attacks the nearest speak with them, gloating about the futility of their
to as tomb guardians and have the same statistics
floor triggers Obo’laka’s Natural Armor trait, making trickster god. After the fourth steam release valve is actions and the doom about to befall the Realms.
as flesh golems with AC 17. There is always at least
her impervious to the arrows. turned, Withers (see area N11) accompanied by three During such conversations any character who makes
one of these guardians within the barracks.
crawling claws, steps through the double doors. a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check discerns
N7. Incinerator N11. Withers’ Office The crawling claws attack the smallest trickster god, that Acererak’s loyalty towards Vecna is wavering.
This circular hallway is filled with blistering hot This cluttered office is filled with charcoal blueprints ideally I’jin, whereas Withers attacks whichever trick- Acererak has come to resent Vecna treating him as
flame and serves as the dungeon’s incinerator. If a of devious traps, each one more deranged than the ster god seems the most physically threatening. an underling, especially when it was Acererak who
character takes the time to look next. Filthy bird cages hang from the After either the release of the fifth steam release created the Soulmonger. Acererak also believes that
through the flames, they see ceiling, in which skeletal songbirds valve or the death of Withers, the characters are it should be him, not Vecna, feasting on the souls
a steam release valve at the rasp hoarsely. Seated before a jarringly returned to their bodies. They find them- within the stone relic. Because of this Acererak
end of the hallway. When desk is the shriveled corpse of a selves standing before Castle Waterdeep. The force- can be convinced to betray Vecna with a successful
a creature moves into humanoid wearing moldy robes field is gone, and an open gate beckons them into the DC 25 Charisma (Persuasion) check. This check
or through the hallway, and a bronze mask sculpted to castle. Their mission complete, the trickster gods succeeds automatically if the characters provide
they take 3d6 fire damage look like a frowning visage. sacrifice themselves, peacefully passing on to what- proof that Vecna was responsible for the death of
for every 5 feet they travel. If the Three crawling claws scuttle ever afterlife awaits them. In gratitude, they infuse Acererak’s mother (see chapter 8 and appendix C).
incinerator is active (see area around the floor near the the characters with divine energy, granting each
N2), then the flames within this humanoid. character the benefit of a long rest. Proceed to the
tunnel dissipate for one round. Denouement section.
The tomb dwarves act as
both guards and workforce
Option One: Deathly Betrayal Vecna is mildly wounded from the destruction of J Soon after Vecna’s defeat, Arwyn Neverember, inside out. The characters must venture into the
Should Acererak decide to betray Vecna read or para- the Soulmonger and has been reduced to 700 hit the charismatic bastard daughter of Lord Dagult demon-infested Underdark to find the legendary
phrase the following: points. Nonetheless, he is undaunted as he attacks Neverember visits Waterdeep. She quickly wins archmage Gromph Baenre and cleanse the fungal
the characters. over the people who begin to clamor for her to contamination.
serve, as her father had, as Open Lord. However, J Tiamat, the Queen of Dragons, has bided her
The Fall of Vecna
Acererak turns towards the stone skull, brandishing
his ancient, crooked staff. The staff flares darkly behind Arwyn’s charming facade hides a dark time, knowing that Vecna’s narcissistic aggres-
and then lets out a hideous, soul-rending shriek. In secret. Her loyalty still lies with her birth city sions would lead to his eventual demise. Now
response the stone begins to crack and then break. As When Vecna is reduced to 0 hit points, read or para- of Neverwinter, and she has made a dark pact
the wraithlike souls flee from the phylactery they are that she has been proven correct, she chooses
phrase the following: that will allow her to save her homeland from to strike. Dragons descend, en masse, upon the
greedily consumed by the smaller skull affixed to the
the Shadowfell, but only by replacing it with Sword Coast. The only way to stop Tiamat is to
staff. The staff’s skull begins to grow larger and larger
until it threatens to consume the entirety of the enor- Vecna, the Maimed God, the Whispered One, Lord of
Waterdeep. claim the legendary Draakhorn from Tiamat’s
mous Soulmonger. the Doomed Sword Coast is briefly felled. His single J A concerned member of the Watchful Order of former fortress in Avernus. Doing so, however,
A thunderous voice booms in response, eye blazes with a depthless fury, “ANTS! WORMS! Magists and Protectors approaches the char- will require infernal allies and the only way to
MERE WAVE OF A HAND. THE BLINK OF AN EYE.” acters to alert them of an alarming increase in make such allies is to win a dangerous race of
COLORS TOO LATE.” The voice is so powerful that
it shakes the very foundation of Castle Waterdeep, The lich gathers his power, preparing to crush you earthquakes throughout the Realms. Soon after, infernal vehicles, known as the Cannonball Run,
sending chunks of stone falling from above. There is from existence. In response the ground begins to a member of the Dungsweeper’s Guild warns the that weaves its way through hundreds of miles of
a blinding explosion of energy as the two titanic liches crack and misty tendrils, reminiscent of your time in characters about a fungal infestation within the blasted, infernal wastelands.
wage war against one another. Ravenloft, coil about the lich lord, holding him fast. sewers of Waterdeep. After some investigation it
For the first time you see his features contort in panic
Regardless of whether the campaign continues
When the energy clears naught remains of Acererak is revealed that Zuggtmoy, the Demon Queen of the players should be congratulated for a job well
but a pile of ash. The Soulmonger lies in a pile of as he thrashes helplessly against the ever-constricting
bonds. “NO! NEVER! I AM VECNA, AND I WILL NOT BE Fungi, has, like a cancer, infected the very core done. Not many can boast of going toe-to-toe with the
smoking ruin. And amidst it, standing triumphantly, of Toril and is literally rotting the world from the
is the Maimed Lord Vecna. He is visibly shaken, CAGED! I ESCAPED YOUR PRISON. I ESCAP...” The lich’s legendary Vecna and living to tell of it.
although he steels his resolve as he turns his one good cries are cut short as one of the tendrils wraps about
eye towards you,“FOR TOO LONG YOU HAVE MEDDLED his throat. The lich continues to thrash and rage, but it
IN MY AFFAIRS. LET US BEGIN THE FIRST OF YOUR is all for naught as he is fully enveloped by the mist.
INFINITE TORTURES.” Mere seconds later there is naught but the fading
echoes of a fallen lord.
Vecna (appendix B) is gravely injured from his

Concluding the Adventure

battle against Acererak and has been reduced to
500 hit points. Nonetheless, he is undaunted as he
attacks the characters.
With the fall of Vecna, the War for Waterdeep perma-
Option Two: Undaunted Heroism nently turns. The allies assembled by the characters
Alternatively, if the characters fight and defeat
overwhelm Vecna’s forces, and Waterdeep is quickly
Acererak, they must then destroy the Soulmonger.
reclaimed. The City of Splendors becomes the center
It is a Huge object with AC 15, 200 hit points,
of a newly forged resistance. The characters are
vulnerability to radiant damage, and immunity to
greeted as heroes by the townsfolk of Waterdeep. In
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
time the walking statues are refashioned into the like-
nonmagical attacks.
ness of the characters, and a local holiday is declared
Once the Soulmonger has been reduced to 0 hit in their honor. Heroes, both old and new, flock to the
points, read or paraphrase the following: characters seeking their advice and mentorship.
However, the stain of Vecna is not easily removed,
The stone skull shatters, and a myriad of tiny lights
pour forth from within. These bright souls coil through and even with the Whispered One’s defeat, evil still
the air like a tornado, blazing upward and then holds a tight grip upon the land. Because of this, the
vanishing in a blinding, spectral flash. A thunderous campaign need not end here. Epic level plot hooks
voice booms in response,“NO! IT IS TOO EARLY! YOU can be found in the Doomed Forgotten Realms: SwOrd
WILL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!” The voice is so COast Gazetteer and rules for play beyond level 20
powerful that it shakes the very foundation of Castle
Waterdeep, sending chunks of stone falling from
can be found in Quill & Cauldron’s EPIC CHARACTERS.
above. Possible future adventures include:
There is an explosion of energy. When it clears the J Depending upon the characters’ actions, the
Soulmonger lies in a pile of smoking ruin. Amidst Darklord Azalin may or may not seek to fill the
it stands the Maimed Lord Vecna. He is visibly void left by Vecna’s defeat. Or, worse, the release
angry as he turns his one good eye towards the
characters, “FOR TOO LONG YOU HAVE MEDDLED IN MY of a second Darklord into the Forgotten Realms
AFFAIRS. LET US BEGIN THE FIRST OF YOUR INFINITE might weaken the walls of Ravenloft, allowing
TORTURES.” other denizens of the Shadowfell to seep into the
Sword Coast.

players about this unique twist immediately or let The lich eventually discovered that any powerful
them discover it unexpectedly once the adventure personality might be granted a land in Ravenloft, so
begins. rather than stay in Barovia, he walked into Strahd’s

Secrets of the Whispered One Playing AAOs should provide a fun and novel role-
playing experience. However, it might run contrary to
choking fog. His forceful personality created Darkon,
the largest domain in Ravenloft.
Artificially Accelerated Organisms................. 150 Gnome bioengineers perfected a process where a the expectations of some players, particularly if they More than anything else, Azaln desires power.
lump of dead flesh could be placed into these vats, played the first installment of this adventure path Ravenloft gave him tremendous strength, but it para-
Azalin Rex..............................................................151 with standard character types. DMs are encouraged lyzed him as well. He can never rise above the experi-
precisely stimulated with electricity, and then grown
Citadel Cavitius ....................................................151 to work with such players to help meet their expecta- ence level he now holds, nor can he ever learn more
into a fully developed sentient being. These beings
Dawn of a New Age ............................................. 152 are known as Artificially Accelerated Organisms, tions. The experimental laboratories should be able magic. Even if presented with a scroll and tutored
Dwarfholds of the North ................................ 152 or AAOs. The entire process is governed by a near to create any combination of race and class that is in the use of the new spells upon it, he cannot learn
infinite number of variables, each fine-tuned by the acceptable to the DM. them. Magical information – even that not related
Harshnag the Grim .............................................153
bioengineers. The fact that their life was created from a lump of to spells – seems to slip through his mind like dust
Madame Irina Radanavich ..................................154 through a net. If he were offered information about
The eventual death of these AAOs have proven dead flesh allows for the characters to still have a
Other Deities ....................................................... 156 connection to this world, perhaps as a reincarnated the workings of the Demiplane of Dread, for instance,
sufficient to nourish Vecna, although not to the he would not remember it, yet he would bear the pain
The Harpells ........................................................ 156 same degree as the death of naturally conceived life. version of whomever the flesh came from. Such char-
The Ordning .........................................................157 acters can still have families, homesteads, and buried of knowing that he once grasped that information. It
However, since these AAOs are created without the is his curse to exist among mortals whose potential
Tovag ..................................................................... 158 divine spark of conception, their existence does not secrets that can be easily embedded within the larger
adventure path. is, by comparison, boundless. If another wizard casts
Vecna's Endgame.................................................. 158 drain his power. Now that their creation has been a spell that Azalin does not know, the lich burns with
perfected, Vecna has set up hundreds of birthing vats
in the undercity of Mirabar. Azalin Rex rage.
RAVENLOFT DOMAINS AND DENIZENS Azalin is wholly evil and brilliant. Though he cannot
Most AAOs are human. They typically begin life remember new spells, his retention of other details is
between the ages of 16 and 20, with a false memory remarkable. He knows who has visited Darkon in the
Azalin was once a powerful human wizard-king.
Artificially Accelerated of a fully lived life. Males and females are manufac-
tured in equal proportions. Early batches of AAOs
Even as he gained them, Azalin became hopelessly past and who is visiting the land today. He also moni-
Organisms were crafted to look identical but more recent
obsessed with accumulating ever more power and
magical learning. Never one to care about right or
tors activities in other domains. His plots contain
circles within circles, always pitting rivals against
batches have varied body types, skin tones, personal each other. Almost as soon as it appears he has made
As a god of death, Vecna continues to naturally draw wrong, he eagerly became a lich.
features, intellect, and personality. AAOs always have a mistake, his enemies learn painfully that they are
sustenance from the death of sentient humanoids. an identifying mark on the inside of their left wrist. As an undead mage he ruled and tormented his
subjects for decades. Finally, they hired a powerful doing exactly what he wanted them to do.
However, he is drained in equal measure whenever Despite varying in other qualities, most AAOs tend
band of mercenaries to destroy him, and Azalin,
humanoid life is naturally conceived. Such is the
cosmic balance. Vecna, never one to accept such
to be naturally compliant. Although they can be quite
smart, they often lack imagination and are predis- desperate and near capture, fled into a glen cloaked Citadel Cavitius
arbitrary limitations, immediately set his mind to posed to depression. AAOs have souls, at least in the in fog. The mercenaries searched the glen but could
rebalancing life and death. not find him. The Mists of Ravenloft had carried him Within the upper floors of Vecna’s Palace can be
sense that they can be brought back from the dead
into Barovia, the domain ruled by Strahd. found a shrine decorated with murals that depict the
Vecna studied Ravenloft extensively while impris- with raise dead or similar magic. Whether they have
history of Vecna. For players interested in the lore
oned there. From these studies he learned an old souls in a deeper philosophical or theological sense Despite his incredible powers, Azalin was trapped
and backstory of the Maimed Lord, you can read
Vistani secret—the existence of Barovia, a domain is left to the DM’s discretion. in Ravenloft, and he was further humiliated as he
or paraphrase the following (abbreviated from Die
where many of the inhabitants were living, soulless In secret experimental laboratories deep beneath was subjugated by the lord of Barovia, Strahd von
Vecna Die!):
shells. Upon successfully conquering Faerûn, Vecna Mirabar, more unusual AAOs are created. Some of Zarovich. Though Azalin’sphysical powers were
immediately turned his immeasurable intellect greater than Strahd’s, the mage still feared the Scene One. A handsome young wizard wearing
these AAOs are created to be personal servants or
toward replicating this bland facsimile of life. It took vampire. Azalin was mystified by Strahd’s connection robes adorned with snakes casts a spell that causes
bodyguards for high-ranking Vecnan clergy. Others
years, but eventually even life itself yielded its secrets to the land: He believed that without Strahd, Barovia an elderly man in ornate platemail to writhe in pain
are created simply for the sake of experimentation.
to Vecna. and all within it – including himself – would cease before him, as a mixture of soldiers and spellcasters
In these subterranean workshops, everything from
to exist. Under great duress Azalin because Strahd’s look on in awe. The warrior’s skull is starting to split
In the Hosttower of the Arcane, Vecnan disci- aasimars to tieflings can be manufactured. AAOs
servant, and he loathed every moment of it. He vowed open, revealing his brain.
ples opened rifts to Ravenloft. They perfected a produced in these workshops have special identi-
condensation process that transmuted the endless fying marks, indicative of their position, that serve as that if he won his freedom, he would never again Scene Two. The same wizard, now wearing a
Mists of Ravenloft into liquid form. This liquid was badges of authority. swear fealty to any creature, living or dead. crown and sitting on a throne of snakes, looks
then infused with primal energy siphoned from the At Strahd’s behest, Azalin taught him great on with a wistful smile as a hooded executioner
It is recommended that the characters play through
Positive Material plane. Birthing vats, reverse-engi- sorceries. In addition, Azalin spent much time inves- prepares to strike a noble woman wearing an elegant
the adventure path as AAOs. These adventures
neered from Netherese technology, were filled with tigating the mysterious Mists surrounding Barovia. dress and jewelry of a fashion that is unknown to
present an alternate version of Faerûn, referred to
this liquid. These birthing vats were powered by the Strahd wanted him to try to find a way out of the the characters. Corpses litter the ground around the
as the Doomed Forgotten Realms. Having the characters
Orderer, a mechanical device from Mechanus capable demiplane, and Azalin, yearning for the same escape, figures.
“newly born” into this world should help maximize
of altering reality. its explorational impact. You can either inform your willingly complied.

Scene Three. Now in his middle years, the wizard
in snake-adorned robes stands on a ragged cliff. On a
Dawn of a New Age And so, Citadel Adbar, the dwarven stronghold that
for eighteen centuries had stood firm against every
Harshnag the Grim
plain below, armies clash while a city is destroyed by Vecna has made considerable strides toward threat from every foe, was brought low by a secret.
the very earth, which rises up and smashes its walls remaking the world in his own image. After finalizing Once Adbar fell, the others soon followed. One Harshnag the Grim is a legendary good-aligned
as meteors streak from the sky into the city’s heart. It his conquest, he abandoned the Dale Reckoning after another, Citadel Felbarr, Sundabar, Mithral Hall, frost giant. In taverns throughout the North, he is
is clear that the devastation is taking place as a result dating system and changed the year to 1 VR (Vecnan Gauntlgrym, and, of course, Mirabar, fell to Vecna’s known as a monster to some and a hero to others. In
of a spell being cast by the wizard. The storm clouds Reckoning): The Year of the Whispered One. This militaristic machinations. Many of the dwarves died. Waterdeep, he’s remembered as the largest member
overhead resemble misty snakes. campaign takes place in the year 5 VR. They had bled much for their ancestral homelands of Force Grey, a notoriously destructive adventuring
Scene Four. The wizard in the snake-robes is now The names of Bigby, Drawmij, Mordenkainen, and they loathed the thought of fleeing. However, it company that came to the city’s defense on more than
well past his physical prime. He is slaying a half-elf Nystul, Otiluke, Otto, Rary, and Tenser are spoken of soon became evident, even in the face of such stub- one occasion. Believed to be hundreds of years old,
in similar robes; both figures are aglow with magical with revilement by the Vecnan establishment. Vecna born valor, that fighting Vecna was a lost cause. Harshnag wanders the wilderness with greataxe in
energies. Around them, other wizards are engaged in has claimed that they are arcane plagiarists who The legendary king Bruenor Battlehammer rallied hand, seeking to lay low his giant brethren.
magical battles as well, half of them wearing snake stole their signature spells from Vecna. Because of together the remaining dwarves. One third of his Harshnag looks like a typical frost except that
robes like those the old wizard possesses. Ghostly this, such spells have been renamed and practicing armies, he declared, would march west to Ironmaster he’s clad in plate armor and wears the skull of a
snakes writhe through the scene. wizards now learn Vecna’s floating disk, rather than in search of allies. The non-combatants, largely white dragon as a helm. His jagged axe also looks
Scene Five. This scene is more of a sculpture than Tenser’s floating disk. children and elders, but also scholars and craftsmen, quite formidable. He’s a giant of few words who
a relief. It is a life-size statue of the wizard from the marched with Bruenor and another third of his army. prefers to let his actions do his talking. When he
other scenes, except now his features are gaunt and
skeletal. His hands are bony talons. His snake-robes
Dwarfholds of the North Their pilgrimage cut straight through the Underdark
in hopes of finding sanctuary in the hidden deep
does speak outside of combat, he comes across as
surprisingly calm and soft-spoken. While swinging
are still of the same styling, but a new crown rests The first portion of this adventure takes place gnome city of Blingdenstone. The remaining third his axe in battle, however, he bellows and laughs like
upon his brow, a crown that appears to be formed by primarily in Mirabar, and references former dwarven of his army, bolstered by the infamous Gutbuster a berserker. In the company of small adventurers,
snakes wrapping themselves around his skull. He is strongholds. Because of this, a brief overview of Brigade, stayed behind to harry their enemies and he tries not to dominate social situations or make
also seated on a different throne, one that is made the dwarves’ fate in the Doomed Forgotten Realms is protect their fleeing kin. too many decisions for them because he knows how
from the fused bones of humans. Its back appears provided below: Nowadays, the north is a much different place. fragile and inflated their egos can be.
to be a large spider web that spreads across the wall Years ago, Gruumsh-Baur, an upstart orc shaman Harshnag is a frost giant, with the following
Vecna saved the dwarves for last. The deep rift
behind him. Caught in the web are dozens of tiny loyal to Vecna, killed King Logru and took control of changes:
between the dwarves of the north and the remainder
humanoid figures, their faces and bodies contorted the Kingdom of Many-Arrows. The Many-Arrow orcs
of the Sword Coast was hardly a secret. What was a J His alignment is Chaotic Good.
in terrible agony. Alongside Vecna’s throne are dying, did most of the fighting against the dwarves and, for
secret, however, was the true depth of this rift—some-
disemboweled victims, each wearing what appears to
thing which none of the races were honest enough to it, Vecna gave them much of the dwarves’ kingdom J He has 204 hit points and wears a suit of +3 plate
be a holy symbol on a burning necklace. to claim as their own. Although they still call Dark armor that resizes to fit its wearer. This armor
admit, even to themselves. Before his invasion, Vecna
Scene Six. This scene features a giant of a man in installed agents in key positions within the dwarven Arrow Keep their capital, the orcs also hold garrisons gives him AC 21.
ornate platemail, still of ancient and unidentifiable governments. These agents, over the years, further at Citadel Adbar, Citadel Felbarr, and Sundabar. J He speaks Common and Giant.
make, who is single-handedly defeating a ragtag army inflamed these bitter prejudices. Vecna rotted the An army of fire giants, led by the imperious Duke
of men and women led by an armored cleric with a J Harshnag has the following trait:
dwarven empire from the inside out, softening it up Zalto, currently occupies Gauntlgrym and Ironslag.
sunburst on her breastplate. The giant man wields for his inevitable conquest. There, they use an imprisoned fire primordial to Legendary Resistance (1/Day). When Harshnag fails a
a short sword with a serrated blade; his breastplate saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
So, when Vecna came for the humans, the dwarves reforge ancient weapons for use in their bitter war
is adorned with the serpent symbols that appeared against Tiamat.
on the robes of the wizard in the previous scenes.
withheld their aid. And when Vecna came for the J He wields Gurt’s greataxe, which has a long
elves, still they withheld their aid. Tragically, when The great shadow dragon Shimmergloom yet again history as well as some cold-related proper-
Overhead are storm clouds, and in them are subtle
Vecna finally came for the dwarves, there were none calls Mithral Hall his home. The Cult of the Dragon ties (appendix D). As a result he also has the
representations of undead wizard-kings and serpents.
left to save them. has populated nearby Settlestone. From there, they following action:
If they have met him before, the characters recognize
Citadel Adbar fell first. Its conquest was a historical tend to the needs of the temperamental dracolisk. Gurt’s Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
the giant man as Kas.
embodiment of Vecna’s key principle, “Everything, 10 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (3d12 + 7) slashing damage ,
Scene Seven. In this scene, the warrior from the or 39 (5d12 + 7) slashing damage if the target is human.
even the most impregnable fortress, has a secret that
previous image battles the undead wizard-king,
can bring about its demise.” In this case, the secret
driving his short sword into the wizard’s chest. The
involved King Harnoth, the ruler of Citadel Adbar. J His challenge rating is 9 (5,000 XP).
wizard in turn has unleashed a spell that blasts both
Unbeknownst to the general populace, Harnoth
of them into oblivion. The warrior is being flung back-
was slain during the War of the Silver Marches. To
ward into a black pool of darkness hovering in the air,
prevent political turmoil, the Citadel’s elders hired a
and the wizard’s left arm (with the exception of his
doppelganger to replace the king. This doppelganger
hand) is already ablaze with all-consuming magic.
became the mouthpiece of the elders, allowing them
to secretly rule the Citadel from the shadows. But
Vecna knows all secrets. He arranged for his agents
to expose this ruse, bringing about the civil unrest the
elders had hoped to avoid.

Madame Irina Radanavich throughout his travels, he’d begun to be haunted by
dreams of her, in which she was trapped in some
Gaston brought under his thrall. Over the years,
these men and women became Irina and Gaston’s
This is not the life she would have chosen for herself,
and she regrets her actions. These circumstances
Irina Radanavich’s family was one of the rare non-hal- ruined and deserted house engulfed in a magical new family. The Radanavich clan was born. leave her haunted and hopeless:
fling inhabitants embraced by the people of Rivalis. Mist haunted by impossible monsters. These dreams Eventually, Rudolph Van Richten, a young doctor J Madame Radanavich’s brother Gaston has been
She spent many happy years during her childhood had become so frequent and so terrible that he could who had taken up residence in Rivalis, heard rumors sent to his final death by Rudolph Van Richten.
in this village, playing on the lakeshores while her barely do his job. As soon as his ship returned to of the brigands that would periodically raid the roads There is no spell or power in the land that can
father, a fisherman, plied his trade out on the waters. Martira Bay, he raced home to make sure she was and even the village, occasionally kidnapping some restore him to life. Living in a land haunted by
She loved the peaceful people, the temperate climes, safe. hapless villager who would never be heard from ghosts, vampires, and all manners of undead, she
and the easygoing way of life of Rivalis. To Irina, this “Now, my dear sister,” he said. “Why don’t you again. His curiosity and his desire for renown getting wishes his spirit would visit her, but the halls of
was paradise. welcome me home to Rivalis?” the better of him, Rudolph began to investigate. He Richten Haus remain forever quiet, save for the
Irina’s twin brother, Gaston, was of a more adven- She beckoned him to her, embracing him in a hug, located the brigands’ camp and watched them for footsteps of ghouls.
several nights, learning their patterns. Already well
turous spirit. When he was old enough, he decided it unaware that she had invited an unspeakable evil J The Radanavich clan has been reduced to one of
was his calling to travel to Martira Bay and find a job into the village. Her brother slept the next day away, versed through his studies in vampiric lore, he recog-
the lowest forms of unlife. What’s worse, when
on the crew of one of the sailing vessels that period- locking himself in his bedroom. The next evening, nized the nature of Gaston’s nocturnal movements.
Madame Radanavich looks into the eyes of these
ically set out for distant ports in faraway lands. He their parents and the other townspeople welcomed Staking out the brigands’ camp, he waited until the
slavering ghouls, she believes she can detect,
wanted to see the entire world. Irina was heartbroken Gaston home with open arms. perfect moment and, with the aid of a cloak of invis-
deep inside them, the faintest hint of awareness.
to see him go, as the two of them had always been ibility he had found during his travels, he managed
A few weeks later, the first townsperson, a young Do they know what they have become?
inseparably close. to infiltrate the camp without being detected and
halfling girl, disappeared. Over the following weeks J Madame Radanavich is trapped in the home
destroyed Gaston.
Several months after he left, Irina began to be and months, others would disappear more and more of her sworn enemy, Rudolph Van Richten.
haunted by dreams. In these dreams, Gaston’s ship frequently. Rumors of lake monsters and brigands Meanwhile, with the assistance of a renegade
Everywhere she looks, she is haunted by memo-
was damaged by a storm and was forced to take became ways of explaining what was happening. Vistani who lived among the brigands, along with
ries of her defeat at his hands. Though his victory
shelter in the bay of one of the islands off the Jagged Such horrors were less terrifying than the unknown. the knowledge her brother had picked up during his
was costly, Van Richten was able to return his son
Coast. Overlooking this bay was a keep. For several foreign studies and his nights serving as a thrall to
As time went on, Irina began to suspect her brother. to peace, and he is responsible for the death of
days, the ship sheltered in this bay as the storm his vampire sire prior to his release, Irina had begun
He would hide in the basement during the day, Irina’s beloved brother. She would give anything
continued to rage. They began to suspect that this the study of hedge magic. She eventually grew into a
claiming an allergy to the sun that he had developed to get her hands on him, but she knows she is
weather was supernatural in nature, devised to keep powerful mage, and through the wards and enchant-
over the course of his voyage. She would go to his trapped forevermore in this house.
them trapped there for some reason they could not ments she had placed around the camp, she was able
room at night and find his bed empty. Traveling the
determine. Every night, a light shone behind a single streets of the town, she’d spot in the periphery of her
to deduce the identity of her brother’s killer. Roleplaying Madame Radanavich
window near the top of the keep overlooking the bay. vision a shadowy shape, but when she turned to see Thus began a long and bitter rivalry that ended with Madame Radanavich was, for much of her life, a
In another dream, Irina watched her brother what was there, it was already gone. Eventually, he Madame Radanavich kidnapping Rudolph’s son and kind and caring soul. This vestige of her identity still
explore this castle, wandering its hallways with a admitted to her what she already knew. delivering him to another vampire lord, Baron Metus, exists. Indeed, she understands that she is at least
few other brave members of the crew, their way lit by an ally of hers who had continued teaching her in partly to blame for having to flee her peaceful exis-
“We can’t stay here, Dear Sister,” he said. “People
sputtering torches. The castle was deserted, save for the ways of magic. She transformed Erasmus into tence in Rivalis and for the death of her brother. She
will soon suspect, and they will come to destroy me.
the rats and spiders, but as they neared the pinnacle a vampire, leaving Van Richten no other option but hates that she must continue to be part of this bitter
I might be compelled to defend myself, and I don’t
of the keep and the source of the light, a chill wind to slay his own son as an act of mercy. On that day, feud with Rudolph Van Richten, and if she could go
want to cause any more harm than I already have.”
began to blow over them, periodically extinguishing Van Richten vowed revenge against Baron Metus, back in time, she would reverse everything that had
Irina agreed to leave with him, and they began Madame Radanavich and the Radanavich clan. happened. Perhaps, in another life, she and Rudolph
their torches and forcing them to relight them.
making plans, gathering supplies to head off into might have even been friends.
Eventually, they came to a large wooden door, and What he did not know was that other eyes had
the woods north of the city. On the night that they
opening the door, they met the lord of the castle, a already fallen upon her for what she’d done. The Personality Trait. “I have learned from a life full of
made their departure, they stumbled across Arian
vampire of such age, power, and corruption that his night after Erasmus’ death, the Mists swept through mistakes, but alas, it is too late to reverse them or to
Windfoot, then a member of the town’s volunteer
body had been twisted into an unnatural, unspeak- the brigands’ camp, and when Madame Irina change course.”
guard, patrolling the perimeter of the village. A
able shape. She would see only a glimpse of it in her Radanavich awoke again, she found herself in the
curious sort, Arian had already been doing some Ideal. “If one deals in vengeance, they will find it
dreams before she awoke: flailing tentacles, bright ruins of Richten Haus, accompanied by her clans-
private sleuthing and had come to suspect Irina and visited back upon them tenfold. The best option is to
red eyes, fingers with knifelike talons flashing forth to people, who had been reduced into slavering ghouls
her brother of wrongdoing. He stood bravely before learn to forgive and forget.”
grab at the sailors, at her brother. eager to obey her every command but unable to offer
them but was no match for Gaston’s power. Bond. “I am trapped in the home of my sworn
As suddenly as they’d come, the dreams faded. Irina the warmth and companionship they’d given her in
As Arian’s lifeblood soaked into the grass, Irina life. Thus began her new life, alone and hopeless, in enemy. While here, I will use this time to study and
continued to live in relative happiness within Rivalis, learn. Perhaps there is a way out of all this.”
pleaded with her brother to save him. She couldn’t the home of her hated enemy.
though her happy demeanor had been diminished by
bear for him to be responsible for the loss of even Flaw. “If I have made one mistake in life, it is to
the memory of these dreams.
one more innocent life. Gaston did as she bade and Madame Radanavich’s Torment love too purely and too strongly. My brother, my
One evening, Irina felt a compulsion to crawl from transformed Arian into the undead. Madame Radanavich sacrificed the bliss of pastoral clan. Perhaps in a perverse way, I have even learned
her bed and get dressed. Leaving the house, she life within Rivalis to protect her brother and found to love my enemy. If I escape, will I even have the
With Arian writhing in the painful throes of trans-
wandered to the village’s edge, where she found her herself the leader of a gang of murderous brigands. heart to visit upon him the fate he most assuredly
formation, they fled into the woods to the north.
brother standing before her. “Sister!” he said. “I’m deserves?”
There, they encountered a band of brigands that
so glad to see you in one piece!” He explained that
Other Deities The Harpells The Ordning scattered throughout the Realms. Iymrith has
returned to her lair in the Anauroch Desert. Serissa’s
Soon after Vecna’s conquest, he proclaimed that Vecna knew that a family of archmages was nothing The final portion of this adventure deals with the whereabouts remain unknown.
he had single-handedly slain all the deities of the to take lightly. In the early days of his conquest, giants of the Sword Coast. In particular, the char- To signify their diminished power the storm giants
Forgotten Realms pantheon. Worship of these false, Vecna sent a small army of liches to the Ivy Mansion, acters will have cause to infiltrate the hill giants’ are occasionally referred to as rain giants, although
dead gods was immediately criminalized. Churches demanding that the Harpells surrender and swear steadfast, Grudd Haug, and assault the Maelstrom, they detest this relabeling.
were torn down. Holy scriptures were burned. fealty to Vecna. The Harpells refused and what the abandoned undersea fortress of the storm giants. Cloud Giants
This is a lie. Vecna brought with him seven magical followed was an arcane battle the likes of which the A brief overview of the giants’ fate in the Doomed
Realms has rarely witnessed. Although the Harpells Forgotten Realms is provided below:
Many of the cloud giants have rallied under the
items from his home world, which, carefully arranged banner of Countess Sansuri. Some roam the far
across the Realms, have cast a mystical web of managed to evacuate the village’s inhabitants, The Realms were already in great turmoil when
Longsaddle itself was utterly destroyed. After a few north in their cloud fortresses, searching fallen
energy over all of Toril, cutting off all other gods from Annam, the All-Father, broke the ordning, the divinely Ostoria for relics of their ancient past. Others have
their followers. days of battle, the tireless undead liches triumphed ordained hierarchy amongst the giants (as described
over the exhausted Harpells. The Ivy Mansion’s elevated themselves beyond the clouds, where
Inconsistencies have been explained away. It is in Storm King’s Thunder). Because of this, the heroes the sky touches the stars, to await the downfall of
defenses were finally breached, and the structure was of the Realms were unable to save King Hekaton,
common knowledge that Auril, The Frostmaiden, Faerûn. Annam has grown impatient with their
demolished, killing the Harpells, who were trapped Lord of the Storm Giants, and restore the sundered
lives in the arctic north under her blanket of eternal isolationist lifestyle and has demoted the cloud giants
inside. hierarchy. Now, years later, the ordning remains in
winter. Vecnan orthodoxy claims that she is a accordingly.
powerful elemental spirit, rather than an actual Or so the world thought. flux. The current standings amongst the giants are
deity. The Whispered One’s bioengineers worship In truth, the Harpells were saved by the quick (from least to greatest): Mountain Giants (formerly Hill
Gelf Darkhearth, the brother and divine antithesis thinking of the eccentric Siegfried Harpell. Siegried Stone Giants Giants)
of the primary god of gnomes, Garl Glittergold. The was an arcane cosmologist who specialized in the The hill giants are encamped within their relocated
The stone giants were the only giants to take a stand
Vecnan stance is that Gelf is an infernal patron, study of the heavens, particularly the moon. He capital, Grudd Haug. They demand a constant flow
against the incursions of Vecna. Shortly after Vecna
similar to those of warlocks, and not an actual god. was able to use an enchanted telescope to secretly of tribute from Triboar, Goldenfields, and the many
conquered Waterdeep, a stone giant thane awakened
Finally, although there have been recent instances of transport his family to a safehouse on the moon. The settlements in between. This tribute is primarily
a slumbering tarrasque, directing it toward the City
clerics and paladins demonstrating divine power, it is Harpells have lived there ever since, rebuilding their in the form of food, which is then fed to their
of Splendors. Vecna easily slew the creature, severing
claimed that they are merely tapping into their dead Ivy Mansion and plotting their revenge. monstrously large chieftain, Chief Guh. Guh has
its left hand and gouging out its left eye before raising
gods’ fading, vestigial energies. The Harpells are now secretly scouring Toril for the spent the last ten years famishing the Realms while
it as a zombie. Vecna then ordered his forces to track
lost Nether Scrolls. They hope to find these scrolls, gorging herself. She is now of immense size and
down and eradicate every last stone giant. Although
primarily to prevent them from falling into Vecna’s easily the largest giant in the world. As a reward, the
a few still remain, they do so in hidden seclusion,
hands. However, the Harpells also plan to study the hill giants have been elevated substantially within the
secreted within remote corners of the Underdark.
scrolls so that they might increase their own power. ordning and are now known as mountain giants.
Then they might be able to liberate the Sword Coast Rain Giants (formerly Storm Giants) Frost Giants
from Vecna’s iron grasp. Iymrith, an ancient blue dragon, secretly took the
Jarl Storvald and his frost giants still seek Artus
form of a giant and infiltrated the royal courts of the
Cimber, bearer of the Ring of Winter. They are now
storm giants well before the ordning was broken.
entrenched within the frozen north, allied with the
Because of this, Iymirth was perfectly positioned to
Frost Maiden Auril so that she might help them
take full advantage of the chaos that ensued after
find the Ring of Winter and bring about the Age of
Annam’s fateful decree. The blue dragon arranged
Everlasting Ice. The giants are currently spread
for the murder of the storm giant queen Neri, as well
throughout the abandoned Ten-Towns, warring with
as the abduction of King Hekaton. She positioned
the duergar and their chardalyn dragon, as well as
herself as a surrogate parent to the three princesses,
with the White Wyrm, Arveiaturace.
Mirran, Nym, and Serissa, using her influence to turn
them against one another. The eventual result was a Fire Giants
brief and bloody civil war. With the return of Tiamat, the ancient conflict
During this turmoil, Iymrith’s duplicity was between giants and dragons has reignited. Duke
revealed. Serissa was forced to kill her two sisters Zalto and his fire giants have shown the greatest
and flee the Maelstrom, the underwater citadel from initiative in this renewed battle against dragon-
which her family had ruled. Knowing that Imyrith kind, earning them the respect of Annam. The fire
coveted the Wyrmskull Throne, a relic of great power, giants currently occupy the former dwarven strong-
Serissa took with her the Ruling Scepter necessary hold of Gauntlgrym as well as the great dungeon-
for controlling the throne. forge, Ironslag. They have successfully reignited
Shortly afterwards, King Hekaton was slain by the adamantine forge of Ironslag and used it to
his abductors, precipitating the storm giants’ fall in reforge Vonindod, the Titan of Death. Equipped with
Annam’s divine hierarchy. The Maelstrom was aban- Vonindod, the fire giants are now singularly focused
doned and the storm giants, weakened in stature, on hunting and killing the dragons of the Realms.

The domain itself is dreary and utilitarian. It is
bound between the river Tamross to the east and the
In Tovag, the only constant is impending war. The Burning Peaks to the west. A mist-shrouded range
vampire Kas, Darklord of Tovag, was once the cham-
pion of the lich Vecna. Wielding the artifact that
of volcanic mountains, the Burning Peaks used to
separate the domains of Kas and Vecna. Tor Gorak, Monsters and NPCs
bears his name, he betrayed his master, and the located along the western banks of the Tamross river,
Acererak................................................................ 160 Rezmir.................................................................... 196
resulting battle supposedly destroyed them both. In is the capital city of Tovag. Although Kas has his own
solitary fortress in the north, he is most often found Arcane Adaptoid ..................................................161 Salizarr ..................................................................197
truth, both were claimed by the Mists where they
were bound together in perpetual warfare. In time, commanding his military from Castle Xiphos, his Arcturia ................................................................ 162 Scaladar ............................................................... 198
Vecna managed to escape Ravenloft. Oblivious to this fortified base of operations within Tor Gorak. Azalin Rex..............................................................163 Scarab Lord.......................................................... 199
fact, Kas continues to wage a one-sided war. From For more details on Tovag see Ulraunt’s Guide to the Blackstar Knight ................................................ 164 Scarab Swarm.......................................................200
Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, “Patrols of pris- Planes: The Shadowfell. Bleakborn............................................................. 164 Secret Eater.......................................................... 201
oner-soldiers under undead commanders scour the
land, dragooning strangers to serve in Kas’s armies Vecna's Endgame Captain Callous .................................................. 165
Champion.............................................................. 166
Serpent-That-Is-Night .........................................202
Severed Head ....................................................... 203
and to manufacture bizarre war machines. When Kas
deems the time right, he sends his forces into the Vecna picked Waterdeep as his center of power Drow Gunslinger ................................................ 166 Shadow Assassin ................................................. 203
Mists, believing that Vecna’s realm lies just beyond. for many reasons. Chief amongst them was that Ebbasheyth ............................................................167 Skum ......................................................................204
Invariably, those troops never return, leaving the Waterdeep is blanketed by a permanent, undis- Elder Brain........................................................... 168 Terrathraxus .......................................................204
vampire to rage, rebuild his forces, and continue his pellable magical effect called Ahgairon’s dragonward.
search for the Sword of Kas, which he considers his Because of this enchantment, dragons and all other Eye, The.................................................................. 169 Tomb Ophidian .....................................................205
key to victory.” creatures of the dragon type are physically unable to Feedling .................................................................170 Trobriand .............................................................206
Tovag’s entire culture is built around the perpetu- enter the city or its sewers. Fire Titan................................................................170 Tsucora Quori ..................................................... 207
ation of this endless battle. When a child is born, it Vecna spends most of his time sequestered in the Flying Horror ...................................................... 171 Vadataj...................................................................208
is left in the woods for 24 hours. Should it survive Tower of Ahghairon, leaving the day-to-day gover- Giant, Mountain .................................................. 171 Vecna .....................................................................209
the experience, then it has proven its potential to nance of Waterdeep to his Zhentarim allies. Vecna
Gnoll Vampire .......................................................172 Walking Statue .....................................................211
contribute to the military effort. Should it perish, is focused on two primary goals—furthering his
then the domain has one less mouth to feed. Within arcane mastery and transcending godhood. To attain Graxigon ...............................................................173 War Priest..............................................................211
Tovag, infants and children grow faster than normal, both these goals, Vecna seeks the Nether Scrolls, a Great Khan ............................................................ 174 Warlord ................................................................ 212
reaching peak physical maturity between six and set of fifty golden scrolls that form the foundation Grim Hunter, The .................................................175 Wereshark ............................................................ 212
nine years of age. During this time, children are of modern magical theory on Faerûn. The informa- Halaster Blackcloak ...........................................176 Xanathar ...............................................................213
taught not only how to fight war but also why they tion revealed by a study of these scrolls is reputedly
must fight war. At all times, Vecna is vilified. Should commensurate with the reader’s wizardly abilities. Hand, The ..............................................................177 Yuan-Ti Nightmare Speaker.................................214
a babe fail to return from the woods, it is the doing As the first god to read these scrolls, Vecna hopes Headless Horseman.............................................178
of Vecna. Should a child grow sick and die, it is the to discover spells powerful enough to destroy and Hellenrae ..............................................................179 Mighty Wizards and Spellcasting
doing of Vecna. And, of course, when a soldier fails to rebuild the cosmos. Jarlaxle Baenre .................................................... 180 In this appendix are included a host of legendary wizards.
return from the Mists, it is inevitably due to Vecna. In Even without these scrolls, Vecna’s power grows For ease of use at your table, the Spellcasting trait of such
addition to this, Kas periodically stages attacks upon
Juvenile Kraken ....................................................181
daily. This growth is fueled by an ever-increasing a wizard includes just a few select spells. However, you
his own people. These attacks serve the purpose of Kas the Destroyer ............................................... 182 should feel free to modify this to your liking during play.
proportion of Realmsfolk turning toward his worship.
providing practice for the military, while also empha- Vecna gains further power from the death of any Kraken Priest ....................................................... 184 If you don’t feel comfortable making it up as you play, use
sizing its necessity. humanoid, although he is weakened by the concep- Living Spell, Bigby's Hand ................................. 184 the table below to gauge what spell a wizard can cast and
how many times. Use only spells from the wizard spell list.
Military prowess is celebrated above all else. tion of life. However, by creating artificial life (see Living Spell, Blade of Disaster......................... 185
Most military positions of note are held by undead below) Vecna has destroyed the delicate balance Spell Archmage Legendary
Madame Radanavich ........................................... 186 Level (CR 10 - 19) Archmage Vecna
commanders. The living primarily serve as foot between life and death, ensuring his continued (CR 20 - 29)
soldiers or provide menial support. Small armies empowerment. Magen, Demos .......................................................187 1st At will At will At will
often battle one another in skirmishes that can last It is only a matter of time until Vecna achieves Miniamat ............................................................... 188 2nd At will At will At will
for months. The winners of these mock combats divine supremacy. Once he does, he will turn his Mist Walker.......................................................... 189 3rd 3/day each At will At will
are then commemorated during the many military attention to the heavens, for he is a jealous god who Muiral the Misshapen ........................................ 190 4th 2/day each At will At will
parades held in Kas’s honor. Recent winners include will brook no equal. He longs for the complete and
the Legion of Dread Devastation and Wintersplinter’s
Necrosphinx..........................................................191 5th 1/day each 3/day each At will
total destruction of the Realms’s pantheon. Then,
Blight Brigade. Once a year the winning platoons Nemhain................................................................ 192 6th 1/day each 2/day each 3/day each
once he reigns as the sole deity of Toril, he will turn
square off against one another in a gladiatorial his attention to the conquest of the multiverse. Ogrémoch .............................................................193 7th 1/day 1/day each 2/day each
combat known as the Clash. In addition to prestige Phesteus ............................................................... 194 8th 1/day 1/day each 1/day each
and glory, the victor of the Clash is allowed to ask one 9th 1/day 1/day 1/day each
Quickling ............................................................. 194
boon from Kas himself.
Radanovich Ghoul ............................................. 195

Acererak is an archlich who travels between worlds and

is known to take sick pleasure in devouring the souls of Acererak is a former disciple of Vecna. At the behest of
adventurers, whom he lures into trap-ridden dungeons his former master Acererak built a necromantic device
where they suffer horrible deaths. His most recent
dungeon is built within the interior of Castle Waterdeep.
called the Soulmonger that fed off the souls of the dead to
fuel Vecna’s ascension into the Forgotten Realms.
Arcane Adaptoid
An arcane adaptoid is a special construct created by the
Arcane Brotherhood to test potential apprentices. The
Acererak and has vulnerability to necrotic damage. Greater restoration,
remove curse, or similar magic ends the curse on the target.
adaptoid looks much like a shield guardian; however, its
Medium Undead (Wizard), Neutral Evil armored exterior is covered in glowing red and green
Necrotic Burst. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +15 to hit, reach runes. The runes that glow red indicate the construct’s
Armor Class 21 (natural armor) 5 ft. or range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 53 (8d10 + 8) necrotic immunities, whereas the runes that glow green indicate its
damage. vulnerabilities.
Hit Points 285 (30d8 +150)
Death Nova (Recharge 5-6). Pure necrotic energy momen-
Speed 30 ft. tarily fills a 60-foot-radius sphere centered on a point
Acererak can see within 150 feet. Each creature in that area
must make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw, taking 28 Arcane Adaptoid
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA (8d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much Large Construct, Unaligned
13 (+1) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 27 (+8) 21 (+5) 20 (+5) damage on a successful one.
Spellcasting. Acererak casts one of the following spells, using Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Saving Throws Con +12, Int +15, Wis +12 Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 23): Hit Points 102 (15d10 + 20)
Skills Arcana +22, History +22, Insight +12, Perception +12, At will: animate dead, arcane lock, detect magic, knock, mage Speed 30 ft.
Religion +15 hand, prestidigitation
Damage Resistances cold and lightning 1/day each: feeblemind, maze, mind blank, power word kill,
time stop, wall of force STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
and slashing from nonmagical attacks Reactions
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaus- Arcane Defense (3/Day). When he is hit by an attack, Acererak
tion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned Damage Vulnerabilities see below
protects himself with an invisible barrier of magical force.
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 22 Until the end of his next turn, he gains a +5 bonus to AC, Damage Immunities see below
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, including against the triggering attack. Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Giant, Infernal, Primordial, Undercommon Negate Spell (Recharge 5–6). Acererak tries to interrupt a paralyzed, poisoned
Challenge 23 (50,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 spell he sees a creature casting within 60 feet of him. If the Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
spell is 3rd level or lower, the spell fails and has no effect. If Perception 10
the spell is 4th level or higher, Acererak makes an Intelligence Languages Understands commands given in any language
Special Equipment. Acererak carries the Staff of the Forgotten check against a DC of 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the
One (appendix D). He wears a talisman of the sphere and has but can’t speak
spell fails and has no effect. Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
a sphere of annihilation under his control.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Acererak fails a saving Legendary Actions
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Arcane Adaptation. An adaptoid has vulnerability to two
Acererak can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the randomly determined damage types (1 bludgeoning, 2
Rejuvenation. Acererak’s body turns to dust when he drops options below. Only one legendary action option can be
to 0 hit points, and his equipment is left behind. Acererak piercing, 3 slashing, 4 poison, 5, psychic, 6 radiant, 7-8 acid,
used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. 9-10 fire, 11-12 cold, 13-14 force, 15-16 lightning, 17-18 thunder,
gains a new body after 1d10 days, regaining all hit points and Acererak regains spent legendary actions at the start of his
becoming active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of 19-20 necrotic). It has immunity to all other damage types.
turn. Every time an adaptoid receives damage, its vulnerabilities
Acererak’s phylactery, the location of which is hidden.
At-Will Spell. Acererak casts one of his at-will spells. are rerandomized at the end of that turn..
Turn Resistance. Acererak has advantage on saving throws
against any effect that turns undead. Paralyzing Touch. Acererak makes one Paralyzing Touch Runed Exterior. The adaptoid’s armored exterior is covered
attack. in glowing arcane runes. Any character that makes a
Actions Frightening Gaze (Costs 2 Actions). Acererak fixes his gaze successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check can use these
on one creature he can see within 10 feet of him. The target runes to discern the adaptoid’s vulnerabilities.
Multiattack. Acererak makes one Paralyzing Touch attack, must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw against this
uses Spellcasting, or uses Death Nova if he can. Acererak magic or become frightened for 1 minute. The frightened Actions
also uses Invoke Curse once and Necrotic Burst twice. target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its Multiattack. The arcane adaptoid makes three Fist attacks.
Paralyzing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target’s
one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) cold damage, and the target must saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be para- is immune to Acererak’s gaze for the next 24 hours. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
lyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at Talisman of the Sphere (Costs 2 Actions). Acererak uses his Adaptive Blast (Recharge 6). A stroke of energy forming a
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a talisman of the sphere to move the sphere of annihilation under line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts from the adaptoid
success. his control up to 90 feet. in a direction of its choosing. Each creature in the line must
Invoke Curse (7 Charges/Day). While holding the Staff of the make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 6d6 damage
Disrupt Life (Costs 3 Actions). Each creature within 20 feet on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
Forgotten One, Acererak expends 1 charge from it and targets of Acererak must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw
one creature he can see within 60 feet of him. The target one. The damage type of the blast is randomly determined
against this magic, taking 42 (12d6) necrotic damage on a from the vulnerabilities of any nearby adaptoids, or deter-
must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or be failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
cursed. Until the curse ends, the target can’t regain hit points mined purely at random if there are no nearby adaptoids.

Azalin Rex to describe -- a mixture of mold, dust, and sour decay. Yet
anyone who has smelled death before instantly recognizes
the scent.
Azalin’s body is a dried skeletal thing held together by
Arcturia Arcturia continued her experiments with magically
altering the bodies and natures of beings. She is now
magic. His eye sockets are black and empty, with pinpoints
of light burning deep in their recesses. His nose is an
Azalin wears a cape with a burial shroud girding his
loins and a few pieces of jewelry. His cape is black with
driven by a constant urge to tamper with intelligent life, blood-red trim, which he leaves open to display his with-
empty skeletal hole that is shaped like an inverted heart.
One of the more ambitious of Halaster’s former appren- reshaping bodies to suit her every whim. When suitable ered body. On his head he wears a black iron crown.
The flesh still clings to his bones, but it is withered like
tices, this brilliant, creative, highly-strung mage harbored candidates are few, she works on herself. As a result, For more details on Azalin’s lore see his section in
that of a mummy. He exudes an aura of intense cold as
secret dreams of marrying her master. His going under- Arcturia now sports a fairy-like face and figure, complete appendix A.
well as the unmistakable stench of death. The odor is hard
ground and subsequent strange, even hostile behavior with translucent, sylph-like wings. Her body is covered in
drove her into open madness. hardened blue scales, and she has sharp bone spurs along
her forearms and elbows.
Azalin Rex explosion of fire centered on a point he can see within 120
feet of him. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered
Medium Undead (Wizard), Lawful Evil
on that point must make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw,
Arcturia turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. taking 60 force damage on a failed save, or half as much
Medium Undead (Wizard), Chaotic Evil Solar Eruption (Recharge 6). Brilliant sunlight momentarily Armor Class 17 (natural armor) damage on a successful one.
fills a 60-foot-radius sphere centered on a point Arcturia Hit Points 285 (30d8 +150) Spellcasting. Azalin casts one of the following spells, using
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) can see within 150 feet. Any darkness in the light that was Speed 30 ft. Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 23):
created by a spell is dispelled and each creature in the light
Hit Points 135 (18d8 +54) must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a At will: animate dead, detect magic, levitate, telekinesis
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) creature takes 42 (12d6) radiant damage and is blinded for 1 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 2/day each: globe of invulnerability, Otiluke’s freezing sphere
minute. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage 1/day each: dominate monster, power word kill, wish
and isn’t blinded. 13 (+1) 8 (−1) 20 (+5) 27 (+8) 21 (+5) 20 (+5)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA A creature blinded by this light makes another Constitution Bonus Actions
20 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful Saving Throws Con +12, Int +15, Wis +12 Summon Undead (1/Day). Azalin magically summons five
save, it is no longer blinded. Skills Arcana +22, History +22, Insight +12, Perception +12, wights or wraiths. The summoned creatures appear in
Saving Throws Con +10, Int +12, Wis +9 Spellcasting. Arcturia casts one of the following spells, using Religion +15 unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of Azalin, whom they obey.
Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 20): Damage Resistances cold and lightning They take their turns immediately after Azalin. Each lasts for
Skills Arcana +19, History +12, Insight +9, Perception +9 1 hour, until it or Azalin dies, or until Azalin dismisses it as a
At will: detect magic, mage hand, magic missile, polymorph, Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing,
Damage Resistances cold, lightning, necrotic prestidigitation bonus action.
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and 2/day each: disintegrate
slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaus- Reactions
1/day each: shape change, true polymorph tion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, para- Negate Spell (Recharge 5–6). Azalin tries to interrupt a spell
lyzed, poisoned Reactions Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 22 he sees a creature casting within 60 feet of him. If the spell
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 19 Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, is 3rd level or lower, the spell fails and has no effect. If the
Arcane Defense (3/Day). When she is hit by an attack, Giant, Infernal, Primordial, Undercommon spell is 4th level or higher, Azalin makes an Intelligence check
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Arcturia protects herself with an invisible barrier of magical
Infernal, Undercommon Challenge 23 (50,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 against a DC of 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the spell
force. Until the end of her next turn, she gains a +5 bonus to fails and has no effect.
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 AC, including against the triggering attack.
Arcane Mastery. Any saving throw against Azalin’s Arcane Petrified Retribution (Recharge 5-6). When he is hit by
Negate Spell (Recharge 5–6). Arcturia tries to interrupt a an attack, Azalin forces the attacker to make a DC 23
spell she sees a creature casting within 60 feet of her. If the Explosion, Petrified Rertribution, or a spell cast by Azalin is
Deadly Movement. Whenever Arcturia first moves into a made with disadvantage. Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, nothing
square adjacent to another creature, she can attack that spell is 3rd level or lower, the spell fails and has no effect. If happens. On a failed save, the attacker is restrained as its
creature with her Bone Spurs attack. She may use this trait the spell is 4th level or higher, Arcturia makes an Intelligence Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Azalin fails a saving throw, flesh begins to harden and it must repeat the saving throw
on multiple creatures on the same turn. check against a DC of 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the he can choose to succeed instead. at the end of each of its turns. If it succeeds this save three
spell fails and has no effect. Rejuvenation. Azalin’s body turns to dust when he drops to times, the effect ends. If it fails three times, it is turned to
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Arcturia fails a saving throw,
0 hit points, and his equipment is left behind. Azalin gains stone and subjected to the petrified condition for 1 minute.
she can choose to succeed instead. Legendary Actions a new body after 1d10 days, regaining all hit points and The successes and failures don’t need to be consecutive;
Regeneration. Arcturia regains 10 hit points at the start of her becoming active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of keep track of both until the target collects three of a kind.
turn. If she takes acid or lightning damage, this trait doesn’t Arcturia can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can be Azalin’s phylactery, a platinum dragon’s head with ruby eyes. If the creature is physically broken while petrified, it suffers
function at the start of Arcturia’s next turn. from similar deformities if it reverts to its original state.
used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Spell Resistance. Azalin has advantage on saving throws
Rejuvenation. Arcturia’s body turns to dust if she starts Arcturia regains spent legendary actions at the start of her against spells and resistance against the damage from spells.
her turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate. Arcturia turn. Turn Immunity. Azalin is immune to effects that turn undead.
Legendary Actions
gains a new body after 1d10 days, regaining all hit points and
becoming active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of At-Will Spell. Arcturia casts one of her at-will spells. Azalin can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Arcturia’s phylactery, which is always one of her many living Paralyzing Touch. Arcturia makes one Bone Spurs attack. Actions options below. Only one legendary action option can be
experiments. used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
Frightening Gaze (Costs 2 Actions). Arcturia fixes her gaze Multiattack. Azalin makes two Paralyzing Touch or Arcane Azalin regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Turn Resistance. Arcturia has advantage on saving throws on one creature she can see within 10 feet of her. The target Burst attacks.
against any effect that turns undead. must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw against this At-Will Spell. Azalin casts one of his at-will spells (This spell
Paralyzing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., can’t benefit from the Arcane Mastery or Overchannel traits).
magic or become frightened for 1 minute. The frightened one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) cold damage, and the target must
Actions target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be para- Translocation. Azalin magically teleports up to 60 feet to an
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target’s lyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at unoccupied space he can see.
Multiattack. Arcturia makes two Bone Spurs attacks. saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a Refocus Arcana. Azalin recharges his Negate Spell or
Bone Spurs. Melee Spell Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one is immune to Arcturia’s gaze for the next 24 hours. success. Petrified Retribution reaction.
target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) Disrupt Life (Costs 3 Actions). Each creature within 20 feet
cold damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 18 Arcane Burst. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack. +15 to hit, reach Disrupt Life (Costs 3 Actions). Each creature within 20 feet of
of Arcturia must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw 5 ft. or range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 88 force damage. Azalin must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw against
Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The against this magic, taking 21 (6d6) necrotic damage on a
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its Arcane Explosion (Recharge 4–6). Azalin creates a magical this magic, taking 42 (12d6) necrotic damage on a failed save,
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. or half as much damage on a successful one.

Blackstar Knight

Wicked golems created to serve their dark master, Kas.

Blackstar Knight
Medium Construct, Typically Lawful Neutral Bleakborn resemble zombies, only they are covered in
layers of rime and ice. While hibernating this resembles
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) an icy tomb but it melts and cracks when in the presence
Hit Points 170 (20d8 + 80) of living creatures. Once freed from its frozen prison, the
bleakborn shambles towards its prey, the cracking ice
Speed 30 ft. sounding like breaking bone. As it gets closer it absorbs
warmth from the living, revitalizing itself in the process.
24 (+7)
9 (-1)
18 (+4)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
Captain Callous
Medium Undead, Typically Neutral Evil
Skills Athletics +11, Intimidation +4 Captain Callous is the notorious tiefling pirate captain of
Damage Resistances fire, poison, psychic; bludgeoning, Armor Class 15 (natural armor) The Devil’s Fin and a direct descendant of Asmodeus. He
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t has ashen skin, goat-like legs, eyes that glow like embers,
adamantine Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33) and is never without his tricorn hat.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Speed 30 ft.
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Captain Callous Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Callous deals an extra 10 (3d6)
damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack and has
Languages understands the languages it knew in life and 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 4 (-3) 6 (-2) 6 (-2) Medium Humanoid (Tiefling), Neutral Evil
the languages of its creator but can’t speak advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within
5 feet of an ally of the captain that isn’t incapacitated and
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 Armor Class 20 (breastplate) Callous doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Saving Throws Wisdom +1
Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36) Special Equipment. Callous wears a cap of water breathing,
Immutable Form. The blackstar knight is immune to any Damage Resistances necrotic
Speed 30 ft. gloves of swimming and climbing, and a mantle of spell resis-
spell or effect that would alter its form. Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison tance. While wearing the gloves, climbing and swimming
Magic Resistance. The blackstar knight has advantage on Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened don’t cost him extra movement, and he has a +5 bonus to
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Senses darkvision 120 ft, passive Perception 8 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb or swim.
Magic Weapons. The blackstar knight’s weapon attacks are 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 20 (+5)
Languages understands the languages it knew in life but
can’t speak
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Multiattack. Callous makes three Rapier attacks or two Pistol
Actions Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +7, Wis +3 attacks.
Skills Acrobatics +7, Intimidation +8, Perception +6 Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Multiattack. The blackstar knight makes four melee attacks Cold to the Touch. A creature that touches the bleakborn
in any combination. Damage Resistances fire Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 7
Deathsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., (2d6) cold damage. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 30/90 ft., one
one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage plus 9 (2d8) Languages Common, Infernal target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage.
Heat-Draining Aura. At the start of each of the bleakborn’s
necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed turns, each creature within 15 feet of it takes 7 (2d6) cold Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Spellcasting. Callous casts one of the following spells,
on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or be deathmarked. While damage and the bleakborn regains lost hit points equal to requiring no material components and using Charisma as
deathmarked, a creature takes 9 (2d8) necrotic damage at half the damage done. A humanoid slain by this damage the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15):
start of each of its turns. A creature can use an action to Demands of Nessus. At the start of each of Callous’ turns,
rises as a bleakborn at the end of its next turn. he can choose one ally he can see within 30 feet of him. The At will: thaumaturgy
repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself on a success. Unless the bleakborn’s remains are sprinked with holy chosen ally loses 10 hit points and Callous regains the same 3/day each: misty step
water or destroyed, this trait continues to function even number of hit points. If Callous is incapacitated, he makes no 1/day each: darkness
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one after the bleakborn is reduced to 0 hit points.
target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage. If the target choice; instead, the closest ally within 30 feet is the chosen Summon Devil (1/Day). Callous summons 1d4 bearded devils
is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving Turn Resistance. The bleakborn has advantage on saving ally. with no chance of failure.
throw or be knocked prone. throws against any effect that turns undead. Fiendish Blessing. Callous’ AC includes his Charisma bonus.
Blackstar Lightning. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the bleakborn to 0 hit Firearm Expert. Callous has had extensive practice with fire- Bonus Actions
120 ft., one creature. Hit: 45 (10d8) necrotic damage and points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC arms, giving him the following benefits:
of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or Light Footed. Callous takes the Dash or Disengage action.
each other creature within 10 feet of the target takes 9 • He ignores the loading quality of firearms with which he
from a critical hit. On a success, the bleakborn drops to 1
(2d8) necrotic damage. Each creature that takes damage
hit point instead.
is proficient. Reactions
must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be • Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose
stunned until the end of its next turn. Fiery Reprimand (Recharge 6). When he takes damage from
Actions disadvantage on his ranged attack rolls. a creature he can see, Callous magically conjures searing
Reactions Multiattack. The bleakborn makes two slam attacks.
• If he makes an attack with a one-handed weapon, he can flames around that creature, forcing it to make a DC 15
use a bonus action to attack with a loaded firearm he is Dexterity saving throw. It takes 16 (3d10) fire damage on a
Undying Duty (1/Day). When the blackstar knight is reduced Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. holding. failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
to 0 hit points, it can target any number of creatures within Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 16 (3d10) cold Magic Resistance. When wearing his mantle of spell resis-
10 feet of it, dealing 11 (2d10) necrotic damage to each damage. A humanoid slain by this attack rises 1 minute later Parry. Callous adds 3 to his AC against one melee attack that
tance, Callous has advantage on saving throws against spells would hit him. To do so, Callous must see the attacker and
undead and 5 (1d10) necrotic damage to all other creatures, as a zombie, unless the humanoid is restored to life or its and other magical effects.
regaining lost hit points equal to the total damage dealt. body is destroyed. be wielding a melee weapon.

Drow Gunslinger

Firearms aren’t widely available in the North, but some

members of Bregan D’aerthe are equipped with Lantanese
pistols, bullets, and packets of smokepowder. These drow
gunslingers are expert pistoleers, as skilled with their guns
MONSTERS OF THE MULTIVERSE as the best archers are with their bows. Ebbasheyth is a creature of purest shadow. Once a black
dragon, it has since been corrupted by the taint of the
Champions are mighty warriors who honed their fighting Shadowfell and transformed into a shadow dragon.
As a sign of her power Ebbasheyth has served as both
skills in wars or gladiatorial pits. To soldiers and other Drow Gunslinger an advisor and mount to the Darklord Azalin Rex. The
people who fight for a living, champions are as influential Medium Humanoid (Elf ), Any Alignment
as nobles, and their presence is courted as a sign of status shadow dragon now slumbers within the remains of Castle
among rulers. Avernus, awaiting the lich’s inevitable return.
Armor Class 18 (studded leather, shield)
Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26)

Speed 30 ft.
Ebbasheyth Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.
Huge Dragon, Chaotic Evil
Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Armor Class 18 (plate) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
Hit Points 195 (17d12 + 85) Frightful Presence. Each creature of Ebbasheyth’s choice
Hit Points 143 (22d8 + 44) that is within 120 feet of Ebbasheyth and aware of her must
Speed 30 ft. Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become fright-
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +4, Wis +3
ened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +8 at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the
20 (+5) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) Languages Elvish, Undercommon 23 (+6) 14 (+2) 21 (+5) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +10, Wis +6, Cha +8 Shadow Breath (Recharge 5 − 6). The dragon exhales
Saving Throws Str +9, Con +6 shadowy acid in a 60 foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each crea-
Fey Ancestry. The drow has advantage on saving throws Skills Perception +11, Stealth +12 ture in that line must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw,
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +5, Perception +6 against being charmed, and magic can’t put the drow to Damage Resistances necrotic taking 54 (12d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
Senses passive Perception 16 sleep. much damage on a successful one. A humanoid reduced to 0
Languages any one language (usually Common) Damage Immunities acid
Gunslinger. Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature or hit points by this damage dies, and an undead shadow rises
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 attacking at long range doesn’t impose disadvantage on Senses blindsight 60 ft.,darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception from its corpse and acts immediately after the dragon in the
the drow’s ranged attack rolls with a pistol. In addition, 21 initiative count. The shadow is under the dragon’s control.
the drow ignores half cover and three-quarters cover when Languages Common, Draconic
Indomitable (2/Day). The champion rerolls a failed saving making ranged attacks with a pistol. Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 Bonus Actions
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the drow has disad- Shadow Stealth. Ebbasheyth takes the Hide action, provided
Actions vantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) Amphibious. Ebbasheyth can breathe air and water. she is in dim light or darkness.
checks that rely on sight.
Multiattack. The champion makes three Greatsword or Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Ebbasheyth fails a saving Legendary Actions
Shortbow attacks. Actions throw, she can choose to succeed instead.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., Living Shadow. While in dim light or darkness, Ebbasheyth Ebbasheyth can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Multiattack. The drow makes two Shortsword attacks. the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage, plus 7 (2d6) has resistance to damage that isn’t force, psychic or radiant.
slashing damage if the champion has more than half of its Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Ebbasheyth has disad- Ebbasheyth regains spent legendary actions at the start of
total hit points remaining. vantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception)
Poisonous Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range her turn.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 80/320 checks that rely on sight.
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, plus 7 (2d6) 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage, plus Detect. Ebbasheyth makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
piercing damage if the champion has more than half of its 11 (2d10) poison damage. Actions Tail Attack. Ebbasheyth makes a tail attack.
total hit points remaining. Spellcasting. The drow’s spellcasting ability is Charisma Multiattack. Ebbasheyth can use her Frightful Presence. She Wing Attack (costs 2 Actions). Ebbasheyth beats her wings.
(spell save DC 12). It can cast the following spells, requiring then makes one Bite attack and two Claw attacks. Each creature within 10 feet of Ebbasheyth must succeed on
Bonus Actions no material components: a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) blud-
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. geoning damage and be knocked prone. Ebbasheyth can then
Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). As a At will: dancing lights Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) necrotic
bonus action, the champion can regain 20 hit points. 1/day each: darkness, faerie fire, levitate (self only) fly up to half her flying speed.

Elder Brain Eye, The
The Eye is a roughly humanoid golem crafted entirely of
The ultimate expression of mind flayer domination, an
eyes torn from the sockets of still living murderers or trai-
elder brain sprawls within a vat of viscous brine, cared
tors. The golem moves with disgusting, slurping sounds as
for by mind flayer minions as it touches the thoughts of
the moist eyeballs that make up its feet rise and fall from
creatures near and far. It scrawls upon the canvas of the
the floor. Similarly, when it speaks, its voice makes a sticky,
creatures’ minds, rewriting their thoughts and authoring
slurping sound similar to stepping in deep mud, then
their dreams.
pulling one’s feet loose.

Elder Brain on itself on a success.

The Eye Keen Sight. The Eye has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
Large Aberration (Mind Flayer), Typically Lawful Evil Spellcasting. The elder brain casts one of the following spells, Large Construct, Lawful Evil checks that rely on sight.
requiring no spell components and using Intelligence as the
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 18): Immutable Form. The Eye is immune to any spell or effect
Armor Class 10 that would alter its form.
At will: detect thoughts, levitate Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 210 (20d10 +100) Magic Resistance. The Eye has advantage on saving throws
3/day: modify memory Hit Points 161 (19d10 + 57)
Speed 5 ft., swim 10 ft. against spells and other magical effects.
1/day each: dominate monster, plane shift (self only) Speed 30 ft.
X-Ray Vision. The Eye’s vision penetrates 1 foot of stone,
1 inch of common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bonus Actions STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Thicker substances block this vision, as does a thin sheet of
15 (+2) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 21 (+5) 19 (+4) 24 (+7) Psychic Link. The elder brain targets one incapacitated crea- lead.
20 (+5) 9 (−1) 17 (+3) 6 (−2) 17 (+3) 21 (+5)
ture it senses with its Creature Sense trait and establishes
a psychic link with the target. Until the link ends, the elder Actions
Saving Throws Int +10, Wis +9, Cha +12 brain can perceive everything the target senses. The target Skills Arcana +10, Perception +15 Multiattack. The Eye makes two Gaze attacks.
Skills Arcana +10, Deception +12, Insight +14, Intimidation becomes aware that something is linked to its mind once
+12, Persuasion +12 it is no longer incapacitated, and the elder brain can termi- Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +9, Cha +11 Gaze. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft.
nate the link at any time (no action required). The target can Damage Resistances necrotic or range 120 ft., one creature that can see the Eye. Hit: 16
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 14 (2d10 + 4) psychic damage, and the target must make a
use an action on its turn to attempt to break the link, doing Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, poison, slashing
Languages understands Common, Deep Speech, and so with a successful DC 18 Charisma saving throw. On a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target is
Undercommon but can’t speak, telepathy 5 miles Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petri- stunned until the end of its next turn.
successful save, the target takes 10 (3d6) psychic damage. fied, poisoned
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 The link also ends if the target and the elder brain are more Withering Rays. Thin pale rays are projecting from a multi-
than 5 miles apart. The elder brain can form psychic links Senses truesight 120 ft. passive Perception 25 tude of th Eye’s eyes, targeting a creature, an object, or a
with up to ten creatures at a time. Languages Understands Common but can’t speak, telep- creation of magical force, such as the wall created by wall of
Creature Sense. The elder brain is aware of creatures within force. A creature targeted by these rays must succeed on a
5 miles of it that have an Intelligence score of 4 or higher. It Sense Thoughts. The elder brain targets a creature with which athy120 ft.
it has a psychic link. The elder brain gains insight into the Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 DC 19 a Dexterity saving throw or take 75 (10d6 + 40) force
knows the distance and direction to each creature, as well damage. The target is disintegrated if this damage leaves it
as each one’s Intelligence score but can’t sense anything target’s emotional state and foremost thoughts (including
worries, loves, and hates). with 0 hit points.
else about it. A creature protected by a mind blank spell, a Eyebite. The Eye’s eyes are imbued with dread power. When
nondetection spell, or similar magic can’t be perceived in A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and
this manner. Legendary Actions a creature that can see the Eye starts its turn within 30 feet of
it, the Eye can force it to make a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw
carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine
gray dust. The creature can be restored to life only by means
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the elder brain fails a saving The elder brain can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from if it can see the creature. On a failed save, the creature is of a true resurrection or a wish spell.
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. the options below. Only one legendary action option can be affected by one of the following effects. On a successful save,
used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. the creature is immune to the Eye’s eyebite trait for 24 hours. Innate Spellcasting. The Eye’s innate spellcasting ability is
Magic Resistance. The elder brain has advantage on saving Charisma. It can cast the following spells (spell save DC 19),
throws against spells and other magical effects. The elder brain regains spent legendary actions at the start of Asleep. The creature falls unconscious. It wakes up if it
its turn. requiring no material or verbal components.
Telepathic Hub. The elder brain can use its telepathy to takes any damage or if another creature uses its action to
Break Concentration. The elder brain targets one creature shake the sleeper awake. At will: clairvoyance, crown of madness
initiate and maintain telepathic conversations with up to ten
creatures at a time. The elder brain can let those creatures within 120 feet of it with which it has a psychic link. The elder Panicked. The creature is frightened of the Eye. On each of 3/day: dominate monster
telepathically hear each other while connected in this way. brain breaks the creature’s concentration on a spell it has its turns, the frightened creature must take the Dash action
cast. The creature also takes 2 (1d4) psychic damage per level and move away from the Eye by the safest and shortest Legendary Actions
Actions of the spell. available route, unless there is nowhere to move. If the The Eye can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 30 ft., one Psychic Pulse. If the elder brain targets one creature within target moves to a place at least 60 feet away from the Eye options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
target. Hit: 20 (4d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage. If the target is 120 feet of it with which it has a psychic link. The target and where it can no longer see the Eye, this effect ends. at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
a Huge or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 15) and enemies of the elder brain within 30 feet of the target take 10 Sickened. The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and Eye regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
takes 9 (1d8 + 5) psychic damage at the start of each of its (3d6) psychic damage. ability checks. At the end of each of its turns, it can make Cast Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The Eye casts a spell it can cast
turns until the grapple ends. The elder brain can have up to Sever Psychic Link. The elder brain targets one creature another Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, the effect at will.
four targets grappled at a time. within 120 feet of it with which it has a psychic link. The elder ends. Domination (Costs 3 Actions). The Eye casts dominate
Mind Blast (Recharge 5 – 6). Creatures of the elder brain ends the link, causing the creature to have disadvan- Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the monster, expending a use as normal.
brain’s choice within 60 feet of it must succeed on a DC tage on all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature does so,
the end of the creature’s next turn. Gaze. The Eye makes one Gaze attack.
18 Intelligence saving throw or take 32 (5d10 + 5) psychic it has disadvantage on attack rolls against the Eye until the
damage and be stunned for 1 minute. A target can repeat the Tentacle Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The elder brain makes one start of its next turn. If the creature looks at the Eye in the Move. The Eye moves up to its speed.
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect Tentacle attack. meantime, it must immediately make the saving throw. Wither (Costs 2 Actions). The Eye uses its Withering Rays.

Fire Titan
The Realms were already in great turmoil when Annam,
the All-Father, broke the ordning, the divinely ordained
hierarchy amongst the giants (as described in Storm
King’s Thunder). Because of this, the heroes of the Realms
were unable to save King Hekaton, Lord of the Storm
Giants, and restore the sundered hierarchy. Now, years
later, the ordning remains in flux. Currently the fire giants
rest atop the hierarchy. In their new position of power, they
refer to themselves as fire titans, although most others still
refer to them as fire giants.
Flying Horror
Fire Titan Terrifying evils stalk, fly, and scuttle in the dark corners
Giant, Mountain
Huge Giant, Lawful Evil
of the distant world of Ravnica, from the depths of the
undercity to the blackest parts of the night sky. Collectively,
Armor Class 19 (plate) these creatures are called horrors – a variety of things that
Feedling Hit Points 230 (20d12 + 100)
Speed 30 ft.
lurk in the dark and embody the deepest fears of Ravnica’s
people. All are evil creatures with dim reason and preter-
With the recent upheaval amidst the Realms, Annam’s
Ordning has been reshuffled. The once lowly hill giants
natural cunning. have been promoted, less through any accomplishment of
These malevolent fey are the embodiment of nature’s their own than through the failures of those above them,
insatiable hunger. Their features vary greatly. Some are STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA particularly the storm giants. All of the hill giant’s attri-
covered in fur and horns whereas others are smooth 29 (+9) 10 (+0) 23 (+6) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) butes have now been amplified. They are stronger, dumber,
skinned with three swishing tails. The one shared char- Flying Horror crueler, and more gluttonous than ever before. To reflect
Medium Aberration, Neutral Evil
acteristic, however, is the gaping, fang-lined maw that fills this new-found strength and prominence, these giants are
almost the entirety of their face. The sadistic creatures Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +11, Cha +6 now referred to as mountain giants.
enjoy tormenting their prey before feasting because they Skills Athletics +14, Perception +7 Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
prefer the taste of adrenaline-drenched flesh. Damage Immunities fire Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9)
Senses passive Perception 17 Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Mountain Giant
Languages Giant Huge Giant, Chaotic Evil
Feedling Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Small Fey, Chaotic Evil Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
9 (−1) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 2 (−4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)
Hit Points 162 (13d12 + 78)
Armor Class 13 Actions Speed 40 ft.
Hit Points 10 (4d6 - 4) Multiattack. The fire titan makes two Greatsword attacks. Skills Perception +4, Stealth +7
Speed 40 ft. Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
one target. Hit: 30 (6d6 + 9) slashing damage. Condition Immunities frightened
25 (+7) 8 (−1) 23 (+6) 7 (−2) 9 (−1) 6 (−2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Conflagration. The fire titan chooses a point within 150 feet. Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14
Each creature in a 20-foot-radius from that point must make Languages ---
7 (−2) 14 (+2) 9 (−1) 7 (−2) 6 (−2) 9 (−1) a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 35 (10d6)
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Saving Throws Str +10, Con +9
fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. Skills Perception +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Senses passive Perception 12
Red-Hot Incandescence. The fire titan targets a manufac- Fear Frenzy. The horror has advantage on attack rolls
Languages Sylvan against frightened creatures. Languages Giant
tured metal object, such as a metal weapon or a suit of
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 heavy or medium metal armor, that it can see within 60 feet, Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the horror has disad- Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +33
causing the object to glow red-hot. Any creature in phys- vantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks
Pack Tactics. The feedling has advantage on an attack roll ical contact with the object takes 9 (2d8) fire damage. The that rely on sight.
against a creature if at least one of the feedling’s allies is heat stays in the object for as long as the fire titan retains
concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). Actions Actions
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
If a creature is holding or wearing the object and takes Multiattack. The giant makes two Greatclub attacks.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Actions the damage from it, the creature must succeed on a DC 19 target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 14 (4d6) Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Constitution saving throw or drop the object if it can. If it psychic damage. target. Hit: 28 (6d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. doesn’t drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls
Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage, and the feedling attaches Frightening Screech (Recharge 5 – 6). The horror screeches. Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 60/240 ft.,
and ability checks until the start of the fire titan’s next turn. one target. Hit: 29 (4d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
to the target. While attached, the feedling can’t attack, and Each creature within 30 feet of it that can hear it must
at the start of each of the feedling’s turns, the target takes
6 (1d10 + 1) necrotic damage. The attached feedling moves
Bonus Actions succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened
of it for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat the
Squash. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Medium or smaller creature. Hit: 35 (8d6 + 7) bludgeoning
with the target whenever the target moves, requiring none Incandescent Broil. Provided the fire titan retains concen- saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the damage, the giant lands prone in the target’s space, and
of the feedling’s movement. The feedling can detach itself tration on its Red-Hot Incandescence and didn’t use it this effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is the target is grappled (escape DC 18). Until this grapple
by spending 5 feet of its movement on its turn. A creature, turn, it causes any creature in physical contact with the successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune ends, the target is prone. The grapple ends early if the giant
including the target, can use its action to detach a feedling. affected object takes 9 (2d8) fire damage once more. to the horror’s Frightening Screech for the next 24 hours. stands up.

Gnoll Vampire

When a gnoll’s ravenous hunger is so great that it craves

flesh and blood even after death, it can rise as a vampire to
continue its feeding frenzy.
A gnoll vampire is a savage predator that feeds on the
blood of the living. It cackles maniacally when it catches
the scent of its prey and quickly moves in for the kill,
tearing away flesh with its claws, gorging on meat and
blood, and leaving nothing behind but bones, gristle, and
the victim’s blood-spattered belongings.

Gnoll Vampire Vampire Weakness. The vampire has the following flaws:
Medium Undead (Shapechanger), Chaotic Evil Enraged by Celestial. If it hears words of Celestial spoken,
the vampire must try to attack the source of those spoken
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) words on its next turn. If these words come from multiple
sources and from opposite directions, the vampire is
Hit Points 93 (11d8 + 44) restrained. Otherwise, it moves to attack what it perceives
Speed 30 ft. to be the closest source.
Repulsed by Perfume. The vampire has disadvantage on Graxigon
melee attack rolls made against any creature wearing
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA perfume or carrying an open container of it.
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) The monstrosity known as Graxigon has been stitched
Stake to the Heart. If a piercing weapon made of wood together from modron parts harvested exclusively from
is driven into the vampire’s heart while the vampire is rogue modrons into the blasphemous facsimile of an
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +7 incapacitated, the vampire is paralyzed until the stake is octon. Its body is made from the torsos of monodrones
removed. and duodrones fused together. It has eight spidery, multi-
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire takes 20 radiant jointed legs, like those of a tridrone. Quadrone wings have
damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. While in been stapled to the back of the monstrosity. It has a total of
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11 sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability eight arms that it uses to wield its collection of gear-pow-
Languages Abyssal, Gnoll checks.
ered blunderbusses. Rather than metallic and shiny, its
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Actions body is a bluish purple like bruised, broken flesh.

Keen Smell. The vampire has advantage on Wisdom Multiattack (Vampire Form Only). The vampire makes two
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.
Bite (Hyena or Vampire Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: Graxigon carrying.
Rampage. When it reduces a creature to 0 hit points with a Large Construct, Neutral Evil Magical Resistance. Graxigon has advantage on saving
melee attack on its turn, the vampire can take a bonus action +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing
damage plus 9 (2d8) necrotic damage. The target’s hit point throws against spells and other magical effects.
to move up to half its speed and make a bite attack.
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Regeneration. The vampire regains 10 hit points at the start damage taken, and the vampire regains hit points equal to Actions
of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point and isn’t in sunlight. Hit Points 110 (13d10 + 39)
that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a Multiattack. Graxigon makes four attacks which can be any
If the vampire takes radiant damage or damage from holy long rest. The target dies if its hit point maximum is reduced Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
combination of its Psychic Lash or Blunderbuss attacks.
water, this trait doesn’t function at the start of its next turn. to 0. Psychic Lash. Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Shape Changer. If the vampire isn’t in sunlight, it can use its Claws (Vampire Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) psychic damage. If the target is hit,
action to polymorph into a Large hyena or a Medium cloud of reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) slashing damage. it must succeed on a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw or be
mist, or back into its true form. 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)
Frightening Cackle (Hyena or Vampire Form Only). The stunned until the end of its next turn.
While in hyena form, the vampire can’t speak, and its vampire emits a bone-chilling cackle. Each creature of the Blunderbuss. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 150/600
walking speed is 50 feet. Its statistics, other than its size and vampire’s choice that is within 120 feet of the vampire and Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +7, Cha +7 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8)
speed, are unchanged. Anything it is wearing transforms with can hear its cackle must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving thunder damage.
it, but nothing it is carrying does. It reverts to its true form if Skills Arcana +9, Insight +7, Intimidation +7, Perception +7,
throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can Mind Blast (Recharge 5 – 6). Graxigon magically emits
it dies. repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending Damage Resistances acid, cold, and fire; bludgeoning,
piercing and slashing from nonmagical weapons psychic energy in a 60-foot-cone. Each creature in that area
While in mist form, the vampire can’t take any actions, the effects on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw must succeed on a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw or take
speak, or manipulate objects. It is weightless, has a flying is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune Damage Immunities psychic 22 (4d8 +4) psychic damage and be stunned for 1 minute. A
speed of 20 feet, can hover, and can enter a hostile crea- to the vampire’s Frightful Cackle for the next 24 hours. Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 17 creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
ture’s space and stop there. In addition, if air can pass Sickening Gaze (Hyena or Vampire Form Only). The vampire turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
through a space, the mist can do so without squeezing, and Languages Auran, Celestial, Deep Speech, Infernal, Modron,
targets one humanoid it can see within 30 feet of it. If the Undercommon, telepathy 120 ft. Spellcasting. Graxigon’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence
it can’t pass through water. It has advantage on Strength, target can see the vampire, the target must succeed on a
Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws, and is immune Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 (spell save DC 17). It can cast the following spells, requiring
DC 15 Constitution saving throw against this magic or be no components:
to all nonmagical damage, except the damage it takes from poisoned for 24 hours. A creature whose saving throw is
sunlight. successful is immune to this vampire’s Sickening Gaze for 24 Disintegration. If Graxigon dies, its body disintegrates into 3/day: dimension door
Unusual Nature. The vampire doesn’t require air. hours. dust, leaving behind its weapons and everything else it was 1/day each: dominate monster, haste, telekinesis, teleport

Grim Hunter, The
In the early days of Vecna’s invasion, a drow elf and his
companions, champions of good, stood fast against the
forces of evil. Time and time again they managed to thwart
the plans of the Maimed Lord. Sadly, their luck would one
day run out. The companions were hunting the legendary
relic, the Eye of Vecna, with hopes of using it against the
lich. They were ambushed, and the drow elf was forced to
pluck his own eye out and replace it with the relic, gaining
enough power to save his friends but dooming his soul in
the process. He resisted the corruption of the fell relic for
as long as he could, but eventually even his indomitable
will crumbled before the might of Vecna, and this one-time
Great Khan champion of good became one of Vecna’s most deadly
The Great Khan rules over the dao from his opulent palace
within the City of Jewels. Like all his kind he is vain and
greedy, even by dao standards, covered in a wealth of spar- The Grim Hunter ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d6 + 9) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6)
cold damage.
kling jewelry and priceless ornamentations. His lower half Medium Humanoid (Elf, Wizard), Neutral Evil
is a maelstrom of swirling sand that glitters like diamond +2 Defending Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach
dust, although his corpulent torso is made from nearly Armor Class 21 (+1 studded leather armor, +2 defending 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d6 + 8) slashing damage.
impenetrable bedrock. scimitar) +3 Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, range 150/600
Hit Points 170 (20d8 + 80) ft., one target. Hit: 13 (1d8 + 9) piercing damage.
Speed 30 ft. Spellcasting. The Grim Hunter’s spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 15). He can cast the following
Great Khan Magic Resistance. The Great Khan has advantage on saving
throws against spells, and other magical effects. spells, requiring no material components:
Huge Elemental (Wizard), Neutral Evil
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA At will: dancing lights
Actions 13 (+1) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 3/day each: clairvoyance, crown of madness
Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
Hit Points 418 (27d12 + 243) Multiattack. The Great Khan makes two Bejeweled Maul 1/day each: darkness, disintegrate, dominate monster, eyebite,
attacks. faerie fire, levitate (self only)
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 30 ft. Saving Throws Dex +11, Wis +7
Bejeweled Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 X-Ray Vision. The Grim Hunter’s vision penetrates 1 foot
ft., one target. Hit: 25 (4d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage, plus Skills Acrobatics +11, Perception +7, Stealth +11 of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 9 (2d8) slashing damage. If the target is a Huge or smaller Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive Perception or dirt. Thicker substances block this vision, as does a thin
creature, it must succeed on a DC 20 Strength check or be 17 sheet of lead.
25 (+7) 10 (+0) 28 (+9) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) knocked prone. Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Undercommon
Spellcasting. The Great Khan’s spellcasting ability is Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
Bonus Actions
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +7, Cha +10 Charisma (spell save DC 18). He can cast the following Second Wind (Recharges after a Short of Long Rest). The
spells, requiring no material components: Grim Hunter can regain 25 hit points.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Fey Ancestry. The Grim Hunter has advantage on saving
damage from nonmagical weapons. At will: detect evil and good, detect magic, stone shape
Damage Immunities poison 3/day each: passwall, move earth
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put him to
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petri- 1/day each: conjure elemental (earth elemental only), plane Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Grim Hunter fails a Parry. The Grim Hunter adds 5 to his AC against one melee
fied, poisoned, prone shift (self only), wall of stone saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. attack that would hit him. To do so, the Grim Hunter must
see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11 Legendary Actions Special Equipment. The Grim Hunter has replaced one of his
Languages Common, Terran
The Great Khan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
eyes with the Eye of Vecna. He also wields a +3 frost scimitar, a
+2 defending scimitar, and a +3 longbow. Finally, he wears a +1
Legendary Actions
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 the options below. Only one legendary action option can be studded leather. The Grim Hunter can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Grim Hunter from the options below. Only one legendary action option
Earth Glide. The Great Khan can burrow through nonmag- The Great Khan regains spent legendary actions at the start has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom can be used at a time and only at the end of another crea-
ical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, he doesn’t of his turns. (Perception) checks that rely on sight. ture’s turn. The Grim Hunter regains spent legendary actions
disturb the material he moves through. Attack. The Great Khan makes one Bejewelled Maul attack. at the start of his turn.
Superior Critical. The Grim Hunter’s weapon attacks score a
Elemental Demise. If the Great Khan dies, he disintegrates Scintillate (Costs 2 Actions). The jewels surrounding the Khan critical hit on a roll of 18 − 20. Attack (costs 2 Actions). The Grim Hunter makes one attack
into crystalline powder, leaving behind only the equipment he flare with a piercing radiance. All creatures within 10 feet of with his +3 frost scimitar or two attacks with his +3 longbow.
was wearing or carrying. the Khan who are looking at him must make a successful DC Actions Eye of the Maimed Lord. The Grim Hunter fixes the Eye of
Elemental Rejuvenation. As long as the Great Khan is on the 20 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of Vecna upon any target within 60 feet. That target must make
their next turn. Multiattack. The Grim Hunter makes four weapon attacks: a successful DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be afflicted by
Elemental Plane of Earth, he regains 20 hit points at the start two with his +3 frost scimitar and two with his +2 defending
of his turn. Stoneskin (Costs 2 Actions). Until the start of his next turn, the frightened condition until the end of their next turn.
scimitar, or four with his +3 longbow. He can draw or stow
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Great Khan fails a saving the Great Khan has a +5 bonus to his AC. any number of weapons. Quick Step. The Grim Hunter moves up to his speed without
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. provoking opportunity attacks.
+3 Frost Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5

Halaster Blackcloak

Halaster Blackcloak is “The Mad Mage of

Undermountain,” its principal creator and caretaker, the
deranged, fiendish mind behind most of its traps and
horrors. He looks upon the dungeon as a dear and deadly
home, an amusement gallery in which others perform to
entertain him. His true form is that of a tall, gaunt old man
in robes embroidered with blinking eyes. He giggles and
mutters continually, although contrary to appearances, he
is always alert and attentive to what is going on around

Halaster Blackcloak Blast Scepter. Halaster uses his blast scepter to cast thunder-
wave as a 4th-level spell (save DC 16).
Medium Humanoid (Human, Wizard), Chaotic Evil
Elemental Implosion (Recharge 5–6). Halaster creates a
Armor Class 14 (17 with mage armor) magical implosion of elemental energy on himself. Each
other creature within 20 feet of him must make a DC 22
Hand, The
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes
Speed 30 ft. 45 (10d8) damage and is pulled to the closest unoccupied
space to Halaster, before being forcefully hurled back twice as The Hand is a roughly humanoid golem pieced together
far as it was pulled (minimum of 5 feet) in a straight line. On from the hands of still living murderers or traitors. The
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and hideous 7-foot-tall golem wears black robes that drag
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) is pushed 5 feet backwards. behind it as it walks upon a pair of gauntlet-wielding
Each time Halaster creates this implosion, he decides what storm giant hands. Its telepathic voice sounds like a raspy
type of damage it deals, choosing between acid, cold, fire, whisper and is always accompanied by the sound of the
Saving Throws Int +14, Wis +11 lightning, or thunder. golem snapping its many fingers at random.
Skills Arcana +21, History +21, Perception +11 Greater Obliteration (Recharge 5 − 6). Halaster targets a
Damage Resistances fire and lightning (granted by the blast creature within 60 ft. The targeted creature must make a
scepter; see “Special Equipment” below) DC 22 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21 takes 123 (6d20 + 80) force damage, or half as much on a The Hand that would alter its form.
successful one. Large Construct, Lawful Evil Magic Resistance. The Hand has advantage on saving throws
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, against spells and other magical effects.
Elvish, Infernal, Undercommon Spellcasting. Halaster casts one of the following spells, using
Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 22): Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Spider Climb. The Hand can climb difficult surfaces,
Challenge 23 (50,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 Hit Points 252 (24d10 + 120) including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make
At will: counterspell, detect magic, disguise self, fly, mage armor, an ability check.
magic missile, silent image Speed 40 ft.
Special Equipment. Halaster wears a robe of eyes that lets
him see in all directions, gives him darkvision out to a range
3/day each: Bigby’s hand, fire shield, programmed illusion Actions
of 120 feet, grants advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks 2/day each: etherealness, min, teleport, wall of force STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. The Hand makes two Slam attacks.
that rely on sight, and allows him to see invisible creatures 1/day each: maze, time stop, wish 25 (+7) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 3 (−4) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
and objects, as well as into the Ethereal Plane, out to a range Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) necrotic
of 120 feet. Reactions damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 21) if it is a
Halaster wields a blast scepter (a very rare magic item that Negate Spell. Halaster tries to interrupt a spell he sees a Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +13, Stealth +8 Medium or smaller creature. While grappled in this way, the
requires attunement). It can be used as an arcane focus. creature casting within 60 feet of him. If the spell is 3rd level Saving Throws Int +2, Wis +6, Cha +6 creature is also restrained.
Whoever is attuned to the blast scepter gains resistance to or lower, the spell fails and has no effect. If the spell is 4th
fire and lightning damage and can as an action use it to cast level or higher, Halaster makes an Intelligence check against
Damage Resistances necrotic Legendary Actions
thunderwave as a 4th-level spell (save DC 16). a DC of 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the spell fails and Damage Immunities cold, lightning, poison, psychic; blud-
geoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks The Hand can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Halaster also wears a horned ring (a very rare magic item has no effect. options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
that requires attunement), which allows an attuned wearer to Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, para- at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
ignore Undermountain’s magical restrictions. Legendary Actions lyzed, petrified, poisoned Hand regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Halaster fails a saving Halaster can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Move. The Hand moves up to its speed.
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. options below. Only one legendary action option can be Perception 10
Slam. The Hand uses its slam attack.
Rejuvenation. If Halaster dies in Undermountain, he revives used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Languages Understands Common but can’t speak, telepathy
after 1d10 days with all his hit points and any missing body Halaster regains spent legendary actions at the start of his 60 ft. Choke (Costs 2 Actions). The Hand forces a creature it has
parts restored. His new body appears in a random safe loca- turn. grappled to make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw. On a
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 failed save the target runs out of breath, starts suffocating,
tion in Undermountain. Cast Lesser Spell. Halaster casts an at-will spell. and cannot speak until the grapple ends.
Translocation. Halaster magically teleports up to 60 feet to
Actions an unoccupied space he can see.
Grasping Hands. Any creature that starts its turn grappled by Crush (Costs 2 Actions). The Hand targets a creature it has
the Hand takes 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage. In addition, the grappled. The target must make a DC 21 Strength saving
Multiattack. Halaster makes three Obliterate Nuisance Cast Greater Spell (costs 2 Actions). Halaster casts one of his Hand also suffers no penalty to its movement speed while throw. On a failed save, the target takes 18 (4d8) bludgeoning
attacks. 3/day spells. attempting to move with a grappled creature. damage and gains 1 level of exhaustion. On a successful
Obliterate Nuisance. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +14 to hit, Spell Ward (costs 2 Actions). Halaster removes a magical Immutable Form. The Hand is immune to any spell or effect save, the target takes half as much damage and doesn’t gain
reach 5 ft. or range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 40 (6d10 + 7) force effect of his choice that afflicts him. exhaustion.


Hellenrae lost her sight as a child. A bitter, angry orphan,

Headless Horseman she was taken in by a monastic order and trained to use
her other senses to compensate. However, she took the
monks’ philosophy of self-denial and emptiness of mind to
Just as Strahd is rumored to be the first vampire, the extremes, seeking to fill herself with the dark power she
Headless Horseman is said to be the first Dullahan. When sensed sleeping in the earth and rock around her.
the moon takes the shape of Death’s Sickle, the horseman
rides the roads of Ravenloft, seeking to behead anyone Hellenrae is a dour, unsmiling woman who habitually
whose footsteps call him forth. wears drab robes and a golden gargoyle mask with no eye
holes. She despises weakness in any form. Therefore, she
Every domain has its own tale of the origin of the hates just about everybody, and barely tolerates her fellow
Horseman. Perhaps none of them are true. Or perhaps all cultists.
of them are true. The only certainty, however, is that no
one is safe from his sickle.
Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Evil
Headless Horseman Implacable. When moving the Headless Horseman cannot
be stopped. He runs through any barriers or occupied spaces
Medium Undead, Lawful Evil
as if they did not exist and runs over any pits as if they were Armor Class 16
solid ground. Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Rideby. The Headless Horseman doesn’t provoke opportu- Speed 50 ft.
Hit Points 230 (20d8 + 140) nity attacks when he rides out of an enemy’s reach.
Speed 90 ft. Turn Immunity. The Headless Horseman is immune to
effects that turn undead. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1)
20 (+5) 17 (+3) 24 (+7) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)
Multiattack. The Headless Horseman can make three Sickle Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +4, Insight +5, Perception +5
attacks, although only two of these may apply to the same
target. Damage Immunities poison
Saving Throws Str +10, Wis +8, Cha +9
Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Condition Immunities blinded, poisoned
Skills Animal Handling +13, Intimidate +9, Perception +8
Hit: 13 (3d4 + 9) slashing damage plus 11 (2d10) necrotic Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),passive
Damage Resistances necrotic, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing damage. The Headless Horseman lands a critical hit on a roll Perception 15
and slashing from nonmagical attacks of 18, 19, or 20. Languages Common, Terran
Damage Immunities poison
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaus- Bonus Actions
tion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, prone, restrained, Headless Voice (Recharge 5-6). The Headless Horseman uses
stunned Evasion. If Hellenrae is subjected to an effect that allows her
one of the following options: to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage,
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 18 Death’s Calling. The Headless Horseman targets a living she instead takes no damage if she succeeds on the saving
Languages Common creature it can see within 60 feet. The target must succeed throw, and only half damage if she fails.
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be cursed until cured Stunning Strike (Recharge 5 − 6). When Hellenrae hits a
and become paralyzed with dread for 1 minute. If the target with a melee weapon attack, the target must succeed
Headless Horseman knows and whispers the target’s on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until
As One. The Headless Horseman and his dark steed cannot name, the target has disadvantage on the saving throw.
be separated and are considered to be a single creature. the end of Hellenrae’s next turn.
While cursed, the target has disadvantage on death saving
Fear Aura. Any creature hostile to the Headless Horseman
that starts its turn within 30 feet of himmust make a DC 18
throws and gains no benefits from resting. A paralyzed
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
Wisdom saving throw, unless the Headless Horseman is its turns, ending the paralyzed condition on itself on a Multiattack. Hellenrae makes three Unarmed Strike attacks.
incapacitated. On a failed save, the creature is frightened success. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
until the start of its next turn. If a creature’s saving throw Warped Wail. An echoing shriek issues from the stump one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
is successful, the creature is immune to the Headless of the Headless Horseman’s neck. Each creature of the
Horseman’s Fear Aura for the next 24 hours. Horseman’s choice within 60 feet of it must make a DC Reactions
Grounded. Any creature that starts their turn within 200 feet 18 Wisdom saving throw. Each creature takes 32 (6d10) Parry and Counter. Hellenrae adds 3 to her AC against one
of the Headless Horseman and is in the air must make a psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage melee or ranged weapon attack that would hit her. To do so,
successful DC 18 Strength saving throw or be pulled 60 feet on a successful one. If one or more creatures fail the she must be able to sense the attacker with her blindsight.
towards the ground. saving throw, the Headless Horseman gains 10 temporary If the attack misses, Hellenrae can make one melee attack
hit points. against the attacker if it is within her reach.

Juvenile Kraken

Although immature, a juvenile kraken is still monstrous

to behold, with oily, dark green flesh, 20-foot-long arms,
and a ravenous mouth lined with hundreds of dagger-like
teeth. Its enormous eyes are surrounded by an aura of red
energy, a harbinger of the greater power that awaits it once
Jarlaxle Baenre it fully matures.

Jarlaxle is a flamboyant, swashbuckling drow iconoclast. Juvenile KraKEN If the kraken takes 35 damage or more on a single turn
from a creature inside of it, the kraken must succeed on a DC
Huge Monstrosity (Titan), Chaotic Evil
He is the leader of the renegade faction Bregan D’aerthe. 23 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regur-
The drow swashbuckler is gifted with a sharp mind, a gitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in spaces
sense of humor, puissant skill with a blade, and a wealth Armor Class 16 (natural armor) within 10 feet of the kraken. If the kraken dies, a swallowed
of useful magic items. Jarlaxle typically wears vibrant Hit Points 207 (18d12 + 90) creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the
clothing, a fashionable eyepatch, and a wide-brimmed hat. Speed 20 ft., swim 50 ft. corpse using 10 feet of movement, exiting prone.
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 20 ft., one
target. Hit: 17 (3d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage, and the target
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA is grappled (escape DC 20). Until the grapple ends, the target
Jarlaxle Baenre Suave Defense. While Jarlaxle is wearing light or no armor
and wielding no shield, his AC includes his Charisma 24 (+7) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) is restrained. The kraken has ten tentacles, each of which can
Medium Humanoid (Elf ), Chaotic Neutral grapple one target.
Fling. One Medium or smaller object held or creature
Armor Class 24 (+3 leather armor, Suave Defense) Sunlight Sensitivity. When not wearing his knave’s eye Saving Throws Str +12, Dex +5, Con +10, Int +9, Wis +7 grappled by the kraken is thrown up to 40 feet in a random
patch, Jarlaxle has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes a solid
Hit Points 123 (19d8 + 38) Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Speed 30 ft. from nonmagical attacks. surface, the target takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for
Actions Damage Immunities lightning every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another
creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity
Multiattack. Jarlaxle makes three attacks with his +3 rapier Condition Immunities frightened, paralyzed saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked
or two attacks with daggers created by his bracer of flying Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 12 prone.
12 (+1) 22 (+6) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) daggers. Languages understands Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, and Lightning Strike. The kraken magically creates a bolt of
+3 Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Primordial but can’t speak; telepathy 60 ft. lightning, which can strike a target the kraken can see within
Saving Throws Dex +11, Wis +8 target. Hit: 13 (1d8 + 9) piercing damage. Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 90 feet of it. The target must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving
Flying Dagger. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, range 20/60 throw, taking 22 (4d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +6, Deception +14, Perception half as much damage on a successful one.
+8, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +16 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 6) piercing damage. Amphibious. The kraken can breathe air and water.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18 Spellcasting. Jarlaxle’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell Freedom of Movement. The kraken ignores difficult terrain, Legendary Actions
save DC 17). He can cast the following spells, requiring no and magical effects can’t reduce its speed or cause it to be
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, material components: The kraken can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Undercommon restrained. It can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
At will: dancing lights nonmagical restraints or being grappled.
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
1/day each: darkness, faerie fire, levitate (self only)
Actions kraken regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Fey Ancestry. Jarlaxle has advantage on saving throws against Legendary Actions Multiattack. The kraken makes two Tentacle attacks, each of
Tentacle Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The kraken makes one
being charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep. tentacle attack.
Jarlaxle can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the which it can replace with a use of Fling.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Jarlaxle fails a saving throw, Fling. The kraken uses Fling.
options below. Only one legendary action option can be Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
he can choose to succeed instead. used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Ink Cloud (Costs 3 Actions). While underwater, the kraken
Hit: 20 (3d8 + 75) piercing damage. If the target is a Medium
Master Attuner. Jarlaxle can attune to up to five magic items, Jarlaxle regains spent legendary actions at the start of his or smaller creature grappled by the kraken, that creature expels an ink cloud in a 40-foot radius. The cloud spreads
and he can attune to magic items that normally require turn. is swallowed and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the around corners, and that area is heavily obscured to crea-
attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against tures other than the kraken. Each creature other than the
Quick Step. Jarlaxle moves up to his speed without provoking kraken that ends its turn there must succeed on a DC 18
Sneak Attack. Jarlaxle deals an extra 24 (7d6) damage when opportunity attacks. attacks and other effects outside the kraken, and it takes 21
he hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on (6d6) acid damage at the start of each of the kraken’s turns. Constitution saving throw, taking 11 (2d10) poison damage
Attack (costs 2 Actions). Jarlaxle makes one attack with his on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one.
the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally +3 rapier or two attacks with daggers created by his bracer of One medium or two smaller creatures can be swallowed at
of Jarlaxle’s that isn’t incapacitated and Jarlaxle doesn’t have the same time. A strong current disperses the cloud, which otherwise disap-
flying daggers. pears at the end of the kraken’s next turn.
disadvantage on the attack roll.

Kas the Destroyer

When Kas was still a mortal man he quickly became

known as Kas the Bloody Handed due to his affinity for Kas learned much from Vecna. He is cunning and char-
brutality. Most sages still refer to him as such. After he ismatic, and always speaks clearly. His voice is composed
turned on Vecna, he became known as Kas the Betrayer. and carries weight; when Kas speaks, others listen. He
Vecna and his cult refer to him only with this title. When always stands straight and looks a person straight in the
he became Darklord of Tovag, it wasn’t long before he eyes when he talks to them. His undead eyes never blink,
acquired a new title: Kas the Destroyer. This is the title and his gaze feels both accommodating and threatening all
that he still uses today. at once.
Sword of Unbridled Fury. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, his howl must succeed on a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw or
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (1d8 + 9 plus 6) slashing be frightened for 1 minute. A frightened target can repeat the
damage, or 20 (1d10 + 9 plus 6) slashing damage if held in saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
Kas Shapechanger trait) instead of falling unconscious, provided
that he isn’t in direct sunlight or running water. If he can’t
two hands, plus 27 (6d8) thunder damage. The sword scores on itself on a success. If a target’s saving throw is successful
Medium Undead, Lawful Evil a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. On a critical hit, the sword or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to Kas’s
transform, then he is destroyed. deals an additional 20 psychic damage and Kas gains 20 Terrifying Howl for the next 24 hours. Undead have disadvan-
Armor Class 25 (black iron plate + black iron shield + Black While he has 0 hit points in mist form, he can’t revert temporary hit points. On a critical hit against a creature with tage on the saving throw.
Mask of Kas) to his vampire form, and he must reach his resting place fewer than 50 hit points remaining that isn’t a construct, the Will-shattering Howl. Kas releases a ghastly howl that
within 24 hours or be destroyed. Once in his resting place, target must also succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving threatens to shatter the will of living creatures. A creature
Hit Points 560 (40d8 + 240) he reverts to his vampire form. He is then paralyzed until he throw or be slain instantly as the sword tears the target’s that isn’t a construct or undead within 60 feet of Kas and able
Speed 60 ft., climb 60 ft. regains at least 1 hit point. life from its body. Each swing of the sword creates a burst to hear his howl must succeed on a DC 23 Charisma saving
Regeneration. Kas regains 50 hit points at the start of his of thunderous sound that can be heard up to 100 feet away. throw or lose its concentration.
turn if he has at least 1 hit point. In addition, the sword’s fury can’t be held back; any area of
Shadow Blend. While in dim light or darkness, Kas can use
magical silence active within 30 feet of it is forcibly ended Reactions
22 (+6) 22 (+6) 22 (+6) 22 (+6) 22 (+6) 22 (+6) when the sword is used to make an attack.
a bonus action to become invisible, along with anything he Kas’s Parry. Kas adds 10 to his AC against one melee attack
is wearing or carrying. The invisibility lasts until Kas uses a Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 19 (2d6 + 6 plus 6) piercing damage plus 33 (6d10) that would hit him. To do so, Kas must see the attacker and
Saving Throws Str +16, Dex +16, Con +16, Int +16, Wis +16, bonus action to end it or until Kas attacks, is in bright light, be wielding a melee weapon. If the attack misses, Kas can
or is incapacitated. necrotic damage. The target’s hit point maximum is reduced
Cha +16 by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Kas make a melee attack against the attacker as part of the same
Shapechanger. Kas can use his action to polymorph into a regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts reaction using the weapon he used to parry the incoming
Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +16, Intimidation +16, attack.
Perception +16, Stealth +16 Medium cloud of mist, or back into his true form. While in until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this
mist form, Kas can’t take any other actions, speak, or manip- effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain Kas’s Punishment. When a creature within 120 feet of Kas
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, psychic; ulate objects. He is weightless, has a flying speed of 40 feet, moves with a flying speed or takes the Dash action to
bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks in this way and then buried in the ground rises the following
can hover, and can enter a hostile creature’s space and stop night as a vampire spawn under Kas’s control. move away from him, Kas attempts to magically punish
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, there. In addition, if air can pass through a space, the mist the creature for its cowardice or dishonorable tactics. The
poisoned can do so without squeezing, and it can’t pass through water. In addition, if the target is under the effects of one or more
beneficial spells, Kas can choose to end one of the spells target must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving throw or
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 26 He has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution be forcefully pulled towards the ground, landing prone, and
saving throws, and he is immune to all nonmagical damage, affecting the target. If the target is under the effects of one
Languages all or more beneficial potions, Kas can instead choose to end a having its movement speed reduced to 0 until the end of its
except the damage he takes from sunlight. next turn.
Challenge 35 (265,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +10 potion effect, gaining the effect of the potion himself for the
Anything he is wearing or carrying transforms with him. He
reverts to his true form if he dies.
remainder of its duration. Legendary Actions
If Kas misses with a bite attack on his turn, he can make an
Aggressive. As a bonus action, Kas can move up to his speed Special Equipment. Kas wields a +3 Sword of Unbridled additional bite attack as a bonus action. Kas can take 5 legendary actions, choosing from the options
toward a hostile creature that he can see. Fury and a shield, both crafted from the finest black iron. He below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
cannot be disarmed of either. He also wears +3 plate armor, Betrayer’s Whirlwind (Recharge 5 – 6). Roll a d4. Kas makes a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Kas
Armor of Kas. Any critical hit against Kas becomes a normal that many attacks with his Sword of Unbridled Fury against
hit. In addition, any time Kas is targeted by a magic missile also crafted from black iron. Finally, Kas also wears the regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Black Mask of Kas, giving him resistance to cold and psychic each creature within 5 feet of him. If the target is undead, Kas
spell, a cantrip that requires a saving throw, or a spell that makes twice the number of attacks against it. Bite (Costs 3 Actions). Kas makes one bite attack.
requires a ranged attack, roll a d6. On a 1 to 5, Kas us unaf- damage, granting him the ability to dominate undead, and
making him immune to effects that lower his ability scores or Dominate Undead. Kas targets one undead creature he can Kas’s Challenge. Kas targets a creature he can see within 10
fected. On a 6, Kas is unaffected, and the effect is reflected feet of him. For 1 minute while the target can see Kas, the
back at the caster as though it originated from Kas, turning obliterate him. see within 60 feet of him. The target must succeed on a DC
24 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed by Kas target has disadvantage on attack rolls against all creatures
the caster into the target. Kas has advantage on saving Spider Climb. Kas can climb difficult surfaces, including except Kas and takes 11 (2d10) psychic damage each time it
throws against all other spells and magical effects. upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability until Kas dies or until he is on a different plane of existence
from the target. The charmed target is under Kas’s control attacks a creature other than Kas. Additionally, for the same
Aura of Hate. Kas and any allies within 30 feet of him gain check. duration, the target provokes opportunity attacks from Kas
and can’t take reactions, and Kas and the target can commu-
a bonus to melee weapon damage rolls equal to Kas’s Standing Leap. Kas’s long jump is up to 50 feet and his high nicate telepathically with each other over any distance. even if it takes the Disengage action.
Charisma modifier (included in Kas’s attacks). jump is up to 40 feet, with or without a running start. Kas’s Jaunt (Costs 2 Actions). Kas magically teleports, along
Kas’s Dominate Undead works even against undead that
Into the Fray. Kas adds a d10 to his initiative rolls. Turn Immunity. Kas is immune to effects that turn undead. are immune to the charmed condition, provided they aren’t a with any equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Kas fails a saving throw, he lesser or greater deity. an unoccupied space he can see.
can choose to succeed instead. Actions Kas’s Recovery (Costs 2 Actions). Kas uses his Kas’s Recovery
Kas’s Recovery (Recharge 4 – 6). Kas regains 50 hit points and
Master Swordsman. Kas makes all sword attacks with Multiattack. Kas releases a Terrifying Howl or Will-Shattering is cured of all curses, diseases, and conditions affecting him. action if he can.
advantage. Howl. He then makes four attacks with his Sword of Terrifying Howl. Kas releases a terrifying howl. Any beast, Sword Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Kas moves up to his speed
Misty Escape. When he drops to 0 hit points outside his Unbridled Fury. He can make a bite attack in place of one of humanoid, or undead within 300 feet of Kas and able to hear and makes an attack with his Sword of Unbridled Fury.
resting place, Kas transforms into a cloud of mist (as in the the sword attacks.

Living Spell, Bigby's Hand
Kraken Priest ICEWIND DALE: RIME OF THE FROSTMAIDEN Living Spell, Blade of Disaster
A living Bigby’s hand is a large, hovering hand of shim-
A kraken can seem godlike to folk who have witnessed its mering translucent force. It often serves as a guardian, A living blade of disaster is a blade of disaster spell with
fury. Those who believe that its might comes from being a attacking creatures that cross its path while remaining a wicked will of its own. It looks like a floating black
divine entity and those who seek to appease the monster loyal to its caster. planar rift in the shape of a sword. Like a demon, it craves
through its veneration sometimes find themselves infused destruction.
with special abilities, to serve thereafter as kraken priests.
Living Bigby's Hand
Large Construct, Unaligned Living Blade of Disaster
Large Construct, Chaotic Evil

Medium Monstrosity, Typically Chaotic Evil Armor Class 20 (natural armor)

Hit Points 52 (5d10 + 25) Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) Hit Points 67 (9d6 + 36)
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30) Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
26 (+8) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 1 (−5) 10 (+0) 1 (−5) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 3 (−4)
12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) Saving Throws Dex +2, Wis +2
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +2 Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Skills Perception +5 Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, exhaustion,
Senses passive Perception 15 Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, restrained,
Languages any two languages exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, unconscious
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages −
Languages −
Amphibious. The priest can breathe air and water. Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Actions Magical Essence. If the living spell is targeted by a dispel
Multiattack. The priest makes two Thunderous Touch or Magical Essence. If the living spell is targeted by a dispel magic cast using a spell slot of 9th level or higher, it is
Thunderbolt attacks. magic cast using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, it is instantly snuffed from existence. This can be discerned by
instantly snuffed from existence. This can be discerned by any creature that makes a successful DC 15 Intelligence
Thunderous Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., any creature that makes a successful DC 15 Intelligence
one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) thunder damage. (Arcana) check.
(Arcana) check.
Thunderbolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 60 ft., Magic Resistance. The living spell has advantage on saving
Magic Resistance. The living spell has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) lightning damage plus 11 (2d10) throws against spells and other magical effects.
thunder damage, and the target is knocked prone. Unfettered. The living spell can move through any barrier,
Unusual Nature. The living spell doesn’t require air, food, even a wall of magical force.
Spellcasting. The priest casts one of the following spells, drink, or sleep.
requiring no material components and using Wisdom as Unusual Nature. The living spell doesn’t require air, food,
the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13): Actions drink, or sleep.
At will: command, create or destroy water
3/day each: control water, darkness, water breathing, water
Force Fist. Melee Spell Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Actions
target. Hit: 26 (4d8 + 8) force damage. If the target is a
walk Large or smaller creature, the living spell can move it up Force Blade. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
1/day: Evard’s black tentacles to 5 feet and move with it, without provoking opportunity target. Hit: 26 (4d12) force damage, unless the living spell
attacks. rolled an 18 or higher on the d20 for the attack, in which
Voice of the Kraken (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). case the attack is a critical hit that deals 78 (12d12) force
A kraken speaks through the priest with a thunderous voice Grasping Hand. The living spell attempts to grab a Huge or damage instead.
audible within 300 feet. Creatures of the priest’s choice that smaller creature within 5 feet of it. The target must succeed
can hear the kraken’s words (which are spoken in Abyssal, on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be grappled (escape
DC 15). Until the grapple ends, the target takes 15 (2d6 + 8)
Infernal, or Primordial) must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma
saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A frightened bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns. The Preemptive Strike. The living spell makes a melee attack
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its living spell can grapple only one creature at a time and can’t against a creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. use Force Fist until the grapple ends. living spell.

Madame Radanavich Magen, Demos

Madame Radanavich is an elderly woman dressed in the Magen are magical, humanlike beings created by a wizard
traditional garb of the Vistani, though all the color has spell, or other arcane means. Though magen look like
faded from it, leaving her clad in drab grays, whites, and humanoids with green skin, they are constructs. When one
blacks. Her hair is stark white, and her eyes are cloudy is wounded, its blood is seen to have the color and consis-
with age. As a warlock, she devoted herself to a vampiric tency of mercury. When one is killed, its body disappears
patron. The powers that she received from her pact have in a burst of harmless fire with a cloud of smoke that
only grown since she became the Darklord of Richten quickly dissipates.
Haus. Although not prone to combat, she is a terrible foe if Demos magen wear armor, wield weapons, and typically
engaged. serve as guards.
For more details regarding her background and person-
ality see appendix A.
Demos Magen
Medium Construct, Unaligned
Madame Radanavich Actions
Medium Humanoid (Human, Warlock), Chaotic Neutral Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
Multiattack. Madame Radanavich makes three Bloody Shiv
attacks. Hit Points 51 (6d8 + 24)
Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor) Bloody Shiv. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach Speed 30 ft.
Hit Points 221 (34d8 + 68) 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing
Speed 30 ft. damage plus 13 (4d6) necrotic damage.
Blood Mist (1/Day). Madame Radanavich exudes a crimson
red mist. All creatures within 30 feet of Madame Radanavich 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (−2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA of her choice must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw.
9 (−1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) On a failed save, a creature takes 36 (8d8) necrotic damage.
On a failed save, a creature takes half as much damage. Damage Immunities poison
Madame Radanavich gains temporary hit points equal to the Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +10 total damage dealt. Undead and Constructs are immune to paralyzed, poisoned
Skills Arcana +6, History +6 this attack. Senses passive Perception 10
Damage Resistances necrotic, psychic; bludgeoning, Spellcasting. Madame Radanavich casts one of the following Languages Understands commands given by its creator but
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks spells, using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save can’t speak
DC 18): Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
At will: detect magic, mage armor (self only), mage hand, speak
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 with dead
Languages Common, Halfling, telepathy 30 ft. Fiery End. If the magen dies, its body disintegrates in a
1/day each: Evard’s black tentacles, detect thoughts, true seeing harmless burst of fire and smoke, leaving behind anything it
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 was wearing or carrying.
Bonus Actions Magic Resistance. The magen has advantage on saving
Hungering Aura. At the start of each of Madame Misty Step. Madame Radanavich briefly turns into a blood throws against spells and other magical effects.
Radanavich’s turns, each creature of her choice within 10 red mist, teleporting up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space Undead Nature. The magen doesn’t require air, food, drink,
feet of her must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving that she can see. or sleep.
throw or take 20 (6d6) necrotic damage, provided Madame Summon Undead (1/Day). Madame Radanavich magically
Radanavich is not incapacitated. summons three Radanavich ghouls. The summoned crea- Actions
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Madame Radanavich fails a tures appear in unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of Madame
saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Radanavich, whom they obey. They take their turns immedi- Multiattack. The magen makes two Greatsword attacks.
Regeneration. Madame Radanavich regains 10 hit points at ately after Madame Radanavich. Each lasts for 1 hour, until it Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
the start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit point. If Madame or Madame Radanavich dies, or until the warlock dismisses it target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.
Radanavich takes radiant damage, this trait doesn’t function as a bonus action. Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
at the start of her next turn. 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Mist Walker
Untold, half-formed evils lurk amid the Mists, the
yet-to-be-realized imaginings of the Dark Powers and
the remnants of ruined domains. While such nightmares
typically manifest as nothing more than impressions, whis-
Miniamat pers, or vaporous visions amid the fog, mysterious eddies
in the Mists sometimes gather such evils, forcing them into
Vecnan bioengineers tried multiple times to create an arti- unique mist-shapen bodies untethered from the laws of
ficial replicant of Tiamat. Although nominally successful, reason or reality.
the replicated organism always inevitably turned upon its
creators, destroying countless laboratories in the process.
Success was eventually realized when the bioengineers Mist Walker
added canine properties. And thus Miniamat was born. Medium Undead, Typically Neutral Evil
The Princess of Dragons is the size of a large bulldog. Her
necks are proportionally shorter than they should be and Armor Class 13
her heads are vaguely canine shaped. When she speaks, Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
shrill barks are intermixed amidst her otherwise impe- Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
rious roars.
6 (-2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
Miniamat Legendary Actions
Small Dragon, Chaotic Evil
Miniamat can take 5 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. She bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn. attacks that aren’t silvered
Hit Points 170 (20d6 + 100)
Miniamat’s legendary actions are associated with her five Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft.
dragon heads. Once Minimat chooses a legendary action Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled, para-
option for one of her heads, she can’t choose another one lyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA associated with that head until the start of her next turn. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Languages the languages it knew in life
Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) acid damage
(black dragon head), lightning damage (blue dragon head), Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Saving Throws Str +10, Con +10 poison damage (green dragon head), fire damage (red
Skills Perception +5 dragon head), or cold damage (white dragon head). Misty Form. The mist walker can occupy another creature’s
Black Dragon Head: Acid Breath (Costs 2 Actions). Miniamat space and vice versa. In addition, if air can pass through
Damage Immunities acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison; blud- a space, the mist walker can pass through it without
geoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons breathes acid in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each crea-
ture in that line must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, squeezing. Each foot of movement in water costs it 2 extra
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15 taking 22 (5d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much feet, rather than 1 extra foot. The mist walker can’t manip-
Languages Common, Draconic damage on a successful one. ulate objects in any way that requires fingers or manual
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 dexterity.
Blue Dragon Head: Lightning Breath (Costs 2 Actions).
Miniamat breathes lightning in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the mist walker
wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 17 Dexterity has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Miniamat fails a saving (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
throw, she can choose to succeed instead. saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) lightning damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Unusual Nature. The mist walker doesn’t require air, food,
Multiple Heads. Miniamat can take one reaction per turn, drink, or sleep.
rather than only one per round. She also has advantage on Green Dragon Head: Poison Breath (Costs 2 Actions).
Miniamat breathes poisonous gas in a 15-foot cone. Each
saving throws against being knocked unconscious. If she fails
creature in that area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving Actions
a saving throw against an effect that would stun a creature,
one of her unspent legendary actions is spent. throw, taking 21 (6d6) poison damage on a failed save, or Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
half as much damage on a successful one. creature. Hit: 21 (4d8 + 3) necrotic damage. The target
Actions Red Dragon Head: Fire Breath (Costs 2 Actions). Miniamat must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or its
breathes fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the
Multiattack. Miniamat makes two Claw attacks and one Tail must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes
attack. fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. successful one. maximum to 0.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. White Dragon Head: Cold Breath (Costs 2 Actions). Miniamat Create Mist Walker (1/Day). The mist walker targets a
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. breathes an icy blast in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that humanoid within 10 feet of it that has been dead for no
Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 longer than 1 minute and died violently. The target’s spirit
(5d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage rises as a mist walker in the space of its corpse or in the
on a successful one. nearest unoccupied space.


Muiral the Misshapen Powerful necromancers or undead who seek to acquire

divine relics may find themselves facing a sphinx. If they
WATERDEEP: DUNGEON OF THE MAD MAGE manage the astounding feat of slaying the sphinx, the
carcass of the dead creature might prove as valuable as
Muiral was an accomplished human warrior who long the relics they sought – or perhaps even more so to the
served as Halaster’s bodyguard. His descent into madness right buyer. While only a learned necromancer will likely
began when he asked the Mad Mage to tutor him in the be aware of the ancient ritual, a sphinx can be granted
wizardly arts. Muiral learned enough magic to trans- undeath and given new purpose if the need or desire to do
form himself into a half-scorpion monstrosity, becoming so arises.
known as Muiral the Misshapen. Years later Muiral
betrayed Halaster, turning on his former master. In turn,
he was banished from Undermountain. He now dwells Necrosphinx Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) necrotic damage.
in the Hosttower of the Arcane as part of the Arcane Large Undead, Lawful Evil
Brotherhood. Riddle. The necrosphinx mentally targets all creatures within
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) 120 feet of it that are infected with mind necrosis. Each target
must make a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw, taking 19
Hit Points 345 (22d10 + 210) (3d12) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
Muiral Power Spark (Recharge 4–6). Muiral creates a magical burst
of electricity centered on a point he can see within 120 feet Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. successful one.
Large Monstrosity (Wizard), Chaotic Evil
of him. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on Necrotic Roar (3/Day). The necrosphinx emits a magical
that point must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking roar. Each time it roars before finishing a long rest, the roar
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA is louder and the effect is different, as detailed below. Each
28 (8d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much
Hit Points 195 (23d10 +69) damage on a successful one. 23 (+6) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) creature within 500 feet of the necrosphinx and able to hear
Speed 50 ft. Spellcasting. Muiral casts one of the following spells, using the roar must make a saving throw.
Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17): Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +12, Int +9, Wis +10 First Roar. Each creature that fails a DC 18 Wisdom saving
At will: detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation throw is frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Skills Arcana +9, Perception +10, Religion +15 repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
2/day each: cloud kill, contagion, teleport Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, psychic; bludgeoning, ending the effect on itself on a success.
19 (+4) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 18 (+4)
1/day each: Mordenkainen’s sword, prismatic spray, wall of force piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. Second Roar. Each creature that fails a DC 18 Wisdom
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, saving throw is deafened and frightened for 1 minute. A
Saving Throws Con +8, Int +9 Reactions poisoned frightened creature is paralyzed and can repeat the saving
Skills Arcana +9, Athletics +9, Perception +6, Stealth +5 Negate Spell (Recharge 5–6). Muiral tries to interrupt a spell Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 20 throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16 he sees a creature casting within 60 feet of him. If the spell is itself on a success.
Languages Common, Sphinx
3rd level or lower, the spell fails and has no effect. If the spell Third Roar. Each creature makes a DC 18 Constitution
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Goblin, is 4th level or higher, Muiral makes an Intelligence check Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6
Undercommon saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 26 (4d12)
against a DC of 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the spell psychic damage, falls asleep, and remains unconscious for
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 fails and has no effect. Inscrutable. The necrosphinx is immune to any effect that 1 minute. The target awakens if it takes damage or another
would sense its emotions or read its thoughts, as well as creature takes an action to wake it. This roar has no effect
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Muiral fails a saving throw, Legendary Actions any divination spell that it refuses. Wisdom (Insight) checks on constructs and undead. On a successful save, a crea-
he can choose to succeed instead. Muiral can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the made to ascertain the necrosphinx’s intentions or sincerity ture takes half as much damage and doesn’t fall asleep.
options below. Only one legendary action option can be have disadvantage.
Actions used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the necrosphinx fails a
Legendary Actions
Multiattack. Muiral makes two Longsword attacks and one Muiral regains spent legendary actions at the start of his saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. The necrosphinx can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Sting attack. turn. Mind Necrosis. Whenever the necrosphinx deals damage to a the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
Poison Spray. Muiral shoots a spray of toxic poison from creature, the creature must succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one The necrosphinx regains spent legendary actions at the start
target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 15 (2d10 + 4) his tail at a single creature within 30 feet. That creature saving throw or be cursed with mind necrosis. While cursed,
must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 3d12 a creature is vulnerable to psychic damage and has disad- of his turn.
slashing damage if used with two hands.
damage. vantage on saving throws against the necrosphinx’s Necrotic Claw. The necrosphinx makes a claw attack.
Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Roar. The curse lasts until removed.
Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage. The target must make Lunging Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Muiral makes one long- Riddle (Costs 2 Actions). The necrosphinx uses its Riddle
sword attack that has a reach of 10 feet. action.
a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 27 (6d8) poison
Retreating Strike (Costs 3 Actions). Muiral moves up to his
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Teleport (Costs 2 Actions). The necrosphinx magically tele-
successful one. speed without provoking opportunity attacks. Before the Multiattack. The necrosphinx makes three Claw attacks. ports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up
move, he can make one longsword attack. to 120 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.


Nemhains are a type of spirit created, not by accident, Ogrémoch

but rather by purpose. These terrible haunts are born of PRINCES OF THE APOCALYPSE
rituals so foul that most necromancers refuse to speak of
them. Part of these unspoken rituals involves the sacrifice The Prince of Evil Earth is Ogrémoch, the Mountain
of those closest to the target, binding their souls forever to that Walks. His natural form is a shambling, 50-foot-
the nemhain. Once the ritual is completed the target’s soul, tall colossus of rock, with crystal growths embedded
no matter how pure it might have once been, inevitably throughout his body. When he bothers to speak, his voice
turns dark and twisted. sounds like grinding stones.
Ogrémoch is a miser who regards all the resources
and treasures found in the ground as his own. He holds
Nemhain Actions nothing but contempt for mortals (or any other denizens
Medium Undead, Neutral Evil of the Material Plane) and desires nothing more than to
Languishing Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) necrotic damage plus 18 crush and subjugate whomever he encounters. What he
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) (4d8) cold damage. The target must succeed on a DC 17 can’t crush, he endures and outlasts.
Hit Points 161 (17d8 + 85) Constitution saving throw or have its proficiency bonus
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 (hover) reduced by 1. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a
short or long rest, or until cured by a greater restoration or
wish spell. Ogrémoch Hit: 30 (4d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Gargantuan Elemental, Neutral Evil Boulder. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 500 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Etherealness. The nemhain enters the Ethereal Plane from target. Hit: 46 (7d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage. If the target is
7 (-2) 19 (+4) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) the Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible on the Material a creature, it must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving throw
Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet it Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
or be knocked prone.
can’t affect or be affected by anything on the other plane. Hit Points 526 (27d20 + 243)
Spellcasting. Ogrémoch’s spellcasting ability is Charisma
Saving Throws Dex +9, Int +5, Wis +6, Cha +9 Spellcasting.The nemhain casts one of the following spells, Speed 50 ft., burrow 50 ft. (spell save DC 20). He can cast the following spells, requiring
Skills Insight +6, Intimidation +9, Perception +6, Religion +5 requiring no material components and using Intelligence as no material components:
the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17):
Damage Resistances psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA At will: meld into stone, move earth, wall of stone
slashing damage from nonmagical weapons At will: invisibility, speak with dead
26 (+8) 11 (+0) 28 (+9) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 22 (+6) Summon Elemental (1/Day). Ogrémoch summons up to
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison 2/day each: telekinesis three earth elementals and loses 30 hit points for each
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, grap- 1/day each: anti-life shell, wall of force elemental he summons. Summoned elementals have
pled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained Spirit Barrage (Recharge 5–6). The nemhain momentarily Saving Throws Str +14, Con +15, Wis +8 maximum hit points, appear within 100 feet of Ogrémoch,
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 22 releases her bound spirits in a vicious torrent that fills a Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing and disappear if Ogrémoch is reduced to 0 hit points.
60-foot cone before each spirit returns to the nemhain. Each
Languages the languages it knew in life creature in that area must make a DC 17 Constitution saving
damage from nonmagical weapons. Legendary Actions
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 throw, taking 36 (8d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or Damage Immunities poison
Ogrémoch can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
half as much on a successful one. Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petri- options below. Only one legendary action option can be
Bound Spirits. The area within 15 feet of the nemhain is fied, poisoned, prone used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
filled with swirling, malicious spirits. Creatures other than Bonus Actions Senses blindsight 120 ft., tremorsense 120 ft., passive Ogrémoch regains spent legendary actions at the start of his
Constructs and Undead spend two feet of movement for Spirit Scout. The nemhain commands one of the countless Perception 12 turn.
every foot moved within the area. Additionally, when such a spirits surrounding it to break away or commands a spirit Languages Common, Terran Illuminating Crystals. Ogrémoch’s crystalline protrusions
creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts that has already broken away. The spirit moves up to 40 feet Challenge 20 (24,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 flare. Each creature within 30 feet of Ogrémoch becomes
its turn there, it must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, in a direction of the nemhain’s choice. There is no limit to outlined in orange light, shedding dim light in a 10-foot
taking 18 (4d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as how far away from nemhain the spirit can move, but it can’t radius. Any attack roll against an affected creature has advan-
much on a successful one. enter another plane of existence. The nemhain mentally Empowered Attack. Ogrémoch’s slam attacks are treated as tage if the attacker can see it, and the affected creature can’t
Ethereal Sight. The nemhain can see 60 feet into the Ethereal receives visual information from the spirit, which has normal magical and adamantine for the purpose of bypassing resis- benefit from being invisible.
Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa. vision and darkvision out to 120 feet. The spirit can look in tance and immunity to nonmagical weapons.
Stomp (Costs 2 Actions). Ogrémoch stomps the ground,
Magic Resistance. The nemhain has advantage on saving every direction. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Ogrémoch fails a saving creating an earth tremor that extends in a 30-foot-radius.
throws against spells and other magical effects. The spirit has the statistics of a ghost, except that it is Tiny, throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Other creatures standing on the ground in that radius must
Profane Regeneration. The nemhain regains 20 hit points at has 25 hit points, and cannot take any actions. If the spirit is Magic Resistance. Ogrémoch has advantage on saving succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
the start of its turn and it ignores any damage that reduces reduced to 0 hit points, it instantly returns to the nemhain. throws against spells, and other magical effects. Create Gargoyle. (Costs 3 Actions). Ogrémoch’s hit points
it to 0 hit points unless it is from a critical hit or radiant Siege Monster. Ogrémoch deals double damage to objects are reduced by 50 as he breaks off a chunk of his body and
damage. Reactions and structures with his melee and ranged weapon attacks. places it on the ground in an unoccupied space within 15
Rejuvenation. If the nemhain dies and has a ritual object Spectral Rebuke. When the nemhain takes damage from a feet of him. The chunk of rock instantly transforms into a
(usually a monolith, statue, or similar object), it gains a new creature it can see within 60 feet of it, the nemhain can force Actions gargoyle and acts on the same initiative count as Ogrémoch.
body in 1d10 days, regaining all its hit points and becoming that creature to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On Multiattack. Ogrémoch makes two Slam attacks. Ogrémoch can’t use this action if he has 50 hit points or
active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of the ritual a failed save, the creature takes 11 (2d10) necrotic damage. fewer. The gargoyle obeys Ogrémoch’s commands and fights
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. until destroyed.

Phesteus is the lead bioengineer and the creator of
artificially accelerated organisms. The gnome wears full
mechanized battle armor and a spherical helmet of tinted
glass that hides his features. His research is his single-
minded passion, and because of this he spends all of his
time working obsessively in his laboratory.

Phesteus Radanovich Ghoul

Small Humanoid (Gnome, Artificer), Lawful Evil
These wretched, feral creatures look like ordinary ghouls;
Armor Class 23 (infused +2 plate and infused +1 shield) however, they are garbed in the torn clothing of the Vistani.
Hit Points 140 (40d8 - 40) These ghouls were once part of Madame Radanavich’s
Speed 30 ft. Quickling band of brigands. Whereas previously they preyed meta-
phorically on the weak, these predatorial urges are now
manifested more literally.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Quicklings rocket through haunting, twisted forests where
the unseelie fey hold sway, both in the Feywild and in the
8 (−1) 14 (+2) 8 (−1) 22 (+6) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) world. Racing faster than the eye can track, each appears
as little more than a blurry wavering in the air. Radanovich Ghoul
Medium Undead, Chaotic Evil
Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +8, Con +11, Int +18, Wis +8, Cha A quickling is a small, slender fey, similar to a miniature
+8 elf with sharp, feral features. Its cold, cruel eyes gleam like
Armor Class 14
Skills Investigation +12, Medicine +8, Perception +8 jewels.
Hit Points 72 (16d8)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
Speed 30 ft.
Languages Common, Gnomish
Challenge 17 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 Quickling
Tiny Fey, Chaotic Evil STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Helm of Awareness. Phesteus has advantage on initiative 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 7 (−2) 10 (+0) 6 (−2)
rolls. In addition, he can’t be surprised, provided he isn’t Armor Class 16
incapacitated. Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3)
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Phesteus fails a saving Damage Resistances necrotic
Speed 120 ft.
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
Actions STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Multiattack. Pheseus makes two Percussive Strike attacks 4 (−3) 23 (+6) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 7 (−2) Languages Common
and one Antimatter Rifle attack or three Antimatter Rifle
attacks. Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Percussive Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 Skills Acrobatics +8, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8,
ft., one target. Hit: 29 (5d8 + 6) thunder damage and the Perception +5 Blurred Movement. Attack rolls against the quickling have
target is pushed 20 feet away from Phesteus. The target Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 disadvantage unless the quickling is incapacitated or
must also make a successful DC 20 Strength saving throw Languages Common, Sylvan restrained.
or be knocked prone. Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Evasion. If the quickling is subjected to an effect that allows
Antimatter Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage,
120/360 ft., one target. Hit: 33 (6d8+6) necrotic damage. it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving
Blurred Movement. Attack rolls against the quickling have throw, and only half damage if it fails.
Spellcasting. Phesteus casts one of the following spells, disadvantage unless the quickling is incapacitated or
using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC restrained. Actions
20): Evasion. If the quickling is subjected to an effect that allows
At will: detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation, Multiattack. The Radanavich ghoul makes one Bite attack
it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, and two Claw attacks.
thunderwave it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving
3/day: lightning bolt throw, and only half damage if it fails. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one crea-
ture. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
1/day each: animate objects, Bigby’s hand, wall of force
Actions Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Reactions Multiattack. The quickling makes three Dagger attacks.
Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage. If the target is a creature
other than an elf or undead, it must succeed on a DC 14
Soul of Artifice (3/Day). If Phesteus is reduced to 0 hit Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The
points, he can use his reaction to drop to 1 hit point instead ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 6) piercing target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
of 0. damage. turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Rezmir is a tall, imposing dark-scaled humanoid with Salizarr is a meazel ghoul that exhibits multiple person-
draconic features. She wears rich purple robes embroi- alities, all of which are serial killers. His most common
dered with gold and wields an equally dark, serrated personalities include the Closet Man, Old Scurvy Jake,
greatsword. At most times her features are hidden behind Them, and He Who Bends Men. Each personality has a
an ebony skull mask with curved, protruding horns. different hunting ground and hunting style. The personali-
Rezmir is the anointed Black Wyrmspeaker, one of five ties are deeply distrustful of one another, arguing amongst
such speakers that sit atop the hierarchy of the Cult of the themselves aloud anytime Salizarr speaks with another
Dragon. Because of her position she commands unques- living being.
tioning obedience from all cultists, as well as begrudging
respect from most dragons.
Medium Undead, Neutral Evil
Rezmir while wearing the Black Dragon Mask, she can choose to
Medium Humanoid (Half-Black Dragon), Neutral Evil succeed instead.
Armor Class 14 Actions
Actions Hit Points 72 (16d8) Multiattack. Salizaar makes two Claw attacks and a Garrote
Armor Class 13 (15 with the Black Dragon Mask) Speed 30 ft. attack.
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36) Hazirawn (Greatsword). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one crea-
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage plus ture. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. If the target is a
Speed 30 ft. 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it can’t STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature other than an elf or undead, it must succeed on a
regain hit points for 1 minute. The target can make a DC 15 DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute.
Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
ending this effect early on a success. its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) Caustic Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 90 ft., Saving Throws Dex +9, Int +6 Garrote. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
one target. Hit: 18 (4d8) acid damage. target of Salizarr’s size or smaller. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) blud-
Skills Acrobatics +9, Deception +4, Perception +4, Stealth +13
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +4 Acid Breath (Recharge 5 − 6). Rezmir breathes acid in a geoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 17
30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line Damage Resistances necrotic with disadvantage). Until the grapple ends, the target takes
Skills Arcana +5, Stealth +9 must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (5d8) Damage Immunities poison 19 (4d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of
Damage Immunities acid acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned Salizarr’s turns. Salizarr can’t make weapon attacks while
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened successful one. grappling a creature in this way.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception Shadow Teleport (Recharge 5 − 6). Salizarr, any equipment he
11 Legendary Actions Languages Common
is wearing or carrying, and any creature he is grappling tele-
If she is wearing the Black Dragon Mask, Rezmir can take up Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 port to an unoccupied square within 500 feet of it, provided
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal, Giant, Netherese
to two legendary actions between each of her turns, taking that the starting space and the destination are in dim light or
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 the actions all at once or spreading them over the round. Assassinate. During his first turn, Salizarr has advantage on darkness. The destination must be a place Salizarr has seen
A legendary action can be taken only at the start or end of attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a turn. Any before, but it need not be within line of sight. If the destina-
Special Equipment. Rezmir has the Black Dragon Mask and a turn. Rezmir has the following legendary action options, hit scored against a surprised creature is a critical hit. tion space is occupied, the teleportation leads to the nearest
Hazirawn (appendix D). some of which expend more than one action when taken: Evasion. If Salizarr is subjected to an effect that allows him unoccupied space.
Amphibious. Rezmir can breathe air and water. Attack. Rezmir makes one Greatsword attack. to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, Any other creature Salizarr teleports becomes cursed for 1
Dark Advantage. Once per turn, Rezmir can deal an extra 10 Hide. Rezmir takes the Hide action. Salizarr instead takes no damage if he succeeds on the hour or until the curse is ended by remove curse or greater
(3d6) damage when she hits with a weapon attack, provided saving throw, and only half damage if he fails. restoration. Until the curse ends, every Undead and every
Darkness (Costs 2 Actions). A 15-foot radius of magical creature native to the Shadowfell within 300 feet of the
Rezmir has advantage on the attack roll. darkness extends from a point Rezmir can see within 60 feet Sneak Attack. Once per turn, Salizarr deal an extra 17 (5d6)
damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack and has cursed creature can sense it, which prevents that creature
Draconic Majesty. While wearing no armor and wearing the of her and spreads around corners. The darkness lasts as from hiding from them.
Black Dragon Mask, Rezmir adds her Charisma bonus to her long as Rezmir maintains concentration, up to 1 minute. A advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5
feet of an ally of Salizarr that isn’t incapacitated and Salizaar
AC (included). creature with darkvision can’t see through this darkness, and
no natural light can illuminate it. If any of the area overlaps doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. Bonus Actions
Immolation. When Rezmir is reduced to 0 hit points, her
body disintegrates into a pile of ash. with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, Turn Resistance. Salizarr has advantage on saving throws Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, Salizarr
the spell creating the light is dispelled. against any effect that turns undead. takes the Hide action.
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Rezmir fails a saving throw


Scaladar are constructs created by Trobriand, one of

Halaster’s former apprentices. They move and attack like
giant scorpions, grabbing prey with two large pincer claws
and delivering a deadly pulse of lightning with their metal
stinger tails.
Scarab Lord

A scarab lord is composed entirely of undead scarabs that

Scaladar are magically bound to the skull of a humanoid. The ritual
Huge Construct, Unaligned
used to create a scarab lord involves a life-draining process
that infuses scarabs with undeath. These undead beetles
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) eat away at the flesh and bone of the person conducting
Hit Points 94 (7d12 + 49) the ritual, leaving behind only their skull and a twisted
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft. sentience.


19 (+4) 10 (+0) 25 (+7) 1 (−5) 12 (+1) 1 (−5)
Scarab Lord within 5 feet of it takes 10 (4d4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6)
necrotic damage and must make a DC 19 Constitution saving
Large Swarm of Tiny Undead, Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil
throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. In addition, the scarab
lord can enter a hostile creature’s space and stop there. The
Damage Resistances fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and Armor Class 11 (natural armor) first time it enters a creature’s space on its turn, that creature
slashing from nonmagical attacks Hit Points 210 (20d10 + 100) takes 10 (4d4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage
Damage Immunities force, lightning, poison Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) and must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be
Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed, poisoned poisoned for 1 minute.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 The target loses any damage resistances it has while
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA poisoned by the scarab lord. The target can repeat the saving
Languages -- 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 21 (+5) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
Challenge 8 (8,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 itself on a success.
Turn Immunity. The scarab lord is immune to effects that
Lightning Absorption. Whenever the scaladar is subjected to Skills Intimidation +10, Perception +11 turn undead.
lightning damage, it takes no damage, and its string deals Damage Resistances bludgeoning, necrotic, piercing, poison,
an extra 11 (2d10) lightning damage until the end of its next psychic, slashing Actions
turn. Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petri- Multiattack. The scarab lord makes two attacks that can be
Scaladar Link. The scaladar knows the location of other fied, prone, restrained, stunned any combination of a Thousand Bites and Cursed Kris.
scaladar within 100 feet of it, and it can sense when any of Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21 A Thousand Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
them take damage. 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (6d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 14
Languages whatever languages it knew in life
Actions Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 (4d6) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must
make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1
Multiattack. The scaladar makes two Claw attacks and one minute. The target loses any damage resistances it has while
Sting attack. Immutable Form. The scarab lord is immune to any spell or poisoned by the scarab lord. The target can repeat the saving
effect that would alter its form. throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (1d12 +4) bludgeoning damage, and the target Magic Resistance. The scarab lord has advantage on saving itself on a success.
is grappled (escape DC 15). The scaladar has two claws, throws against spells and other magical effects. Cursed Kris. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
each of which can grapple one target. Swarm Form. The scarab lord can move through a space target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must
Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one as narrow as 1 foot wide without squeezing. A creature that succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become cursed.
target. Hit: 9 (1d10 +4) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) light- touches the scarab lord or hits it with a melee attack while While cursed, the target has disadvantage on Constitution
ning damage. saving throws. A remove curse spell ends this effect.

Secret Eater

Secret eaters are the physical manifestation of Vecna’s

insatiable hunger for secrets. They take the form of a
hovering skull that tirelessly scours the fallen libraries and
hidden catacombs of the world searching for lost knowl-
edge. Like the Maimed Lord himself, secret eaters are
deviously cunning. They can replace the skull of any dead

Scarab Swarm
humanoid, and then control the corpse as if it were its own
body. Thus disguised, secret eaters befriend travelers, only
VAN RICHTEN’S GUIDE TO RAVENLOFT to pry forth their most intimate secrets before inevitably
betraying them.
Base creatures are among the first to respond to sinister
forces at work in a land. As nefarious powers grip an area,
populations of maggots, scarabs, and similar scavenging Secret Eater on a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw against this magic or
take 44 (8d10) psychic damage and have one of its secrets
insects explode and become aggressive. Such swarms Tiny Undead, Typically Neutral Evil
crawl about in a vaguely bipedal shape while making skit- magically revealed to the secret eater with preference for dark
or evil secrets. The secret eater can use this secret to create
tering noises that sound like whispered chanting. Armor Class 20 (natural armor ) one of the following effects.
Hit Points 50 (20d4) Dark Divination. The target must immediately reveal to the
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) secret eater what its intended course of action is on its next
Scarab Swarm turn. The creature must attempt to complete the intended
Medium Swarm of Tiny Beasts course of action to the best of its ability on its next turn.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Devour Secret. The secret eater regains lost hit points equal
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) 1 (-5) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) to the psychic damage done. If the secret eater is at its hit
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) point maximum or it returns to its hit point maximum due
to regaining hit points from this feature, it gains the excess
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Saving Throws Con +5, Int +10, Wis +8, Cha +9 restored hit points as temporary hit points.
Skills Deception +14, Insight +8, Persuasion +9 Dismantle Insight. A creature that has its secrets eaten can’t
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing add its proficiency bonus to its saving throws against the
3 (−4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 1 (−5) 12 (+1) 1 (−5) from magical attacks secret eater’s spells and effects until the end of the secret
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, psychic; bludgeoning, eater’s next turn.
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Share Knowledge. The secret eater magically reveals all
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing Condition Immunities charmed, deafened, exhaustion, fright- secrets it knows to Vecna, who gains the same benefits as the
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, para- ened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned secret eater.
lyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned Senses truesight 120 feet, passive Perception 13 Body Thief. The secret eater targets a dead humanoid within
Senses tremorsense 60 ft., passive Perception 11 5 feet of it. The target’s skull crumbles and the secret eater
Languages understands all languages but can’t speak, telep- teleports into the target’s head to take the skull’s place, and
Languages − athy 60 feet takes control of the target’s body. While inside a creature,
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 the secret eater has total cover against attacks and other
effects originating outside its host. The secret eater retains
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space Avoidance. If the secret eater is subjected to an effect that its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as its
and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any allows it to make a saving throw to take only half damage, it languages, its telepathy, and its traits. It otherwise adopts
opening large enough for a tiny scarab. The swarm can’t instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, the target’s statistics. It knows everything the creature knew,
regain hit points or gain temporary hit points. and only half damage if it fails. including spells and languages.
Skeletonize. If the swarm starts its turn in the same space False Appearance. While the secret eater remains motionless, If the host body drops to 0 hit points, the secret eater must
as a dead creature that is Large or smaller, the corpse is it is indistinguishable from a normal skull. leave it. A protection from evil and good spell cast on the body
destroyed, leaving behind only equipment and bones (or drives the secret eater out. The secret eater is also forced out
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If the secret eater fails a saving if the target regains its destroyed skull by means of a wish
exoskeleton). throw, it can choose to succeed instead. spell. By spending 5 feet of its movement, the secret eater
Spider Climb. The swarm can climb difficult surfaces, Psychic Barrier. A creature that touches the secret eater or can voluntarily leave the body, teleporting to the nearest
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 11 unoccupied space within 5 feet of it. The body then collapses
make an ability check. (2d10) psychic damage. and remains dead.
Actions Turn Immunity. The secret eater is immune to effects that
turn undead.
Sending. The secret eater casts the sending spell to relay a
message to Vecna, requiring no components.
Ravenous Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 0 Vecna’s Weakness. The secret eater is vulnerable to all
ft., one target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage dealt to it by the Sword of Kas. Reactions
damage, or 7 (2d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half
Psychic Retaliation. If the secret eater is hit by an attack from
of its hit points or fewer. If the target is a creature, scarabs Actions a creature that has failed its saving throw against the secret
burrow into its body, and the creature takes 3 (1d6) piercing
damage at the start of each of its turns. Any creature can Multiattack. The secret eater uses its Eat Secrets twice. If eater’s Dark Divination feature, or if a creature attempts
use an action to kill or remove the scarabs with fire or a the secret eater is within 120 feet of Vecna it can also use its to read the secret eater’s mind, the secret eater forces the
weapon that deals piercing damage, causing 1 damage of Share Knowledge. assailant to make a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw. On a
the appropriate type to the target. A creature reduced to 0 Eat Secrets. The secret eater targets one creature it can see failed save, the attacker is paralyzed until the start of its next
hit points by the swarm’s piercing damage dies. within 20 feet of it that has a brain. The target must succeed turn.


The Serpent-that-is-Night is a totem creature that dates

back to the earliest days of the yuan-ti. It is a nightmarish
manifestation of Dendar, the Night Serpent, made flesh.
Shadow Assassin
The serpent’s scales are made of hardened darkness.
Whenever it opens its mouth, its quivering tongue tasting
the air in search of prey, a purplish, otherworldly glow A shadow assassin looks like an undead shadow (as
emanates from its interior. Its other features are more described in the Monster Manual) that wields shortswords
fluid, so that it smells and sounds like whatever those also made of shadow. It exists only to slay the living.
around it fear most.
Severed Head
Shadow Assassin
Serpent-That-Is-Night Nightmare Prison. Any creature or object that Serpent-that-
is-Night swallows is transported to a demiplane that can
These are the severed heads of the Headless Horseman’s Medium Undead, Chaotic Evil
Large Aberration, Neutral Evil victims. Their faces are streaked with dirt and covered in
be entered by no other means. A creature in this nightmare bruises. Their noses are often broken into odd angles, and
prison is affected by the Assailing Nightmares trait at the Armor Class 14
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) their hair is matted with dried leaves and filth. They have
start of each of Serpent-that-is-Night’s turns. A creature Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
been driven mad by their beheading, as is evidenced by
Hit Points 237 (25d10 + 100) can leave this demiplane only by using magic that enables their ceaseless laughter and bulging, deranged eyes. Speed 40 ft.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft. planar travel, such as the plane shift spell. Within the plane is
Serpent-that-is-Night’s gizzard, slowly grinding undigested
nightmares into fuel that sustains it. If the gizzard takes 30 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside of it, Severed Head 6 (−2) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
22 (+6) 18 (+4) 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) Serpent-that-is-Night must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution Tiny Undead, Chaotic Evil
saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swal-
lowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 5 feet of Armor Class 15 Saving Throws Dex +8, Int +5
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +9, Wis +5 Serpent-that-is-Night. If Serpent-that-is-Night dies, the demi- Skills Perception +9, Stealth +12
plane disappears. The demiplane is otherwise indestructible. Hit Points 39 (14d4 + 4)
Skills Athletics +11, Perception +5, Stealth +14 Speed fly 40 ft. (hover) Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
Psychic Mirror. If Serpent-that-is-Night takes psychic
Damage Vulnerabilities cold damage, each creature within 10 feet of it takes that damage Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing instead; Serpent-that-is-Night takes none of the damage. In bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
from nonmagical attacks addition, Serpent-that-is-Night’s thoughts and location can’t STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA attacks
Damage Immunities poison, psychic be discerned by magic. 5 (−3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 7 (−2) 6 (−3) 9 (−1) Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
poisoned, prone
Saving Throws Dex +8, Int +1 Languages understands the languages it knew in life but
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (penetrates magical darkness), Multiattack. Serpent-that-is-Night uses its Unleash can’t speak
Nightmares attack and then makes a bite attack. Damage Resistances necrotic
passive Perception 15 Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Damage Immunities poison
Languages Abyssal, Draconic
Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage, plus 13 (3d8) psychic Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 paralyzed, poisoned, stunned Amorphous. The assassin can move through a space as
damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
it must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or be Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Assailing Nightmares. Serpent-that-is-Night is made from swallowed by Serpent-that-is-Night. The swallowed target, Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the
collected nightmares. It possesses several abilities that along with everything it is wearing and carrying, appears in Languages the languages it knew in life assassin can take the Hide action as a bonus action.
unleash these nightmares upon its foes. A creature assailed an unoccupied space on the floor of Serpent-that-is-Night’s Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Sunlight Weakness. While in sunlight, the assassin has
by these nightmares takes 5 (1d10) psychic damage. The first Nightmare Prison. disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving
time on a turn that a creature takes this damage, it must Unleash Nightmares. Serpent-that-is-Night targets a creature Evasion. If the severed head is subjected to an effect that throws.
succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or gain one level within 60 feet of it with its Assailing Nightmares trait. allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half
of exhaustion. If a creature gains six levels of exhaustion due damage, the severed head instead takes no damage if it Actions
to this trait, it doesn’t die; instead it drops unconscious as it Legendary Actions succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it Multiattack. The assassin makes two Shadow Blade
falls into an eternal slumber and can’t be awoken by anything fails.
short of a greater restoration spell. Serpent-that-is-Night can take 3 legendary actions, choosing attacks.
from the options below. Only one legendary action option Sneak Attack. Once per turn, the severed head deals an Shadow Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Repository of Nightmares. When Serpent-that-is-Night drops extra 14 (4d6) damage when it hits a target with a bite attack
to 0 hit points or dies, all nightmares within it are released can be used at a time and only at the end of another crea- one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6)
ture’s turn. Serpent-that-is-Night regains spent legendary and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is necrotic damage. Unless the target is immune to necrotic
back into the world and its body is destroyed. Each creature within 5 feet of an ally of the severed head that isn’t inca-
within 30 feet of it must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, actions at the start of its turn. damage, the target’s Strength score is reduced by 1d4 each
pacitated and the severed head doesn’t have disadvantage. time it is hit by this attack. The target dies if its Strength is
taking 33 (6d10) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as Bite. Serpent-that-is-Night makes a Bite attack.
reduced to 0. The reduction lasts until the target finishes
much on a successful one. Move. Serpent-that-is-Night moves up to its speed. Actions a short or long rest. If a non-evil humanoid dies from this
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Serpent-that-is-Night fails a Unleash Nightmares (Costs 2 Actions). Serpent-that-is-Night Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. attack, a shadow (see the Monster Manual) rises from the
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. uses its Unleash Nightmare action. Hit: 6 (3d4 + 5) piercing damage. corpse 1d4 hours later.


Skum are creatures that have succumbed to an aboleth’s Terrathraxus

magic through its disease-bearing touch. Transformed,
they barely resemble their past forms, their skin turning This mutant gargoyle is rumored to have been created
slimy and translucent while their limbs warp to resemble
Tomb Ophidian
from a shard of Ogremoch’s stony heart and, because of
those of deep-sea oddities. Skum are bound to their that, is infused with an exceptional propensity for wanton
aboleth master not just by their cursed state, but by a chaos and destruction. The massive gargoyle feasts upon ULRAUNT’S GUIDE TO THE PLANES: THE SHADOWFELL
psychic bond that compels them to serve its every sinister its lesser kin and because of this has grown to towering
whim. proportions. Terrathraxus greatly enjoys inflicting pain Tomb ophidians have a serpentine body crafted from
upon others and carries salt-studded weapons that can stone, metal, and bone, given life through the skull that is
burn through the stony carpaces of the elemental plane’s mounted where a head should be. Durable and timeless,
Skum earthen denizens. The gargoyle has a passionate hatred these constructs stand guard through the ages, protecting
Medium Aberration, Unaligned for dwarfs, as it views them as insufferably arrogant. sacred tombs and buried pyramids.
Because of this Terrathraxus takes great pleasure in
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) seeing them humbled.
Hit Points 93 (11d8 + 44) Tomb Ophidian throw if the ophidian isn’t incapacitated and can see the
creature. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature
Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft. Large Undead, Typically Lawful Neutral or Neutral Evil
Terrathraxus is instantly petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the
Huge Elemental, Lawful Evil save begins to turn to sand and is restrained. The restrained
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Armor Class 16 (natural armor) creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next
19 (+4) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 7 (−1) 12 (+1) 9 (−1) Hit Points 190 (20d10 + 80) turn, becoming petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) success. The petrification lasts until the creature is freed by a
Speed 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Hit Points 276 (24d12 + 120) greater restoration spell or similar magic.
Skills Perception +4 Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it
Damage Resistances psychic
22 (+6) 11 (+1) 18 (+4) 1 (-5) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) can’t see the ophidian until the start of its next turn, when it
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA can avert its eyes again. If the creature looks at the ophidian
Languages Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 60 ft. 29 (+9) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 9 (−1) in the meantime, it must immediately make the save.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 Skills Intimidation +4, Perception +6 If the ophidian sees itself reflected on a polished surface
Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic; bludgeoning, within 30 feet of it and in an area of bright light, the ophidian
Skills Athletics +15, Perception +6 piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t is, due to its curse, affected by its own gaze.
Abolethic Vassal. The skum is permanently charmed by its
aboleth master. Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and adamantine
Amphibious. The skum can breathe air and water.
slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, para- Actions
Condition Immunities exhaustion, petrified, poisoned lyzed, petrified, poisoned Multiattack. The ophidian makes one Bite attack, one
Psychic Conditioning. The skum is immune to the fright-
ened and charmed condition unless they are from effects Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception Constrict attack, and two attacks with its Glaive or Claw.
created by an aboleth. Languages Common, Terran 16 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Water Dependency. The skum takes 6 (1d12) acid damage Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 Languages understands the languages it knew in life but Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic
every 10 minutes it goes without exposure to water. can’t speak damage.
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Actions Actions Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) slashing damage.
Multiattack. The skum makes two Trident attacks and one Multiattack. Terraraxus makes three attacks: one with its Immutable Form. The ophidian is immune to any spell or Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
Mind-Breaking Touch attack. claw and two with its corrosive greatswords. effect that would alter its form. target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) slashing damage.
Trident. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Magic Resistance. The ophidian has advantage on saving Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage. target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) slashing damage, and the target is throws against spells and other magical effects. Large or smaller creature. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) bludgeoning
grappled (escape DC 25). damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 18). Until this
Mind-Breaking Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach Magic Weapons. The ophidian’s weapon attacks are magical. grapple ends, the target is restrained and takes 16 (3d6 + 6)
5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (4d8) psychic damage, and the Corrosive Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, Petrifying Gaze. When a creature that can see the ophidi- bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns, and the
target has disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws until the reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (6d6 + 9) slashing damage, an’s eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of the ophidian, the ophidian can’t constrict another target.
end of the skum’s next turn. plus 14 (4d6) acid damage. ophidian can force it to make a DC 16 Constitution saving

Trobriand, also known as the Metal Mage, is one of
Halaster’s most powerful ex-apprentices. He was a secre-
tive, careful archmage who rarely left his heavily-guarded
laboratories. When sighted, he appeared as a thin, clean-
shaven man with long steel gray hair. He was unnaturally
tall but stooped with age.
In recent years Trobriand has managed to transport his
essence into a specially prepared iron golem. The Metal
Mage safeguards his original body as a failsafe. However,
he is unaware that this body has since passed away and
is no longer a suitable vessel. Because of this, Trobriand Tsucora Quori
will die whenever the golem he inhabits is destroyed. The EBERRON: RISING FROM THE LAST WAR
Metal Mage has become increasingly confrontational of
late, his aggression bolstered by his nigh indestructible Tsucora quori are nightmarish creatures. Their headless
body. torsos are covered with eyes and twitching limbs, including
two massive arms that end in powerful pincers and a
serpentine tail tipped with a vicious stinger. They are cruel
Trobriand Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage. and calculating, enjoying the power they wield over others
Large Construct (Wizard), Neutral Evil
as they concoct elaborate schemes to advance their own
Fiery Explosion. Trobriand creates a magical explosion of fire
centered on a point he can see within 120 feet of him. Each positions and discredit their rivals.
Armor Class 23 (natural armor)
creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point
Hit Points 315 (30d10 + 150) must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 49 (14d6)
Speed 30 ft. fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Tsucora Quori Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 13 (4d4 + 6) slashing damage.
Medium Aberration, Lawful Evil
Poisoned Breath (Recharge 6). Trobriand exhales poisonous Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA gas in a 30 foot cone. Each creature in that area must make Armor Class 16 (natural armor) target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage plus 10 (3d10)
24 (+7) 9 (−1) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 11 (+0) 1 (−5) a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) poison psychic damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 14
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 32) Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the quori for 1
one. Speed 40 ft. minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
Saving Throws Con +11, Int +11 each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Spellcasting. Trobriand casts one of the following spells,
Skills Arcana +11, History +11 using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC Possession (Recharge 6). One humanoid that the quori can
Damage Immunities fire, poison; bludgeoning, piercing and 20): STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma
slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine At will: detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) saving throw or be possessed by the quori; the quori then
weapons disappears, and the arget is incapacitated and loses control
3/day: greater invisibility, haste of its body. The quori now controls the body but doesn’t
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, para- Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +6
lyzed, petrified, poisoned 1/day each: globe of invulnerability, power word stun deprive the target of awareness. The quori can’t be targeted
Skills Insight +5, Perception +5 by any attack, spell, or other effect, and it retains its align-
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 Bonus Actions Damage Resistances psychic ment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Quicksilver Step. Briefly transforming into liquid metal, to being charmed and frightened. It otherwise uses the
Elvish, Infernal, Undercommon Condition Immunities charmed, frightened possessed target’s statistics, but doesn’t gain access to the
Trobriand teleports up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that
Challenge 20 (41,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 he can see before reforming into his true self. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 target’s knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.
Languages Common, Quori The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points,
Fire Absorption. Whenever Trobriand is subjected to fire Reactions Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is forced
damage, he takes no damage and instead regains a number out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When
Arcane Defense (3/Day). When he is hit by an attack,Tro- the possession ends, the quori reappears in an unoccupied
of hit points equal to the fire damage dealt. briand protects himself with an invisible barrier of magical
Immutable Form. Trobriand is immune to any spell or effect force. Until the end of his next turn, he gains a +5 bonus to Actions space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to
this quori’s Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the
that would alter his form. AC, including against the triggering attack. Multiattack. The quori makes one Pincer attack, one Claws saving throw or after the possession ends.
Magic Resistance. Trobriand has advantage on saving throws Negate Spell (Recharge 5-6). Trobriand tries to interrupt attack, and one Stinger attack. Spellcasting. The quori’s spellcasting ability is Charisma
against spells and other magical effects. a spell he sees a creature casting within 60 feet of him. Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. (spell save DC 14). It can cast the following spells, requiring
If the spell is 3rd level or lower, the spell fails and has no Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) bludgeoning damage. The target is grappled no material components:
Actions effect. If the spell is 4th level or higher, Trobriand makes an (escape DC 14) if it is a Large or smaller creature. The quori
Intelligence check against a DC of 10 + the spell’s level. On a At will: charm person
Multiattack. Trobriand makes two Slam attacks. has two pincers, each of which can grapple one target.
success, the spell fails and has no effect. 1/day each: fear

Vecna is evil, cunning, and ruthless beyond understanding,
wanting only to end all life and destroy all other deities
so he can assume the mantle of a supreme Overgod. His
talent for scheming is unrivaled throughout the multiverse,
expertly manipulating individuals, groups, and entire
nations to carry out his desires.
The Maimed God’s voice is like a coarse and hollow
whisper accompanied by faint gasps like a dying man
taking his last breath and distant, nearly inaudible screams
and yawns. Despite this, his every word rings clearly and is
Vadataj full of conviction and commanding will.
Vecna’s every decision is ingeniously premeditated,
driven exclusively by cunning and purest logic. Calculating
the odds of every foreseeable outcome comes as naturally
The vadataj are cursed undead who, one way or another, to the Undying King as not breathing. The only subject that
had the arrogance and audacity to think themselves better can bring even a hint of emotion to the Arch-Lich is Kas;
than the seas. Often they are knights, still wearing the the one who betrayed him and severed his eye and hand.
algae-tangled armor that they foolishly thought would
protect them from the ocean’s vengeful grasp. Vadataj are
most prominent in the Shadowfell but with Evernight’s
appearance along the Sword Coast, an increasing number
have been spotted throughout the Realms.

Vadataj Phantasmal Terror, or Spellcasting. It then makes two attacks

with its Cursed Greatsword.
Medium Undead, Typically Any Evil
Cursed Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
Armor Class 18 (full plate) 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 22
(4d10) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must
Hit Points 221 (26d8 + 104) succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be cursed
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. with vadataj drowning. The cursed target gains the Aura of
Drowning trait. The curse lasts until removed by a remove
curse spell or other magic.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Drowning Visions (Recharge 4–6). The vadataj magically
20 (+5) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) conjures forth horrible sensation of fatally drowning in the
minds of creatures in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that
area must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be
Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +8 frightened of the vadataj until the end of its next turn. While a
Skills Arcana +10, Athletics +11, Deception +7 creature is frightened in this way, its speed is halved, and it is
Damage Resistances cold, fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and incapacitated.
slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered Phantasmal Terror. The vadataj targets one creature it can
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison see within 120 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 18
Wisdom saving throw, or it takes 16 (3d10) psychic damage
Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned and is frightened of the vadataj until the end of its next turn.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12 Final Gurgle (1/Day). The vadataj inhales deeply, drawing the
Languages the languages it knew in life breath away from creatures around it, before finally releasing
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 the horrible gurgling sound of hundreds of drowning crea-
tures. This gurgle has no effect on constructs, oozes, and
undead. All other creatures within 30 feet of the vadataj that
Aura of Drowning. A creature within 10 feet of the vadataj can hear it must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw.
can’t breathe and must hold its breath or begin to suffocate. On a failure, a creature drops to 0 hit points. On a success, a
In addition, a creature that starts its turn in the aura and creature becomes immune to the Final Gurgle of all vadataj
doesn’t have a swim speed or isn’t undead has its movement for 24 hours.
speed halved until the start of its next turn.
Spellcasting. The vadataj casts one of the following spells,
Magic Resistance. The vadataj has advantage on saving using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC
throws against spells and other magical effects. 18):
Turn Immunity. The vadataj is immune to effects that turn At will: blur, disguise self, hallucinatory terrain (as an action,
undead. changing the terrain to look underwater), invisibility,
Unusual Nature. The vadataj doesn’t require air, food, drink, phantom steed (as an action)
or sleep. 3/day: mislead, programmed illusion, seeming
Actions 1/day each: mirage arcane (as an action, changing the terrain
to look underwater)
Multiattack. The vadataj uses Drowning Visions if it can,

Vecna within 120 feet. The target and each creature within 10 feet of
it must succeed on a DC 26 Charisma saving throw or take
Medium Undead (Wizard), Neutral Evil
58 (4d8 + 40) necrotic damage. Constructs and Undead auto-
matically succeed on this saving throw. A creature’s hit point
Armor Class 22 (natural armor) maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic
Hit Points 650 (52d8 +416) damage dealt, and Vecna regains hit points equal to half that
Speed 30 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) amount. This reduction lasts for a creature until it finishes a
short or long rest. A creature dies if its hit point maximum is
reduced to 0, and if it is a Humanoid, it immediately rises as

Walking Statue
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a zombie (see the Monster Manual) under Vecna’s control.
20 (+5) 16 (+3) 26 (+8) 26 (+8) 21 (+5) 24 (+7) Spellcasting. Vecna casts one of the following spells,
requiring no material components and using Intelligence as WATERDEEP: DRAGON HEIST
Saving Throws Con +18, Int +18, Wis +15
the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 26):
At will: animate dead (as an action), detect magic, dispel Scattered throughout Waterdeep are eight enormous
War Priest
Skills Arcana +28, Deception +17, History +18, Insight +15, magic, fly, lightning bolt, mage hand, prestidigitation MONSTERS OF THE MULTIVERSE
statues that can defend the city in times of great peril.
Perception +15 2/day each: dimension door, invisibility, scrying (as an action) Because they are so destructive, the walking statues
Damage Resistances lightning are used only to fend off armies and seemingly insur- War priests worship deities of war and combat. They
1/day each: dominate monster, foresight, globe of invulnerability,
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, plane shift (self only), prismatic wall, wish mountable foes. Each statue once had a name and a plan tactics, lead soldiers into battle, confront enemy
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks unique appearance but in recent years they all have been spellcasters, and tend to casualties. A war priest might
Touch of Vecna. Melee Spell Attack: +18 to hit, reach 5 ft., one command an army or serve as a warlord’s right hand on
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, fright- target. Hit: 21 (6d6) cold damage. If the target has a skeleton, resculpted to look like the archlich Vecna.
ened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious it must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or the battlefield.
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 25 drop to 0 hit points as its bones turn to jelly.
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. Bonus Actions Walking Statue War Priest
Gargantuan Construct, Unaligned Medium Humanoid (Cleric), Any Alignment
Challenge 35 (265,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +10
Aura of the Damned. Vecna activates or deactivates this
aura. While active, flying, spectral entities fill a 30-foot sphere Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Legendary Resistance (5/Day). If Vecna fails a saving throw, centered on Vecna. When a creature that isn’t an Undead Armor Class 18 (plate)
he can choose to succeed instead. enters the affected area for the first time on a turn or starts Hit Points 314 (17d20 + 136) Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36)
Special Equipment. Vecna carries a magic +3 dagger named its turn there, it takes 18 (4d8) necrotic damage. If a creature Speed 60 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Afterthought. In the hands of anyone other than Vecna, takes at least 10 necrotic damage, it must also make a DC 26
Afterthought is a +2 dagger. Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is fright-
The Maimed Lord. If Vecna is reunited with his left eye and ened of Vecna until the start of its next turn. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
left hand his Challenge rating increases to 37 (315,000 XP). Vile Teleport. Vecna teleports, along with any equipment he is 30 (+10) 8 (−1) 27 (+8) 1 (−5) 10 (+0) 1 (−5) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 13 (+1)
He can then take 1 additional legendary action each round wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space he
and he loses the Vecna’s Weakness trait. can see. He can cause each creature of his choice within 15
feet of his destination space to take 10 (3d6) psychic damage. Saving Throws Con +14 Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +7
Turn Immunity. Vecna is immune to effects that turn undead.
If at least one creature takes this damage, Vecna regains 80 Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison, psychic; blud- Skills Intimidation +5, Religion +4
Undying. If Vecna is slain, his soul refuses to accept its fate hit points. geoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks not
and lives on as a disembodied spirit that fashions a new Senses passive Perception 13
made with adamantine weapons
body for itself after 1d100 years. Vecna’s soul can fashion a Reactions Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Languages any two languages
new body even if its old body was burned to ash or otherwise Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
obliterated. When the new body is complete, Vecna regains Dread Counterspell. Vecna utters a dread word to interrupt paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned
all his hit points and becomes active again. Vecna’s new body a creature he can see that is casting a spell. If the spell is 4th Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 10
level or lower, it fails and has no effect. If the spell is 5th level
appears anywhere within 100 miles of where Vecna was slain.
or higher, Vecna makes an Intelligence check (DC 10 + the
Languages − Actions
Unusual Nature. Vecna doesn’t require air, food, drink, or Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6
sleep. spell’s level). On a success, the spell fails and has no effect. Multiattack. The war priest makes two Maul attacks, and it
Whatever the spell’s level, the caster takes 10 (3d6) psychic uses Holy Fire.
Vecna’s Weakness. Vecna is vulnerable to all damage dealt to damage if the spell fails. Crumbling Colossus. When the statue drops to 0 hit points,
him by the Sword of Kas, or by anyone who has grafted one of Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Fell Rebuke. In response to being hit by an attack, Vecna it crumbles and is destroyed. Any creature on the ground Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (3d6) radiant
Vecna’s body parts. within 30 feet of the crumbling statue must make a DC
utters a fell word, dealing 21 (6d6) necrotic damage to the damage..
X-ray Vision. Vecna’s vision penetrates 1 foot of stone, 1 inch attacker, and Vecna teleports, along with any equipment he is 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) bludgeoning
of common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt. Thicker damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Holy Fire. The war priest targets one creature it can see
wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space he within 60 feet of it. The target must make a DC 15 Wisdom
substances block the vision, as does a thin sheet of lead. can see. successful one.
saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 12 (2d8 +
Immutable Form. The statue is immune to any spell or
Actions Legendary Actions effect that would alter its form.
3) radiant damage, and is blinded until the start of the war
priest’s next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half
Multiattack. Vecna uses Soul-Stealing Gaze, Spellcasting, Vecna can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the Magic Resistance. The statue has advantage on saving as much damage and isn’t blinded.
or Touch of Vecna. He then makes two attacks with options below. Only one legendary action option can be throws against spells and other magical effects.
Afterthought. Spellcasting. The war priest casts one of the following
used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Siege Monster. The statue deals double damage to objects spells, using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save
Afterthought. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., Vecna regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. and structures. DC 15):
one target. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 6) piercing damage plus 18 (4d8) Attack. Vecna makes an attack with Afterthought. At will: light, spare the dying, thaumaturgy
necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it is afflicted by
Chrono Spurt (Costs 2 Actions). Vecna regains the use of a Actions 1/day each: banishment, command, dispel magic, flame strike,
entropic magic, taking 18 (4d8) necrotic damage at the start
of each of its turns. Immediately after taking this damage reaction. Multiattack. The statue makes two Slam attacks. guardian of faith, hold person, lesser restoration, revivify
on its turn, the target can make a DC 22 Constitution saving Disrupt Life (Costs 3 Actions). Each living creature within 20 Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Until it feet of Vecna must make a DC 26 Constitution saving throw target. Hit: 29 (3d12 + 10) bludgeoning damage. Bonus Actions
succeeds on this save, the afflicted target can’t regain hit against this magic, taking 70 (20d6) necrotic damage on a Hurled Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, range Healing Light (Recharge Recharge 4 − 6). The war priest or
points. failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. 200/800 ft., one target. Hit: 43 (6d10+10) bludgeoning one creature of its choice within 60 feet of it regains 12 (2d8
Soul-Stealing Gaze. Vecna targets one creature he can see Rotting Arcana (Costs 2 Actions). Vecna uses Soul-Stealing damage. + 3) hit points.
Gaze, Spellcasting, or Touch of Vecna.

Warlord Xanathar is the latest in a long line of beholder crime
lords who ruled the seedy underbelly of Waterdeep. It,
like its forerunners, was an eye tyrant – a type of beholder
Scattered throughout Waterdeep are eight enormous CALL FROM THE DEEP that willingly chooses to live with and interact with other
statues that can defend the city in times of great peril. creatures. To do this effectively an eye tyrant is required to
Because they are so destructive, the walking statues Weresharks are ruthless in the pursuit of prey. In their rein in the otherwise rampant paranoia that characterizes
are used only to fend off armies and seemingly insur- humanoid form they are aggressive loners, making their beholders.
mountable foes. Each statue once had a name and a homes in sea caves and deserted fishing hamlets. In shark Before Vecna revealed himself he took note of adver-
unique appearance but in recent years they all have been form they act as any shark would, always on the lookout saries that might prove troublesome. Chief amongst these
resculpted to look like the archlich Vecna. for an easy meal. Like a werewolf, a wereshark can wield was Xanathar. More than raw power, Vecna feared knowl-
weapons in its hybrid form, but prefers to tear foes apart edge. And Xanathar had such knowledge in abundance.
with its gaping, many-toothed maw. This was something Vecna could not abide.
Warlord As always, Vecna defeated Xanathar by using its secrets
Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment
against it. Vecnan agents infiltrated the Xanathar Guild,
Wereshark a haven of thieves and slavers led by Xanathar. This
Armor Class 18 (plate) Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger), Chaotic Evil agent kidnapped Xanathar’s beloved pet goldfish, Sylgar.
Hit Points 229 (27d8 + 108) With the loss of his fish, the Xanathar’s paranoia became
Speed 30 ft. Armor Class 11 in humanoid form, 12 (natural armor) in untethered. He tore apart his own organization, accusing
shark or hybrid form everyone close to him of duplicity. Unable to trust anyone
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Xanathar lived in seclusion in the Underdark before even-
Speed 30 ft. (0 ft., swim 40 ft. in shark form) tually settling into his lair beneath Thornhold.
20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
Sylgar was magically preserved within an adamantine
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA sphere, kept alive in the eventuality that Vecna might need
Saving Throws Str +9, Dex +7, Con +8 leverage over Xanathar. The sphere was taken south where
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) it was entrusted to a pit fiend endebted to Vecna. Sylgar
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Perception +5,
Persuasion +8 has traded hands over the years and is most recently in the
Senses passive Perception 15 Skills Perception +4 possession of the Hellrider, Lord Maximus.
Languages any two languages Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 damage from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered Game Statistics
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 14 Xanathar is a beholder that wears magic rings on three
Indomitable (3/Day). The warlord can reroll a saving throw Languages Common (can’t speak in shark form) of its eyestalks. It is attuned to all three rings, which don’t
it fails. It must use the new roll. Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 alter the beholder’s challenge rating. It wears a ring of
Survivor. The warlord regains 10 hit points at the start of its invisibility on its fear ray eyestalk, a ring of mind shielding
turn if it has fewer than half its hit points but at least 1 hit on its sleep ray eyestalk, and a ring of resistance (force) on
Blood Frenzy. The wereshark has advantage on melee attack its slowing ray eyestalk.
point. rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points.
Actions Amphibious (Hybrid Form Only). The wereshark can breathe
air and water.
Multiattack. The warlord makes two Greatsword or Water Breathing (Shark Form Only). The wereshark can
Shortbow attacks. only breathe underwater.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. Actions
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 80/320 ft., Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The were-
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. shark makes one Bite attack and one Shortsword attack
(hybrid form) or two Shortsword attacks (hybrid form).
Legendary Actions
Bite (Shark or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
The warlord can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing
the options below. Only one legendary action option can damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a
be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with were-
turn. The warlord regains spent legendary actions at the shark lycanthropy.
start of its turn. Shortsword (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Melee
Command Ally. The warlord targets one ally it can see Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 +
within 30 feet of it. If the target can see and hear the 4) piercing damage.
warlord, the target can make one weapon attack as a reac-
tion and gains advantage on the attack roll. Bonus Actions
Weapon Attack. The warlord makes a weapon attack. Change Shape. The wereshark transforms into a shark-hu-
Frighten Foe (Costs 2 Actions). The warlord targets one manoid hybrid or into a hunter shark, or back into its true
enemy it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see form, which is humanoid. Its statistics, other than its AC,
and hear it, the target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom are the same in all forms. Any equipment it is wearing or
saving throw or be frightened until the end of the warlord’s carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it
next turn. dies.

A Page from Vecna's Personal Journal ........... 215
Flibber's Contract (Original Infernal) ........... 216
Flibber's Contract (Original Translated)........217
Flibber's Contract (Revised Infernal).............. 218

Yuan-Ti Nightmare Speaker Flibber's Contract (Revised Translated) ......... 219

Trickster God: I'jin ..............................................220
Nightmare speakers are female yuan-ti malison (the type Trickster God: Kubazan ..................................... 221
that has a human head and upper body with a serpentine Trickster God: Moa .............................................222
lower body instead of legs) priests that make a pact with
Dendar the Night Serpent to feed their deity the fears and Trickster God: Nangnang .................................223
nightmares of their victims in exchange for power in the Trickster God: Obo'laka .................................... 224
mortal world. The priestesses receive nightmarish visions
from Dendar, which they interpret as prophecies, and then Trickster God: Papazotl .....................................225
use their magic and influence to make these visions come Trickster God: Shagambi....................................226
Trickster God: Unkh ........................................... 227
The cruelest of all yuan-ti, nightmare speakers revel in
torturing prisoners and slaves, leaving them in a constant Trickster God: Wongo .......................................228
state of fear and dread. They prefer to terrify rather than
kill their opponents.

Yuan-Ti Nightmare Speaker

Medium Monstrosity (Warlock), Typically Neutral Evil
is grappled (escape DC 14) if it is a Large or smaller creature.
Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained. The yuan-ti A Page from
can constrict only one creature at a time.
Scimitar (Yuan-ti Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Vecna's Personal Journal
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13)
Spectral Fangs. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 120 ft.,
Speed 30 ft. one target. Hit: 16 (3d8 + 3) necrotic damage.
Invoke Nightmare (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Intriguing news. . . The balor Tarnhem has impregnated
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The yuan-ti taps into the nightmares of a creature it can see
within 60 feet of it and creates an illusory, immobile manifes- a common woman of little import. As the spawn of a
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) tation of the creature’s deepest fears, visible only to that crea- balor, the cambion child, Acererak, would make for a
ture. The target must make a DC 13 Intelligence saving throw.
On a failed save, the target takes 22 (4d10) psychic damage promising apprentice. However, he has been abandoned
Saving Throws Wis +3, Cha +5
and is frightened of the manifestation, believing it to be real. by his father, and despite his wolfish heritage is being
Skills Deception +5, Stealth +4 The yuan-ti must concentrate to maintain the illusion (as if
Damage Immunities poison concentrating on a spell), which lasts for up to 1 minute and raised by his mother to believe himself a sheep. The child
Condition Immunities poisoned can’t be harmed. The target can repeat the saving throw at squanders his potential doting on this woman while
the end of each of its turns, ending the illusion on a success,
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11 or taking 11 (2d10) psychic damage on a failure. playing childish games.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic Spellcasting (Yuan-ti Form Only). The yuan-ti casts one of the
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 following spells, requiring no material components and using It should be easy to arrange for his mother’s death.
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13): Revealing her secret, that she has consorted with devils,
Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the yuan-ti’s At will: animal friendship (snakes only), mage hand, message, should be sufficient to rouse a village mob. With his heart
darkvision. prestidigitation
Magic Resistance. The yuan-ti has advantage on saving 3/day: suggestion
hardened by hate and loss, this is certain to turn Acererak
throws against spells and other magical effects. 2/day each: darkness, fear to a darker path. . . One that will ultimately lead him
Actions to me. And soon I, Vecna, will be the child’s mentor and
Bonus Actions
Multiattack. The yuan-ti makes one Constrict attack and one Change Shape. The yuan-ti transforms into a Medium snake
Scimitar attack, or it makes two Spectral Fangs attacks.. or back into its true form. Its statistics are the same in either
Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t trans-
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the target formed. If it dies, it stays in its current form.


Flibber's Contract (Original Infernal) Flibber's Contract (Original Translated)

The recipient(s) agree to kill* and utterly destroy* no less than three demons, one of which must be The recipient(s) agree to kill* and utterly destroy* no less than three demons, one of which must be
a marilith and two of which must be vrocks. This obligation must be completed within no more than a marilith and two of which must be vrocks. This obligation must be completed within no more than
nine days. nine days.
Upon the recipient(s)’s completion of their obligations and their reporting of success, Flibbertiggibet Upon the recipient(s)’s completion of their obligations and their reporting of success, Flibbertiggibet
the Helpful (henceforth referred to as Flibber) is obligated to award the recipient(s) one Infernal the Helpful (henceforth referred to as Flibber) is obligated to award the recipient(s) one Infernal
Boon for each signee as well as a sum total of 1,000 gold pieces. Boon for each signee as well as a sum total of 1,000 gold pieces.
This contract binds Flibber and the recipient(s) into a deal that lasts until both parties, with- This contract binds Flibber and the recipient(s) into a deal that lasts until both parties, without un-
out undue duress, agree to nullify the terms of the contract. Upon completion of the agreed upon due duress, agree to nullify the terms of the contract. Upon completion of the agreed upon obligations,
obligations, the deal is considered complete and concluded. the deal is considered complete and concluded.
When signed by both parties, this contract as a whole remains in effect and can’t be tampered When signed by both parties, this contract as a whole remains in effect and can’t be tampered with
with further by either party, any of their respective representatives, or an unaffiliated party. As such, further by either party, any of their respective representatives, or an unaffiliated party. As such, both
both parties agree to defend the contract’ in a reasonable manner, to the best of their ability. parties agree to defend the contract’ in a reasonable manner, to the best of their ability.
Any violation of this contract on the part of Flibber immediately holds the contract null and Any violation of this contract on the part of Flibber immediately holds the contract null and void, giv-
void, giving the recipient the right to pursue reimbursement of 10,000 gold pieces. Any violation of ing the recipient the right to pursue reimbursement of 10,000 gold pieces. Any violation of this contract
this contract on the part of the recipient immediately grants irrevocable rights over the recipi- on the part of the recipient immediately grants irrevocable rights over the recipient(s)’s soul(s) to the
ent(s)’s soul(s) to the Nine Hells upon their death, to be managed by Flibber or another Infernal Nine Hells upon their death, to be managed by Flibber or another Infernal representative as they see
representative as they see fit. fit.
The contract is completed when both parties have fulfilled their obligations as described herein. The contract is completed when both parties have fulfilled their obligations as described herein. If
If the recipient(s) fail to fulfill their obligations within nine days, they are considered to have the recipient(s) fail to fulfill their obligations within nine days, they are considered to have violated the
violated the terms of the contract. terms of the contract.
*to be considered killed and utterly destroyed, a demon must be destroyed in the bowels of the Abyss, *to be considered killed and utterly destroyed, a demon must be destroyed in the bowels of the Abyss,
as its essence is otherwise simply reborn there. As such, destroying a demon on a plane other than the as its essence is otherwise simply reborn there. As such, destroying a demon on a plane other than the
Abyss is simply considered relocating it, and doesn’t meet the standard required by this contract. Abyss is simply considered relocating it, and doesn’t meet the standard required by this contract.

Recipient(s)’s signature(s)
Flibbertiggibet’s signature Recipient(s)’s signature(s)
Flibbertiggibet’s signature


Flibber's Contract (Revised Infernal) Flibber's Contract (Revised Translated)

The recipient(s) agree to relocate* no less than three demons, one of which must be a marilith and The recipient(s) agree to relocate* no less than three demons, one of which must be a marilith and
two of which must be vrocks, back to the bowels of the Abyss that spawned them. This obligation two of which must be vrocks, back to the bowels of the Abyss that spawned them. This obligation
must be completed within no more than nine days. must be completed within no more than nine days.
Upon the recipient(s)’s completion of their obligations and their reporting of success, Flibbertiggibet Upon the recipient(s)’s completion of their obligations and their reporting of success, Flibbertiggibet
the Helpful (henceforth referred to as Flibber) is obligated to award the recipient(s) a sum total of the Helpful (henceforth referred to as Flibber) is obligated to award the recipient(s) a sum total of
1,000 gold pieces. 1,000 gold pieces.
This contract binds Flibber and the recipient(s) into a deal that lasts until both parties, with- This contract binds Flibber and the recipient(s) into a deal that lasts until both parties, without un-
out undue duress, agree to nullify the terms of the contract. Upon completion of the agreed upon due duress, agree to nullify the terms of the contract. Upon completion of the agreed upon obligations,
obligations, the deal is considered complete and concluded. the deal is considered complete and concluded.
When signed by both parties, this contract as a whole remains in effect and can’t be tampered When signed by both parties, this contract as a whole remains in effect and can’t be tampered with
with further by either party, any of their respective representatives, or an unaffiliated party. As such, further by either party, any of their respective representatives, or an unaffiliated party. As such, both
both parties agree to defend the contract’ in a reasonable manner, to the best of their ability. parties agree to defend the contract’ in a reasonable manner, to the best of their ability.
Any violation of this contract on the part of Flibber immediately holds the contract null and Any violation of this contract on the part of Flibber immediately holds the contract null and void, giv-
void, giving the recipient the right to pursue reimbursement of 10,000 gold pieces. Any violation of ing the recipient the right to pursue reimbursement of 10,000 gold pieces. Any violation of this contract
this contract on the part of the recipient immediately grants irrevocable rights over the recipi- on the part of the recipient immediately grants irrevocable rights over the recipient(s)’s soul(s) to the
ent(s)’s soul(s) to the Nine Hells upon their death, to be managed by Flibber or another Infernal Nine Hells upon their death, to be managed by Flibber or another Infernal representative as they see
representative as they see fit. fit.
The contract is completed when both parties have fulfilled their obligations as described herein. The contract is completed when both parties have fulfilled their obligations as described herein. If
If the recipient(s) fail to fulfill their obligations within nine days, they are considered to have the recipient(s) fail to fulfill their obligations within nine days, they are considered to have violated the
violated the terms of the contract. terms of the contract.
*to be considered relocated, a demon must be destroyed on a plane other than the Abyss, thus causing *to be considered relocated, a demon must be destroyed on a plane other than the Abyss, thus caus-
it to be reborn there. ing it to be reborn there.

Recipient(s)’s signature(s)
Flibbertiggibet’s signature Recipient(s)’s signature(s)
Flibbertiggibet’s signature


Trickster God: I'jin Trickster God: Kubazan
Kubazan is wild and spirited and not afraid to take great
I’jin is fickle and unpredictable and never sticks to a risks. The trickster spirit takes the form of a froghemoth.
plan. The trickster spirit takes the form of an almiraj. An A froghemoth is an amphibious predator as big as an
almiraj is a large, timid rabbit with a 1-foot-long spiral elephant. It lairs in swamps and has four tentacles, a thick
horn emerging from its forehead, not unlike the horn of a rubbery hide, a fang-filled maw with a prehensile tongue,
unicorn. and an extendable stalk sporting three bulbous eyes that
face in different directions.
Small Beast (Avatar), Chaotic Neutral
Kubazan Actions
Huge Monstrosity (Avatar), Chaotic Good
Armor Class 13 Multiattack. Kubazan makes two attacks with his tentacles.
Hit Points 3 (1d6) He can also use his tongue or bite.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 20 ft., one
Speed 50 ft.
Hit Points 184 (16d12 + 80) target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage, and the target
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. is grappled (escape DC 16) if it is a Huge or smaller creature.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Until the grapple ends, Kubazan can’t use this tentacle on
2 (−4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 2 (−4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) another target. Kubazan has four tentacles.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
23 (+6) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 2 (−4) 12 (+1) 5 (−3) Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) piercing damage, and the target is swal-
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5 lowed if it is a Medium or smaller creature. A swallowed
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 14 creature is blinded and restrained, has total cover against
Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +5 attacks and other effects outside Kubazan, and takes 10 (3d6)
Languages –
Skills Perception +9, Stealth +5 acid damage at the start of each of Kubazan’s turns.
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Damage Resistances fire, lightning Kubazan’s gullet can hold up to two creatures at a time. If
Kubazan takes 20 damage or more on a single turn from a
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19 creature inside it, he must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution
Keen Senses. I’jin has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on hearing or sight. Languages – saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swal-
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 lowed creatures, each of which falls prone in a space with
Actions 10 feet of Kubazan. If Kubazan dies, a swallowed creature is
no longer restrained by him and can escape from the corpse
Horn. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Amphibious. Kubazan can breathe air and water. using 10 feet of movement, exiting prone.
Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage. Shock Susceptibility. If Kubazan takes lightning damage, it
Missiles of Magic. I’jin shoots two glowing darts of magical suffers several effects until the end of its next turn: its speed Tongue. Kubazan can target one Medium or smaller creature
force from his horn. Each dart hits a creature of his choice is halved, it takes a -2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving that he can see within 20 feet of him. The target must make
that he can see within 30 feet. A dart deals 1d4+1 force throws, it can’t use reactions or Multiattack, and on its turn, a DC 18 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target
damage to the target. The darts all strike simultaneously, it can use either an action or a bonus action, not both. is pulled into an unoccupied space within 5 feet of Kubazan,
and I’jin can direct them to hit separate creatures. and Kubazan can make a bite attack against it as a bonus


Trickster God: Moa
Trickster God: Nangnang
Moa is truthful and kind and must always speak the truth.
The trickster spirit takes the form of a jaculi. A jaculi is a
15-foot-long snake that can alter the color and texture of
its scales to camouflage itself. Altering its appearance to Nangnang is selfish and cruel and will not share with
resemble wood or stone, it coils around pillars and tree others. The trickster spirit takes the form of a red grung.
trunks from which it launches itself like a javelin, striking Grung are aggressive, frog-like humanoids found in rain-
with great force and accuracy. forests and jungles. They are fiercely territorial and see
themselves as superior to most other creatures. Red grung
are the tribe’s scholars and spellcasters.
Large Beast (Avatar), Lawful Good
Nangnang otherwise comes into direct contact with her skin must
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Small Humanoid (Avatar), Neutral Evil
poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned creature no longer in
Hit Points 16 (3d10) direct contact with Nangnang can repeat the saving throw at
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft. Armor Class 13 (16 with barkskin) the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
Hit Points 27 (5d6 + 10) success.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Speed 25 ft., climb 25 ft. Spellcasting. Nangnang is a 9th-level spellcaster. Her spell-
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 2 (−4) 8 (−1) 3 (−4) casting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with
spell attacks). She knows the following spells:
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, jump
Skills Athletics +4, Perception +1, Stealth +4 7 (−2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)
2nd level (3 slots): barkskin, spike growth
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 11 3rd level (2 slots): plant growth
Languages – Saving Throws Dex +5 Standing Leap. Nangnang’s long jump is up to 25 feet and
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Skills Athletics +2, Perception +4, Stealth +5, Survival +4 her high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start
Damage Immunities poison
Camouflage. Moa has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) Condition Immunities poisoned
checks made to hide. Senses passive Perception 14 Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)
Keen Smell. Moa has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) Languages Grung piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12
checks that rely on smell. Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (2d4) poison damage.
Actions Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft.,
Amphibious. Nangnang can breathe air and water. one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 5
Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage. Poisonous Skin. Any creature that grapples Nangnang or
(2d4) poison damage.
Spring. Moa springs up to 30 feet in a straight line and
makes a bite attack against a target within his reach. This
attack has advantage if Moa springs at least 10 feet. If the
attack hits, the bite deals an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage.


Trickster God: Obo'laka
Obo’laka is nervous, obsessive, and a slave to routine. The
trickster spirit takes the form of a zorbo. A zorbo is a fero-
cious omnivore similar in size and appearance to a koala.
Living in trees and caves, it has long claws, a dour dispo-
sition, and a fondness for humanoid flesh. A zorbo alters
its natural armor to match its surroundings, and it can
Trickster God: Papazotl
weaken and destroy armor, shields, and protective magic Papazotl is shrewd and cunning and bows before no one,
items with its sharp claws. expecting others to bow to his commands. The trickster
spirit takes the form of an eblis. An eblis is an intelligent,
evil crane that looms 8 feet tall and lays eggs as mundane
Obo'laka birds do. They can manipulate objects with their beaks and
Small Monstrosity (Avatar), Lawful Neutral feet.

Armor Class 10 (see Natural Armor feature)

Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6) Papazotl
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Large Monstrosity (Avatar), Neutral Evil


13 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 3 (−4) 12 (+1) 7 (−2) Hit Points 26 (4d10 + 4)
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft.

Skills Athletics +3 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Senses passive Perception 11
11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
Languages –
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Skills Perception +4
Senses passive Perception 14
Magic Resistance. Obo’laka has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects. Languages Auran, Common
Natural Armor. Obo’laka magically absorbs the natural Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
strength of its surroundings, adjusting her Armor Class
based on the material it is standing or climbing on: AC Innate Spellcasting. Papazotl’s innate spellcasting ability
15 for wood or bone, AC 17 for earth or stone, or AC 19 is Intelligence (spell save DC 11). He can innately cast the
for metal. If Obo’laka isn’t in contact with any of these following spells, requiring no material components:
substances, her AC is 10.
1/day each: blur, hypnotic pattern, minor illusion
Destructive Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) slashing damage, and if Multiattack. Papazotl attacks twice with his beak.
the target is a creature wearing armor, carrying a shield, Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
or in possession of a magic item that improves its AC, it Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
one such item worn or carried by the creature (the target’s
choice) magically deteriorates, taking permanent and cumu-
lative -1 penalty to the AC it offers, and Obo’laka gains a +1
bonus to AC until the start of its next turn. Armor reduced
to an AC of 10 or a shield or magic item that drops to 0 AC
increase is destroyed.


Trickster God: Unkh
Unkh is self-absorbed and indecisive. The trickster spirit
takes the form of a flail snail. A flail snail is a creature
of elemental earth that is prized for its multihued shell.
Trickster God: Shagambi Hunters might be lulled into a false sense of confidence
upon sighting this ponderous, seemingly nonhostile
creature. If any other creature large enough to be a threat
Shagambi is wise and virtuous and never shows mercy to approaches too close, though, the snail unleashes a flash
evildoers. The trickster spirit takes the form of a kamadan. of scintillating light and then attacks with its mace-like
A kamadan is a feline predator that resembles a leopard tentacles.
with six snakes sprouting from its shoulders. Although it
bears a passing resemblance to a displacer beast, the two
creatures are unrelated. Unkh 3 - 4. No additional effect.
Large Elemental (Avatar), Neutral 5 - 6. Unkh’s shell converts some of the spell’s energy into
a burst of destructive force. Each creature within 30 feet of
Unkh must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking
Shagambi be knocked prone. If the target is knocked prone, Shagambi
can make two attacks – one with her bite and one with her
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
1d6 force damage per level of the spell on a failed save, or
Large Monstrosity (Avatar), Neutral Good Hit Points 52 (5d10 + 25) half as much damage on a successful one.
snakes – against it as a bonus action.
Speed 10 ft. Flail Tentacles. Unkh has five flail tentacles. Whenever Unkh
Armor Class 13 Actions takes 10 damage or more on a single turn, one of its tentacles
Hit Points 67 (9d10 + 18) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA dies. If even one tentacle remains, Unkh regrows all dead
Multiattack. Shagambi makes two attacks: one with her bite ones within 1d4 days. If all her tentacles die, Unkh retracts
Speed 30 ft.ft. or claw and one with her snakes. 17 (+3) 5 (−3) 20 (+5) 3 (−4) 10 (+2) 5 (−3) into her shell, gaining total cover, and she begins wailing, a
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. sound that can be heard for 600 feet, stopping only when she
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. dies 5d6 minutes later. Healing magic that restores limbs,
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 3 (−4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) Damage Immunities fire, poison such as the regenerate spell, can halt this dying process.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage. Condition Immunities poisoned
Snakes. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., passive Actions
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +7 Perception 10 Multiattack. Unkh makes as many Flail Tentacle attacks as
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must
Senses passive Perception 14 make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) Languages – she has flail tentacles, all against the same target.
Languages – poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Flail Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 a successful one. one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Sleep Breath (Recharges after a Short of Long Rest). Antimagic Shell. Unkh has advantage on saving throws Scintillating Shell (Recharges after a Short of Long Rest).
Keen Smell. Shagambi has advantage on Wisdom Shagambi exhales sleep gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature against spells, and any creature making a spell attack against Unkh’s shell emits dazzling, colored light until the end of her
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. in that area must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving Unkh has disadvantage on the attack roll. If Unkh succeeds next turn. During this time, the shell sheds bright light in a
throw or fall unconscious for 10 minutes. This effect ends for on her saving throw against a spell or a spell attack misses 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet, and
Pounce. If Shagambi moves at least 20 feet straight toward a a creature if it takes damage or someone uses an action to creatures that can see Unkh have disadvantage on attack
creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, her, an additional effect might occur, as determined by rolling
wake it. a d6: rolls against her. In addition, any creature within the fight
that target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or light and able to see Unkh when this power is activated must
1 - 2. If the spell affects an area or has multiple targets, it
fails and has no effect. If the spell targets only Unkh, it has succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until
no effect on her and is reflected back at the caster, using the light ends.
the spell slot level, spell save DC, attack bonus, and spell- Shell Defense. Unkh withdraws into her shell, gaining a +4
casting ability of the caster. bonus to AC until she emerges. She can emerge from her
shell as a bonus action on her turn.


Magic Items
Trickster God: Wongo Black Dragon Mask ............................................230
Cloak of Lesser Invisibility................................230
Wongo is violent and deranged, acting without concern
for the well-being of others. The trickster spirit takes the
Gurt’s Greataxe ...................................................230
form of a su-monster. Su-monsters are cunning, wicked Hazirawn ..............................................................230
primates that inhabit forsaken wilderness areas and caves. Knave’s Eyepatch ..................................................230
Adults stand 5 feet tall and have long prehensile tails.
Although they can grasp tools and weapons with their tails Lesser Known Vecnan Relics ............................. 231
or clawed feet, su-monsters prefer to rend prey with their First Digit of Vecna .................................................. 231
claws. Adult su-monsters can also project blasts of psionic Foot of Vecna ............................................................ 231
energy that leave enemies stunned and unable to flee or
defend themselves. Incisors of Vecna ...................................................... 231
Molar of Vecna .........................................................232
Right Eye of Vecna ....................................................232
Wongo Scalp of Vecna ...........................................................232
Medium Monstrosity (Avatar), Chaotic Evil
Second Digit of Vecna..............................................232
Armor Class 12
Skin of Vecna .............................................................233
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) Third Digit of Vecna .................................................233
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Navigation Orb ................................................... 233
Pipe of Smoke Monsters .................................... 233
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Ring of Truth-Telling ........................................ 233
14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 9 (−1) 13 (+1) 9 (−1)
Staff of the Forgotten One ............................. 234
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages –
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Multiattack. Wongo makes two attacks: one with his bite
and one with his claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage, or 12 (4d4 +2)
slashing damage if Wongo is hanging by his tail and all four
of his limbs are free.
Psychic Crush (Recharge 5 -- 6). Wongo targets one creature
he can see within 30 feet of him. The target must succeed
on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or take 17 (5d6) psychic
damage and be stunned for 1 minute. The stunned target
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on itself on a success.


his service to Waterdeep. Uthgardt barbarians recog-
Black Dragon Mask
Wondrous item, legendary, requires attunement nize the weapon on sight and attack any giant that
Lesser Known Vecnan Relics Foot of Vecna
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
The following is adapted from Die Vecna Die!:
This horned mask of glossy ebony has horns and a wields it. The foot of Vecna is from Vecna’s original body.
skull-like mien. The mask reshapes to fit a wearer “The notoriety of the Hand and Eye of Vecna Hard and blackened, the left foot is also attached to
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls extends across many lands and worlds. Other lesser
attuned to it. While you are wearing the mask and made with this magic weapon. It is sized for a giant, an attenuated ankle and lower calf – jagged, black-
attuned to it, you can access the following properties. relics of Vecna also survive but have garnered little ened bones protrude from the end. Once in place,
weighs 325 pounds, and deals 3d12 slashing damage distinction. These lesser relics are activated like
Damage Absorption. You have damage resistance on a hit, plus an extra 2d12 slashing damage if the it functions as a normal foot, although a recipient
the Hand and Eye. If placed in a position of corre- walks with a strange hitch to their stride.
to acid. If you already have damage resistance to target is human. sponding anatomy on a living body, the lesser relic
acid from another source, you gain immunity to acid The axe sheds light as a torch when the tempera- grafts itself into position and takes on the normal Random Properties. The foot has the following
damage. If you already have immunity to acid damage ture around it drops below 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The functions of the missing body part, despite appearing randomly determined properties determined from
from another source, you regain hit points equal to light can’t be shut off in these conditions. mummified and dead. the Artifact Properties Table in chapter 7 of the
half of any acid damage you are dealt. Dungeon Master’s Guide:
As an action, you can cast a version of the heat Each lesser relic grants protections should they
Draconic Majesty. While you are wearing no metal spell (save DC 13) that deals cold damage • 1 minor beneficial property
ever come upon Vecna. Those with relic grafts have
armor, you can add your Charisma bonus to your instead of fire damage. Once this power is used, it +3 Armor Class and saving throws against any spell • 1 major beneficial property
Armor Class. can’t be used again until the next dawn. cast by Vecna. They also have resistance to any • 1 minor detrimental property
Dragon Breath. If you have a breath weapon that damage inflicted by Vecna and their attacks inflict Spells. The foot has 7 charges. You can use an
requires rest to recharge, it gains a recharge of 6. Hazirawn
Weapon (greatsword), legendary, requires attunement double damage to Vecna. Finally, each possessor is action and expend 1 or more of its charges to cast
Dragon Sight. You gain darkvision with a radius of A sentient (Neutral Evil) greatsword, Hazirawn is invisible to any attempts by Vecna to scry them in any one of the following spells: freedom of movement
60 feet, or an additional 60 feet of darkvision if you capable of speech in Common and Netherese. Even manner. “ (4 charges), jump (1 charge), levitation (2 charges),
spider climb (2 charges), water walk (3 charges).
already have that sense. Once per day, you can gain if you aren’t attuned to the sword, you gain a +1 First Digit of Vecna You can use a bonus action and expend 1 charge to
blindsight out to a range of 30 feet for 5 minutes. bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls made with Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
this weapon. If you are attuned to Hazirawn, you deal The first digit of Vecna is a mummified thumb from cast feather fall. The foot regains 1d4 + 3 expended
Dragon Tongue. You can speak and understand charges daily at dawn.
an extra 1d6 necrotic damage when you hit with the Vecna’s original right hand, complete with a black-
Draconic. You also have advantage on any Charisma
weapon. ened, clawlike nail. Once in place, it functions as a Destroying the Foot. Any single source of damage
check you make against black dragons.
normal thumb on the recipient’s right hand, if a bit that equals or exceeds 33 hit points of damage
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If you fail a saving Increased Potency. While you are attuned to this
overlarge and ugly. destroys the foot. In addition, someone using the
throw, you can choose to succeed instead. weapon, its bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls
increases to +2, and a hit deals an extra 2d6 necrotic Random Properties. The thumb has the molar of Vecna can destroy the foot.
Water Breathing. You can breathe underwater.
damage (instead of 1d6). following randomly determined properties deter- Incisors of Vecna
mined from the Artifact Properties Table in chapter Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
Cloak of Lesser Invisibility
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Spells. Hazirawn has 4 charges to cast spells.
7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide: The incisors of Vecna are from Vecna’s original
As long as the sword is attuned to you and you are body. Hard and blackened, the teeth have excep-
While wearing this cloak, you can pull its hood over holding it in your hand, you can cast detect magic • 1 minor beneficial property
your head to cause yourself to become invisible. • 1 major beneficial property tionally long roots, and they come to natural
(1 charge), detect evil and good (1 charge), or razor-sharp points. Once in place, they function
While you are invisible, anything you are carrying detect thoughts (2 charges). Each night at midnight, • 1 minor detrimental property
or wearing is invisible with you. You become visible are normal teeth, although a recipient who doesn’t
Hazirawn regains 1d4 expended charges. Command Fates. The thumb has 4 charges, and want to reveal their presence must always make a
when you cease wearing the hood. Pulling the hood
Wounding. While you are attuned to the weapon, expended charges replenish daily at dawn. You can conscious effort not to reveal the vampirelike fangs.
up or down requires an action.
any creature that you hit with Hazirawn can’t regain use an action and expend 1 charge to give either a
Deduct the time you are invisible, in increments of thumbs-up or thumbs-down to a targeted creature. Random Properties. The incisors have the
hit points for 1 minute. The target can make a DC following randomly determined properties deter-
1 minute, from the cloak’s maximum duration of 1 15 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its If you give a thumbs-up, then the creature is healed
hour. For every uninterrupted period of 12 hours the for 3d6 hit points and receives the benefit of the mined from the Artifact Properties Table in chapter
turns, ending this effect early on a success. 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide:
cloak goes unused, it regains 30 minutes of duration. bless spell for one hour. If you give a thumbs-down,
The invisibility ends if you attack or cast a spell, and Knave’s Eyepatch
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma • 1 minor beneficial property
the cloak cannot be used again for another 12 hours. saving throw or take 3d6 necrotic damage and be • 1 major beneficial property
While wearing this eye patch, you gain these benefits: • 1 minor detrimental property
inflicted by the bane spell for one hour.
Gurt’s Greataxe • You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) Prey on the Living. As an action you may turn
Weapon (greataxe), legendary (requires attunement) Destroying the First Digit. Any single source
checks that rely on sight. yourself into a vampire, as per the shapechange
In the Year of the Icy Axe (123 DR), the frost giant of damage that equals or exceeds 33 hit points of
lord Gurt fell to Uthgar Gardolfsson – leader of the • If you have the Sunlight Sensitivity trait, you are damage destroys the thumb. In addition, someone spell, for one hour. This effect cannot be ended
folk who would become the Uthgardt barbarians – in unaffected by the trait. using the molar of Vecna can destroy the thumb. voluntarily. The incisors can’t be used again this
a battle that marked the ascendance of humankind • You are immune to magic that allows other crea- way until the next dawn.
over the giants in the Dessarin Valley. Gurt’s greataxe tures to read your thoughts or determine whether
Destroying the Incisors. Any single source of
was buried in Morgur’s Mound until it was unearthed you are lying. Creatures can communicate telepathi-
damage that equals or exceeds 33 hit points of
and brought back to Waterdeep. After laying in cally with you only if you allow it.
damage destroys the incisors. In addition, someone
the city’s vaults for decades, the axe was given to using the molar of Vecna can destroy the incisors.
Harshnag, a frost giant adventurer, in recognition of


Molar of Vecna Scalp of Vecna Skin of Vecna rots into uselessness seconds after impact. You
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement) Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement) Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement) cannot use it as a weapon until it regrows at the
The molar of Vecna is a petrified tooth from Vecna’s A mummified flap of scalp and hair. The hair is The skin of Vecna is from Vecna’s original body, and next dawn.
original body. Hard and blackened, the tooth white but sparse, attaining a length of 3 inches. it once covered the left half of his face, neck, and Destroying the Third Digit. Any single source
appears flat and unexceptional. Once in place, you Once in place, it appears as a white streak in the upper chest. Tough and leathery, it is still flexible of damage that equals or exceeds 33 hit points of
have resistance to poison damage and immunity to recipient’s normal hair, if any. enough to be unrolled. Once in place, it functions damage destroys the middle finger. In addition,
the poisoned condition. Random Properties. The scalp has the following as a normal skin; however, the left side of the recip- someone using the molar of Vecna can destroy the
Random Properties. The molar has the following randomly determined properties determined from ient’s face, neck, and upper torso obviously doesn’t middle finger.
randomly determined properties determined from the Artifact Properties Table in chapter 7 of the match the skin on the right side, what with its
the Artifact Properties Table in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide: darkly scabrous color and texture. You have resis- Navigation Orb
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
Dungeon Master’s Guide: tance to cold and fire damage.
• 1 minor beneficial property A navigation orb is a hollow, 7-foot-diameter sphere
• 1 minor beneficial property • 1 major beneficial property Random Properties. The skin has the following of thin, polished mithral with a large skye (cloud)
• 1 major beneficial property • 1 minor detrimental property randomly determined properties determined from rune embossed on its outer surface. The orb levitates
• 1 minor detrimental property the Artifact Properties Table in chapter 7 of the 10 feet above the ground and is keyed to a particular
Command Hair. As a bonus action, you can
Dungeon Master’s Guide: cloud castle, allowing you to control the castle’s alti-
Consume Magic. As an action, you can bite animate your hair, causing it to grow up to 30 feet
into any magical item that you are holding. If the in length, move up to 20 feet and entangle a Large • 1 minor beneficial property tude and movement while the orb is inside the castle.
magical item is common, uncommon, rare, or very or smaller creature that you can see. The target • 1 major beneficial property If the orb is destroyed or removed from its castle, the
rare, then you destroy the magic item and gain 2d8 must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw • 1 minor detrimental property castle’s altitude and location remain fixed until the
temporary hit points. or become grappled by the hair (escape DC 15). Spells. The skin has 7 charges. You can use an orb is returned or replaced.
Destroying the Molar. Any single source of Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained. You action and expend 1 or more of its charges to cast As an action, if you are touching the orb, you can
damage that equals or exceeds 33 hit points of can use a bonus action to release the target, which one of the following spells upon yourself: mirror cause one of the following effects to occur:
damage destroys the molar. is also freed if you die or become incapacitated. A image (2 charges), polymorph (4 charges), protec- • The castle moves at a speed of 1 mph in a straight
tendril of hair has AC 20, 20 hit points, and lasts tion from energy (3 charges), stoneskin (4 charges). line in a direction of your choice until the castle
Right Eye of Vecna for up to one minute. The scalp can’t be used this The skin regains 1d4 + 3 expended charges daily at stops or is made to stop, or until another action is
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
The right eye of Vecna is a mummified eyeball from way again until the next dawn. dawn. used to change its direction. If this movement brings
Vecna’s original right eye socket. The eye resembles Destroying the Scalp. Any single source of Destroying the Skin. Any single source of the castle into contact with the ground, the castle
nothing so much as an albino prune, wrinkled and damage that equals or exceeds 33 hit points of damage that equals or exceeds 33 hit points of lands gently.
leathery. Once in place, it functions as a normal eye damage destroys the scalp. In addition, someone damage destroys the skin. In addition, someone • The castle, if it is moving, comes to a gradual stop.
in the recipient’s right eye socket, though it appears using the molar of Vecna can destroy the scalp. using the molar of Vecna can destroy the skin. • The castle makes a slow, 90-degree-turn clockwise
hazed and milky as if blind. Second Digit of Vecna Third Digit of Vecna or counterclockwise (turning a northerly view into
Random Properties. The eye has the following Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement) Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement) a westerly view, for example). The castle can turn
randomly determined properties determined from A mummified index finger from Vecna’s original The third digit of Vecna is a mummified medial while it is moving in a straight line.
the Artifact Properties Table in chapter 7 of the right hand, complete with a blackened, clawlike finger from Vecna’s original right hand. The nail is Any creature touching the orb knows the altitude
Dungeon Master’s Guide: nail. Once in place, it functions as a normal fore- especially long, and it almost resembles the blade of the base of the castle above the ground or water
finger on the recipient’s right hand. of a small dagger. Once in place, it functions as a below it.
• 1 minor beneficial property
Random Properties. The forefinger has the normal middle finger on the recipient’s right hand,
• 1 major beneficial property
• 1 minor detrimental property following randomly determined properties deter- if a bit clumsy due to the long nail. Pipe of Smoke Monsters
Wondrous item, common
mined from the Artifact Properties Table in chapter Random Properties. The middle finger has the
Darkening. You can use an action to stare at a While smoking this pipe, you can use an action
7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide: following randomly determined properties deter-
creature within 60 feet. If you do so, the creature to exhale a puff of smoke that takes the form of a
• 1 minor beneficial property mined from the Artifact Properties Table in chapter
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving single creature, such as a dragon, a flumph, or a
• 1 major beneficial property 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide:
throw or become afflicted with the blinded condi- froghemoth. Regardless of the creature’s natural size,
tion for one day. The eye can’t be used again this • 1 minor detrimental property • 1 minor beneficial property the summoned creature will be small enough to fit in
way until the next dawn. Domination. You can use an action to point at a • 1 major beneficial property a 1-foot cube and loses its shape after a few seconds,
target humanoid within 60 feet, palm up, and then • 1 minor detrimental property becoming an ordinary puff of smoke.
Destroying the Right Eye. Any single source
crook your finger in a beckoning gesture. If you Magic Weapon. The third digit of Vecna is a
of damage that equals or exceeds 33 hit points
of damage destroys the forefinger. In addition, do so, the humanoid must succeed on a DC 15 magic weapon that is equivalent to a dagger of Ring of Truth-Telling
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
someone using the molar of Vecna can destroy the Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the domi- venom. While wearing this ring, you have advantage on
eye. nate person spell. The finger can’t be used again Slay the Living. You can use an attack action to Wisdom (Insight) checks to determine whether
this way until the next dawn. shoot this nail at any a non-undead creature within someone is lying to you.
Destroying the Second Digit. Any single source 30 feet. The nail functions as an arrow of slaying
of damage that equals or exceeds 33 hit points that requires a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
of damage destroys the forefinger. In addition, for a chosen type of creature. The nail immediately
someone using the molar of Vecna can destroy it.


protects Acererak from this spirit’s vengeance. Each
Staff of the Forgotten One
Staff, artifact (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) time a creature other than Acererak expends any of
This crooked staff is carved from bone and topped the staff’s charges, there is a 50 percent chance that
with the skull of a forgotten archmage whom
Acererak destroyed long ago. Etched into the skull’s
the life force tries to possess the staff wielder. The
wielder must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving Vehicles
forehead is Acererak’s rune, which is known on many throw or be possessed, becoming an NPC under the
worlds as a sign of death. DM’s control. If the intruding life force is targeted by Archon's Ride ......................................................236
Beneficial Properties. While the staff is on your magic such as a dispel evil and good spell, it becomes Redeemer ............................................................... 237
person, you gain the following benefits: trapped in the staff once more. Once it takes control
of another creature, the insane spirit of the dead
Scarlet Marpenoth............................................. 237
• Your proficiency bonus to Intelligence (Arcana) and
archmage attempts to destroy the staff.
Intelligence (History) checks is doubled.
• You can’t be blinded, charmed, deafened, fright- Destroying the Staff. A creature in possession of
the staff can use an action to break it over one knee nfernal war machines are vehicles built
ened, petrified, or stunned.
or a solid surface. The staff is destroyed and releases in the Nine Hells and typically fueled
• Undead with a challenge rating of 2 or lower will by the souls of the damned. Smaller
its remaining magic in an explosion that expands
neither threaten nor attack you unless you harm war machines carry raiding parties or
to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on it. Each
them. scouts. Larger, more menacing war
• You can wield the staff as a +3 quarterstaff that
creature in the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity Damage Threshold
saving throw, taking 132 (24d10) force damage on a machines can crush entire hordes of A vehicle with a damage threshold has immunity
deals an extra 10 (3d6) necrotic damage on a hit. demons.
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful to all damage unless it takes an amount of damage
Invoke Curse. The Staff of the Forgotten One has one. When the staff is destroyed, the life force of the equal to or greater than its damage threshold value,
7 charges and regains 1d4 + 3 expended charges
daily at dawn. While holding the staff, you can use
Forgotten One is released to the afterlife. Where it
goes is anyone’s guess. Rules in which case it takes damage as normal.
an action to expend 1 charge and target one crea- Speed
Casting the staff into a sphere of annihilation
ture you can see within 60 of you. The target must Infernal war machines have their own stat blocks A vehicle’s speed represents the distance it can travel
destroys both the staff and the life force trapped
succeed on a Constitution saving throw (using your similar to those for creatures but with the following in 1 round. How much of that speed it travels each
within it. The staff doesn’t explode if destroyed in this
spell save DC) or be cursed. While cursed in this way, considerations. round is determined by its driver.
manner, but its destruction causes the sphere to be
the target can’t regain hit points and has vulnerability Opportunity Attacks
to necrotic damage. A greater restoration, remove
destroyed as well. Creature and Cargo Capacity
War machines are subject to the rule on opportu-
curse, or similar spell ends the curse on the target. Creature capacity describes how many creatures
nity attacks outlined in chapter 9 of the Player’s
can ride the infernal war machine comfortably. More
The Forgotten One. The bodiless life force of a Handbook. When a war machine provokes an oppor-
creatures can fit by squeezing or by clinging to the
dead archmage empowers the staff and is impris- tunity attack, the attacker can target the vehicle or
outside of the vehicle.
oned within it. The rune carved into the staff’s skull any creature riding on or inside it that doesn’t have
Armor Class total cover and is within reach.
Infernal war machines are made of infernal iron Ability Scores
and bristle with spikes, blades, chains, and siege
A war machine has the six ability scores and corre-
weapons. An infernal war machine typically has an
sponding modifiers. Its size and weight determines
Armor Class of 19 + its Dexterity modifier. While the
its Strength. Dexterity represents its handling and
vehicle is not moving, attack rolls made against it
maneuverability. A vehicle’s Constitution reflects its
have advantage.
durability and quality of construction. Infernal war
While the vehicle is not moving, attack rolls made machines usually have a score of 0 in Intelligence,
against it have advantage. Wisdom, and Charisma.
Hit Points If an infernal war machine has a 0 in a score, it
An infernal war machine’s hit points can be restored automatically fails any ability check or saving throw
by making repairs to the vehicle. To repair a vehicle, that uses that score.
the vehicle must be stationary, and the creature doing Soul Fuel
the repairs must have the necessary spare parts.
The engine at the heart of every infernal war machine
After 1 hour of repair work, the creature makes a
has a furnace fueled by soul coins. A soul coin is a
DC 15 Dexterity check, adding its proficiency bonus
large coin minted from infernal iron that carries a
to the check if it is proficient with the tools used
bound soul within it.
to make repairs. If the check succeeds, the vehicle
regains 2d4 + 2 hit points. Demon Ichor Boost
When an infernal war machine drops to 0 hit Pouring a flask of demon ichor into an infernal war
points, it ceases to function and is damaged beyond machine’s furnace increases the vehicle’s speed by 30
repair. feet for 1 minute.
Archon's Ride The Redeemer is a bulky, armored coach that
rumbles loudly as it crushes obstacles and enemies
Archon’s Ride is a two-wheeled infernal war machine
that handles like a motorcycle. It has spiked wheels, in its path with the help of a swinging wrecking ball. Scarlet Marpenoth
a melodious engine, and a cowl shaped vaguely like a Iron jaws are mounted on the front of the vehicle,
grinning angel’s visage, with plumed wings for handle which handles like a garbage truck. The Scarlet Marpenoth is a Lantanese submarine
bars. What the vehicle lacks in weapons, it makes up owned and operated by the drow elf Jarlaxle. It is
crewed by Jarlaxle Baenre (in the guise of Zardoz
Actions Stations and Crew for with speed and maneuverability.
Zord) and two gnomes, Breena and Lorella.
An infernal war machine doesn’t have actions of Redeemer
its own. It relies on crew to occupy stations and
Gargantuan Vehicle (12,000 lb.) Submarine Features
use their actions to operate the vehicle’s various Archon's Ride The Scarlet Marpenoth has AC 20, 300 hit points, a
Large vehicle (500 lb.) Creature Capacity 8 Medium creatures
functions. damage threshold of 15, and immunity to poison and
Cargo Capacity 1 ton
A creature can use an action of the station it’s Creature Capacity 1 Medium creature Armor Class 19 psychic damage. The submarine’s structural integrity
occupying. Once a creature uses a station’s action, Cargo Capacity 100 lb. Hit Points 200 (damage threshold 10) fails when the vessel drops to 0 hit points, where-
that action can’t be used again until the start of that Armor Class 23 (19 while motionless) Speed 50 ft. upon it floods and sinks. The submarine is worth
creature’s next turn. Only one creature can occupy Hit Points 30 (damage threshold 5, mishap threshold 10) 15,000 gp intact and requires at least one pilot and
each station. Speed 120 ft. one engineer to operate. It has a maximum speed of
2 miles per hour and can hold up to 10 passengers
A creature not occupying an action station is either 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 0 (−5) 0 (−5) 0 (−5)
plus 2 tons of cargo.
in a passenger seat or clinging to the outside of the
vehicle. It can take actions as normal. 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 0 (−5) 0 (−5) 0 (−5) The submarine has the following general features:
Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic
Helm Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, fright- • Interior spaces are unlit.
The helm of an infernal war machine is a chair with Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic ened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious • All furnishings and features are bolted down.
a wheel, levers, pedals, and other controls. The helm Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, fright- Crushing Wheels. The Redeemer can move through the • Chambers are 8 feet high, with 6-foot-high
ened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious space of any Large or smaller creature. When it does, the
requires a driver to operate. An infernal war machine creature must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or passages and doorways connecting them.
with no driver automatically fails Dexterity saving Flames of Redemption. When a soul coin is fed into the
Redeemer’s furnace, the soul is purified. This purification take 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. • Air magically circulates through a complex ventila-
throws. process provides enough fuel for the Redeemer to operate If the creature was already prone, it takes an extra 22 (4d10) tion system and small metal grills set into the floors.
for one tenday. bludgeoning damage. This trait can’t be used against a
A driver proficient with land vehicles can add their particular creature more than once each turn. Doors are made of steel and have AC 19, 27 hit
proficiency bonus to ability checks and saving throws Jump. If the Archon’s Ride moves at least 30 feet in a
straight line, it can clear a distance of up to 60 feet when Flames of Redemption. When a soul coin is fed into the points, a damage threshold of 10, and immunity to
made using the infernal war machine’s ability scores. jumping over a chasm, ravine, or other gap. Each foot it Redeemer’s furnace, the soul is purified. This purification
process provides enough fuel for the Redeemer to operate poison and psychic damage. A door’s lock can be
Drive. While the infernal war machine’s engine is on, clears on the jump costs a foot of movement. picked by a character who makes a successful DC 18
for one tenday.
the driver can use an action to propel the vehicle Prone Deficiency. If the Archon’s Ride falls prone, it can’t Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. A door can be
right itself and is incapacitated until pulled upright. Magic Weapons. The Redeemer’s weapon attacks are
up to its speed or bring the vehicle to a dead stop. magical. forced open by a character who succeeds on a DC 25
While the vehicle is moving, the driver can steer it Stunt. On its turn, the driver of the Archon’s Ride can
expend 10 feet of movement to perform one free vehicle Action Stations Strength (Athletics) check. Jarlaxle and the gnomes
along any course. stunt such as a wheelie or burnout. Before the stunt can be aboard the Scarlet Marpenoth have keys to all locked
If the driver incapacitated, leaves the helm, or does performed, the Archon’s Ride must move at least 10 feet in Chomper (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). Melee
Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (6d6 doors. All doors are airtight while closed.
nothing to alter the infernal war machine’s course a straight line. If the driver succeeds on a DC 10 Dexterity
check using the bike’s Dexterity, the student is successful. + 4) piercing damage. A target reduced to 0 hit points by I1. Entrance Hatch
and speed, the vehicle moves in the same direction this damage is ground to bits and spit out through pipes
Otherwise, the driver is unable to perform the stunt and
and at the same speed as it did during the driver’s can’t attempt another stunt until the start of its next turn. on both sides of the Redeemer. Any nonmagical items the There is a circular metal hatch in the ceiling here.
last turn until it hits an obstacle big enough to stop If the check fails by 5 or more, the Archon’s Ride and all target was holding or carrying are destroyed as well. The hatch is opened by turning its valve wheel. This
it. creatures riding it immediately fall prone as the bike wipes Wrecking Ball (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). area is magically pressurized to keep water from
out and comes to a dead stop. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit:
Bonus Actions. As a bonus action, the driver can do 40 (8d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. Double the damage if entering the Scarlet Marpenoth if the hatch is opened
one of the following: Action Stations the target is an object or a structure. while underwater.
• Start the infernal war machine’s engine or shut it Helm (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). Drive and Harpoon Flinger, Front (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half
steer the Archon’s Ride. Cover). Ammunition: 10 harpoons. Ranged Weapon Attack: I2. Hatch to Lower Deck
+5 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) piercing A ladder here leads to the submarine’s lower deck.
• Cause the infernal war machine to take the Dash Reaction damage.
The floorplan of the lower deck parallels that of the
or Disengage action while the vehicle’s engine is Juke. If the Archon’s Ride is able to move, the driver can Harpoon Flinger, Hind (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half
Cover). Ammunition: 10 harpoons. Ranged Weapon Attack: upper deck. It contains sleeping quarters for Jarlaxle
running. use its reaction to grant the Archon’s Ride advantage on a
+5 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) piercing and his crew, a dining room and galley, and the
• Insert a soul coin or pour a flask of demon ichor Dexterity saving throw.
damage. submarine’s air system.
into the engine’s furnace.


I3. Engine Room • To port and starboard, 3-foot-high, 2-foot-wide I4. Stateroom Piloting the Scarlet Marpenoth. Lorella and
passageways lead deeper into the machinery. Jarlaxle can pilot the Scarlet Marpenoth without
The door to this area is locked. A plaque on the door Each of these chambers holds a net hammock, a steel
Medium creatures must squeeze to move through needing to make a check. Any other creature must
reads “ENGINE ROOM” in Common and Gnomish. foot locker, a shrine of Lolth, and an experimental
these passages. succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence check to figure out
The room has the following features: diving suit. The diving suits consist of a pressure-re-
Machinery. The engine is a quasi-magical machine the controls. From the control panel, the pilot can
• The engine room is filled with machines that hiss, sistant padded suit made of canvas with iron fittings
that controls the submarine’s propulsion and depth control its speed, direction, and depth, as well as acti-
whir and clatter constantly. A rock gnome named and iron gauntlets. A fishbowl helmet attaches to the
and powers the fins and rudder that control direction. vate its combat system. The combat systems include:
Breena Bafflestone (commoner) monitors the suit’s collar and functions as a cap of water breathing.
A detect magic spell or similar magic reveals an aura Electrify Hull. As an action the pilot can electrify
machinery at all times. Nearby is a copper speaking These rooms are assigned to any characters traveling
of transmutation magic throughout the area. the outer hull for 1 minute, after which the system
tube that enables her to communicate with the within the vessel.
requires 1 hour to recharge. Any creature that
control room command center (area I5). A character who has proficiency with tinker’s I5. Control Room comes into contact with or starts its turn in contact
• Drawers in the walls contain screwdrivers, tools can use the tools to upgrade the machinery, with the outer hull when it’s electrified must make
The control room has two levels, an observation
wrenches, and other tools. increasing the submarine’s speed to 3 miles per hour, a DC 15 Dexterity check, taking 22 (4d10) lightning
deck and command center, with two ladders running
with a successful DC 20 Intelligence check. The damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
between the levels. Two circular soundproof windows
engine can be destroyed. It has AC 16, 50 hit points, on a successful one. A creature wearing metal
are embedded in the port and starboard bulkheads.
and immunity to poison and psychic damage. armor has disadvantage on this saving throw. A
The window panes are made of glassteel, a resilient
metal magically rendered transparent. character who has proficiency with tinker’s tools
Observation Deck. The observation deck is an can use the tools to change the damage type
elevated, 10-foot-high metal platform with a grilled from lightning to cold, with a successful DC 20
floor, supported by two metal columns. Two padded Intelligence check.
swivel chairs are bolted to the deck, which is Depth Charges. The Scarlet Marpenoth carries five
enclosed by a thin steel railing. The height of each depth charges. As an action the pilot may release
chair can be adjusted to accommodate a Small or any number of depth charges within 30 feet of the
Medium creature. Between the two chairs is a bronze submarine. Any creature of size Medium or larger
periscope that can be raised or lowered. The peri- that moves into the same space as the depth charge
scope has a gemstone headlight that provides 120 or an adjacent space triggers an explosion that hits
feet of illumination when extended underwater. all creatures within a 20-foot radius. Each creature
Command Center. The command center is in the area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
manned by Jarlaxle (disguised as Zardoz Zord) and throw, taking 54 (12d8) thunder damage on a failed
a rock gnome pilot named Lorella Middenpump save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
(commoner). Lorella sits in the pilot’s swivel chair, Torpedos. The Scarlet Marpenoth carries five torpe-
which is bolted to the floor and can be lowered or does. As an action the pilot may fire one of these
raised to accommodate a Small or Medium creature. torpedoes at any creature within 120 feet of the
The chair is situated before a panel of dials, levers, submarine. This is a Ranged attack that is +10 to
and buttons. A copper speaking tube enables Lorella hit and inflicts 36 (8d8) thunder damage.
to speak with Breena in the engine room (area I3).


APPENDIX F Rime of the Frostmaiden
J The information from chapter 9 on how to best
gather allies for the fight against Vecna can
be provided by the ally that helped them get
The characters should be 11th level when they finish
Bridging from other Adventures to Ravenloft. Thus, much of chapter 9 can be
Rime of the Frostmaiden. Because of this, it is the
perfect adventure to lead into Rise Of Vecna, and very
Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus ..............240 J Time passes differently in Avernus. Because of J Chapters 10 onwards can play mostly as written, few modifications are necessary.
this, the characters emerge into the fully devel- although you may need to continue to slightly
Curse of Strahd ..................................................240 J Consider having Xanathar transport the charac-
oped Doomed Forgotten Realms. increase the difficulty of some encounters. For
Out of the Abyss .................................................240 ters directly to Ravenloft, essentially skipping
chapters 10 through 13, have the characters
Princes of the Apocalypse ................................. 241 J Skip the trip to Luskan and the Hosttower of the advance one level for every two chapters they
chapter 1.
Arcane (chapter 1). Instead, one of the charac- complete, rather than one level for every chapter J If you do use Luskan, remove the references
Rime of the Frostmaiden ................................... 241 ters’ former allies recruits them to travel directly they complete. to eternal snow and darkness, New Ten
Rise of Tiamat ....................................................... 241 to Ravenloft in search of information on how to Towns, and the optional encounter with the
Storm King's Thunder ........................................ 242
Princes of the Apocalypse
defeat Vecna. duergar. Lorewise, have Gromph Baenre be the
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight ..................... 242 J Shorten the characters’ time in Ravenloft by Overwizard of the North rather than Avarice.
Tomb of Annihilation ........................................ 242 having them recover just two lesser Vecnan relics.
The characters should be 15th level when they finish
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist J The information from chapter 9 on how to best Princes of the Apocalypse. Because of this much Rise of Tiamat
& Dungeon of the Mad Mage ........................... 242 gather allies for the fight against Vecna can of the earlier half of Rise Of Vecna will need to be
be provided by the ally that helped them get skipped and/or have its challenge rating increased. The characters should be 14th or 15th level when
to Ravenloft. Thus, much of chapter 9 can be For simplicity, to raise the challenge rating, increase they finish Rise of Tiamat. Because of this much
omitted. the number of monsters as well as their base statis- of the earlier half of Rise Of Vecna will need to be
tics. Additionally: skipped and/or have its challenge rating increased.
Curse of Strahd J If it is not too late, consider having the Elemental For simplicity, to raise the challenge rating, increase
the number of monsters as well as their base statis-
ALL OF VECNA is an excellent Prince pull the characters into the Elemental
tics. Additionally:
continuation to most Wizard The characters should be 10th level when they finish Planes. Have the characters narratively discuss
of the Coast hardcover adven- Curse of Strahd. Because of this, it is the perfect their time in the Elemental Planes and how they J If it is not too late, consider having Tiamat take
adventure to lead into Rise Of Vecna, and very few escape. When they return, they find that five years the characters with her when she is pulled back
tures. Whereas your characters
modifications are necessary. have passed and that the Realms have changed into Avernus. Have the characters narratively
may have successfully prevented one of the realm’s
much in their absence. discuss their time in Avernus and how they
catastrophes, they could not be everywhere at once, J Have the characters emerge from Ravenloft escape. When they return, they find that five years
and the realm has still been ruined by the machi- directly into the Doomed Forgotten Realms. J Skip the trip to Luskan and the Hosttower of the have passed and that the Realms have changed
nations of Vecna. Fall Of Vecna likely takes place Arcane (chapter 1). Instead, one of the charac-
J Consider having Xanathar select the charac- much in their absence.
years after they completed their last adventure. After ters’ former allies recruits them to travel directly
ters because of their previous experience with
reading or paraphrasing the Rise of Vecna section of to Ravenloft in search of information on how to J Skip the trip to Luskan and the Hosttower of the
the Introduction (making any necessary adjustments) defeat Vecna. Arcane (chapter 1). Instead, one of the charac-
have your players discuss how their characters have ters’ former allies recruits them to travel directly
spent the intervening years. Out of the Abyss J Shorten the characters’ time in Ravenloft by
having them recover just a single lesser Vecnan
to Ravenloft in search of information on how to
Because the Doomed Forgotten Realms occurs in a defeat Vecna.
relic. Advance them one level for escaping
timeline where every hardcover adventure has ended The characters should be 15th level when they finish J Shorten the characters’ time in Ravenloft by
in failure, the impact of any single book is relatively Out of the Abyss. Because of this much of the earlier having them recover just a single lesser Vecnan
minor. As such, adjustments should be minimal. half of Rise Of Vecna will need to be skipped and/or J The information from chapter 9 on how to best relic. Advance them one level for escaping
Suggested adjustments include: have its challenge rating increased. For simplicity, gather allies for the fight against Vecna can
to raise the challenge rating, increase the number of be provided by the ally that helped them get
Baldur's Gate: monsters as well as their base statistics. Additionally: to Ravenloft. Thus, much of chapter 9 can be
J The information from chapter 9 on how to best
gather allies for the fight against Vecna can
Descent into Avernus J Skip the trip to Luskan and the Hosttower of the
Arcane (chapter 1). Instead, one of the charac- J Chapters 10 onwards can play mostly as written,
be provided by the ally that helped them get
to Ravenloft. Thus, much of chapter 9 can be
ters’ former allies recruits them to travel directly although you may need to continue to slightly
The characters should be 13th level when they omitted.
to Ravenloft in search of information on how to increase the difficulty of some encounters. In
finish Descent into Avernus. Because of this some J Chapters 10 onwards can play mostly as written,
defeat Vecna. chapter 10 replace Hellenrae with another NPC
of the earlier chapters of Rise Of Vecna will need to although you may need to continue to slightly
J Shorten the characters’ time in Ravenloft by quest giver such as Mordenkainen (chapter 9).
be skipped, and their challenge rating will need to increase the difficulty of some encounters. In
having them recover just a single lesser Vecnan For chapters 10 through 13, have the characters
be increased. For simplicity, to raise the challenge chapter 12 replace Rezmir with another NPC
relic. Advance them one level for escaping advance one level for every two chapters they
rating, increase the number of monsters as well as quest giver such as Harshnag the Grim (appendix
Ravenloft. complete rather than one level for every chapter
their base statistics. Additionally: A). For chapters 10 through 13, have the charac-
they complete.

ters advance one level for every two chapters they
complete, rather than one level for every chapter
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
they complete. & Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Storm King's Thunder The characters should be 5th level when they finish
Dragon Heist. The characters could be anywhere
The characters should be 10th level when they finish from 5th to 20th level if they played Dungeon of the
Storm King’s Thunder. Because of this, it is the Mad Mage. It is suggested that:
perfect adventure to lead into Rise Of Vecna, and very J If the characters are less than 10th level, have
few modifications are necessary. them advance to 10th level after describing
J Depending on the characters’ actions in Storm how their characters spent the years during
King’s Thunder, it may not make sense for the Vecna’s conquest and the formation of the Doomed
Forgotten Realms.
Vonindod to be assembled. Because of this you
may need to skip chapter 12. Regardless, if the J If the characters are more than 10th level, then
Ordning was preserved, use fire giant statistics you will need to skip or condense chapters as
for fire titans and hill giant statistics for mountain well as increase encounter difficulties. Depending
giants. on what level the characters are, you should be
able to find suitable modifications by looking at
The Wild Beyond the suggestions above.

the Witchlight J Depending on how Dragon Heist unfolded, it may

not make sense for Xanathar to be the char-
acters’ initial patron. In this case replace the
The characters should be 8th level when they finish beholder with another prominent NPC from that
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. Because of this, it is adventure.
the perfect adventure to lead into Rise Of Vecna, and
very few modifications are necessary. J It is unlikely that your characters killed Halaster

Thank you for your support

and are still of a level suitable for this adventure.
J Time passes differently in the Feywild. Because of As such you should be able to play chapter 13 as
this the characters can emerge into a fully devel-
oped version of the Doomed Forgotten Realms.
J Run all of the suggested optional encounters in
Luskan, and consider adding some of your own.
Allow characters to advance to level 9 when they
enter the Hosttower of the Arcane.
J While in Ravenloft, have the characters gather all
of the lesser Vecnan relics.

Tomb of Annihilation
The characters should be 11th level when they finish
Tomb of Annihilation. Because of this, it is the perfect
adventure to lead into Rise Of Vecna, and very few
modifications are necessary.
J Consider having Xanathar transport the charac-
ters directly to Ravenloft, essentially skipping
chapter 1.
J If the characters destroyed the Soulmonger, then
consider skipping chapter 15. Instead Vecna
has embedded his phylactery within the walking
statues of Waterdeep, and once they have been
destroyed, he is fully defeated.


It has been five years since the
Maimed Lord, Vecna, conquered the
Sword Coast. However, as he is soon
to learn, there is a difference between
taking something and holding it. It
is now up to your players to journey
to the Dread Domains of Ravenloft
in search of unexpected allies and
long buried secrets. Then, they will
rally the Realms’ disparate factions
and besiege Waterdeep, the seat of
Vecna’s power. Finally they will stand,
toe-to-toe, in battle with the greatest
lich in all the multiverse. Along the
way, their characters will advance
from 10th to 20th level.

Will your players rise to the challenge

– or will this be yet another failure in a
string of failed campaigns?

There is only one way to find out!

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