Representatives and Ombudspersons

Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Semitism

Anti-Discrimination Officer

The anti-discrimination officer acts as a complaints office in accordance with Section 13 of the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG). They provide all members and guests of TU Berlin with initial advice and refer them to the appropriate services. Staff also have the right to submit a complaint if they feel disadvantaged at work.

Complaints under the AGG due to discrimination on the basis of someone’s race, ethnic background, gender, religion, worldview, disability, age, sexual identity (in accordance with Section 1 AGG)
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Antisemitism Officer

The antisemitism officer Professor Uffa Jensen serves as a point of contact and advisor for Jewish and non-Jewish University members, both students and staff, and also advises the Executive Board on relevant matters. He is there to help if you need support regarding antisemitic incidents or if you require counseling. Inquiries will be treated with discretion and confidentiality.

Chief Information Officer

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is responsible for developing TU Berlin's IT strategy and determining priorities for strategic plans.

Chief Information Security Officer

The Chief Information Security Officer's (CISO) main objective is to facilitate the “freedom of research in a secure environment.” He is supported by a project team which is implementing the necessary processes and measures for a viable information security management system (ISMS) at the University.

Björn Schmelter

Chief Information Security Officer

[email protected]

Chief Digital Officer

The officer's area of responsibility includes developing and coordinating a digital strategy in collaboration with the Chief Information Officer, managing overarching digital transformation processes, representing the University on issues relating to digitalization, and supervising the TU Berlin Digital Advisory Board.

Chief Risk Officer

The Chief Risk Officer (CRO) has the task of developing and implementing risk management strategies for TU Berlin in order to protect the university from various types of risk.

Chief Communication Officer

The TU Berlin Press Officer's area of responsibility includes the University's communication strategy, the KOMM-AG, communication in the context of the Berlin University Alliance and TU9 and the communication strategy in the context of task-centered task forces and crisis teams.

Stefanie Terp

Chief Communication Officer, Head of the Office of Communication, Events and Alumni & Spokeswoman of TU Berlin

[email protected]

+49 30 314-23922

Anti-Discrimination Officer

The anti-discrimination officer is the contact for confidential initial and referral advice in all cases of discrimination. He also develops preventive and curative measures to raise awareness and avoid discrimination of all kinds. He is also responsible for advising, receiving, determining the facts and coordinating the formal complaints procedure under the General Equal Treatment Act.

Alexander Hoffmeier

Anti-Discrimination Officer

[email protected]

+49 30 314-29595

Data Protection

The official data protection officer supervises adherence to data protection regulations, advises and trains members of TU Berlin, and inspects IT processes and research projects. She/he is the contact point for the Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, the supervisory authority.

Annette Hiller, Alexander Hoffmeier, Mattis Neiling

Data Protection Team

[email protected]

+49 30 314-21784, -29595, -28973

Building Hauptgebäude
Room H 1038, H 1042

Open Access

The Open Access Officer advises the TU Berlin Executive Board on strategic decisions regarding open access and thus open access to scientific literature and other materials. He/she is in close contact with the Open Access Team of the University Library, which is responsible for operative tasks. 

Prof. Dr.

Vera Meyer

[email protected]

Ombudspersons for good research practice

The ombudspersons are the contact persons of the TU Berlin in questions of good scientific practice and in cases of suspected scientific misconduct. They advise scientists at the TU Berlin on how to avoid scientific misconduct. Such misconduct occurs, for example, when false information is intentionally or grossly negligently provided in a scientific context, the intellectual property of others is violated, or their research activities are otherwise impaired. The ombudspersons refer justified cases of suspected misconduct to the Commission for the Investigation of Scientific Misconduct.

Prof. Dr.

Gabriele Steidl

[email protected]

+49 30 314-79867

DFG Liaison Officer

The role of Liaison Officer of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at TU Berlin is to serve as a point of contact for TU scientists. They provide guidance on the various funding opportunities offered by the DFG and assist with the application process, especially for first-time applications. The Liaison Officer also offers help in case of uncertainties that may arise during the application process or after the decision of the DFG committees.

Main Women's Representative

The Central Women's Representative and her team support the Technische Universität Berlin in implementing the statutory gender equality mandate and accompany the university's internal strategy and organizational development processes. They also advise employees individually. In addition, she is involved in various committees, works in control and steering groups, is involved in the quality assurance of recruitment and selection processes as well as in the development of concepts, programs and measures.

Part-time Women's Representative and Gender Equality Representative

The part-time Women's Representatives and Gender Equality Representatives provide advice to the TU Berlin on women's promotion and gender equality. They work towards achieving constitutionally mandated gender equality and the elimination of existing disadvantages for female members of the university. They are not bound by professional instructions and provide confidential advice. Many of them undergo further training on gender diversity and are also available to non-binary members of the university (e.g., Faculty I, VI, and Faculty VII).

Marie Duchene

[email protected]

Office H32
Building Hauptgebäude
Room H 5150
Address Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin

Representative of Students with Disabilities and Chronic Desease

The representative of students with disabilities and chronic desease and her team provide information, advice and support for prospective students, applicants and students with long-term or permanent impairments. In a confidential conversation, individual situations are considered together with the affected person, solutions are found and further action is discussed.

Janin Dziamski

Representative of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses

[email protected]

+49 30 314-25607

Organization name Department I – Student Services, Academic Advising Service
Office I E
Building Hauptgebäude
Room H 0061
Address Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin

Ombudsperson for International Students

TU Berlin is committed to the adherence of the national code for the studies of international students at German universities. The code regulates how international students are to be informed about studies, the admission of international students, and which technical, linguistic, or social guidance they are to receive. International students can contact the ombudsperson with any questions and problems. The ombudsperson is responsible for ensuring the code is upheld.

Representative for International Affairs, Fundraising and Alumni

National and international fundraising as well as alumni are part of the representative's areas of responsibility. He also represents international affairs at TU9 and is responsible for new strategic partnerships, particularly in North America.

Office Hourswith appointment