Lecturer © Felix Noak

How Does Teaching Work at Technische Universität Berlin?

Technische Universität Berlin is a truly open university that offers outstanding academic training in a wide range of subject areas to all young people who are suitably qualified and who share our goals. We offer 120 degree programs enabling our graduates to take on positions of responsibility in a globalized world and to contribute to improved living conditions for all. Our students learn to think both critically and analytically, to question assumptions, and to apply their thinking and action within a greater historical, social, and cultural context. They develop values and convictions that help them make decisions that also affect other people’s lives. Academic teaching at Technische Universität Berlin is inspired by research and knowledge gain.  

All this requires teaching of the highest quality, both in terms of content and how that content is taught as well as implemented and practiced. Technische Universität Berlin offers its professors and teachers many options to discuss their ideas and work with each other as well as continuing education programs and platforms for discussions about teaching methods. The University is committed to strengthening and raising the status of teaching.  It also seeks to provide its students an opportunity to take on the role of teacher and its student-led project labs have long played an important part in this.  The coronavirus pandemic has now shifted the focus onto digital teaching - a development which opens many new doors to change and innovation.

Technische Universität Berlin has been awarded the seal for system accreditation for its degree programs. The Accreditation Committee of the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA) reached its decision in July 2021 on the basis of a vote among its external assessors. Accreditation was awarded unconditionally. This means that the quality management system in teaching and studying is certified for a period of six years, enabling TU Berlin to conduct its own accreditation for degree programs.

The seal is proof that TU Berlin guarantees that qualification goals and quality standards are achieved for its degree programs on the basis of its internal quality assurance system for studying and teaching. This eliminates the need for program accreditations from external agencies for each degree program.

Mastering digital teaching

Alexandra Schulz © Christian Kielmann

Off into the Digital World

The 2020 digital semester caught everyone off guard. Technische Universität Berlin reacted quickly. Technology for digital courses and continuing education courses was made available promptly and efficiently. Dr. Alexandra Schulz helped organize this and reports on her experiences.

Lilli Kiessling © Felix Noak

Different Than Expected

Getting to know fellow students? Attending practical courses? The digital university poses major challenges for everyone, especially first-year students. Three of them talk about the unusual start to their studies and everyday life at university.

Juri Rappsilber © Dominic Simon

“Magic dwells in each beginning”

...and also a lot of effort! Prof. Dr. Juri Rappsilber, Einstein Professor of Bioanalytics, tells of the hardships in the beginning, but also of opportunities for experimental teaching formats through digitalization.

Project laboratories - students design teaching

© Monaco Energy Boat Challenge (MEBC)

The Vision of the WannSea Project Laboratory

From Berlin to the Mediterranean by Boat: TU Berlin students looking to contribute to sustainable shipping and want to take part in the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge (MEBC) in July 2023.

Two male students © Hector Alvarez und Carlo Schmid

Campus E-Moped

The Simson moped can be converted to an electric motor faster than you can build a cabinet. Students in the Second-Hand Mobility project laboratory proved this, making a significant contribution to a more climate-friendly environmental balance sheet for this popular vehicle.

Raising Awareness for Excellent Teaching

© Martin Weinhold/Christian Kielmann

Outstanding Digital Teaching

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vera Meyer and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Utz von Wagner receive the Prize for Outstanding Teaching for their digital courses.

Henning Meyer © privat

There is still much to be done

Technische Universität Berlin’s working group for incentive systems (AG Anreizsysteme) has identified seven areas of action to raise everyday awareness as well as appreciation for teaching at the University.

[Translate to English:] Lara Danyel (l.) und Mona Beyer © DAL Stadt|Land

Prize for Outstanding Teaching

They all come from different disciplines, but have one thing in common: They are all recipients of the Prize for Outstanding Teaching. The prize is awarded by the Society of Friends of TU Berlin to help raise awareness for excellent teaching.