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Tennessen Warning - Notice of Collection of Private Data


Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) administers the State Employee Group Insurance Program (SEGIP). This notice explains why we are requesting the private data about you, your spouse, and dependents, how we will use it, who will see it, and your obligation to provide the data.

What data will we use?

We will use the data you provide us at this time, as well as data previously provided us, about yourself, your spouse, or dependent(s). If you provide any data about that is not necessary, we will not use it for any purpose. SEMA4, the information system used to administer employee benefits, contains required information fields that may not be necessary for us to process your request. We only need your dependent’s date of death to process a death benefit claim or to discontinue the dependent’s coverage due to his or her death. Disability status is needed only to determine eligibility for insurance continuation for your dependent. We need the social security numbers and birth dates of your spouse and dependent to offer insurance continuation, process a death benefit, to ensure we are matching them to the correct insurance benefit transaction and to comply with federal Medicare coordination laws.

Why do we ask you for this data?

We ask for this data so that we can successfully administer SEGIP. This data is used to process your request to add or change coverage for yourself, your spouse, or dependents. The requested data helps us to determine eligibility, to identify you and your spouse, and dependents, and to contact you or your spouse, and dependents. The data is also used to develop new programs, ensure current programs effectively and efficiently meet member needs, and to comply with federal and state law and rules. We may ask for data about you, your spouse or dependents that we have already collected, including all or part of your social security number, in order to ensure we are matching you to the correct insurance benefit transaction. We need the social security numbers and birth dates of your spouse and dependent to offer insurance continuation, process a death benefit, to ensure we are matching them to the correct insurance benefit transaction and to comply with federal Medicare coordination laws (in compliance with Section 111 of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-173)). If you provide any data about you, your spouse, or dependents that is not necessary, we will not use it for any purpose.

Do you have to answer the questions we ask?

You are not required to provide all of the data but certain data must be collected. If you do not provide the requested data, your dependent(s) may not be approved to participate in the program or may lose coverage under the program. If you do provide the data, it will be used as described.

What will happen if you do not answer the questions we ask?

If you do not answer these questions, the insurance benefit transaction you requested for you or your spouse, dependent or other insurance benefit transaction may be delayed or denied.

Who else may see this data about you and your spouse and dependents?

We may give data about you and your spouse, and dependents to the plan administrator you have chosen, SEGIP’s other representatives, vendors and actuary; the Legislative Auditor; the Department of Health; the Department of Commerce; and any law enforcement agency or other agency with the legal authority to have the data; and anyone authorized by a court order. In addition, the parents of a minor may see data on the minor unless there is a law, court order, or other legally binding instrument that blocks the parent from that data.

How else may this data be used?

We can use or release this data only as stated in this notice unless you give us your written permission to release the data for another purpose or to release it to another individual or entity. The data may also be used for another purpose if Congress or the Minnesota Legislature passes a law allowing or requiring us to release the data or to use it for another purpose. 

October 5, 2012   |   Re-published  July 17, 2018

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