
Berlin is not only attractive for its study programs; its diverse cultural offerings are yet another reason to come to the city. Its popularity, however, does make finding accommodation particularly difficult. Particularly at the start of the semester, you will need to be patient and should start looking for housing as soon as possible.

Students who are flexible about living in Berlin’s outer districts or even beyond in Brandenburg have a good chance of finding affordable housing. TU Berlin is well connected and can be easily and quickly reached by underground, urban rail, bus, and regional trains.

Dormitories of studierendenWERK Berlin

With 9,500 rooms and apartments in 33 dormitories, studierendenWERK Berlin is a popular choice for affordable housing and is available to students at any Berlin university. On studierendenWERK’s website, students can search a database for accommodation using different filter criteria as well as apply for a room or apartment.

Exchange students

A limited allotment of rooms with studierendenWERK Berlin are reserved specifically for exchange students at TU Berlin. Shortly after the application deadline, exchange students have an opportunity to apply for one of these rooms through the TU Berlin Department of International Affairs. Exchange students cannot apply directly to StudierendenWERK Berlin for a room! If you would like to find your own accommodation, you should look at your options online as early as possible. We strongly recommend organizing temporary housing so that you can look for long-term housing once you are here.