Technische Universität Berlin in Other Countries

Offices in other countries

Office in Brussels, Belgium

Technische Universität also operates an office in Brussels to provide its scientists and researchers with a connection to the European Commission and to enable the University to join forces with other institutes to champion the interests of science. The office is located in the European Quarter close to the European Parliament and the European Commission. It can be easily reached within 30 minutes from Brussels airport by public transport. You should disembark at Brussels-Luxembourg station.

TU Berlin Office in Brussels

+32 (0)2 213 4163

Address Rue du Trône 98
B-1050 Brüssel

Office in Cairo/Egypt

The TU Berlin liaison office in Cairo promotes cooperation in science and research with Egypt and the entire MENA region (Middle East and North Africa). It is the first point of contact for students and researchers in the region interested in studying at or working with Technische Universität Berlin.

The liaison office is located in the heart of Cairo on the premises of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), very close to the German embassy and just 45 minutes from Cairo airport.

Address 11 El Saleh Ayoub St.
Zamalek, Cairo

DWIH memberships

São Paulo, Brazil

Based in the heart of Brazil´s commercial capital São Paulo, the German Center for Research & Innovation (DWIH) has been working since 2009 to establish and strengthen cooperative activities between Germany and Brazil in the areas of education, research and commerce. TU Berlin, which is represented in São Paulo by its Alliance partner Freie Universität Berlin, has been an associated supporter of the DWIH since 2018.

The DWIH is located in a business district in south-west São Paulo, very close to the German-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, and can be easily reached by public transport.

New York & San Francisco (USA)

As part of its ongoing internationalization, Technische Universität Berlin wishes to develop a stronger presence in North America and has been an associated member of the German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New York since 2020 and since 2022 in the newly opened DWIH San Francisco. This enables researchers at Technische Universität Berlin to enjoy the important benefits provided by partners from North America and the University to build on its successful cooperation with the DWIH São Paulo.

Both DWIH are in close proximity to many American universities and research institutions and are an ideal starting point to support the scientists of our university in establishing and further developing cooperations. Both DWIH New offer the TU Berlin the opportunity to organize events on site to recruit young people and increase international visibility. Researchers at Technische Universität Berlin can also obtain specific information and advice on cooperation and funding options.


Jan an Haack

Advisor Americas & Egypt, Coordination DWIH, Project Coordinator Online Marketing

[email protected]

+49 (0) 30 314-73872

Organization name International Scientific Cooperation
Office INT WS

Offices in other countries and DWIH memberships

  • Marker  Representation of the Technische Universität Berlin in Brussels
  • Marker  Technische Universität Berlin, Liaison Office Cairo
  • Marker  Technische Universität Berlin, DWIH São Paulo
  • Marker  Technische Universität Berlin, DWIH New York
  • Marker  Technische Universität Berlin, DWIH San Francisco