Independent Woman Quotes

Quotes tagged as "independent-woman" Showing 1-22 of 22
Emme Rollins
“Like a butterfly stuck in a chrysalis, waiting for the perfect moment, I was waiting for the day I could burst forth and fly away and find my home.”
Emme Rollins, Dear Rockstar

Mandy Hale
“So many people are so terrified to be alone that they settle for a loveless relationship or stay trapped in a miserable one for months and even years on end. But as it turns out, alone means unique, unequaled, and unexcelled. Or in other words: Unparalleled. Unrepeatable. Unable to be imitated or duplicated. Brave. FABULOUSLY ORIGINAL.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Mandy Hale
“Happily Single is permission to CHOOSE your life rather than having it handed to you, and it’s living life on your own terms instead of those that are expected of you.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Rosamunde Pilcher
“The greatest gift a parent can leave a child is that parent's own independence.”
Rosamunde Pilcher, The Shell Seekers

Stephanie Elizondo Griest
“That's because true travel, the kind with no predetermined end, is one of the most selfish endeavors we can possibly undertake-an act in which we focus solely on our own fulfillment, with little regard to those we leave behind. After all, we're the ones venturing out into the big crazy world, filling up journals, growing like weeds. And we have the gall to think they're just sitting at home, soaking in security and stability.
It is only when we reopen these wrapped and ribboned boxes, upon our triumphant return home, that we discover nothing is the way we had left it before.”
Stephanie Elizondo Griest, Around the Bloc: My Life in Moscow, Beijing, and Havana

Seja Majeed
“In fairy tales the evil characters disappear or die, in reality, evil spreads while you wait for your hero on a horse, only to realise the sword to save yourself was always in your hand...”
Seja Majeed, The Forgotten Tale of Larsa

“Having someone do certain things for you is like getting someone to chew your food for you.

It might be easier to swallow but it loses all its flavor...

And you want the flavor!”
Ze Frank

T.S. Joyce
“....there was nothing on this earth sexier than a strong woman.”
T.S. Joyce, Wolf Fur Hire

Nikki Rowe
“If my independence threatens your ego, you are not the man for me.”
Nikki rowe

“A ship in a harbour is a safe ship, but that's not what ships are built for. In the same way, a woman in a good relationship feels safe. But truth is, she innately knows she was not built for unnecessary safety, but rather for ultimate passion.”
Lebo Grand

“For she who is Independent is the happiest and strongest of them all”

“Having someone do certain things for you is like getting someone to chew your food for you. It might be easier to swallow but it loses all its flavor and it will be covered in spit. And you want the flavor!”
Ze Frank

Bonnie Jo Campbell
“Rosie wanted her daughter to know who she was before she went out into Nowhere, where terrible things would happen to her. It was hopeless to try to protect a girl--- better you equip her to protect herself. If Dorothy could feel certain of who she was and what she wanted of the world, if she could be confident in her skin, as none of the rest of them had been after a childhood on the island, she could make her way anywhere, do anything.”
Bonnie Jo Campbell, The Waters

“Many of you confuse being sexually liberated with being in touch with your sensuality.”
Lebo Grand

“A woman’s true independence does not lie in her paycheck or her ability to provide for herself financially. Note, it’s okay if a paycheck is what she wants. But her true independence lies in her finally realizing her ultimate sensual calling.”
Lebo Grand

Gaelen Foley
“My mother's dearest wish was for me to have the sort of education usually reserved for a son."
"Why is that?"
She shrugged. "She disliked having been so sheltered at her convent school. The nuns wanted to mold young ladies who were virtuous, not learned, and when France went mad, she resented having been molded into a beautiful, helpless damsel, unprepared to fend for herself in any particular.
"She convinced my father that that must never be allowed to happen to me. That I must be molded with great independence, and raised to be able to care for myself. She wanted to make sure that if the world ever went to hell in a handbasket again in my day, as in hers, that I would be able to survive.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

“Many of you, ladies, confuse being sexually liberated with being in touch with your sensuality.”
Lebo Grand

“A woman’s true independence does not lie in her paycheck or her ability to provide for herself, financially. Note, it’s okay if a paycheck is what you want. But your true independence lies in you finally realizing your ultimate sensual calling and purpose.”
Lebo Grand

“A woman’s heart cannot be open to be ravished and taken by love for as long as her masculine energy is the most dominant force in her life.”
Lebo Grand

Farrah Rochon
“Mama Odie had been willing to help both Tiana and Naveen the year before. Hopefully, she would be willing to do so again.
Please. Please. Please.
The strangeness of having to rely on someone else for help struck Tiana anew. She knew she was independent to a fault. She had lost count of how many times she had wasted hours---sometimes even days---toiling away at some task or another, refusing to ask for help.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There

Alana Albertson
“Mamá. I have spent my entire life doing what is right. I went to church every Sunday, I worked in the fields, I got straight A's in school, I went to college and commuted home to save on bills and preserve my reputation, and I even raised enough money to buy the farm so I could take care of the family. But now, I want some freedom because I've earned it. I don't want to be courted and married to some man I don't even know if I'm compatible with. I don't even know if I want to get married. Ever. It's fine if Blanca feels comfortable preserving this tradition--- but I don't. Not even if it makes you happy."
Mamá's eyes bugged, and she yelled at her eldest daughter. "You will not disrespect me in my house!"
Carolina laughed. "Well, it's my house, actually. But that's fine. I don't need it."
Blanca's jaw dropped. "Cari! Stop."
"No. I should've done this years ago." Carolina turned and walked toward the living room.
"Carolina! Get back here at once!" her mom called out, but she didn't respond.
Enrique was sitting at the dining room table, wringing his hands, his forehead wrinkled, his fists clenched.
Her father had him cornered. "So, Enrique, do you see yourself married in the next year?"
Being interrogated by Papá was something Carolina wouldn't wish on her worst enemy.
"Enrique, let's go."
Enrique's brows raised as he stood. "Where?"
Carolina looked at her father, then back to Enrique, then back to her father. She had created this fake relationship as a ruse to keep her family happy. What she was about to do would instead possibly tear them apart--- but it had to be done. Enrique had made her want things she hadn't really wanted with another man before.
There was no going back. The time was now.
"Out on a real date.”
Alana Albertson, Kiss Me, Mi Amor

“I have never needed a man to save me and I do not intend to start now.”
M.A. Kuzniar, Upon a Frosted Star