Craziness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "craziness" Showing 61-90 of 111
Kamand Kojouri
“I will drive the world crazy
with love poems for you.
So they can know how magnificent you are
and how crazy I am.”
Kamand Kojouri

Anthony Liccione
“The best way to stay safe is, let them think your insane.”
Anthony Liccione

Gil Scott-Heron
“It may be crazy, but I'm the closest thing I have to a voice of reason.”
Gil Scott-Heron

Ranjani Ramachandran
“Everyday, in the afternoon,
When the sun and the clouds are in equipoise,
I look up, with shrunken eyes and shadowed forehead,
To see whether you hide in them,
If those shapes could make some sense,
And I find you walking your dog, laughing aloud,
Driving your car and Dancing in the bar,
Working very hard and playing retard,
Hurting my eyes, head and heart;
I look upon the ground,
Tossing a stone as cold as your soul,
Realisation is a fantasy,
Omnipresence is not your genre, but Obsession is mine.”
Ranjani Ramachandran

“They say that it's a crazy world out there. I don't mind contributing by a bit of madness myself.”
Nadun Lokuliyanage

Mehmet Murat ildan
“We must thank to the crazy people because by looking at their achievements or the failures, we can decide whether we have to inject some craziness to our own lives or not!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mario Quintana
“No one knows if I'm dying to laugh or to cry
So my verse has
this almost imperceptible thrill
Life is sad, the world is crazy!
Not worth killing yourself for it
Not for anyone
For no love
Life goes on, indifferently!”
Mario Quintana

M.D. Elster
“Have I..." I venture, terrified of the potential answer. "Have I gone mad?"

"No, no, no." She says. "Okay, oui, peut-être, that depends. Maybe you have gone a little mad, and only for a little spell.”
M.D. Elster, Four Kings

“Without craziness, there is no courage.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Luis Alberto Urrea
“No wonder Americans seemed crazy to everybody else--they were utterly alone in the vastness of this ridiculously immense land. They all skittered about, alighting and flying off again like frantic butterflies. Looking for--what? What were they looking for?”
Luis Alberto Urrea, Into the Beautiful North

“I've frightened your shadow, and you do not know it. I've told you everything nobody expects to hear. I've put an end to your game. You have escaped from me, finding shelter in all your lies. You are now looking for the next corporate mission. Good Luck with that.”

Angela Flournoy
“Says you and your family. Sooner or later you’re gonna realize that just cause a Turner thinks a thing is normal doesn’t mean it is. Not at all.”
Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

Olawale Daniel
“Being creative is all about activating your craziness for the good of others. It is all about thinking outside the box.”
Olawale Daniel

Pushpa Rana
“He was lost in his vanity and I in him, we both were crazy!”
Pushpa Rana, Just the Way I Feel

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Sanity is a less severe form of insanity.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Chris Adrian
“Maybe I'm too crazy to be in a relationship," Henry said, which was his familiar response to Bobby's familiar discourse about the future. It felt like a grown-up thing to say, and like a difficult concession, and what he meant by it was I am trying as hard as I can and it's not enough for you or even Why can't my weak eccentricities be adorable to you, as yours are to me? But Bobby always heard it as a conversation stopper, childish and easy and glib.”
Chris Adrian, The Great Night

Alex De Ciantis
“It was the very thing that had me conclude that when it comes to matters of the heart, you can never be quite sure whether you are being courageous or crazy and therefore, you must be willing to be both at any time.”
Alex De Ciantis, The Art of Unbecoming: An Unexpected Journey from Brokenness to Healing

Henry V. O'Neil
“I’ve had a lot of lieutenants over the years, and all the good ones were sick, sick individuals. You might be the best one yet.”
Henry V. O'Neil, Orphan Brigade

Deyth Banger
“That's call reverse, craziness and madness (Kill Game 2016).”
Deyth Banger

“Tu non sei pazzen; sei scemo, e gli scemi sono la spina dorsalen dell'eserciten!...”
Bonvi, Sturmtruppen - La Raccolten, vol. 31: tavole dalla 4972 alla 5072

“Cesto koracamo sa pogresnim ljudima i samim tim gubimo razum i sve smo blizi putu do ludila.”
Tamara Stamenkovic

جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel
“لقد كان الإدراك حقاً سبباً من أسباب الشقاء، إلا أننا لا يمكن أن نتخلى عنه ما إن نكبر، لأن اللامبالاة ستورثنا المزيد من الأذى، أدركتُ حينئذ أنه ما أن نكبر لا يعود في إمكاننا أن نتخلى عن الإدراك ولن نرغب في ذلك أصلاً، لأنه إذا ما حدث ذلك سنوسم بالجنون.”
جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel, صراع الأقنعة

جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel
“بدأت الذكريات تجتاحني من جديد، وكنت أخشى أن يكون استعراضي لحياتي السابقة إيذاناً بقرب النهاية، أن يشتدّ بي اليأس وأقدم على إنهاء كل شيء في لحظة تتسم بالجنون المفرط في وعيه.”
جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel, صراع الأقنعة

“The highest level of consciousness is craziness”
Charif J Diab

J. Leigh Bralick
“I scowled and pushed the thought aside. I was not about to let logic interfere with my crazy hopes.”
J. Leigh Bralick, Down a Lost Road

Steven Magee
“Embrace craziness.”
Steven Magee