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Inside Heartstopper Star Joe Locke’s Dior Backpack

British Vogue presents ‘In The Bag’ with Heartstopper’s Joe Locke. The Manx actor reveals his daily essentials, as we take a look inside Joe Locke’s Dior backpack. One of Joe’s beloved possessions? A Cartier ring. ‘I bought it when I got a job last year,’ the Heartstopper star explains. ‘I love shopping… I spend money on things I don’t need, and then don’t have any money for the things I do need.’ Other must-haves include a Ralph Lauren Wimbledon hat and a Dior denim jacket: ‘If there’s photos of me in public, 80 percent chance that I’m gonna be wearing this.’ Watch the full episode of British Vogue’s ‘In The Bag’ as Heartstopper’s Joe Locke gives us a sneak peek inside his backpack.

Released on 09/25/2023


Hi British Vogue, I'm Joe Locke

and this is What's In My Bag.

[upbeat music]

The first item is my Ralph Lauren Wimbledon cap.

The thing with caps with me

is I have to get a really short cap

'cause my ears are so big.

So if I get a really like structured cap

it makes me look like I'm the BFG.

I feel like I'm naked if I leave the house without a cap.

I don't know why, probably an anxiety thing.

Probably something I should talk to my therapist about

but I'll talk to British Vogue about it instead.

This is my moisturizer that I use.

It's the Weleda Skin Food.

It's cheap, it's great.

I feel like every film set makeup artist

has this in their toolkit.

It's like citrusy but floral

and is like eight pounds or something in boots.

I'll go for a week I'll be like cleansing, toning, serum,

moisturizer, SPF and then there'll be days

where I'm lucky if I cleanse and moisturize.

I'm like that with a lot of things in life.

I start out really strong and then I get really lazy.

These are my second pair of Ray-Bans for the last year.

I had another pair that I was working in America

and I left them in the rental car I had

and it was a really sad day

because I can't find the same pair anywhere.

But I was in LA a few weeks ago and I found these.

I have to get a really small square frame sunglass.

Otherwise I look like Kit Connor and Rocketman

and that's not a look you really wanna go for, so,

I'm sorry Kit, didn't actually mean it.

Okay, next we have my little film camera.

I went to Italy last week

and I took some really good photos on this.

There was a really cute one of my friends

like chasing each other around the villa we were in.

That's what I like taking photos of,

like just people being happy.

Next we have my curl cream that I use every day.

I struggled so long with my hair.

If you look at photos of me from like a year ago plus,

my hair is so long it's so fluffy,

it's so unkempt, it's awful.

I went through so many different curl creams

and then I found this one, it's called Wavy.

I find that either curl creams

they don't hold your hair down enough

or they hold it down too much.

This stuff I find makes my hair look good

for the first time ever.

Next is like it's the one thing that I think

it's my Cartier ring which even saying it

makes me feel like a bit of a prat.

I bought it when I got a job last year

and it was my like, well done to myself.

I love shopping, I am really bad at spending money.

I spend money on things I don't need

and then don't have any money for things I do need.

I like the ring, it's nice and it means a lot.

Next we have my LA ROCHE-POSAY, this is the SPF that I use

and I find that when you put lots of sun creams on

you can feel sticky where this doesn't make me feel sticky

but also stops me burning.

I went to Sicily with like four of my school friends.

We didn't have any clothes 'cause our bags got lost

so we were in the same swimming trunks

that we hand washed every night

and the same t-shirts that we traveled in.

Next we're gonna go with the fragrance that I use.

It's Tonka 25 by Le Labo or The Labo if you're posh.

It's quite like citrusy, a little bit sweet.

If I'm like going to like a nice dinner or a party

I'll wear this one.

Next is Caudalie Beauty Elixir.

It's like, I opened my eyes too early then.

It's really good to like cool you down like a long flight

or like when it's 32 degrees outside in London,

which is horrible. [steady music]

This is my denim jacket.

If there's like photos of me in public

80% chance that I'm gonna be wearing this.

I spent so long trying to find a denim jacket that suited me

'cause I have quite a slender build.

I wear it everywhere.

I wear it to bed, I wear it in the shower.

This did not get lost in my bag.

This is in my hand luggage because I care about it too much.

This and my like childhood stuffed toy

are like in my hand luggage.

Yeah, I bring my childhood stuff toy on holiday.

What are you gonna do about it?

I think an actor should always keep

I'm gonna say cap 'cause I think that the best way

to learn about acting is people watching

and so you can be a bit like sleuthy.

I think my bag says that I somewhat have taste

but also am very lazy.

[upbeat music]

That's a far more graceful way of doing this.

[upbeat music] Thanks for watching.

I'm Joe Locke and this is what was in my bag.

Thanks for watching, I'm Joe Locke

and this is What's in my Bag.

That was what was in my bag.

That was what was in my,

That what? [both laughing]

Thanks for watching.

I'm Joe Locke and this is What Is In My Bag.

Bag, upper northern. [producers laughing]

Starring: Joe Locke

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